SoyBase SoyBase transitions to NEW site on 10/1/2024
Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

View Uniform Field Trial Data Here

Soybean Parentage Information

The soybean parentage information in this database was partially gleaned from the Uniform Soybean Tests for the Southern and Northern regions as well as other sources such as USDA technical bulletins, variety registrations and PVP applications. The strains that appear here were part of the uniform trials and not the preliminary trials. In most cases, the pedigree of individual strains was followed back to named strains in both maternal and paternal lineages where possible. In some cases, the parentage of strains was not specified by the cooperators in the tests. In those cases the maternal and paternal parents are labeled as "Unspecified". In some cases, the actual parental information is partially or completely unknown. In those cases the unknown parentages is labeled with "Unknown". When available, synonyms for the strains were also collected. If a strain was named its PI number was also included as a synonym. In cases where the strain was found to be covered by PVP protection, the PVP registration number was also included. Because of the sources used, not all named soybean strains are listed. For additional information the user should consult the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) search page.

Strain names are prefixed with a code that identifies the program that produced them. The code is usually the first two letters in the strain name followed by the year it was released as a two digit number. A description of the code prefixes can be found here. Strains originating from Pioneer Hybrid generally begin with the letter "P" followed by 4 digits ie P2345. Some Pioneer strains have names of the form P followed by two digits followed by one letter followed by two digits ie P49M23.

We welcome submissions by the community of new or updated pedigree information. Please use this data submission Excel spreadsheet to submit your pedigree data.

To find the immediate parents of a line or cultivar, type the cultivar name or strain indentifier in the box below.

To limit the list below to either Northern or Southern strains, choose a region.

Looking for a specific strain or cultivar?Click here to download all parentage information.
Browse Full Alphabetical List of All Strains


CultivarSynonymsMaternal Parent X Paternal ParentComment
(HC)Gnome Gnome 85
Gnome (6) X Williams 82
00CY622138 ( B152 x B231 )  X 11415Syngenta
029-117F Unspecified X Unspecified
02JR310007 CM4035N X Pioneer P93B82Syngenta
02JR310007BC1 02JR310007 X ( 02JR310007 x 3607F9-AOYN )Syngenta
02JR310007BC2 02JR310007 X 02JR310007BC1Syngenta
02JR310007BC3 02JR310007 X 02JR310007BC2Syngenta
02JR310061 CM4035N X Pioneer P93B82Syngenta
02JR318004 Syngenta S32-Z3 X CM4035NSyngenta
02JR318004BC1 02JR318004 X ( 02JR318004 x 3607F9-AOYN )Syngenta
02JR318004BC2 02JR318004 X 02JR318004BC1Syngenta
02JR318004BC3 02JR318004 X 02JR318004BC2Syngenta
02JR423003 Syngenta S25-J5 X Syngenta S37-N4Syngenta
02JR423003BC1 02JR423003 X ( 02JR423003 x 3607F9-AOYN )Syngenta
02JR423003BC2 02JR423003 X 02JR423003BC1Syngenta
02JR423003BC3 02JR423003 X 02JR423003BC2Syngenta
02KG219016 Pioneer P95B33 X B511152Syngenta
02RM018047 SJ833009 X WX1964Syngenta
0351-29 Unspecified X Unspecified
037-23 Unspecified X Unspecified
03DL090957 Pioneer P90B43 X Syngenta S00-Z1Syngenta
03JR101916 Syngenta 03JR101916
WW710273 X Syngenta S42-H1Syngenta
03JR102982 WW710273 X Syngenta S42-H1Syngenta
03JR103829 CM4035N X Syngneta S43-B1Syngenta
03JR309156 Unspecified X Unspecified
03JR321086 M815869 X M813957Syngenta
03JR321088 M815869 X M813957Syngenta
03JR321088BC1 03JR321088 X ( 03JR321088 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta
03KG212010 B640235 X J634773Syngenta
03KL015366 Syngenta S18-N5 X MT803006Syngenta
03KL015644 Syngenta S18-N5 X Pioneer P92B12Syngenta
03KL015751 M815869 X Pioneer P92B12Syngenta
03KL015826 Syngenta S10-F2 X Pioneer P91B92Syngenta
03RM893031 Pioneer P93B87 X M816626Syngenta
03RM893092 Pioneer P93B87 X M816626Syngenta
03RM893902 Pioneer P93B87 X M816626Syngenta
04-05-N41 Unspecified X Unspecified
04DL106306 MT802867 X Syngenta S18-N5Syngenta
04KG128222 BA743303 X BA847094Syngenta
04KL108370 Syngenta S21-A1 X M815869Syngenta
04KL108888 M815869 X CL575743Syngenta
04KL109914 M709710 X MT802867Syngenta
04KL109914BC1 04KL109914 (2) X 1701-AOYNSyngenta
04KL109914BC2 04KL109914 X 04KL109914BC1Syngenta
04KL109914BC3 04KL109914 X 04KL109914BC2Syngenta
04RM822970 Syngenta S30-Y8 X DST3218Syngenta
059-903 PI 438471
05DL285328 CL605723 X CL800127Syngenta
05DL345858 MT802867 X 98186-A01-30144Syngenta
05JR007045 Ina X MT012091Syngenta
05JR210562 Syngenta S32-Z3 X Syngenta S49-Q9Syngenta
05KL119276 Syngenta S10-F2 X MT002989Syngenta
05KL134039 Pioneer P91M10 X H-1852RRSyngenta
05KL134976 Syngenta S10-F2 X MT013548Syngenta
05KL135608 MT002989 X X312RSyngenta
0624-32 ( Wells x Williams )  X Pioneer P1677
06BR337018 Pioneer P93B86 X Syngenta S28-G1Syngenta
06BR381007 WW115926 X 99702-B02-58205Syngenta
06DL384689 DST2344 X DoverSyngenta
06DL480307 Syngenta S05-T6 X OACWallaceSyngenta
06DL480732 Syngenta S12-C2 X CL984701Syngenta
06DL480868 Syngenta S05-T6 X OACWallaceSyngenta
06GK614011 MT100710 X MT103884Syngenta
06GK615309 MT100710 X MT9078008Syngenta
06H1-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
06H1-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
06JR202581 SJ030546 X WW115926Syngenta
06JR205000 Unspecified X Unspecified
06JR205288 DST2344 X SJ031808Syngenta
06JR205420 WW115926 X SJ031808Syngenta
06JR207459 SJ034878 X SJ934809Syngenta
06JR208211 SJ034878 X SJ934809Syngenta
06KG218440 BA018212 X BA016127Syngenta
06KL162149 M815869 X MT103884Syngenta
06KL162978 MT002750 X SJ833009Syngenta
06KL163285 97026-N99-42648 X MT103884Syngenta
06KL163375 WW703873 X 97026-N99-42648Syngenta
06KL167872 MT103884 X Pioneer P91M10Syngenta
06NB199076 M815869 X 97824-N00-47977Syngenta
06NB199520 WW815289 X 97284-N00-47977Syngenta
06NB204846 WW115926 X 98211-A01-36153Syngenta
06NB204846BC1 06NB204846 X [ 06NB204846 x ( WW221162BC2 x 2407D4-AOYN ) ]Syngenta
06RM934415 WW115926 X Pioneer P93B15Syngenta
07DL599351 Syngenta S03-W4 X G-1549Syngenta
07RE700600 02JR310007 (3) X 3607F9-AOYNSyngenta
07RG381326 OACPrudence X Syngenta S03-W4Syngenta
07SG920877 Syngenta S44-D5 X ( 05JR210562 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta
08RST5-10 PI 668391
LD00-3309 (5) X PI 547875GP-390
09SCNPOP 11-9 VariousPopulation ?
09SG050328 03KG212010 X [ 02KG2190166 x ( 04KG128222 (2) x 3607F9-A0YN ) ]Syngenta
09SG050340 06KG218440 X ( 03KG212010 (3) x 2807D9-AOYN ) Syngenta
0D032-3118 Unspecified X Unspecified
0J173-6Mo Unspecified X Unspecified
0J177-1-9 Unspecified X Unspecified
10-268096 Unspecified X Unspecified
103321 PI 632695
Asgrow A3559 X AG3502Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300119
1045636 PI 673055
AG2107RR2YBC2 X AG00901Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400424
1045652 PI 669972
JW2007A6-D0YN X MK0107A1B0RNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400013
1045656 PI 674113
AG0403 (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400447
1045681 PI 673056
28-61RY X CR2-1503NMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400425
1045692 PI 671841
MK0707A3-D0RN X RM2007A1-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400129
1045695 PI 673057
260744-14 X ( AG2205 (3) x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400426
1045696 PI 674114
260744-14 (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400448
1045703 PI 673058
JW1508E7-A0YN X RM1609B8-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400427
1045730 PI 674115
RM0808B3-D0YN (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400449
1045742 PI 669985
260744-14 X RM2007A1-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400026
1045746 PI 673059
JW1508E7-A0YN X RM1609B8-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400428
1045748 PI 673060
JW1508E7-A0YN X RM1609B8-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400429
1045749 PI 669986
JW1508E7-A0YN X RM1609BB-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400027
1045798 PI 673061
JW1508E7-A0YN X RM1909B5-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400430
1045953 PI 674116
CSR 17Y02N (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400450
1045954 PI 674117
CSR 17Y02N (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400451
1045962 PI 673062
AG2002 X RM1909B5-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400431
1045970 PI 673063
AG2002 X [AG1402 x ( ST6002216 (2) x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400432
1046035 PI 674118
AS2002N (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400452
1046058 AK2811H5-B1BAH
PI 674119
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400453
1046060 PI 674120
JW2409A3-D0YL (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400454
1046182 PI 674121
AG3239 (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400455
1046238 PI 673064
AG3132 X AG3130Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400433
1046250 PI 673065
BL3409A8-D0YN X AG3130Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400434
1046251 PI 669987
BL3409A8-D0YN X AG3130Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400028
1046289 PI 673110
BL3509A9-D0YL X E93109D5-G0YVMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400497
1046291 PI 673111
BL3609C5-D0YL X ( JW2407A7-D0YN x MON87705 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400498
1046302 PI 674122
AG3039 (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400456
1046317 PI 673066
FN3209D2-B0YN X CS-29R212NMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400435
1046394 PI 673067
BL3409A8-D0YN X AG3130Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400436
1046551 PI 674123
BL3809A1-D0YN (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400457
1046642 PI 673068
CP3907A4-D0RN X CP3408A5-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400437
1046750 PI 673069
CEI4606A0X-0004 X CP3708D5-A0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400438
1046852 PI 673070
GL5007A3-A0XN X ( GL4708A6-B0YN x GL4508A1-Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400439
1046878 PI 674124
ANC55050R (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400458
1046882 PI 669988
GL5007A1-D0RN X GL4008D9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400029
1046898 PI 674125
CSR5452N (4) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400459
1046909 PI 673071
J02-11943 X GL4008D9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400440
1046941 PI 669989
HH5808A5-B0YN X NC7208A1-C0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400030
1046942 PI 674126
NC6807A7-A0RN (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400460
1046948 PI 674127
NC7208A1-C0YN (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400461
1046965 PI 669973
NC6207A2-A0RN X [ Haskell x ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400014
1046975 PI 669974
CNC7305A0R X NC7208A1-C0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400015
1050478 PI 673072
CMKZ706A0R-0003 X MK0608A3-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400441
1050485 PI 673073
CMKZ706A0R-0003 X MK0608A3-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400442
1050561 PI 675568
AW1409A3-B0YN X FL0609A8-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500402
1050596 PI 675605
260744-14 (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500439
1050611 PI 675613
260744-14 (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500447
1050668 PI 675569
JW1507E7-A0YN X AG1431 (2)Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500403
1050762 PI 675570
AG2031 X CB1791R2NMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500404
1050834 PI 675571
AG2606 X AG2839Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500405
1050893 PI 674128
CP3009B7-B0YN X AK2910T4-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400462
1050913 PI 675572
8263536 X AG3231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500406
1050918 PI 674129
AG3030 X CSR1802N-T0BAMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400463
1050923 PI 674130
AG3231 X AK3110T6-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400464
1050938 PI 674131
AG3231 X AG2606-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400465
1050939 PI 675615
OX3410C3-D0BAJ X AG3231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500449
1050982 PI 675616
OX3410C3-D0BAJ X AG3231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500450
1051014 PI 673112
OX3210D4-D0BAJ X AG3231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400499
1051034 PI 675573
CR2-2823N X BL3110A6-D0AACMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500407
1051039 PI 673113
OX3110E1-D0BAJ X AG3231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400500
1051076 PI 674132
AG3231 X AG2606-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400466
1051085 PI 674133
CP3009B7-B0YN X AK3610T1-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400467
1051117 PI 675574
CR23-3422N X AK3110T4-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500408
1051140 PI 674134
OX3009B4-D0YN X AK3410T9-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400468
1051516 PI 674135
BL3610C3-D0AAC X AG3803-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400469
1051522 PI 673114
OX3210D4-D0BAJ X AG3431Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400501
1051528 PI 673115
MON32VG X AG3431Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400502
1051540 PI 674136
RB3792R2N X AG4005-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400470
1051545 PI 674137
CR2-3092N X AG4005-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400471
1051547 PI 674138
CP3709B2-B0YN X AG4005-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400472
1051550 PI 674139
GL4008C1-D4YN X AG4005-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400473
1051556 PI 674140
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400474
1051559 PI 674141
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400475
1051574 PI 674142
AG4130 X CSR4362N-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400476
1051581 PI 674143
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400477
1051583 PI 674144
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400478
1051585 PI 674145
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400479
1051589 PI 674146
EI4610B3-B0AAC X ( EI4709A7-D0YN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400480
1051603 PI 674147
J02-11943 (3) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400481
1051604 PI 676995
AG5606 (3) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600141
1051641 PI 678840
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600369
1051773 PI 675575
CP3310G5-B0AAC X AG3803-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500409
1051779 PI 675576
AG3231 X AG3631Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500410
1051835 PI 675603
GL4008C1-D4YN X AG4005-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500437
1051842 PI 675577
AG4005 X GL4308A9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500411
1051877 PI 675578
AG3634 X AG4907-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500412
1051938 PI 675579
AG4130 X GL4008D5-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500413
1052002 PI 673074
GL4708A6-B0YN X GL4408B5-G0RNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400443
1052058 PI 673075
NC7208A1-C0YN X GL4608A1-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400444
1052085 PI 675580
NC6807A7-A0RN-T0BAH X AG7231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500414
1052094 PI 675581
AG7501-T0BAH X AG7231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500415
1052098 PI 675582
HH5808A5-B0YN X AG6730Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500416
1052110 PI 675583
AG7501-T0BAH X AG7231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500417
1052125 PI 673076
NC7409A2-C0YN X AG7231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400445
1052136 PI 675593
AG7502-T0BAH X AG6730Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500427
1052164 PI 674148
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400482
1052171 PI 674149
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400483
1052173 PI 674150
EI4610A5-D0AAC X ( EI4409C3-D0YN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400484
1056929 PI 678841
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600370
1056963 PI 675604
AG0730 X ( 25-60RY (2) x AK3210T9-T0BAH ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500438
1057052 PI 675611
CB1791R2N X ( 4065735-51 (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500445
1057072 PI 678842
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600371
1057115 PI 676276
CR-2042N X AW1911F2-B0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600042
1057162 PI 675584
CSR2682N-T0BAH X CR2-2823NMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500418
1057181 PI678843
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600372
1057255 PI 675608
AK3210T7-D0BAH X AG2731Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500442
1057282 BL3310A1-D0AAC X ( EXP931R2 x AK3010T7-T0BAH )
1057325 PI 675609
CR2-2823N X AK2910T5-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500443
1057348 PI 678844
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600373
1057383 PI 675610
BN2310A2-D0AAC X ( CBL3506H0R-0008 (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500444
1057408 PI 678845
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600374
1057497 PI 675612
AG3631 X AK3210T2-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500446
1058444 PI 678846
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600375
1058469 PI 678813
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600342
1058472 PI 675597
AG3832 X ( AG3931 x AG4005 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500431
1058475 PI 675617
EI3811C7-D0BAH X AG3832Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500451
1058513 PI 678814
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600343
1058524 PI 675598
CR2-3902N X AK3710T2-D0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500432
1058528 PI 678815
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600344
1058529 PI 678816
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600345
1058565 PI 675606
EI3811C7-D0BAH X CR2-3422NMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500440
1058606 PI 678817
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600346
1058613 PI 675585
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500419
1058627 PI 675586
AG4632 X ( AG3931 (2) x AA3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500420
1058664 PI 675587
AG4232 X GL4911A5-B0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500421
1058668 PI 675588
CR4812N X GL4911A5-B0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500422
1058683 PI 675594
AG4832 X ( AG4531 (2) x AAK3410T2-T0BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500428
1058698 PI 678818
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600347
1058711 PI 678798
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600327
1058714 PI 678819
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600348
1058718 PI 678826
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600355
1058730 PI 675589
AG5332 X ( RB4492R2N (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500423
1058733 PI 675590
CR4812N X [ AG5332 x ( GL5007A3-A2XN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500424
1058741 PI 675591
CR4812N X GL4911A5-B0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500425
1058744 PI 675592
AG4632 X [ AG4531 x ( GL50007A3-A2XN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500426
1058749 PI 675595
CP4310B5-B0AAC X ( RB4492R2N (4) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500429
1058766 PI 675607
CP4310B5-B0AAC X ( RB4492R2N (4) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500441
1058767 PI 678827
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600356
1058771 PI 675599
CR4812N X GL4911A5-B0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500433
1058772 PI 675596
CR-4722N X GL4911A5-B0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500430
1058780 PI 675600
AG4932 X ( ANC5505C0R (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500434
1058789 PI 675601
AG4932 X ( ANC5505C0R (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500435
1058808 PI 675602
HH5011A6-D0AAC X HH6511A2-C0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500436
1058822 PI 678828
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600357
1058861 PI 678829
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600358
1058863 PI 678830
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600359
1058864 PI 678831
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600360
1059874 PI 675614
006186-11 X AOX3505G0CMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500448
1062055 PI 678832
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600361
1062058 PI 678806
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600335
1063878 PI 678807
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600336
1063884 PI 678808
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600337
1063886 PI 678809
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600338
1063888 PI 678810
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600339
1063892 PI 678811
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600340
1063894 PI 678812
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600341
1063900 PI 678833
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600362
1063902 PI 678834
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600363
1063903 PI 678835
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600364
1063906 PI 678836
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600365
1063907 PI 678837
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600366
1063916 PI 678838
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600367
1063918 PI 678839
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600368
1063920 PI 678799
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600328
1063921 PI 678800
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600329
1063928 PI 678801
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600330
1063935 PI 678802
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600331
1063939 PI 678803
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600332
1063940 PI 678804
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600333
1063959 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700327
1064013 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700328
1064026 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700329
1064056 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700331
1064083 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700330
1064099 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700332
1064102 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700333
1064104 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700334
1064105 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700335
1064108 PI 678805
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600334
1064124 PI 678820
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600349
1064131 AG1832 X AW1911F1-B0BAH
1064143 PI 678821
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600350
1064148 PI 678822
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600351
1064152 PI 678823
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600352
1064165 MKZ809A2-B4YN X FL0711D3-D0BAH
1064169 PI 678824
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600353
1064177 PI 678825
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600354
1064212 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700336
1064460 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700337
1064594 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700338
1064806 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700314
1064840 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700317
1064868 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700319
1064871 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700320
1067515 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700321
1068070 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700322
1068087 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700323
1068112 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700324
1068124 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700325
1068135 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700326
1068891 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700315
1068895 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700316
10928 80053 X 4MP4148-32
11-54-132 M10 X Capital
11-54-240 (Lincoln (2) x RichlandX Korean
11-54-53 PI 548534
Renville X Capital
1100-07 Forrest X Tracy
11415 Unspecified X Unspecified
118-11 PI 556512
Corsoy X ( Hawkeye x Chippewa )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7700002
11824 PI 632702
ST1386-23 X AG2101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300126
1190-02 Mack X Forrest
1190-19 Mack X Forrest
12-06F Unspecified X Unspecified
12102R024 YB23E X ST1570
12223R006 Pioneer P9007 X 90733
12380-32 ( B152 x B231 )  X 10928
12465 Pioneer P9132 X 90733
13-531-261 Unspecified X Unspecified
13007 Asgrow A3304 X 90733
132963 PI 636122
CP3678 X AG4301Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400322
133220 Unspecified X Unspecified
1335025 PI 646189
DPL 4748S X SG468RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700122
133515 133220 X Pioneer P93B82
1336024 PI 642346
( DPL 3519s x FFR493X SG468RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600150
1339013 PI 638685
DPL 5110S (2) X DPL 4690RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200500125
134137 Unspecified X Unspecified
13744 PI 636125
Asgrow A5959 X AGM58702Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400325
1465003 PI 633007
DPX 5024 X DPX 5463Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300195
1486018 PI 642318
H6191 X DPL 5644RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600066
149 Unspecified X Unspecified
149-66 Corsoy X Magna
149928 PI 632317
Asgrow A5848 X ( Asgrow A5979 (2) x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300030
151167 PI 632703
Asgrow A3244 X AG3201Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300127
152167 PI 636118
Asgrow A3469 X AGH36801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400318
164851 PI 636113
( Asgrow A1923 (2) x Syngenta S24-92X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400313
165 Unspecified X Unspecified
1686017 PI 646190
DPL 5644RR X DPX 5225Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700123
17D Williams 82 X PI 283327Williams 82 was mutagenized
18AS-10 Unspecified X Unspecified
18AS-20 Unspecified X Unspecified
18AS-9 Unspecified X Unspecified
1CH244B Dairyland DSR304 X W20
1M13-236029 SD06-393 X M07-375020
1M13-250051 M06-288190 X AR09-191018
1YT-75-206013 Unspecified X Unspecified
2-40A Selection from Arksoy
201-14-20 201-14-18-1-1
PI 196491
Selection from PI 196491PI 196491 (Fiskeby III sib)
201-8-29 Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
2013-50,454 Unspecified X Unspecified
203314 PI 632707
H91-25699 X [ Hartz 5088 x ( Pioneer P9791 x Hartz 6686RR ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300131
208463 PI 636111
AP1275 X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400311
210197 PI 672498
301 X 3062331535 ONTARIO LTD, PVP 201400238
21028 Pioneer P9392 X Pioneer P9321
21030R017 ST1590 X ST2250
210342 PI 672499
301 X 3062331535 ONTARIO LTD, PVP 201400239
21052 ST2250 X 90676A
21063 Asgrow A3237 X 90683C
21066 MO12557 X 90688A
21069 MO92117-18 X 90682E
21070 Pioneer P9412 X 90688C
21080 Pioneer P9362 X 90682C
21082 Pioneer P9381 X 90685A
21097 Asgrow A3237 X 21063
21111 Pioneer P9362 X 21080
21119 Pioneer P9304 X 21070
21132 Asgrow A2396 X 21082
211948 PI 636117
Asgrow A3244 X CPG3289CMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400317
21270LBW39 MO01718 X Pioneer P9171
212930 PI 636112
602216 X APG0972Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400312
21710 Asgrow A3237 X 21097
21710N120 Asgrow A3237 X 21097
21720 Pioneer P9343 X 21111
21721 Asgrow A1900 X 21119
21726 Asgrow A2396 X 21132
221524 PI 636115
DKB26-52 X AG2703Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400315
22302S025 ST2660 X Syngenta S30-06
231-4-5-1 ( Merit x CM145X ( M62-173 x Holmberg 827-4 )
2324990 PI 628660
mp13404 X [ Asgrow A3431 x ( Asgrow 2835 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200035
235908 PI 636119
Asgrow A3559 X ( Asgrow A3469 x HIG3770 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400319
236101 PI 636116
CI3478 X AG3702Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400316
2386009 PI 634598
DPL 5644RR X ( DPL 415 x H7190 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400107
2387029 PI 646192
HY 574 X DPX5718RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700125
2388028 PI 646191
H5050 X DPL 5806RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700124
2400 PI 556655
Amsoy Rps X CutlerNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100145
2534 Unspecified X Unspecified
25340 PI 632696
ST0280 X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300120
26-39M Various
275934 PI 636123
CI43980 X AG4702Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400323
293 PI 577809
Winchester X HarperFFR Cooperative, PVP 9400060
29725K PI 556890
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLatham Seed Company, PVP 8800221
2S11 059-903 X Hardome
30-09F Unspecified X Unspecified
30094 5961 X Asgrow A3733
301 Crusher X Legacy
30107 XB33B X 5961
30124 Pioneer P9303 X 30094
30129 XB33B X 30107
30199 Pioneer P9303 X 30124
30214 Pioneer P9341 X 30129
30289F2 Pioneer P9162 X 30214
30294 Pioneer P9303 X 30199
30310 Pioneer P9303 X 30294
30337R089 Pioneer P9162 X 30289F2
3034 PI 556483
Amsoy X 303S11The Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 7400097
3035 PI 556544
Ax50F58-2 X PI31122The Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 7700075
30388 Pioneer P9303 X 30310
30438 ( Pioneer P2981 x Asgrow A3127X [ Pioneer P2981 x ( MV2E1 x Resnik ) ]See report for complete backcross information
306 Crusher X Legacy
3061019-60 Unspecified X Unspecified
3101R G3202 (4) X MON40-3-2
3133014 PI 638687
DPL 5110S X ( DP4748S x DP4690RR )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200500127
31438 Pioneer P9254 X Pioneer P9281
3171 L77-994 X Pioneer P1677
31713H013 Asgrow A3431 X Pioneer P9352
3172 PI 561211
HP20-20 X HW79149Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200174
3186004 PI 633051
DPL 4909 sib X DPL 4344RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300211
31910 31438 X Pioneer P9254
3202 PI 561212
V295 X Asgrow A3127Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200175
32127 Pioneer P9352 X 31910
3233021 PI 642345
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600149
3235020 PI 642344
1465003 (3) X DPL 4344RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600148
32745 Pioneer P9352 X 32127
3282002 PI 634596
FFR 495 X SG567RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400105
32870F2 Pioneer P9352 X 21111
330738 PI 647985
Asgrow A5427 X AG5001Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700133
3311 PI 559379
Asgrow A3127 X SL1646Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200036
33405 PI 632697
ST2870 X AG2601Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300121
34726 PI 556891
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLatham Seed Company, PVP 8800222
34870 PI 556892
BSR201 X Asgrow A3127Latham Seed Company, PVP 8800223
358232 PI 647986
AG4402 X AG4403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700134
36-14F Unspecified X Unspecified
3602 PI 564694
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9300046
361380 PI 636124
Asgrow A4604 X AGQ48803Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400324
3615 PI 548835
DPX 403 X DPL 345Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9100131
377-8-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
381 PI 577810
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9400061
38154 Unspecified X Unspecified
384279 PI 636110
Jim X AGA06801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400310
385457 PI 647987
ST0280 X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700135
38735L PI 542392
( Corsoy x HarkX Asgrow A3127Latham Seed Company, PVP 9000205
387907 PI 647988
Asgrow A2824 X AG3201Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700136
3A53861 Unspecified X Unspecified
3D1-11 Unspecified X Unspecified
3D1-43-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
4-74-6-3 Forrest (2) X [ Govan x ( Bragg x PI 229358 ) ]Insect resistant selection
40-3-2 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto transformed glyphosate resistant line.
4010165 PI 647991
( Asgrow A3469 x Asgrow 3244X CSR3403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700139
40305-117 Pioneer P9312 X Pioneer P9392
4064827-33 Unspecified X Unspecified
4065130-22 Unspecified X Unspecified
40656 Olympus X MON RR
408337-BB UnknownNot in GRIN, PI 408337 is in GRIN
40887 PI 632700
ST2788 X AG3302Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300124
4136015 PI 638686
DPL 5110S (2) X DPL 4690RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200500126
4158090 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700140
4175567 PI 647992
ABN2000C0 X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700141
4183026 PI 642348
H5050 X DPL 5806RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600152
4189010 PI 642319
Pioneer P9671 X ( DPL 5767RR x HY574 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600067
41914S135 Asgrow A4138 X 21111
4219527 PI 647993
DKB45-51 X AG4403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700142
4247825 PI 647994
602216 X AG1101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700143
4283008 PI 634570
DPL 5767RR X Pioneer P9611Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400099
4309194 PI 647995
Asgrow A2804 X DwightMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700144
435.TCS Unspecified X UnspecifiedFrom Schillinger Seed Co.
4353363 PI 647996
( Asgrow A3469 x Asgrow 3834X [ Asgrow A3559 x ( Asgrow 3244 x ( Asgrow 3431 (3) x ( Asgrow 3242 x 40-3-2) ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700145
437973 PI 647989
DGL4700A0R X AG4403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700137
4440685 PI 648003
( Asgrow A2553 x AG2903X ( Asgrow A2553 x AG2903 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700251
44483 PI 636120
MP15733-72 X AG4301Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400320
4498438 PI 648031
FR24960 X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700146
45217N901 S2911 X 21066
45233R043 Asgrow A1900 X 21069
45270 ST2250 X 21721
45282 3660 X 21726
45487L002 Pioneer P92B52 X 45270
4559808 PI 647997
Asgrow A3525 X DKB31-51Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700147
457028 PI 647990
DGL4500A0X X DGL4700A0RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700138
4599695 PI 647998
Asgrow A3469 X DKB26-52Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700148
4684181 PI 647999
A209 X RM99215F1Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700149
46X714 Unspecified X Unspecified
4782157 PI 648000
OACErin X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700150
4788561 PI 648001
602216 X WPG2684Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700151
4896902 PI 648235
Dillon X H5013RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700281
49431 PI 632706
Asgrow A3559 X AG3302Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300130
4958786 PI 648002
DKB38-52 X AG4403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700152
49X715 Unspecified X Unspecified
4J105-2-13 Unspecified X Unspecified
4J105-3-4 CLOJ173-6-2 X WW115926NAM Strain
4J105-3-9 Unspecified X Unspecified
4J10534 Unspecified X Unspecified
4J114-2-6 Unspecified X Unspecified
4MP4148-32 82285 X G2436A
5002T TN96-68
PI 634193
Holladay X ManokinPVP 200400178; Says Holladay x Manokin
5050 PI 583284
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400170
5083011 PI 642167
DPX8S61RR X BolivarMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600055
5091007 PI 634597
Hartz 4994 X DPL 5767RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400106
5157 Unspecified X Unspecified
52001307 8477346-58 X ( Asgrow A3525 x 8477346-58 )
53-F2-B5-066 Unspecified X Unspecified
53381 PI 632698
Asgrow A4604 X AG4902Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300122
5465901-26 Unspecified X Unspecified
5601T PI 630984
Hutcheson X TN89-39PVP 200400045
560T Unspecified X Unspecified
574-5 Unspecified X Unspecified
5961 Asgrow A3733 X Resnik
5J097-1-17-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
5M20-2-5-2 CLOJ173-6-8 X ( OD032-3118 x LG00-6293 )NAM Strain
5PAAC58 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700446
5PACK85 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700445
5PALC58 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700451
5PBBG02 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700444
5PBDN11 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700443
5PBPZ46 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700441
5PCET67 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700442
5PCUQ73 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700439
5PDSD70 PI 684625
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700260
5PDZB74 PI 684626
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700261
5PDZV57 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700440
5PEMQ75 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700438
5PESH71 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700437
5PEWD78 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700419
5PFDE97 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700420
5PFNJ08 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700421
5PFTN41 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700422
5PGBK62 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700423
5PHGS54 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700424
5PHQP31 PI 684627
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700262
5PJSS43 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700425
5PJTF71 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700427
5PKGH32 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700426
5PKJS34 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700428
5PKLM31 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700429
5PKPS94 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700430
5PKYK65 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700431
5PLAY23 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700432
5PLET90 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700433
5PLQE62 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700434
5PLRT07 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700436
5PLTA07 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700435
5PNCZ13 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700418
5PNEJ50 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700395
5PNJE71 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700405
5PNJZ92 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700403
5PPBF43 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700404
5PPHU37 PI 684628
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700263
5PPRS22 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700402
5PQNE01 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700401
5PQNG18 PI 684629
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700264
5PSAA27 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700400
5PSGJ21 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700399
5PTEG52 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700398
5PTFH75 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700397
5PTMG32 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700396
5PUBM35 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700415
5PUEE37 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700413
5PUWT62 PI 684630
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700265
5PVCM27 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700416
5PVED74 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700417
5PVKC48 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700406
5PYFS21 PI 684631
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700266
5PYMS58 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700408
5PYQB84 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700409
5PZCL72 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700411
5PZCY11 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700412
5PZHS01 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700410
5PZVU43 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700414
6-40M VariousMixed seed lot
605 Unspecified X Unspecified
60524-30575 PI 556713
S8 X CallandMidwest Oilseeds, Inc., PVP 8200101
6084016 PI 638688
DPX8S61RR X BolivarMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200500128
6188027 PI 642347
Benning X ( 93258F1 x Boggs ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600151
6245 PI 632699
ST0280 X AG2401Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300123
629-22-27 D49-2491 X VariousSecond cycle selection from D49-24-91 crossed with nine plant introduction strains backcrossed to D49-2491
6347 Cartter X Asgrow A3307
6363 Cartter X Pioneer P9272
66764 BSR101 X Elgin
6727 PI 556847
F71-1180 X ( Centennial x Co76-863 )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700157
6738 PI 556848
F71-1180 X CN281Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700158
680+993+994 Unspecified X Unspecified
6847 PI 556862
F71-1180 X CN281Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800127
68g-19 Unspecified X Unspecified
6925 PI 556902
Essex X ForrestNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900284
6955 PI 556903
Coker 237 X D74-7741Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900291
6995 PI 556904
Bedford X Coker 156Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900292
6J114-2-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
6J150-1-26 Unspecified X Unspecified
70286G002 8397-11 X W8248-02
70543 Hutcheson X 90773
70653G003 Pioneer P9594 X Syngenta S59-60
7085005 PI 633008
Pioneer P9592 X [ Cook x ( BK723 x ( DPX2384 (2) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300196
70887 Hutcheson X 90773
70961 W8520-044 X 70543
71022G016 Pioneer P97B61 X 90768G025
71026G005 Pioneer P9594 X ST3470
71128G100 Pioneer P9594 X H5545
71165G032 YB58G X XB59E
71229-31008 PI 556714
S10 X MitchellMidwest Oilseeds, Inc., PVP 8200098
71288G134 XB59E X Pioneer P9594
7144 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMBS Seed, Inc., PVP 7300098
71495 Pioneer P9594 X 70887
71557T001 Pioneer P95B33 X Graham
7178 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMBS Seed, Inc., PVP 7300099
71865T001 Pioneer P9552 X 70961
744222 Unspecified X Unspecified
7499 PI 611112
Pioneer P9391 X KY84-1616Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9900351
751-8-1-15 Pagoda 2 X Fiskeby III
76599 CM266 X Dairyland DSR304
80053 ( Williams 79 x Wells II )  X CM158
82266-B84-09240 Williams 82 X Asgrow A3127
82285 ( L77-994 x SRF 250 )  X Asgrow A3307
8377-16 Pioneer P9582 X W2707-23
8397-11 Pioneer P9593 X Pioneer P9582
840-2-7 680+993+994 (Muncheberg) X 201-14-20
85336-B88-31056 82266-B84-09240 X Harper
881-57 Williams X Maple Presto
88154622393 Asgrow A3244
PI 594383
Asgrow A3322 X A86-301024Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600246
88401 PI 632303
Asgrow A1923 X 2702RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300016
9004 PI 592534
Maple Ridge X LakotaAgriculture Canada, PVP 9600050
90210-30266 PI 556712
51232 X 51509Midwest Oilseeds, Inc., PVP 8200100
90339-30435 PI 556715
51232 X 245Midwest Oilseeds, Inc., PVP 8200099
90505 PI 636114
AP1275 X AG2201Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400314
90675 Pioneer P9281 X G40-3P9273
90676 ST2250 X G40-3P9392
90676A ST2250 X G40-3P9392
90682 Pioneer P9342 X G40-3P9341
90682C Pioneer P9342 X G40-3P9341
90682E Pioneer P9342 X G40-3P9341
90683 Pioneer P9362 X G40-3P9392
90683C Pioneer P9362 X G40-3P9392
90685A Pioneer P9381 X G40-3P9392
90686 Pioneer P9392 X G40-3P9392
90687 Pioneer P9444 X G40-3P9341
90688 Asgrow A4715 X G40-3P9392
90688A Asgrow A4715 X G40-3P9392
90688C Asgrow A4715 X G40-3P9392
90731S043 Pioneer P9204 X 90675
90732-150 Pioneer P9281 X 90675
90733 Pioneer P9172 X 90676
90736-085 Pioneer P9244 X 90676
90753 ST2250 X 90682
90755 Pioneer P9362 X 90683
90765T003 Asgrow A4715 X 90686
90768G025 Pioneer P9584 X 90687
90773 Pioneer P9584 X 90688
91013F2 W30132-004 X 90753
91183 Pioneer P9343 X 21720
92032-A95-58316 AP2880 X Asgrow A2872
92283-A95-30338 AP2880 X 85336-B88-31056
92283-A95-30438 AP2880 X 85336-B88-31056
92546-01td Tall X OAC88-09E. Cobers PhD Thesis
937-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
937-1B Unspecified X Unspecified
93705-50 Unspecified X Unspecified
939-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
939-3B Unspecified X Unspecified
9401 Unspecified X Unspecified
942-3B Unspecified X Unspecified
9461 PI 556913
( 0351-29 x Asgrow A4268X ( Pioneer P9401 x Asgrow A3127 )
95Y70 Unspecified X Unspecified
96004 PI 632704
Asgrow A5959 X AG4501Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300128
96008 PI 632309
AG2101 X Pioneer P9163Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300022
96838 PI 632705
Asgrow A2553 X AG2903Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300129
96LL2 Unspecified X Unspecified
97026-N99-42648 Unspecified X UnspecifiedGarst
97284-N00-47977 92283-A95-30438 X Pioneer P9234
97824-N00-47977 92283-A95-30338 X Pioneer P9234
97M50 G93-2225 (6) X MON RR
98186-A01-30144 Unspecified X Unspecified
98211-A01-36153 Syngenta S21-A1 X 92032-A95-58316
98601 Asgrow A5403 X HutchesonBackcrossed line from R93-171
98602 Unspecified X Unspecified
98820-33 Unspecified X Unspecified
989-5 Unspecified X Unspecified
99507 Unspecified X Unspecified
99702-B02-58205 B3491N X AP2952N
99VPI-120RR Hutcheson (5) X MON RR
99VPI-17RR Hutcheson (4) X MON RR
99VPI-67 CL54RR
Unspecified X Unspecified
A Elgin BC PI 518666
Elgin 87
Elgin (5) X Williams 82PVP 8800086
A Hardin BC(6) Hardin (5) X PRX54-33-2
A Hardin BC(k) Hardin (5) X Williams 82
A Harper BC PI 518667
Harper 87
Harper (6) X Williams 82PVP 8800087
A-100 A100
PI 437551
PI 548668
Selection from CapitalSelection from Capital
A-7 Hardome X PI 189950
A.K. PI 548297
A.K. (FC 30761)
IntroductionHeterogenous variety from Northeast China ca. 1917
A.K. (Harrow) PI 548298
Selection from A.K.Selected from A.K. ca. 1928
A00-711013 IA2068
AgriPro AP1953 X LN94-10470
A00-711020 A95-485020 X IA2036
A00-711024 A95-485020 X IA2036
A00-711025 Pioneer P9233 X IA2036
A00-711036 Pioneer P9233 X IA2036
A00-711041 Pioneer P9233 X IA2036
A00-711042 Pioneer P9321 X IA2036
A00-711063 Pioneer P9233 X A95-485020Parentage uncertain may be AgriPro AP1953 x LN94-1047, doi: 10.3198/jpr2013.06.0031crc
A00-712012 AgriPro AP1953 X IA2038
A00-712013 AgriPro AP1953 X Pioneer P9321
A00-712040 Northrup King S20-91 X AgriPro AP3355
A00-712041 Pioneer P9233 X AgriPro AP1953
A00-812031 AgriPro AP1953 X IA3010
A00-882130 Unspecified X Unspecified
A01-409003 A97-874014 X A96-492041
A01-409031 A97-874007 X AgriPro AP1995
A01-410009 Pioneer P9306 X IA1009
A01-511017 A97-874014 X A96-492041
A01-511020 A97-874007 X AgriPro AP1995
A01-512030 Pioneer P9321 X IA1009
A01-512036 U94-2306 X IA1009
A01-512050 IA2050 X IA1009
A01-611005 A97-874007 X IA1009
A01-611037 A97-874014 X A96-492058
A01-612016 A97-874014 X Pioneer P9321
A01-612043 IA1008 X Pioneer P9321
A02-136021 NE1900 X Pioneer XB28V99
A02-136027 NE1900 X Pioneer XB28V99
A02-136030 NE1900 X Pioneer XB28V99
A02-136031 NE1900 X Pioneer XB28V99
A02-236010 NE1900 X Pioneer XB28V99
A02-237015 NE1900 X Pioneer XB28V99
A02-336040 NE1900 X Dairyland 94197
A02-337046 A98-983013 X Dairyland 97026
A02-338013 Dairyland 88504-11 X IA2053
A02-338039 Dairyland 88504-11 X IA2053
A02-338043 IA2062 X Pioneer XB28V99
A02-381003 Unspecified X Unspecified
A02-381008-891 Unspecified X Unspecified
A02-381046 A97-553018 X Pioneer XB27U01
A02-381100 IA2064 X Pioneer XB27U01
A02-381100-1538 IA2064 X XB27U01
A02-381100-1539 IA2064 X XB27U01
A03-841045 Unspecified X Unspecified
A03-946006 IA3023
Unspecified X Unspecified
A04-444032 AgriPro AP93046-A95-3127E X IA2064
A04-543043 Pioneer P92B12 X A00-711042
A04-545015 Dairyland 98822 X A00-711025
A04-545045 Pioneer 93B86 X A00-711022
A04-645020 Pioneer P93B66 X Sygenta S20-F8
A04-645031 A00-711041 X AgriPro X01138P77
A06-915014 Unspecified X Unspecified
A08-151024 A04-545045 X AgriPro AP98180-A01-0613
A09-753035 IA2078 X Syngenta WW221162
A09-754003 IA1026
IA3042 X A04-543043
A09-755015 IA3042 X IA3028
A1 Anoka X Mack
A10-456040 A06-915014 X Syngenta 04KL015644
A10-555001 IA3042 X Syngenta 03JR321086
A10-556015 IA2109
IA3026 X Syngenta 04KL015644
A10-653019 IA3042 X Syngenta 03JR321086
A1007978 PI 656346
CFN3802A1X X ACP4103C0RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900129
A1015895 PI 660299
AG0803 X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100013
A1016011 PI 660013
BAH2705H0RL X GM_A19788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000401
A1020074 PI 660012
DKB29-51 X ( CSR2932N (2) x MON89788 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000400
A1020078 PI 660008
DKB29-51 X ( CSR2932N (2) x MON89788 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000396
A1022842 PI 660042
[ Dwight x ( ( Dowling x Loda ) x 277843-07 ) ] X ( AG0803 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000430
A1023169 PI 660043
AG3101 X ( CSR2633 x MON889788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000431
A1023485 PI 660031
DMK0006A0R X ( AG0803 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000419
A1023486 PI 660028
DMK0006A0R X ( AG0602 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000416
A1023511 PI 660033
DMK0006A0R X ( 212802-04 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000421
A1023535 PI 660026
DOX3104B0R X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000414
A1023603 PI 660306
ABL3605R0R X Asgrow A3525 x MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100020
A1023611 PI 660036
CBL3705N1R X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000424
A1023625 PI 660037
CGL4604E1X X [ DGL4405B0R x ( DCP4703A0R x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000425
A1023673 PI 660044
CBL3705N1R X CP3607C4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000435
A1023692 PI 660305
DMK0006A0R X ( 21802-04 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100019
A1023696 PI 660032
DCP4704A0R (2) X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000420
A1023729 PI 660035
DFN3205A0R X ( DBL3603B0R x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000423
A1023748 PI 660309
AG4404 X ( DOX3803A0X (2) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100023
A1023750 PI 660034
Anand X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000422
A1023761 PI 660023
3015806-01 X 228839-22 x MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000411
A1023763 PI 660022
CBL3705N1R X CP3607C4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000410
A1023771 PI 660046
CBL3705N1R X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000437
A1023788 PI 660297
AG3803 X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100011
A1023841 PI 660021
AGL4805D0R X ( DCP4703A0RR x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000409
A1023849 PI 660030
3018938-21 X ( DFN2702B0R-B2 (2) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000418
A1023943 PI 660047
ABL3305X0X X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000438
A1023969 PI 660048
CBL3705N1R X CP3607C4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000439
A1024001 PI 660029
ABL3705N0R X ( EX739A x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000417
A1024077 PI 660027
3015806-01 X ( DJW2605D0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000415
A1024103 PI 660025
3015806-01 X [ CRM1104B2R x ( ST602216 (2) x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000413
A1024167 PI 660049
DCP4605A0R X [ AG4703 x ( CGL4504D0C x MON89788 ) ] Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000440
A1024184 PI 660300
AFN2805Q0R X ( DOX3203B1RR x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100014
A1024197 PI 660051
AGL4805D0R X ( CGL4504D0CC x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000442
A1024198 PI 660308
AGL4805D0R X ( CGL4504D0CC x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100022
A1024210 PI 660024
Public Freedom X ( Asgrow A5427 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000412
A1024212 PI 660020
[ Asgrow A5427 x ( Manokin x S91-1839 ) ] X (Asgrow A5427 x MON89788)Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000408
A1024216 PI 660307
3015806-01 X ( ARM0903L0C (2) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100021
A1024230 PI 660018
3015806-01 X 135717-04 x MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000406
A1024249 PI 660019
3018938-21 X [ AJW1405D0R x ( CSR1510 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000407
A1024300 PI 660304
[ ( DCP3706B0R x DGL4405B0R ) x CGL4504D0C ] X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100018
A1024305 PI 660050
( DOX3203B1R x MON89788X 3027001-21Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000441
A1024318 PI 660038
CBL3705N1R X ( DBL3405C0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000426
A1024340 PI 660310
3015806-01 X [ CRM1104B2R x ( ST602216 (2) x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100024
A1024341 PI 660039
3015806-01 X [ CRM1104B2R x ( ST602216 (2) x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000427
A1024350 PI 660302
EXP424ARR X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100016
A1024629 PI 660040
Haskell X ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000428
A1024630 PI 660041
Haskell X ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000429
A1024631 PI 660010
Haskell X ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000398
A1024638 PI 660009
Haskell X ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000397
A1024650 PI 660301
DAK2301A2R X ( DKB20-52 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100015
A1024666 PI 660011
BBL3605D0RL X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000399
A1024693 PI 660303
CAK3301E0C X ( AOX3505G0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100017
A1024702 PI 660014
BBL3605E0RL X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000402
A1024705 PI 660015
AG00603 X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000403
A1024719 PI 660052
CGL4401C03 (2) X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000443
A1024720 PI 660298
CGL4401C0S (2) X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100012
A1024750 PI 660045
CGL4902C2X X ( AG4903 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000436
A1024751 PI 660016
CGL4902CX X ( AG4903 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000404
A1024755 PI 660311
CMK0903C0R X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100025
A1024763 PI 660017
DAK2804A0R (2) X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000405
A1025937 PI 664052
260744-14 X RM2007A1-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100503
A1026046 PI 664071
AG2107RR2YBC2 X ( AS2002N--103 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100523
A1026139 PI 664070
AS2002N-103 X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100522
A1026142 PI 664069
BN3107J4-D0RN X AG2801RR2YBC2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100521
A1026150 PI 664068
COX2705Y2R X ( DKB29-51 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100520
A1026151 PI 664067
COX2705Y2R X ( DKB29-51 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100519
A1026219 PI 664066
AG3602 X ( EX739Ax MON899788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100518
A1026287 PI 669975
CBL3705N1R (2) X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400016
A1026305 PI 664065
CBL3705N1R X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100517
A1026312 PI 667623
CBL3705N1R X [ CBL3705N1R x ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300104
A1026332 PI 664064
DBL3606B0R X [ 256838-13 x ( AG4404 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100516
A1026344 PI 664063
DOX3806B1R X BL3407D3-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100515
A1026390 PI 664062
GL5007A1-D0RN X AG3906RR2YBC2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100514
A1026393 PI 664061
3046231-21 X CP3807A4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100513
A1026415 PI 664060
GL4807A2-D0RN X [ DGL4405B0R x ( CGL4504D0C x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100512
A1026418 PI 664059
DGL4405B2R X [ GL4807A2-D0RN x ( AG4703 x ( AG4404 x MON89788 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100511
A1026419 PI 664058
DBL3606E0R X [ AG4703 x ( ACP4305H0C x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100510
A1026436 PI 664057
3047405-34 X [ AG5702 x ( DKB44-51 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100509
A1026437 PI 664056
[ Asgrow A5427 x ( L85-2378 x L86-1752 ) ] X [ AGQ55910 x ( AG5905 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100508
A1026458 PI 664055
[ QRG5310 x ( DMA5504B0R x MON89788 ) ] X [ QRG53910 x ( AGQ55910 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100507
A1026474 PI 664054
MA5307A1-D0XN X [ Asgrow A5427 x ( DKB54-52 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100506
A1026505 PI 664053
260744-14 X [ AG2107 x ( DAK2301A3R x ( AG2107 x MON89788 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100504
A1026545 PI 664031
( DCP3706B0R x DGL4405B0RX ( CGL4504D0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100482
A1026552 PI 664051
3046231-21 X [ DKB42-51 x ( AG4404 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100502
A1026561 PI 664050
[ AGQ55910 x ( AG5905 x MON89788 ) ] X [ QRG53910 x ( AGQ55910 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100501
A1026591 PI 664049
[ Asgrow A5427 x ( L85-2378 x L86-1752 ) ] X [ NC-Raleigh x ( H7550 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100500
A1026602 PI 664048
Clifford X [ Cook x ( H7550 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100499
A1026611 PI 664039
NCRaleigh X ( H7550 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100490
A1026616 PI 664047
CNC7105B0R X [ AG7601 x ( ANC6301A0R-B1 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100498
A1026620 PI 667624
AG6702 X ( AG5605 x MON899788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300105
A1026622 PI 664045
3015806-01 X ( DJW2605D0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100496
A1026649 PI 664044
DMK006A0R X ( AG0803 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100495
A1026657 PI 664043
DMK006A0R X ( AG0803 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100494
A1026677 PI 664046
DMK0006A0R X ( AG0602 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100497
A1026729 PI 664040
3015806-01 X [ CRM1104B2R x ( ST602216 (2) x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100491
A1026742 PI 664041
DJW2106A0RL X ( DJW2605E0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100492
A1026796 PI 664042
CBL3705N1R X ( BBL3405G0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100493
A1026809 PI 664038
CBL3705N1R X ( DBL3405C0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100489
A1026810 PI 664037
CBL3705N1R X ( BBL3405G0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100488
A1026828 PI 664036
ABL3705N0R X ( EX739A x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100487
A1026832 PI 664035
AGL4508D0R X (AG4404 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100486
A1026848 PI 664034
Haskell X ( CMA5901D0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100485
A1026888 PI 664033
CBN2205A2R X ( DFN2702B0R-B2 (2) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100484
A1026903 PI 664032
DMK0006A0R X ( AG0602 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100483
A1035300 PI 669976
BEI4606A0X X [ 941062-30 x ( DKB44-51 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400017
A1035361 PI 667625
GL5007A1-D0RN X GL4008D9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300106
A1035362 PI 667626
DGL4405B2R X [3046231-21 x ( AGL4805D0R x ( AG4404 x MON89788 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300107
A1035365 PI 667627
GL5007A3-A0XN X GL4008D9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300108
A1035368 PI 667628
[ GL5007A1-D0YN x ( CBL3705N1R x DGL4405B0R ) ] X [ AG4703 x ( AG4404 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300109
A1035431 PI 667629
J02-11943 X GL4008D9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300110
A1035446 PI 671840
BMK0606E0R X ( AG00603 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400128
A1035765 PI 673077
AG2107RR2YBC2 X ( AS2002NN-103 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400446
A1035898 PI 667630
4014815-17 X JW3107C4-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300111
A1035957 PI 669977
JW3107C4-B0YN X 67185166Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400018
A1036109 PI 669978
CBL3705N1R X BL3308A2-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400019
A1036212 PI 669979
CBL3705N1R (2) X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400020
A1036292 PI 669980
CBL3705N1R (2) X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400021
A1036320 PI 667631
AG3802RR2YBC2 X ( 009777--06 x AG3602RR2YBC2 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300112
A1036419 PI 669981
DPL 6568RR X [ Manokin x ( S91-1839 x ( H7550 x MON89788 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400022
A1036421 PI 669982
CNC7406A0R X [ NC-Raleigh x ( CMA5601C0C x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400023
A1036446 PI 669983
ABL3705N0R X GL3708B6-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400024
A1036554 PI 673109
BN3108B9-D0YL X MON87705Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400496
A1036609 PI 667633
LD05-16521 X [ RCAT Corbett x ( AG0803 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300114
A1037403 PI 669984
4014546-28 X JW2507D9-A0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400025
A1037405 PI 667632
3015806-01 X ( AJW2504H0C (2) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300113
A1037420 PI 667635
270630-30 X CP3307A4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300116
A1037425 PI 667634
FN3207N1-D0RN X BN2607C8-A0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300115
A1037429 PI 667636
RM2007A1-D0YN X DAK2306A0R-0017Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300117
A1037446 PI 667637
CGL4605E1X X FN3007D6-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300118
A1037459 PI 667638
GL5007A1-D0RN X AG3906RR2YBC2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300119
A1037490 PI 667639
MA5307A1-D0XN X ( Asgrow A5427 x ( DKB54-52 x MON89788 ) )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300120
A1037507 PI 667640
Haskell X ( Asgrow A5944 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300121
A1037511 PI 667641
NCRaleigh X ( AG5605 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300122
A12-961044 Unspecified X Unspecified
A12-961054 Unspecified X Unspecified
A13 Selection from AP9Selection from AP9 Fe (S 1) C7
A14004-126 IAS25C1
IA1026 X LD10-5213a
A14004-13 IA1026 X LD02-5213a
A14004-58 IAS31C1
IA1026 X LD10-5213a
A14010-168 IA2102 X IA3024
A14011-116 IA1026 X IA2102
A14011-30 IA1026 X IA2102
A14011-55 IA1026 X IA2102
A14011-67 IA1026 X IA2102
A14011-77 IA1026 X IA2102
A14011-90 IA1026 X IA2102
A14015-21 IA1028HO X IA3050
A14017-111 IA1027HO X IA2102
A14017-166 IA1027HO X IA2102
A14017-33 IA1027HO X IA2102
A14017-66 IA1027HO X IA2102
A14019-1 IA1026HO X IA2104HS
A14019-141 IA1026HO X IA2104HS
A14019-28 IA1026HO X IA2104HS
A14019-35 IA1026HO X IA2104HS
A14035-53 ( U09-105007 x OAC CalypsoX IA2102
A14035-80 ( U09-105007 x OAC CalypsoX IA2102
A14037-134 ( U11-610107 x OAC PerthX IA2102
A14037-143 ( U11-610107 x OAC PerthX IA2102
A14037-159 ( U11-610107 x OAC PerthX IA2102
A14037-61 ( U11-610107 x OAC PerthX IA2102
A14037-69 ( U11-610107 x OAC PerthX IA2102
A14038-53 ( U11-911079 x OAC AvatarX IA1026
A14039-100 ( U11-911079 x OAC AvatarX IA2102
A14039-114 ( U11-911079 x OAC AvatarX IA2102
A14039-126 ( U11-911079 x OAC AvatarX IA2102
A14039-188 ( U11-911079 x OAC AvatarX IA2102
A14039-47 ( U11-911079 x OAC AvatarX IA2102
A14039-55 ( U11-911079 x OAC AvatarX IA2102
A14039-58 ( U11-911079 x OAC AvatarX IA2102
A14039-72 ( U11-911079 x OAC AvatarX IA2102
A14039-95 ( U11-911079 x OAC AvatarX IA2102
A14040-184 ( OAC Brooke x U09-133021X IA2102
A14040-99 ( OAC Brooke x U09-133021X IA2102
A14041-189 ( OAC Brooke x U09-133021X IA3050
A14041-27 ( OAC Brooke x U09-133021X IA3050
A14041-44 ( OAC Brooke x U09-133021X IA3050
A14041-58 ( OAC Brooke x U09-133021X IA3050
A14042-50 ( U11-919011 x LD02-4485X IA2102
A14042-68 ( U11-919011 x LD02-4485X IA2102
A14043-52 ( U11-919011 x LD02-4485X IA3024
A14044-136 ( U11-920017 x LD10-5213aX IA2102
A14044-161 ( U11-920017 x LD10-5213aX IA2102
A14044-167 ( U11-920017 x LD10-5213aX IA2102
A14044-188 ( U11-920017 x LD10-5213aX IA2102
A14046-66 ( U11-932025 x LD10-5330aX IA2102
A14046-68 ( U11-932025 x LD10-5330aX IA2102
A14047-145 ( U11-932025 x LD10-5330aX IA3045
A14056-186 ( IA1026HO x IA2104HSX IA2102
A14056-75 ( IA1026HO x IA2104HSX IA2102
A14056-77 ( IA1026HO x IA2104HSX IA2102
A14058-20 ( IA2104HS x IA2106HOX IA2102
A14058-33 ( IA2104HS x IA2106HOX IA2102
A14058-96 ( IA2104HS x IA2106HOX IA2102
A14061-177 ( IA1026HO x IA3051HSX IA2102
A14062-101 ( IA2106HO x IA3051HSX IA2102
A14062-182 ( IA2106HO x IA3051HSX IA2102
A14066-156 ( IA2076LF x IA2103X IA2102
A14068-102 ( IA1026 x IA3027LFX IA3050
A14068-146 ( IA1026 x IA3027LFX IA3050
A14068-20 ( IA1026 x IA3027LFX IA3050
A14069-28 IA1026 X IA2102
A14743B002 Unspecified X Unspecified1% Linolenic Acid Line
A15025B011 Unspecified X Unspecified
A15025B020 Unspecified X Unspecified
A15103-135 ( LD10-10226 x IA2102RA12X U11-920017
A15104-17 ( LD10-10226 x U11-610107X U11-614119
A15104-21 ( LD10-10226 x U11-610107X U11-614119
A15106-223 ( LD11-304 x LD10-10226X U11-614119
A15110-161 ( U11-444079 x LD10-10226X LD11-304
A15110-180 ( U11-444079 x LD10-10226X LD11-304
A15110-197 U09-105007 X LD07-3419
A15113-121 ( U11-610107 x LD10-5213aX LD10-10226
A15113-157 ( U11-610107 x LD10-5213aX LD10-10226
A15113-63 ( U11-610107 x LD10-5213aX LD10-10226
A15113-89 ( U11-610107 x LD10-5213aX LD10-10226
A15115-24 ( U11-610109 x LD10-5213aX LD10-10226
A15115-60 ( U11-610109 x LD10-5213aX LD10-10226
A15116-137 ( U11-610109 x LG13-1006X LD10-10226
A15122-103 ( U11-919011 x LD10-5213aX LD10-10226
A15122-128 ( U11-919011 x LD10-5213aX LD10-10226
A15123-92 ( U11-919011 x LG11-6214X IA2105
A15127-128 ( U11-919011 x LG13-3993X IA2105
A15127-149 ( U11-919011 x LG13-3993X IA2105
A15127-80 ( U11-919011 x LG13-3993X IA2105
A15130-152 ( U11-932025 x IA2102RA12X U11-614093
A15130-221 ( U11-932025 x IA2102RA12X U11-614093
A15131-10 ( U11-932025 x LD10-5213aX U11-920017
A15132-113 ( U11-932079 x IA2105X U11-614093
A15132-38 ( U11-932079 x IA2105X U11-614093
A15132-43 ( U11-932079 x IA2105X U11-614093
A15135-192 ( U12-921088 x LD10-5213aX U11-920017
A15401-106 ( LD10-5213a x LG10-12313X U11-920017
A15401-109 ( LD10-5213a x LG10-12313X U11-920017
A15401-130 ( LD10-5213a x LG10-12313X U11-920017
A15403-40 ( LD10-5213a x LG11-2963X IA2105
A15403-86 ( LD10-5213a x LG11-2963X IA2105
A15404-54 ( LD10-5213a x LG11-4330X U11-614119
A15404-70 ( LD10-5213a x LG11-4330X U11-614119
A15405-193 ( LD10-5213a x LG11-6214X U11-920017
A15405-222 ( LD10-5213a x LG11-6214X U11-920017
A15409-201 ( LD10-5213a x LG13-3993X U11-920017
A1564 Hark X C1453
A15704-2 U11-920017 X P2C10
A16336-119 ( IA3051HS x LD07-3395bf (SCN) ) X U11-911079
A16355-145 ( LD11-2170 x LD07-3395bf (SCN)X IA2103
A16355-89 ( LD11-2170 x LD07-3395bf (SCN) ) X IA2103
A16371-79 ( LD10-10198 x LD07-3395bf (SCN)X IA3027LFRA12
A16373-101 ( LD11-2170 x LD07-3395bf (SCN)X IA3027LFRA12
A16373-82 ( LD11-2170 x LD07-3395bf (SCN)X IA3027LFRA12
A16806-76 LG11-5195 X LD10-10219
A17 BSR 101 X CN210
A17101-211 DSN11-12073 X U14-924158
A17102-149 U14-924158 X DSN11-12119
A17102-209 U14-924158 X DSN11-12119
A17107-95 DSN11-12073 X U13-931068
A17108-42 DSN11-12073 X SA13-1385
A17111-146 SA13-1385 X DSN11-12119
A17112-124 U14-924158 X U14-910097
A17112-133 U14-924158 X U14-910097
A17112-19 U14-924158 X U14-910097
A17112-202 U14-924158 X U14-910097
A17112-226 U14-924158 X U14-910097
A17112-24 U14-924158 X U14-910097
A17112-34 U14-924158 X U14-910097
A17112-72 U14-924158 X U14-910097
A17205-46 ( DSN11-12073 x LD13-8769X U14-924158
A17431-104 U14-924158 X LG12-18131
A17433-20 U14-924158 X LG12-18705
A17437-29 U14-924158 X LD14-00870
A17438-64 LD14-06407 X U14-924158
A18-231 Dunfield X Linman 533
A2 A74-101010
PI 596522
M63-17 X C1453
A20 A87-195034
BSR 101 X CN210, PI 549112
A2506 Asgrow A2506
Syngenta S14-60 X Asgrow A3501Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200222
A2543 Asgrow A2543
PI 556929
Asgrow A3127 X ( Century 84 ( 2 ) x AP6 ) Parentage conflict. May be ( Century 84 (2) x A79-134008 ), Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000007
A2833 Asgrow A2833
PI 594382
Asgrow A2396 X XP3299Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600245
A29 Selection from A89-144003EMS-811%-linolenic plant selection developed by Iowa State University
A3 A74-101035
PI 596523
C1426 X AP68-315
A3-117 Illini X Dunfield
A3-118 Illini X Dunfield
A3-127 Richland X Mandell
A3-128 Richland X Mandell
A3-1411-20 Mukden X Dunfield
A3-1411-27 Mukden X Dunfield
A3-1411-47 Mukden X Dunfield
A3-163 Dunfield X Richland
A3-176 Illini X Dunfield
A3-360-12 Illini X Mandell
A3-61 Illini X Dunfield
A3-9 Illini X Dunfield
A3-92 Illini X Dunfield
A31-291 Illini X Dunfield
A3127BC3F2-1 Asgrow A3127BC3F2-1
Asgrow A3127 (4) X L24
A4 A75-332035
PI 596524
L15 X AgriPro AP68-1016
A4009 Asgrow A4009
PI 556860
Asgrow A3860 X ( Williams (2) x PI 088788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800175, 1996 Northern Tests lists parentage as Asgrow A3860 x Fayette. Fayette parentage is (Williams(2) x PI 88788)
A41-251 Mukden X Dunfield
A4138 Asgrow A4138
PI 565512
Asgrow A4595 X Asgrow A4009Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300151, Parentage conflict Northern Test 2008 says parentage is A4009 x A4595
A43-10 Mukden X Richland
A43-107 PI 548577
Selection from A45-251Selection from A45-251
A43-108 PI 548577
Selection from A45-251Selection from A45-251
A43-109 Mukden X Richland
A43-117 Illini X Dunfield
A43-118 Illini X Richland
A43-127 Richland X Mandell
A43-128 Richland X Mandell
A43-14 Dunfield X Linman 533
A43-1411-20 Mukden X Dunfield
A43-1411-27 Mukden X Dunfield
A43-1411-47 Mukden X Dunfield
A43-143 Richland X B. H. Manchu
A43-149 Dunfield X Linman 533
A43-163 Dunfield X Richland
A43-17 Mukden X Richland
A43-1715-1 Mandarin X Richland
A43-1715-3 Mandarin X Richland
A43-176 Illini X Dunfield
A43-2015-28 Ontario X Richland
A43-32 Richland X Linman 533
A43-33 Mukden X Richland
A43-360-12 Illini X Mandell
A43-61 Illini X Dunfield
A43-9 Illini X Dunfield
A43-92 Illini X Dunfield
A43-93 Mukden X B. H. Manchu
A43-94 Dunfield X Linman 533
A43K-884 Mukden X Richland
A44-107-12 Selection from A43-107Selection from A43-107
A44-107-4 Selection from A43-107Selection from A43-107
A44-107-5 Selection from A43-107Selection from A43-107
A44-107-7 Selection from A43-107Selection from A43-107
A44-107-8 Selection from A43-107Selection from A43-107
A44-108-12 Selection from A43-108Selection from A44-108
A44-108-6 Selection from A43-108Selection from A44-108
A44-1128-7 Dunfield X Linman 533
A44-1715-32 Mandarin X Richland
A44-2015-3 Ontario X Richland
A44-2728-2 Manchuria 13177 X L34-12
A45-251 Mukden X Richland
A45-268 Mukden X Linman 533
A45-2683 PI 548502
Selection from A43-176Selection from A43-176
A4595 Asgrow A4595
PI 556784
Douglas X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600019
A46-440 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A46-549 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A46K-1011 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A46K-1329 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A46K-1428-C4 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A46K-1801 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A46K-549 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A46K-937 Blackhawk
PI 548516
Mukden X Richland
A47-1953 Lincoln (3) X Richland
A47-6102 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A47-6103 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A47-6323 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A47-6402 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A47-6520 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A47-6629 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A47-6831 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A47-6905 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A4997 Asgrow A4997
PI 556688
Harcor X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300137
A5-7823 Adams X Clark
A50-4745 PI 548587
Sac (2) X Richland
A50-5039 PI 548552
Kanro (2) X Richland
A50-6838 Mandarin (Ottawa) X Kanro
A50-7401 Mandarin (Ottawa) X Jogun
A50-7445 Richland X Jogun
A50-7537 Richland X Jogun
A50-8618 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A50-8618-1 Lincoln (2) X Richland
A50-8618-2 PI 548562
Lincoln (2) X Richland
A50K-2206 Hawkeye X Mandarin (Ottawa)
A50K-3808 Lincoln(2) X Richland
A50K-913 Richland X Mandarin (Ottawa)
A52-4008 Adams X Blackhawk
A53-6319 Adams (2) X Hawkeye
A53-7743-1 Lincoln X Mandarin (Ottawa)
A54K-1406 Adams X Capital
A55-4629-4 Roanoke X Hawkeye
A55-5515 Ogden X Capital
A55-5629 Roanoke X Hawkeye
A55-5629-4 Roanoke X Hawkeye
A55-5740 Roanoke X Hawkeye
A5547-127 Unspecified X Unspecified
A58-1334 Hawkeye X Harosoy
A58-932 Harosoy X Capital
A5885 PI 561219
[ X5512 x ( D74-7741 x N73-693 ) ] X [ X5803 x ( J74-35 x D74-7741 ) ]
A59-1334 Hawkeye X Harosoy
A59-619 Clark X Chippewa
A59K-2558 Hawkeye X Chippewa
A61-1051 PI 548608
Harosoy X Clark
A61-439 PI 548540
Selection from A58-932Selection from A58-932
A61-540 PI 548551
Selection from A59-1334Selection from A59-1334
A61-939 Amsoy
PI 548506
Adams X Harosoy
A62-5405 PI 548609
Clark X Chippewa
A62-5407 PI 548610
Clark X Chippewa
A62-5432 Clark X Chippewa
A62-5440 Harosoy X Chippewa
A62-5504 Hawkeye X Chippewa
A66-1240-2 Provar X ( Harosoy 63 x PI 84666-1 )
A66-1441-2 Provar X ( Harosoy 63 x PI 248406 )
A66-1746-9 AX56P64-1 X FC 31122
A71-555-8-1 D94-2491 (4) X AX162-12D94-2491 (4)
A71-5558-1 Wirth X AX210-39-2
A72-102 Corsoy X Wayne
A72-106 Corsoy X Wayne
A72-107 Corsoy X Wayne
A72-125 Amsoy X Wayne
A72-409 Corsoy X Wayne
A72-507 Amsoy X Wayne
A72-509 Amsoy X Wayne
A72-510 Amsoy X Wayne
A72-511 Amsoy X Wayne
A72-512 Amsoy X Wayne
A72-513 Hark X Wayne
A72-520 Hark X Wayne
A72-522 Hark X Wayne
A72-523 Hark X Wayne
A72-525 Hark X Wayne
A73-12013 L66L-144 X Dunn
A73-128 PI 548536
Hark X [ Provar x ( Disoy x Magna ) ]PVP 7700050
A73-19068 Pike X Wells
A73-19084 Pike X Wells
A73-20059 Pike X L66L-144
A73-21030 Unspecified X Unspecified
A73-22051 Corsoy X IVR Ex4426
A73-227 PI 548537
Amsoy X [ Provar x ( Disoy x Magna ) ]PVP 7700051
A73-229 Amsoy X [ Provar x ( Disoy x Magna ) ]
A73-23066 IVR Ex4428 X Md66-1258
A73-25050 PI 548616
[ Korean x ( ( Lincoln (2) x Richland ) x ( Renville x Capital ) ) ] X ( Amsoy x Wayne )PVP 7900064
A73-25088 M59-120 X IVR 4731
A73-314 Amsoy X [ Provar x ( Disoy x Magna ) ]
A73D16 Hark X Wayne
A74-101010 A2
M63-17 X C1453
A74-101035 A3
C1426 X AP68-315
A74-102011 M62-263 X IVR Ex4426
A74-102037 Wells X Wye
A74-104030 Pike X Wells
A74-104034 Pike X Beeson
A74-105021 L66L-137 X Calland
A74-201006 Amsoy X [ Provar x ( Disoy x Magna ) ]
A74-201010 PI 548618
Hark X [ Provar x ( Disoy x Magna ) ]PVP 7900063
A74-202019 Beeson X L66-1359
A74-203002 M59-120 X IVR 4731
A74-204028 Corsoy X Williams
A74-204033 Beeson X L66-1359
A74-204034 M62-263 X Amsoy 71
A74-302012 PI 548523
L66L-137 X CallandPVP 8000063
A74-302030 M62-263 X IVR Ex4426
A74-303012 PI 548542
Corsoy X WilliamsPVP 7900061
A74-303013 PI 548543
L66L-137 X CallandPVP 7900062
A74-304009 Pike X L66L-144
A74-304031 Wells X Wye
A74-306002 Evans X Williams
A74-306008 M62-275 X L66L-144
A75-101014 Pike X Wells
A75-101022 Pike X Wells
A75-102032 PI 548524
C1453 X SwiftPVP 8000061
A75-103016 Pike X Wells (2)
A75-103019 Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population
A75-105019 Corsoy (2) X ( Anoka x Mack )
A75-105020 Corsoy (2) X ( Anoka x Mack )
A75-105021 Corsoy (2) X ( Anoka x Mack )
A75-105029 Corsoy (2) X ( Anoka x Mack )
A75-105033 Corsoy (2) X ( Anoka x Mack )
A75-105034 Corsoy (2) X ( Anoka x Mack )
A75-10521   Corsoy (2) X L65-1342Parentage uncertain. Parentage from NUST 1998
A75-10521    Corsoy (2) X ( Anoka x Mack )Parentage uncertain. Parentage from NUST 1998
A75-203014 IVR 4731 X Wirth
A75-203036 IVR Ex4428 X Woodworth
A75-204018 IVR 4731 X Wirth
A75-302003 L15 X AP68-1016
A75-302005 BSR 301
PI 548522
L15 X AP68-1016
A75-302017 Woodworth X Calland
A75-305010 Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population
A75-305022 Wye X IVR 4731
A75-305031 Corsoy X Williams
A75-306005 Pike X SL12
A75-332035 A4
L15 X AP68-1016
A75-Corsoy R3 PI 548617
Corsoy (5) X L65-1342PVP 7900065
A75D29 Hark X L61-344
A76-101019 Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population
A76-101024 Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population
A76-102009 PI 548526
Corsoy (3) X Cutler 71PVP 8100052
A76-102013 Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population
A76-103002 Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population
A76-103003 Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population
A76-201009 Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population
A76-201010 Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population
A76-202015 Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population
A76-303035 M60-92 X IVR Ex4428
A76-304002 Selection from AP6
A76-304005 Unspecified X Unspecified
A76-304019 BSR 302
PI 548525
( Beeson x AP68-1016X ( L15 x Calland )
A76-304020 ( Beeson x AgriPro AP68-1016X ( L15 x Colland )
A77-112008 Washington X A72-512
A77-112023 PI 548588
Selection from AP6M(S1)C1PVP 8200049, Selection from AP6 population created by Fehr and Ortiz from 40 strains (Crop Sci. 15:739, 1975)
A77-211021 Beeson X A72-507
A77-212006 Hodgson X M65-69
A77-214022 L70T-543 X Harcor
A77-214035 Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population
A77-311031 Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population
A77-314013 A73-21030 X Williams
A77-314014 Coles X A72-507
A77-314017 Coles X A72-507
A77-315024 A72-512 X AgriPro 35
A78-121014 Pride B216 X Hodgson
A78-122028 Hodgson X Sloan
A78-122031 SRF 350 X Pride B216
A78-123002 C1520 X Coles
A78-123018 Pride B216 X Hodgson
A78-125029 Pride B216 X AX900-4-3
A78-227012 Pride B216 X AX901-40-2
A78-227013 BSR 201
Pride B216 X AX901-40-2
A78-227015 Pride B216 X AX901-40-2
A78-227016 Pride B216 X AX901-40-2
A78-321011 Pride B216 X AgriPro 25
A78-322024 Williams X Sloan
A78-324002 A72-512 X Pride B216
A78-325028 A72-512 X Williams
A78-326032 Selection from AX1390Selection from AX1390
A79-133019 PI 548557
Selection from AP6(2YT)(F4)C1Selection from AP6(2YT)(F4)C1
A79-134008 Selection from AP6(1YT)(F4)C2Selection from AP6(1YT)(F4)C2 population
A79-135010 Pride B216 X Cumberland
A79-136012 Pride B216 X Land O Lakes 4102
A79-138014 Northrup King S1492 X Asgrow A3300
A79-138024 A74-102011 X C1523
A79-232005 Selection from AP6TW(2YTC)(F4)C1Selection from AP6TW(2YTC)(F4)C1 population
A79-232026 Selection from AP6TW(2YTC)(F4)C1Selection from AP6TW(2YTC)(F4)C1 population
A79-236002 Pride B216 X Cumberland
A79-236003 Pride B216 X Cumberland
A79-238034 M68-48 X Pride B216
A79-331022 Unspecified X Unspecified
A79-334010 Pride B216 X Land O Lakes Max
A79-336014 PI 548558
Unknown X UnknownSelection form an unknown diallele-cross population
A8 A80-344003
A4 X Century
A80-143008 ( Corsoy x WayneX A4
A80-144004 Northrup King S1492 X A75-204018
A80-144024 Weber X L69U40-16-4
A80-145015 Unspecified X Unspecified
A80-147002 Northrup King S1492 X Pella
A80-147003 Northrup King S1492 X Pella
A80-149008 C1532 X 1YT-75-206013
A80-149020 BSR 101
PI 548519
L69U40-16-4 X A76-304020
A80-244003 Northrup King S1492 X Pella
A80-244035 Unspecified X Unspecified
A80-244036 A74-204034 X A80-344003
A80-245022 Northrup King S1492 X Weber
A80-247007 A75-204018 X Weber
A80-247008 A75-204018 X Asgrow A2440
A80-344003 A8
A75-332035 X Century
A80-345005 Northrup King S1492 X Pella
A80-346029 A75-204018 X BSR 301
A80-349012 L69U40-16-4 X A76-304020
A81-151026 A75-204018 X Century
A81-152006 A76-304020 X Asgrow A2656
A81-153003 A76-202015 X Century
A81-155001 A76-202015 X Schechinger S48
A81-155014 A76-202015 X A76-304020
A81-156027 A76-202015 X A76-304020
A81-157001 Pride B216 X A2
A81-157005 Pride B216 X A2
A81-157007 Pride B216 X A2
A81-157013 Land O Lakes Max X BSR 302
A81-157024 Pride B216 X A2
A81-257031 PI 548520
Schechinger S48 X Land O Lakes Max
A81-354025 Schechinger S48 X Land O Lakes Max
A81-355012 A76-304020 X Land O Lakes Max
A81-356022 Century X A76-304020
A82-161034 A76-103002 X A77-211021
A82-161035 Pride B216 X A77-211021
A82-162023 Northrup King S1492 X Tri-Valley Charger
A82-162033 A77-211021 X Tri-Valley Charger
A82-164003 Pride B216 (2) X A2
A82-167014 Selection from AP6TW(2YT)(F4 )C2Selection from AP6TW(2YT)(F4 )C2 pop.
A82-263010 A77-211021 X Pella
A82-263034 Pride B216 X A77-211021
A82-264016 Asgrow A3585 X Tri-Valley Charger
A82-267015 Selection from AP6TW(2YT)(F4)C2Selection from AP6TW(2YT)(F4)C2
A82-361011 Asgrow A3585 X NAPB HP20-20
A82-363032 A76-202015 X Century
A82-365028 Asgrow A3585 X Tri-Valley Charger
A83-171015 A78-122031 X Tri-Valley Charger
A83-172007 A77-211021 X Merschman Washington V
A83-172030 AgriPro AP200 X Northrup King S1492
A83-174020 Northrup King S1492 X A78-122031
A83-271010 Northrup King S1492 X Merschman Washington V
A83-271027 Northrup King S1492 X Asgrow A3127
A83-272020 AgriPro AP200 X NAPB HS235
A83-273009 PI 525453
Asgrow A3127 X Tri-Valley ChargerPVP 8900060
A83-274011 Asgrow A3127 X Tri-Valley Charger
A83-372027 Merschman Washington V X Asgrow A3127
A84-282019 Harper X Asgrow A3127
A84-284033 HW79015 X A80-247007
A85-182007 Vinton 81 X Hardin
A85-192034 A8 X Asgrow A1937
A85-193020 Asgrow A1937 X Tri-Valley Charger III
A85-193023 PI 537095
A79-135010 X Asgrow Asgrow A1937PVP 9000040
A85-195005 A80-149008 X Midwest Oilseeds 2050
A85-291001 PI 537094
Elgin X Asgrow A1937PVP 9000039
A85-291010 Midwest Oilseeds 3010 X Asgrow A1937
A85-293030 Midwest Oilseeds 3010 X A8
A85-293032 A8 X Elgin
A85-298051 Midwest Oilseeds 3010 X A80-245022
A85-392026 A8 X Midwest Oilseeds 2050
A85-393001 Midwest Oilseeds 3010 X A80-245022
A85-394009 A79-331022 X A79-334010
A86-101009 Hack X Asgrow A1937
A86-102004 A80-244036 X Asgrow A1937
A86-103002 Jacques 1103 X A81-356022
A86-103027 Hack X Asgrow A1937
A86-104011 A80-244036 X A80-344003
A86-186011 Selection from AP9Selection from AP9 population
A86-203004 Hack X Zane
A86-203034 A81-356022 X Zane
A86-204022 Hack X Zane
A86-301024 A81-356022 X Hack
A86-303014 A81-356022 X Hack
A87-186011 Unspecified X Unspecified
A87-187007 BSR 101 X A81-151026
A87-187020 Jacques J103 X A81-151026
A87-195032 Newton
BSR 101 X CN210
A87-195034 A20
BSR 101 X CN210
A87-196014 IA 2008
BSR 101 X A80-244003
A87-198005 A80-244003 X Harper
A87-198015 Hack X A81-157024
A87-296011 Harper X A80-346029
A87-296012 Harper X A80-346029
A87-297015 Pride B152 X A80-244003
A87-395012 Fayette X Asgrow A3659
A87-396020 Harper X A80-346029
A87D20 Elf X A73D16
A88-121019 A82-267015 X Sherman
A88-121025 A8 X Profiseed 1138
A88-221005 A82-267015 X Sherman
A88-221006 Riverside 2024 X Harper
A88-221020 A82-267015 X Harper
A89-144003 BSR 101 X Asgrow A1937
A89-144003EMS-81 Selection from A89-144003EMS mutant of A89-144003
A89-144026 Jacques J231 X A8
A89-144036 Unspecified X Unspecified
A89-246006 A85-182007 X [ ( Vinton 81 x Pride B216 ) x A82-267015 ]
A89-269039 Unspecified X UnspecifiedLow Linolenic Acid line from Iowa State
A90-314041 ( Hill Seed 2700 x LS301X LS201
A91-501002 AgriPro AP2190 X A86-301024
A91-613001 AX4735 X HP202
A91-613019 AX4739 X HP203
A91-613026 AX4741 X HP204
A91-613029 AX4742 X HP201
A91-701035 A86-301024 X DeKalb 226
A92-525004 IA2008 X Kenwood
A92-525014 IA2008 X Kenwood
A92-525015 Unspecified X Unspecified
A92-526007 A20 X Asgrow A2234
A92-535029 Unspecified X Unspecified
A92-535059 Asgrow A2187 X [ ( A87-186011 x Dairyland DSR252 ) x A87-187020 ]
A92-625002 Kenwood X LN86-1947
A92-627030 Kenwood X Asgrow A3205
A93-751019 A89-246006 X LS301
A94-572028 Northrup King S19-90 X Bell
A94-674017 Pioneer P9303 X Kenwood
A94-770016 A90-314041 X IA2012
A94-770314 Pioneer P9303 X A87-395012
A94-773014 Pioneer P9303 X A87-395012
A95-483031 Jack X ( Pioneer P9273 x A13 )
A95-484015 IA3001 X A91-613026
A95-484031 A91-613026 X A91-613029
A95-484041 A91-613001 X A91-613026
A95-484043 A91-613001 X A91-613026
A95-485020 ( Pioneer P7273 x A13X Jack
A95-581028 Marcus X Pioneer P9273
A95-583021 IA1009
Pioneer P9241 X Jack
A95-589009 IA2017 X ( Pioneer P9303 x A91-613019 )
A95-682026 Pioneer P9273 X A89-144036
A95-684043 Unspecified X Unspecified
A96-246029 IA2033 X AgriPro AP1995
A96-492041 Northrup King S24-92 X Northrup King S19-90
A96-492058 IA3003 X Northrup King S24-92
A96-494018 Northrup King S24-92 X NA91-501002
A96-591033 IA3003 X Pioneer P9273
A96-591046 Unspecified X Unspecified
A96-591076 Pioneer P9273 X Northrup King S24-92
A96-691030 AgriPro AP3035 X Pioneer P9273
A97-553010 Unspecified X Unspecified
A97-553017 Pioneer YB280 X ( Pioneer YB280 x A29 )
A97-553018 Pioneer YB280 X ( Pioneer YB280 x A29 )
A97-770012 Northrup King S20-20 X Asgrow A2234
A97-770031 A92-535059 X Pioneer P9273
A97-770051 Pioneer P9273 X ( A92-535059 x IA1006 )
A97-771039 A92-627030 X ORC9205
A97-772024 IA1006 X A92-625002
A97-871009 Northrup King S20-20 X ( A92-535029 x IA20121 )
A97-874007 A93-751019 X IA3006
A97-874014 A93-751019 X IA3006
A97-973002 IA3014
LN90-4366 X IA3005
A98-590014 Pioneer YB280 X ( Pioneer YB280 x 96LL2 )
A98-781041 Pioneer P9204 X Pioneer P9281
A98-884037 IA2036 X Pioneer P9281
A98-980047 HS93-4118 X Northrup King S24-92
A98-983013 A94-770016 X ( IA1007 x Pioneer P9304 )
A99-112003 IA2017 X IA2042
A99-112033 IA2017 X A95-484041
A99-112034 A95-484015 X IA3011
A99-113038 A95-484043 X A95-589009
A99-212014 IA2017 X IA2042
A99-213052 IA3006 X IA3011
A99-215025 IA3011 X ( A95-484041 x A92-627030 )
A99-215030 IA2034 X IA2042
A99-216029 IA2036 X AgriPro AP1995
A99-216031 A94-773014 X AgriPro AP1995
A99-217006 Dairyland DSR365 X AgriPro Ap1995
A99-312006 IA2034 X A95-484031
A99-312009 IA2034 X IA2042
A99-312028 IA2034 X A95-484031
A99-312052 IA3011 X ( A95-484041 x A92-627030 )
AAC Malden OX-111
IA1008 X AC Hime
AAK 2501 MOR Unspecified X Unspecified
ABSR 101BC PI 546487
( BSR 101 (5) x Williams 82X [ BSR 101 (5) x ( Harosoy x Altona ) ]PVP 9100040
AC Bravor Maple Arrow X Wayne
AC Harmony ( Maple Presto x WilliamsX Weber
AC Hime OX752 X X696-32-2
AC Orford X2150-A-78
OT80-18 X X875-2-B-1
AC Proteus (Merit x PI 153293X ( PI 189950 x Maple Arrow (3) )
Acadian La40-293
PI 548436
PI 60406 X FC 04910
Acadian 299 Selection from Acadian
Accomac V88-1234
D77-6056 X LS79-330PVP 9800048, PI 597388
Acme PI 548498
Selection from PagodaSelection from Pagoda
Ada PI 548499
Merit X Norman
Adams PI 548502
Illini X DunfieldSelection from A43-176
Adelphia C1225
PI 548503
C1070 X Adams
AG 3934RR2 Unspecified X UnspecifiedRR2
AG 4135 Unspecified X UnspecifiedRR2
AG 4232RR2Y Unspecified X UnspecifiedRR2
AG 4632RR2Y Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
AG 4835 Unspecified X UnspecifiedRR2
AG00133 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG00437 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG005X8 ND16-11454GT X [ M05-363022 x ( ND07-3987 x ( RG7008RR x ND03-5441 ) ) ]
AG00632 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG00932 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG00937 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG0231 Unspecified X Unspecified
Ag03-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
Ag03-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG03XF2 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG0532 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG0536 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG05X9 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG0801 PI 612954
Agassiz X [ Asgrow A1900 ( 3 ) x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000097
AG0808 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG0832 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG0835 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG0901 PI 606073
Agassiz X [ Asgrow A1900 ( 3 ) x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900029
AG1101 PI 612940
Pioneer P9041 X [ Asgrow A1900 ( 3 ) x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000083
AG1135 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG11X8 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG1230 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG1234 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG1301 PI 612938
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000081
AG1601 PI 612949
Pioneer P9071 X [ Asgrow A1923 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 1900 x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000092
AG1631 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG1733 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG17X8 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG1901 PI 598063
Asgrow A1900 (3) X ( Asgrow A2396 x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700312
AG2001 PI 612948
Asgrow A1900 (3) X [ Asgrow A2012 x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 3 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000091
AG2031 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG2101 PI 598062
Asgrow A1923 (2) X ( Asgrow A1900 x ( Pioneer P2396 x MON40-3-2 ) )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700311
AG2201 PI 606080
Asgrow A2139 X [ Asgrow A2012 x ( Asgrow 2190 x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900036
AG2301 PI 598053
XP2514 X RP931179Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700302
AG2401 PI 598065
Asgrow A2722 X ( Asgrow A2835 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700314
AG2501 PI 598052
Asgrow A2012 X [ Asgrow A1900 x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700301
AG2535 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG25X8 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG25XF1 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG2601 PI 612951
Asgrow A2939 X [ Asgrow A2139 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 2112 x ( Asgrow 1900 x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000094
AG2602 PI 612950
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000093
AG2606 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG2702 PI 598058
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700307
AG2902 PI 606076
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900032
AG2903 ST2250 X [ Asgrow A4593 x ( Asgrow 3431 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 3242 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]
AG3002 PI 598054
Asgrow A2722 X [ Asgrow A3431 x ( Asgrow 2835 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700303
AG3003 PI 612942
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000085
AG3201 Asgrow A3143 X [ Asgrow A3313 x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 4 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]
AG3302 PI 606072
Asgrow A3244 X [ Asgrow A3304 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 4 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900028
AG3303 PI 612944
Asgrow A3559 X AGR37504Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000087
AG3334 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG3502 PI 606078
Asgrow A3244 X [ Asgrow A3431 ( 3 ) x ( Asgrow 3242 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900034
AG3504 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG3702 PI 612943
3HS302-12 X [ Asgrow A33133 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 3 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000086
AG37XF3 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG3803 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG3832 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG38X8 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG3901 PI 606084
Asgrow A4595 X [ Asgrow A4009 x ( Asgrow 3237 x ( Asgrow 4138 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900040
AG4005 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG4033 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG4034 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG4101 PI 612945
QE4459 X AG4501Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000088
AG41X8 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG4232 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG42XF2 Unspecified X Unspecified
AG4301 PI 606082
Asgrow A4715 X [Asgrow A3733 x ( Asgrow 4045 x ( Asgrow 4138 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900038
AG4402 PI 612946
Asgrow A4539 X [ Asgrow A4341 x ( Asgrow 4138 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000089
AG4501 Asgrow A4045 X ( Asgrow A4138 x MON40-3-2 )
AG45X8 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
AG4602 PI 606081
Asgrow A3834 X [ Asgrow A4539 x ( Asgrow 3431 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 3242 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900037
AG4702 PI 598056
( Asgrow A4715 x Asgrow 3733X ( Asgrow A4715 x 40-3-2 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700305
AG4901 PI 598055
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700304
AG4902 PI 612941
Asgrow A4722 X [ 14624 x ( Asgrow A4341 x ( Asgrow 4138 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000084
AG5001 PI 612937
CM428 X ( Asgrow A4922 x AG4701 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000080
AG5401 PI 606071
Asgrow A5547 ( 2 ) X MON40-3-2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900027
AG5602 PI 598060
Asgrow A5547 ( 3 ) X MON40-3-2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700309
AG5701 PI 612947
Asgrow A5959 ( 2 ) X ( Asgrow A5979 x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000090
AG5802 PI 606075
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900031
AG6201 PI 612952
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000095
AG64X8 RR2X Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
AG6701 PI 612953
Asgrow A6961 X MON40-3-2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000096
AG79X9RR2X/SR Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Agassiz PI 562372
Simpson X M71-148PVP 9200242
AGF26601 Asgrow A2012 X [ Asgrow A1900 x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ]
AGH33701 Unspecified X Unspecified
AGK23603 ST2250 X [ Asgrow A4539 x ( Asgrow 3431 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 3242 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]
AGK26602 ST2250 X [ Asgrow A4593 x ( Asgrow 3431 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 3242 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]
AgraTech AT 550 AgraTech AT550
PI 562375
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAgraTech Seeds Inc., PVP 9200245
AgraTech At 555 PI 583359
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAgraTech Seeds Inc., PVP 9400192
AgraTech AT 575 PI 562376
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAgraTech Seeds Inc., PVP 9200246
AgraTech AT550 AT 550
AgraTech Seeds Inc.
PVP 9200245
PI 562375
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro 25 AP25
Beeson X Calland
AgriPro 26 AP26
C1426 X Calland
AgriPro 27 Agripro Ex 7710
Cutler X Calland
AgriPro 35 Agripro Ex 50734
L15 X Cutler
Agripro 68-1016 Clark (5) X PI 84.946-2
Agripro 97284-N00-4797 Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro 98180-A01-0613 Unspecified X Unspecified
Agripro 98620-B01-51163 Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP01-5 AP01-5
Selection from AgriPro AP93652-P96-55048Selection from AP93652-P96-55048
AgriPro AP02-01 AP02-01
Selection from AgriPro AP96596-B99-24476Selection from AP96596-B99-24476
AgriPro AP02-05 AP02-05
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP02-07 AP02-07
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP03-01 AP03-01
Selection from AgriPro AP97023-A99-03284Selection from AP97023-A99-03284
AgriPro AP03-03 AP03-03
Selection from AgriPro AP96289-A99-31240Selection from AP96289-A99-31240
AgriPro AP03-04 AP03-04
Selection from AgriPro AP97026-N99-42648Selection from AP97026-N99-42648
AgriPro AP03-05 AP03-05
Selection from AgriPro AP95341-A98-60618Selection from AP95341-A98-60618
AgriPro AP03-06 AP03-06
Selection from AgriPro AP96596-B99-24476Selection from AP96596-B99-24476
AgriPro AP1235 AP1235
IVR 1120 (3) X Steele
AgriPro AP1490N AP1490N
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP1953 AP1953
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP1989 AP1989
AgriPro AP26 X Vickery
AgriPro AP1995 AP1995
AgriPro AP1989 X Asgrow A3427
AgriPro AP200 AP200
CX407BC7-255 X Swift, AP200
AgriPro AP2190 AP2190
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP225C AP 225C
PI 556575
Beeson X Hark
AgriPro AP26 AP26
Beeson X Calland
AgriPro AP2918 AP2918
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP3035 AP3035
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP3355 AP3355
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP35 AP35
L15 X Cutler
AgriPro AP4882 Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP93652-P96-55048 AP93652-P96-55048
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP95341-A98-60618 AP95341-A98-60618
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP96289-A99-31240 AP96289-A99-31240
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP96596-B99-24476 AP96596-B99-24476
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP97023-A99-03284 AP97023-A99-03284
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP97026-N99-42648 AP97026-N99-42648
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP97144-A00-15133 AP97144-A00-15133
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP97144-A00-19136 AP97144-A00-19136
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP97199-A00-10391 AP97199-A00-10391
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP97284-N00-47977 AP97284-N00-47977
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP97611-B00-37197 AP97611-B00-37197
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP98180-A01-06131 AP98180-A01-06131
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP98194-A01-27440 AP98194-A01-27440
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP98620-B01-51163 AP98620-B01-51163
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP98633-B01-44373 AP98633-B01-44373
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro AP99022-A01-1228 AP99022-A01-1228
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro APX04-76-6 APX04-76-6
SD01-76R (4) X Dowling
AgriPro APXC2284N APXC2284N
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro B99-17498 Garst AgriPro B99-17498
Unspecified X Unspecified
Agripro Ex 7710 AP 27
PI 556485
Cutler X CallandAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7400079
Agripro HP 20-20 HP 20-20
PI 556604
Rampage X Hark
Agripro HP 2530 HP 2530
PI 556677
L15 X C1431
AgriPro X01138P77 X01138P77
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro X991A25 X991A25
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro XC21Y07 XC21Y07
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro XC29B34 XC29B34
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro XC31Y31 XC31Y31
Unspecified X Unspecified
AgriPro XC32Y06 XC32Y06
Unspecified X Unspecified
Agripro96289-A99-31240 Unspecified X Unspecified
Agripro96596-B99-24476 Unspecified X Unspecified
AgSouth AGS 747LL Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
AgSouth AGS 798R2 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
AgSouth AGS 828RR Prichard RR X SC96-1476
AgSouth AGS-738RR G99-4158 X Pioneer P97M50
AgSouth AGS606RR AGS606RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
AgSouth AGS738RR AGS738RR
G99-4158 X Pioneer P97M50
AgSouth AGS758RR AGS758RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
AgSouth AGS787RR AGS787RR
G95-346 X Hartz H7242 RRCommercial check
AgSouth AGS798R2 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
AgSouth AGS828RR AGS828RR
Prichard RR X SC96-1476
Agustina SC10-170
PI 679941
SC98-1850 X Manokin
AHW-Pella BC PI 509044
Pella 86
Pella (5) X Williams 82
AK114 Selection from IlliniSelection from Illini(A.K or A.K. 3). Ill. ARS 1921
AK2811H5-B1BAH 1046058
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400453
Akasaya Selection from LandraceJapan
Akibiyori PI 592789
Unspecified X UnspecifiedKaneko Seeds Company, Ltd., PVP 9600188
Akiyoshi PI 592902
IntroductionSY940002; Edamame variety
Ako Musume Tamanishike X Iyo
ALLEN 5601T (3) X ( TN93-99 (3) x MON RR)
Alpha PI 564524
Fayette X McCallPVP 9300017
Altona PI 548504
Flambeau X 052-903
Amcor L73D-195
PI 548505
Amsoy 71 X Corsoy
Amcor 89 PI 546375
Amcor X Williams 82
Amsoy A61-939
PI 548506
Adams X Harosoy
Amsoy 71 C1477
PI 548507
Amsoy (8) X C1253
Amsoy Phytophthora 255 Amsoy (8) X C1253Phytophthora resistant selection
Amurskaja 41 introduction X PI 524993
Anand PI 614732
Holladay X Hartwig
Anand-1-CYST02 Unspecified X Unspecified
Anand-4-CYST02 Unspecified X Unspecified
Anderson FC 33243
Selection from Lincolnfarmer selection from Lincoln
Ankur PI 462312
VariousSingle plant selection from composite of 18 crosses
Anoka M54-160
Korean X M42-37
ANY KB Unspecified X Unspecified
Aoda PI 548301
Selection from PI 81043Selected from PI 81043
AP 10 PI 556554
M60-406 X [ ( Blackhawk x Harosoy ) x Hark ]Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900010
AP 120 PI 556682
IVR 0810 X HarosoyAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300029
AP 1275 Asgrow A1923 X Pioneer P9061
AP 1650 PI 556883
AP20 X TC 137Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8900009
AP 1776 PI 556853
AP20 X TC 137Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8700107
AP 1989 PI 556884
AP26 X VickeryAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8900010
AP 20 PI 556492
C1426 X Amsoy Phyt 4Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500056
AP 200 PI 548692
Amsoy Phytophthora 225 X SwiftAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000072
AP 2021 PI 556881
RS 2300 X 78067Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8800124
AP 2190 PI 556810
CFS2000 X K464Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8600056
AP 225C PI 556575
Beeson X HarkAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000073
AP 230 PI 556627
Beeson X L66-1359Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8200072
AP 2324 PI 556885
HP 2530 X HS 235Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8900011
AP 240 PI 556681
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300028
AP 25 AP25
PI 556487
Beeson X CallandAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7400080
AP 250 PI 556607
Hark X CallandAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100005
AP 26 Unspecified X Unspecified
AP 27 Agripro Ex 7710
PI 556485
Cutler X CallandAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7400079
AP 2952N Unspecified X Unspecified
AP 3023 PI 556809
Amsoy Phyt 326 x Cutler X HodgsonAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8600057
AP 3132 PI 556854
AP350 X WoodworthAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8700108
AP 330 PI 556683
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8300146
AP 350 PI 556625
Amsoy Phyt 326 X CallandAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8100006
AP 3773 PI 556855
Amsoy 71 X ElfAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8700109
AP 3977 PI 556882
Williams 79 X AP26Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8800125
AP 40 PI 556550
Amsoy 71 X WilliamsAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900014
AP 420 PI 556680
Amsoy 71 X L66-1359Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300026
AP 4321 PI 556811
348-71-25503-51137 X MitchellAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8600058
AP 55 PI 556626
Dare X R64-502Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100089
AP 572STS PI 603288
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9800223
AP 70 PI 556553
Bragg X DavisNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7800081
AP 71 PI 556608
Dare X D64-3937Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100090
AP 727 PI 603287
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9800222
AP X0121B74 Unspecified X Unspecified
AP25 AP 25
PI 556487
Beeson X CallandAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7400080
AP27 AP 27
Agripro Ex 7710
PI 556485
Cutler X CallandAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7400079
AP6 PI 564270
VariousA population based on a number of parents. See Crop Sci. 27:172-178 (1987),GP-19
AP68-1016 Clark (5) X PI 84946-2
AP68-1022 Clark (5) X PI 84946-2
AP68-1119 Clark (5) X PI 84946-2
AP68-1216 Clark (5) X PI 84946-2
AP6M VariousAP6 Populations described in doi:10.2135/cropsci1987.0011183X002700020005x
VariousAP6TW described in doi:10.2135/cropsci1987.0011183X002700020005x
AP9 PI 564271
VariousA population based on a number of parents and selected for iron effiency. See Crop Sci. 29:640-643 (1989), GP-33
AP93046-A95-3127E AP93046-A95-3127E
Unspecified X Unspecified
APHP 20-20 HP 20-20
PI 556604
Rampage X HarkAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000070
APHP 2530 HP 2530
PI 556677
L15 X C1431Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8100105
Apollo PI 602059
Northrup King S23-12 X Elgin 87CV-380
AR02-101001 Pioneer P9233 X A96-591033
AR02-101002 Unspecified X Unspecified
AR03-161009 ( PI 507354 x MarcusX IA1008
AR03-161013 ( Marcus x PI 507354X IA2036
AR03-163008 AR10SDS
PI 669816
Ripley X IA1008GP-391
AR03-263051 PI 675224
LS90-1920 X IA1008GP-399
AR03-361019 IA1008 X RipleyParentage conflict. Parentage from NUST 2012
AR03-361019    IA1009 X LS90-1920Parentage conflict. Parentage from NUST 2010
AR03-361033 IA1009 X Ripley
AR03-361062 IA1008 X Ripley
AR03-361065 IA1008 X Ripley
AR03-361067 Unspecified X Unspecified
AR04-874013 Pioneer P9233 X A95-682026
AR04-874018   Pioneer P9254 X ( Northrup King S20-20 x Asgrow 2234 )Parentage conflict. NUST 2013
AR04-874018    Pioneer P9233 X A95-682026Parentage conflict. NUST 2006
AR04-874024 Pioneer P9233 X [ Pioneer P9273 x ( Jacques J231 x A8 ) ]
AR05-150079 Pana X AgriPro AP96596-B99-24476
AR05-150102 Syngenta S25-J5 X IA2050
AR05-150109 Syngenta S25-J5 X IA2050
AR05-250043 Pana X AgriPro AP96596-B99-24476
AR05-250103 Syngenta S10-F2 X Dwight
AR05-250104 Unspecified X Unspecified
AR05-250110 Loda X Syngenta S10-F2
AR05-250117 Hei-lung X Loda
AR05-250118 Hei-lung X Dwight
AR06-164033 AgriPro AP96289-A99-31240 X Golden Harvest H-2285
AR06-264007 Loda X Syngenta S10-F2
AR06-264025 Golden Harvest H-2285 X Syngenta S18-N5
AR06-364046 AgriPro AP96596-B99-24476 X AgriPro AP96289-A99-31240
AR07-176090 Ag03-1 X Ag03-3
AR08-286003 Agripro 98620-B01-51163 X AR02-101001
AR0800162 G1490N X Syngenta S18-N5
AR0800197 04DL106306 X Syngenta S15-C2
AR09-191018 Agripro 97284-N00-47977 X AR02-101001
AR09-192019 LD01-7323 X AR02-101001
AR09-291001 97284-N00-47977 X AR02-101001
AR09-292004 Syngenta 03KL016094 X AR03-361019
AR09-391017 Syngenta SJ833009 X AR03-161013
AR0912401 06KL167872 X ( 04KL109914 ( 3 ) x 1707A1-AOYN )
AR0912509 PI 665476
04KL109914BC3 X 1701-AOYNSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200374
AR10-106008 AR05-150109 X Syngenta 03JR321086
AR10-205011 IAR2601 SCN
SS02-12014 X AR02-101001
AR10-206012 Golden Harvest 24040 X AR05-250117
AR10-206073 AR02-101001 X Golden Harvest H-2632
AR10-206075 AR05-150109 X Syngenta 03JR321086
AR10-306021 AR04-874013 X Syngenta 03JR321086
AR1011118 PI 669393
06KL162149 X [ Syngenta S05-T6 x ( 05KL134976 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300388
AR1011191 PI 669395
06KL167872 X [ 04KL108370 x ( 04KL108888 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300390
AR10SDS PI 669816
Ripley X IA1008GP-391,F3:F8
AR11-114002 AR04-874024 X Soygenetics F35170C
AR11-114057 AR03-163008 X Soygenetics F36150C
AR11-214001 AR05-150102 X Syngenta 03JR321086
AR11-214015 AR3 X PI 398697
AR11-214022 AR06-264007 X Soygenetics F35170C
AR1111559 PI 672024
04DL106306 X [ 06DL480732 x ( 04KL108888 ( 4 ) x 1707A1-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400255
AR1111663 PI 669412
OW0800367 X [ 04DL106306 x ( 06DL480732 x ( 05DL285328 x ( 04KL108888 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300407
AR1111926 PI 669413
AR0800162 X [Dairyland 75112-2 x ( 06DL487032 x ( Syngenta S05-T6 x ( 05KL134976 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300408
AR1111955 PI 672025
06DL480307 X ( 03KL015751 ( 5 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400256
AR1112511 PI 672026
AR0800187 X [ 06DL384689 x ( 06NB199520 x ( 04KL108370 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400257
AR11SDS PI 675224
Ripley X IA2036GP-399
AR1211262 PI 672027
AR0800197 X [ 07DL599351 x ( 05KL119276 ( 2 ) x ( Syngenta S10-B7 x 2407D4-AOYN ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400258
AR1211948 PI 672028
OW0902053 X AR0912401Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400259
AR14-247080 AR07-176090 X ( PI 606749 x AR03-161009 )
AR16-262015 U09-129007 X AR08-286003
AR17-178012 AR11-114075 X ND03-5441
AR17-178013 AR11-214022 X ND07-4635
AR17-178019 AR11-214022 X ND07-4635
AR17-178023 AR11-214022 X ND07-4635
AR17-178026 AR11-214022 X AR11-114075
AR17-178027 AR15Phyto X AR10-206075
AR17-178033 U09-129007 X AR09-292004
AR17-178036 AR11-214022 X AR10-205011
AR17-178038 AR11-214022 X AR10-205011
AR17-178039 AR15Phyto X AR10-205011
AR17-178040 AR15Phyto X AR10-205011
AR17-278005 AR11-214022 X ND07-4635
AR17-278006 AR11-214022 X ND07-4635
AR17-278007 AR15Phyto X AR10-206075
AR17-278008 AR09-192019 X ND07-4635
AR17-278013 AR15Phyto X AR09-192019
AR17-278014 AR10-206075 X ND07-4635
AR17-378002 AR11-214001 X AR10-206075
AR17-378006 U09-129007 X AR08-286003
AR17-378009 AR15Phyto X AR09-192019
AR17-378010 AR15Phyto X AR10-205011
AR17-378011 AR15Phyto X AR10-205011
AR17-378015 AR10-206075 X ND07-4635
AR18-181030 U11-614119 X AR12-228007
AR18-181045 U11-616086 X AR12-127008
AR18-181072 U09-129007 X AR11-314026
AR18-181073 AR09-192019 X U09-105007
AR18-181075 AR09-192019 X U09-105007
AR18-181079 AR9BSR X U09-133021
AR18-181087 U09-129007 X AR12-228007
AR18-281021 AR11-214022 X U09-105007
AR18-281022 AR11-214022 X U09-105007
AR18-281056 U11-616086 X AR12-127008
AR18-281057 U11-616086 X AR12-127008
AR18-281062 U09-129007 X AR11-214001
AR18-281070 Golden Harvest X33802 X LD02-4485
AR18-281072 Golden Harvest H-2632 X U09-133021
AR18-281096 U09-129007 X AR12-228007
AR18-381003 U11-614119 X AR11-114002
AR18-381007 U11-616086 X AR11-214001
AR18-381009 U11-616086 X AR11-214001
AR18-381026 U11-614119 X AR11-214001
AR18-381036 U09-133021 X LD02-4485
AR18-381042 U11-614119 X AR12-228007
AR18-381043 U11-614119 X AR12-228007
AR18-381044 U11-614119 X AR12-228007
AR18-381046 U11-614119 X AR11-314026
AR191018 Unspecified X Unspecified
AR3 Unspecified X Unspecified
AR3 (A00-882130) ( Northrup King S20-20 x Asgrow A2234X Pioneer P9254
Archer PI 546487
( Williams 82 x BSR 101X ( PRX 54-59 x BSR 101 )PVP 9100040, See PI 546487 for parentage explaination
Ardir PI 542064
Unspecified X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000189
Arksoy PI 548438
Selection from PI 35335Selected from PI 37335
Arksoy 2913 Selection from ArksoySelected from Arksoy
Armredo PI 548440
Selection from MamredoSelected from Mamredo ca. 1942
ASG A5403 Asgrow A5403
PI 556861
Asgrow A5421 X Asgrow A5474Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800151
Asgrow 02-6 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow 03-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow A0358 PI 556849
Evans X [ Asgrow A1564 x ( Corsoy x Mack ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8700080
Asgrow A0868 PI 606077
Asgrow A1923 X Pioneer P9061Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900033
Asgrow A0949 PI 556812
Vickery X EvansMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600101
Asgrow A1179 PI 556638
L68-4242 X Asgrow A1564Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100081
Asgrow A1214 PI 556776
Evans X HP20-20Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8500157
Asgrow A1395 PI 568240
Pioneer P9061 X Asgrow A2234Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300205
Asgrow A1525 PI 556779
Asgrow A1564 X L71L-436Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8500156
Asgrow A1553 PI 598051
Asgrow A1395 X Asgrow A1900Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700300
Asgrow A1564 PI 556507
Hark X C1453PVP 7700007
Asgrow A1662 PI 550740
Asgrow A3127 X ( Century 84 ( 2 ) x AP6 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9100192
Asgrow A1895 A1895
PI 556777
Asgrow A2575 X L73-827
Asgrow A1900 PI 568241
86P058-14 X Asgrow A2234Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300206
Asgrow A1923 PI 591630
Asgrow A2234 ( 2 ) X BSR101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500313
Asgrow A1929 A1929
PI 556927
Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow A1937 A1937
PI 556637
Hodgson X D3003PVP 8100082
Asgrow A2012 PI 568242
Asgrow A2234 ( 2 ) X BSR101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300207
Asgrow A2069 PI 606079
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900035
Asgrow A2104 PI 612939
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000082
Asgrow A2187 A2187
PI 556783
A2 X Asgrow A2527
Asgrow A2234 A2234
PI 556850
( Calland x AmsoyX ( Century (3) x Williams 82 )PVP 008700079
Asgrow A2242 XP2242
PI 561201
Sherman X XP1928
Asgrow A2247 PI 594381
Pioneer P9111 X XP3299Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600244
Asgrow A2396 A2396
PI 540454
CM214 X Asgrow A2943Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000146
Asgrow A2427 PI 540452
Asgrow A2943 X PI088788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000144
Asgrow A2440 A2440
Amsoy X Soysota
Asgrow A2444 PI 556509
M60-406 X Amsoy 71Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7700006
Asgrow A2506 PI 561717
Syngenta S14-60 X Asgrow A3501Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200222
Asgrow A2522 PI 556729
Hodgson X Syngenta S14-92Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8400137
Asgrow A2527 A2527
Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow A2540 PI 568243
Asgrow A3307 X 85V250-08Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300208
Asgrow A2543 PI 556929
Asgrow A3127 X ( Century 84 ( 2 ) x AP6 ) Parentage conflict. May be ( Century 84 (2) x A79-134008 ), Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000007
Asgrow A2553 PI 598057
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700306
Asgrow A2575 A2575
PI 556508
C1453 X Amsoy 71Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7700034
Asgrow A2656 A2656
PI 556495
M60-406 X W35-184Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7600064
Asgrow A2680 PI 556639
Corsoy X Md1913Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100083
Asgrow A2704 PI 592553
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600069
Asgrow A2722 PI 584331
Preston X X3511Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500009
Asgrow A2804 PI 612936
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000079
Asgrow A2833 PI 594382
Asgrow A2396 X XP3299Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600245
Asgrow A2835 PI 561718
X1972 X Asgrow A3935Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200223
Asgrow A2858 PI 556548
Beeson X ( Patoka x Mack ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7900037
Asgrow A2869 PI 598067
Jack X Asgrow A2835Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700316
Asgrow A2872 PI 540453
Asgrow A2943 X Asgrow A3501Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000145
Asgrow A2943 PI 556689
Asgrow A1564 X Asgrow A3127PVP 8300135
Asgrow A3001 PI 556496
Beeson X CallandMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7600063
Asgrow A3017 A3017
Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow A3127 PI 556511
Williams X EssexPVP 7700096
Asgrow A3134 PI 592554
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600070
Asgrow A3200 PI 561581
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200190
Asgrow A3204 PI 606074
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900030
Asgrow A3205 PI 556816
Northrup King S1474 X Asgrow A3127PVP 8600140
Asgrow A3237 PI 561711
Asgrow A3501 X Asgrow A3733Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200213
Asgrow A3242 A3242
PI 550739
Fayette X Asgrow A2943PVP 9100191
Asgrow A3244 88154622393
PI 594383
Asgrow A3322 X A86-301024Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600246
Asgrow A3300 A3300
Beeson X Calland
Asgrow A3304 PI 568244
Asgrow A3322 X ( Asgrow A3127 x W20 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300209
Asgrow A3307 PI 556781
( Williams ( 2 ) x PI088788 )  X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600020
Asgrow A3313 PI 591561
Asgrow A2234 X Asgrow A3935Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500277
Asgrow A3322 PI 556928
Asgrow A4268 X ( Williams x Mack )PVP 8900244
Asgrow A3404 PI 594384
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600247
Asgrow A3415 PI 556859
( Williams ( 2 ) x PI088788 )  X ( Corsoy ( 2 ) x PI088788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800174
Asgrow A3420 PI 556730
Union X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8400149
Asgrow A3427 PI 556778
Asgrow X3836 X Asgrow A3127PVP 8500159
Asgrow A3431 PI 565511
Asgrow A2943 X Asgrow A5474Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300150
Asgrow A3469 PI 606083
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900039
Asgrow A3501 PI 556573
Williams 82 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8700119
Asgrow A3510 PI 568245
84P323 X X3213Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300210
Asgrow A3511 PI 556815
Williams 82 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600163
Asgrow A3559 PI 598064
Asgrow A4138 X Asgrow A3431Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700313
Asgrow A3585 A3585
PI 556510
L66L-140 X CutlerMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7700059
Asgrow A3659 A3659
PI 556572
Williams X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8000086
Asgrow A3704 PI 594385
Asgrow A3304 X Asgrow A3237Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600248
Asgrow A3732 PI 592555
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600071
Asgrow A3733 A3733
PI 556814
Elf X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600141
Asgrow A3803 PI 556780
L74L-228 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8500160
Asgrow A3834 PI 592556
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600072
Asgrow A3860 A3860
PI 556526
Williams X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7700100
Asgrow A3904 PI 598068
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700317
Asgrow A3935 PI 556857
M0474C X Asgrow A3127PVP 8800043
Asgrow A3966 PI 556687
Williams X EssexPVP 8300139
Asgrow A4009 PI 556860
Asgrow A3860 X FayetteMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800175, 1996 Northern Tests lists parentage as Asgrow A3860 x Fayette. Fayette parentage is (Williams(2) x PI 88788)
Asgrow A4045 PI 573031
Asgrow A3935 ( 5 ) X W20Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300286
Asgrow A4138 PI 565512
Asgrow A4595 X Asgrow A4009Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300151, Parentage conflict Northern Test 2008 says parentage is A4009 x A4595
Asgrow A4268 PI 556528
Williams X EssexPVP 7700101
Asgrow A4271 PI 556731
Asgrow A3860 X UnionMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8400150
Asgrow A4341 PI 591562
Asgrow A3935 X X4413Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500278
Asgrow A4393 PI 556852
Asgrow XP4136 X ElfPVP 8700184
Asgrow A4415 PI 568254
Asgrow A3935 X Asgrow A5474Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300219
Asgrow A4539 PI 565510
Asgrow A4595 X Asgrow A4009Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300149
Asgrow A4595 PI 556784
Douglas X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600019
Asgrow A4604 PI 598066
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700315
Asgrow A4715 PI 539936
Asgrow A5474 X ( Douglas x Asgrow A3127 )PVP 9000136
Asgrow A4906 PI 556851
Asgrow A4997 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8700082
Asgrow A4922 PI 592557
Asgrow A4715 X Asgrow A3935Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600073
Asgrow A4997 PI 556688
Harcor X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300137
Asgrow A5112 PI 568255
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPVP 9300220
Asgrow A5149 PI 556782
Asgrow A3860 X N72-3058Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600018
Asgrow A5308 PI 556685
Williams X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100084
Asgrow A5312 PI 556527
Williams X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7700111
Asgrow A5402 Hutcheson X Asgrow A3735
Asgrow A5403 PI 556861
ASG A5403
Asgrow A5421 X Asgrow A5474Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800151
Asgrow A5404 PI 612935
Asgrow A5885 X XR5101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000078
Asgrow A5409 GA7520 X Essex
Asgrow A5424 A5424
Williams X Essex
Asgrow A5427 Asgrow A2843 X Asgrow A3431
Asgrow A5474 PI 527701
( Tracy x D71-6234X J74-122PVP 8000147
Asgrow A5475 A5475
( Tracy x D5064X Bedford
Asgrow A5545 PI 591565
Asgrow A5403 X Asgrow A3205 x W20 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500286
Asgrow A5547 PI 592558
Hutcheson X Asgrow A5403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600074
Asgrow A5560 PI 561218
EPPS X ( D74-7741 x N73-693 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200181
Asgrow A5618 PI 556529
( Williams x V69-289X YorkMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7800018, Parentage confilct S01-9269 registration says Williams x York
Asgrow A5634RG Hutcheson X 40-3-2
Asgrow A5704 PI 598061
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700310
Asgrow A5780 Forrest X Asgrow A3127
Asgrow A5843 PI 591566
Hutcheson X Asgrow A5403PVP 9500287
Asgrow A5848 PI 594386
Hutcheson X Asgrow A5403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600249
Asgrow A5885 PI 561219
Asgrow X5512 X Asgrow X5803PVP 9200182
Asgrow A5939 PI 556597
( Tracy x D71-6234 )  X J74-122Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8000148
Asgrow A5944 PI 594387
Hutcheson X Asgrow A5403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600250
Asgrow A5959 PI 598059
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700308
Asgrow A5979 PI 556930
Young X Asgrow A5474PVP 9000008
Asgrow A5980 XP5980
PI 527702
( Tracy x D71-6234X J74-122PVP 8400097
Asgrow A6242 PI 556728
( Tracy x D5064 )  X J74-122Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8400096
Asgrow A6297 PI 556858
Young X Asgrow A5474PVP 8800092
Asgrow A6381 PI 527703
N72-3038 X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8400095
Asgrow A6401RG XP5463 X ( Hutcheson x 40-3-2 )
Asgrow A6520 PI 556690
( Tracy x D5064 )  X J74-122Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300136
Asgrow A6711 PI 591481
Coker 79-760 X XX5512Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500273
Asgrow A6785 PI 527704
Young X D74-7741PVP 8600106
Asgrow A6961 PI 550738
84V741-04 X BraxtonMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9100190
Asgrow A7258 PI 540456
R74-1625 X Coker 77-188Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000151
Asgrow A7372 PI 556686
N63-1206 X BraggMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8200087
Asgrow A7852 Coker 237 X Hood 75
Asgrow A7986 PI 556813
Young X BraxtonMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600107
Asgrow A9243 A9243
Asgrow A1564 X Asgrow A3127
Asgrow A9309 A9309
Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow A9641 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow AG 43X7 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG 45X8 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG 46X6 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG 46X7 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG 48X9 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG 49X6 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG 5335 Unspecified X UnspecifiedRR2
Asgrow AG 53X6 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow AG 53X9 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG 55X7 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG 56X8 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG 64X8 RR2X Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG 79X9 RR2X/SR Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG11XF2 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow AG17XF2 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow AG25XF1 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow AG3803 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG3934RR2Y Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG39X7 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow AG4103 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG4135 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow AG4232RR2Y Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG4403 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG45X8 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG4632RR2Y Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG46X6 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG48X9 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG4903 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG4907 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG4933RR2Y Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG49X6 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG49X9 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG5332RR2Y Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG53X9 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG5501 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow AG5534RR2 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check, RR2
Asgrow AG5534RR2Y Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG55X7 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG5606 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG5632RR2Y Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG56X8 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG5831RR2Y Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check
Asgrow AG64X8 RR2X Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG6534 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check, MON RR2Y
Asgrow AG74X8 RR2X Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow AG7733 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check, MON RR2Y
Asgrow AG7934 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial check, MON RR2Y
Asgrow AG79X9RR2X/SR Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Asgrow X3826 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow X3836 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow X5421 X5421
Essex X K1017
Asgrow X5512 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow X5803 Unspecified X Unspecified
Asgrow XP4136 Williams X Essex
Ashtabula PI 655938
ND95-952 X CouncilF4, CV-500
Asmara VS96-239
PI 633049
PI 417288 X ( T135 x PI 83945-4 )PVP 200300208
Athow CX1332-12
PI 595926
A86-301024 X Resnik
AU00-027 R92-1258 X AU92-763
AU02-0137 NC-Roy X G92-1110
AU02-1126 G92-2381 X G93-1749
AU02-2814 NC-Raleigh X G92-1110
AU02-2844 NC-Raleigh X G92-1110
AU02-3104 NC-Raleigh X G92-1110
AU02-3223 NC-Raleigh X G92-1110
AU03-2801 AU94- 507 X G94-1572
AU03-506 NC-Roy X G92-1110
AU313 PI 548592
Maple Amber
Holmberg 840-7-3 X ( Harosoy 63 x Altona )
AU82-204 Stonewall
PI 531068
N73-693 X F76-8757CV-238
AU82-211 N73-693 X F76-8757
AU82-589 N74-1572 X [ ( Govan x Davis ) x F76-8846 ]
AU83-1018 Wright X F76-8846
AU85-1086 Wright X Coker 79-501
AU85-1088 Wright X Coker 79-501
AU85-1797 F76-8757 X Braxton
AU85-1814 D77-6103 X Braxton
AU86-1686 Coker 79-760 X Johnston
AU86-1874 Braxton X Johnston
AU86-2126 Braxton X Johnston
AU86-888 Coker 79-760 X N77-114
AU87-547 PI 584506
J80-293 X N81-1756CV-335
AU87-727 J80-293 X N81-320
AU89-1424 G80-1515 X Stonewall
AU89-2256 Stonewall X Coker 6738
AU89-2363 Stonewall X Coker 6738
AU89-2511 Stonewall X Coker 6738
AU89-589 Unspecified X Unspecified
AU90-1698 D82-2228 X Coker 6738
AU90-442 Hutcheson X AU82-589
AU90-519 Hutcheson X AU82-589
AU90-585 Hutcheson X AU82-589
AU90-592 Hutcheson X AU82-589
AU91-13 N85-492 X Coker 85-483
AU91-1371 AU82-211 X AU82-589
AU91-158 G83-198 X N85-492
AU91-1970 AU82-211 X Coker 85-483
AU91-41 N85-492 X Coker 85-483
AU91-788 G83-198 X AU89-589
AU92-2427 Hagood X Howard
AU92-3222 G83-969 X N86-491
AU92-3414 G83-969 X N86-491
AU92-763 G83-198 X AU85-1088
AU92-916 N85-574 X Haskell
AU93-1839 TN87-198 X SC84-1531
AU93-868 AU86-2126 X F83-1648
AU94-2471 Carver X G86-1267
AU94-2672 Stonewall X Haskell
AU94-507 Dillon X N85-492
AU94-863 AU87-727 X Cook
AU96-1353 Carver X N90-516
AU96-1693 N90-1085 X D87-4429
AU96-205 N90-1085 X R90-844
AU96-6 N86-7682 X V88-466
AU97-10 SC88-2872 X D87-4429
AU97-1637 N91-1639 X Benning
AU97-55 SC89-181 X AU90-592
AU99-1849 SC91-2007 X AU90-585
AU99-1977 SC91-2007 X AU90-585
AU99-2006 SC91-2007 X AU90-585
AU99-2729 N92-727 X AU90-585
Avery S79-4259
PI 518663
Bedford X CrawfordPVP 8800163
Avoyelles PI 548442
Selection from OtootanSelection from Otootan in a farmers field in Avoyelles Parish, LA
AVRDC AGS 292 Unspecified X Unspecified
AX1390 Selection from AX990AX990 intermated one additional generation
AX162-12 Ford X PI 68708
AX210-39-2 D49-2491(4) X AX162-12
AX227-31 Hawkeye 63 X FC 31122
AX29-163-1-2 Adams X Hawkeye
AX29-267-1-1-2 Adams X Hawkeye
AX443-2814 PI 665225
NC-Raleigh X G92-1110CV-509, F5:F6, PVP 201200306
AX4735 HP202 X M81-382
AX4739 Asgrow A2943 X HP204
AX4741 AgriPro AP2190 X HP204
AX4742 Asgrow A2943 X HP201
AX50F40-2 Hawkeye X Clark
AX50F58-2 Hawkeye X Clark
AX5152-105 Unspecified X UnspecifiedLow linolenic acid line
AX55-22-1 Hawkeye X Harosoy
AX55-60-3 Hawkeye X Harosoy
AX55F24-2 Hawkeye X Harosoy
AX55P8-2 Hawkeye X Harosoy
AX56P64-1 Adams X Harosoy
AX58-58-1 Harosoy X Clark
AX58P23-2 Harosoy X Clark
AX58P39-3 Harosoy X Clark
AX80-21 PI 548550
A50-6838 X A50-7537
AX819 PI 548542
Corsoy X WilliamsPVP 7900061,
AX84-90 PI 548553
A50-7401 X A50-6838
AX84-98 PI 548554
A50-7401 X A50-6838
AX900-4-3 CX407BC7-326 X AP68-1022
AX901-40-2 Beeson X AP68-1022
AX930 ( AP68-1216 x AP68-1016X ( Beeson x AP68-1119 )
AX965 ( Calland x AP68-1324X ( Steele x AP68-1216 )
AX990 AX930 X AX965
AxN-1-55 Asgrow A2506 X Syngenta S19-90
AXN1-55 Syngenta S19-90
Asgrow A2506 X Northrup King S19-90
B. H. Manchu Selection from ManchuBlack hilum selection from Manchu
B01817B006 Unspecified X Unspecified
B04-7820 LG92-4208 X LG94-1128
B05-8046 Loda X LG93-7054ASR
B070 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNorthrup King Company, PVP 8000010
B095 PI 556767
Evans X HodgsonNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500121
B117 PI 556843
Syngenta S13-46 X Asgrow A1564Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700110
B12-1#70-152 Unspecified X Unspecified
B152 PI 556657
Syngenta S13-46 ( 6 ) X Syngenta S13-46Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200092
B186 PI 556503
Corsoy X WayneNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500088
B203 PI 556653
B216 ( 5 ) X ( Mack x Corsoy ) Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200090
B217809 X9054 X Asgrow A5403
B220 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNorthrup King Company, PVP 8000008
B236 Pride PEX110
PI 556821
Syngenta S13-46 X AP25Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8600146
B242 PI 556646
Hampton 266 X WellsNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200091
B314028 X9855
Manokin X DPL 415
B335 PI 556766
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500116
B3491N Unspecified X Unspecified
B51152 Pioneer P9584 X Syngenta S59-60
B640235 Asgrow A4715 X CM428
B821241 X9662
C6738 X H841635
BA 015355 Unspecified X Unspecified
BA 743303 Unspecified X Unspecified
BA017536 X9855 X Pioneer P9552
BA018212 Carver X Syngenta S80-J2
BA743303 Asgrow A5885 X B217809
BA847094 DPL 3519s X Syngenta S59-V6
BA914285 B821241 X Pioneer P9662
BARC-6 CX797-21 X D76-8070
BARC-7 PI 555397
CX797-21 X D80-6931
Barc6 Unspecified X UnspecifiedTofu variety
Barchet PI 548443
Selection from PI 20798Selection from PI 20798
Barnes PI 614831
( Maple Amber x Evans-1-1-10X Pioneer 9061PVP200100032
Baron Unspecified X Unspecified
Bass PI 548652
BSR 301 X Essex
Bavender Special Mukden X UnknownMukden x a North Carolina variety
Bavender Special-2 Selection from Bavender SpecialSelection from Bavender Special
Bay V72-580
PI 553043
York X R62-550
BC 1413 ( Amsoy x PortageX Holmberg 827-4
BC-2-102 Unspecified X Unspecified
BC-7-73 Unspecified X Unspecified
BC3467878 Pioneer P95Y10 X W4-4
BC38467881 Pioneer P94Y61 X W4-4
BC41267383 Pioneer P95Y10 X BC38467878
BC41267385 Pioneer P94Y61 X BC38467881
BC45036483 Pioneer P95Y10 X BC41267383
BC45036488 Pioneer P94Y61 X BC41267385
BD21115 ( Amsoy x PortageX Holmberg 840-7-3
BD21117 PI 548594
Maple Presto
( Amsoy x PortageX Holmberg 840-7-3
BD22115-13 ( Amsoy x PortageX Holmberg 840-7-3From S.A. Holmberg, Sweden
Bedford J74-46
PI 548974
Forrest (2) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )PVP 7900078
Beechwood PI 556517
S58-544 X MeritFunk Seeds International, Inc., PVP 7600074
Beeson PI 548510
C1253 X KentCV-7
Beeson 80 Beeson X Arksoy
Beeson 80 BC6 PI 548538
Beeson 80 (7) X PRX9-249PVP 8400083
Bell PI 540554
Fayette X LN80-10398PVP 9000172
Bellatti L-263 Selection from Bavender Specialfrom Bavender Special
Bellatti-R-77-84 PI 556698
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLouis Bellatti, PVP 8200056
Benning G88-3266
PI 595645
Hutcheson X Coker 6738PVP 9600358
Benning HP Benning X DanbaekkongNILs with Benning as recurrent parent
Benning-EMGH Unspecified X UnspecifiedQuadruple stacked Benning
Benning-ME PI 679958
( Benning (7) x PI 229358X ( Benning (7) x PI 227687 )GP-405, BC6:F2 NIL
Benning-MGHE PI 679959
( Benning (7) x PI 229358X ( Benning (7) x PI 227687 )GP-406, BC6:F2 NIL
Benning-RR Hartz H7242 RR
Benning (4) X Resnik RRInferred from literature
Bert PI 557010
M74-270 X A78-123018PVP 9200018
Bethel PI 548514
Bethel Soybean
FC 33243 X PerryCV-63
BG4184 BG4184Y
PI 664263
Z98117Z003 X Z01174Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200005
BG4184Y BG4184
PI 664263
Z98117Z003 X Z01174Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200005
BG4272 PI 666952
Vmax X YB83L06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300021
BG4277 PI 666951
Luziania X Pioneer P98Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300020
BG4284 PI 666957
Tucunare X XB85C04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300026
Bicentennial PI 548515
Fiskeby V X Harosoy 63
Bienville Pelican #2 X Ogden
Big Boy PI 556540
( Kanrich x PI243519X PrizeSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7800049
Bilomi No. 3 Selection from PI 240664Selection from PI 240664
Biloxi PI 548444
Selection from PI 23211Selected from PI 23211 Tangsi, Cn 1908
Birch PI 556705
Hodgson X HarcorIllinois Foundation Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200107
Bitterhof PI 189880
J 6
IntroductionCollected in Germany ca. 1950
BK-17-1-4 ( Calland x AltonaX Holmberg 840-7-3
BK1011572 PI 669390
06KL167872 X ( 04KL109914 ( 3 ) x 1707A1-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300385
BK22-1-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
Black Eyebrow PI 30744
Blackeye PI 548307
IntroductionHeilongjiang, CN
Blackeye Edible Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
Blackhawk A46K-937
PI 548516
Mukden X RichlandSelection from A43K-884
Blue Side SY 306001
PI 632950
Blue Side-BB
IntroductionFrom Watanabe Seed Co. in 1988, Japan
Blue Side-BB Unspecified X Unspecified
BM-7 PI 619049
Minnatto X M87-926Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200100174
BN0800007 WW115926 X 99702-B02-58205
BN09002129 Unspecified X Unspecified
BN1012650 PI 669400
NE0800097 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300395
BN1110075 PI 669404
WN080099 X ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300399
Boggs G89-2223
PI 602597
G81-152 X Coker 6738
Boggs RR Boggs X MON RR
Bolivar DT95-15091
PI 612146
Asgrow A5979 X DPL 3589PVP 200000051
BOLIVAR-2-LOAM02 Unspecified X Unspecified
Bonus C1474
PI 548517
C1266R X C1253
Boone PI 548309
Missouri Selection
Selection from PI 54563-3Selection from PI 54563, CV-1
Bradford Unspecified X Unspecified
Bradley S77-281
PI 556738
D70-3115 X J74-39
Bragg F58-3786
PI 548660
Jackson X D49-2491
Braxton F71-1180
PI 548659
F59-1505 X ( Bragg (3) x D69-7965 )PVP 8000075
Brim PI 548986
Young X N73-1102PVP 9100195
Brock PI 572241
Pride B152 X HW8039
Bronson PI 577798
Bradley X L80-4323Purdue University, Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9400047
Brookings PI 667735
A00-711063 X SD98-595CV-512, F4:F5
Brooks PI 556545
Bragg X HoodGold Kist, Inc., PVP 7700025
Brown Soybean -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDavid F. Lovell, PVP 7200094
Bryan G81-234
PI 542712
Centennial X BedfordCV-274
Brysoy 58 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBryco Plant Research Division, PVP 7400036
Brysoy 74 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBryco Plant Research Division, PVP 7400037
Brysoy 9 PI 556491
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBryco Plant Research Division, PVP 7400038
BS-141 PI 628354
FTE-MN001 X ( FTE-KN6001 x IL3333NT )Brushvale Seeds, Inc., PVP 200200015
BS-208 PI 628355
IL3333NT X ( FTE-MN001 x FTE-KN6001 )Brushvale Seeds, Inc., PVP 200200016
BSR 101 A80-149020
PI 548519
L69U40-16-4 X A76-304020
BSR 201 Pride B216 X AX901-40-2
BSR 301 PI 548522
L15 X AP68-1016
BSR 302 PI 548525
( Beeson x AP68-1016X ( L15 x Colland )
BT 1422 PI 555463
( Hodgson x EvansX ( Hark x Corsoy )Ziller Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9100249
BT 1790 PI 542393
( Corsoy x HarkX Beeson 80Ziller Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9000206
BT 2585 PI 542399
CM137 X CM304-21Ziller Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9000213
BT 2877 PI 555464
Beeson X Williams 79Ziller Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9100250
BT 2911 PI 591567
MO40042 X MO50032Ziller Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9500289
BT 2919 PI 561589
10411-37 X 10305-01Ziller Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9200198
Buccaneer PI 556468
Amsoy X ( Magna x Exp 8314 )Syler, Inc., PVP 7300010
Buckshot 723 PI 543832
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLouisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9000236
Burdette #12 Selection from OgdenSelection from Ogden
Burdette #13 Selection from ArksoySelection from Arksoy
Burdette #19 Selection from ArksoySelection from Arksoy
Burdette #20 Selection from ArksoySelection from Arksoy
Burlison PI 533655
K74-113-76-486 X CenturyPVP 8900194
Burnette Unspecified X UnspecifiedFarmer selection from Farmville, NC
BV-4 T135 X PI 83945-4
BY0800071 BA914285 X N97-9658
BY0800148 BA017536 X Ozark
BY0800231 Lonoke X BA914285
BY0912928 PI 669411
03JR102982 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300406
BY0912931 PI 665488
03JR102982 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200388
BY1012225 PI 669391
02JR318004 X 07SG920877Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300386
BY1012307 PI 669431
02JR310061 X 07RE700600Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300426
BY1012348 PI 669430
02JR310007 X 07RE700600Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300425
BY1113023 PI 672029
02JR318004 ( 2 ) X [ 03KG2112010 x ( Syngenta S39-A3 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400260
BY1113148 PI 669423
06JR207459 X [ S07-03JR103829 x ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300418
BY1212083 PI 672030
BY0800071 X ( SG08002154 x 3607D9-A0YN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400261
BY1212201 PI 672031
BY0800231 X ( 09SG050340 x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400262
BY1212223 PI 672032
BY0800148 X ( 09SG050328 x 3607F9-A0YN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400263
C-Union BC PI 548636
Union (8) X ( PI 86972-1 x PI 84637 )PVP 8600046
C.N.S-4 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPresumably a selection from C.N.S.
C.N.S. Selection from ClemsonSelection from Clemson by J. E. Wannamaker
C0179 Unspecified X Unspecified
C04065 Pioneer P92B63 X XB36L
C05526R002 XB16H X Pioneer P92B24
C101 Dunfield X Manchu
C1013 Lincoln X ( A45-251 x Earlyana )
C1024 Lincoln X ( A45-251 x Earlyana )
C1048 Lincoln X ( Dunfield x A45-251 )
C1056 Lincoln (2) X A45-251
C1057 Lincoln (2) X A45-251
C1060 Lincoln (2) X A45-251
C1065 Selection from C985Selection from C985
C1066 Selection from C985Selection from C985
C1067 Selection from C985Selection from C985
C1068 PI 548586
Selection from C985Selection from C985
C1069 Selection from C985Selection from C985
C1070 Ogden X Kent
C1071 Selection from C985Selection from C985
C1074 Selection from C985Selection from C985
C1076 Selection from C985Selection from C985
C1078 Selection from C985Selection from C985
C1079 Selection from C985Selection from C985
C11 Unspecified X Unspecified
C1105 Hawkeye X Mandarin (Ottawa)
C1106 Hawkeye X Mandarin (Ottawa)
C1117 PI 548589
Mandarin (Ottawa) X Lincoln
C1128 Wabash X Hawkeye
C1160 Perry X Mandarin (Ottawa)
C1176 Unspecified X Unspecified
C1212 LX1061-9-9 X Blackhawk
C1213 C1067 X Monroe
C1220 LX1061-9-15 X Richland
C1223 C1070 X Adams
C1225 Adelphia
PI 548503
Selection from CX192-28-3Selection from CX192-28-3
C1245 Korean X C1067
C1253 Blackhawk X Harosoy
C1255 Harosoy X Clark
C1264 Harosoy X C1079
C1265 Harosoy X C1079
C1266 Harosoy X C1079
C1266R Harosoy X C1079
C1268 Harosoy X C1079
C1270 Mandarin (Ottawa) X Clark
C1273 Mandarin (Ottawa) X Clark
C1276 Mandarin (Ottawa) X Clark
C1278 PI 548547
C1069 X Clark
C1282 C1069 X Clark
C1291 Mandarin (Ottawa) X C1069
C1294 Lindarin (5) X Mukden
C1294R Lindarin 63
Selection from C1294Selection from C1294
C1296 Mukden X Mandarin (Ottawa)
C1299 Mukden X Mandarin (Ottawa)
C1301 Mukden X Mandarin (Ottawa)
C1306 C1069 X Clark
C1311 Wabash X C1069
C1315 PI 548590
Lindarin 63
Lindarin (8) X Mukden
C1317 C1223 (8) X Mukden
C1317-71 C1223 (8) X Mukden
C1317-71-99 C1223 (8) X Mukden
C1335 Harosoy X C1069
C1336 Harosoy X C1069
C1347 Lindarin X A50-8618-1
C1362 Lindarin X Harosoy
C1367 Lindarin X Shelby
C1375 [ Lindarin x ( PI 65338 x C1079 ) ] X ( Lindarin x L49-4196-12 )
C1376 PI 548528
CX291-42-1 X CX258-2-3-2
C1421 Adelphia (8) X Mukden
C1423 C1266R (8) X C1253
C1424 C1253 X Kent
C1426 C1253 X Kent
C1429 PI 548510
Blackhawk X HarosoyCV-73
C143 Selection from PI 70218-2-6-7Selection from PI 70218, Patoka sib
C1430 C1253 X Kent
C1431 C1253 X Kent
C1432 C1253 X Kent
C1435 C1253 X Kent
C1437 PI 548527
C1253 X KentSelection from C1253
C1439 C1253 X Kent
C1447 C1253 X Kent
C1449 C1253 X Kent
C1452 C1253 X Kent
C1453 C1266R X C1253
C1455 C1266R X C1253
C1456 C1266R X C1253
C1457 C1266R X C1253
C146 Dunfield X Midwest
C1470 PI 548630
C1266R X C1253PVP 7300097
C1471 C1266R X C1253
C1473 C1266R X C1253
C1474 Bonus
PI 548517
C1266R X C1253
C1475 C1266R X C1253
C1476 C1266R X C1253
C1477 Amsoy (8) X C1253composite of CX407BC7 -53, -307, and -310
C1479 ( C1264 (6) x WayneX ( C1264 (8) x C1253 )
C148 Dunfield X Midwest
C1480 ( C1266R (7) x WayneX ( C1266R (8) x C1253 )
C1481 PI 548518
Cutler 71
Cutler (4) X SL5PVP 7200082
C1483 C1266 X C1265
C149 Dunfield X Midwest
C150 Dunfield X Midwest
C1504 C1317-71 X Amsoy
C1506Y C1317-71 X Amsoyfrom Cl506
C1508 C1317-71 X C1253
C151 Dunfield X Midwest
C1512 ( Amsoy x C1253X ( Wayne x C1317-71 )
C1512-44 CX413 X CX412
C1514 C1432 X C1430
C1515 C1432 X C1430
C1518 Amsoy X Cutler
C1520 Bonus X Cutler
C1523 Beeson X L63-1397
C1528 Calland X L63-1397
C1529 Calland X L63-1397
C153 Dunfield X Midwest
C1532 L63-0007-1 X Amsoy
C154 Dunfield X Midwest
C1541 C1421 X Calland
C1545 PI 548512
Calland X BonusPVP 7900098
C155 Dunfield X Midwest
C1553 Williams X Beeson
C1558 Williams X L69L-6-1
C1559 Williams X L69L-6-1
C156 Illini X Mandell
C1566 Beeson X PI 68788
C1573 C1421 X Williams
C1598 Wells X CX463-3
C160 Illini X Mandell
C1603 Wells X C1512
C162 Illini X Mandell
C1623 Harcor X L69U37-17-5
C1625 Century X Hodgson
C1627 Century X Hodgson
C1628 Century X Hodgson
C163 Illini X Mandell
C1631 Hodgson X Cumberland
C1635 Union X Century
C1636 Union X Century
C1638 Century X Wells II
C164 Illini X Mandell
C1640 Selection from CenturyEMS Derivative of Century Low Linolenic
C1647 L69U40-16-4 X Cumberland
C1653 PI 52554
A75-305022 X CenturyPVP 8800090
C1655 Hobbit X Century
C1657 Hobbit X Century
C1665 Nebsoy X A75-305022
C167 Midwest X Dunfield
C1678 Hobbit X Lakota
C168 Midwest X Dunfield
C169 PI 548330
Midwest X Dunfield
C1692 A77-314013 X L73-4673
C1695 Hobbit X Amsoy 71
C170 Midwest X Dunfield
C171 Midwest X Dunfield
C1717 HW79015 X Cumberland
C172 Midwest X Dunfield
C1720 HW79015 X A79-334010
C1726 T308
PI 532833
Selection from CenturyM2 plants of Century treated with EMS, GP-116
C1727 Selection from CenturyM2 plants of Century treated with EMS
C173 Dunfield X MM-31
C1732 Century 84 X Harper
C1736 A80-244003 X Century 84
C1738 A80-244003 X Century 84
C174 Dunfield X MM-31
C1742 A80-244003 X Century 84
C1747 A80-244003 X Williams 82
C175 Dunfield X MM-31
C1758 C1627 X Harper
C1764 Sparks X Century
C1768 Winchester X Harper
C178 Dunfield X MM-21
C180 Dunfield X MM-21
C1813 C1655 X Pella 86
C183 Dunfield X MM-21
C1842 ( Spencer (2) x PellaX Resnik
C185 Dunfield X MM-31
C1875 CX1332-12
PI 595926
A86-301024 X Resnik
C1907 A87-296011 X CX1039-99
C1939 CRS3-998-24-1 X C1813
C1944 CX1517; PI 599584
CRS3-998-24-1 X HC85-2206
C1954 Unspecified X Unspecified
C1963 HC86-4367 X HS88-4909
C1979 IA3003 X Stressland
C1981 Olympus X CX1307-205
C2 Dunfield X Midwest
C232 Midwest X Dunfield
C233 Midwest X Dunfield
C235 Midwest X Dunfield
C240 Midwest X Dunfield
C28 Earlyana
Selection from DunfieldHybrid in Dunfield
C39 Selection from DunfieldHybrid in Dunfield
C3S1-53 Unspecified X Unspecified
C3S1-57 Unspecified X Unspecified
C3S1-62 Unspecified X Unspecified
C3S1-69 Unspecified X Unspecified
C3S1-71 Unspecified X Unspecified
C4 Illini X Mandell
C40 Selection from DunfieldHybrid in Dunfield
C425 T117 X Mansoy
C439 Dunfield X Mansoy
C447 Dunfield X Mansoy
C453 Dunfield X Mansoy
C458 Dunfield X Mansoy
C461 Dunfield X Mansoy
C463 PI 548626
Dunfield X Mansoy
C464 Dunfield X Mansoy
C470 Selection from PI 54592Rogue selection from PI 54592
C490 Patoka X C171
C499 C143 X C240
C500 C143 X C240
C501 C143 X C240
C502 C143 X C240
C508 Patoka X L37-1355
C509 L37-1355 X Richland
C56 Illini X Mandell
C6 Illini X Mandell
C60 Illini X Mandell
C612 PI 548603
Patoka X L37-1355
C62 Illini X Midwest
C66 Dunfield X Manchu
C683 Mukden X Richland
C7 Illini X Mandell
C72 Dunfield X Manchu
C739 Lincoln (2) X Richland
C764 Lincoln (2) X Richland
C776 Lincoln (2) X Richland
C789 Lincoln X ( Richland x Earlyana )
C79 Illini X Mandell
C790 Lincoln X ( Richland x Earlyana )
C791 Lincoln X ( Richland x Earlyana )
C799 C143 X LincolnPI 70218-2-6-7, Patoka sib.
C805 C143 X Lincoln
C83 Illini X Midwest
C84 Selection from CX531Selection from CX531
C859 Dunfield X Lincoln
C873 Dunfield X Lincoln
C91 Dunfield X Manchu
C931 Lincoln X Earlyana
C976 Lincoln X ( Richland x Earlyana )
C977 Lincoln X ( Richland x Earlyana )
C978 Lincoln X ( Richland x Earlyana )
C979 Lincoln X ( Richland x Earlyana )
C981 Lincoln X ( Richland x Earlyana )
C983 Lincoln X ( Richland x Earlyana )
C985 Lincoln X Ogden
C986 Lincoln X Ogden
CA14387615 YB27Z06 X YB24X06
CA4135092 Syngenta S03-W4 X Pioneer P90M60
Cajeme ( Ogden x HaberlandtX Lee
Calhoun PI 576440
Ripley X PershingKentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9400221
Calland PI 548527
C1253 X KentSelection from C1253
Camp PI 553044
Selection from VanceSelection from Vance, PVP 8900271
Capital PI 548311
Strain 171 X A.K. (Harrow)
Carlin PI 548669
Selection from DunfieldRogue selection from Dunfield
Cartter PI 518675
Williams X PI 88788
Carver PI 584506
J80-293 X N81-1756CV-335
Cavalier PI 654358
Sargent X ND96-1006CV-499, NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200800303
Caviness PI 615582
Asgrow A5403 X HutchesonPVP 200100091
Caviness-RR Unspecified X UnspecifiedPresumably derived from Caviness
Cayuga PI 548312
Selection from PI 65393Selection from PI 65393
CBN 1900 HO Unspecified X Unspecified
CC1211481 PI 672033
SJ0800019 X ( SG08002123 x 3607F9-A0YN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400264
CC1211818 PI 672034
SJ0800225 X Syngenta S39-U2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400265
CC1216972 PI 672035
SJ0800225 X ( JI0912795 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400266
CC1217018 PI 672036
SJ0800225 X Syngenta S39-U2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400267
CE1210923 PI 672037
SJ0800036 X [ NE0800097 ( 4 ) x ( 05KL134039 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400268
CE1211033 PI 672038
06BR337018 X [ NE080097 ( 4 ) x ( 05KL134039 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400269
CE1211211 PI 672039
SJ0800048 X CL0911639Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400270
Celeste Unspecified X Unspecified
Centennial PI 548975
D64-4636 X Pickett 71PVP 7800065
Century PI 548512
Calland X BonusPVP 7900098
Century 84 PI 548529
Century (5) X Williams 82PVP 8500058
CF 492 PI 590931
K1099 X HutchesonKentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9500235
CF461 KY88-5037
PI 590932
Asgrow A4595 X DeKalb CX415DeKalb Pfizer, PVP 9500236
CFS 2000 PI 546499
C1426 X Amsoy Phyt 4Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500081
Chamberlain PI 548635
A76-304020 X Land O Lakes MaxPVP 8700073
Chapman PI 542710
A79-236002 (3) X HW79149PVP 9100172
Charlee PI 548446
Selection from PI 71663Selected from PI 71663 Nanking, Cn 1927
Charleston PI 567902,HC85-6724
HC74-643RE X HC78-676PVP 9300194
Charleston BC Charleston (6) X Sprite 87doi:10.2135/cropsci2004.6990
Cherokee PI 548447
Selection from PI 93057Selection from PI 93057
Chesapeake PI 583366
Essex X V71-793PVP 9400199
Chico PI 542402
[ Evans x ( Merit x Lee ) ] X ( M65-69 x M65-227 E1142 )
Chief PI 548314
Illini X Manchu AT95
Chippewa PI 548530
Lincoln (2) X Richland
Chippewa 64 PI 548531
Chippewa (8) X Blackhawk
Chuu Teppou PI 506636
Cisne PI 593256
Burlison X Asgrow A3733PVP 9600136
CL04-132315 CL0J173-6-2 X Syngenta S18-N5
CL04-13234 CL0J173-6-2 X Syngenta S18-N5
CL05-20252-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
CL05-32415 Unspecified X Unspecified
CL05-3314 98820-33 X 0J177-1-9
CL05-4637 CL0J173-6-8 X LD00-3309
CL05-4638 Unspecified X Unspecified
CL05-51227 0J173-6Mo X IA3025
CL06-121119 Unspecified X Unspecified
CL0911444 PI 665480
04KL109914BC3 X 1701-AOYNSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200379
CL0911453 Syngenta S39-U2
Unspecified X Unspecified
CL0911488 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200375
CL0911610 PI 665478
02JR423003BC3 X 3607F9-AOYNSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200377
CL0911639 WW221162 ( 4 ) X 2407D4-AOYN
CL0911650-2 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200382
CL0J095-4 Unspecified X Unspecified
CL0J095-4-6 CX1705R-108 X DwightNAM Strain
CL0J173-6-2 Kottman X Dwight
CL0J173-6-8 Kottman X DwightNAM Strain
CL0J177-9 Kottman X IA3011
CL1013663 PI 665481
02JR318004BC3 X 3607F9-AOYNSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200380
CL1013665 PI 665479
02JR318004BC3 X 3607F9-AOYNSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200378
CL1013675 PI 665482
02JR310007BC3 X 3607F9-AOYNSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200381
CL575743 Syngenta S08-80 X Asgrow A1900
CL605723 WW214164 X Syngenta S08-80
CL800127 Syngneta S03-W4 X L924904
CL984701 X006 X Syngenta S00-Z1
Clark PI 548533
Lincoln (2) X RichlandSelection
Clark 63 PI 548532
( Clark (5) x L49-4091X ( Clark (6) x Blackhawk )
Classic I PI 556493
Wayne X HarkV. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500069
Classic II PI 556505
Wayne X Harosoy 63V. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7600041
Clay PI 548534
Renville X Capital
Clemens Comet -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedClemens Seed Farms, Inc., PVP 7300031
Clemson PI 548448
Selection from PI 71659Selection from PI 71659; Nanking, Cn 1927
Clermont HS1-3641 X HS1-7116The Ohio State University, PVP 201400076
Clifford PI 596414
N77-114 X N77-179PVP 9700102
Clifford RR Unspecified X UnspecifiedPresumably derived from Clifford
CLOJ173-6-2 Kottman X DwightNAM Strain
CLOJ173-6-8 Kottman X DwightNAM Strain
Cloud IntroductionPI uncertain PI 548316 or PI 22321
CM1 Crest X L48-7289
CM119 Acme X Blackhawk
CM121 Acme X Blackhawk
CM127 Acme X Blackhawk
CM145 Acme X Blackhawk
CM147 Acme X Blackhawk
CM148 Acme X Blackhawk
CM21 Acme X L48-7289
CM29 Acme X L48-7289
CM293 Unspecified X Unspecified
CM30 Morsoy
Acme X L48-7289
CM304 Unspecified X Unspecified
CM31 Acme X Monroe
CM4022 5601T X PI 547879Rust resistance
CM422 PI 547879
5601T X L87-0482Rpp4
CM497 Unspecified X Unspecified
CM53 Acme X L48-7289
CM61 Acme X L48-7289
CM79 Acme X L48-7289
CM9 Acme X Monroe
CN210 L70-2283 X Beeson
CN290 Beeson X L70-2283
CO-OP 500 PI 556551
L15 X C1423 x C1253 Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900018
Cobb PI 548664
F57-735 X D58-3358
Codington PI 667736
Surge X A96-591033CV-511
Coker 136 PI 556514
N98-6800 X Coker Hampton 266Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7300091
Coker 156 75-842
Dare X D64-3937
Coker 208 Co28
Selection from HamptonCo28 is a subline of Hampton
Coker 237 PI 556536
Hutton X N63-858Coker's Pedigreed Seed Co.
Coker 240 Co240
Majos X Lee
Coker 317 ( N64-2451 x DyerX Pickett 71
Coker 318 Co318
Jackson X Corker 56-251
Coker 3207 Co3207
Selection from HamptonSelection from Hampton
Coker 338 Co68-38
PI 556515
Hampton 266 X BraggCoker's Pedigreed Seed Co.
Coker 355 PI 556742
J74-122 X ( Forrest x Centennial )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400019
Coker 368 PI 556696
Corker 71-211 X Centennial
Coker 393 PI 556741
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400018
Coker 425 PI 556744
Corker 69-119 X EssexCoker's Pedigreed Seed Co.
Coker 433 Yelnando
Yelredo X NandaCoker's Pedigreed Seed Co.
Coker 4504 Co4505
Jackson X Coker 56-251
Coker 485 Co80-764
Centennial X [ Coker 71-211 x Hutton ]
Coker 488 Co73-410
PI 556537
Hampton 266 X Bragg
Coker 5322 Co5322
Jackson X Coker 56-3492
Coker 56-251 Co56-251
Unspecified X Unspecified
Coker 56-3492 Co56-3492
Unspecified X Unspecified
Coker 57-225 Co57-225
Majos X Lee
Coker 57-248 Co57-248
Majos X Lee
Coker 57-257 Co57-257
Majos X Lee
Coker 58-240 Co58-240
Majos X Lee
Coker 58-266 Co58-266
Majos X Lee
Coker 60-231 Co60-231
Majos X Lee
Coker 627 PI 556825
Centennial X ( Coker 69-119 x D80-3185 )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700001
Coker 6307 Co6307
Stuart X F56-3492
Coker 6718 Co6718
Stuart X F56-3492
Coker 6727 Co6727
Unspecified X Unspecified
Coker 6738 Co6738
Braxton X Coker 368
Coker 68-38 Co68-38
Hampton 266 X Bragg
Coker 68-41 Co68-41
Hampton 266 X Bragg
Coker 6847 Co6847
Unspecified X Unspecified
Coker 686 PI 556827
Coker 76-849 X BraxtonNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700035
Coker 69-119 Co69-119
Hampton 266 X Bragg
Coker 6955 Co6955
Unspecified X Unspecified
Coker 71-211 Co71-211
Hampton 266 X Bragg
Coker 71-222 Co71-222
Hampton 266 X Coker 338Hampton 266 subline to Bragg
Coker 72-286 Co72-286
Hampton 266 X Bragg
Coker 73-410 Coker 488
PI 556537
Hampton 266 X BraggPVP 7800035
Coker 73-473 Co73-473
Hampton 266 X Bragg
Coker 74-546 Co74-546
Corker 208 X R64-502
Coker 75-756 Co75-756
Hampton 266 X Ransom
Coker 76-853 Co76-853
( N64-2451 x DyerX Pickett 71
Coker 76-863 Co76-863
Hampton 266A X Pickett 71
Coker 76-927 Co76-927
Selection from Coker 237Reselected Coker 237
Coker 79-501 Co79-501
Corker 71-211 X Centennial
Coker 79-760 Co79-760
Corker 73-473 X Centennial
Coker 80-764 Coker 485
Centennial X [ ( Hampton 266 x Bragg ) x Hutton ]
Coker 80-917 Co80-917
Centennial X Corker 76-863
Coker 82-537 Co82-537
Coker 488 X D74-7741
Coker 82-622 Co82-622
Northrup King S83
Braxton X Coker 368
Coker 82-645 Co82-645
Braxton X Coker 368
Coker 85-483 Co85-483
Coker 368 X ( Corker 317 x D77-6103 )
Coker Hampton 266A Majos X Lee
Colby Unspecified X Unspecified
Coles PI 548536
Hark X [ Provar x ( Disoy x Magna ) ]PVP 7700050
Colfax PI 573008
Unspecified X UnspecifiedF4 plant selected from SG1E1 intermated population; PI 558508
Colland Selection from KentSelection from Kent
Collier PI 556727
Unspecified X UnspecifiedB. B. Collier-Barney A. Smith, PVP 8400099
Colquitt PI 536009
Wright X Braxton
Columbus PI 548538
C1069 X Clark
Comet PI 548539
Pagoda X Mandarin (Ottawa)
Conrad PI 525453
Asgrow A3127 X Tri-Valley ChargerPVP 8900060
Cook PI 553045
Braxton X Young
Cordell PI 533605
Bedford X D72-8927
Corsica PI 559931
Essex X HarperPVP 9200074,
Corsoy PI 548540
Harosoy X CapitalSelection from A58-932
Corsoy 79 PI 518669
Corsoy (6) X Lee 68
Corsoy R3 Vickery
A75-Corsoy R3
Corsoy (5) X ( Anoka x Mack )
Council PI 587091
Ozzie X DawsonPVP 9600159
CR03-540 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR12-735TP Unspecified X Unspecified
CR12-859TP Unspecified X Unspecified
CR13275.1 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR14-5524 LD04-13296 X U03-300134
CR14-6116 LD06-7596 X LS05-3229
CR14-7814 LG05-4229 X U03-300134
CR14-7871 LG06-5920 X U03-100612
CR144155 ( 4485 x 125-3-4X 0J173-6-8
CR147814 LG05-4229 X U03-300134
CR147839 LG05-4229 X U03-300134
CR15-0558 LG05-4317 X LG03-2979
CR15-0616 CL05-4637 X AR08-286003
CR15-0619 CL05-4637 X AR08-286003
CR15-0635 CL05-4637 X AR08-286003
CR15-0636 CL05-4637 X AR08-286003
CR15-0638 CL05-4637 X AR08-286003
CR15-0899 PI556839 X LD00-3309
CR15-1369 4J10534 X LD06-7620
CR15-1378 4J10534 X LD06-7620
CR15-1382 4J10534 X LD06-7620
CR15-1385 4J10534 X LD06-7620
CR15-2189 CL05-3314 X PI556875
CR15-2225 CL05-51227 X PI556840
CR15-2775 LS07-1343 X PI 556909
CR16-0008 CL04-13234 X CL05-20252-2
CR16-0011 CL05-51227 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0014 CL05-51227 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0016 CL05-51227 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0020 CL05-51227 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0023 CL05-51227 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0024 CL05-51227 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0025 CL05-51227 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0027 CL05-51227 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0029 CL05-3314 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0030 CL05-3314 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0031 CL05-3314 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0032 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR16-0033 CL05-3314 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0035 CL05-3314 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0037 CL05-4637 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0042 LG05-4832 X R05-4114-1
CR16-0053 LG09-7341 X LG09-8165
CR16-0058 LG09-7341 X LG09-8165
CR16-0059 LG09-7341 X LG09-8165
CR16-0067 LG09-7871 X LG09-7256
CR16-0070 LG09-7871 X LG09-7256
CR16-0076 LG09-8165 X LG09-8091
CR16-0106 CL05-51227 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0107 CL05-51227 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0110 CL05-3314 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0112 CL05-3314 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0113 CL05-3314 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0116 CL05-3314 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0117 CL05-3314 X KB10-22-1
CR16-0120 CL05-4637 X KB10-22-2
CR16-0124 CL05-4637 X KB10-22-2
CR16-0125 CL05-4637 X KB10-22-2
CR16-0129 LD02-9050 X L66-2470-2
CR16-0130 LD02-9050 X L66-2470-2
CR16-0153 LG09-8165 X HI0800685
CR16-0154 LG09-8165 X HI0800685
CR16-0155 LG09-8165 X HI0800685
CR16-0156 LG09-8165 X HI0800685
CR16-1124 CL05-3314 X KB10-22-1
CR16-1398 CL05-3314 X KB10-22-2
CR17-0594 KB10-22#1551 X CL0J095-4-6
CR17-0765 KB10-22#1583 X 4J105-3-4
CR17-0824 KB10-22#1583a X 4J105-3-4
CR17-0969 KB10-22#1583 X Maverick
CR17-2856 CL0J095-4-6 X [ CR13275.1 x ( CL05-4637 x KB10-22 ) ]
CR17-2874 CL0J095-4-6 X [ CR13275.1 x ( CL05-4637 x KB10-22 ) ]
CR17-3001 CL0J095-4-6 X [ CR13275.1 x ( CL05-4637 x KB10-22 ) ]
CR17-3029 CL0J095-4-6 X [ CR13275.1 x ( CL05-4637 x KB10-22 ) ]
CR17-3693 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
CR17-3701 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
CR17-3734 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
CR17-3780 U092-15057 X LG09-7161
CR17-3841 LG09-7871 X LG09-7341
CR17-3842 LG09-7871 X LG09-7341
CR17-3913 LG09-7167 X LG10-1562
CR17-3964 LG07-2309 X WN0800527
CR17-4046 LG07-4722 X LD07-4477
CR17-4112 LG09-7431 X LG10-3250
CR17-4386 LG10-2699 X LG09-7163
CR17-4388 LG10-2699 X LG09-7163
CR17-4545 LG10-2699 X LG09-7163
CR17-4959 U093-11114 X LG07-1851
CR17-4971 U093-11114 X LG07-1851
CR17-5284 LG04-4717 X LG03-3191-1
CR181937 4J105-2-13 X LD00-3309
CR182047 4J105-2-13 X LD00-3309
CR183106 4J105-3-9 X LD00-3309
CR183142 4J105-3-9 X LD00-3309
CR183164 4J105-3-9 X LD00-3309
CR183173 4J105-3-9 X LD00-3309
CR183196 4J105-3-9 X LD00-3309
CR183198 4J105-3-9 X LD00-3309
CR183264 4J105-3-9 X LD00-3309
CR183311 4J105-3-9 X LD00-3309
CR183423 IA3023 X Dwight
CR183805 4J114-2-6 X Northrup King S20-F8
CR184183 4J105-3-4 X LG04-6000
CR184232 4J105-3-4 X LG04-6000
CR184469 U09-133021 X AR11-214001
CR184506 U09-133021 X AR11-214001
CR184561 U09-133021 X AR11-214001
CR184590 U09-133021 X AR11-214001
CR184594 U09-133021 X AR11-214001
CR184610 U09-133021 X AR11-214001
CR190369 DS11-15034 X PI603176A
CR190377 DS11-15020 X PI417015
CR190410 DS11-40012 X DS11-12076
CR190474 DS11-08110 X DS11-40158
CR190628 DS11-13018 X DS11-12076
CR191241 PI22S06-1364043 X DS11-15053
CR191706 IA2104HS X DS11-15053
CR192033 KB10-22#1548 b X DS11-13024
CR192111 KB10-22#1548 b X DS11-13024
CR192236 DS11-15083 X DS11-15044
CR192393 DS11-08110 X DS11-42127
CR192568 DS11-08110 X DS11-42127
CR192686 DS11-15020 X DS11-40192
CR192989 DS11-15020 X DS11-12057
CR193835 DS11-15083 X DS11-42127
CR194609 6J150-1-26 X Plant 75
CR194672 6J150-1-26 X Plant 75
CR194688 WL04J105-3-4-3 X Plant 51
CR194692 6J114-2-2 X 5J097-1-17-1
CR194807 KB10-22#1548 b X DS11-12057
CR195072 6J150-1-26 X Plant 75
CR195317 3D1-43-1 X S Machi
CR195446 KB10-22#1548 b X DS11-12057
CR195515 KB10-22#1548 b X DS11-12057
CR195549 6J114-2-2 X 5J097-1-17-1
CR20-0023 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-0375 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-0421 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-0511 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-0529 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-0671 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-0700 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-1090 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-1893 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-2741 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-3316 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-4490 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-4572 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-4589 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-4991 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5030 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5070 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5111 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5145 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5330 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5340 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5389 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5419 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5469 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5470 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5570 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5633 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5697 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5933 Unspecified X Unspecified
CR20-5972 Unspecified X Unspecified
Crawford PI 548541
Williams X ColumbusPVP 7800077
Creole PI 71614
No. 236
IntroductionCollected in Jiangsu, CN ca. 1927
Crest PI 548544
F8-291 X Mandarin (Ottawa)
Crockett PI 535807
PI 171451 X Hampton 2664
Croton 3.9 PI 614153
HC80-1944 X Asgrow A3127
CRS-998-24-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
CRS3 Unspecified X UnspecifiedRecurrent Selection population for high seed protein; Recurrent Selection population for high seed protein
CRS3-998-24-1 VariousSelection from a population for high seed protein
CRS7C1-13-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
CS20 PI 556628
S4 X S19Callahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100132
CS24 PI 556651
S20 X HarkCallahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100133
CS30 PI 556652
Unspecified X UnspecifiedCallahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100134
CS31 PI 556630
S10 X MitchellCallahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100135
CS38 PI 556631
Mitchell X Cutler 71Callahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100136
CS42 PI 556650
Unspecified X UnspecifiedCallahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100137
CS45 PI 556629
Corsoy X MitchellCallahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100138
CSR 3322 Unspecified X Unspecified
Cumberland PI 548542
Corsoy X WilliamsPVP 7900061
Custer PI 548546
[ ( ( ( Peking x Scott ) x ( Peking x Scott ) ) x Scott ) ) x Blackhawk ) ] X ( Peking x Scott )For complete backcross information see Crop Sci. (1968) 8:402
Cutler PI 548547
C1069 X Clark
Cutler 71 PI 548518
Cutler (4) X SL5PVP 7200082
CX 290 PI 556525
Chippewa 64 X Amsoy 5143 ( c ) 1 ( b ) 2Americana Seeds, Inc., PVP 7600056
CX025 PI 595350
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600307
CX046 PI 590256
KG20 X CX174Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500173
CX075 PI 603791
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800231
CX1039-99 Cutler 71 (3) X Pando
CX105 PI 603798
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800239
CX117 PI 556887
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800186
CX121 PI 562628
Pella X CX174Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200267
CX1307-205 Cutler 71 (5) X Pando
CX132 PI 596795
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700177
CX1339-30 Dunfield X X143
CX145 PI 590257
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500174
CX1512- 44 Unspecified X UnspecifiedEMS mutant
CX1515-4 CRS3-998-24-1 X C1813
CX1517 C1944
PI 599584
CRS3-998-24-1 X HC85-2206
CX1517-171 CRS-998-24-1 X C1727
CX1538-70-11-1 Unspecified X UnspecifiedLow Palmitic Acid line from J. R. Wilcox
CX160c PI 603805
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800246
CX166-103N-1 L46-1503 X Bavender Special-2
CX168-46-5 Mandarin (Ottawa) X L46-2132
CX169-9-2 Mukden X L46-2132
CX1705R-108 CRS7C1-13-1 X Savoy
CX173 PI 590517
CX210 X EX925Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500175
CX1834 Selection from CX1515-4Mutagenized line from CX1515-4; doi:10.2135/cropsci2000.4061601x
CX1834-1-2 Athow X M153-1-4-6-14Selection from mutagenized CX1515-4
CX1834-1-6 Athow X M153-1-4-6-14
CX192-28-3 C1070 X Adams
CX193-88-3 Perry X C1066
CX195 PI 603807
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800248
CX197 PI 595351
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600308
CX202C PI 603794
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800234
CX205 PI 596796
CX259 X EX925Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700178
CX207c PI 610434
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900282
CX210 PI 546480
Weber X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9100033
CX2239-50 C143 X X531
CX228 PI 583741
EX723 ( 2 ) X CX366Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400211
CX229 PI 595352
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600309
CX230 PI 603792
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800232
CX231-108-2-8-1-5-1 C149
Dunfield X Midwest
CX231-108-2-8-1-5-5 C150
Dunfield X Midwest
CX231-187-1-2-1-4 C151
Dunfield X Midwest
CX231-261-1-1-1 C2
Dunfield X Midwest
CX232 PI 576163
Asgrow A3127 X ( CM385 x CCM399 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400028
CX235C PI 596794
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700176
CX248 PI 562637
Asgrow A3127 X Williams 79Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200276
CX252 CX259 X CX366Conflicting parentage. Southern Test 2004 says Harsoy x C0179, PVP says CX259 x CX366. Parentage from PVP cert.
CX253 PI 603793
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800233
CX255 PI 598220
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700335
CX257RR PI 603790
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800230
CX258-2-3-2 PI 65338 X C1079
CX260c PI 583764
Dairyland DSR304 X CartterMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400232
CX262RR PI 607981
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900277
CX267 PI 554604
CM203 X CX366Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9100209
CX277 PI 603789
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800229
CX278 PI 590518
CX259 X EX925Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500176
CX280c PI 595355
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600312
CX284c PI 603806
CX340c ( 2 ) X CX259Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800247
CX289 PI 590519
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500177
CX291 PI 547094
Asgrow A3127 X Williams 82Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9100075
CX291-42-1 Mukden X C1069
CX292C PI 596790
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700172
CX295 PI 603796
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800237
CX297 PI 595353
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600310
CX298 PI 556888
Williams 82 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800188
CX299c PI 610433
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900281
CX300 PI 607982
CX250b X CX267Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900279
CX302c PI 605706
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800236
CX313 PI 576164
CX366 X MO211Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400029
CX314 PI 576165
CM304-21 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400030
CX314-50 Ford X Shelby
CX314-56 Ford X Shelby
CX314-81 Ford X Shelby
CX329 PI 556931
Williams 82 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000005
CX331-129-2-2-2 C79
Illini X Mandell
CX331-407-1-1-2 C162
Illini X Mandell
CX331-51-14-1-7-4 C156
Illini X Mandell
CX331-97-1-3-1 C4
Illini X Mandell
CX335 PI 576160
CX366 X CX458Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400025
CX339C PI 596798
CX340c X CX469cMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700180
CX351 PI 590520
CX366 X Asgrow A3733Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500178
CX360 PI 590521
CX366 X ( W20 x Asgrow A1937 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500179
CX363 PI 596797
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700179
CX364c PI 603797
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800238
CX368 PI 590522
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500180
CX369c Unspecified X Unspecified_
CX373 PI 596791
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700173
CX375 PI 595354
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600311
CX377 PI 583743
CX458 X CX366Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400213
CX383RR PI 610435
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900283
CX392RR PI 603800
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800241
CX393c PI 603795
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800235
CX394c PI 576161
Asgrow A3307 X CX366Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400026
CX399 PI 583744
CX458 X CX366Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400214
CX402STS PI 603788
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800228
CX405RR PI 610432
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900280
CX407 Amsoy X C1253Selection from Amsoy; Selection from C1253
CX407BC7-255 Amsoy (8) X C1253
CX407BC7-310 Amsoy (8) X C1253Amsoy 71 subline
CX407BC7-326 Amsoy (8) X C1253Amsoy 71 subline
CX407BC7-50 Amsoy (8) X C1253Amsoy 71 subline
CX407BC7-53 Amsoy (8) X C1253Amsoy 71 subline
CX411 PI 576166
CX366 X CX458Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400031
CX412 Wayne X C1317Selection from Wayne; Selection from C1317
CX413 CX407 X CX412Selection from CX407; Selection from CX412
CX414cRR PI 610431
Asgrow A4138 X [ CX445 x ( CX411 x ( CX415 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900278
CX419RR PI 603799
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800240
CX420C PI 596792
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700174
CX431-281-1-7-2 C62
Illini X Midwest
CX433RR PI 607980
CX399 X ( CX366 ( 3 ) x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900276
CX434 PI 576162
CX366 X CX458Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400027
CX445 EX344A
PI 583745
CX415 X CX458Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400215
CX450c PI 595356
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600313
CX456RR PI 603801
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800242
CX458 PI 556889
Douglas X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800187
CX463-3 Cutler X C1311
CX469c PI 556932
Asgrow A5474 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000006
CX470C PI 596793
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700175
CX478 PI 583746
CX415 X Syngenta S42-40Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400216
CX494 PI 595357
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600314
CX496c PI 603802
Asgrow A4715 X CX340cMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800243
CX499c PI 590523
CX469c X Asgrow A3307Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500181
CX510c PI 595358
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600315
CX531 Midwest X Dunfield
CX531-265-1-5-5 C167
Midwest X Dunfield
CX531-265-2-1-1 C168
Midwest X Dunfield
CX531-265-2-1-1-2 C232
Midwest X Dunfield
CX531-265-2-1-1-6 C233
Midwest X Dunfield
CX531-265-2-1-1-7 C235
Midwest X Dunfield
CX531-265-2-1-1-8 Gibson
Midwest X Dunfield
CX531-265-2-1-2 C170
Midwest X Dunfield
CX531-468-3-3-2 C171
Midwest X Dunfield
CX531-468-3-3-2-3 C240
Midwest X Dunfield
CX531-468-3-3-2-7 C172
Midwest X Dunfield
CX570C PI 599308
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700292
CX731-128-1-3 C174
Dunfield X MM-31
CX731-63-1-1 C173
Dunfield X MM-31
CX731-66-1-1 C185
Dunfield X MM-31
CX797-21 Cutler 71 (3) X Pando
CX831-151-2-5-2-5 Dunfield X MM-21
CX831-362-1-3-1-6-5 Dunfield X MM-21
CX831-88-3-1-3-3 Dunfield X MM-21
CX931-1 Earlyana
Selection from DunfieldHybrid in Dunfield
Cyclone -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedClemens Seed Farms, Inc., PVP 7200017
Cypress 6000 PI 556649
Tracy X Pickett 71Milburn Farms, Inc., PVP 8100131
Cypress No. 1 Cypress No 1
PI 548670
Selection from KoreanRogue selection from Korean
CZ 4540 LL GLL0050
PI 677229
HBK C5025 X DLL0370Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600112
CZ 4818 LL GLL0059
S043976 X DLL0706Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600113
CZ 5147 LL ELL0082
PI 677231
S00-9925-10 BS X GH-LIB-2Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600114
CZ 5225 LL DLL1206
PI 677232
S021421 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600115
CZ 5445 LL DLL1335
PI 677233
S01100 X LIB Q206-83-4 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600116
CZ 5515 LL DLL0840
PI 677234
5002T X LIB Q206-83-5 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600117
CZ 5727 LL DLL1347
PI 677235
5002T X LIB Q206-83-2 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600118
CZ 5947 LL DLL1172
PI 677236
S043861 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600119
CZ 6109 LL DLL0838
PI 677237
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600120
CZ 6316 LL DLL1143
PI 677238
S043954 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600121
CZ 6515 LL ELL0908
PI 677239
Darby X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600122
CZ 7007 LL DLL1141
PI 677240
S043954 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600123
CZ 7132 LL DLL0750
PI 677241
HBK C4926 X LIB Q206-83-2 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600124
CZ6316LL Unspecified X Unspecified
CZ6730 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
D-1 Unknown X Unknown
D-10 Unknown X Unknown
D-12 Unknown X Unknown
D-8 Unknown X Unknown
D0-9-2-1-2 [ ( A-7 x Altona ) x P71-39X [ ( A-7 x M62-173 ) x Holmberg 840-2-7 ]
D00782 RCAT 9404 X 90732-150
D01306 Pioneer P9063 X Pioneer P92B05
D02279 Dairyland DSR195 X YB18H
D08006 Pioneer P91B53 X D98116
D09233 RCAT Wildcat X XB19M01
D10-10226 LD05-3230 X LD00-3309
D3003 Selection from WayneRps, Rpm selection of Wayne; PVP 8100082
D4127789 PI 651309
Asgrow A3525 X AG3101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700393
D414-714 Chief X Arksoy
D417-721 Arksoy X Patoka
D418-177   Dunfield X ArksoyParentage conflict
D418-177    Patoka X ArksoyParentage conflict
D4201139 PI 651312
Asgrow A3244 X AG2705Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700396
D421-737 L7-1355 X Magnolia
D4210110 PI 651310
DEI81373RRN X AG4403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700394
D4253854 PI 651311
H95-123579 X H6255RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700395
D4311702 PI 671977
Asgrow A3525 X CSR3143Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700419
D4328762 PI 651315
AOX3501C0C X ( Asgrow A3554 x AG3502 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700418
D4422957 PI 651518
( AP1275 x AG0801 )  X AG0101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700417
D4483789 PI 651314
( Asgrow A3469 x Asgrow 3244X AG3302Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700416
D45-2437 Unspecified X Unspecified
D4523081 PI 651313
Asgrow A3525 X CSR3922NMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700415
D48-1248 Unspecified X Unspecified
D49-247 Dunfield X Tennessee Non pop
D49-2477 S-100 X C.N.S.
D49-2491 S-100 X C.N.S.C.N.S. = sister line of Lee
D49-2510 S-100 X C.N.S.
D49-2524 Lee
PI 548656
S-100 X C.N.S.
D49-2525 S-100 X C.N.S.Sister line to Lee
D49-2570 Unspecified X Unspecified
D49-2573 Roanoke X N45-745
D49-507 Roanoke X Rose Non pop
D49-533 Roanoke X N45-745
D49-588 Roanoke X N45-745
D49-757 Roanoke X N45-745
D49-772 Roanoke X N45-745
D49-854 Roanoke X N45-745
D49-977 Macoupin X Arksoy
D50-1633 Unspecified X Unspecified
D50-203 Unspecified X Unspecified
D50-204 N46-191 X N45-745 (2)
D5032147 PI 656332
QRG53910 X CGL5400E2RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900113
D5064 Unspecified X Unspecified
D5086205 PI 656333
AG5605 X CGL4902C2XMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900114
D51-4839 Roanoke X N45-745
D51-4863 Roanoke X N45-745
D51-4871 Roanoke X N45-745
D51-4877 Roanoke X N45-745
D51-4888 Hood
PI 548980
Roanoke X N45-745Sub-line from N48-1831
D51-4891 Roanoke X N45-745
D51-4969 Roanoke X N45-745
D51-4977 Roanoke X N45-745
D51-5052 Roanoke X N45-745Sub-line of N48-1867
D51-5091 Roanoke X N45-745
D51-5100 Roanoke X N45-745
D51-5108 Unspecified X Unspecified
D51-5427 Ralsoy X OgdenSub-line of N45-1497
D512-3 C171 X Arksoy 2913
D5123854 PI 656334
H95-123579 X H6255RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900115
D5124759 PI 656335
CSR3922N X DGL4701A0XMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900116
D514-13 Chief X Arksoy 2913
D514-20 Chief X Arksoy 2913
D5142326 PI 656336
CAK2400N1R X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900117
D517-14 Arksoy X Patoka
D517-3   Arksoy X PatokaParentage conflict
D517-3    Patoka X Arksoy 2913Parentage conflict
D517-4 Arksoy X Patoka
D52-108 N48-12-48 X Perry
D52-13 N48-1248 (3) X Adams
D52-131 N48-1248 X Perry
D52-137 N48-1248 X Perry
D52-14 N48-12-48 X Adams
D52-16 N48-1248 X Adams
D52-1776 D632-15 X D49-2525
D52-18 N48-1248 X Adams
D52-187 N48-12-48 X Perry
D52-1951 D632-15 X D49-2525
D52-203 N48-1248 X Perry
D52-212 N48-12-48 X Perry
D52-217 N48-1248 X Perry
D52-23 N48-12-48 X Adams
D52-52 N48-12-48 X Adams
D52-78 N48-1248 X Adams
D52-810 Roanoke X Ogden
D52-834 Roanoke X N45-745
D5223512 PI 658046
Asgrow A3525 X GM_A19788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900406
D523-25 Dunfield X Arksoy
D523-30 Dunfield X Arksoy
D523-41 Dunfield X Arksoy
D5231451 PI 656338
H6191RR X ( HX821280 x H7550RR )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900119
D5232589 PI 656337
R1120 X CRM1502D1RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900118
D53-1254 D49-2525 X L6-5679
D53-1301 D632-15 X D49-2525
D53-138 D48-1248 X Perry
D53-142 D49-2525 X L6-5679
D53-1569 N46-1703 X D49-2525
D53-163 D49-2525 X L6-5679
D53-1664 N46-1703 X D49-2525
D53-184 D49-2525 X L46-5679
D53-190 D49-2525 X L46-5679
D53-206 D49-2525 X L46-5679
D53-229 D49-2525 X L46-5679
D53-233 D49-2525 X L46-5679
D53-354 D49-2525 X L46-5679
D53-375 D49-2525 X L46-5679
D53-441 D49-2525 X L46-5679
D53-481 D632-15 X D49-2525
D53-492 D632-15 X D49-2525
D53-500 D632-15 X D49-2525
D53-518 D632-15 X D49-2525
D53-526 D632-15 X D49-2525
D53-542 D632-15 X D49-2525
D53-640 D49-2570 X L3-2010
D53-697 L7-163 X D49-2573
D532-25 Dunfield X Arksoy
D5362795 PI 656341
( Asgrow A5484 x AMA5900B1RX Asgrow A4324Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900124
D5365424 PI 658049
AG2107 X GM_A19788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900409
D54-2213 Wabash X D49-2573
D54-2437 N48-1394 X L6-5679
D54-3270 Unspecified X Unspecified
D54-3281 N49-2525 X L6-5679
D54-3310 D49-2525 X L6-5679
D54-3340 D632-15 X D49-2525
D54-3350 D632-15 X D49-2525
D54-3362 D632-15 X D49-2525
D54-3416 Wabash X D49-2573
D540-1 Ogden X Arksoy
D55-4060 D50-203 X D49-757
D55-4073 Volstate X Biloxi
D55-4090 Ogden X C.N.S.
D55-4102 Unspecified X Unspecified
D55-4110 Ogden X C.N.S.
D55-4159 Ogden X Biloxi
D55-4168 Ogden X Biloxi
D55-8144 Dorman X N48-1515
D5502014 PI 656342
37014-11 X AG3101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900125
D5568543 PI 658045
AOX3505G0C X GM_A19788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900405
D56-1087 D51-5108 X Dorman
D56-1102 D51-5108 X Dorman
D56-1131 D51-5108 X Dorman
D56-1185 Perry X Lee
D56-1192 Perry X Lee
D56-1231 Perry X Lee
D56-1241 Hawkeye X Lee
D56-1247 Perry X Lee
D56-126 Dorman (2) X N48-1515
D56-1404 PI 179826 X D49-2510
D56-3 Dorman (4) X N48-1515
D56-4065 Lee (2) X PI 163453
D5624834 PI 656339
( Pioneer P9234 x CX235X DKB23-51Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900120
D5638947 PI 658048
Asgrow A3525 X GM_A19788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900408
D57-1194 Roanoke (2) X D49-2491
D57-1299 Roanoke X D49-2491
D57-1501 Jackson X D49-2491
D5703684 PI 656340
AGL4703B0R X AG3802Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900123
D58-1894 D49-2491 (5) X Dorman
D58-1899 D49-2491 (6) X Dorman
D58-3311 Jackson (4) X D49-2491
D58-3358 Jackson (4) X D49-2491
D58-4300 D51-5052 X D49-2491
D58-4384 D51-5052 X D49-2491
D58-5111 Ogden X D49-2491
D58-5788 Unspecified X Unspecified
D5824620 PI 658047
Asgrow A3525 X GM_A19788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900407
D5896414 PI 656343
( Jim x AG0801 )  X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900126
D59-1619 Unspecified X Unspecified
D59-2205 D55-4168 X Hill
D59-268 Hill X D52-810
D59-377 Hill X D52-810
D59-415 Hill X D52-810
D59-428 Hill X D52-810
D59-630 Hill X D52-810
D59-693 Hill X D52-810
D59-706 Hill X D52-810
D59-9289 D51-4877 X D55-4168
D5903654 PI 656344
DKB44-52 X AG4403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900127
D5916542 PI 656345
AG0601 X DAK2301A1RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900128
D60-11,082 D49-2573 X Nansemond
D60-11,215 D49-2573 X Nansemond
D60-12,327 Semmes
PI 548661
D51-5427 X D49-2491
D60-5234 D55-4110 X N56-4071
D60-5702 Hill X D53-354
D60-5818 Hill X D53-354
D60-5847 Hill X D53-354
D60-6458 Hill X D51-4877
D60-7965 D55-4090 X D55-4159
D60-8107 D51-4877 X D55-4168
D60-9240 Unspecified X Unspecified
D60-9647 FC 31745 X D49-2510
D61-1185 Hill (2) X D51-4877
D61-2002 Hill X ( D49-2491 (2) x Tanner )
D61-214 D54-3270 X D54-2437
D61-238 D54-3270 X D54-2437
D61-2624 D49-2491 (4) X PI 171862
D61-3498 D49-2491 (6) X PI 174862
D61-3505 D49-2491 (2) X PI 171862
D61-3791 D49-2491 (6) X L3-2010
D61-4269 D49-2491 (6) X Barchet
D61-5141 Dorman (5) X PI 181537
D61-5264 Lee X PI 200532
D61-618 Hill (2) X PI 171442
D61-858 Hill (2) X D51-4877
D61-901 Hill (2) X D51-4877
D61-929 Hill (2) X D51-4877
D62-3286 D49-2491 (4) X PI 163453
D62-6225 Hill X Sioux
D62-6289 Hill X Sioux
D62-6913 Arksoy X D49-2491
D62-6959 Arksoy X D49-2491
D62-730 Dorman (5) X N48-1515
D62-7562 Laredo X D49-2491Root-knot resistant selection
D62-7816 D49-2491 (5) X PI 181537
D623-33 Dunfield X Arksoy
D623-9 Dorman
PI 548653
Dunfield X Arksoy 2913
D63-215 Haberlandt X Dunfield
D63-3933 D49-2491 (5) X T122
D63-6075 Unspecified X Unspecified
D63-6087 Hill (4) X PI 171442
D63-6094 Hill (4) X PI 171442
D63-6100 Hill (4) X PI 171442
D63-6107 Hill (4) X PI 171442
D63-6292 Lee (2) X ( Clark (2) x T109 )
D63-7320 PI 548976
Hill X ( Lee (2) x Peking )
D63-76 Hill X D53-354
D632-15 Dunfield X Haberlandt
D64-3077 D49-2491 (5) X Hawkeye
D64-3146 D49-2491 (5) X Hawkeye
D64-3253 D49-2491 (5) X HawkeyeConverted from D49-2491 with Hawkeye as non-recurrent parent
D64-3396 D49-2491 (5) X Hawkeye
D64-3937 Hill X D59-1619
D64-4485 Hill X D58-3311
D64-4573 Hill X D58-3311
D64-4636 Hill X D58-3311
D64-4716 Selection from LeeNon-nodulating selection of Lee
D64-4731 Lee (2) X ( Clark (2) x PI 84631 )
D65-2262 D54-2437 X PI 261467
D65-2276 D54-2437 X PI 261467
D65-2284 D54-2437 X PI 261467
D65-2291 D54-2437 X PI 261467
D65-2304 D54-2437 X PI 171450
D65-2367 D54-2437 X PI 171450
D65-2385 D54-2437 X PI 171450
D65-2567 Hill (2) X PI 196177
D65-3075 Hill (4) X PI 171442
D65-3097 Hill (4) X PI 171442
D65-3168 Hill X PI 96989
D65-3426 Unspecified X Unspecified
D65-3622 Hill X PI 187155
D65-4206 Hill X PI 227557
D65-6555 D61-475 X D61-2624
D65-6765 D58-3358 X D59-9289
D66-12392 D63-6100 X Dyer
D66-4361 D53-354 (2) X D54-2437
D66-4498 D53-354 (2) X D54-2437
D66-45 D53-354 (2) X D54-2437
D66-4504 D53-354 (2) X D54-2437
D66-4505 D53-354 (2) X D54-2437
D66-4508 D53-354 (2) X D45-2437
D66-4582 D53-354 X D54-2437
D66-4587 D53-354 X D54-2437
D66-4608 D53-354 X D45-2437
D66-5566 D49-2491 (4) X Hawkeye
D66-5634 DA60-13-1 X PI 171450
D66-7398 D61-3505 X ( PI 96035 x D61-2624 )
D66-7965 D55-4090 X D55-4159
D66-8556 Bragg X Semmes
D66-8666 Govan
PI 548979
Bragg X Semmes
D67-10507 Dyer X BraggSCN race 3 resistant selection
D67-10539 Unspecified X Unspecified
D67-24 Unspecified X Unspecified
D67-2896 Hill (2) X PI 171450
D67-2908 Hill (2) X PI 171450
D67-3118 Hill (2) X PI 171450
D67-3143 Hill (2) X PI 171450
D67-3269 Hill (2) X PI 171450
D67-3297 Hill (2) X PI 171450
D67-3951 D63-6107 X D60-9647
D67-4106 D63-6107 X D60-9647
D67-4601 PI 548983
D61-618 X D60-9647PVP 7400062
D67-4694 Unspecified X Unspecified
D67-4823 Unspecified X Unspecified
D67-5940 Semmes X D60-8107
D67-6021 Semmes X D60-8107
D67-6117 Semmes X D60-8107
D67-6215 Semmes X D60-7965
D67-8423 Unspecified X Unspecified
D67-B5 D62-7816 X Lee
D68-127 Dyer X Bragg
D68-128 PI 548655
Dyer X BraggPVP 7300058
D68-18 Dyer X Bragg
D68-180 Dyer X BraggResistant to CN race 3
D68-201 Dyer X Bragg
D68-216 Dyer X Bragglater maturing, CN race 3 resistant selection
D68-4466 DA60-13 (2) X PI 171450
D68-4641 D62-6289 X D60-9647
D68-78 Dyer X Bragg
D68-B2 Unspecified X Unspecified
D68-B4 PI 548982
Pickett 71
Pickett X LeePhytophthora resistant Lee type
D69-17 D67-24 X D65-2262
D69-263 Bragg (2) X D60-7965
D69-3871 D63-6094 X D62-6289
D69-3955 D63-6094 X D62-6289
D69-4073 D63-6094 X D62-6289
D69-4227 Unspecified X Unspecified
D69-442 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
D69-6344 D63-6094 X D62-7562
D69-7965 Unspecified X Unspecified
D69-8178 Hood X Semmes
D69-8201 Hood X Semmes
D69-8205 Hood X Semmes
D70-2650 D65-3075 X Hood
D70-3001 D64-4636 X Pickett 71
D70-3045 D64-4636 X Pickett 71
D70-3115 D64-4636 X Pickett 71
D70-3185 PI 548975
D64-4636 X Pickett 71PVP 7800065
D70-3186 Selection from CentennialEarly subline of Centennial
D70-5101 D63-6075 X D64-4636
D70-5107 D65-3075 X D64-4636
D70-5154 D65-3075 X D64-4636
D70-7583 Gail
PI 548978
Hood X D60-9647
D70-8347 Semmes X Hardee
D70-8444 D64-4716 X Hardee
D71-1180 F59-1505 X ( Bragg (3) x D60-7965 )
D71-6234 D66-7398 X PI 95560
D71-6841 D64-4636 X D64-3937
D71-6860 D64-4636 X D64-3937
D71-6879 D64-4636 X D64-3937
D71-8928 D49-772 X D55-4102
D71-9203 Semmes X D67-10539
D71-9241 Unspecified X Unspecified
D72-7959 D61-4269 X D61-5264
D72-8489 Hood X Lee 68
D72-8579 Hood X Lee 68
D72-8707 Forrest X D65-3168
D72-8814 D64-3253 (2) X D65-3168
D72-8867A Unspecified X Unspecified
D72-8927 D66-12392 X ( Hill (2) x PI 90763 )
D72-C57 D68-18 X PI 88788
D73-10204 D62-7562 X Semmes
D73-10232 D66-8666 X ( Bragg x PI 229358 )
D73-3867 D65-6555 X York
D73-4118 D64-3253 X D65-3168
D73-4124 D64-3253 X D65-3168
D73-8105 D67-4823 X Pickett 71
D74-7445 D65-3426 X D67-8423
D74-7631 Forrest X D70-3001
D74-7633 Forrest X D70-3001
D74-7636 Forrest X D70-3001
D74-7711 Forrest X D70-3001
D74-7741 Forrest X D70-3001
D74-7824 Forrest X D70-3001
D74-8819 D64-4636 X D67-4694
D74-9806 Unspecified X Unspecified
D75-10169 Govan X ( Bragg x PI 229358 )
D75-10172 Govan X ( Bragg x PI 229358 )
D75-16 D64-4636 X Pickett 71
D75-7527 Forrest X Mack
D75-7685 Forrest X D69-4227
D75-7778 Forrest X D69-4227
D75-7987 Forrest X D69-6344
D75-9925 Semmes X Hood
D76-8070 PI 536521
Varioussee Crop Sci. 30:764-765
D76-9375 Forrest X Centennial
D76-9454 Forrest X Centennial
D76-9665 Forrest X Centennial
D77-12 Forrest (2) X Tracy
D77-12480 Tracy X ( Hill x PI 159025 )
D77-18 Tracy X Forrest
D77-4874 D74-7631 X J74-57
D77-5090 Epps
PI 548977
Pickett 71 (2) X [ ( Dare (2) x PI 96983 ) x J74-47 ]
D77-5147 [ Pickett 71 (2) x ( Dare (2) x PI 96983 ) ] X J74-47
D77-5169 Centennial X J74-47
D77-6056 Centennial X J74-47
D77-6057 Centennial X J74-47
D77-6103 Centennial X J74-47
D77-6166 LeFlore
PI 548981
Centennial X J74-47
D77-7926 Centennial X D73-10204
D77-7969 Centennial X D73-10204
D77-8 Forrest (2) X Tracy
D78-5089 Tracy X ( Hill x PI 159925 )
D78-5502 Forrest (2) X Tracy
D78-5576 Forrest (2) X Tracy
D78-7424 Unspecified X Unspecified
D79-10458 J74-39 X D75-10169
D79-10494 J74-39 X D75-10169
D79-10496 J74-39 X D75-10169
D79-6058 Tracy X Centennial
D79-6162 Sharkey
PI 515960
Tracy X Centennial
D80-6931 Tracy (4) X PI 86490
D80-7987 Bedford X ( Tracy x D72-8707 )
D81-7857 Bedford X ( J74-45 x D74-7445 )
D81-8875 Centennial X D75-10172
D81-8912 Centennial X D75-10172
D82-2218 Bradford X Tracy-M
D82-2228 Bedford X Tracy-M
D82-2896 Forrest X D78-5089
D82-3298 Bedford X ( Forrest x D75-10169 )
D82-3885 Lamar
PI 533604
Tracy-M X ( Centennial x D75-10169 )
D82-5249 Centennial (2) X D75-10169
D82-9973 J74-39 X D75-10169
D83-2886 D65-2262 X Forrest
D83-3318 Bedford X [ Forrest x ( Peking x Centennial ) ]
D83-3349 Bedford X [ Forrest x ( Peking x Centennial ) ]
D83-3388 Bedford X [ Forrest x ( Peking x Centennial ) ]
D84-7174 D77-12 X D77-6057
D85-7985 Epps X D77-5169
D86-3429 PI 574530
Tracy-M X ( D71-9241 x D75-10169 )
D86-8870 Sharkey X LeFlore
D86-9845 Kirby X D82-9973
D87-3125 D65-2262 X Forrest
D87-4389 Sharkey X LeFlore
D87-4429 Sharkey X LeFlore
D87-5870 D82-2218 X Lamar
D87-5951 Epps X D65-2262
D87-5967 Epps X D65-2262
D88-3333 Unspecified X Unspecified
D88-4380 D82-2218 X Sharkey
D88-552 D82-3298 X D77-6056
D88-5547 D82-3298 X D77-6056
D89-7077 Cordell X D77-6056
D89003 ST0470 X Pioneer P90B73
D90-7256 PI 590579
Forrest X D76-8070
D91-4619 Epps X Sharkey
D91-4657 Epps X Sharkey
D91-4759 Epps X Sharkey
D92-4216 Lyon X D86-3429
D92-9779 D88-3333 X Hartwig
D94-2491 S-100 (4) X C.N.S.
D98116 Syngenta S19-T9 X XB29X00
DA07c22-23 Unspecified X Unspecified
DA07x22-23 Asgrow A4714 X PI 587880A
DA0841-193F Unspecified X Unspecified
DA0865-88F Unspecified X Unspecified
DA08X27 DB01-5289 X 10-73#5
DA08X28 Unspecified X Unspecified
DA08x41-193F DB04-10997 X DB00-087
DA09 Unspecified X Unspecified
DA0912-07F DT99-17483 X PI 340023
DA0912-10F DT99-17483 X PI 340023Conv.
DA0939-17F Unspecified X Unspecified
DA09c003-45-182F Unspecified X Unspecified
DA09x002-30-24-B4-B5 Unspecified X Unspecified
DA09X003-27-76 DB01-5289 X DA08X27Low Linolenic Acid
DA09X003-45-182 DB01-5289 X DA08X27Low Linolenic Acid
DA09X004-30-136 JTN-4307 X DA08X28Low Linolenic Acid
DA09x20-2-22-B4-B5 Unspecified X Unspecified
DA09x39-17F R01-976 X DB00-087
DA09x39-26F R01-976 X DB00-087F5, Conv.
DA10 Unspecified X Unspecified
DA1037-25F DB03-1381 X DB03-8416Conv.
DA10x05-17F DB06-1225 X DB06-2257Conv., F5
DA10x05-20F DB06-1225 X DB06-2257Conv., F5
DA10x30-09F Jake X DB04-10997Conv., F5
DA10x30-48F Jake X DB04-10997Conv., F5
DA1133-038F DB06-3442 X N02-417Conv.
DA1134-015F DB03-1381 X S05-11482Conv.
DA1137-007F DB04-10836 X S05-11482Conv.
DA1137-026F DB04-10836 X S05-11482Conv.
DA1139-031F R04-357 X DB04-10836Conv.
DA1221-01-597 DB04-10836 X ( DA10 x 53-F2-B5-066 )
DA1239-09-E ( DB05 x 029-117FX DB06-2257
DA1239-09-L ( DB05 x 029-117FX DB06-2257
DA1241-01 ( DB06 x 037-23X DB03-8416
DA13062-001F DA09x20-2-22-B4-B5 X DA09x002-30-24-B4-B5
DA13076-042F DB05c023-26F X JTN-5203
DA13086-011F Osage X S09-10871
DA13092-015F DB04-10836 X JTN-5203
DA13092-039F DB04-10836 X JTN-5203
DA13099-008F DA07c22-23 X 5002T
DA1405-212-3F DA09c003-45-182F X KB12-1#70-152
DA1405-221-1F DA09c003-45-182F X B12-1#70-152
DA1490-523F S11-17025 X K12-1348
DA14c034-03-14 Unspecified X Unspecified
DA1539-1010F DB04-10836 X R10-5086
DA1539-109F DB04-10836 X R10-5086
DA1541-102F ( DA10 x 36-14FX ( DA10 x 30-09F )
DA1568-112F S11-17025 X ( DA09 x 12-06F )
DA1585-564F DS25-1 X DA14c034-03-14
DA1601-18 DA0865-88F X Osage
DA1643-01-10 DA0841-193F X DA0939-17F
DA60-13 Unspecified X Unspecified
DA60-13-1 D49-2491 (4) X Hawkeye
Dairyland Experimental Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 75213-72 98820-33 X Asgrow A3237
Dairyland 75221 Dairyland 98820-33 X Asgrow A3237
Dairyland 75517 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 87121 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 88504-11 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 94197 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 97026 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 98638 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 98820-33 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 98822 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99294 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99345-31 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99433 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99504 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99508 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99509 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99540 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99543 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99622 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99627 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99630 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99631 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99640 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99659 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99669 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99707 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99733 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99734 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99753 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99805 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99806 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99807 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99820-33 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland 99846-74 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland DSR 304 Williams X Unknown
Dairyland DSR120 PI 556602
Harosoy 63 X T34Dairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8100096
Dairyland DSR128 PI 556877
Hodgson 78 X Beeson 80Dairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8800065
Dairyland DSR135 PI 556878
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8800066
Dairyland DSR141 PI 556598
Chippewa 64 X AmsoyDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8100020
Dairyland DSR151 PI 556787
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8500206
Dairyland DSR155 PI 556879
Williams 79 X Wells IIDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8800067
Dairyland DSR171 PI 556599
Wayne X HarkDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8100021
Dairyland DSR184 PI 556880
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8800068
Dairyland DSR205 PI 556788
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8500207
Dairyland DSR207 PI 556600
Wayne X HarkDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8100022
Dairyland DSR217 DSR-217
Dairyland DSR-217
Dairyland Experimental X Asgrow A3127
Dairyland DSR227 PI 556708
Wayne X HarkDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8200124
Dairyland DSR232 PI 556601
Wayne X HarkDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8100023
Dairyland DSR252 DSR252
Dairyland DSR-252
Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland DSR255 PI 556789
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8500208
Dairyland DSR262 PI 542055
BSR201 X Asgrow A3127Dairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9000180
Dairyland DSR287 PI 556790
Williams X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8500209
Dairyland DSR297 PI 556791
Beeson X Williams 79Dairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8500210
Dairyland DSR300 DSR-300
Dairyland DSR-300
Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland DSR303 PI 556710
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8200126
Dairyland DSR304 DSR304
Dairyland DSR-304
Williams X Unspecified
Dairyland DSR317 PI 556792
Williams X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8500211
Dairyland DSR320 PI 556707
Wayne X HarkDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8200123
Dairyland DSR333 PI 542070
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9000195
Dairyland DSR352 PI 556709
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8200125
Dairyland DSR365 DSR365
Dairyland DSR-365
Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland DSR373 DSR373
Dairyland DSR-373
PI 54071
Asgrow A3127 X FayettePVP 9000196
Dairyland DSR75467 Unspecified X Unspecified
Dairyland DST3305 DST-3305
Dairyland DST-3305
Asgrow A3127 X Fayette
DAK 2501 Unspecified X Unspecified
Daksoy PI 602896
KG20 X M81-18NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 9800161
Danatto PI 593655
Nattoking K86 X UnspecifiedNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 9600241
Danbaekkong PI 619083
IntroductionSouth Korea
Dare N59-6972
PI 548987
Hill X D52-810
Dassel PI 508083
Evans X M66-18PVP 8600138
Davis R54-171-1
PI 553039
D49-2573 X N45-1497
Davison PI 662941,SD02-22
IA2242 X IA2022South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 201000317
Dawson PI 542403
Evans X M63-217YPVP 8400053
DB00-087 Unspecified X Unspecified
DB00-087-08 DT96-6840 X S59-60
DB00-141 Unspecified X Unspecified
DB01-5289 Asgrow A5979 X ( R92-1294 x DPL 3588 )
DB03- 2811 DT96-16809 X DT97-4290
DB03-10440 DT96-7918 X DT96-16809
DB03-1381 N94-546 X DT96-16809
DB03-8416 DT96-6840 X R95-798
DB04-10836 PI 674010
DT99-16788 X J00-2F5, GP-398
DB04-10997 DT99-17445 X J00-2
DB04-290 DT98-9102 X DT98-7278
DB05 Unspecified X Unspecified
DB05c023-26F Freedom X DS-880
DB05X023-26 Freedom X DS95-217-1-880
DB05X039-22 DB00-087 X MD02-5634
DB05X039-36 DB00-087 X MD02-5634
DB05X039-5 DB00-087 X MD02-5634
DB06 Unspecified X Unspecified
DB06-2257 S99-2281 X LN97-15076
DB06-3442 DT98-9102 X PARKER
DB0638-70 PI 686969
DT98-9102 X PI 594172 AGP-416
DB06x038-70 DT98-9102 X PI 594172
DB2004X45-391 DB00-141 X Macon
DC2864 Unspecified X Unspecified
DC7816 Unspecified X Unspecified
Defiance PI 596407
HM8778 X Asgrow A3733PVP 9700106
DeKalb 226 Unspecified X Unspecified
DeKalb 339c Unspecified X Unspecified
DeKalb 411 Unspecified X Unspecified
DeKalb 420c Unspecified X Unspecified
DeKalb 4762 Unspecified X Unspecified
DeKalb 4762RR Unspecified X Unspecified
DeKalb CX366 Unspecified X Unspecified
DeKalb CX415 Unspecified X Unspecified
DeKalb CX445 PI 583745
DeKalb CX415 X DeKalb CX458PVP 9400215
DeKalb CX458 PI 556889
Douglas X Asgrow A3127PVP 8800187
Delmar PI 548548
C799 X FC 33243
Delsoy Selection from PI 85355Selection from PI 85355
Delsoy 4210 PI 560206
L77-1233 X DouglasPVP 9200215
Delsoy 4500 PI 543793
Cumberland X ForrestPVP 9100061,
Delsoy 4710 PI 560207
L77-443 X L77-906
Delsoy 4900 PI 543794
Asgrow A5424 X MackCurators of the University of Missouri, PVP 9100062
Delsoy 5500 PI 595765
Hutcheson X S81-2524
Delsoy 5710 Hartz H5164 X Hartwig
Delsta PI 548451
Selection 6677
Station Selection #6677
IntroductionDeveloped in Delta Station , Stoneville, MS 1924,
Delta PI 556581
Wayne X Harosoy 63V. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900107
Delta King 4762 DK 4762
Delta King DK4762
Unspecified X Unspecified
Delta King 4762RR DK 4762RR
Delta King DK4762RR
Unspecified X Unspecified
Delta King 5961 PI 599306
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700273
Delta King DK420c DK420c
Unspecified X Unspecified
Delta King DK469c DK469c
Unspecified X Unspecified
Delta King DK4866 DK4866
Unspecified X Unspecified
Dennison HS1-3717
PI 647087
Athow X HS94-4533
Dennison F2:3_14-19 Unspecified X Unspecified
Derry [ ( Wilson (6) x Forrest ) x ( Perry x ( Williams x PI 229358 ) ) ] X Tracy-M
Desha PI 633610
Hutcheson X Walters
DeSoto PI 548549
L66L-140 X ColumbusPVP 8100031
Deuel SD02-833
Surge X Pioneer P9151South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 201000318
Devine Unspecified X Unspecified
DH 410SCN Unspecified X Unspecified
DH 748 Unspecified X Unspecified
DH530 OAC 05-30
OAC Clinton X PH9718
Dicamba RR2X Unspecified X Unspecified
Dillon PI 592756
Centennial X YoungPVP 9600151
Dilworth CV-457
PI 633608
Chapman X Probst
Dimmock Mandarin Selection from Mandarin (Ottawa)Selection from Mandarin (Ottawa)
Disoy PI 548550
A50-6838 X A50-7537
Dixie Selection from PI 37330Selection from PI 37330
DKBC 445 Unknown X Unknown
DLL0750 CZ 7132 LL
PI 677241
HBK C4926 X LIB Q206-83-2 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600124
DLL0838 CZ 6109 LL
PI 677237
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600120
DLL0840 CZ 5515 LL
PI 677234
5002T X LIB Q206-83-5 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600117
DLL1141 CZ 7007 LL
PI 677240
S043954 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600123
DLL1143 CZ 6316 LL
PI 677238
S043954 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600121
DLL1149 PI 677242
5002T X LIB Q206-83-5 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600125
DLL1172 CZ 5947 LL
PI 677236
S043861 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600119
DLL1182 PI 677244
HBK C4926 X LIB Q206-83-5 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600127
DLL1206 CZ 5225 LL
PI 677232
S021421 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600115
DLL1273 PI 677243
HBK C4926 X LIB Q206-83-2 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600126
DLL1289 PI 677245
S043861 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600128
DLL1290 PI 677246
S043861 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600129
DLL1291 PI 677247
5002T X LIB Q206-83-2 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600130
DLL1335 CZ 5445 LL
PI 677233
S01100 X LIB Q206-83-4 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600116
DLL1344 PI 677248
S043861 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600131
DLL1347 CZ 5727 LL
PI 677235
5002T X LIB Q206-83-2 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600118
DLL1348 PI 677249
S21421 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600132
Dobruzanca I PI 437267
VIR 4767
IntroductionIntroduced from USSR, Moldova
Doles PI 576154
D74-7741 X Young
Donegal PI 601983
[ ( Wilson ( 6 ) x Forrest ) x ( Perry x ( Williams x PI229358 ) ) ] X BurlisonAgricultural Research Service USDA, PVP 9800028
Dorman PI 548653
Dunfield X Arksoy 2913
Dortchsoy #2 Selection from Ogden
Dortchsoy #31 PI 548695
Dortchsoy 31
Selection from OgdenSelection from Ogden by Dortch Seed Farms
Dortchsoy #67 PI 548696
Dortchsoy 67
Macoupin X OgdenDortch Seed Farms
Dortchsoy #7 Selection from ArksoySelection from Arksoy
Dortchsoy 110 Ogden X WabashShort erect selection
Dortchsoy 67 PI 548696
Macoupin X Ogden
Dotson PI 556543
Harosoy 63 X PI248406Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7800050
Douglas PI 548555
Williams X CallandPVP 8100148
Dowling Ts73-16
Semmes X PI 200492
DP 3519 STS DPL 3519S
DPX 3519
PI 590238
DP 3519s
DPL 415 X [ Asgrow A5403 x ( W20 x Hutcheson ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500154
DP 3519s DPL 3519S
DP 3519 STS
PI 590238
DPX 3519
DPL 415 X [ Asgrow A5403 x ( W20 x Hutcheson ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500154
DP 5634RR DPL 5634RR
Pioneer P9584 X [ Asgrow A5979 x ( Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 (2) x MON40-3-2RR ) )) ]
DP17145891 Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93M61
DP3927359 Pioneer P93B87 X EX32M02
DP4748 Unspecified X Unspecified
DP4748S Unspecified X Unspecified
DP7748344 EX29F04 X YB31C04
DP9422453 Pioneer P92M01 X Pioneer P90M60
DPL 105 PI 556635
Dare X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100151
DPL 246 PI 556663
Lee 68 X D62-7816Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8200102
DPL 345 PI 556582
Bragg X MackMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8000045
DPL 3478 Unspecified X UnspecifiedDelta and Pine Land Co.
DPL 3519S PI 590238
DPX 3519
DP 3519 STS
DP 3519s
DPL 415 X [ Asgrow A5403 x ( W20 x Hutcheson ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500154
DPL 3553 PI 567904
DPL 415 X Asgrow A5980Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300196
DPL 3561 PI 583289
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400175
DPL 3570 PI 583287
Asgrow A6785 X H6383Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400173
DPL 3571S PI 590239
DPL 415 X [ Asgrow A5403 x ( W20 x Hutcheson ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500155
DPL 3588 PI 583288
DPX 3588
DPL 415 X Asgrow A5980CV-427, PVP 9400174, Delta and Pine Land Co.
DPL 3589 DPX 3589
PI 566930
DPL 415 X Asgrow A5980PVP 9300178, Delta and Pine Land Co.
DPL 3606 PI 566931
DPL 415 X DPL 105Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300179
DPL 3627 PI 559927
DPL 105 X DPL 345Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200070
DPL 3640 PI 590236
DPX 1348 X DPL 415Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500152
DPL 3681 PI 590237
Coker 6727 X DPL 415Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500153
DPL 3682 PI 565485
DPL 417 X FosterMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300121
DPL 3733 PI 564530
Asgrow A7986 X Asgrow A5980Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300023
DPL 3776 DPX 3776
PI 564529
Asgrow A7986 X Asgrow A5980PVP 9300022, Delta and Pine Land Co.
DPL 3818 PI 564528
Bedford X BraggMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300021
DPL 415 PI 556906
Deltapine 415
DPX 1091
Essex X DPX 436Delta and Pine Land Co., PVP 8900087
DPL 417 PI 556661
Davis X N66-1136Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300014
DPL 4344 RR PI 602966
CM428 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800142
DPL 4748 S PI 610439
[ Asgrow A6785 x ( W20 x DPL 415 ) ] X DPL 3478Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900287
DPL 4750 RR PI 602963
CM428 X [ TN6-90 x ( DPX 3541 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800139
DPL 4909 PI 603078
Hutcheson X DPX 2485Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800165
DPL 4969 RR PI 602964
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800140
DPL 497 PI 556662
Davis X N66-1136Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300013
DPL 506 PI 556636
Bragg X Lee 68Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100149
DPL 5110 S PI 614775
[ Asgrow A5979 x ( Asgrow 6785 x ( W20 x DPL 415 ) ) ] X DPL 3478Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000318
DPL 5354 PI 602965
Asgrow A5403 X DPL 3589Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800141
DPL 5414 RR PI 614773
DPL 3588 X [ Pioneer P9584 x ( DPX 2324 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000316
DPL 5634 Unspecified X UnspecifiedDelta and Pine Land Co.
DPL 5634 RR PI 632709
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300136
DPL 5634RR DPX 5734 RR
Pioneer P9584 X [ Asgrow A5979 x ( Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 (2) x MON40-3-2RR ) )) ]PVP 200300136, Delta and Pine Land Co.
DPL 5644RR PI 597936
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700258
DPL 5655 PI 603077
Asgrow A5403 X DPL 3589Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800164
DPL 566 PI 556807
N66-1136 X D67-4601Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600023
DPL 5718 RR PI 610438
Pioneer P9592 X ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900286
DPL 5767 RR PI 597937
H5088 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-2-3 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700259
DPL 5806 RR PI 597938
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700260
DPL 5915 RR PI 610437
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900285
DPL 5960 RR DPX 9759 RR
PI 597939
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700261
DPL 5960RR DPX 9759 RR
DP 5960RR
DP 5960 RR
PI 597939
VariousSee PVP 9700261, Delta and Pine Land Co.
DPL 5989 PI 603076
FFR 561 X DPL 3589Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800163
DPL 6200 RR PI 597940
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700262
DPL 6299 RR PI 603283
DPL 3682 X [ Hutcheson x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800218
DPL 675 PI 556828
Bedford X ( V68-920 x Mack ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8700056
DPL 6880 RR PI 603081
Pioneer P9584 X [ Cook x ( Buckshot 723 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800168
DPL 6926 S PI 610436
[ H6686 x ( DPX 3717 x ( W20 x Young ) ) ] X CookMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900284
DPL 7220 RR PI 603280
CM428 X [ TN6-90 x ( DPX 3541 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800215
DPL 726 PI 556907
Deltapine 246 X CentennialMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8900080
DPL 7375 RR PI 603082
DPL 3682 X [ Hutcheson x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800169
DPL 7731 PI 603075
DPL 415 X ( Coker 368 x Asgrow A7986 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800162
DPL 878 PI 538781
Davis X Pickett 71Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000118
DPL5414 DPL 3588 X [ Pioneer P9584 x ( DPX 2324 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]
DPX 2384 Unspecified X Unspecified
DPX 3519 DPL 3519S
PI 590238
DP 3519 STS
DPL 415 X [ Asgrow A5403 x ( W20 x Hutcheson ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500154
DPX 436 Pickett 71 X YorkDelta and Pine Land Co.
DPX 5877 PI 614774
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000317
DPX 8S60 PI 603285
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800220
DPX 8S61 RR PI 603284
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800219
DPX 8S63 RR PI 603282
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800217
DPX 8S64 RR PI 603281
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800216
DPX 9759 RR DPL 5960 RR
PI 597939
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700261
DR20252 PI 677250
HBK C5894 X ( AG4903 x GM_A19788 )Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600133
DR20281 PI 677251
HBK C5894 X ( DKB51-51 x GM_A19788 )Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600134
DS 160 PI 556522
Harosoy 63 X PI248406Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7700035
DS-880 PI 659348
Hartwig X ( PI 437654 x Ripley )
DS03-14 LG99-5106 X LG97-9226ESPS III
DS1061-25 R99-1613F X JTN5203
DS1062-11 R99-1613F X JTN5203
DS11-06152 IA3023 X CL0J173-6-8
DS11-08110 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-12057 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-12076 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-13018 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-13024 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-15020 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-15034 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-15044 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-15053 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-15083 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-40012 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-40158 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-40192 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS11-42127 Unspecified X Unspecified
DS1169-323 ( DT98-9102 x PI 587982AX Osage
DS126-2 Bolivar X PI 567516CSCN
DS126-5 Bolivar X PI 567516CSCN
DS1260-260 ( PI 587982A x DT97-4290X LD00-3309
DS13-141 PI 547878 X GC00138-29Rust Res.
DS1520-34 ( DS-880 (2) x L62-1251X CM422
DS1627-12 DS25-1 X [ ( PI 594445 x Jake ) x Jake ]
DS19-1 PI 547879 X GC00138-29Rust resistance
DS24-2 DT98-9102 X PI 603756Hi Germ (50% exotic pedigree)
DS25-1 DT98-9102 X PI 587982AHi Germ
DS25-4 DT98-9102 X PI 587982AExotic
DS25-41 DT98-9102 X PI 587982AHi Germ (50% exotic pedigree)
DS31-243 LG04-1459 X ( DT97-4290 (2) x PI 587982A )Conv F5 High Germ, 25% exotic
DS3H-211 LG04-1459-6 X S07-5049Hi Yield, 12.5% exotic, F4, Conv
DS4-SCN05 Uspecified X Unspecified
DS4290 Asgrow A5979 X DPL 3478CR Res.
DS46-1 LG01-5087 X DT97-4290
DS46-3141 LG01-5087 X DT97-4290CR Res.
DS49-142 ( DT98-9102 x PI 603756X Jake
DS5-2675 Williams 82 X AnkurRust (50% exotic pedigree)
DS5-67 Williams 82 X AnkurRust resistance
DS72-6 DT98-9102 X ( PI 587982A x PI 424546A )
DS95-217-1-880 Hartwig X ( PI 437654 x Ripley )
DS99-522-11 LG01-5087-5 X OsageF5, Conv., 19% exotic
DS99055NSTS X029 X Syngenta S25-J5
DSN11-03004 IA3023 X 4J105-3-4
DSN11-03174 IA3023 X 4J105-3-4
DSN11-06152 IA3023 X CL0J173-6-8
DSN11-10057 IA3023 X LD00-3309
DSN11-12073 IA3023 X LD02-4485
DSN11-12119 IA3023 X LD02-4485
DSN11-27183 IA3023 X LG05-4292
DT95-15091 PI 612146
Asgrow A5979 X DPL 3589PVP 200000051
DT95-15550 Hutcheson X DPL 3589
DT95-17556 Pioneer P9592 X DPL 415
DT96-15556 H5350 X DPL 3589
DT96-16809 Northrup King S59-60 X DPL 3589
DT96-6840 Hutcheson X Pioneer P9641
DT96-7918 Asgrow A5979 X RA452
DT96684 PI 636463
Hutcheson X Pioneer P9641
DT97-4290 PI 642055
Asgrow A5979 X DPL 3478
DT98-11850 Asgrow A5979 X La88-25723
DT98-7278 Hutcheson X ( D91-4657 x Pioneer P9592 )
DT98-9102 N90-516 X Pioneer P9592
DT99-13005 UARK-5798 X HYP 574
DT99-16788 S59-60 X Bolivar
DT99-16864 S59-60 X Bolivar
DT99-17018 DT96-6840 X Bolivar
DT99-17400 UARK-5798 X Bolivar
DT99-17445 Unspecified X Unspecified
DT99-17483 UARK-5798 X Bolivar
Duel Unspecified X Unspecified
Duke PI 556580
Chippewa 64 X Cutler 71V. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900105
Dunbar PI 552538
Platte X Asgrow A3127PVP 9400190
Dunfield PI 548318
Selection from PI 368461954 From Bernard, Collected in Jilin, CN, Selected from PI 36846
Dunn PI 548509
Grant X Chippewa
Dwight PI 597386
Jack X A86-303014
Dyer PI 548976
Hill X ( Lee (2) x Peking )
E00003 AgriPro AP1995 X Pioneer P9281
E01260 Unspecified X Unspecified
E05181-T Loda X IA2053
E05276-T Unspecified X Unspecified
E06167 OAC 98-12 X E99035
E06240 Loda X AxN-1-55
E06380 K1459 X LG97-8984
E06936 PI 494182 X Skylla
E07051 IA3023 X Loda
E07158-T Unspecified X Unspecified
E08210LL Unspecified X Unspecified
E09088 Unspecified X Unspecified
E09090 Skylla X LD01-7323
E09107 Skylla X PI 507471
E10174 U01-390489 X LD01-5907
E10265LL IA2065 X IA2078
E10928 Unspecified X Unspecified
E11128T E05276-T X LD01-7323
E11358 Unspecified X Unspecified
E11431 Skylla X PI 567537
E11955 Unspecified X Unspecified
E12042 IA3023 X E00003
E12076T Unspecified X Unspecified
E12076T-04 Unspecified X Unspecified
E13100 LD01-7323 X U01-390489
E13268 U03-300134 X E07051
E13364 E07051 X E10928
E13367 Unspecified X Unspecified
E13370 E07051 X E10928
E13390 Unspecified X Unspecified
E13816 Unspecified X Unspecified
E13902 E11955 X E07051
E13906 Unspecified X Unspecified
E13912 Unspecified X Unspecified
E14077 U03-300134 X E07051
E14141 LG04-4468 X U02-242055
E14148 LG05-2359 X U03-100612
E14309 E07051 X E11358
E14314 E07051 X E11358
E14852 E08210LL (2) X KB10-10 x 990-1
E15079T E07158-T X LD01-7323
E15165T E07158-T X E07051
E15338 E09088 X E12901
E15339 IA2102 X LD02-4485
E15345 IA2102 X LD02-4485
E15346T IA2102 X E07051
E15347 IA2102 X E07051
E15349 IA2102 X E07051
E15351 IA2102 X E07051
E15390 E07048 X E06186
E15805 Unspecified X Unspecified
E15806 Unspecified X Unspecified
E15901 E11955-4 X E07051
E15917 Unspecified X Unspecified
E16030 06NB204846 X LG08-3009
E16031 06NB204846 X LG08-3009
E16099 PI 550729 X IA2102
E16184 S20-20 X E07051
E16186 S20-20 X E07051
E16189 S20-20 X IA2102
E16200 Unspecified X Unspecified
E16265 E13902 X E07051
E16266 E13902 X E07051
E16267 E13902 X E07051
E16346 PI 540453 X LD02-4485
E16380 E07051 X E10174
E16387 E07051 X E10175
E16398 E10175 X E07051
E16410 E06240 X E10174
E16411 E06240 X E11291
E16826 Unspecified X Unspecified
E16854 Unspecified X Unspecified
E16901 Unspecified X Unspecified
E16901T Unspecified X Unspecified
E16902 Unspecified X Unspecified
E16915 E13902 X E13367
E17004 PI 540453 X IA2102
E17040 E07051 X IA2102
E17054 IA2102 X E07051
E17062 IA2102 X E06240
E17069 IA2102 X E06240
E17137 E07158-T X E07051
E17143 E07051 X ( E13906 x E13816 )
E17167 Jilin 20-2 X AR09-191018
E17184 Jilin 20-2 X LD01-7323
E17203 E11128T X LD02-4485
E17227 ( E07051 x E11101X ( E07051 x E06380 )
E17269 E13367 X AR09-191018
E17274 E13367 X IA2102
E17275 E13367 X IA2102
E17283 E13367 X E05181-T
E17545 ( E11101 x E06240X ( E10174 x E06240 )
E17550 ( E06240 x E06380X ( E06167 x E06240 )
E17801-07 E07051 X E13802
E17801-08 E07051 X E13802
E17804-01 E07051 X E15805
E17808-1 LD02-4485 X ( E13906 x E13816 )Parentage ambiguous
E18012 E07051 X E13364
E18015 IA2102 X E11128T
E18024T LD01-7323 X E11128T
E18073 ( E06167 x E07051X ( E07051 x E06380 )
E18074 E09107 X E11431
E18331-34 E16854 X E12076T
E18433 E13364 X U06-814223R
E18450GT E13367 X U06-814223R
E18610T IA2102 X E11128T
E18638T E11128T X IA2102
E18801-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
E18834 E16830-1 X E12076T
E18902 Unspecified X Unspecified
E19005 E07051 X LG10-12468
E19056 E16826 X E14077
E19194 E16200 X E11431
E19269 E15917 X E13100
E19288T E16901 X E11128T
E19312T E16902 X E11128T
E19314T E16902 X E11128T
E19319 E16902 X E11128T
E19412 E13390 X E13100
E19413 E13390 X E13100
E19495GT U06-814223R X E13100
E20078 E14077 X AR09-191018
E20154 E07051 X E15806
E20195 E16826 X U12-909109R
E20234GT LD13-13228R1a X E14077
E20316T NE3400 X E11128T
E20327 LD02-4485 X E14077
E20329 LD02-4485 X E14077
E20333 LD02-4485 X E14077
E20352 LD10-10198 X E14077
E20355 LD10-10198 X E14077
E20821-13-2GT U12-909109R X E18801-1
E21058 E15917 X E14077
E21062T E16901T X E14077
E21088 E16901T X E12076T-04
E21100 LD10-10198 X E14077
E21102 E17550 X E14077
E21107 LD02-4485 X E14077
E21109 LD02-4485 X E14077
E21116 E17550 X E14077
E21118 LD10-10198 X E14077
E21125 M07-209037 X PI 567425B
E21127 M07-209037 X PI 567425B
E21139LF E07158-T X NG 2.4
E21270 LD02-4485 X Dennison F2:3_14-19
E21327 LD02-4485 X Dennison F2:3_14-19
E21345 LD10-10198 X E18902
e4993 Unspecified X Unspecified
E84108 Sprite X Hardin
E84159 Sprite X Altona
E84165 Sprite X Altona
E85073 Unspecified X Unspecified
E85110 A80-244003 X U76168
E85171 A80-244003 X Miami
E86-237 Unspecified X Unspecified
E86067 A80-145015 X A79-135010
E86237 ProSoy PS104 X HW8028Maybe Felix?
E86315 HW8039 X Pella
E86339 HW8039 X Elgin
E86348 HW8039 X A80-244035
E87202 Corsoy 79 X HW8123
E87223 HW8123 X LN80-10508
E91031 E84108 X Conrad
E93424 Asgrow A2943 X Northrup King S23-12
E93433 Asgrow A2943 X Northrup King S23-12
E94172 Hack X AgriPro AP1989
E95562 Asgrow A2396 X Northrup King S19-90
E95882 Felix X Northrup King S19-90
E98195 Unspecified X Unspecified
E99035 IA2021 X Apollo
E99248 Pioneer P9281 X Northrup King S19-90
Early White Eyebrow PI 548320
White Eyebrow
Introductionprobably = White Eyebrow from Jilin, China, ca 1940
Earlyana PI 548319
Selection from DunfieldRogue selection from Dunfield, ca. 1931
Ebony Unspecified X Unspecified
Edison PI 542711
HW79116 X HW79022PVP 9100173
EF59 Essex X Forrest
Eglin Selection from AP6
Egyptian PI 506417
Franklin X J74-5
Elf PI 548556
Williams X Ransom
Elgin PI 548557
Selection from AP6Selection from AP6 population created by Fehr and Ortiz from 40 strains (Crop Sci. 15:739, 1975)
Elgin 87 PI 518666
A Elgin BC
Elgin (5) X Williams 82PVP 8800086
Elgin BC Elgin 87
A Elgin BC
Elgin (5) X Williams 82
ELL0041 PI 677252
S022401 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600135
ELL0082 CZ 5147 LL
PI 677231
S00-9925-10 BS X GH-LIB-2Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600114
ELL0254 PI 677253
Darby X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600136
ELL0908 CZ 6515 LL
PI 677239
Darby X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600122
ELL0909 PI 677254
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600137
Ellis TN05-5018
USG Ellis
PI 680630
5601T X 5002TConv., UniSouth Genetics
Ellis-HOLL ( Ellis (4) x TN13-5001LL ) X ( Ellis (4) x TN10-4037-HO-530-214HO )
Ellis-HOln Ellis (4) X [ ( PI 603452 x PI 210179 ) x SB-01 ]
Emerald PI 548559
Aoda X Hahto x Kent Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 7500052
Enlist CTV-DVR 1002 Unspecified X Unspecified
Enrei IntroductionPI accession uncertain
Epps D77-5090
PI 548977
[ Pickett 71 (2) x ( Dare (2) x PI 96983 ) ] X J74-47
ER22295 PI 677255
6I_S021136R X DKB51-51 x GM_A19788Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600138
ER22621 PI 681602
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201700128
Erie PI 561700
A78-123018 X Century 84
Essex V66-180
PI 548667
Lee X S5-7075S55-7075 has been incorrectly identified as the male parent in some records, Registration says S5-7075
Essex MON RR Unspecified X UnspecifiedPresumably based on Essex
Evans PI 548560
Merit X HarosoyPVP 7400105
Evans-1-1-10 Unspecified X Unspecified
EX01F04 D02279 X OAC9501
EX13Q01 ST1570 X ST1073
EX14M05 Pioneer P91B53 X Pioneer P92B63
EX15N01 30337R089 X Pioneer P92B52
EX21Q04 YB22N X Pioneer P92B63
EX24P05 Pioneer P92B38 X EX28Q01
EX26C03 Pioneer P92B52 X ST3870
EX28Q01 MO25731 X Pioneer P9306
EX29E04 ST3643 X XB29V99
EX29F04 ST3643 X XB29V99
EX32K06 Pioneer P93B15 X Pioneer P93B82
EX32M02 ST3883 X Pioneer P93B51
EX32S02 ST3171 X Pioneer P93B82
EX33M07 Pioneer P93B15 X IA3018
EX344A CX445
CX415 X CX458Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400215
EX35B06 Pioneer P93B66 X EX36Y01
EX36Y01 CM428 X ST3380
EX39E00 MO14426 X Pioneer P93B82
EX40U03 YB42D X Pioneer P94B22
EX48Q02 ST3883 X CM428
EX53F03 Pioneer P9482 X Pioneer P9481
EX53P06 YB55H00 X YB52J00
EX55N04 YB52H X ST3680
EX55Q05 W8692-462 X Pioneer P9552
EX56N05 Pioneer P95B34 X Pioneer P95B95
Exp 02052-11 Unspecified X Unspecified
Exp C319428 Exp. C319428
McCall X S19-90
F1-00-111 Unspecified X Unspecified
F2 SA13-2699HOLL Unspecified X Unspecified
F3 SA13-1363 Unspecified X Unspecified
F54-168 Unspecified X Unspecified
F55-1766 Jackson X D49-2491
F55-217 D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F55-224 Hardee
D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F55-255 D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F55-310 D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F55-375 D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F55-377 D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F55-822 Jackson X D49-2491
F55-822A Selection from F55-822Selection from F55-822
F55-861 Jackson X D49-2491
F55-941 D49-772 X D50-1633
F55-978 D49-772 X D50-1633
F56-3460 Jackson X D49-2491
F56-3492 Jackson X D49-2491
F57-1471   D49-2491 X MajosParentage conflict
F57-1471    D49-772 X MajosParentage conflict
F57-467 Jackson X D49-2491
F57-481 Jackson X D49-2491
F57-6279 Jackson X D49-2491
F57-734 D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F57-735 D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F57-784 D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F57-868 D49-2491 X BiloxiCultivar derived from F3 generation seed line
F57-871 D49-2491 (2) X BiloxiCultivar derived from F3 generation seed line
F57-873 D49-2491 X BiloxiCultivar derived from F3 generation seed line
F57-879 D49-2491 (2) X Biloxi
F58-3726 D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F58-3734 Hardee
PI 548666
D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F58-3786 Bragg
Selection from F55-822Selection form F55-822
F58-5788 D49-2491 (3) X Biloxi
F58-6217 D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F58-6421 D49-772 X Improved Pelican
F59-1362 Jackson X D49-2491
F59-1505 Jackson X D49-2491
F59-1851 D51-5091 X Jackson
F59-2008 D49-2491 (2) X Improved Pelican
F59-2043 D49-2491 (2) X Improved Pelican
F59-2496 D55-4090 X D55-4159
F59-2643 D49-2491 (2) X Barchet
F59-693 Hill X D52-810
F59-7-21 D49-2491 (2) X Improved Pelican
F60-2252 D51-4877 X D51-5091
F61-1864 Palmetto X D49-2491
F61-2886 D49-2491 (2) X Improved Pelican
F61-3118 D51-5091 X Jackson
F61-3132 D51-5091 X Jackson
F62-1058 F57-871 X F57-879
F62-1080 F57-871 X F57-879
F62-1091 F57-871 X F57-879
F62-1770 F57-871 X F57-873
F62-2184 F57-873 X F57-868
F62-2953 D51-5091 X N50-2542
F62-3180 La59-1-4 X D51-4877
F62-3193 La59-1-4 X D51-4877
F62-3414 Seminole X D49-2491
F62-3461 D51-5091 X N50-2542
F63-3938 Seminole X F55-822
F63-3999 F55-822 X ( Roanoke x C.N.S-4 )
F63-4000 Hutton
PI 548662
F55-822 X ( Roanoke x C.N.S-4 )
F64-1683 Hardee X D53-1301
F64-1881 F57-1471 X D53-1301
F64-1917 F57-1471 X D53-1301
F64-1928 F57-1471 X D53-1301
F64-2505 F57-1471 X F58-3726
F64-2570 F57-1471 X F58-3726
F64-2571 F57-1471 X F58-3726
F64-2597 F57-1471 X F58-3726
F64-2778 PI 171445 X D51-5091
F64-3494 D49-2491 (2) X Biloxi
F65-1120 ( F55-224 x D55-4073X ( D58-5788 x D56-4065 )
F65-1133 ( F55-224 x D55-4073X ( D58-5788 x D56-4065 )
F65-1376 ( F55-224 x D55-4073X ( F58-5788 x D56-4065 )
F65-1753 Bragg X D60-8107
F66-1016 Hardee X D58-3358
F66-1062 F57-735 X D58-3358
F66-1080 F57-735 X D58-3358
F66-1109 F57-735 X D58-3358
F66-1166 Cobb
PI 548664
F57-735 X D58-3358
F66-1303 Hardee X D53-1301
F66-1534 Unspecified X Unspecified
F66-1689 Hardee X D58-3358
F66-216 F55-822 X ( Roanoke x C.N.S-4 )
F66-242 F55-822 X ( Roanoke x C.N.S. )
F66-270 F55-822 X ( Roanoke x C.N.S. )
F66-550 Ogden X D53-1301
F66-648 Jackson X ( Ogden x D53-1301 )
F66-698 ( F55-224 x D55-4073X ( F58-5788 x D56-4065 )
F67-1749 F57-1471 X F58-3726
F67-1806 F57-1471 X F58-3726
F67-3673 Bragg X D60-8107
F67-3944 Bragg (2) X D60-7965
F67-3970 Bragg (2) X D60-7965
F67-4153 Bragg (2) X D60-7965
F68-1004 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F68-1018 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F68-1025 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F68-1027 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F68-1033 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F68-1180 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F68-1577 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F68-2507 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F70-2060 F62-2953 X D62-3286
F70-2061 F62-2953 X D62-3286
F70-2207 D60-9240 X Hardee
F70-3215 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F70-3374 F63-3999 X Hutton
F70-3380 F63-3999 X Hutton
F70-3390 F63-3999 X Hutton
F70-3796 Bragg (2) X D61-3498
F71-1004 Bragg (2) X D60-7965
F71-1138 F59-1505 X ( Bragg (2) x D60-7965 )
F71-1180 F59-1505 X ( Bragg (3) x D60-7965 )
F71-1735 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F72-6460 Bragg (2) X F59-2496
F72-6745 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F72-6831 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F73-3376 Unspecified X Unspecified
F73-6041 F59-1505 X ( Bragg (2) x PI 96035 )
F73-7082 Bragg (3) X D60-7965
F73-7377 F59-1505 X ( Bragg (2) x PI 96035 )
F73-7571 F63-3999 X ( F61-3118 x D60-7965 )
F74-1349 F59-1505 X ( Bragg (3) x D60-7965 )
F74-1468 F59-1505 X ( Bragg (3) x PI 96035 )
F74-1493 F59-1505 X ( Bragg (3) x PI 96035 )
F74-1497 F59-1505 X ( Bragg (3) x PI 96035 )
F74-1518 F59-1505 X ( Bragg (3) x PI 96035 )
F74-57 Unspecified X Unspecified
F76-8757 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F76-8827 Foster
PI 548970
Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F76-8846 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-1576 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-1661 Forrest X ( Cobb x D68-216 )
F77-1790 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-1793 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-1797 Kirby
PI 548665
Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-1840 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-1880 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-1965 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-1981 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-1995 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-2000 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-2122 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-2658 D68-201 X (D67-10507 (2) x Hampton )
F77-6790 Forrest X ( Cobb x D68-216 )
F77-6903 Forrest X ( Cobb x D68-216 )
F77-7016 Forrest X ( Cobb x D68-216 )
F77-7142 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F77-7449 Forrest X ( Cobb x D68-216 )
F77-7450 Forrest X ( Cobb x D68-216 )
F78-8846 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F79-4299 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F79-4589 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F79-4696 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F79-4860 Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
F79-6429 Davis X Cobb
F8-291 Mandarin X Manitoba BrownPresumably Mandarin (Ottawa)
F80-3508 Forrest (2) X ( Cobb x D68-216 )
F80-3602 Forrest (2) X ( Cobb x D68-216 )
F81-2815 Centennial X ( Cobb x Hood )
F81-5428 Forrest (3) X D77-12480Cultivar derived from F3 generation seed
F82-1739 Bedford X Kirby
F82-1820 Bedford X Kirby
F82-1851 Bedford X Kirby
F83-1648 Bedford X Kirby
F83-1918 Howard
PI 548971
Bedford X Kirby
F83-1960 Bedford X Kirby
F83-1969 Bedford X Kirby
F83-2048 Bedford X Kirby
F83-2184 Bedford X Kirby
F83-5568 F77-1790 X ( Forrest (3) x D77-12480 )
F83-7848 F73-3376 X [ Late Giant (2) x ( Jupiter x F66-1534 ) ]
F84-1569 F73-3376 X [ Late Giant (2) x ( Jupiter x F66-1534 ) ]
F86-1456 Kirby (2) X Tracy-M
F87-4017 Unspecified X Unspecified
F88-8626 F83-1969 X F79-6429
F88-8662 F83-1969 X F79-6429
F88-8692 Kirby X F84-1569
F88-8723 Kirby X Coker 6738
F88-9160 F77-2000 X Braxton
F89-4067 Kirby X F84-1569
F90-3126 F77-2000 X F84-1569
F91-1419 PI 417479 X F87-4017
F92-1792 PI 417479 X F87-4017
Fabulin PI 548671
Selection from LincolnRogue selection from Lincoln
FAM94-41-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
Faribault M75-2 X L77-906
Fayette PI 518674
Williams (2) X PI 88788
FC 03654 Unspecified X Unspecified
FC 04007B Unspecified X Unspecified
FC 04910 Unspecified X Unspecified
FC 29333 Laredo
PI 438495
PI 548463
introductionDonated Ca. 1935, origin unknown
FC 30967-W Unspecified X UnspecifiedMixed seed lot
FC 31122 Unspecified X Unspecified
FC 31592 IntroductionIndonesia
FC 31596 Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
FC 31745 UnknownFarmer selection
FC 32176 Smith
Smith Super
FC 32176
Unknown X UnknownDeveloped 1954 by H.W. Smith
FC 33243 Anderson
FC 33243
Selection from LincolnRogue in Lincoln collected by H.J. Anderson, Calamus, IA ca. 1949
Felix PI 572245
ProSoy PS104 X HW8028DOI:10.2135/cropsci1994.0011183X003400010078x
Fendou 78 Unspecified X Unspecified
FFR 111 PI 556519
Adelphia X Harosoy 63FFR Cooperative, PVP 7600007
FFR 193 PI 565487
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9300125
FFR 224 PI 556577
L65-4059 X T117FFR Cooperative, PVP 8000090
FFR 253 PI 559397
Williams 82 X PellaFFR Cooperative, PVP 9200055
FFR 299 PI 559398
B152 X PellaFFR Cooperative, PVP 9200056
FFR 335 PI 556576
Wayne X KentFFR Cooperative, PVP 7900070
FFR 343 PI 559399
Cumberland X PellaFFR Cooperative, PVP 9200057
FFR 352 PI 565488
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9300126
FFR 373 PI 559400
Williams 82 X PellaFFR Cooperative, PVP 9200058
FFR 398 PI 556905
Mitchell X EssexFFR Cooperative, PVP 8900109
FFR 439 PI 594353
Unspecified X UnspecifiedGenecorp, Inc., PVP 9600220
FFR 444 PI 556546
Wayne X KentFFR Cooperative, PVP 7600006
FFR 464 PI 540877
Mitchell X EssexFFR Cooperative, PVP 9000160
FFR 474 PI 595108
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9600281
FFR 493 19853
PI 590232
FFR 561 X Asgrow A2943PVP 9500148, Southern States Seed Co.
FFR 500 PI 568238
FFR 561 X Asgrow A5474FFR Cooperative, PVP 9300203
FFR 514 PI 595109
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9600282
FFR 542 PI 583370
Asgrow A5474 X BayFFR Cooperative, PVP 9400203
FFR 544 FFR544
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSouthern States Seed Co.
FFR 553 PI 590233
Asgrow A6381 X Pioneer P5482FFR Cooperative, PVP 9500149
FFR 555 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 7600005
FFR 560 PI 556711
D69-8001 X SB168FFR Cooperative, PVP 8300002
FFR 561 FFR561
PI 556826
TJS 329
Essex X V68-920Southern States Seed Co., PVP 008700012, FFR Cooperative
FFR 563 PI 583371
Asgrow A5474 X BayFFR Cooperative, PVP 9400204
FFR 565 PI 556876
Bedford X BayFFR Cooperative, PVP 8800134
FFR 583 PI 590234
FFR 771 X BayFFR Cooperative, PVP 9500150
FFR 595 PI 561576
[ ( Custer x Dyer ) x PI088788X BedfordFFR Cooperative, PVP 9200185
FFR 606 PI 542066
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9000191
FFR 646 PI 542067
Bedford X BayFFR Cooperative, PVP 9000192
FFR 663 PI 590235
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9500151
FFR 666 PI 556479
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 7300017
FFR 668 PI 556620
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 8100140
FFR 695 PI 548834
[ 6041 x ( 6084 x Bragg ) ] X CentennialFFR Cooperative, PVP 9100130
FFR 731 PI 568239
Pickett 71 x Centennial X CentennialFFR Cooperative, PVP 9300204
FFR 777 PI 556478
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 7300018
FG-5 Unspecified X Unspecified
FG31-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
FH 22-815 Harosoy 63 X Fiskeby V
FH 31-3 Fiskeby V X Harosoy 63
FH22-815 Manitoba Brown X Mandarin (Ottawa)
FH31-3 Fiskeby V X Harosoy 63
Fillmore Unspecified X Unspecified
Fiskeby introductionPI accession uncertain
Fiskeby III PI 438471
VIR 5588
IntroductionIntroduced from Sweden, PI 196491
Fiskeby V PI 360955 A,
IntroductionHolmberg, Ostergotland, Sweden
Flambeau PI 548325
Wisconsin 839-14
IntroductionIntroduced from USSR ca. 1955
Flint PI 595843
GR8836 X Elgin 87PVP 9600408
Flyer PI 534646
Asgrow A3127 (4) X Williams 82PVP 8700125; Literature says Asgrow A3127 x L24. L24 is closely related to L24A which was released as Williams 82. PVP says Asgrow A3127 x Williams 82.
FNA1.31 Unspecified X Unspecified
Ford PI 548562
Lincoln (2) X Richland
Forrest PI 548655
Dyer X BraggPVP 7300058
Foster F76-8827
PI 548970
Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
Fowler PI 613695
Hartwig X Holladay
FR51 IV Amsoy 71 X Chippewa 64
FR61 I Unspecified X Unspecified
Franklin PI 548563
L12 X CusterL12 isoline of Clark 63 equivalent to Clark 63
Freeborn PI 592389
Ozzie X FayetteMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9600037
Freedom PI 636463
Hutcheson X Pioneer P9641
Fremont PI 548564
Williams X Amsoy 71
Fukuyutaka Oka Daizu X Shiro Daizu 3
Funk's Delicious Unspecified X UnspecifiedTofu variety
FWH57-1 Jackson X Lee
G. soja Unspecified X UnspecifiedPI accession uncertain
G00-3083 Unspecified X Unspecified
G00-3209 N7001 X Boggs
G00-3213 N7001 X Boggs
G00-3213-4 Unspecified X Unspecified
G00-3213-HOLL-B3 Unspecified X Unspecified
G00-3234 N7001 X Boggs
G00-3322 N7001 X Boggs
G00-3364 N7001 X Boggs
G00-3880 G3-9201 X Cook
G00-3880-HOLL-B3 Unspecified X Unspecified
G00-3880R2 Unspecified X Unspecified
G00-4071 G3-9201 X Cook
G00167G017 Wicomico X Pioneer P95B32
G00450T009 70286G002 X Pioneer P95B33
G01-2633 Unspecified X Unspecified
G01-PR16 PI 659503
Dillon X HyuugaF6, GP-371
G01-PR33 Dillon X Hyuugadoi: 10.3198/jpr2012.11.0052crg
G01-PR6 Unspecified X Unspecified
G01-PR68 Unspecified X Unspecified
G02-G176376 Unspecified X Unspecified
G02-G176376 RR G91-151 (5) X MON RR
G02-G42164 RR G92-2167 (5) X MON RR
G03-1187 RR G95-346 X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-1364 RR G94-3117 X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-1569 RR G95-346 X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-1668 RR Hartz H7242 RR X K1423
G03-2014 RR G94-3117 X Boggs RR
G03-2018 RR G94-3117 X Boggs RR
G03-2148 RR G94-3117 X Boggs RR
G03-2282 RR G94-3117 X Boggs RR
G03-2388 RR G94-3117 X Boggs RR
G03-2394 RR G94-3117 X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-2461 RR G94-3117 X Boggs RR
G03-3101 Benning X Danbaekkong
G03-3385 Benning X PI 619083
G03-3401 Unspecified X Unspecified
G03-364 RR RR G95-346 X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-680 RR G94-3117 X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-695 RR G94-3117 X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-821 G94-3117 RR X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-825 RR G94-3117 X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-889 RR G94-3117 X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-899 RR G94-3117 X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-926 RR G94-3117 X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-952 RR G94-3117 X Hartz H7242 RR
G03-G1126RR G93-1749 (6) X MON RR
G03-G113169RR G90-R1151E (5) X MON RR
G04-1618 RR AgSouth AGS 828RR
Prichard RR X SC96-1476
G04-163 RR SC94-1075 X Hartz H7242 RR
G04-2215 RR G96-2272 X Hartz H7242 RR
G04-236 RR SC94-1075 X Hartz H7242 RR
G04-2414 RR G96-2272 X Benning-RR
G04-2656 RR G96-2272 X Benning-RR
G04-2913 RR Boggs RR X G93-2225
G04-2947 RR Boggs RR X G93-2225
G04-3248 RR Boggs RR X G93-2225
G04-G2261 RR G93-2225 (6) X MON RR
G05-1102 RR G98-1420 X Hartz H7242 RR
G05-1200 RR G98-1420 X Hartz H7242 RR
G05-1209 RR G98-1420 X Hartz H7242 RR
G05-1481 RR G98-1053 X Hartz H7242 RR
G05-2324 RR G98-2641 X Hartz H7242 RR
G05-2468 RR G98-2641 X Hartz H7242 RR
G05-2505 RR G98-2641 X Hartz H7242 RR
G05-3758 RR Prichard RR X G94-3117
G05-4237 RR Prichard RR X G94-3117
G06-2460 RR G98-1420 X Hartz H7242 RR
G06-2507 RR G98-1420 X Hartz H7242 RR
G06-2957 RR G99-4158 X Pioneer P97M50
G06-3182 RR G99-4158 X Pioneer P97M50
G06-3182RR G99-4158 X Pioneer P97M50
G06-3182RR-HOLL-B1 Unspecified X Unspecified
G06-3182RR-HOLL-B4 Unspecified X Unspecified
G06-5287 RR G98-2866 X Hartz H7242 RR
G07-1185 RR G00-3213 X ( Boggs RR (2) x N97-9658 )
G07-1285 RR G00-3083 X ( Hartz H7242RR (3) x N97-9612 )
G07-1363 RR G00-3213 X ( Boggs RR (3) x N98-7288 )
G07-1366 RR G00-3213 X ( Boggs RR (3) x N98-7288 )
G07-1450 RR G00-3213 X ( Boggs RR (3) x N98-7288 )
G07-1460 RR G00-3213 X ( Boggs RR (3) x N98-7288 )
G07-1463 RR G00-3213 X ( Boggs RR (3) x N98-7288 )
G07-2879 RR G00-3083 X AgSouth AGS758RR
G07-3192 RR G98-1053 X Boggs RR
G07-3496 RR G00-3213 X Pioneer P97M50
G07-3557 RR G00-3213 X Pioneer P97M50
G07-3651 RR G00-3213 X Pioneer P97M50
G07-3674 RR G01-2633 X Pioneer P97M50
G07-3691 RR G01-2633 X Pioneer P97M50
G07-3772 RR G01-2633 X Pioneer P97M50
G07-3774 RR G01-2633 X Pioneer P97M50
G07-3796 RR G01-2633 X Pioneer P97M50
G07-3839 RR G01-2633 X Pioneer P97M50
G07-6012 PI 672992
N7103 X PI 366122GP-394
G07-6029 PI 672993
N7103 X PI 366122GP-395
G08-1166 RR S99-1171 X Hartz H7242 RR
G08-1212 RR S99-1171 X Hartz H7242 RR
G08-1253 RR S99-1171 X Hartz H7242 RR
G08-1569 RR Hartz H7242 RR (2) X N98-7261
G08-1799 RR Pioneer P97M50 X L00-3372
G08-2864 RR G00-3209 X G03-364 RR
G08-2869 RR G00-3209 X G03-364 RR
G08-3279 RR G00-3209 X G03-952 RR
G08-3279RR G00-3209 X G03-952-RR
G08-3282 RR G00-3209 X G03-952 RR
G08-3323 RR Boggs RR (2) X N98-7288
G08-3658 RR Boggs RR (2) X N98-7288
G08-3795 RR G99-2678 X Pioneer P97M50
G08-3808 RR G99-2678 X Pioneer P97M50
G08-3848 RR G99-2678 X Pioneer P97M50
G08-4171 RR N97-9658 X Boggs RR
G08-4200 RR N97-9658 X Boggs RR
G08-4200RR N97-9658 X Boggs RR
G08-5122 RR N97-9658 X G02-G176376
G08-5212 RR N97-9658 X G02-G176376
G08-PR-394 Unspecified X Unspecified
G08PR-339 Unspecified X Unspecified
G08PR-394 PI 667741
5601T X R01-3637FGP-380, F5
G09-1281 RR G00-3880 X ( Hartz H7242 RR (5) X G93-9009 )
G09-1754 RR G00-3083 X ( Hartz H7242 RR (5) X G93-9009 )
G09-2369 RR G00-3880 X ( Boggs RR (6) x G93-9009 )
G09-2403 RR G00-3880 X Boggs RR (6)
G09-2416 RR G00-3083 X ( Hartz H7242 RR (5) x G93-9009 )
G09-3202R2 G00-3880 X NC7308A1-COYN
G09PR-54329R2 Unspecified X Unspecified
G09PR-54457R2 Unspecified X Unspecified
G09PR-80 PI 667742
5601T X PI 157440GP-381, F5
G10-2479 RR Boggs RR X R01-3637F
G10-3192 RR G03-1668 RR X ( G00-3209 x G01-PR6 )
G10-3429 RR N02-219 X G03-1668 RR
G10-3429RR N02-219 X G03-1668 RR
G10-3833 RR G03-825 RR X G00-3213
G10-3833RR N02-219 X G00-3213
G10-3896 RR G03-825 RR X G00-3213
G10-3913R2 G00-3213 X NC7308A1-COYN
G10-3954R2 G00-3213 X NC7308A1-COYN
G10-3968R2 G00-3213 X NC7308A1-COYN
G10PR-10 Unspecified X Unspecified
G10PR-10R2 Unspecified X Unspecified
G10PR-224R2 G00-3213 X NC7308A1-COYN
G10PR-56248 Unspecified X Unspecified
G10PR-56248R2 Unspecified X Unspecified
G10PR-56264R2 G00-3213 (2) X MON RR2Y
G10PR-56264R2-HOLL Unspecified X Unspecified
G10PR-56288R2 G00-3213 (2) X MON RR2Y
G10PR-56330R2 G93-2225 X G00-3213
G10PR-56351R2 G93-2225 X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )
G10PR-56389 Unspecified X Unspecified
G10PR-56406R2 G93-2225 X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )
G10PR-56444R2 G93-2225 X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )
G10PR-56444R2-HOLL-A Unspecified X Unspecified
G10PR-56444R2-HOLL-B Unspecified X Unspecified
G10PR-56466R2 Unspecified X Unspecified
G10PR-86R2 G00-3880 X NC7308A1-COYN
G11-1057R2 ( G00-3209 x G01-PR68 D2178X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )
G11-1162R2 Santee X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )
G11-1397R2 Santee X ( G00-3880 x MON RR2Y )
G11-1591R2 G99-3211 X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )
G11-1614R2 G99-3211 X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )F5d, RR2
G11-1633R2 G99-3211 X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )
G11-1762R2 G99-3211 X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )
G11-1806R2 G99-3211 X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )
G11-1880R2 G99-3211 X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )
G11-1984R2 G99-3211 X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )
G11-2294R2 G00-3880 (2) X MON RR2Y
G11-2334R2 G00-3880 (2) X MON RR2Y
G11-2663R2 G00-3213 (2) X MON RR2Y
G11-2675R2 G00-3213 (2) X MON RR2Y
G11-2815R2 G00-3213 (2) X MON RR2Y
G11-418R2 Unspecified X Unspecified
G11-7013 PI 699240
Boggs X PI 221717GP-447
G11PR-209R2 G00-3880 (2) X MON RR2Y
G11PR-266R2 G93-2225 X ( G00-3213 x MON RR2Y )
G11PR-407R2 ( G00-3213 (3) x MON RR2YX [ G00-3213 (2) x ( G00-3209 x G01-PR68 ) ]
G11PR-418R2 ( G00-3213 (3) x MON RR2YX [ G00-3213 (2) x ( G00-3209 x G01-PR68 ) ]
G11PR-56151R2 G00-3213 (4) X MON RR2Y
G11PR-56158R2 G00-3213 (4) X MON RR2Y
G11PR-56183R2 G00-3213 (4) X MON RR2Y
G11PR-56232R2 G00-3880 (4) X MON RR2Y
G11PR-56238R2 G00-3880 (4) X MON RR2Y
G12-1475R2 G00-3880 (4) X RR2YF5d, RR2
G12-1784R2 G00-3880 (4) X RR2Y
G12-2062R2 G00-3880 X ( G00-3213 (3) x RR2Y )F5d, RR2, High Protein or Oil
G12-2103R2 G00-3213 X ( G00-3880 (3) x RR2Y )F5d, RR2, High Protein or Oil
G12-2259R2 G00-3213 X ( G00-3880 (3) x RR2Y )F5d, RR2, High Protein or Oil
G12-2731R2 N05-7452 X ( G00-3213 (3) x RR2Y )
G12-3107R2 AU02-2814 X ( G00-3880 x RR2Y )
G12-3698R2 Unspecified X Unspecified
G12-3698R2 HO Unspecified X Unspecified
G12-3698R2 LLn Unspecified X Unspecified
G12-6386 G00-3213 (3) X ( Pioneer P97M50 (3) x L85-2378 )F5d, Conv., High Protein or Oil
G12-6515 G00-3213 (3) X ( G00-3209 x G01-PR68 )
G12-6543 G00-3213 (3) X ( G00-3209 x G01-PR68 )F5d, Conv., High Protein or Oil
G12-7186 Unspecified X Unspecified
G12-7199 Unspecified X Unspecified
G12PR-214 Unspecified X Unspecified
G13-1269R2 G09PR-54329R2 X [ G00-3213 (4) x ( Pioneer P97M50 (3) x L85-2378 ) ]F5d, RR2, High Protein or Oil
G13-2021R2 G09PR-54329R2 X [ G00-3213 (4) x ( G00-3209 x G01-PR68 ) ]F5d, RR2, High Protein or Oil
G13-2114R2 G09PR-54457R2 X [ G00-3213 (4) x ( G00-3209 x G01-PR68 ) ]F5d, RR2
G13-2369R2 AU02-3104 X ( G00-3213 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2
G13-2454R2 AU02-3104 X ( G00-3213 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2
G13-2755R2 R01-2346 X ( G00-3880 x RR2Y )F7d, RR2
G13-2842R2 R01-2346 X ( G00-3880 x RR2Y )F7d, RR2, High Protein or Oil
G13-2947R2 R98-209 X ( G00-3880 x RR2Y )F7d, RR2
G13-3461R2 NCC02-307 X ( G3213 x RR2Y )F7d, RR2
G13-6241 G00-3213 X LG04-6000F5d, Conv., 19% exotic
G13-6299 PI 682087
G00-3213 X LG04-6000F5d, Conv., 19 % exotic
G13-6470 Unspecified X Unspecified
G13LL-44 Unspecified X Unspecified
G13LL-7 Unspecified X Unspecified
G13LL-7 HO Unspecified X Unspecified
G14-1408R2 G10PR-56248 X G10PR-56389F5d, RR2
G14-1632R2 G10PR-10 X G10PR-56389F5d, RR2
G14-1665R2 G10PR-10 X G10PR-56389F5d, RR2
G14-1755R2 G10PR-10 X G10PR-56389 R2YF5d, RR2
G14-2478R2 [ ( G00-3213 (3) x RR2Y ) x ( G00-3213 (2) x ( G00-3209 x G01-PR68) ) ] X [ G00-3213 (3) x ( 97M50 (3) x L85-2378 ) ] F5d, RR2
G14-2622R2 R02-3065 X ( G00-3880 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2
G14-2737R2 R02-3065 X ( G00-3880 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2
G14-2888R2 R03-1232 X ( G00-3880 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2, High Protein or Oil
G14-3268R2 N05-7432 X ( G00-3213 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2
G14-3624R2 G08PR-339 X ( G00-3213 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2
G14-4098R2 N05-7462 X ( G00-3880 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2
G14-4191R2 N05-7462 X ( G00-3880 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2
G14-4316R2 N05-7462 X ( G00-3880 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2
G14-4364R2 N05-7462 X ( G00-3880 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2
G14-4396R2 N06-7564 X ( G00-3213 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2, High Protein or Oil
G14-4515R2 N06-7564 X ( G00-3213 (3) x RR2Y )F6d, RR2, High Protein or Oil
G14-6063 G08PR-394 X G09PR-25F5d, Conv., 25% exotic
G14-6102 Unspecified X Unspecified
G14-7860 Unspecified X Unspecified
G14-8109 Unspecified X Unspecified
G15-1038R2 G10PR-56248R2 X G10PR-56466R2
G15-1465R2 G10PR-56248R2 X G10PR-10R2
G15-1811R2 R04-342 X G09PR-54457R2
G15-2017R2 R04-342 X G09PR-54457R2
G15-2330R2 NCC04-619 X G09PR-54457R2
G15-2379R2 NCC04-619 X G09PR-54457R2
G15-3361R2 N05-7432 X G09PR-54329R2
G15-3606R2 G08PR-394 X G09PR-54329R2
G15LL-9205 NCC06-899 X ( G00-3213 (2) x A5547-127 )LL
G15PR-302 ( G00-3213 (4) x BenningX [ G00-3213 (4) x ( 17D x S08-14788 ) ]BC4F3d, Conv., HO, Benning low lin/low palm
G15PR-340 ( G00-3880 (4) x BenningX [ G00-3880 (4) x ( G00-3213 x ( 17D x S08-14788 ) ) ]BC4F3d
G15PR-342 ( G00-3880 (4) x BenningX [ G00-3880 (4) x ( G00-3213 x ( 17D x S08-14788 ) ) ]BC4F3d, Conv., HO, Benning low lin/low palm
G15PRLL-953 NCC06-899 X ( G00-3213 (2) x A5547-127 )F6d, LL
G15PRLL-989 NCC06-899 X [ G00-3213 (2) x A5547-127 ]F6d, LL
G16-1216R2 G00-3880R2 X Benning-EMGH
G16-4162R2 G06-3182RR X G10PR-86R2RR2
G16-4418R2 G06-3182RR X G10PR-224R2
G16-4995R2 G10PR-56444R2 X G11PR-407R2
G16-5022R2 G10PR-56444R2 X G11PR-407R2
G16-5129R2 G10PR-86R2 X G11-418R2
G16-5923R2 NCC04-619 X G09PR-54457R2
G16-5967R2 Selection from G16-5923R2Selection
G16-8779 LG06-5920 X G00-3880
G16LL-10015 G08-394 X ( G00-3213(2) x A5547-127 )Liberty Link
G16LL-10180 G08-394 X ( G00-3213(2) x A5547-127 )Liberty Link
G16LL-10193 G08-394 X ( G00-3213(2) x A5547-127 )Liberty Link
G16LL-10316 N05-7432 X ( G00 3213(2) x A5547-127 )Liberty Link
G17-11274 G08PR-394 X G00-3213
G17-11315 G08PR-394 X G00-3213
G17-3336R2 N08-391 X G10PR-56248R2
G17-3878R2 N08-521 X G10PR-56466R2
G17-4801R2 N07-14182 X G10PR-56248R2
G17-5173R2 G11PR-56238R2 X ( G00-3880R2 x Benning EMGH )
G17-6512R2 G10PR-224R2 X G11-1162R2
G17-7222HOLNR2 Selection from G10PR-56264R2-HOLLSelection
G17-7329HOLNR2 Selection from G10PR-56444R2-HOLL-ASelection
G17-7384HOLNR2 Selection from G10PR-56444R2-HOLL-BSelection
G17-8322LL N08-521 X ( G00-3213(4) x A5547-127 )
G17-8706LL N07-14182 X ( G00-3213(4) x A5547-127 )
G17-8737LL N07-14182 X ( G00-3213(4) x A5547-127 )
G17-8932LL NMS4-1-77 X ( G00-3880(4) x A5547-127 )
G17PR-1039HOLNR1 Selection from G06-3182RR-HOLL-B1Selection
G17PR-1071HOLNR1 Selection from G06-3182RR-HOLL-B4
G17PR-1349HOLL Unspecified X Unspecified
G18-11267 Boggs X N09-12854
G18-11901 Woodruff X N09-13128
G18-12061 C-Raleigh X JTN-4307
G18-12231 Woodruff X A5980
G18-12382 Woodruff X G12-7199
G18-12647 G00-3880 X G12-7199
G18-3051R2 G10PR-224R2 X NCC07-8138
G18-3118R2 G10PR-224R2 X NCC06-1090
G18-3311R2 G10PR-224R2 X NCC06-899
G18-3336R2 G10PR-56248R2 X TN08-100
G18-3558R2 G10PR-56248R2 X TN09-44420
G18-4195R2 G10PR-224R2 X UA5612
G18-6302R2 G12-3698R2 X G12-6543
G18-6534HOLNR2 ( G10PR-224R2(4) x TN10-5002LLX [ G10PR-224R2(4) x G00-32213-4 x (17D x S08-14788) ]
G18-6624HOLNR2 ( G11-1614R2(4) x TN10-5002LLX [ G11-1614R2(4) x ( G00-3213-4 x (17D x S08-14788 ) ) ]
G18-6669HOLNR2 ( G11-1614R2(4) x TN10-5002LLX [ G11-1614R2(4) x ( G00-3213-4 x ( 17D x S08-14788 ) ) ]
G18-8097LL G12PR-214 X G13LL-44
G18-8335LL Henderson X G13LL-7
G18-8480LL TN08-100 X G13LL-7
G18-8508LL TN08-100 X G13LL-7
G18F3D-415 NC-Raleigh X JTN-4307
G19-11257 N10-711 X Benning
G19-11535 N11-7046 X Benning HP
G19-11782 R12-514 X Benning HP
G19-12278 N10-1031 X G14-8109
G19-12361 N10-1031 X G14-8109
G19-12402 N10-792 X G14-8109
G19-13040 Woodruff X G12-7186
G19-13438 G13-6299 X N10-711
G19-13506 G13-6299 X N10-711
G19-13615 G11-7013 X N10-764
G19-13740 G13-6470 X N06-19
G19-2805R2 N09-9 X G11PR-56151R2
G19-3423R2 N08-521 X G11-1614R2
G19-5469R2 G11-1614R2 X G12-2103R2
G19-8253LL N09-13128 X G13LL-44
G20-10017 G13-6299 X R12-4786
G20-10022 G13-6299 X R12-4786
G20-10050 G13-6299 X R12-4786
G20-12085LL G13LL-44 X G15PRLL-953
G20-12320LL G13LL-7 X G15PRLL-953
G20-12745LL G15PRLL-953 X A5885
G20-13046LL G13LL-44 X G13LL-7
G20-13228LL G17PR-1349HOLL X G13LL-7 HO
G20-2091R1 G00-3880-HOLL-B3 X G10PR-56264R2-HOLL
G20-2822R2 G13-3461R2 X G13-2454R2
G20-3375R2 G12-2103R2 X G14-4515R2
G20-3630R2 G13-2454R2 X G14-3268R2
G20-4820R2 N08-174 X G12-2103R2
G20-5669R2 G12-2062R2 X S11-16653
G20-6072R2 G12-3698R2 LLn X G12-3698R2 HO
G20-6094R2 ( G13-2114R2 (4) x G00-3880HOX ( G13-2114R2 (4) x G00-3880LLn-B3 )
G20-8200 G00-3213-HOLL-B3 X G00-3880-HOLL-B3
G20-8317 G00-3213-HOLL-B3 X G00-3880-HOLL-B3
G20-9154 G12-6543 X G14-7860
G20-9503 G13-6299 X G11-7013
G20-9576 G13-6299 X G11-7013
G20-9640 G13-6299 X G11-7013
G20-9685 G13-6299 X G11-7013
G20-9740 G14-6102 X S09-13185
G20-9840 G14-6102 X S09-13185
G20-9892 G14-6102 X S09-13185
G20-9920 G14-6102 X S09-13185
G21-209E3 G17-11315 (4) X Enlist CTV-DVR 1002
G21-230R2X G12-2062R2 (4) X Dicamba RR2X
G21-245R2X G13-2114R2 (4) X Dicamba RR2X
G2436A 66764 ( 2 ) X 40-3-2
G3-9201 Unspecified X Unspecified
G79-945 Tracy X Ransom
G80-1011 Wright X Braxton
G80-1413 Thomas
PI 522236
Centennial X F71-1138
G80-1515 Pickett 71 X Bedford
G81-152 D74-7741 X Coker 237
G81-1949 D74-7741 X Braxton
G81-234 Bryan
PI 542712
Centennial X Bedford
G81-2949 D74-7741 X Braxton
G82-2820 D74-7741 X F76-8757
G82-2933 D74-7741 X F76-8757
G82-3458 Braxton X Dowling
G82-481 D74-7741 X F76-8846
G83-12 Unspecified X Unspecified
G83-1243 D77-6103 X F77-6790
G83-198 D74-7741 X Young
G83-266 PI 553045
Braxton X Young
G83-559 D77-6103 X F77-6903
G83-644 D77-6103 X F77-6903
G83-969 Young X F77-6903
G84-234 Kirby X Wright
G84-3185 Haskell
PI 572238
Johnston X Braxton
G85-373 Gordon X Braxton
G86-1195 D76-9665 X Braxton
G86-1267 D76-9665 X Braxton
G86-1434 D79-6058 X Twiggs
G87-1968 Thomas X Gordon
G87-3533 Coker 368 X Gorden
G88-3129 Hutcheson X Coker 6738
G88-3266 Benning
PI 595645
Hutcheson X Coker 6738
G89-1053 G80-1515 X Thomas
G89-146 Unspecified X Unspecified
G89-2223 Boggs
PI 602597
G81-152 X Coker 6738
G89-2272 G81-152 X Coker 6738
G89-2328 G81-152 X Coker 6738
G89-300 Hutcheson X Colquitt
G89-375 Unspecified X Unspecified
G89-9111 Hutcheson X Coker 6738
G90-1551 Prichard
PI 612157
Coker 82-622 X Howard
G90-1669 Coker 82-622 X Howard
G90-3258 Stonewall X Bryan
G90-R1151E Coker 82-622 X Howard
G91-151 Coker 82-622 X Bryan
G91-221 Coker 82-622 X Bryan
G91-2244 F81-2815 X Colquitt
G91-270 Coker 82-622 X Bryan
G91-291 Coker 82-622 X Bryan
G92-1110 Bryan X Coker 6727
G92-1306 Doles X Coker 6727
G92-1557 Doles X Coker 6727
G92-2167 Coker 82-622 X Brim
G92-2219 Coker 82-622 X Brim
G92-2381 Coker 82-622 X G83-12
G92-2388 Coker 82-622 X G83-12
G93-1749 G85-373 X Coker 6727
G93-1914 S84-1876 X D84-7174
G93-2225 Cook X Coker 6727
G93-3034 G83-559 X Bryan
G93-9009 G83-559 X ( G80-1515 (2) x PI 96354 )
G93-9223 PI 595099
G83-559 X ( G80-1515 (2) x PI 230977 )
G94-1223 G86-1434 X Doles
G94-1448 G86-1434 X Doles
G94-1559 G86-1434 X G85-373
G94-1572 G86-1434 X G85-373
G94-1917 G86-1434 X G85-373
G94-3117 G86-1434 X Hagood
G95-179 G86-1434 X G86-1267
G95-2484 G86-1434 X HY798
G95-2567 G86-1434 X HY798
G95-2853 G87-1968 X G86-1267
G95-2935 G87-1968 X G86-1267
G95-346 G86-1434 X G87-1968
G96-1170 G86-1434 X D87-4429
G96-1797 G86-1434 X Cook
G96-2272 DPL 3776 X G86-1267
G97-1387 Doles X D87-4429
G97-1417 Doles X D87-4429
G97-1419 Doles X D87-4429
G97-1486 Doles X D87-4429
G97-2449 G89-375 X Haskell
G97-3149 DPL 3776 X Hartwig
G98-1053 Boggs X Doles
G98-1420 Boggs X Doles
G98-2641 G89-375 X D87-4429
G98-2866 Brim X Doles
G98-3157 Brim X D87-4429
G98-3520 Doles X Haskell
G98-465 Boggs X Benning
G98-5393 G89-146 X Cook
G98SF-114 Benning X Danbaekkong
G98SF114 Unspecified X Unspecified
G99-1166 G91-2244 X Benning
G99-1308 G91-2244 X Benning
G99-2172 V91-3036 X Doles
G99-2604 Prichard X Northrup King S75-55
G99-2678 Prichard X Northrup King S75-55
G99-2721 Prichard X Northrup King S75-55
G99-2982 Prichard X Northrup King S75-55
G99-3211 G91-2244 X Doles
G99-4158 S91-1381 X Benning
Ga58-33 D49-588 X N51-1956
Ga59-895 Jackson X D49-2491
Ga70-163 Davis X Lee
Ga70-276 Unspecified X Unspecified
Ga72-663 Wright
PI 553042
Bragg X Lee
Ga72-666 Bragg X Lee
Ga76-316 Bragg X Ransom
Ga78-1011 Forrest X Hutton
Ga78-2488 Hutton X Ga70-276
Ga78-2708 Gordon
PI 553047
Forrest X Pickett 71
Ga79-402 PI 511813
Centennial X Forrest
Ga79-945 Tracy X Ransom
Ga80-1413 Centennial X F71-1138
Gail D70-7583
PI 548978;
Hood X D60-9647
Garst AgriPro B99-17498 AgriPro B99-17498
Unspecified X Unspecified
Garst H-2285 Unspecified X Unspecified
GASF98-114 Benning X Danbaekkong
GaSoy Unspecified X Unspecified
GaSoy 17 GaT71-1088,PI 553046
Bragg X Hood
GaT71-1088 GaSoy 17
PI 553046
Bragg X Hood
GaT72-555 Jackson X Hood
GaT73-24 Davis X D68-180
GaT74-10 Hale 3 X Delmar
GaT74-25 Bragg X F66-242
GaT75-731 Dare X Hampton 266A
Gatan PI 548454
Selection from OtootanSelected from Otootan
Gateway511 Unspecified X Unspecified
GC 00138-29 Unknown X Unknown
GC 84051-9-1 Unknown X Unknown
GC00138-29 Unspecified X Unspecified
GCS Raydor PI 597929
Unspecified X UnspecifiedGold Country Seed, Inc., PVP 9700248
GCS6009RR Unspecified X Unspecifiedfrom Gold Country Seed, from Gold Country Seed
Geden Shirazu PI 227557
Unspecified X Unspecified
General PI 593463
Voris 311 X ResnikPVP 9600121
Georgia 723 Unspecified X Unspecified
Georgia 731 Selection from PI 95719-1Selection from PI 95719
GH X-201 Unknown X Unknown
GH03-1 Selection from Golden Harvest 24040Selection from Golden Harvest 24040
GH03-3 Selection from Golden Harvest 2285Selection from Golden Harvest 2285
Gibson PI 548330
Dunfield X Midwest
GK-67 PI 556716
Bragg X PI253662Agratech Seeds Inc., PVP 8200142
GL 2250 PI 556672
Corsoy X AmsoySoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8100114
GL 2552 PI 556673
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8300094
GL4408D55-G0RN Unspecified X Unspecified
GL4708A1-D0YN Unspecified X Unspecified
Glaborous Unspecified X Unspecified
Glabrous Unspecified X Unspecified
Glacier PI 592523
McCall X AltonaPVP 9600038
Glenn PI 658014
V88-466 X Pioneer P9461Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc., PVP 200900325
Glenwood PI 513382
Evans X Peterson 85PVP 8700209
GLL0050 CZ 4540 LL
PI 677229
HBK C5025 X DLL0370Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600112
GLL0059 CZ 4818 LL
PI 677230
S043976 X DLL0706Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600113
Glycine Max Unspecified X Unspecified
Glycine Soja Unspecified X Unspecified
GM_A19788 Unspecified X Unspecified
Gnome PI 548565
Williams X RansomPVP 8000033,
Gnome 85 PI 543857
Gnome Rps1-k
HC Gnome Rps1-k
Gnome (6) X Williams 82PVP 8700097
Gnome Rps1-k PI 543857
Gnome 85
HC Gnome Rps1-k
Gnome (6) X Williams 82PVP 8700097
GO1010024 PI 669392
04KL108888 ( 2 ) X Asgrow A3244RR2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300387
GO1010146 PI 669389
06KL167872 X ( 04KL109914 ( 3 ) x 1707A1-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300384
GO1110272 PI 672040
07RG381326 X [ 06DL4808688 x ( 05DL285328 x ( 05KL134976 x Asgrow A3244 ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400271
GO1112037 PI 672041
04KL108888 X [ 07DL599351 x ( 04KL109914 ( 3 ) x 1707A1-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400272
Gogaku PI 594172 A
Golden Harvest 2285 Unspecified X Unspecified
Golden Harvest 24040 Unspecified X Unspecified
Golden Harvest H-2285 Unspecified X Unspecified
Golden Harvest H-2632 Unspecified X Unspecified
Golden Harvest H2632 Unspecified X Unspecified
Golden Harvest H2885 Unspecified X Unspecified
Golden Harvest X33686 Unspecified X Unspecified
Golden Harvest X33802 Unspecified X Unspecified
Goldsoy PI 548332
Selection from OAC 211Selection from OAC 211 ca. 1940
Gordon Ga78-2708
PI 553047
Forrest X Pickett 71
GoSoy 54G16 Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Govan D66-8666
PI 548979
Bragg X Semmes
GP 26062 Unspecified X Unspecified
GP 26082 Unspecified X Unspecified
GP-164 LN89-5717
Williams 82 (2) X PI 89772F3, Resistant to SCN Races 2, 3, 5 and 14.
GR20521 PI 681601
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201700127
GR8836 PI 534647
Asgrow A3127 X Williams 82
GR8936 PI 534648
Asgrow A3127 X Williams 82Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University, PVP 8700128
Graham PI 594922
N77-114 X Pixie
Grande PI 548567
Anoka X Magna
Granite PI 592524
Sibley X BSR101Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9600039
Grant PI 548568
Lincoln X Seneca
Gregg La74-4656
PI 510675
Bragg X Pickett 71
GT 1200 PI 556555
Hark X CallandAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900019
GT 1250 PI 556603
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900020
GT 1310 PI 556556
L66L-140 X CutlerAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900021
GT 1380 PI 556609
L66L-140 X AdamsAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100088
GT 1440 PI 556616
Mitchell X Exp 40306Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100016
Gutwein 180 PI 556520
Harosoy 63 X PI248406Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7700036
Gutwein 221 PI 556570
Corsoy X AmsoySoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7900108
Gutwein 225 PI 556674
SRF 150 X SRF 200Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8300093
Gutwein 421 PI 556541
Clark 63 X D61-6141Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7800051
GXR 9648 Unspecified X Unspecified
H00180 Pioneer P9481 X Pioneer P94B81
H02173 Pioneer P93B82 X Pioneer P94B45
H02353 YB46K X T00593H117
H04385 T00038H005 X Pioneer P94B54
H04433 YB48M01 X Pioneer P94B54
H09-277 Unspecified X Unspecified
H09-4 GASF98-114 X Wyandot
H1 D1
Unknown X UnknownCirca 1943
H10042 Lincoln X ( Richland x C11 )
H106-461 Mukden X Mandarin
H113-461 Mukden X Mandarin
H115-461 Mukden X Mandarin
H131-463 Dunfield X Scioto
H13116 Lincoln X ( Richland x C11 )
H133-461 Mukden X Mandarin
H13501 Lincoln X ( Richland x C11 )
H14025 Lincoln X Quebec 92
H14521 Lincoln X Ontario
H15345 Lincoln X PI 68666
H15548 Lincoln X PI 68666
H16-461 Dunfield X Illini
H167-463 Dunfield X Manchuria 13177
H170-461 Unknown X Unknown
H2 LX339-4
Dunfield X IlliniCirca 1943
H20771 Monroe X Lincoln
H20771-9 PI 548580
Monroe X Lincoln
H21162 Monroe X Lincoln
H21793 Richland X H2
H21793-7 PI 548579
Richland X H2
H22-461 Dunfield X Illini
H24-463 Mukden X Mandarin
H24088 Monroe X Lincoln
H24157-4 PI 548612
Monroe X Lincoln
H25-461 Scioto X Mandarin
H257-463 Illini X T95T95=Manchu line A
H2804 Richland X Scioto
H2885 Unspecified X Unspecified
H29-461 Scioto X Mandarin
H3 LX349-11
Scioto X MandarinCirca 1943
H3665 AX1519
Richland X Manchu 3
H38-461 Scioto X Mandarin
H4 LX378-12
Mukden X MandarinCirca 1943
H5 LX378-32
Mukden X Mandarin
H50-461 Illini X Mandarin
H5350 Unspecified X Unspecified
H5S Selection from H5Elite selection from H5
H6 LX343-13
Dunfield X Scioto
H6150 Lincoln (2) X Richland
H6217 Lincoln (2) X Richland
H6403 Lincoln (2) X Richland
H75-5605 Woodworth X V68-1034
H78-168 D70-3115 X Forrest
H8 LX339-10
Dunfield X Illini
H841635 Coker 237 X Bedford
H8448 PI 562629
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200268
H8558 PI 561712
TracyM X H76-1634Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200217
H88-2546 Syngenta S75-55
Coker 82-645 X ( Coker 82-645 x D77-6056 )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400012
H9 Dunfield X Illini
H90-461 Mukden X Mandarin
HA82-168018 Pella X A77-314013
Habaro PI 548336
Selection from PI 20405Selection from PI 20405
Haberlandt PI 548456
Selection from PI 6396Selection from PI 6396
Hack PI 548569
L70T-543G X K1028PVP 8500179
Hagood PI 555453
Centennial X Young
Hale 3 Selection from D51-4969Selection from D51-4969
Hale Ogden #12 Selection from OgdenSelection from Ogden
Hale Ogden #2 Selection from OgdenSelection from Ogden
Hamilton PI 540555
Sprite X L75-3632PVP 9000170
Hamlin PI 642459
SD93-954 X Elgin 87PVP 200600185
Hampton Coker Hampton
PI 614156
Majos X LeeReleased 1962, Coker's Pedigreed Seed Co.
Hampton 266 Majos X Lee
Hanover Unspecified X Unspecified
Harbin 92 Unspecified X Unspecified
Harcor PI 548570
Corsoy X OX383
Hardee F58-3734
PI 548666
D49-772 X Improved Pelican
Hardin PI 548526
Corsoy (3) X Cutler 71PVP 8100052
Hardin 91 Hardin (5) X Williams 82
Hardome PI 279648
Mandarin (Ottawa) (2) X A.K. (Harrow)
Hark PI 548551
Hawkeye X Harosoy
Harlon PI 548571
Blackhawk X Harosoy 63
Harly PI 548572
Mandarin (Ottawa) X A.K. (Harrow)
Harman PI 548340
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
Harmony ( Maple Presto x Williams )  X Weber
Haroson PI 548641
OX-Hodgson 1cHm
Hodgson X M75-2
Harosoy PI 548573
Mandarin (Ottawa) (2) X A.K. (Harrow)
Harosoy 63 PI 548575
Harosoy (8) X Blackhawk
Harovinton Unspecified X Unspecified
Harper PI 548558
Unknown X UnknownSelection form an unknown diallele-cross population
Harper 87 PI 518667
A Harper BC
Harper (6) X Williams 82PVP 8800087
Harper BC A Harper BC
Harper (6) X Williams 82
Harrel Unknown X UnknownFarmer selection
Hartwig PI 543795
Forrest (3) X PI 437654
Hartz 4152 PI 592533
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600048
Hartz 4464 PI 561191
H78-938 X FayetteMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200153
Hartz 4994 PI 592748
Asgrow A5474 X Pioneer P5482Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600142
Hartz 4994RR PI 599598
Hartz 4994 X ( Hartz 5033 x Hartz 4464RR )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800025
Hartz 4998RR PI 598359
Hartz 4994 X ( Hartz 5033 x Hartz 4464RR )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700341
Hartz 507 PI 561596
Hartz 930 X ( H78-4722 x H78-B1 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200205
Hartz 5088 PI 561599
H76-558 X H79-2410Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200208
Hartz 5164 PI 556834
Bedford X ( D70-3115 x HX37-3-16 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8700204
Hartz 5171 PI 556721
D66-12392 X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300126
Hartz 5240 PI 559924
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200067
Hartz 5252 PI 556718
Forrest X MackMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300130
Hartz 5350 PI 583737
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400207
Hartz 5370 PI 556719
D70-3115 X ForrestMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300128
Hartz 5545 H78-168 X Narow
Hartz 5566 PI 561597
H80-18032 X Pioneer P9571Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200206
Hartz 564 PI 598223
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700342
Hartz 608 PI 564742
Hartz 936X X ( ( H24 x S77-8 ) x Bay ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300072
Hartz 6130 PI 556803
Bedford X ( Centennial x X37-3-16 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600014
Hartz 616 PI 595622
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600325
Hartz 6200 PI 556917
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8900154
Hartz 6255 PI 592749
Young X Hartz 7126Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600143
Hartz 6372 PI 556919
Forrest X [ D70-3115 x ( D71-6841 x Williams ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8900264
Hartz 6381 Unspecified X Unspecified
Hartz 6383 PI 556720
Forrest X Pickett 71Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300127
Hartz 6383R PI 556804
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600044
Hartz 6385 PI 556835
D70-3115 X Pickett 71Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800008
Hartz 639 PI 542982
Davis X Ware x KanrichMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000225
Hartz 6397 PI 564745
Hood 75 X H79-15462Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300077
Hartz 6686 PI 556918
Ransom X N77-2703Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8900155
Hartz 6686RR Hartz 6686 ( 4 ) X MON40-3-2
Hartz 7110 PI 556833
Bedford X ( Govan x Centennial )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8700044
Hartz 7126 PI 556717
Forrest X RansomMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300129
Hartz 7190 PI 542972
D73-9442 X RansomMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000214
Hartz 8112 PI 556806
Forrest X RansomMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600015
Hartz 914 PI 538024
H78-B18 X H78-B2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000083
Hartz 9190 PI 556805
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600043
Hartz 922 PI 542053
Hartz 930 X Hartz 936XMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000178
Hartz 930 PI 556699
D71-4538 X MackMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8200127
Hartz 936X PI 556619
D71-4538 X H16-11Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100080
Hartz H3570 D70-3115 X Forrest
Hartz H4464 85-5061
Hartz H78-938 X FayettePVP 9200153
Hartz H4464 RR Hartz H4464 (3) X MON40-3-2
Hartz H4994 H4994 Roundup Ready
HX494 RR
PI 599598
Asgrow A5474 X Pioneer P5482
Hartz H5033 Asgrow A5474 X Essex
Hartz H5088 Unspecified X Unspecified
Hartz H5164 Bedford X ( D70-3115 x HX37-3-16 )
Hartz H5370 PI 556719
D70-3115 X Forrest
Hartz H5545 Hartz 5545
H78-168 X Narow
Hartz H5810 Unspecified X Unspecified
Hartz H6381 Unspecified X Unspecified
Hartz H7242 RR Benning (6) X Resnik RR
Hartz H7703 Beeson X Wells
Hartz H78-938 D70-3115 X La74-3850
Harwood PI 548576
Harosoy 63 X C1270
Haskell PI 572238
Johnston X Braxton
Haskell-RR USG 7732nRR
Haskell X MON RRActual parentage not specified
Hawkeye PI 548577
Mukden X Richland
Hawkeye 63 PI 548578
Hawkeye (7) X Blackhawk
Hawkson PI 556823
Beeson X XK515Identity Seed and Grain Company, PVP 8600079
Hayes PI 542709
Amcor X Williams 82PVP 9000045
Hayseed PI 548459
Selection from PI 71525Selected from PI 71525, Nanking, Cn 1927
HBK 4890 HBK4890
Unspecified X Unspecified
HBK 5990 PI 602975
HBK X9659A
( Coker 6738 x Pioneer P9571X Asgrow A6297PVP 9800152; Hornbeck Seed Co.
HBK 5991 PI 612443
HBK X591-98
Asgrow A6297 X Northrup King S59-95PVP 200000108; Hornbeck Seed Co.
HBK 6600 PI 602962
Asgrow A6785 X DPL 415Hornbeck Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9800138
HC Amcor Amcor 89
PI 546375
Amcor (6) X Williams 82
HC Elf BC Elf (6) X Williams 82
HC Elf-EB Elf (6) X Williams 82
HC Gnome Rps1-k PI 543857
Gnome 85
Gnome Rps1-k
Gnome (6) X Williams 82PVP 8700097
HC Hobbit BC PI 546373
Hobbit 87
Hobbit (6) X Williams 82PVP 9000013
HC Sprite BC PI 546374
Sprite 87
Sprite (7) X Williams 82PVP 9000014
HC74-3400 Unspecified X Unspecified
HC74-634RE Williams X Ransom
HC74-643RE Williams X Ransomdoi:10.2135/cropsci2004.6990
HC74-678 L74D-678
Amsoy 71 X Ransom
HC76-3840 L72U-2567 X Hodgson
HC76-4030 ( Williams x RansomX Essex
HC76-4449 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC77-1418 L72U-640 X Essex
HC77-2204 PI 536636
Hodgson X V68-1034PVP 8700098
HC77-2205 Hodgson X V68-1034
HC77-878 Woodworth X V68-1034
HC77-951 Woodworth X V68-1038
HC78-1093 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-1119 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-1279 L72U-2567 X Ransom
HC78-1292 L72U-2567 X Ransom
HC78-1318 L72U-2567 X Ransom
HC78-1651 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-1884 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-1931 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-2509 L72U-2567 X Ransom
HC78-2510 L72U-2567 X Ransom
HC78-261 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-279 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-2836 L72U-2567 X Ransom
HC78-349 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-350 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-353 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-354 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-356 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC78-523 PI 540552
Harcor X Elf
HC78-660 Essex X L74D-619
HC78-676 L70T543G X L74D-619doi:10.2135/cropsci2004.6990
HC78-826 Hodgson X L74D-619
HC79-1643 L72U-2567 X Ransom
HC79-1644 L72U-2567 X Ransom
HC79-1737 L72U-2567 X Essex
HC79-2562 L74D-200 X Elf
HC79-478 L70T-543G X L74D-619
HC80-1054 Weber X Sprite
HC80-1092 Gnome X Ransom
HC80-1211 Essex X Elf
HC80-1742 Union X Gnome
HC80-1756 L73U-632 X Elf
HC80-1944 L73U-632 X Elf
HC80-1946 L73U-632 X Elf
HC80-585 HC74-3400 X Sprite
HC80-586 HC74-3400 X Sprite
HC80-587 HC74-3400 X Sprite
HC80-592 HC74-3400 X Sprite
HC80-597 HC74-3400 X Sprite
HC80-969 Gnome X Sprite
HC80-976 Gnome X Sprite
HC81-1134 Gnome X Essex
HC81-1511 L74D-634 X Hobbit
HC81-2104 HC74-678 X Hobbit
HC81-2792 Gnome X Sprite
HC81-799 Ransom X Williams
HC81-817 Ransom X Union
HC82-1386 Williams X Ransom
HC82-3452 L74D-634 X Hobbit
HC82-4965 L74D-634 X Hobbit
HC82-5044 H75-5605 X Hobbit
HC82-5934 Hobbit X A76-304020
HC82-6195 Sprite X L76-0022
HC83-2408 Sprite X Williams 82
HC83-2546 Hobbit X Williams 82
HC83-3834 HC74-3400 X Williams 82
HC83-4507 L74D-634 X Hobbit
HC83-4532 L74D-634 X Hobbit
HC83-4532BC L7413-634 X Hobbit
HC83-4589 L74D-634 X Hobbit
HC83-613-1 A77-314013 X Hobbit
HC84-1060 A72-512 X HC74-3400
HC84-180 Hobbit X K74-104-76-205
HC84-2612 HC78-676 X Hobbit
HC84-4850 Sprite X Williams 82
HC84-4851 Sprite X Williams 82
HC84-4874 Hobbit X Williams 82
HC84-553-1 Hobbit X K74-104-76-205
HC85-1440 Hobbit X Ransom
HC85-164 HC78-676 X Sprite
HC85-2206   Elf X Williams 82Parentage conflict. NUST 2012
HC85-2206    Elf X WilliamsParentage conflict. NUST 2009
HC85-275 HC78-353 X Sprite
HC85-279 HC78-353 X Sprite
HC85-477 HC78-676 X HW74-3400
HC85-5273 Asgrow A3127 X Forrest
HC85-602 Sprite X Asgrow A3127
HC85-604 Sprite X Asgrow A3127
HC85-606 Sprite X Asgrow A3127
HC85-607 Sprite X Asgrow A3127
HC85-618 Sprite X Asgrow A3127
HC85-6484 Pixie X Forrest
HC85-6500 Pixie X HC78-676
HC85-6521 Coker 237 X HC78-676
HC85-6577 HC78-350 X HC78-676
HC85-6611 HC78-279 X HC78-676
HC85-6716 HC74-634RE X HC78-676
HC85-6723 HC74-634RE X HC78-676
HC85-6723B HC74-634RE X HC78-676
HC85-6724 HC74-634RE X HC78-676
HC85-690 HC78-676 X Asgrow A3127
HC86-4367 Asgrow A3127 X Sprite 87
HC88-4532 BC Unspecified X Unspecified
HC89-2170 Stressland
PI 593645
HC80-1946 X Asgrow A3127
HC89-2237 HC80-1944 X Asgrow A3127
HC91-1354 Hobbit X Conrad
HC91-3672 HC83-4532 X Resnik
HC93-21PR Charleston (6) X Hobbit 87
HC94-35PR Charleston (5) X Sprite 87
HC94-600 Kenwood X ( Hoyt (6) x Sprite 87 )
HC94-62PR Charleston (6) X Hobbit 87
HC94-69PR Charleston (6) X Hobbit 87
HC94-81PR Charleston (6) X Sprite 87
HC94-82PR Charleston (6) X Hobbit 87
HC94-85PR HC85-606 (4) X Hobbit 87
HC97-545 HC88-4532 BC X Charleston BC
HC99-2763 DPL 3478 X Stressland
HC99-2846 DPL 3478 X Stressland
HD 369 Unspecified X Unspecified
HDC Goshen IA1008 X RCAT 9910
Hei Nong 37 PI 592921
Hei-lung Unspecified X Unspecified
Heinong 44 Unspecified X UnspecifiedLand race?
Henderson PI 665225
NC-Raleigh X G92-1110CV-509, F5:F6, PVP 201200306
Hendricks PI 583365
M74-349 X M77-210PVP 9400198
Hendricks RR Unspecified X Unspecified
Henry PI 548579
Richland X ( Illini x Dunfield )
Herman PI 247678
Col. No. 21200
IntroductionIntroduced from Haut-Zaire, Zaire ca. 1958
HF00-022 OXC-9227-7 X OXC-9227-4
HF01-0821 Pioneer P9392 X HF92-080
HF03-534 OHS 202
A95-581028 X PI 592926
HF03-546 A95-581028 X PI 592926
HF04-0648 HS93-4118 X ( IA3023 x PI 567374 )
HF91-078 PI 595843
GR8836 X Elgin 87PVP 9600408
HF92-080 HS84-6224 X Resnik
HF93-194 HM8734 X Chapman
HF9667-2 General X GXR 9648
HF98-023 PI 633608
Chapman X Probst
HF99-019 IA2022 X Archer
HFPR-4 Kottman (4) X ( PI 399073 x Syngenta S19-90 )
HHP Glycine Soja X Glycine MaxFrom Hadley, From Hadley
HI0800685 Unspecified X Unspecified
HI0902015 WW115926 X 02JR318004
HI0912795 03JR102982 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )
HI0912797 PI 665489
03JR102982 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200389
HI1016529 PI 669406
S06-02JR423003 X ( 03JR321086 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300401
HI1016622-2 PI 669421
02JR318004 X ( 03JR321086 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300416
HI1016703-1 PI 669422
S07-03JR103829 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300417
HI1016703-2 PI 669407
S07-03JR103829 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300402
HI1017010 PI 669408
03JR103829 X ( 03JR321086 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300403
HI1018109 PI 669409
02JR318004 X [ 04RM822970 x ( 05JR007045 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300404
HI1019014-1 PI 669405
06JR205420 X ( 03JR321088BC1 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300400
HI1110907 PI 669420
02JR318004 X [ S06-02JR423003 x ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300415
HI1112509 PI 672042
02JR318004 X [ Syngenta S39-A3 x ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400273
HI1114914 PI 672043
06JR207459 X [ S07-03JR103829 x ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400274
HI1115518-1 PI 672044
02JR318004 X [ 03JR321088BC1 x ( 5465901-26 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400275
Higan PI 548342
Selection from PI 80475Selection from PI 80475
Highpro1 PI 678444
Wyandot X GASF98-114CV-521
Hill PI 548654
D63-215 X D49-2525
Hill Seed 2700 Unspecified X Unspecified
Hinson Long Juvenile PI 629015
Gordon X F85-1138Florida Agricultural Experiment Station University of Florida, IFAS, PVP 200400032
HL17619014 Pioneer P93Y90 X Pioneer P94M90
HL17619026 Pioneer P94Y10 X Pioneer P94M90
HL3060460 YB48M01 X Pioneer P94B73
HL3060483 YB48M01 X Pioneer P94B23
HL3356756 YB36V00 X Pioneer P93B67
HL5078266 YB48M01 X Pioneer P94M90
HL8180531 Pioneer P94M90 X XB41B05
HL9476156 XB49M05 X Pioneer P93M90
HM09-W084 Dennison X HF03-546
HM09-W133 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM09-W146 HS0-3243 X IA3017
HM09-W153 HS1-3661 X ( Wyandot x Md99-173-11-17 )
HM11-G011 HF04-0648 X HS5W-362
HM11-G023 HF04-0648 X HS5-362
HM11-H015 HS1-3661 X Wyandot
HM11-H016 HS1-3661 X Wyandot
HM11-W192 OHS 305 X OHS 303
HM11-W193 OHS 305 X OHS 303
HM13-S025 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM13-W045 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM13-W073 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM13-W156 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM14-B045 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM14-C010 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM14-C033 HS8-6390 X HS6-3971-R
HM14-C086 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM14-E042 HS8-6348 X HS6-3973A
HM14-E087 Ohio FG5 X HS8W-102
HM14-G047 Dennison X OHS 303
HM14-W070 HS6-3971-R X HS7W-190
HM14-W132 HM09-W133 X HS8-6260
HM14-W146 HM09-W133 X HS7W-190
HM15-H006 OHS306 X OhioFG5
HM15-H050 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM15-H054 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM15-J027 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM15-J049 PI438230A X Dennison
HM15-W110 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM15-W153 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM16-7419 Unspecified X Unspecified
HM16-L079 M10-W111 X M09-W153
HM16-L084 M10-W111 X M09-W153
HM16-M006 M10-W111 X M09-W153
HM16-M015 M10-W111 X M09-W153
HM16-M016 M10-W111 X M09-W153
HM16-M019 M10-W111 X M09-W153
HM16-W150 M11-W117 X HS8-3463
HM16-W192 SG0-717 X M10-W295
HM16-W248 HS8-3672 X M09-W153
HM17-01057 M11-W274 X HS8W-179
HM17-02165 M11-M055 X ( M11-L012 x SG0-717 )
HM17-02244 M09-W153 X HS8-3463
HM17-02293 M09-W153 X HS8-3463
HM17-02297 M09-W153 X HS8-3463
HM17-02346 M11-M055 X ( M11-L012 x SG0-717 )
HM17-03278 M11-M055 X ( M11-L012 x SG0-717 )
HM17-06107 M09-W158 X M10-W111
HM17-06108 M09-W158 X M10-W111
HM17-06255 M11-M055 X M09-W122
HM17-06285 M11-M055 X ( M11-L012 x SG0-717 )
HM17-07029 Clermont X [ Clermont x ( Clermont x H09-277 ) ]
HM17-08202 Summit X M10-W111
HM17-08203 Summit X M10-W111
HM17-09043 M09-W153 X M10-W111
HM17-10253 Clermont X M11-1039
HM17-12086 M11-W117 X HS8W-179
HM17-12161 M11-W117 X M09-W153
HM18-15067 HM11-W193 X HM09-W153
HM18-16298 Clermont X Cloud
HM18-18047 OHFG5 X ( PI 567601 x OHFG5 )
HM18-19023 HM11-W192 X Wyandot-14
HM18-22082 HM11-W192 X M11-G021
HM18-25141 HM11-W192 X H09-4
HM18-25145 HM11-W192 X H09-4
HM18-26309 HM11-W192 X HM09-W153
HM18-27211 Lorain X HM11-G011
HM18-27227 Wyandot-14 X HM11-G011
HM19-32060 HM14-W132 X DS11-06152
HM20-43329 M16-7420 X HM14-W146
HM20-47215 HM16-7419 X HM11-G023
HM20-48031 HM13-S025 X HM11-G023
HM20-48037 HM13-S025 X HM11-G023
HM20-48082 HM14-E087 X HM14-B045
HM20-48154 HM13-S025 X HM14-W146
HM20-48214 HM13-S025 X HM14-W146
HM20-49334 HS6-3967B X HM13-W045
HM8469 PI 534646
Asgrow A3127 (4) X L24PVP 8700125; L24 is closely related to L24A which was released as Williams 82
HM8470 Asgrow A3127 (4) X Williams 82
HM8471 PI 534645
Asgrow A3127 (4) X Williams 82PVP 8700126
HM8473 GR8836
Asgrow A3127 (4) X Williams 82
HM8482 PI 542709
Amcor X Williams 82PVP 9000045
HM8486 GR8936
PI 534648
Asgrow A3127 X Williams 82
HM8536 HW79149 X Higan
HM8597 PI 542711
HW79116 X HW79022PVP 9100173
HM8625 PI 542710
A79-236002 (3) X HW79149PVP 9100172
HM8632 Zane (3) X HW79149
HM8634 Zane (3) X HW79149
HM8635 Zane (3) X HW79149
HM8636 Zane (3) X HW79149
HM8734 A78-123018 (2) X Century 84
HM8735 Erie
A78-123018 (2) X Century 84
HM8776 A80-147003 X ( Asgrow A3127 (4) x Williams 82 )
HM8777 A79-236002 (2) X Century 84
HM8778 Zane (4) X HW79149
HM8890 A8 X ( Asgrow A3127 (4) x L24 )
Hobbit PI 540551
Williams X Ransom
Hobbit 87 PI 546373
HC Hobbit BC
Hobbit (6) X Williams 82PVP 9000013
Hobson PI 556566
( Chippewa 64 ( 3 ) x D61-5141X DareSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7900109
Hodgson PI 548561
Corsoy X M372PVP 7400106; Buff hilum seeds were determined to be superior to yellow and became Hodgson
Hodgson 78 PI 548581
Hodgson (7) X MeritPVP 7800085
Hodgson 87 Hobbit (6) X Williams 82
HOE Unspecified X Unspecified
Hokien Unknownunknown; similar to Capital
Hol-672 Unspecified X Unspecified
HOL-833 Unspecified X Unspecified
HOLL Donor Parent Unspecified X Unspecified
Holladay PI 572239
N77-179 X Johnston
Holmberg 201-14-18 Fiskeby III
Selection from PI 196491
Holmberg 744-2 PI 194641
377-8-1 X Blackeye Edible
Holmberg 827-4 Fiskeby 827-4-23
VIR 5593
Selection from PI 438473Bulletin 1846
Holmberg 840-1-3 201-14-20 X Muncheberg
Holmberg 840-2-7 PI 438475
Holmberg 840-7-3 201-14-20 X 680+993+994
HOLN Unspecified X Unspecified
Holt PI 561858
Sherman X Harper
Hong Kong Hong Kong
Cn 1908
Hood D51-4888
PI 548980
Roanoke X N45-745
Howard F83-1918
PI 548971
Bedford X Kirby
Hoyt PI 540552
Harcor X Elf
HP 20-20 APHP 20-20
PI 556604
Rampage X HarkAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000070
HP 2530 APHP 2530
PI 556677
L15 X C1431Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8100105
HP 3033S PI 556678
Marshall X AP26Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300025
HP 3700 PI 556610
AP20 X L66L-108Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100106
HP 4800 PI 556676
70-4428 X 70-5126Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8200073
HP201 Vinton 81 X Hardin
HP202 Vinton 81 X B216
HP203 HP202 X Vinton 81
HP204 HP201 X Vinton 81
HP5363-5-8 Unspecified X Unspecified
HR09-008 PI 678444
Wyandot X GASF98-114CV-521
HR09-397 Unspecified X Unspecified
HR10-1-540 Unspecified X Unspecified
HR10-2-559 Unspecified X Unspecified
HS 220 PI 556605
M59-213 X WayneAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100007
HS 235 PI 556624
C1426 X KentAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8100008
HS 2455 PI 556920
Asgrow A1937 X PellaGrowmark, Inc., PVP 8900148
HS 2533 PI 540876
Weber X Asgrow A2943Growmark, Inc., PVP 9000159
HS 265 PI 556606
C1470 X OgdenAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100009
HS 266 PI 556921
Unspecified X UnspecifiedGrowmark, Inc., PVP 8900146
HS 2821 PI 556922
Asgrow A2943 X [ Hark x ( Corsoy x Calland ) ]Growmark, Inc., PVP 8900149
HS 302 PI 556829
M0264 X Asgrow A3127Growmark, Inc., PVP 8700037
HS 321 PI 556830
C4217 X Williams 79Growmark, Inc., PVP 8700038
HS 339 PI 556831
Asgrow A3127 X ( Williams x Essex )Growmark, Inc., PVP 8700052
HS 348 PI 556832
L74L-228 X Asgrow A3127Growmark, Inc., PVP 8700039
HS 358 PI 556923
Unspecified X UnspecifiedGrowmark, Inc., PVP 8900147
HS 4011 PI 556924
Unspecified X UnspecifiedGrowmark, Inc., PVP 8900150
HS0-3243 HS93-4118 X Kottman
HS0-3248 HS93-4118 X Kottman
HS1-3641 HS94-9053 X Kottman
HS1-3661 HS93-4118 X Pioneer P9352
HS1-3886 IA3010 X Pioneer P9352
HS1-3907 Dairyland DSR300 X HS95-2744
HS1-7116 HS93-4118 (2) X PI 398693
HS3-2523 HS97-5261 X Kottman
HS3-2669 U97-3114 X HS97-5261
HS3-2840 OHS 303
U97-3114 X HS98-3628
HS4-3189 OHS 305
Unspecified X Unspecified
HS4-9864 HS99-4256 X Dilworth
HS5-3417 Summit
IA3023 X HS99-4045
HS5-362 Unspecified X Unspecified
HS5W-362 Dilworth X ( Kottman x PI 399073 )
HS6-3967B Unspecified X Unspecified
HS6-3971-R Unspecified X Unspecified
HS6-3973A Unspecified X Unspecified
HS6-3976 HS98-7826 (2) X PI 399073NAM Strain
HS7W-190 HS1-3641 X HS1-3907
HS8-3463 OHS 303 (3) X ( Williams x PI 424354 )
HS8-6260 Unspecified X Unspecified
HS8-6348 Unspecified X Unspecified
HS8-6390 Unspecified X Unspecified
HS84-6224 HW79015 (2) X HW79149
HS84-6247 Zane (3) X HW79149
HS84-6276 Harper (3) X Williams 82
HS86-4367 Unspecified X Unspecified
HS87-2067 Sherman X Madison Gl2810
HS87-4087 A81-156027 X ( Asgrow A3127 (4) x Williams 82 )
HS87-5720 Asgrow A2943 X A83-271027
HS88-4906 Conrad X Hayes
HS88-4909 Conrad X Hayes
HS88-4988 Winchester X A83-271027
HS88-6786 Conrad (2) X PI 360844
HS88-7363 Voris 311 X Resnik
HS89-2966 Asgrow A2943 X A83-271027
HS89-3078 GR8936 X Asgrow A2943
HS89-3261 LG82-8379 X Asgrow A2943
HS8W-179 Unspecified X Unspecified
HS90-3487 HS84-6276 X Conrad
HS90-3653 PI 593463
Voris 311 X ResnikPVP 9600121
HS90-37100 HS84-6224 X Conrad
HS91-4523 PI 596407
HM8778 X Asgrow A3733PVP 9700106
HS91-4825 Burlison X A86-301024
HS93-135 HS88-6786 X HS88-4988
HS93-1882-41 HS88-4906 X BARC-6
HS93-4118 PI 614155
IA2007 X Dairyland DSR304
HS94-4530 HS88-7363 X HS88-4988sister line of Kottman
HS94-4533 HS88-7363 X HS88-4988sister line of Kottman
HS94-4544 PI 612594
HS88-7363 X HS88-4988PVP 200000127
HS94-9053 Pioneer P9268-03 X Vertex
HS95-2744 HS89-2966 X ( HS87-5720 x PI 398223 )
HS96-3332 Parker X HS90-37100
HS96-3347 Pioneer P9268-003 X Vertex
HS96-7942 Defiance X HS91-4825
HS97-4544 Pioneer P9268-003 X Vertex
HS97-4555 Pioneer P9268-003 X Vertex
HS97-5261 HS94-4530 X IA3004
HS97-5609 Defiance X Flint
HS98-3216 LG82-8379 X Asgrow A2943
HS98-3407 Unspecified X Unspecified
HS98-3628 Defiance X HS91-4825
HS98-3755 Ohio FG5
PI 642768
Ohio FG1 X HS89-3078
HS98-7826 HS93-4118 X Savoy
HS99-4045 General (2) X HS93-135
HS99-4256 HS94-4530 X IA3004
HS99-4426 HS94-4530 X IA3004
HS99-5217 Unspecified X Unspecifiedprogenitor of Dennison
HSC 591 PI 561578
[ ( Custer x Dyer ) x PI088788X BedfordAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9200187
HSC 623 PI 560300
Bedford X DPL 105Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 9200105
HSC 721 PI 538774
[ ( Forrest x Essex ) x BedfordX TracyAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9000111
HSC 741 PI 570653
Bedford X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9300228
HSC B2 Unspecified X Unspecified
PI 556893
J74-116 X D70-3186PVP 8800147, Hyperformer Seed, Co.
HSC Baldwin PI 556894
OP 76-622 X BedfordAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8800146
HT261 STS PI 584326
Asgrow A2872 X [ ( Asgrow A2943 ( 2 ) x Chamberlain ) x W20 ]Genecorp, Inc., PVP 9500004
HT331 STS PI 584327
Asgrow A3935 X Asgrow A3205 x W20 )Genecorp, Inc., PVP 9500005
HT381 STS PI 584328
Asgrow A3322 X ( Asgrow A3205 x W20 )Genecorp, Inc., PVP 9500006
HT4203 PI 556753
Unspecified X UnspecifiedStanford Seed Company, PVP 8400070
HT5203 PI 556752
[ ( XK585 x XK505 ) x VikingX ( Mac x Clark ) Stanford Seed Company, PVP 8400069
HT551STS PI 594352
Unspecified X UnspecifiedGenecorp, Inc., PVP 9600219
Hudson Manchu PI 548369
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu, PI 30.593 from Heilongjiang, China
Hutch Unspecified X Unspecified
Hutcheson PI 518664
V68-1034 X Essex
Hutcheson-RR Unspecified X Unspecifiedpresumably based on Hutcheson
Hutton F63-4000
PI 548662
F55-822 X ( Roanoke x C.N.S-4 )
HW 79022 Woodworth X L70-347-1-60-2B
HW6942-15-6 Calland X Beeson
HW74-3382 Williams X Ransom
HW74-3384 PI 536635
Williams X RansomPVP 8100163
HW74-3385 PI 540551
Williams X RansomPVP 8200174
HW74-3400 HC74-3400
Williams X Ransom
HW74-3884 PI 536635
Williams X RansomPVP 8100163
HW74-618 PI 548565
Williams X RansomPVP 8000033,
HW7847 Evans X Williams
HW79002 Woodworth X L60-347-1-60-28sib to OX720-26
HW79015 A72-512 X Oakland
HW79022 Woodworth X L60-347-l-60-2B
HW79054 Cumberland X Pella
HW79116 Cumberland X Pella
HW79149 ( A72-507 (6) x A1X ( A72-507 (5) x PI 82263-2 )
HW8008 L69U40-16-4 X Century
HW8028 A75-10521 X Century
HW8033 PI 548634
Cumberland X PellaPVP 8500059
HW8039 Weber (2) X Pella (3)
HW8067 PI 548614
A72-512 X PellaPVP 8700007
HW8123 A76-202015 X A76-304005
HW8130 Pella X A75-105021
HW8185 PI 548529
Century 84
Century (5) X Williams 82PVP 8500058
HW8221 A76-202015 X ( Tracy x Williams )
HW8223 ( Cumberland x CenturyX ( A76-202015 x A76-304005 )
HW8225 Selection from HobbitEMS isoline mutant
HW8233 ( Pella x CumberlandX ( Tracy x Williams )
HW8235 Century X ( Tracy x Williams )
HW8236 Selection from HobbitEMS isoline mutant
HW8241 Century X ( Tracy x Williams )
HW8371 HW79149 X Williams 79
Hy 574 MB92-16
PI 590248
Hutcheson X HSC B2PVP 9500164; Hyperformer Seed Co., Agripro Seeds Inc.
HY 663 PI 599311
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9700297
HY 798 PI 576155
Kirby X WrightUniversity of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 9400020
HY798 Unspecified X Unspecified
HYP 574 Unspecified X Unspecified
HyPerformer AP 4880 Unspecified X Unspecified
Hyuuga PI 506764
Akasaya X Ako MusumeTofu line from Kyushu Isl. Japan, JPR 2011 5:118-122
IA1006 IA2008 X Kenwood
IA1007 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA1008 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA1009 A95-583021
Unspecified X Unspecified
IA1022 A04-543037
Dairyland 98822 X A00-711024
IA1026 A09-754003
IA3042 X A04-543043
IA1026HO IA1026 X Unspecified
IA1027HO Unspecified X Unspecified
IA1028HO IA1026 X Unspecified
IA2007 Pride B152 X A80-244003
IA2008 BSR 101 X A80-244003
IA2008R Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2012 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA20121 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2017 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2021 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2022 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2033 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2034 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2036 Jack X A86-301024
IA2038 A94-6740l7
Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2042 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2050 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2052 A96-591046
Northrup King S24-92 X Parker
IA2053 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2062 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2064 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2065 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2068 Jack X A86-301024
IA2076LF IA2076 X IA1010LF
IA2078 A05-114019
Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2102 A08-248043
A04-545045 X AgriPro 98180-A01-0613
IA2102RA12 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2103 A09-760043
Unspecified X Unspecified
IA2104 A09-760044
IA3027 X Soygenetics F40412C
IA2104HS IA2104 X Unspecified
IA2105 A07-427027
Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3001 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3003 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3004 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3005 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3006 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3010 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3011 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3017 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3023 A99-315026
Dairyland DSR365 X Pioneer P9381
IA3024 A03-946005
A97-553017 X Pioneer YB33A99
IA3025 A03-946006
Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3026 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3027 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3027LFRA12 Unspecified X Unspecified
IA3042 A05-213034
T-3211 X A15025B011
IA3045 A07-425058
IA3027 X IA2053
IA3048 A06-911034
Dairyland 99540 X IA2068
IA3050 A07-523044
Dairyland 98820-33 X IA3024
IA3051HS Unspecified X Unspecified
IA4005 IA3023 X IA3025
IAC-100 Unspecified X Unspecified
II-42-37 Lincoln (2) X Richland
II63-217Y Unspecified X Unspecified
Ike PI 556524
Wayne X PI54608-1V. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7700081
Illini PI 548348
A.K. 3
Selection from A.K.Selection from A.K. ca. 1920
Illini 3546N LD15-5782791
LD06-7620 X Syngenta 05BR006009
Illini 3648N LD15-5776793
LD06-7620 X Syngenta 05BR006009
Illini sel. Selection from IlliniSelection from Illini
Improved Pelican PI 548461
Tanloxi X PI 60406
Ina LN94-l0527
Jack X Hartwig
Iroquois PI 593259
LN81-1029 X Asgrow A2943PVP 9600137
IRV Ex4731 Amsoy X Wayne
IVR 1120 Provar X ( AX56P64-1 x PI 191110-1 )
IVR 4311 Hack X Wayne
IVR 4731 Amsoy X Wayne
IVR Ex4426 Amsoy X Wayne
IVR Ex4428 Corsoy X Wayne
IVR Ex4731 Amsoy X Wayne
IVR Ex5003 Pike
Provar X ( AX56P64-1 x PI 91110-1 )
IX93 A71-555-8-1 X L61-344
IX93-100 A71-555-8-1 X L61-344
Iyo Selection from Landrace
J-112 PI 556632
Wells X WilliamsThe Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8100092
J-231 PI 556786
Corsoy X ( Hodgson x Calland )The Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8500173
J-251 Unspecified X Unspecified
J-72 PI 556756
Corsoy X WirthThe Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8400079
J-8287 PI 556755
Corsoy X SwiftThe Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8400080
J-8389 PI 556757
Corsoy X PI081029The Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8400081
J-84A PI 556531
Unspecified X UnspecifiedJacques Seed Company, PVP 7700055
J.E.W. 45 UnknownMixed seed lot
J00-1 Manokin X Fowler
J00-2 Manokin X Fowler
J103 PI 556633
Jacques J103
Williams X ClayPVP 8100091
J22 L37-1355 X Arksoy 2913?? Questionable
J335752 Syngenta S42-H1
PI 610443
Pioneer P9303 X Asgrow A4715Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900315
J420649 91608 X Pioneer P9273
J558002 Pioneer P9362 X Syngenta S29-11
J634773 MP02052-11 X Asgrow A3431
J74-116 Centennial X J74-47
J74-122 Forrest (2) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
J74-123 Forrest (2) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
J74-35 Forrest (2) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
J74-39 Forrest (2) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
J74-40 Forrest (2) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
J74-45 Forrest (2) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
J74-47 Forrest (2) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
J74-5 Forrest (2) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
J74-51 Nathan
Forrest (2) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
J74-57 D70-3045 X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
J74-67-7 D70-3045 X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
J74-90 D68-18 X PI 88788Developed by E.E. Hartwig
J77-255 D74-7631 X F74-57
J80-293 J74-39 X Centennial
J80-312 Bedford X ( Forrest (2) x Tracy )
J82 PI 556737
Corsoy X SwiftThe Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8400009
J94-7 PI 613695
Hartwig X Holladay
J98-32 Unspecified X Unspecified
Ja 53-7-6 Unspecified X Unspecified
JA42 Selection from Kogane-JiroJapanese, probably PI 317335
JA53-7-6 Selection from PI 358323Selection from PI 358323
Jack PI 540556
Fayette X HardinPVP 9000171
Jackson N47-3479
PI 548657
Volstate (2) X Palmetto
Jackson 59 Jackson (4) X D49-2491
Jacques 1103 Unspecified X Unspecified
Jacques 88 Corsoy X Hodgson
Jacques J102A Corsoy X PI 88029
Jacques J103 PI 556633
Williams X ClayPVP 8100091
Jacques J231 ( Hodgson x CallandX Corsoy
Jake S94-1867 X Anand
Japan Black Unspecified X Unspecified
Jeff R78-100-8
PI 553040
Centennial X ( R72-2647 (3) x D72-C57 )
Jewel Corsoy X Wells
JH10032580 Pioneer P92M91 X JH8069431
JH10032629 XB29K04 X JH8069435
JH10955518 JH9638246 X YB38Q05
JH10955520 JH9638246 X XB22G06
JH10955521 JH9638246 X ZB27U04
JH11944941 XB22G06 X JH10955520
JH11944958 YB38Q05 X JH10955518
JH11944981 ZB27U04 X JH10955521
JH12376999 YB38Q05 X JH11944958
JH12377007 ZB27U04 X JH11944981
JH12377267 Pioneer P90M60 X JH11944941
JH12377292 Pioneer P91B42 X JH11944941
JH13336927 ZB37P05 X JH12376999
JH13337911 Pioneer P90M60 X JH12377267
JH13337915 Pioneer P91B42 X JH12377292
JH13884372 ZB27U04 X JH12377007
JH13885038 Pioneer P91B42 X JH13337911
JH13885045 Pioneer P91M51 X JH13337915
JH13895102 Pioneer P93M61 X JH13336927
JH14820720 Pioneer P93M42 X JH13895102
JH14820789 Pioneer P91B42 X JH13885045
JH4267591 YB36V00 X HL3356756
JH4268392 Pioneer P92M70 X Pioneer P93B09
JH4282852 Pioneer P92M70 X JH4268392
JH4603324 Pioneer P92M70 X JH4282852
JH6676568 Pioneer P92B38 X JX5789894
JH7380284 Pioneer P92B38 X JH6676568
JH8069431 Pioneer P92B38 X JH7380284
JH8069435 Pioneer P92B38 X JH7380284
Jilin 20-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
Jill Unspecified X Unspecified
Jim PI 602897
Sigco KG20 X M81-18PVP 9800160
Jindou 19 Unspecified X Unspecified
Jizuka IntroductionMaybe PI 561385
Jogun PI 548353
IntroductionNorth Korea ca. 1930, released ca. 1957, Or maybe PI 548352
Johnston PI 508267
N70-2173 X Hutton
JT22-4004 LG05-2870-3-1 X PI 494182
JT22-5003 J98-32 X Anand
JT22-5005 DC2864 X DC7816
JT22-5010 DC2864 X DC7816
JT22-5012 DC2864 X DC7816
JT22-5019 DC2864 X DC7816
JT22-5023 DC2864 X DC7816
JT22-5024 DC2864 X DC7816
JTN 5303 Caviness X Anand
JTN 5503 PI 641938
Fowler X Manokin
JTN-01 Unspecified X Unspecified
JTN-033 S94-1956 X MD94-5396
JTN-4119 5601T X PI 437655new SCN resistance source
JTN-4207 LS93-0375 X LS96-0735
JTN-4219 5601T X PI 437655
JTN-4307 PI 670017
S97-1688 X V94-0198GP-407, SCN, F4
JTN-4308 S96-2641 X S97-1688-12-LOAM02SCN
JTN-4407 SS94-7546 X HS93-4118
JTN-4408 S97-1753 X V94-0198-9-LOAM02SCN
JTN-4507 S97-1688 X V94-0198-13-LOAM02SCN
JTN-4508 SS94-7546 X LS96-0735SCN
JTN-4607 LS94-3207 X S95-1908-3-LOAM02SCN
JTN-4619 5002T X PI 494182new SCN resistance source
JTN-5104 Fowler X S95-1908
JTN-5106 DPL 5960RR X Anand-4-CYST02
JTN-5107 S97-1753 X S96-2641-2-LOAM02SCN
JTN-5108 S95-1908 X BOLIVAR-2-LOAM02SCN
JTN-5110 J98-32 X AnandSCN
JTN-5111 PI 437655 X 5601Tunique SCN
JTN-5203 R93-171 X AnandSCN; >25 % exotic, F17, Conv., FLS
JTN-5204 Fowler X S95-1908
JTN-5207 J98-32 X DT96-6840
JTN-5208 S96-2641 X S97-1688-8-LOAM02SCN
JTN-5209 PI 567516C X 5601Tunique SCN
JTN-5211 PI 507471 X HutchesonSCN
JTN-5303 PI 641937
R93-171 X Anand
JTN-5308 J98-32 X DT95-17556SCN
JTN-5503 PI 641938
Fowler X Manokin
JTN5203 PI 664903
Caviness X Anand
Jupiter D49-2491 X Bilomi No. 3
JW-45 Mixed seed lot
JX5789894 Unspecified X Unspecified
K-77 PI 556561
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNixon Seed Company and L. Krietemeyer, PVP 7800015
K00-69 K99-14 X A97-973002
K00-72RR-2584 Unspecified X Unspecified
K00-75 K99-46 X SS96-10704
K00-80-2475v Unspecified X Unspecified
K00-85 SS96-10704 X K99-128
K01-179 K1410 X K97-135
K01-187 K1425 X K97-135
K02W-3 KS5502N X K01-187
K03-2399 K99-14 X SS96-10704
K03-2897 K1454 X HS93-4118
K03-3821 Unspecified X Unspecified
K03-3825 K1433 X HS93-4118
K03W-104 Unspecified X Unspecified
K03W-106 KS5502N X K02W-3
K04-144 KS4303sp X KS5003sp
K04-3083RR SS94-7546 X K97-132
K04-4274RR MD97-6065 X K97-133
K04-4623RR K1463 X K97-138
K04-4628RR K1463 X K97-138
K05-4987RR S99-2281 X K03W-104
K06-3202RR K1530 X MD99-0687-3RR
K06-3208RR 5002T X S02-677CR RR
K07-121 35.TCS X L93-0375
K07-1544 Unknown X Unknown
K07-1633 Unspecified X Unspecified
K07-91 Unspecified X Unspecified
K08-1097 Unspecified X Unspecified
K08-5026 Unspecified X Unspecified
K08-5862 KS5004N X TN05-5118
K08-5898 KS5004N X TN05-5118
K08-5911 KS5004N X TN05-5118
K08-5997 K1639-2 X U98-311422
K08-6031 IA3023 X K1639-2
K08-6050 IA3023 X K1639-2
K09-5546 5002T X KS5004N
K09-5553 5002T X KS5004N
K09-5624 DS4-SCN05 X 5601T
K09-5667 DS4-SCN05 X 5601T
K10-1214 KS5502N X K07-91
K10-1222 KS5502N X K07-91
K10-4263 DS4-SCN05 X KS5004N
K10-4308 DS4-SCN05 X KS5004N
K10-4527 KS5502N X KS5004N
K10-8556 IA3023 X LD00-3309
K10005 ST1970 X Pioneer P92B05
K1002 Wayne X ( C1223 (8) x Mukden )
K1003 C1266 X C1264
K1004 PI 548606
C1266 X C1265
K1007 Bonus X Cutler
K10147 XB16H X Pioneer P91B52
K1017 L66L-140 X Columbus
K1019 PI 548541
Williams X ColumbusPVP 7800077
K1022 Williams X Columbus
K1024 PI 548549
L66-140 X ColumbusPVP 8100031
K1028 Williams X Calland
K10282 Pioneer P90A07 X Pioneer P90B72
K10292 XB16H X K10147
K1033 PI 548555
Williams X CallandPVP 8100148
K1034 Williams X Calland
K1035 Williams X Calland
K1036 Williams X Calland
K1041 Sparks
Williams X Calland
K1042 L66L-140 X Cutler 71
K1043 Tracy X Williams
K1044 Tracy X Williams
K1045 Tracy X Williams
K1046 Tracy X Williams
K10467 XB16H X K10292
K1047 Tracy X Bonus
K1058 Tracy X Bonus
K1061 Tracy X Columbus
K1062 Tracy X Williams
K1074 Tracy X Williams
K1075 Tracy X Bonus
K1076 Tracy X Williams
K1099 K1022 X Essex
K11-1163 IA3023 X LG04-5187
K11-1173 IA3023 X LG04-5187
K11-1196 IA3023 X LG04-5187
K11-1204 IA3023 X LG04-5187
K11-1252 IA3023 X LG04-5190
K11-1289 IA3023 X LG04-5190
K11-1778 U98-311422 X LD05-30578a
K11-2216 K03-3825 X LG04-5190
K11-2363B 435.TCS X LD05-30578a
K11-2363T 435.TCS X LD05-30578a
K1103 Union X Essex
K1106 ( Williams x CallandX Essex
K1119 KS4390
PI 559933
K1022 X Essex
K1126 HW7847 X Forrest
K1130 Forrest X Hobbit
K1133 V75-345 X S76-2120
K1144 K1062 X S76-2203
K1145 Essex X Cumberland
K1146 Essex X K1062
K1148 Essex X Cumberland
K1154 V76-482 X Essex
K1161 Harper X Asgrow A3127
K1164 Harper X Asgrow A3127
K1166 Harper X Asgrow A3127
K1169 Harper X Asgrow A3127
K1170 Peking X Ripley
K1173 Unspecified X Unspecified
K1191 KS4694
Sherman X Toano
K1192 KS4895
Sherman X Bay
K12-1028 5601T X R05-4114
K12-1039 5601T X R05-4114
K12-1099 R04-122 X K08-1097
K12-1101 R04-122 X K08-1097
K12-1207 5601T X K08-1097
K12-1259 R04-122 X K08-1097
K12-1348 R04-357 X JTN-5503
K12-1353 R04-357 X JTN-5503
K12-1355 R04-357 X JTN-5503
K12-1391 V03-4705 X JTN-5503
K12-1409 V03-4705 X K08-1097
K12-1414 V03-4705 X K08-1097
K12-1575 LG04-5372 X LG04-3765Reselection
K12-2333 LG04-5993 X LG04-5187
K12020 XB41M01 X Pioneer P92B24
K12021 XB41M01 X K12020
K1216 K1099 X Pershing
K1218 Pioneer P5482 X Asgrow A3127
K1235 Hutcheson X Asgrow A3427
K1242 Stafford X Hutcheson
K1243 Hutcheson X Asgrow A2943
K1246 Stafford X Elgin
K1248 Stafford X Hutcheson
K12620 R00448R003 X Pioneer P92B38
K12650 EX15N01 X Pioneer P92B38
K1267 K1133 X K1106
K1268 Stafford X Asgrow A3427
K1276 Coker 425 X Asgrow A3427
K1277 Hutcheson X Asgrow A3966
K13-1515 LG06-5920 X LD04-13265
K13-1830 DS-880 X R04-357F4, Conv.
K1304 K1133 X Flyer
K1305 K1154 X N84-507
K1307 K1133 X R85-3309
K1308 K1133 X Flyer
K1309 K1133 X N83-375
K1330 DeKalb CX366 X K79-4
K1331 A86-303014 X Stafford
K1335 Hamilton X HP5363-5-8
K1360 Toano X Corsica
K1361 Pioneer P6917-29 X Toano
K1364 Rhodes X Holladay
K1366 Rhodes X Holladay
K1370 Delsoy 4210 X Asgrow A3935
K1390 Delsoy 4500 X Asgrow A5403
K1391 Manokin X HC85-618
K1393 KS5292 X Hutcheson
K14-1094 K07-1633 X LD04-13265
K14-1153 LD04-13265 X K07-1633
K14-1358 NCC05-1261 X 435.TCS
K14-1686 S05-11482 X DS-880F5, Conv.
K14-1717 NCC05-1261 X 435.TCSConv., F5
K14-1719 NCC05-1261 X 435.TCSConv., F5
K14-1726 NCC05-1261 X 435.TCSF5, Conv.
K1401 Delsoy 4710 X KS4694
K1410 KS4694 X C1842
K1423 Manokin X LS86-1922
K1424 Hutcheson X Asgrow A4715
K1425 Hartwig X KS4895
K1431 Flyer X Barc6
K1433 Unspecified X Unspecified
K1454 KS4694 X HS90-3487
K1459 Asgrow A4715 X K88-22-42
K1463 S88-1934 X N90-516
K1466 Manokin X HC89-2170
K15-1008 AR10-305003 X 435.TCS
K15-1283 KS4520NS
LD06-7620 X 435.TCS
K15-1310 Unspecified X Unspecified
K15-1681 KS5004N X 435.TCSF5, STS, Conv.
K15-1755 KS5004N X NCC06-339F5, Conv.
K15-1788 NCC05-1261 X 435.TCSF5, Conv.
K15-1800 NCC05-1261 X 435.TCSF5, Conv.
K15-1809 NCC05-1261 X 435.TCSF5, Conv.
K15-1853 NCC05-1261 X 435.TCSF5, Conv., STS
K15-1854 NCC05-1261 X 435.TCSF5, Conv., STS
K15-1855 NCC05-1261 X 435.TCSF5, Conv., STS
K15-1874 KS5004N X 435.TCSF5, Conv.
K15-1891 KS5004N X 435.TCSF5, Conv., STS
K15-1992 NCC05-1261 X LD00-3309F5, Conv.
K151-11-B-6 PI 548595
Maple Isle
Holmberg 744-2 X L62-667 (2)
K1525 S92-2713 X KY88-4080
K1526 Manokin X K1307
K1529 Hutcheson X N90-7199
K1530 KS5292 X SC91-2007
K1531 S91-1661 X Hutcheson
K1532 KS5292 X SC91-2007
K1533 KS5292 X SC91-2007
K1536 Unspecified X Unspecified
K1539RR KS4895 X ( KS4895 x Resnik RR )
K1550RR K1276 X ( K1276 x Resnik RR )P5
K1599 DeKalb CX445 X Northrup King S46-44
K16-1045 LS07-3125 X 435.TCS
K16-1071 LS07-3125 X 435.TCS
K16-1076 LS07-3131 X 435.TCS
K16-1211 LS07-3125 X K10-8556
K16-1222 LS07-3125 X K10-8556
K16-1229 LS07-3125 X K10-8556
K16-1412 K07-1633 X S08-17361
K16-1425 S08-17361 X K10-8556
K16-1427 S08-17361 X K10-8556
K16-1433 S08-17361 X K10-8556
K16-1692 K10-8556 X 435.TCS
K16-1706 K10-8556 X 435.TCS
K1603RR KS4895 X ( KS4895 x Resnik RR )
K1620 Unspecified X Unspecified
K1639 R93-174 X Northrup King S59-60F5
K1639-2 GP-365
PI 658491
Selection from K1639F8 single-plant selection
K17-1441 K10-8556 X 435.TCS
K17-1712 LG11-6208 X LS07-3131
K17-1835 LS07-3131 X 435.TCS
K17-6185 LG11-6210 X K11-2363B
K17-6254 LG11-6210 X K11-2363T
K17-6326 LG11-6210 X K11-2363T
K17-6436 LG11-6210 X K11-2363T
K17-6472 LG11-6210 X K11-2363T
K179229-8 K12-1355 X S14-17636
K18-1368 LG11-2963 X K11-2363B
K18-1815 LD00-3309 X K11-2363T
K18-1900 LD00-3309 X K11-2363T
K18-1994 LD07-3395bf X K11-2363T
K18-3091 K12-1348 X R10-2346
K18-4100 K11-2363T X R10-2622
K18-4240 LG11-6208 X R10-2436
K18-4288 LG11-6208 X R10-2436
K18-4504 K12-1575 X K11-2363B
K18-4514 K12-1575 X U11-614093
K18-4783 K12-2333 X K12-1348
K18-4916 K12-2333 X LD10-10226
K18-5234 K12-1355 X K11-2363T
K18-6011 R10-2622 X K11-2363T
K18-6205 LD07-3395bf X K12-1575
K18-6434 N10-7404 X K11/2363T
K18-6652 N10-7404 X R10-2622
K19-2402 S12-2418 X K11-2363B
K19-3177 K12-1348 X N10-7404
K20-1313 46X714 X KS4117Ns
K20-2225 e4993 X HM11-W192
K20-2499 e4993 X KS4117Ns
K20-2567 e4993 X KS4117NS
K20-4027 49X715 X KS4117NS
K20-4064 49X715 X KS4117Ns
K20-4336 49X715 X PI 661090
K20-4344 49X715 X PI 661090
K20-4938 46X714 X HM11-W192
K20-4939 46X714 X HM11-W192
K20-4994 46X714 X HM11-W192
K20-5105 49X715 X HM11-W192
K22-3-B-1 PI 548596
Maple Ridge
PI 196491 X EvansPI 196491 (Fiskeby III sib)
K4117Nsgr KS4117NS(5) X KS3406RR
K62-7221 PI 548538
C1069 X Clark
K646 Unknown X UnknownRecords destroyed by fire
K701 Unknown X UnknownRecords destroyed by fire
K74-104-76-205 Tracy X Williams
K74-113-76-486 ( Tracy x PomonaX Century
K74-114-75-00 Tracy X Bonus
K74-114-75-000 Unspecified X Unspecified
K79-4 Unspecified X Unspecified
K81-27-278 KS5292
PI 559934
Forrest X EssexPVP 9200077
K82-1-138 Asgrow A4268 X Asgrow A3127
K82-1-48 Asgrow A4268 X Asgrow A3127
K87 PI 556925
B216R X T215King Agro Inc., PVP 8900144
K88-22-42 Hamilton X N84-507
K97-132 K1235 X K97-34
K97-133 KS4895 X K97-39
K97-135 K1277 X K97-39
K97-136 KS3494 X K97-35
K97-138 Hartwig X K97-40
K97-34 K1235 X MON RR
K97-35 KY91-1352 X MON RR
K97-36 KS4895 X MON RR
K97-39 K1277 X MON RR
K97-40 Stressland X MON RR
K98-87 Unspecified X MON RR
K99-126 KS4997 X K98-87
K99-128 KS4997 X IA3004
K99-129 KS4997 X IA3004
K99-14 IA3010 X STS line from DuPont
K99-46 Unspecified X Unspecified
K99-98 DT96-6840 X IA3010
Kabott PI 548354
IntroductionFrom Heilongjiang, China
Kagon PI 548355
Unknownunknown, from Wisconsin
Kanrich PI 548552
Kanro (2) X Richland
Kanro PI 548356
Selection from PI 84928Selection from PI 84928, Pyongyang, N. Korea
Kantou 60 PI 506852
Introduction X NIAR 040303Ibaraki, Japan
Kasota PI 546038
M73-105 X VickeryPVP 9100025
Kato PI 542042
M70-127 X CenturyPVP 9000028
KB10-10#990-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
KB10-22#1548 b Unspecified X Unspecified
KB10-22#1551 Unspecified X Unspecified
KB10-22#1583 Unspecified X Unspecified
KB10-22-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
KB10-22-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
KB12-1#70-152 Unspecified X Unspecified
KB12-1#70HO Unspecified X Unspecified
KB13-11 #6 Unspecified X Unspecified
KB13-15 F3 14-224 Unspecified X Unspecified
KB13-15F314-224 Unspecified X Unspecified
KB13-15f3:14-228LL LLXHo 8550 convergent Unspecified X Unspecified
KB13-39#871 Unspecified X Unspecified
KB13-39#871HO Unspecified X Unspecified
KB13F3:14-228LL Unspecified X Unspecified
KB15-5F3 16-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
Keller PI 548538
Beeson 80 BC6
Beeson 80 (7) X PRX9-249PVP 8400083
Kent PI 548586
Lincoln X Ogden
Kentwood Unspecified X Unspecified
Kenwood PI 537094
Elgin X Asgrow A1937PVP 9000039
KG 60 KG2007
PI 556785
Premier X BK22-1-3
KG20 KG 20
PI 556751
McCall X 2S11Literature reports parents as McCall x 2S11. PVP has SA198 x 2S11
KG2007 KG60
PI 556785
Premier X BK22-1-3King Grain, Inc., PVP 8500175
KG30 PI 556749
Maple Arrow X SA198King Grain, Inc., PVP 8500022
KG60 KG2007
PI 556785
Premier X BK22-1-3King Grain, Inc., PVP 8500175
KG70 PI 556750
Evans X MarionKing Grain, Inc., PVP 8500024
Kim PI 548587
Sac (2) X Richland
Kingwa PI 548359
Selection from PekingRogue selection from Peking ca. 1921
Kirby F77-1797
PI 548665
Centennial X [ Forrest x ( Cobb x D68-216 ) ]
Kisaya PI 171450
IntroductionKagoshima , JP
Kogane-Jiro Introductionmay be PI 317335
Korada Unknown X Unknown
Korean PI 548360
Introductionintroduced from China, probably Korean, release ca. 1928
Kosuzu PI 538773
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, PVP 9000110
Kottman PI 612594
HS88-7363 X HS88-4988PVP 200000127
KS3494 PI 586980
Harper X Asgrow A3127PVP 9500130
KS4117Ns K11-2363
435.TCS X LD05-30578a
KS4117NS Unspecified X Unspecified
KS4303sp Jack X Mercury
KS4390 PI 559933
K1022 X Essex
KS4602N Delsoy 4710 X K1191
KS4694 PI 586981
Sherman X ToanoPVP 9500131
KS4895 PI 595081
Sherman X BayPVP 9600287
KS4997 PI 602950
Pioneer P5482 X Asgrow A3127PVP 9800124
KS5003sp KS5292 X Mercury
KS5004N Unspecified X Unspecified
KS5292 PI 559934
Essex X ForrestPVP 9200077
KS5502N Hartwig X KS4895
Kunitz PI 542044
Williams 82 (6) X PI 157440
KW2-2 K1410 X K01-179
KY75-146-74 L66-1359 X Columbus
KY78-1214 Selection from WilliamsEMS mutant
KY79-0237 PI 515961
Williams X EssexPVP 8700164
KY82-0881 DeSoto X Essex
KY82-1482 K1035 X Essex
KY84-1616 K1044 X Williams
KY85-09073 Ripley X Pershing
KY85-11020 Essex X Elf
KY88-1702 FFR 561 X K1099
KY88-4080 K1099 X Hutcheson
KY88-5037 CF461
PI 590932
Asgrow A4595 X DeKalb CX415DeKalb Pfizer; PVP 9500236; CV-343
KY89-08137 Coker 425 X RA452
KY90-1836 Hutcheson X S42-40
KY90-2786 Spencer X Hutcheson
KY91-1037 Asgrow A4393 X Hutcheson
KY91-11114 Asgrow A3935 X KY84-1616
KY91-1214 Pioneer P9391 X KY84-1616
KY91-1352 Southern States SS391 X KY84-1616
KY94-2134 Asgrow A3935 X N86-7687
KY95-0146 Burlison X Hutcheson
KY95-0645 Holladay X Elgin
L-Star PI 635051
Fukuyutaka ( 2 ) X IchihimeNational Agricultural Research Organization, PVP 200300229
L.Z. Selection from La40-400Re-named
L00-3372 Unspecified X Unspecified
L03610 Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P92B38
L04177 Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P92B38
L04210 YB22T00 X Pioneer P93B09
L04549 Pioneer P91B42 X Pioneer P93B68
L1 PI 548531
Chippewa 64
Chippewa (8) X BlackhawkCV-42
L1-5 Century (5) X PI 408251
L10 [ Chippewa (8) x ( C1128 (2) x S54-1207 ) ] X ( Chippewa (10) x Blackhawk )
L11 ( Clark (6) x T201X ( Clark (6) x T145 )
L12 L6 X L11
L12A Selection from L12Selection for yield from L12
L15 Wayne (6) X Clark 63
L16 ( L10 (6) x L62-1055X ( L10 (6) x L62-1380 )
L1771 PI 556768
Land O Lakes Max ( 4 ) X AltonaLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8500140
L2 Harosoy 63 X L3
L21 PI 548622
Williams (5) X SL12CV-158
L22 PI 518672
Williams (6) X ( Clark (6) x T117 )CV-223
L23 PI 518670
Williams 79
Williams (6) X Lee 68CV-221
L2330 PI 556769
Land O Lakes Max ( 2 ) X AltonaLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8500141
L2333 PI 540451
Land O Lakes Max X Land O Lakes L4404Land O Lakes, Inc., PVP 9000143
L24 Williams (??) X KingwaWilliams backcross population, closely related to Williams 82
L24A PI 518671
Williams 82
Williams (7) X KingwaComposite of 4 Phytopthora resistant F3BC6 lines selected for similarity to Williams; CV-222
L25A Williams (6) X PI 96983
L26 Williams (7) X Harrel
L27 Corsoy (8) X Kingwa
L28 Corsoy 79 X [ Corsoy (6) x ( Harosoy (5) x D54-2437 ) ]
L2A Selection from L2Selection for yield from L2
L3 Harosoy (6) X S54-1207
L3-2010 C167 X L7-1353
L3-2692 Dunfield X ( Dunfield x T117 )
L3-3392 Dunfield X Manchuria 13-177
L3-3427 Scioto X Mukden
L34-12 VariousSelection from mixed hybrid population
L34-42 VariousSelection from mixed hybrid population
L34-432 VariousSelection from mixed hybrid population
L34-45 VariousSelection from mixed hybrid population
L34-506 VariousSelection from mixed hybrid population
L36-12 Mandarin X Manchu
L36-13 VariousSelection from mixed hybrid population
L36-23 VariousSelection from mixed hybrid population
L36-5 Mandarin X Manchu
L36-553 Mandarin X Manchu
L36-685 PI 548362
Mandarin X ManchuCV-5
L36-690 Mandarin X Manchu
L36-700 Mandarin X Manchu
L36-720 Mandarin X Manchu
L37-1087 LX157
Illini X T48
L37-1111 Illini X T48
L37-1160 Illini X T48
L37-1280 Unknown X Unknown
L37-1355 Selection from PI 81041Rogue selection from PI 81041
L37-923 VariousSelection from mixed hybrid population
L4 ( C1128 (6) x S54-120X ( C1128 (6) x H21162 )
L4-6290 L7-1355 X ( Macoupin x L7-1355 )
L43-1927 Mukden X Richland
L43-2010 C167 X L37-1355
L43-2140 Chief X L37-1355
L43-2692 Dunfield (2) X T117
L43-2926 Dunfield X T117
L43-3392 Dunfield X Manchuria 13177
L43-3427 Scioto X Mukden
L43-7437 Manchu
Dunfield X Hudson Manchu
L43-7494 Seneca X Richland
L43-8417 Chief X Richland
L43-8642 Richland X Scioto
L44-1458 Unspecified X Unspecified
L44-8066 Seneca X L37-1355
L44-8090 Seneca X Hudson Manchu
L4404 Land O Lakes L4404
Land O' Lakes L4404
PI 556613
Amsoy 71 X PikeLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8000125
L46-1152 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L46-1503 Lincoln (6) X Richland
L46-1656 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L46-2132 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L46-2132-1 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L46-2132-A14 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L46-5679 Lincoln X Richland
L46-8144 Lincoln X Richland
L46-8179 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L46-8182 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L46-8275 PI 548530
Lincoln (2) X RichlandCV-19
L46-8474 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L46-8477 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L46-8622 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L47-1287 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L48-10755 Lincoln (2) X C171
L48-10780 Lincoln (2) X C171
L48-10934 Lincoln (2) X Macoupin
L48-10946 Lincoln (2) X Macoupin
L48-7289 Seneca X Richland
L49-3270 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L49-4091 ( Lincoln (2) x RichlandX ( Lincoln x C.N.S. )
L49-4196 ( Lincoln (2) x RichlandX ( Lincoln x C.N.S. )
L49-4196-12 Unspecified X Unspecified
L49-4197 ( Lincoln (2) x RichlandX ( Lincoln x C.N.S. )
L49-5138 Clark
PI 548533
Lincoln (2) X RichlandCV-20
L49-5139 PI 548574
Lincoln (2) X RichlandCV-33
L49-5142 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L5 Shelby (7) X L49-4091
L5-5679 Unspecified X Unspecified
L54-1055 Blackhawk X Capital
L57-0034 Clark X Adams
L57-0035 Clark X Adams
L57-2222 PI 548628
L49-4091 X ClarkCV-51
L57-2276 L49-4091 X Clark
L57-2322 L49-4091 X Clark
L57-2324 L49-4091 X Clark
L57-2396 L49-4091 X Clark
L57-3033 Adams X L46-1503
L57-3104 C985 X Perry
L57-738 Unspecified X Unspecified
L57-9775 Hawkeye X Lee
L57-9777 Hawkeye X Lee
L57-9809 Hawkeye X Lee
L57-9819 Hawkeye X Lee
L58-1531R Williams (2) X ( Harosoy (5) x Blackhawk )
L58-2080 Hawkeye X Lee
L58g-122R Clark (5) X Blackhawk
L58g-1H Harosoy (5) X Blackhawk
L59g-1H Harosoy (8) X Blackhawk
L59g-1R PI 548575
Harosoy 63
Harosoy (8) X BlackhawkCV-41
L59g-2R PI 548578
Hawkeye 63
Hawkeye (7) X BlackhawkCV-40
L59g-3R Adams (7) X Blackhawk
L6 L8 X L7
L6-1656 Lincoln X ( Lincoln x Richland )
L6-2132 Lincoln (2) X Richland
L6-5679 Lincoln X Richland
L6-685 Mandarin X Manchu
L60-1385 L46-1503 X C985
L60-347-1-60-28 Harosoy X Higan
L60-347-4-4G-2-B Harosoy X Higan
L60-347-l-60-28 OX720-26
Harosoy X Higan
L61-1112 Clark (3) X T117
L61-2193 Sioux X Harosoy
L61-2196 Sioux X Harosoy
L61-344 Harosoy (6) X T117
L62-1055 Unspecified X Unspecified
L62-1251 Clark (6) X T117
L62-1380 Unspecified X Unspecified
L62-1926 Clark (2) X PI 86024
L62-1932 Clark (6) X PI 86024
L62-361 T117
Selection from Harosoy (6)
L62-535 Harosoy (6) X T145
L62-667 Harosoy (6) X T204
L62-973 Unspecified X Unspecified
L63-0007-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
L63-1212 Harosoy X T204
L63-1397 Harosoy (6) X PI 80837
L63-3534 ( Clark (6) x T201X ( Clark (6) x T145 )
L65-1342 Wayne (2) X L62-1926
L65-1354 Wayne (2) X L62-1926
L66-1322 Unspecified X Unspecified
L66-1359 Wayne X L57-0034
L66-140 Unspecified X Unspecified
L66-2470-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
L66-531 ( Clark (6) x PI 86024X ( Clark (6) x T175 )
L66-945 Wayne (5) X L63-3534
L66L-108 PI 548631
Wayne X L57-0034CV-94
L66L-137 Wayne X L57-0034
L66L-140 Wayne X L57-0034
L66L-144 Wayne X L57-0034
L66L-154 Wayne X L57-0034
L66L-172 PI 548632
Wayne X L57-0034CV-116
L66L-177 Wayne X L57-9819
L66L-191 Wayne X L57-9819
L66L-310 Clark 63 X L57-9819
L66L-333 Clark 63 X L57-9819
L67-533 Clark (6) X Higan
L67-592 Clark (6) X Higan
L67U-1842 Provar X Disoy
L67U-440 Chippewa 64 X Corsoy
L68-0376 Clark X PI 84946-2
L68-4096 ( L15 (5) x L12X ( Wayne (10) x Kanrich )
L68-4106 ( L15 (5) x L11X ( Wayne (10) x Kanrich )
L68-4241 L10 X S62X30
L69-20 Hark X Wayne
L69-202 L61-2193 X L61-2196
L69-4143 [ L15 (5) x ( ( Clark (6) x T201 ) x ( Clark (6) x T145 ) ) ] X (Wayne (10) x Kanrich)
L69-5343 L12 (6) X Hawkeye
L69-5347 Unspecified X Unspecified
L69D-133 Chippewa 64 X Corsoy
L69D-227 Hark X Disoy
L69L-208 Clark X ( Hawkeye x Lee )
L69L-3 L66-531 X L62-535
L69L-6-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
L69U37-17-5 Calland X Corsoy
L69U40-16-4 Calland X Amsoy
L69U40-19-1 Calland X Amsoy
L69U72-3-4 Cutler X A100
L69U84-19-1 Cutler X Beeson
L69UI9-16-2 L15 X Beeson
L7 Clark (8) X Blackhawk
L7-1353 Unspecified X Unspecified
L7-1355 Selection from PI 81041Rogue selection from PI 81041
L7-163 Unspecified X Unspecified
L70-2283 Custer X Chippewa
L70-2450 Unspecified X Unspecified
L70-347-1-60-2B Unspecified X Unspecified
L70-4180 L12 X ( Clark 63 (7) x Kanrich )
L70D6-11-5 L63-1212 X C1426
L70D6-16 L63-1212 X C1426
L70L-2912 L15 X D64-3077
L70L-2947 L12 X D64-3077
L70L-3048 L15 X D64-3146
L70T-453G L15 X Amsoy 71
L70T-543 L15 X Amsoy 71
L70T-543G L15 X Amsoy 71Selection from L70T-543
L70T543G L15 X Amsoy 71doi:10.2135/cropsci2004.6990
L71-2071 Merit X SL12
L71-2322 Beeson X SL12
L71-2855 Beeson X SL12
L71-3628 L66-1322 X L62-535
L71L-06-4 Hawkeye X Lee
L71L-436 PI 548563
L12 X CusterL12 isoline of Clark 63 equivalent to Clark 63; CV-144
L71L-554 Cutler X SL12
L71L-556 Cutler X WayneWayne-Ir Rpm Rps
L71L-57 L15 X CusterL15 = Wayne Rps
L71L-77 L15 X CusterL15 = Wayne Rps
L72-1419 ( L15 x Wayne (10) ) X Kanrich
L72A-14 Calland X Amsoy
L72A-89 Cutler X Beeson
L72U-2567 Williams X Ransom
L72U-640 Unspecified X Unspecified
L73-318 Williams (2) X L69-5343
L73-4124 D66-12392 X L69L-3
L73-4673 Corsoy X L66L-154L66L-154 (Williams sib)
L73-5038 L69-5347 X L66L-154
L73-6084 L15 X Amsoy 71
L73-6536 Selection from FranklinSubline of Franklin
L73-6626 R62-659 X L66-531
L73-811 Selection from CorsoyParentage uncertain, maybe a selection from Clark
L73-827 L6 X ( L67-592 x L62-1251 )
L73D-195 Amcor
PI 548505
Amsoy 71 X CorsoyPVP 8000034; CV-149
L73U-332 L67-533 X L66L-154
L73U-632 Miller 67 X L66L-140
L73U632 Miller 67 X Williams
L74-1960 L12 X D64-3077
L74-3397 Unspecified X Unspecified
L74-3897 Williams X Beeson
L74-4261 Williams X Beeson
L74-4372 Williams X Beeson
L74-8356 Williams X Beeson
L7413-634 Unspecified X Unspecified
L74D-200 Miller 67 X L66L-140
L74D-609 PI 543856
Williams X RansomPVP 8100162
L74D-611 PI 548556
Williams X RansomCV-150
L74D-615 Williams X Ransom
L74D-618 PI 548565
Williams X RansomCV-151
L74D-619 Williams X Ransomdoi:10.2135/cropsci2004.6990
L74D-634 Williams X Ransom
L74D-674 Amsoy 71 X Ransom
L74L-125 PI 518673
Calland X WilliamsCV-224
L74L-228 L68-4096 X Williams
L74L-358 L68-4096 X L66L-177
L74L-497 L66-945 X Coker Hampton 266A
L74L-71 Calland X Williams
L74U-3242 Wells X York
L75-0570 Wells (6) X T259H
L75-3632 Corsoy (6) X Lee 68Sister line to Corsoy 79
L75-3674 PI 518669
Corsoy 79
Corsoy (6) X Lee 68CV-220
L75-6857 Williams (6) X L69-5343
L75-8016 Williams X L70-2283
L75-8020 Selection from CorsoyPhytophthora rot resistant selection
L75-8064 Williams X Custer??
L75-8121 Williams X L70-2283
L75-8381 Williams X L70-2450
L75-8388 Williams X L70-2450
L76-0022 Williams (4) X PI 171451
L76-0049 Unspecified X Unspecified
L76-0132 Beeson X PI 171451
L76-0253 Williams X PI 229358
L76-129B CN 290
Beeson X L70-2283
L76-141B CN 210
Beeson X L70-2283
L760132 Unspecified X Unspecified
L77-1233 Union (3) X ( Williams (4) x PI 88788 (2) )
L77-443 Union X L75-8020
L77-515 Union X L75-8020
L77-756 Beeson X Cloud
L77-8039 Williams X Mitchell
L77-8043 Williams X Mitchell
L77-8290 Williams X Mitchell
L77-906 Williams (4) X PI 209332
L77-994 Williams (2) X PI 88788
L78-1444 PI 518674
Williams (2) X PI 88788CV-225
L78-1491 Williams (2) X PI 88788
L78-1738 L75-8016 X ( Williams x PI 88788 )
L78-189 Corsoy X Kingwa
L78-379 Williams X PI 96983
L78-4094 Beeson X L68-0376
L78-4245 L68-4106 X L68-0376
L78-8138 L73-4124 X Essex
L78-8694 [ ( ( Hawkeye x Lee ) x ( Hawkeye x Lee ) ) x HarosoyX Elf
L78-8716 L71-3628 X Elf
L78L-449 [ ( ( Hill x Dyer ) x ( Clark x Harosoy ) ] X Essex
L78L-688 L73-6626 X Essex
L79-391O Union X L75-8020
L8 Clark (6) X L49-4091
L8-10780 Lincoln (2) X C171
L8-6797 Selection from L6-5679
L8-6852 Lincoln X Richland
L80-3049 PI 518675
Williams (2) X PI 88788L77-994 subline; CV-226
L80-3778 Williams (2) X Raiden
L80-4323 Williams (2) X PI 88788L77-994 subline
L80-4349 Williams (2) X PI 88788L77-994 subline
L81-4590 PI 542044
Williams 82 (6) X PI 157440PVP 9000169
L81L-97 Williams (2) X PI 181550
L82-4050 L71-3628 X Elf
L82C-1246 PI 542043
Williams 82 X FayetteCV-270
L83-3804 PI 553051
L78-8694 X L78L-449PVP 9200229
L83-3819 L78-8694 X L78L-449
L83-3942 L78-8694 X L78L-688
L83-7573 L73-4673 X L78-4094
L84-6189 Williams 82 X L78-4245
L85-2378 PI 547875
Williams 82 (6) X PI 200492
L85P-558 L73-4673 X Fayette
L86-1752 Unspecified X Unspecified
L87-0482 GC 84051-9-1 X GC 00138-29
L87-1922 Unspecified X Unspecified
L9 Clark (6) X Chief
L9-4091 Unspecified X Unspecified
L924904 KG41 X Syngenta S38-83
L93-0375 Unspecified X Unspecified
L932113 Syngneta S12-49 X Syngenta S24-92
L97-26569 Yale X Macon
La40-242 Unspecified X Unspecified
La40-290 Unspecified X Unspecified
La40-293 Acadian
PI 60406 X FC 04910
La40-399 Unspecified X Unspecified
La40-400 Unspecified X Unspecified
La41-1219 Tanloxi X PI 60406
La48-268 Selection from PI 104881Nanking, Cn
La48-275 Selection from PI 85897
La48-277 Selection from PI 85897
La48-300-B Tanloxi X PI 60406
La49-1-4 Pelican #2 X Ogden
La49-11-6 Pelican #2 X Volstate
La49-2-4 Creole X Ogden
La49-89-6 Selection from La40-242Selection from La40-242
La51-34-5 FC 31592 X Acadian
La51-7-4 Roanoke X FC 31592
La53-50-9 Pelican #2 X Ogden
La53-97-1 Pelican #2 X Ogden
La53-99 Pelican #2 X Ogden
La56-13-4 Pelican #2 X Ogden
La56-8-4 Pelican #2 X Ogden
La58-26-2 Ogden X Creole
La58-54-6 Pelican #2 X Ogden
La59-1-4 Unspecified X Unspecified
La59-34-7 Pelican #2 X Ogden
La59-7-21 Pelican #2 X Ogden
La59-72-11 Pelican #2 X Ogden
La60-97-A Pelican #2 X Ogden
La61-55-3 Pelican #2 X Ogden
La63-15-6 Pelican #2 X Ogden
La63-72-2 Volstate X Creole
La73-1148 Pickett 71 X Ransom
La74-3850 Forrest X Mack
La74-4656 Gregg
PI 510675
Bragg X Pickett 71
La88-25723 Unspecified X Unspecified
Lakota PI 548588
Selection from AP6PVP 8200049, Selection from AP6 population created by Fehr and Ortiz from 40 strains (Crop Sci. 15:739, 1975)
Lamar D82-3885
PI 533604
Tracy-M X ( Centennial x D75-10169 )
Lambert PI 562373
M75-274 X M76-151PVP 9200243
LaMoure PI 634813
SD92-1323 X M90-370NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200400154
LaMoure-1 SD92-1323 X M90-370Selection from LaMoure
Lan Selection from PI 597397 BSelection from PI 597397 B
Lancer PI 556504
N59-6800 X Coker Hampton 266Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7600044
Land O Lakes 4102   [ Land O' Lakes Max x (Wayne x ( Clark x Adams ) ) ] X CutlerParentage conflict. NUST 2004
Land O Lakes 4102    Land O' Lakes 4102
[ Mack x Wayne x ( Clark x Adams ) ] X CutlerParentage conflict. Crop Sci 1999 39:592
Land O Lakes 97-37364 Land O' Lakes 97-37364
Unspecified X Unspecified
Land O Lakes L4104 PI 556621
Land O Lakes Max ( 4 ) X AltonaLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8100142
Land O Lakes L4106 PI 556691
Evans X RansomLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8200136
Land O Lakes L4204 PI 556693
Amsoy X WayneLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8200133
Land O Lakes L4207 PI 556692
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8200134
Land O Lakes L4303 PI 556622
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8200135
Land O Lakes L4404 PI 556613
Land O' Lakes L4404
Amsoy 71 X PikeLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8000125
Land O Lakes L4503 PI 556695
Amsoy 71 X PikeLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8000126
Land O Lakes L4504 PI 556694
Amsoy 71 X PikeLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8000127
Land O Lakes Max PI 556535
Land O' Lakes Max
[ Wayne x ( Clark x Adams ) ] X CutlerLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 7700062
Land O' Lakes L4404 Land O Lakes L4404
PI 556613
Amsoy 71 X PikeLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8000125
Land O' Lakes Max Land O Lakes Max
Land O' Lakes Max
[ Wayne x ( Clark x Adams ) ] X CutlerLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 7700062
Laredo FC 29333
PI 438495
PI 548463
introductionDonated Ca. 1935, Origin Unknown
Late Giant Unspecified X UnspecifiedBlack seeded edamame
Lawrence PI 518673
Calland X WilliamsCV-224
LD00-1938 Pana X Savoy
LD00-2807 IA3005 X Pana
LD00-2817 LD00-2817P
Ina X Dwight
LD00-2817P LD00-2817
Ina X DwightF5
LD00-3296 LN95-5724 X Pana
LD00-3309 Maverick X DwightNAM strain
LD00-4970 Maverick X Dwight
LD00-4976 Maverick X Dwight
LD00-5038 Macon X Maverick
LD01-5907 Ina X IA3010NAM Strain
LD01-7323 LN95-5454 X Dwight
LD02-4485 M90-184111 X IA3010NAM Strain
LD02-5124 A97-973002 X Dwight
LD02-5124W A97-973002 X Loda
LD02-5320 A96-591046 X Dwight
LD02-5868 Macon X LN93-13684
LD02-7222P Macon X LS93-0375
LD02-9050 Macon X LS93-0375NAM Strain
LD03-10487 LN97-26569 X A98-781041
LD03-7607 LN95-5817 X IA3010
LD03-7610 LN95-5817 X IA3010
LD03-8073 LN95-6415 X IA2050
LD04-13265 Syngenta S32-Z3 X U98-205355
LD04-13296 Syngenta S32-Z3 X U98-311442
LD04-5907 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD04-8782 Syngenta S32-Z3 X Dwight
LD05-13265 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD05-16066 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD05-16521 Loda (4) X ( Dowling x Dwight )
LD05-16638 Dwight (3) X ( Dowling x Loda )
LD05-16657 Dwight (3) X ( Dowling x Loda )
LD05-30578a LD00-3309 (2) X [ LD00-4970 (2) x ( Dowling x Loda) ]
LD05-30586a LD02-4485 (3) X [ SD01-3603R (2) x ( Dowling x Loda ) ]
LD05-30588a LD00-3309 (2) X [ LD00-4970 (2) x ( Dowling x Loda ) ]
LD05-3171 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD05-3230 S25-J5 X LD00-3296
LD05-8517 LD00-2817 X Syngenta S38-T8 x LD05-16066
LD06-14187R Syngenta S25-J5 X LD00-3296
LD06-2009 U97-201128 X U98-307162
LD06-30505Ra LD02-4485 (3) X [ ( SD01-3603R (2) x ( Dowling x Loda ) ) ]
LD06-7596 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD06-7620 IA3023 X LD00-3309Conv.
LD06-7648 IA3023 X LD00-3309
LD07-3395 Syngenta WW115926 X LD00-2817F5
LD07-3395bf Maverick X DwightLD07-3395 Reselection, SCN
LD07-3395bf (SCN) Selection from LD07-3395Reselection
LD07-3419 WW115926 X LD00-2817
LD07-4477 IA3023 X LD00-3309
LD08-12428a LD02-4485 (2) X ( Ina x PI 200538 )
LD08-12435 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD08-12435a LD02-4485 (2) X ( Ina x PI 200538 )
LD08-12438a LD02-4485 (2) X ( Ina x PI 200538 )
LD08-12446a LD02-4485 (2) X ( Ina x PI 200538 )
LD08-1592 LD03-7607 X LD00-3309
LD08-2355 LD02-5320 X Dairyland 99805
LD08-3936 LD02-5868 X LD00-4970
LD08-6972 LD03-10487 X LD02-4485
LD08-6982 LD03-10487 X LD02-4485
LD08-8622 M30121 X IA3024
LD08-RST5-10 LD00-3309 (4) X PI 547875
LD09-10220 CL0J173-6-8 X Dairyland 99846-74
LD09-10911 LD00-2817 X LD02-4485
LD09-13023a LD05-3230 X [ LD02-4485 (2) x ( Ina x PI 200538) ]
LD09-16057 PI 668387
LD01-7323 (5) X [ ( LD01-7323 (2) x PI 547875 ) x ( LD01-7323 (2) x G01-PR33 ) ]GP-386
LD09-16058 LD01-7323 (5) X [ ( LD01-7323 (2) x PI 547875 ) x ( LD01-7323 (2) x G01-PR33 ) ]
LD09-17071R2 LD00-3309 X Monsanto RR2
LD09-17123R2 LD00-3309 X Monsanto RR2
LD09-17140R2 LD00-3309 X Monsanto RR2
LD09-17170 R2 LD00-3309 X Mon RR2Y
LD09-17170R2 LD09-17170 R2
LD00-3309 X Mon RR2Y
LD09-17213R2 LD00-3309 X Monsanto RR2
LD09-17220R2 LD00-3309 X Monsanto RR2
LD09-17254R2 LD09-17254 R2
LD00-3309 X Mon RR2Y
LD09-30015 LD02-4485 (5) X Ripley
LD09-30224 LD05-3230 X LDX07-178a-1-7
LD09-3913 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD10-10198 LD05-3230 X LD00-3309
LD10-10219 LD05-3230 X LD00-3309
LD10-10226 LD05-3230 X LD00-3309
LD10-13091 PI 668388
LD00-3309 (5) X [ LD00-4970 x ( Loda x PI 594538A ) ]GP-387
LD10-14205 PI 668390
LD00-3309 (5) X G01-PR33GP-389
LD10-14274 PI 668389
LD00-3309 (5) X PI 471904GP-388
LD10-14284 PI 668386
LD01-7323 (5) X PI 200456GP-385
LD10-14321 PI 668385
LD01-7323 (5) X G01-PR33GP-384
LD10-2477 LD04-13296 X LD05-3230
LD10-30052 PI 668384
LD01-7323 (5) X [ LD00-4970 x ( Loda x PI 594538A) ]GP-383
LD10-5213a LD02-4485 (5) X ( Ina x PI 200538 )
LD10-5330a LD02-4485(5) X ( Ina x PI 200538 )
LD10-5903a M99-286047 X LD05-16638
LD10-9168 LD06-7648 X LD02-4485
LD10-9423 LD05-8517 X Syngenta 03JR101916
LD10-9434 LD05-8517 X Syngenta 03JR101916
LD10-9483 LD05-8517 X Syngenta 03JR101916
LD11-10069 LD06-2009 X LG04-6000
LD11-10310 LD06-7620 X LD04-13265
LD11-10927 CL04-132315 X LD06-7620
LD11-11299 LG04-6000 X Syngenta 03RM893031
LD11-13342Ra ( LD05-16657 x ( LD00-3309 x RR2 ) ) X LDX08-214a
LD11-13814R Syngenta 03JR313108 X ( LD00-3309 x RR2 )
LD11-13834R Syngenta 03JR313108 X ( LD00-3309 x RR2 )
LD11-13948R LD02-5124W X ( LD00-3309 x Monsanto RR2 )
LD11-14102R ( Syngenta 03JR313108 x ( LD00-3309 x RR2X [ ( LD00-3309 x RR2 ) x LD06-7620 ]
LD11-14102R2 [ Syngenta 03JR313108 x ( LD00-3309 x MonsantoRR2 ) ] X LD06-7620
LD11-14160R ( Syngenta 03JR313108 x ( LD00-3309 x RR2X [ ( LD00-3309 x RR2 ) x LD06-7620 ]
LD11-14283R LD06-7648 X ( LD00-3309 x Monsanto RR2 )
LD11-14287R LD06-7648 X ( LD00-3309 x Monsanto RR2 )
LD11-14335R LD00-3309 (2) X Monsanto RR2
LD11-14362R LD00-3309 (2) X Monsanto RR2
LD11-2170 Syngenta 03JR313108 X LD05-3171
LD11-2170-(4) Unspecified X Unspecified
LD11-304 LD04-8782 X Dairyland 75221
LD11-7311 Syngenta 03JR313108 X LD02-4485
LD12-10534 LG04-6000 X ( LD00-3309 (5) x LD07-5065 )
LD12-12701a LD08-12446a X LD05-30588a
LD12-15064R1a LD05-1540 X LD06-30505Ra
LD12-15156R1a LD06-30505Ra X LD04-13265
LD12-15246 R2a LD09-17170 R2 X LD08-12459a
LD12-1843 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD12-268 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD12-300 LD06-2009 X LD06-7620
LD12-3866 LG04-5372 X Dairyland 75213-72
LD12-3903 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD12-459 LD02-4485 X LD06-7620
LD12-6010a Syngenta 06NB204846 X LD09-15464
LD12-6623 LD08-12430a X LD05-30588a
LD13-13228R1a LD08-12430a X LD06-30505Ra
LD13-13334R1a LD05-1540 X LD06-30505Ra
LD13-13478R1a LD08-12446a X LD06-14187R
LD13-14071R2 LD02-4485 X LD09-17170R2
LD13-1429 LD07-3395 X NE0900094
LD13-14525R2 LD09-17254R2 X LD06-7596
LD13-3483 LD07-3395 X CL06-121119
LD13-3673 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD13-4902a LD08-12446a X Dairyland DSR75467
LD13-5131a LD08-3936 X LD09-13023a
LD13-5290a LD09-30224 X LD08-12438a
LD13-5775a AR09-291001 X LD08-4767a
LD13-6678 LD07-3395 X NE0900094
LD13-8769 LD06-7596 X 09SCNPOP 11-9
LD14-00870 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD14-06407 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD14-13590R2a LD09-17213R2 X LD08-12446a
LD14-14172R2 LD09-17213R2 X WN0800527
LD14-1429 LS07-3131 X LD04-13265
LD14-14308R2 LD07-4477 X LD09-17071R2
LD14-2880 LD07-3395 X LD07-2192
LD14-3702 LD07-4477 X LG06-5798
LD14-4098a LD08-4202 X LDX10-277-1-30
LD14-6099a LD09-30015 X LD08-12435a
LD14-6766 HI0800685 X LD09-30463
LD14-8003 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD14-8047 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD15-1477 WN0902577 X LD07-4477
LD15-1628 AR10-305003 X AR09-192019
LD15-3174 LD07-4477 X LD10-9434
LD15-3818 Illini 4218N
LD09-3913 X BN09002129
LD15-443 HM09-W084 X LD10-10226
LD15-5170a LD09-10220 X LD12-6623
LD15-526 HM09-W084 X LD10-10226
LD15-531 HM09-W084 X LD10-10226
LD15-5372a WN0902577 X LD10-30023
LD15-544 HM09-W084 X LD10-10226
LD15-5776793 Illini 3648N
LD06-7620 X Syngenta 05BR006009
LD15-5782791 Illini 3546N
LD06-7620 X Syngenta 05BR006009
LD15-5789800 LD06-7620 X Syngenta 05BR006009
LD15-6268 AR10-205011 X LD10-10226
LD15-6275 AR10-205011 X LD10-10226
LD15-6280 AR10-205011 X LD10-10226
LD15-6762 Illini 3317N
WN0902577 X SD08CV-2102
LD16- 759 LD09-30015 X AR11-214015
LD16-10099 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD16-10111 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD16-10150 LD10-10198 X KB13-15F314-224
LD16-10157 LD10-10198 X KB13-15F314-224
LD16-10159 LD10-10198 X KB13-15F314-224
LD16-10165 LD10-10198 X KB13-15F314-224
LD16-10183 LD10-10198 X KB13-15F314-224
LD16-10275 Unspecified X Unspecified
LD16-10287 LD09-30224 X KB13-15F314-224
LD16-10289 LD09-30224 X KB13-15F314-224
LD16-10310 U11-614093 X KB13-15F314-224
LD16-10319 U11-614093 X KB13-15F314-224
LD16-10351 U11-614093 X KB13-15F314-224
LD16-10614 LG11-6210 X KB13-15F314-224
LD16-2636 LS09-2655 X LD10-9409
LD16-2751 LD08-1592 X LD10-9434
LD16-2794 LD08- 1592 X LD10-9434
LD16-2923 LD07-3395 X LD10-10219
LD16-2955 Illini 4300N
LD07-3395bf X LD10-10219
LD16-2983 LD07-3395 X LD10-10219
LD16-3589 LD09-30015 X LD10-9434
LD16-4306a HM09-W084 X LD09-30224
LD16-4350 HM09-W084 X LD09-30224
LD16-4385a HM09-W084 X LD09-30224
LD16-4386a HM09-W084 X LD09-30224
LD16-4462a AR10-205011 X LDX11050a
LD16-4471a AR10-205011 X LDX11050a
LD16-4587a HM09-W084 X LD08-12441a
LD16-4766a LD16-4766a
AR10-205011 X LD09-30224
LD16-4852 LD09-30015 X LD09-30224
LD16-5075a LD09-30224 X AR11-113050
LD16-6557 LD07-3419 X AR10-205011
LD16-6787 LD07-3419 X LD10-10226
LD16-6886 LD07-3419 X LD10-10226
LD16-7669 LD07-3395bf X U09-133021
LD17-10157 Illini 3602N
LD11-7311 X LG09-7163
LD17-10174 LD11-7311 X LG09-7163
LD17-10199 LD11-7311 X LG09-7163
LD17-12201 ( LD10-10198 x KB13-15F314-224X ( LD10-5213a x KB13-15F314-224 )
LD17-12352 ( U11-374036 x KB13-15F314-224X ( LG11-6210 x KB13-15F314-224 )
LD17-12668 U11-614093 X KB13-15F314-224
LD17-12673 ( U11-614093 x KB13-15F314-224X ( LD11-10069 x KB13-15F314-224 )
LD17-12679 ( U11-614093 x KB13-15F314-224X ( LD11-10069 x KB13-15F314-224 )
LD17-12708 ( U11-614093 x KB13-15F314-224X ( LD11-10069 x KB13-15F314-224 )
LD17-12905 ( E12020 x KB13-15F314-224X ( M08-362051 x KB13-15F314-224 )
LD17-12986 ( E12020 x KB13-15F314-224X ( M08-362051 x KB13-15F314-224 )
LD17-13294 ( LG11-6210 x KB13-15F314-224X ( E12020 x KB13-15F314-224 )
LD17-1884 U11-614119 X LD10-10198
LD17-1887 Illini 2932N
U11-614119 X LD10-10198
LD17-1900 U11-614119 X LD10-10198
LD17-1902 U11-614119 X LD10-10198
LD17-247 U11-932025 X U09-105007
LD17-2522 LD12-300 X LD09-30224
LD17-2558 Illini 2703N
U11-614119 X LD09-30224
LD17-2903 Illini 1958N
U11-614119 X LD09-30224
LD17-2946a Illini 3191Na
U11-614119 X LD09-30224
LD17-2967a Illini 2812Na
U11-614119 X LD09-30224
LD17-3855 Illini 2600NY
LD10-10198 X LG11-6210
LD17-4947a E11128T X LD14-8030
LD17-4967a E11128T X LD14-8030
LD17-5169a LD10-10198 X LD14-8035
LD17-5399a LD10-10198 X LD14-8035
LD17-5713a LD12-300 X LD14-8047
LD17-5908a LD12-300 X LD14-8047
LD17-5963a LD12-300 X LD14-8047
LD17-6036a Illini 2681Na
U11-614119 X LD14-8003
LD17-7152a LD12-268 X LD12-12701a
LD17-822 U11-614119 X U11-610107
LD17-833 U11-614119 X U11-610107
LD17-872 U11-614119 X U11-920017
LD17-894 U11-614119 X U11-920017
LD18-0012 M08-365100 X U11-917032
LD18-01855 LD11-7311 X LD10-10198
LD18-01867 LD11-7311 X LD10-10198
LD18-0986 LD12-3866 X U11-911079
LD18-1058 LG11-6210 X U11-911079
LD18-12212 LD12-6010a X LDXGL15-025-1
LD18-12216 LD12-6010a X LDXGL15-025-1
LD18-12217 LD12-6010a X LDXGL15-025-1
LD18-12218 LD12-6010a X LDXGL15-025-1
LD18-12335 LD16-10111 X LD10-10198
LD18-12370 LD16-10111 X LD10-10198
LD18-12395 LD16-10111 X LD10-10198
LD18-12596 LD16-10099 X LD11-2170
LD18-12605 LD16-10099 X LD11-2170
LD18-12609 LD16-10099 X LD11-2170
LD18-12659 LD13-3483 X LDXGL15-012-1
LD18-12663 LD13-3483 X LDXGL15-012-1
LD18-12674 LD13-3483 X LDXGL15-012-1
LD18-12776 LDXGL15-008-1 X LD12-3903
LD18-12779 LDXGL15-008-1 X LD12-3903
LD18-14008 ( LD10-10198 (4) x KB12-1#70HOX ( LD10-10198 (4) x KB13F3:14-228LL )
LD18-14024 ( LD10-10198 (4) x KB12-1#70HOX ( LD10-10198 (4) x KB13F3:14-228LL )
LD18-14040 ( LD10-10198 (4) x KB12-1#70HOX ( LD10-10198 (4) x KB13F3:14-228LL )
LD18-14052 ( LD10-10198 (4) x KB12-1#70HOX ( LD10-10198 (4) x KB13F3:14-228LL )
LD18-14065 LDX16-206-1-4 X LDX16-234-1-5
LD18-14296 LDX16-223-1-2 X LDX16-237-1-2
LD18-14537 LDX16-236-1-2 X LDX16-230-1-2
LD18-14554 LDX16-236-1-2 X LDX16-230-1-2
LD18-15377R1a LD11-2170 X LD12-15156R1a
LD18-15869R1a LD12-3903 X LD12-15156R1a
LD18-15909R1a LD12-3903 X LD12-15156R1a
LD18-1767 LD10-10226 X LD10-9168
LD18-1827 LD11-7311 X LD10-10198
LD18-1866 LD11-7311 X LD10-10198
LD18-3068 LD13-3673 X U11-614093
LD18-4231 U11-932025 X LD10-10198
LD18-4406 U11-614119 X M08-362051
LD18-4490 Illini 1845NY
U11-616086 X M08-362051
LD18-5062 LD10-5213a X U11-911079
LD18-6594 U11-616086 X LD11-2170
LD18-6596 U11-616086 X LD11-2170
LD18-7287 U11-932025 X LD11-7311
LD18-7488 U11-614119 X LD12-3866
LD18-7491 U11-614119 X LD12-3866
LD18-7509 U11-614119 X LD12-3866
LD18-7512 U11-614119 X LD12-3866
LD18-7584 U11-614119 X LD12-3866
LD18-7606 LG11-6208 X LD11-2170
LD18-7628 LG11-6208 X LD11-2170
LD18-7633 LG11-6208 X LD11-2170
LD18-7864 LG11-6210 X LD11-2170
LD18-7868 LG11-6210 X LD11-2170
LD18-7976 LG11-6210 X LD11-2170
LD18-8418 U11-614119 X LG11-6210
LD18-9222 LD11-10069 X LD11-7311
LD18-GH324-1-4 ( LD10-10198 (4) x KB13F3:14-228LLX ( LD10-10198 (4) x KB12-1#70HO )
LD18-GH324-1-5 ( LD10-10198 (4) x KB13F3:14-228LLX ( LD10-10198 (4) x KB12-1#70HO )
LD19-12315 LD12-459 X ( LD16-10099 x LD11-2170 )
LD19-12524 ( LD16-10111 x LD10-10198X ( LDXGL15-008-1 x LD12-3903 )
LD19-12943 ( LD12-1843 x LD16-10275X ( LD13-3483 x LDXGL15-012-1)
LD19-1844 U14-925152 X LD11-2170
LD19-21029G ( U14-910097 x LDX16-216-2-1X ( LD11-2170 x LDX16-234-1-5 )
LD19-22072 ( LD12-3903 x LDX16-241-2-2X ( LD11-2170 x LDX16-233-1-1 )
LD19-22127 ( LD12-3903 x LDX16-241-2-2X ( LD11-2170 x LDX16-234-1-5 )
LD19-2693 LD13-3483 X LD11-2170
LD19-4657 LD13-3483 X LG11-6760
LD19-7145 LD12-459 X LD11-2170
LD19-7157 LD12-459 X LD11-2170
LD19-7165 LD12-459 X LD11-2170
LD19-7179 LD12-459 X LD11-2170
LD20-0815 LD12-459 X LD11-2170
LD20-0902 LD14-6099a X LD11-2170
LD20-11062 LD10-10198 X LD15-5776793
LD20-11526 LD12-3903 X LD11-2170
LD20-11552 LD12-3903 X LD11-2170
LD20-11566 LD12-3903 X LD11-2170
LD20-11622 LD12-3903 X LD11-2170
LD20-11665 LD12-3903 X LD11-2170
LD20-12206 ( LD16-10150 x LD15-5776793X ( LD16-10150 x LD15-3818 )
LD20-12214 ( LD16-10150 x LD15-5776793X ( LD16-10150 x LD15-3818 )
LD20-12217 ( LD16-10150 x LD15-5776793X ( LD16-10150 x LD15-3818 )
LD20-12338 ( LD15-6275 x LD16-10157X ( LD16-10159 x LD15-6345 )
LD20-12374 ( LD16-10289 x LD15-3818X ( LD16-10157 x LD12-3903 )
LD20-12632R1 ( LD16-10150 x LD11-2170X ( LD16-10289 x LD12-15064R1a )
LD20-12642R1 ( LD16-10150 x LD11-2170X LDXPRE18501R2-9-4-1
LD20-1589 U14-211226 X LD11-2170
LD20-1683 LD11-2170 X LD12-3903
LD20-1723 LD11-2170 X LD12-3903
LD20-1791 LD11-2170 X LD12-3903
LD20-2377 3A53861 X LD12-3903
LD20-302102 ( LD11-2170 (3) x KB15-5F3 16-2X ( LD11-2170-(4) x KB13-15f3:14-228LL LLXHo 8550 convergent )
LD20-3559 3A53861 X LD12-3903
LD20-3572 3A53861 X LD12-3903
LD20-3780 ( LDXGL15-008-1 x LD12-3903X ( LD10-9168 x LDXGL15-001-1 )
LD20-3993 ( LD12-1843 x LD16-10275X ( LDXGL15-008-1 x LD12-3903 )
LD20-5031191 LD11-2170 X PRico HOLL
LD20-5031291 LD11-2170 X PRico HOLL
LD20-5172 LD14-6099a X LD11-2170
LD20-5433 LD11-2170 X LD12-3903
LD20-5545 LD11-2170 X LD12-3903
LD20-6649 LG12-2177 X LD12-3903
LD20-8271 LD16-10150 X LD14-3702
LD20-8661 LD16-10289 X LD11-2170
LD20-8694 LD16-10289 X LD14-1429
LD20-8711 LD16-10289 X LD15-3818
LD20-8854 ( LD12-3903 x LDX16-237-1-2X ( SA13-1310 x LDX16-206-1-4 )
LD20-8968 ( LD12-3903 x LDX16-237-1-2X ( LD12-459 x LDX16-216-1-2 )
LD20-9131 ( LD12-3903 x LDX16-241-2-2X ( LD11-2170 x LDX16-234-1-5 )
LD21-100201 LD13-6678 (4) X HOLL Donor Parent
LD21-100207 LD13-6678 (4) X HOLL Donor Parent
LD21-100211 LD13-6678 (4) X HOLL Donor Parent
LDX07-178a-1-7 LD05-16638 X [ Dwight x ( Ina x PI 200538 ) ]
LDX08-214a Dwight X [ LD05-16638 x ( Dwight x ( Ina x PI 200538 ) ) ]
LDX11050a LD08-12438a X LD09-30224
LDX16-206-1-4 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDX16-216-1-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDX16-216-2-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDX16-223-1-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDX16-230-1-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDX16-233-1-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDX16-234-1-5 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDX16-236-1-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDX16-237-1-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDX16-241-2-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDXG04023-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDXGL15-001-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDXGL15-008-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDXGL15-012-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDXGL15-025-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
LDXPRE18501R2-9-4-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
Lee D49-2524
PI 548656
S-100 X C.N.S.CV-23
Lee 68 R64-501
PI 559369
Lee (6) X ArksoyCV-72; Derived from 30 F4 lines from Lee (6) x Arksoy
Lee 74 R69-1400
PI 548658
Lee 68 X R66-1517
LeFlore D77-6166
PI 548981
Centennial X J74-47PVP 8500074
LEO 2939-04S809 Unspecified X Unspecified
LEO 3140-07 Unspecified X Unspecified
Leslie PI 557011
Hodgson 78 X PellaPVP 9200019
LG00-2455 LG95-441-4 X IA2022
LG00-3056 LG94-1128 X Savoy
LG00-3372 PI 660989
PI 561319 X PI 574477NAM Strain; GP-376
LG00-6182 PI 561319 A X PI 574477
LG00-6293 PI 574480 X PI 574477
LG00-6313 GP-375
PI 660990
PI 574480B X PI 574477
LG00-6715 LG92-1350 X Macon
LG00-6925 IA2022 X LG91-6859
LG00-7196 LG93-7780 X Macon
LG00-8298 PI 574477 X PI 561377
LG00-8301 PI 574477 X PI 561377
LG01-1745 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG01-3733 Rend X LG97-9301
LG01-4168 LG94-1098 X Cisne
LG01-4654 LG93-7780 X Macon
LG01-4918 Macon X PI 507295
LG01-5087 LN93-11632 X LG96-1713
LG01-5087-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG01-5087-5 PI 667734
LN93-11632 X LG96-1713
LG01-5087-9 LN93-11632 X LG96-1713
LG01-5201 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG01-7728 Williams 82 X ( Williams x PI 479767 )
LG01-7812 Williams 82 X ( Williams X PI 483461 )
LG01-7884 Williams 82 X ( Williams x PI 549046 )
LG02-2412 PI 091730 -1 X PI 227333
LG02-3693 Macon (2) X PI 438205
LG02-3733 LG94-1133 X LG92-1255
LG02-3922 LG95-5737 X Pana
LG02-3969 LG91-7350R X LG94-1133
LG02-3971 LG91-7350R X LG94-1133
LG02-4042 Macon X PI 91091
LG02-4198 LG94-1133 X LG93-7654
LG03-11572 PI 592922
Hong feng No. 3
ZDD 06833
LG03-1534 LG96-3089 X LG94-1713
LG03-1614 LG96-1488 X LG97-7363
LG03-1672 LG97-5474 X IA3010
LG03-1686 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG03-2866 LG96-1971 X Rend
LG03-2979 Rend X LG95-258NAM Strain
LG03-3020 LG96-1711 X LG92-4208
LG03-3191 LG96-1854 X LG96-3159NAM Strain
LG03-3191-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG03-3780 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG03-4561-14 PI 689003
LG99-5106 X LG97-9226DIV
LG03-6296 PI 592934 X LG94-1133
LG04-1459-8 S32-Z3 X LG00-3056Diversity
LG04-3765 HS93-4118 X LG97-9912
LG04-4468 LG97-8856 X IA3010
LG04-4717 LG98-5579 X A98-980047NAM Strain
LG04-4866 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG04-5187 LG97-9384 X LG97-9301
LG04-5190 LG97-9384 X LG97-9301
LG04-5196 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG04-5372 Rend X LG97-9301
LG04-5993 HS93-4118 X LG97-9912
LG04-6000 PI 664025
HS93-4118 X LG97-9912GP-379, NAM Strain
LG04-6400 HS93-4118 X LG97-9912
LG04-6449 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG04-6863 GP-364
PI 658307
Rend X LG97-9486
LG05-1311 IA2052 X LG01-5201
LG05-2359 LG97-7012 X Loda
LG05-2870-3-1 H2885 X LG00-6313
LG05-2887 Golden Harvest H2885 X LG00-8301
LG05-3685 LG00-7196 X Northrup King S42-H1
LG05-4092 C1979 X LG98-1445
LG05-4229 LG94-1128 X LG98-5629
LG05-4292 LG94-4667 X LG97-9226NAM Strain
LG05-4317 LG94-4667 X LG98-1445NAM Strain
LG05-4464 LG97-8984 X A98-884037NAM Strain
LG05-4550 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG05-4832 LG98-5579 X A98-980047NAM Strain
LG06-2354 LG97-9301 X Northrup King S25-J5
LG06-4526 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMD selection
LG06-4702 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMD selection
LG06-5798 PI 665996
SY 1203001
LG00-3372 X LD00-3309GP-382, F3
LG06-5920 LG00-3372 X LD00-3309
LG07-1851 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG07-2249 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG07-2309 IA3023 X LG01-7728
LG07-4722 PI 507807 X Williams 82
LG07-6251013 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG07-6911 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG07-6944 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG07-8109 Selection from SelectionReselection from LG07-8109
LG07-9721 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG08-3009 Golden Harvest H2885 X LG00-8301
LG08-3465 ( Williams 82 x IA3023X PI 479767
LG08-4955 LG00-7196 X Northrup King S42-H1
LG09-5256 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG09-7161 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG09-7163 LG00-3372 X HC99-2763
LG09-7167 LG00-3372 X HC99-2763
LG09-7250 LG00-3372 X LG02-4042
LG09-7256 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG09-7341 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG09-7431 LG00-8298 X Golden Harvest H2885
LG09-7739 LG02-2412 X LG00-6182
LG09-7871 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG09-8165 PI 603571 A X LG00-6182
LG09-8519 K1599 X LG02-3733
LG09-8545 K1599 X LG02-3733
LG09-8595 LG00-8301 X LN97-15076
LG10-12237 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG10-12313 ( Dwight(5) x PI 441001 ) X 06H1-3
LG10-12468 ( Dwight (5) x PI 441001X 06H1-3
LG10-13149 Dwight (5) X PI 441001
LG10-1562 LG00-6925 X LG03-1614
LG10-2695 IA3023 X LG03-3020
LG10-2699 IA3023 X LG03-3020
LG10-3045 LG03-11572 X IA3023
LG10-3250 LG03-1672 X LD00-3309
LG10-3987 LG03-1614 X LG03-6296
LG10-4028 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG11-11120 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG11-2052 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG11-2963 Dwight(4) x PI 441001 X 06H1-3
LG11-402 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG11-4320 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG11-4330 ( Dwight (5) x PI 441001X 06H1-1
LG11-5195 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG11-6190 LG03-3020 X LG03-3780
LG11-6201 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG11-6205 LG03-3020 X LG03-3780
LG11-6208 LG03-3020 X LG03-3780
LG11-6210 LG03-3020 X LG03-3780
LG11-6214 LG03-3020 X LG03-3780
LG11-6760 LG00-3372 X LD00-3309
LG11-7662 LG03-2866 X LG98-1605
LG11-7722 LG03-2979 X LG04-4866
LG11-7727 LG03-2979 X LG04-4866
LG11-7880 LG04-4866 X LG03-3780
LG11-7931 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG11-8169-007F LG06-2354 X LG05-4354Conv
LG11-8169-091F LG06-2354 X LG05-4354Conv
LG12-18131 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG12-18705 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG12-2177 U02-242055 X LG05-4550
LG12-3475 LG03-1686 X LG04-5993
LG12-4068 LG04-5993 X LG04-5187
LG13-1006 LG05-4229 X LG04-5187
LG13-3993 LG04-5196 X LG06-5920
LG13-4321 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG13144 PI 427099 X PI 445830
LG14-6165 06NB204846 X LG04-5190
LG14-7959 06JR205000 X LG07-6911
LG14-8024 LG04-5190 X 03JR309156
LG15-2779 LG08-5093 X 06NB204846
LG15-4348 LG06-2284 X LG07-2309
LG15-4491 LG06-2354 X LG08-4955
LG15-4648 LG08-3277 X LG06-2866
LG15-8010 LD00-2817P X LG11-402
LG16-2547 LD02-4485 X LG07-2309
LG16-3733 LG09-8165 X HI0800685
LG16-4634 LG06-5798 X WN0800527
LG16-4639 LG06-5798 X WN0800527
LG16-4642 LG06-5798 X WN0800527
LG16-4644 LG06-5798 X WN0800527
LG16-4652 LG06-5798 X WN0800527
LG16-4655 LG06-5798 X WN0800527
LG16-4808 LG09-7256 X WN0800527
LG17-5436 LG08-1691 X LG08-3030
LG17-5670 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
LG17-5672 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
LG17-5674 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
LG17-5677 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
LG17-5693 LG10-2688 X LG10-1594
LG17-5763 LG10-2699 X LG09-7167
LG17-5869 SD08-CV2102 X LG10-12179
LG17-7150 LG08-3465 X LG10-12179
LG17-7290 LG09-7163 X LG10-4028
LG17-7434 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
LG17-8693 LD07-4477 X LG09-8166
LG17-8856 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
LG17-8858 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
LG17-8880 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
LG17-8882 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
LG17-8885 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
LG17-8888 LG09-8165 X WN0800527
LG17-8898 LG09-8166 X LG10-4028
LG17-8900 LG09-8166 X LG10-4028
LG18-2475 LD09-30015 X LG11-6205
LG18-2636 LG10-2695 X LS07-3131
LG18-976 LG11-6190 X LD09-30015
LG19-4082 LG11-6190 X LD09-30015
LG19-4084 LD10-10226 X LG10-12237
LG19-4087 LD10-10226 X LG10-12237
LG19-4185 LG11-2963 X LG11-11120
LG19-4194 LG11-2963 X LG11-11120
LG19-5656 LG10-13149 X LG11-2963
LG19-5848 LG11-2963 X LD06-7620
LG19-6005 LG11-4320 X LD10-10226
LG19-6026 LG11-4320 X LD10-10226
LG19-6089 LG11-6201 X LG12-2177
LG19-6160 LG12-3475 X LG11-7931
LG19-6245 LG12-4068 X LG11-2052
LG82-3002 PI 253665D X PI 283331
LG82-8195 PI 68658 X Lawrence
LG82-8224 PI 68658 X Lawrence
LG82-8379 PI 68508 X FC 04007B
LG84-1096 PI 90566-1 X L74-3897
LG84-1269 PI 227333 X PI 91730 -1
LG84-1272 PI 227333 X PI 91730-1
LG84-1291 PI 68522 X Hobbit
LG85-2534 PI 227333 X PI 290126B
LG85-2846 PI 404157 X PI 384469A
LG85-3343 PI 361064 X PI 407710
LG86-2734 PI 424195B X PI 361066A
LG86-3574 PI 424159 B X PI 407710
LG86-6989 PI 253665 D X PI 283331
LG86-7754 PI 407720 X PI 407710
LG87-1454 PI 290126B X PI 407710
LG87-14554 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG87-1606 PI 297544 X PI 391583
LG87-1782 PI 297515 X PI 290126B
LG87-1991 PI 189930 X PI 68600
LG87-2504 PI 168508 X FC 04007B
LG87-429 PI 297544 X PI 290126 B
LG87-430 PI 297544 X PI 290126B
LG88-2044 A78-123018 X PI 438205 B
LG88-2227 A78-123018 X PI 438205B
LG88-2248 PI 438151 X A78-123018
LG88-2694 Ripley X PI 370059
LG88-2695 Ripley X PI 370059
LG88-2696 Ripley X PI 370059
LG88-3146 PI 427099 X PI 445830
LG88-8958 PI 253665D X PI 283331
LG89-1501 PI 68508 X PI 384471
LG89-1525 PI 90566 X L74-3897
LG89-6607 LG82-8224 X Hobbit
LG89-6661 Sherman X LG84-1096
LG89-7619 Ripley X PI 445837
LG89-7629 Ripley X PI 445837
LG89-7657 Ripley X PI 438206
LG89-771 LG85-3343 X LG85-2846
LG89-773 LG85-3343 X LG85-2846
LG89-7793 PI 391594 X Century
LG89-8286 LG82-3002 X Elgin
LG89-8665 PI 436682 X Ripley
LG90-13144 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG90-2179 PI 437851 A X Ripley
LG90-2550 LG82-8224 X LG82-8195NAM Strain
LG90-4181 PI 436682 X Lawrence
LG91-5681 LG87-430 X Asgrow A3127
LG91-6859 LG87-429 X Zane
LG91-7320 BSR 101 X LG82-8379
LG91-7323 BSR 101 X LG82-8379
LG91-7350R   PI 68508 X FC 04007BParentage conflict. NUST 2012
LG91-7350R    BSR 101 X LG82-8379F10 reselection from LG91-7350. Parentage conflict. Crop Sci 1999 39:302
LG91-7431 LG84-1272 X Elgin
LG92-12 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG92-1255 LG84-1291 X Asgrow A3127NAM Strain
LG92-1350 LG85-3343 X Ripley
LG92-4208 PI 633729
LG84-1269 X ChamberlainGP-302
LG93-7054 LG85-3343 X Northrup King S42-30
LG93-7604 LG85-3343 X Northrup King S42-30
LG93-7654 LG86-2734 X Asgrow A3205
LG93-77 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG93-7780 LG86-6989 X Asgrow A3205
LG94-1098 LG85-2534 X LG85-3343
LG94-1128 PI 633730
SY 313002
LG85-3343 X LG87-1991NAM Strain; GP-303
LG94-1133 LG85-3343 X LG87-1991NAM Strain
LG94-1713 LG87-1606 X Kenwood
LG94-1906 PI 468377 X Asgrow A3205NAM Strain
LG94-4667 PI 458511 X Flyer
LG95-258 LG86-3574 X LG88-2694
LG95-441-4 PI 68508 X FC 04007B
LG95-5737 PI 427099 X PI 445830
LG95-7693 LG87-2504 X ( 2534 x 3342 )
LG95-8036 Asgrow A3205 X LG87-14554
LG96-1488 LG89-8665 X LG88-2696
LG96-1711 LG88-3146 X LG88-2248
LG96-1713 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG96-1797 LG89-8665 X LG89-7657
LG96-1854 LG89-8665 X LG89-7657
LG96-1971 LG89-7619 X Asgrow A3935
LG96-3089 LG88-2044 X LG89-7629
LG96-3159 LG89-7619 X Asgrow A3935
LG97-1192 Unspecified X Unspecified
LG97-5474 Pioneer P6906-16 X Pioneer P5096-03D
LG97-7012 PI 639283
SY 512002
LG89-1525 X Asgrow A3322NAM Strain; GP-317
LG97-7363 LG90-2179 X LG88-3146
LG97-8789 LG88-3146 X P5096-03D
LG97-8856 LG90-13144 X LG88-3146
LG97-8905 LG89-6607 X LG88-2227
LG97-8984 LG89-6661 X HS89-3261
LG97-9015 LG89-8286 X LG89-6661
LG97-9226 LG89-7629 X Asgrow A9303
LG97-9301 LG89-7793 X LG88-8958
LG97-9384 LG90-2179 X Asgrow A3322
LG97-9486 LG88-3146 X HS89-3261
LG97-9685 LG89-1525 X Asgrow A3322
LG97-9692 LG89-1525 X Asgrow A3322
LG97-9912 LG90-4181 X Asgrow A3322
LG98-1445 PI 639284
SY 512003
LG91-7431 X Pioneer P9273GP-318
LG98-1454 LG91-7431 X Pioneer P9273
LG98-1605 PI 639285
LG88-8958 X LG89-771NAM Strain
LG98-5579 LG89-773 X LG91-7323
LG98-5629 LG89-1501 X LG89-773
LG99-11620 LG86-7754 X LG88-3146
LG99-11986 LG87-1782 X LG88-3146
LG99-5106 LG91-7320 X Kenwood
LG99-5219 LG91-5681 X Probst
LG99-8929 LG89-6607 X Probst
Lincoln PI 548362
Mandarin X ManchuCV-5
Lindarin PI 548589
Mandarin (Ottawa) X LincolnCV-31
Lindarin 63 PI 548590
Lindarin (8) X MukdenCV-37
Lindarin 63 (BC4) Lindarin (5) X Mukden
Line 8 Unspecified X Unspecified
Linford PI 542043
Williams 82 X FayetteCV-270
Linman 533 Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
LL05-14 FAM94-41-3 X N98-4445A
LLL05-14 FAM94-41-3 X Unspecified
Lloyd PI 533602
Centennial X R75-12LCV-239
LMN09-19 N6202 X G98SF-114
Ln 955414 OAC Bruton
SC Starfield X SC 2307
LN1053 Tracy X Pomona
LN1067 Tracy X Williams
LN78-1136 PI 548569
L70T-543G X K1028PVP 8500179
LN78-2714 Evans X K1028
LN78-575 Union X K1028
LN78-896 L70T-543G X C1528
LN80-10398 Century X Land O Lakes Max
LN80-10508 Century X Land O Lakes Max
LN80-16017 Tracy X Williams
LN80-6797 A76-202015 X Land O Lakes Max
LN80-7532 Century X A76-304020
LN80-8184 A76-304020 X Century
LN80-8259 A76-304020 X Land O Lakes Max
LN80-8478 PI 548635
A76-304020 X Land O Lakes MaxPVP 8700073
LN80-8653 Schechinger S48 X A76-304020
LN80-8659 Schechinger S48 X A76-304020
LN80-9359 Weber X A76-202015
LN80-9419 Weber X A76-202015
LN80-9447 Weber X A76-202015
LN80-9452 Weber X A76-202015
LN80-9479 Weber X A76-202015
LN81-1029 K74-114-75-00 X Pella
LN81-1044 K74-114-75-000 X Pella
LN82-2366 PI 540555
Sprite X L75-3632PVP 9000170
LN82-3254 Williams 82 X Hardin
LN82-4433 Williams 82 X Century
LN82-9648 Burlison
K74-113-76-486 X CenturyPVP 8900194
LN83-1709 Hobbit X L27
LN83-2356 LN78-2714 X HC76-4030
LN83-3824-1 PI 540556
Fayette X HardinPVP 9000171
LN84-1304 A78-227015 X Asgrow A3127
LN84-15336 LN80-9447 X Asgrow A3127
LN84-15496 LN80-9447 X Asgrow A3127
LN84-15574 LN80-9447 X Asgrow A3127
LN84-18266 LN80-9452 X Asgrow A3127
LN84-19560 LN80-9479 X Asgrow A3127
LN84-2418 A78-227015 X Asgrow A3127
LN84-3321 HW79149 X HW79015
LN84-4037 HW79149 X Harper
LN84-4082 HW79149 X Harper
LN84-4332 HW79149 X Harper
LN84-452 A78-227015 X Asgrow A3127
LN84-7577 Hack X HW79015
LN84-8147 Hack X Harper
LN84-8527 Hack X Harper
LN84-8588 Hack X Harper
LN84-9583 Hack X Cumberland
LN84-978 A78-227015 X Asgrow A3127
LN85-10234 LNX8179 X A80-244003
LN85-10524 LNX8179 X A80-244003
LN85-3036 A8 X LN80-7532
LN85-3402 A8 X LN80-10398
LN85-6253 LNX8132 X A80-244003
LN85-6377 LNX8132 X A80-244003
LN85-6800 LNX8132 X LN80-7532
LN85-874 PI 540554
Fayette X LN80-10398PVP 9000172
LN86-1088 Hack X A80-244036
LN86-1947 PI 533657
PI 437883 X ElginGP-120
LN86-19747 PI 437833 X Elgin
LN86-4668 Fayette X Hardin
LN86-983 Hack X BSR 101
LN87-2112 Yale
PI 584441
Sherman X Fayette
LN88-10534 PI 593259
LN81-1029 X Asgrow A2943PVP 9600137
LN89-295 PI 593258
Sherman X ResnikCV-350
LN89-3615 PI 597384
Hobbit 87 X Asgrow A3205CV-383
LN89-5717 GP-164
PI 574542
Williams 82 (2) X PI 89772F3, Resistant to SCN Races 2, 3, 5 and 14.
LN90-4187 PI 597381
Burlison X Asgrow A3733CV-369
LN90-4366 LN86-4668 X Resnik
LN90-4524 LN86-4668 X Asgrow A3733
LN92-10507 PI 597386
Jack X A86-303014CV-386
LN92-10725 PI 606748
Jack X ResnikCV-401
LN92-10855 PI 597387
Jack X Asgrow A3205CV-387
LN92-7369 Burlison X C1732
LN93-11632 Unspecified X Unspecified
LN93-13684 Jack X Chapman
LN93-14408 PI 559932
Burlison X LN85-6800PVP 9200075
LN94-10470 Jack X Hartwig
LN94-10527 INA
PI 606749
Jack X Hartwig
LN94-14862-97-2 Jack X Hartwig
LN94-15200-97 Jack X Hartwig
LN94-480-97 Jack X Pioneer P9273
LN95-15740 Jack X Hartwig
LN95-5414 PI 614088
Jack X IA3003CV-423
LN95-5454 Jack X IA3003
LN95-5724 Jack X IA3003
LN95-5817 Jack X C1842
LN95-6415 Jack X Iroquois
LN95-872 HS88-4906 X Resnik
LN97-11505 Thorne X Cisne
LN97-14727 LN90-4366 X Cisne
LN97-15076 PI 633983
SY 319001
Macon X StresslandCV-465
LN97-24270 Jack X Macon
LN97-26569 Yale X Macon
LN97-26597 Yale X Macon
LN98-1243 PI 56740A X Savoy
LN98-4909 Yale X Savoy
LNX8132 Hack X A78-121014F1
LNX8179 Northrup King S1492 X PI 92718-2
LNX96017 Jack X Resnik RR
LNX97164-35 LN95-15740 X Pana
Loda PI 614088
Jack X IA3003CV-423
Logan PI 548591
( Beeson x L15X AmsoyCV-189
Lonoke PI 633609
Manokin X Asgrow A6297CV-461
Lorain HS7W-82
HS1-3641 X HS1-7116
LP11865821 Pioneer P92M61 X Pioneer P92M91
LP11969710 YB22T00 X Pioneer P92B74
LP15796828 LP6293368 X JH13884372
LP24380127 Pioneer P93Y11 X SP16410155
LP3442228 Pioneer P93B86 X 45487L002
LP6083726 Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93M11
LP6293368 Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B15
LS00-1755 K1307 X LS92-4357
LS00-3309 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS00-4221 LS92-3660 X Asgrow A4138
LS00-6996 TN91-55 X DeKalb 411
LS01-0971 LS92-4173 X DeKalb 339c
LS01-1158 LS92-4173 X DeKalb 339c
LS01-1734 LS93-0375 X IA3005
LS01-1804 LS93-0375 X IA3005
LS01-1987 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS01-3450 LS93-0375 X Delta King DK420c
LS01-3615 LS93-0375 X Mustang
LS01-5907 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS02-0425 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS02-2213 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS02-4045 K1370 X LS94-3207
LS03-4294 PI 665035
Saluki 4910
Pana X TN96-58CV-507, F5
LS03-4303 Pana X TN96-58
LS07-1343 LN97-15076 X LD02-4485
LS07-1348 LN97-15076 X LD02-4485
LS07-1934 SS98-7851 X LD01-5907
LS07-2935 SS98-7851 X LD00-3309
LS07-3070 SS98-7851 X LD00-3309
LS07-3125 SS98-7851 X LD00-3309
LS07-3131 PI 672534
Saluki 4313
SS98-7851 X LD00-3309
LS07-3843 LS99-3619 X LS99-3630
LS07-3935 LS99-3619 X LS99-3630
LS07-4020 LS99-3619 X LS99-3630
LS07-4035 LS99-3619 X LS99-3630
LS07-4536 N7001 X LS93-3630
LS08-4934 LS00-4221 X LS01-1158
LS08-5552 LS97-3617 X LS98-0582
LS08-5837 LS93-0375 X LS98-0582
LS08-5852 LS93-0375 X LS98-0582
LS08-6003 MD96-5722 X LS01-0971
LS08-6034 MD96-5722 X LS01-0971
LS08-6332 LS00-1755 X 5002T
LS09-0333 LS00-1755 X U01-290401
LS09-0340 LS00-1755 X U01-290401
LS09-1021 AR02-101001 X LS02-4045
LS09-1303 AR02-101001 X LS02-4045
LS09-1527 Syngenta 30257-b02-07197 X LS01-3615
LS09-1803 LD00-1938 X LS02-2213
LS09-2342 Syngenta 98620-b1-51163 X LS01-1734
LS09-2655 Syngenta 98620-b1-51163 X LS02-0425
LS09-2659 Syngenta 98620-b1-51163 X LS02-0425
LS09-5806 LS00-4221 X LS02-2213
LS09-8104 LS00-1755 X LS01-1158
LS201 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS301 A79-140022 X A79-140011PVP 008800018
LS77-952 Essex X Clark 63
LS77-952-124-1 L71L-436 X J74-5
LS78-124-1 L71L-436 X J74-5
LS78-248 L71L-436 X J74-5
LS78-5169 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS78-N245 L71L-436 X 574-5
LS78-W245 Franklin X J74-5
LS78W-110 PI 512039
Franklin X J74-5CV-210
LS79-1914 Franklin X J74-5
LS79-220 Forrest X V71-480
LS79-238 Forrest (2) X V71-480
LS79-330 Forrest X V71-480
LS79-338 Forrest X V71-480
LS79-503 Forrest X V71-480
LS80-6521 Franklin X ( L73-6536 x Pixie )
LS82-3646 Forrest X ( Dorman x SRF 400 )
LS82-W1206 Forrest X V71-480
LS83-3800 Franklin X J74-5
LS83-5616 PI 572240
Forrest X UnionCV-333
LS84-0920 LS78-N245 X Fayette
LS84-0929 LS78-N245 X Fayette
LS84-2308 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS84-920 LS78-W245 X Fayette
LS86-1922 Pyramid X LS78-5169
LS87-1922 Fayette X Pyramid
LS88-1517 Pyramid X Douglas
LS89-2820 LS77-952 X LS77-952-124-1
LS90-1920 PI 6044100
Essex X FayetteCV-394
LS92-0185 Pharaoh X Avery
LS92-0964 S82-1443 X Asgrow A5474
LS92-1088 S82-1443 X Asgrow A5474
LS92-1178 Pharaoh X Avery
LS92-3660 Resnik X Asgrow A5474
LS92-4173 Flyer X Pyramid
LS92-4357 Ripley X Asgrow A5474
LS93-0232 Asgrow A3935 X Pioneer P9402
LS93-0375 PI 620883
Asgrow A3935 X Pioneer P9402CV-436
LS93-3630 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS94-3207 Pharaoh X Hartwig
LS95-0709 Delta King DK469c X L87-1922
LS95-1454 Asgrow A5403 X LS87-1922
LS96-0582 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS96-0735 Flyer X Asgrow A4715
LS96-1631 LS79-238 X Hutcheson
LS97-1610 S90-1435 X Manokin
LS97-3004 Pharaoh X K1191
LS97-3221 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS97-3617 Flyer X Asgrow A4138
LS97-3718 Flyer X Asgrow A4138
LS98-0160 Northrup King S46-44 X Pioneer P9362
LS98-0233 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS98-0466 LS90-1920 X Pioneer P9394
LS98-0484 Pharaoh X Dairyland Seeds 373
LS98-0582 Northrup King S46-44 X Asgrow A4138
LS98-3032 Northrup King S46-44 X Pioneer P9451
LS98-3645 Northrup King S46-44 X Manokin
LS98-3854 LS90-1920 X Asgrow A5112
LS98-3966 LS90-1920 X Hutcheson
LS98-9582 Northrup King S46-44 X Asgrow A4138
LS99-2235 Unspecified X Unspecified
LS99-3619 LS79-238 X KY88-4080
LS99-3630 LS79-238 X KY88-4080
Lt Giant Unspecified X Unspecified
Luthy UnknownFarmer selection from Eastern Shore of Maryland
Luziania Unspecified X UnspecifiedBrazilian cultivar
LV 75 Unspecified X Unspecified
LW13-2096 LD02-4485 X PI 506764Conv.
LW13-4302 LD00-2817 X PI 567189AConv.
LX1061-9-15 Lincoln X Ogden
LX1061-9-9 Lincoln X Ogden
LX579-93 Chief X Dunfield
Lyon PI 576857
D82-2218 X LamarCV-323
M-S2 PI 619050
Minnatto X KingnattoMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200100175
M00-110002 U96-2408 X MN0302
M00-111179 MN0902CN X MN0302
M00-114140 Unspecified X Unspecified
M00-116161 MN0901 X MN0902CN
M00-3075 Unspecified X Unspecified
M00-30755 M92-270029 X M93-313185
M00-326044 MN1005 X MN0091
M00-351195 MN0902CN X M95-123116
M00-365181 Jim X LN94-14862-97-2
M00-516048 MN0302 X MN1004SP
M00-530039 MN1803RR X M96-136086
M01-139011 CX1834-1-6 X MN0302
M01-139014 CX1834-1-6 X MN0302
M01-139015 CX1834-1-6 X MN0302
M01-213045 OAC 98-01 X Lambert
M01-228058 PI 445837 X PI 445837
M01-257028 PI 437994 X PI 567222
M01-278013 MN0907
M94-161045 X OAC 98-12
M01-303 L78-379 X MN0302
M01-315029 A99-216031 X M95-123023
M02-172013 A29 X MN0201
M02-175014 AX5152-105 X MN0201
M02-328023 MN0304 X A00-712012
M02-333013 M94-162105 X MN0304
M02-356123 Unspecified X Unspecified
M02-385091 MN0902CN X M95-255017
M02-391112 IA1008 X M96-356062
M02-399012 MN0302 X PI 437610A
M02-466298 MN1103SP X A14743B002
M02-466342 MN1103SP X A14743B002
M02-495076 LG98-1605 X MN0302
M03-149100 MN0902CN X MN0304
M03-158071 M97-121138 X MN0091
M03-165068 NE1900 X MN0304
M03-172059 IA2052 X MN0304
M03-176076 M97-205062 X MN1404SP
M03-276016 MN0071 X IA2062
M03-289072 MN0902CN X A02-381003
M03-381022 MN0902CN X LG98-1445
M03-809245 Unspecified X Unspecified
M03-917303 Unspecified X Unspecified
M0385 IVR 1120 X Calland
M04-217116 M98-239080 X MN1006CN
M04-219004 MN0902CN X ND01-3533
M04-239054 Unspecified X Unspecified
M04-239074 Unspecified X Unspecified
M04-239105 Unspecified X Unspecified
M04-241176 Unspecified X Unspecified
M04-241226 Unspecified X Unspecified
M04-261038 Unspecified X Unspecified
M04-267028 Lambert X PI 291290
M04-295008 Unspecified X Unspecified
M04-342068 Unspecified X Unspecified
M04-419020 Unspecified X Unspecified
M0474C Selection from MitchellSelection of a White-flowered off type
M05-175-1039 Unspecified X Unspecified
M05-182023 Unspecified X Unspecified
M05-243040 MN1003SP X PI 578425
M05-248041 MTC00-113-54-3 X MN1003SP
M05-297042 Unspecified X Unspecified
M05-307064 M00-516048 X M02-466298
M05-319034LL Unspecified X Unspecified
M05-319036 Unspecified X Unspecified
M05-350061 M00-111179 X M98-134022
M05-353086 MN0902CN X M99-286047
M05-353163 MN0902CN X M99-286047
M05-353163HO-12 ( M05-353163 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M05-353163 (4) x KB13-39#871HO )
M05-363022 IA1008 X MN1011CN
M05-363022HO-25 M05-363022 (4) X KB13-39#871HO
M05-363022HO-6 M05-363022 X KB13-39#871
M06-160019HOLL-1 ( M09-160019 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M09-160019 (4) x KB13-39#871HO )
M06-226003 Unspecified X Unspecified
M06-274009 MN0902CN X MN1011CN
M06-274098 MN0902CN X MN1011CN
M06-288181 Unspecified X Unspecified
M06-289001 MN0310CN
M00-351195 X M00-365181
M06-289192 Unspecified X Unspecified
M06-296023 M99-278133 X MN0091
M06-318018 M98-283046 X SDX98-7452
M06-320039 MN0201 X MN1105SP
M06-337011 Parker X ND02-971
M06-338016 ND02-971 X MN0071
M06-340057 Unspecified X Unspecified
M06-353010 M03-809245 X MN0107
M06-358188 Unspecified X Unspecified
M06-378172 MN0302 X PI 445826
M06-380029 Jim X PI 548325
M06-381085 M97-136016 X PI 603290
M06R-150044 MN1803RR X MN0401RR
M06R-152009 SD1091RR X M02-466298
M06R-613036 M99-304146 X N33129R
M06R-614008 SDX00R-026-42 X N34505R
M06R-614016 SDX00R-026-42 X N34505R
M06R-619017 M99-386097 X N33129R
M06R-621-1007 SDX00R-017-52 X MN0206RR
M06R-621-1014 SDX00R-017-52 X MN0206RR
M06R-621-7020 SDX00R-017-52 X MN0206RR
M07-2064093 Unspecified X Unspecified
M07-209037 M90-184111 X MN0606CN
M07-231475 Unspecified X Unspecified
M07-260009 NE1900 X MN0107
M07-260028 NE1900 X MN0107
M07-278122 M00-110002 X Sheyenne
M07-292111 M01-315029 X MN1106CN
M07-292111HOLL-3 ( M07-292111 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M07-292111 (4) x KB13-39#871HO )
M07-292111HOLL-4 ( M07-292111 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M07-292111 (4) X KB13-39#871HO )
M07-292111HOLL-6 ( M07-292111 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M07-292111 (4) x KB13-39#871HO )
M07-296048 M01-314114 X MN1011CN
M07-296048HOLL-1 ( M07-296048 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M07-296048 (4) x M10-237089HO )
M07-296048HOLL-10 ( M07-296048 (4) x M10-237089HOX ( M07-296048 (4) x M05-319036 )
M07-296048HOLL-12 ( M07-296048 (4) x M10-237089HOX ( M07-296048 (4) x M05-319036 )
M07-296048HOLL-13 ( M07-296048 (4) x M10-237089HOX ( M07-296048 (4) x M05-319036 )
M07-296048HOLL-15 ( M07-296048 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M07-296048 (4) x M10-237089HO )
M07-296048HOLL-2 ( M07-296048(4) x M05-319034LLX ( M07-296048(4) x M10-237089HO )
M07-296048HOLL-3 ( M07-296048 (4) x M10-237089HOX ( M07-296048 (4) x M05-319036LL )
M07-296048HOLL-6 ( M07-296048 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M07-296048 (4) x M10-237089HO )
M07-297004 MN0902CN X LD02-5320
M07-297007 MN0902CN X LD02-5320
M07-297007HOLL-1 MN1904HOLL
( M07-297007 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M07-297007 (4) x M10-237089HO )
M07-297007HOLL-2 ( M07-297007 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M07-297007 (4) x M10-237089HO )
M07-297007HOLL-3 ( M07-297007 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M07-297007 (4) x M10-237089HO )
M07-297007HOLL-4 ( M07-297007 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M07-297007 (4) x M10-237089HO )
M07-298022 M00-116161 X MN1806SP
M07-301036 MN1308SP X M98-310069
M07-306032 Unspecified X Unspecified
M07-307086 Unspecified X Unspecified
M07-340035 M99-274166 X MN0091
M07-375020 Unspecified X Unspecified
M07-392033 Unspecified X Unspecified
M07-396100 Sheyenne X M01-257028
M08-207019 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-212034 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-218002 MN0302 X M01-228058
M08-218089 MN0302 X M01-228058
M08-231043 Heinong 44 X MN0071
M08-271313 M03-276016 X IA2064
M08-288035 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-328030 MN0308CN X M03-176076
M08-328037 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-332003 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-354011 ND03-7566 X MN1413CN
M08-354011HOLL-22 ( M08-354011 (4) x KB13-39#871HOX ( M08-354011 (4) x M05-319034LL )
M08-354011HOLL-35 ( M08-354011 (4) x KB13-39#871HOX ( M08-354011 (4) x M05-319034LL )
M08-354011HOLL-8 ( M08-354011 (4) x KB13-39#871HOX ( M08-354011 (4) x M05-319034LL )
M08-359053 M02-391112 X MN1701CN
M08-359176 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-359176HOLL-1 ( M07-296048 (4) x M05-319034LLX ( M07-296048 (4) x M10-237089HO )
M08-359176HOLL-3 ( M08-359176 (4) x KB13-39#871HOX ( M08-359176 (4) x M05-319034LL )
M08-362045 M08-362045L
MN0606CN X U03-100612
M08-362045L MN0606CN X U03-100612
M08-362051 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-362051HOLL-4 ( M08-362051 (4) x KB13-40#813HOX ( M08-362051 (4) x M05-319034LL )
M08-362051HOLL-5 ( M08-362051 (4) x KB13-40#813HOX ( M08-362051 (4) x M05-319034LL )
M08-362051HOLL-7 ( M08-362051 (4) x KB13-40#813HOX ( M08-362051 (4) x M05-319034LL )
M08-365100 MN1901CN
M90-184111 X U03-100612
M08-365365 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-395044 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-434024 M02-333013 X M02-328023
M08-450124 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-603047 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-608012 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-608106 R01-52F X MN0094SP
M08-610002 Unspecified X Unspecified
M08-610015 Unspecified X Unspecified
M0835 IVR 1120 X Calland
M09-160019 Unspecified X Unspecified
M09-251081 PI 578425 X M04-267028
M09-252032 MTC00-113-61-7 X PI 384469 A
M09-269045 MN0908CN X LD02-4485
M09-278026 M90-184111 X E06936
M09-278096 M90-184111 X E06936
M09-285032 MN1701CN X E06936
M09-285149 MN1701CN X E06936
M09-305144 M01-315029 X OAC 05-17
M09-340060 M02-495076 X MN1013
M09-343025 MN1410 X M03-381022
M09-878011 MN1410 X MN1410BC2R2F2-4
M09-956047 MN1410 X MN1410BC2R2F3
M09-W122 Unspecified X Unspecified
M09-W153 Unspecified X Unspecified
M09-W158 Unspecified X Unspecified
M1 Lincoln (2) X Richland
M10 M42-27
Lincoln (2) X Richland
M10-171020 A08-151024 X M04-380030
M10-181003 Unspecified X Unspecified
M10-186021 M02-385091 X LD02-4485
M10-201034 M02-399012 X M04-261038
M10-203139 Unspecified X Unspecified
M10-204037 Unspecified X Unspecified
M10-207102 M10-207102
M03-165068 X M04-419020
M10-214107 M03-917303 X MN0807SP
M10-218053 M04-239074 X LD05-30586a
M10-236-2007 MO HI OLEIC X Unspecified
M10-236018 Unspecified X Unspecified
M10-237089HO Unspecified X Unspecified
M10-237102 MO HI OLEIC X MN0095
M10-238-2025 MO HI OLEIC X Unspecified
M10-238-2036 MN1510HO
MO HI OLEIC X Unspecified
M10-238-2077 MO HI OLEIC X Unspecified
M10-238-2098 MO HI OLEIC X Unspecified
M10-238-2100 MO HI OLEIC X Unspecified
M10-242042 Unspecified X Unspecified
M10-254090 M04-217116 X MN2001SP
M10-268096 M05-175-1039 X Sheyenne
M10-610002 Unspecified X Unspecified
M10-W111 Unspecified X Unspecified
M10-W295 Unspecified X Unspecified
M11-1039 Unspecified X Unspecified
M11-120121 Sheyenne X XP2410
M11-131015 XY2510 X Sheyenne
M11-131022 XY2510 X Sheyenne
M11-131044 XY2510 X Sheyenne
M11-132044 XY2510 X MN1410
M11-238102 LD05-16638 X PI 603432 B
M11-241015 M03-347183 X LD06-16721
M11-244115 M01-213045 X M05-350061
M11-244139 M01-213045 X M05-350061
M11-245026 M02-385091 X DEUEL
M11-253-4066 M03-149100 X MN0071
M11-271059 MN0504 X MN0606CN
M11-271062 MN0504 X MN0606CN
M11-271064 MN0504 X MN0606CN
M11-276036 MN1701CN X SD04CV-611
M11-278003 MN0907 X ND06-5248
M11-279046 MN05-286085 X SD05-240
M11-280085 M05-328025 X MN98-149-249-2-2
M11-291113 M04-219004 X M05-182023
M11-291118 M04-219004 X M05-182023
M11-298308 Unspecified X Unspecified
M11-301046 Unspecified X Unspecified
M11-305073 M02-356123 X SD07CV-935
M11-305084 M02-356123 X SD07CV-935
M11-314020 MN1505SP X MN0804SP
M11-314031 MN1505SP X MN0804SP
M11-314101 MN1505SP X MN0804SP
M11-314106 MN1505SP X MN0804SP
M11-337015 M97-357138 X MN1606SP
M11-358032 Kenfeng 16 X ChC1-RIL-039
M11-377115 PI 561389 B X M05-175-1039
M11-G021 HF04-0648 X HS5W-362
M11-L012 Unspecified X Unspecified
M11-M055 Unspecified X Unspecified
M11-W117 Unspecified X Unspecified
M11-W274 Unspecified X Unspecified
M12-380023 Surge X M05-289080
M12-380025 Surge X M05-289080
M12-380100 Surge X M05-289080
M12-416003 M06-297013 X M02-383166
M12-420037 M07-2134866 X M06-296023
M12-421024 M03-347004 X M06-235039
M12-437045 M02-495076 X M06-381077
M12-439036 Sheyenne X PI639637
M12-454061 ND07-2205 X PI639637
M12-477082 M02-356043 X M06-347036
M12R-801002 M00-530039 X M04R-514129
M12R-801010 M00-530039 X M04R-514129
M12R-801033 M00-530039 X M04R-514129
M12R-801042 M00-530039 X M04R-514129
M12R-801049 M00-530039 X M04R-514129
M12R-801080 M00-530039 X M04R-514129
M12R-801105 Unspecified X Unspecified
M12R-801113 M00-530039 X M04R-514129
M12R-803016 U07-135636R X M06R-613036
M12R-803017 U07-135636R X M06R-613036
M12R-806102 M06R-150044 X M06-614016
M12R-806113 M06R-150044 X M06-614016
M12R-810006 U07-135636R X M00-530039
M12R-810093 U07-135636R X M00-530039
M12R-810099 U07-135636R X M00-530039
M12R-813019 U07-135601R X MN1606SP
M12R-813054 U07-135601R X MN1606SP
M12R-813072 U07-135601R X MN1606SP
M12R-814019 M00-530039 X MN0091
M12R-814029 M00-530039 X MN0091
M12R-814093 M00-530039 X MN0091
M12R2-807089 M06R-621-7020 X MN1410BC2F5R2152
M13-104022 M07-260028 X M05-353086
M13-106002 M03-172059 X A09-754003
M13-106007 M03-172059 X A09-754003
M13-106015 M03-172059 X A09-754003
M13-106018 M03-172059 X A09-754003
M13-106022 M03-172059 X A09-754003
M13-106037 M03-172059 X A09-754003
M13-182037 M06-226003 X M07-317130
M13-190024 Hefeng 50 X M08-154093
M13-194009 M06-381085 X Hefeng 50
M13-194010 M06-381085 X HEFENG 50
M13-194018 M06-381085 X Hefeng 50
M13-194022 M06-381085 X Hefeng 50
M13-194051 M06-381085 X Hefeng 50
M13-198033 PI639633A X PI 639554
M13-204003 M03-158071 X PI 612739
M13-209007 M07-392033 X M05-248041
M13-215031 M05-248041 X M08-144031
M13-236028 SD06-393 X M07-375020
M13-236029 SD06-393 X M07-375020
M13-246073 M03-172059 X MN1606SP
M13-247009 M03-158071 X MN1606SP
M13-250051 M06-288190 X AR09-191018
M13-252001 M07-294030 X EO7051
M13-252032 M07-294030 X EO7051
M13-264022 LD10-5903a X KATO
M13-264055 LD10-5903a X KATO
M13-268021 M06-340057 X A09-754003
M13-268035 M06-340057 X A09-754003
M13-270022 M06-340057 X M05-307064
M13-276034 M07-2064093 X M05-297042
M13-276053 M07-2064093 X M05-297042
M13-277057 M06-226003 X M06-318018
M13-278078 M06-289192 X M07-298022
M13-280012 MN1505SP X M07-303013
M13HO-361-1049 M03-289072 X KB10-10#990-1
M13HO-365-25009 MN0107 X KB10-10#990-1
M13R-309006 M06R-619017 X MN1107RR
M13R-309009 M06R-619017 X MN1107RR
M13R-309021 M06R-619017 X MN1107RR
M13R-309024 M06R-619017 X MN1107RR
M13R-309033 M06R-619017 X MN1107RR
M13R-309035 M06R-619017 X MN1107RR
M13R-323009 MN1107RR X M10-236018
M13R-323077 MN1107RR X M10-236018
M13R-323110 MN1107RR X M10-236018
M13R-323140 MN1107RR X M10-236018
M13R-323141 MN1107RR X M10-236018
M13R-324135 MN1107RR X M10-236071
M14-137078 MN0606CN X MN1606SP
M14-140012 M07-340035 X M08-395044
M14-151039 LD08-12435a X M04-241226
M14-151094 LD08-12435a X M04-241226
M14-152051 LD08-12441a X M04-239054
M14-152074 LD08-12441a X M04-239054
M14-157011 LD10-5903a X M08-207019
M14-157032 LD10-5903a X M08-207019
M14-190005 M08-610015 X ANY KB
M14-190158 M08-610015 X ANY KB
M14-190162 M08-610015 X ANY KB
M14-191-2014 M08-450124 X ANY KB
M14-194017 M08-610002 X MN0404CN
M14-194018 M08-610002 X MN0404CN
M14-194030 M08-610002 X MN0404CN
M14-245013 M08-328037 X M07-306032
M14-245021 M08-328037 X M07-306032
M14-245055 M08-328037 X M07-306032
M14-245086 M08-328037 X M07-306032
M14-250018 M06-318018 X M08-328030
M14-250027 M06-318018 X M08-328030
M14-256061 M07-278122 X M07-297004
M14-260009 MLG03-4069017 X LG07-6251013
M14-260012 MLG03-4069017 X LG07-6251013
M14-262034 M07-292111 X M08-231043
M14-271013 M08-212034 X M05-353086
M14-271042 M08-212034 X M05-353086
M14-323003 M07-301036 X M08-434024
M14-330015 PI 639537 X M08-608106
M14-502-6008 MN0107 X 942-3B
M14-502-6012 MN0107 X 942-3B
M14-508017 939-3B X MM0404CN
M14-508041 939-3B X MM0404CN
M14-508084 939-3B X MM0404CN
M14-508100 939-3B X MM0404CN
M14-510B013 937-1B X M06-289001
M14-511045 M03-289072 X 937-1
M14-512016 M03-289072 X 939-3
M14-516011 M04-342068 X 989-5
M14HO-1326-1002 M03-289072 X KB10-10#990-1
M14HO-1329-1001 MN0107 (4) X KB10-10#990-1
M14HO-1329-4001 MN0107(4) X KB10-10#990-1
M14HO-1329-4008 MN0107 (4) X KB10-10#990-1
M14HO-1329-4013 MN0107 (4) X KB10-10#990-1
M14HO-1330-14001 MN0107 (4) X KB10-10#990-1
M14HO-1330-3006 MN0107 (4) X KB10-10#990-1
M14HO-1341-4003 M03-289072(4) X KB10-10#990-1
M14HO-1344-6005 M03-289072(4) X KB10-10#990-1
M14HO-1348-1004 M04-342068 (4) X KB10-10#990-1
M15-105140 LD12-12701a X M04-239105
M15-109067 M04-241176 X LD12-12701a
M15-121027 M09-340060 X M08-218002
M15-121033 M09-340060 X M08-218002
M15-121079 M09-340060 X M08-218002
M15-121092 M09-340060 X M08-218002
M15-121122 M09-340060 X M08-218002
M15-121131 M09-340060 X M08-218002
M15-136049 M08-608012 X PI 639555A
M15-152034 ND10-3449 X OAC 12-21C
M15-170-1-015 M08-603047 X M10-610002
M15-170-2-029 M08-603047 X M10-610002
M15-170-4-010 M08-603047 X M10-610002
M15-170-4-023 M08-603047 X M10-610002
M15-174002 M08-271313 X MN0071
M15-174043 M08-271313 X MN0071
M15-175041 M08-365365 X U09-105007
M15-203075 M05-363022 X M07-231475
M153 Selection from CX1515-4EMS mutant line of CX1515-4; DOI:10.2135/cropsci2000.4061601x
M153-1-4-6-14 Selection from CX1515-4Selection from mutagenized CX1515-4
M16-110086 ND10-3067 X M08-434024
M16-253083 M10-218053 X M10-201034
M16-272011 MSC09-774074 X OAC12-21C
M16-272016 MSC09-774074 X OAC12-21C
M16-454BC Unspecified X Unspecified
M16-456044 MSC09-774074 X M16-454BC
M16-456119 MSC09-774074 X M16-454BC
M16-7420 Unspecified X Unspecified
M17-103040 M11-132044 X M09-251081
M17-109013 M07-260009 X M10-242042
M17-109017 M07-260009 X M10-242042
M17-109042 M07-260009 X M10-242042
M17-109050 M07-260009 X M10-242042
M17-124036 M11-132044 X M07-307086
M17-126005 ND12-15628 X M10-204037
M17-126052 ND12-15628 X M10-204037
M17-155062 LD10-10198 X M10-186021
M17-169039 M09-252032 X Pioneer 91M10
M17-178040 M08-332003 X ORC 3713N
M17-183006 ORC 3713N X KB13-11 #6
M17-191003 MSC10-567015 X M09-278096
M17-195-2027 KB13-11 #6 X M09-278096
M17-195-3010 KB13-11 #6 X M09-278096
M17-195-6032 KB13-11 #6 X M09-278096
M17-215010 M07-260009 X M10-268096
M17-215030 M07-260009 X 10-268096
M17-215039 M07-260009 X M10-268096
M17-216089 M11-271059 X M10-268096
M17-240009 M08-332003 X M08-288035
M17-240039 M08-332003 X M08-288035
M17-243003 MN1505SP X M08-288035
M17-246015 M08-362045 X M10-203139
M17-253029 M04-295008 X M11-301046
M17-280007 M07-260009 X M10-237102
M17-280019 M07-260009 X M10-237102
M17-280081 M07-260009 X M10-237102
M17-281066 M11-271059 X M10-237102
M17-291011 ND12-15628 X M10-242042
M17-291073 ND12-15628 X M10-242042
M17-298009 M09-278026 X M10-242042
M17-298045 M09-278026 X M10-242042
M17R-306019 MN0208CN X M12R-801105
M17R-307039 MCH13R-117020 X M12R-801105
M17R-307054 MCH13R-117020 X M12R-801105
M17R-307087 MCH13R-117020 X M12R-801105
M17R-313056 MCH13R-117024 X ND12-15628
M17R-908-1002 ( LD10-5213a x M10-218053X E13912
M17R-908-1003 ( LD10-5213a x M10-218053X E13912
M17R-908-1009 ( LD10-5213a x M10-218053 )  X E13912
M17R-908-1042 ( LD10-5213a x M10-218053X E13912
M17R-908-1052 ( LD10-5213a X M10-218053X E13912
M17R-908-1094 ( LD10-5213a x M10-218053X E13912
M2 PI 548611
Lincoln (2) X Richland
M30121 Unspecified X Unspecified
M304 Hawkeye X Flambeau
M316 Hawkeye X Capital
M316G Hawkeye X Capital
M319 Lincoln X Hawkeye
M319W Lincoln X Hawkeye
M328 Lincoln X Hawkeye
M336 Blackhawk X ( Lincoln (2) x Richland )
M350 PI 180501 X PI 194633
M351 PI 180501 X PI 194633
M354 Blackhawk X PI 194633
M355 M10 X PI 194633
M370 M10 X PI 180501
M372 M53-117
M10 X PI 180501
M379 M10 X PI 180501
M380 M10 X PI 180501
M384 M54-12
Renville X Capital
M387 Renville X Capital
M388 Renville X Capital
M389 M10 X Capital
M391 Renville X Capital
M391-1 Renville X Capital
M391-4 Renville X Capital
M393 PI 548534
Renville X Capital
M4 Lincoln (2) X Richland
M401 Capital X M10
M402 Renville X Capital
M405 Grant X Harosoy
M406 M54-110
Harosoy X Norchief
M412 Selection from PI 132207Selection from PI 132207
M417 PI 548621
Lincoln X Mandarin (Ottawa)
M42-37 Lincoln (2) X Richland
M42-4-6 Lincoln (2) X Richland
M422 Renville X Capital
M424 PI 548535
Acme X Hardome
M425 Acme X Chippewa
M431 Grant X Acme
M433 Acme X Chippewa
M44-46 Lincoln (2) X Richland
M53-117 M10 X PI 180501
M53-43 M10 X PI 180501
M54-110 Harosoy X Norchief
M54-12 ( Capital x RenvilleX Corsoy
M54-120 M54-240 X M54-139
M54-132 M10 X Capital
M54-139 Renville X Capital
M54-160 Anoka
PI 548508
Korean X M42-37
M54-167 Grant X Harosoy
M54-240 Korean X M42-37
M55-130 Acme X Chippewa
M55-134 Pagoda 25 X Chippewa
M55-25 Acme X Chippewa
M55-30 Acme X Chippewa
M55-33 Acme X Chippewa
M55-48 Acme X Chippewa
M55-59 Acme X Chippewa
M55-67 Grant X Acme
M554-5 554-5
Hodgson (4) X MeritOriginally 554-5
M57-69 ( M10 x PI 180501X M10
M58-14 ( M10 x PI 194633X Chippewa
M59-100 M54-139 X M54-232
M59-109 M54-139 X M54-232
M59-120 M54-240 X M54-139
M59-121 PI 548500
M54-240 X M54-132
M59-213 PI 548620
Blackhawk X Harosoy
M60-222 M42-4-6 X M44-46
M60-266 M42-4-6 X Pridesoy II
M60-39 M42-4-6 X M44-46
M60-400 Blackhawk X Harosoy
M60-405 Blackhawk X Harosoy
M60-406 Blackhawk X Harosoy
M60-411 Blackhawk X Harosoy
M60-425 Blackhawk X Harosoy
M60-92 Comet X M319
M61-20 Unspecified X Unspecified
M61-207 Merit X Norman
M61-21 Merit X Comet
M61-216 Merit X Harosoy
M61-224 Merit X Harosoy
M61-52 PI 548501
Merit X Harosoy
M61-60 Ada
PI 548499
Merit X Norman
M61-96 PI 548560
Merit X HarosoyPVP 7400105
M62-101 Merit X M406
M62-173 M387 X M406
M62-177 M387 X M406
M62-19 M319 X M406
M62-263 Grant X M319W
M62-275 Norchief X Harosoy
M62-345 M319W X Harosoy
M62-56 Chippewa X M406
M62-93 Merit X M406
M63-11 M402 X M406
M63-158 PI 261475 X Pridesoy II
M63-158Bf PI 261475 X Pridesoy II
M63-17 M402 X M54-110
M63-172 M402 X M406
M63-194 Corsoy X PI 132207
M63-217 PI 548561
Corsoy X M372PVP 7400106; Population produced both buff and yellow hilum, Mixture tested
M63-217Bf PI 548561
Corsoy X M372PVP 7400106; Population produced both buff and yellow hilum, Buff hilum selection
M63-217Y PI 548561
Corsoy X M372PVP 7400106; Population produced both buff and yellow hilum, Yellow hilum selection
M63-38 M402 X M406
M63-64 M74-227 X L78-189
M63-87 Chippewa X PI 261475
M64-101 Merit X M55-134
M64-105 Chippewa 64 X M433
M64-157 Merit X Amsoy
M64-165 M384 X L62-1932
M64-185 Chippewa 64 X Amsoy
M64-3 Traverse X PI 196163
M64-56 Traverse X PI 257436
M65-115 Anoka X Amsoy
M65-122 Anoka X Amsoy
M65-207 Clay X Hark
M65-217 PI 548582
M433 X Hark
M65-227 O57-2921 X JA42Selection from O57-2921
M65-270 Clay X Hark
M65-295 PI 548567
Anoka X Magna
M65-442 Anoka X Amsoy
M65-69 M384 X Corsoy
M65-74 M384 X Corsoy
M65-94 M384 X Corsoy
M66-18 Clay X Altona
M66-30 Magna X M61-20
M67-141 Corsoy X Wayne
M67-42 Corsoy X Provar
M67-45 Merit X Rampage
M67-65 Clay X M406
M67-66 Clay X M406
M67-68 Clay X Provar
M68-176 Merit X Beeson
M68-2 Wilkin X M59-120
M68-201 Evans X Steele
M68-202 Evans X Steele
M68-213 M62-101 X Steele
M68-223 Steele X Amsoy 71
M68-256 Evans X Steele
M68-303 M60-406 X Beeson
M68-333 M60-406 X Beeson
M68-37 Evans X M59-120
M68-48 Evans X M59-120
M68-49 Evans X M59-120
M68-49-26 Evans X M59-120
M68-94 M59-120 X Amsoy 71
M68-96 M59-120 X Amsoy 71
M68-99 M59-120 X Amsoy 71
M69-122 ( JA53-1 x HarkX ( M59-120 x C1477 )
M69-124 M60-406 X M64-56
M69-129 Steele (2) X C1477
M69-14 Merit X Clay
M69-197 Evans X Lee
M69-20 Merit X Clay
M69-264 M60-406 (2) X SRF 300
M69-305 M62-93 X Lee
M69-36 Merit X Corsoy
M69-42 M63-158 X Provar
M69-45 M63-158Bf X Provar
M70-127 Evans X M63-217Y
M70-128 Evans X M63-217Y
M70-128E PI 542403
Evans X M63-217YPVP 8400053
M70-135 Evans X M63-217Y
M70-153 PI 548615
Steele X HodgsonPVP 8300012
M70-184 Steele X ( Evans x Lee )
M70-187 Merit X SS65-5702
M70-260 M62-93 X M63-217Y
M70-271 Merit X M64-3 (2)
M70-294 PI 358323 X M63-217Y
M70-330 M62-93 X M64-3
M70-334 M62-93 X M64-3
M70-368 M64-3 X M63-217Y
M70-411 M64-3 X M63-217Y
M70-417 M64-3 X M63-217Y
M70-436 Evans X M64-3
M70-440 Steele X ( Evans x Lee )
M70-447 Provar X M53-43
M70-484 M63-87 X M53-43
M70-504 M63-87 X Bitterhof
M70-597 Steele X AP68-1016
M70-70 Evans X PI 291322
M70-74 Evans X PI 291322
M70-77 JA53-7-6 X Hodgson
M70-9 M64-3 X Amsoy 71
M71-107 M61-224 X M63-217Y
M71-135 Evans X M62-263
M71-148 Clay X Evans
M71-17 Clay X Evans
M71-25 Clay X Evans
M71-38 Wilkin X M62-263
M71-39 Wilkin X M62-275
M71-43 PI 542404
Wilkin X M63-217YPVP 8400052
M71-52 Evans X M62-345
M71-54 Evans X M62-345
M71-57 Evans X M62-345
M71-65 Steele X M63-194
M71-77 Merit X M62-263
M71-80 Merit X M62-263
M71-99 M61-224 X M63-217Y
M72-107 Wilkin X M63-194
M72-127 Evans X Unknown
M72-136 M63-194 (2) X M61-224
M72-24 Evans X Wells
M72-26 Evans X Wells
M72-3 Evans X Hodgson
M72-37 Wilkin X M65-115
M72-51 Evans X M64-185
M72-52 Evans X M65-115
M72-79 M62-263 X Wells
M73-105 M68-49 X Clay
M73-129 M68-49 X Hodgson
M73-37 Evans X XK505
M73-62 M61-224 X PI 297518
M73-71 Evans X M66-18
M73-80 M64-157 X M63-217Y
M73-93 M65-69 X M66-18
M74-12 PI 513382
Evans X Peterson 85PVP 8700209
M74-155 Evans X M65-442
M74-160 Pike X M64-157
M74-167 Clay X Wells
M74-179 M68-256 X Clay
M74-227 M68-49 X M63-194
M74-23 M68-49 X Hodgson
M74-270 M65-69 X M68-99
M74-337 Evans X Northrup King 9436
M74-349 M68-49 X M65-207
M74-355 PI 542402
[ Evans x ( Merit x Lee ) ] X ( M65-69 x M65-227 )CV-183
M74-38 M68-49 X Hodgson
M74-388 Evans X AgriPro 1235
M74-394 Hodgson X Wells
M74-399 Hodgson X Wells
M74-417 AgriPro 1235 X M55-48
M74-438 Evans X M68-303
M74-462 M65-94 X M68-303
M74-463 M68-49 X M67-66
M74-498 Peterson Px20 X ( Hodgson (4) x Merit )
M74-55 M68-96 X Hodgson
M74-62 PI 508084
M68-256 X HodgsonPVP 8600137
M74-69 M68-256 X Hodgson
M75-1 PI 548581
Hodgson 78
Hodgson (7) X MeritPVP 7800085
M75-131 M68-37 X Northrup King S1244
M75-15 Peterson 85 (2) X Evans
M75-2 Hodgson (4) X [ M67-141 x ( Chippewa x Higan ) ]
M75-243 Evans X A73-19084
M75-244 Evans X A73-19084
M75-25 PI 508083
Evans X M66-18PVP 8600138
M75-274 Evans X L70T-543
M75-275 Evans X L70T-543
M75-299 M69-288 X M554-5
M75-322 M68-49-26 X Hodgson 78
M75-48 Wilkin X M65-442
M75-89 Corsoy X M68-303
M76-142 M70-271 X Corsoy
M76-148 M70-271 X Hodgson 78
M76-149 M70-271 X ( Hodgson (6) x Merit )
M76-151 M70-271 X Hodgson 78
M76-160 M70-330 X ( Hodgson (6) x Merit )
M76-260 Harlon X M69-197
M76-281 M70-187 X ( Hodgson (6) x Merit )
M76-314 Evans X M69-42
M76-33 M64-157 X McCall
M76-349 L69-202 X M69-45
M76-353 M68-49-26 X FR51 IV
M76-402 FR61 I X ( Hodgson (6) x Merit )
M76-49 M68-49-26 X McCall
M76-50 M68-49-26 X McCall
M76-55 M69-20 X McCall
M76-65 M69-20 X McCall
M77-120 M70-440 X M69-42
M77-137 M71-77 X Simpson
M77-156 M70-187 X Vickery
M77-2 M68-49-26 X M68-176
M77-210 M71-135 X Simpson
M77-218 M71-135 X Asgrow A2440
M77-251 PI 542769
M70-504 X M69-42CV-275
M77-252 M70-504 X M69-42
M77-69 M70-135 X A74-102011
M77-75 Coles X M66-30
M78-687 Asgrow A7986
PI 556813
Young X BraxtonMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600107
M8 Lincoln (2) X Richland
M81-18 Evans X M65-442
M81-27 M68-49-26 X M70-294
M81-296 M68-49-26 X Peterson 1677
M81-301 M68-49-26 X Peterson 1677
M81-32 M69-264 X M69-305
M81-35 M70-70 X M66-30
M81-38 M70-74 X M70-184
M81-380 M70-127 X Century
M81-381 M70-127 X Century
M81-382 PI 542042
M70-127 X CenturyPVP 9000028
M81-384 PI 542768
M70-127 X CenturyPVP 9000027
M81-411 L75-0570 X McCall
M81-43 M70-417 X M69-122
M81-497 M70-187 X M70-127
M81-564 M69-36 X Weber
M81-571 M70-484 X Dawson
M81-579 M70-484 X Dawson
M81-605 Dawson X M70-447
M81-610 Dawson X M70-447
M81-621 Unknown X UnknownSeed from double embryo of unknow parentage
M81-7 Evans X M67-42
M81-70 Evans X Maple Arrow
M81-76 M68-49-26 X M70-184
M81-77 M68-49-26 X M70-184
M81-8 Swift X Hodgson 78
M81-88 M68-333 X McCall
M81-98 M70-9 X M68-201
M81-99 M70-9 X M68-201
M813957 3276 X Pioneer P9281
M815869 13404BB2 X Asgrow A2722
M816626 ST2621 X Asgrow A3313
M82-1004 M72-3 X Peterson 1677
M82-1011 M72-3 X Peterson 1677
M82-102 M72-26 X Lakota
M82-1027 M72-3 X NAPB HP20-20
M82-106 PI 546038
M73-105 X VickeryPVP 9100025
M82-1068 Evans X R79
M82-1080 Evans X R79
M82-118 M74-69 X Wells II
M82-262 Swift X M68-176
M82-303 M70-330 X M68-176
M82-317 M71-38 X M68-213
M82-324 M71-38 X M68-213
M82-387 Clay X Pride B216
M82-408 M71-25 X Hodgson 78
M82-418 M71-25 X M71-65
M82-434 M71-25 X M70-447
M82-545 M70-436 X Vickery
M82-559 Vickery X Century
M82-585 M70-330 X M68-176
M82-601 M70-484 X Vickery
M82-776 M68-256 X M70-597
M82-791 M68-256 X L74-3897
M82-806 M71-52 X Wells II
M82-808 M71-52 X Wells II
M82-946 M74-69 X A77-112008
M82-996 M72-3 X Peterson 1677
M83-108 Leslie
PI 557011
Hodgson 78 X PellaPVP 9200019
M83-16 A2 X Hodgson 78
M83-18 A2 X Hodgson 78
M83-216 M71-25 X M71-65
M83-223 M71-25 X M71-65
M83-3 McCall X Maple Presto
M83-357 M71-52 X Asgrow A2656
M83-413 Evans X Simpson
M83-422 M71-148 X Pioneer P0877
M83-442 M71-148 X Pioneer P0877
M83-449 M74-38 X M74-160
M83-459 M74-69 X M75-48
M83-499 M71-38 X L78-189
M83-504 M71-52 X M74-23
M83-58 M74-227 X M75-131
M83-64 M74-227 X L78-189
M83-715 M73-62 X Simpson
M83-727 M73-62 X Simpson
M83-734 M73-62 X Simpson
M83-744 M73-129 X M73-37
M83-747 M73-129 X M73-37
M83-750 M73-129 X M73-37
M83-766 Evans X M74-394
M83-767 M70-260 X Asgrow A1564
M83-770 M70-260 X Asgrow A1564
M83-792 M71-38 X M74-417
M83-796 M71-38 X M74-417
M83-819 Evans X Century
M83-830 Evans X Century
M83-899 Bert
PI 557010
M74-270 X A78-123018PVP 9200018
M83-91 Weber X M75-2
M84-1034 M75-2 X K1062
M84-140 M73-62 X M76-260
M84-293 M71-148 X M75-2
M84-302 M73-62 X Dawson
M84-389 M75-243 X Dawson
M84-390 M75-243 X Dawson
M84-395 M75-243 X Dawson
M84-414 M75-243 X M76-260
M84-449 Simpson X M71-148
M84-456 Simpson X M71-148
M84-492 A79-136012 X M75-2
M84-568 Glenwood X M74-55
M84-574 Weber X M75-299
M84-74 M71-148 X Ozzie
M84-748 M75-274 X M76-151
M84-756 M75-275 X Jacques 88
M84-833 M76-142 X Weber
M84-850 M76-148 X Glenwood
M84-916 PI 562374
A79-136012 X DawsonPVP 9200244
M84-93 M71-148 X Ozzie
M85- 52 Selection from Simpson
M85-1112 M74-349 X M77-210
M85-122 M74-179 X M77-75
M85-173 M77-120 X Simpson
M85-201 A79-134008 X Ozzie
M85-202 A79-134008 X Ozzie
M85-23 M71-148 X Simpson
M85-260 Evans X M74-498
M85-314 Evans X M76-402
M85-339 M71-148 X M76-402
M85-396 M73-62 X M74-399
M85-49 M73-62 X Simpson
M85-52 M73-62 X Simpson
M85-564 M74-337 X M74-23
M85-582 McCall X Corsoy 79
M85-610 PI 564524
Fayette X McCallPVP 9300017
M85-647 Ozzie X Fayette
M85-81 M73-62 X Simpson
M85-85 M73-62 X Simpson
M85-907 Simpson X A80-147003
M85-933 Fayette X McCall
M86-122 M72-127 X M81-610
M86-130 M72-127 X M81-610
M86-1322 M75-2 X L77-906
M86-138 M72-127 X PI 438454
M86-1410 M72-3 X L77-756
M86-162 M73-62 X Corsoy 79
M86-169 M73-62 X Corsoy 79
M86-1800 M70-187 X L77-906
M86-1973 M75-89 X L77-906
M86-2197 M72-127 X M81-610
M86-2237 M73-62 X Corsoy 79
M86-2301 M76-55 X M74-23
M86-2334 Evans X Asgrow A1937
M86-2337 Evans X Asgrow A1937
M86-2372 PI 537096
Evans X Dobruzanca IPVP 9000046
M86-245 M75-244 X M75-322
M86-299 M76-33 X M74-498
M86-356 M81-610 X M76-349
M86-421 M74-23 X Gnome
M86-479 Evans X Hardin
M86-571 Ozzie X A80-244003
M86-626 Weber 84 X Dassel
M86-750 M76-160 X Hardin
M86-918 Jacques J103 X Ozzie
M87-1088 Evans X Ozzie
M87-135 Sibley X Hack
M87-1709 Ozzie X C1640
M87-227 Unspecified X Unspecified
M87-330 M76-55 X Ozzie
M87-332 M76-55 X Ozzie
M87-346 M76-55 X Simpson
M87-727 M73-62 X Simpson
M87-731 PI 592523
McCall X AltonaPVP 9600038
M88-207 M81-99 X Hardin
M88-504 M83-499 X M83-18
M89-1006 Unspecified X Unspecified
M89-1665 Cartter X M85-933
M9 Lincoln (2) X Richland
M90-1278 BSR 101 X Kato
M90-1279 BSR 101 X Kato
M90-137050 M87-332 X Maple Ridge
M90-1437 Dawson X HM8536
M90-162034 Burlison X M84-93
M90-178161 M85-23 X A20
M90-184111 L85P-558 X M86-1973
M90-239130 M85-122 X Lambert
M90-249010 M86-2337 X M86-918
M90-361 M81-27 X M83-16
M90-370 M81-27 X M83-16
M90-381 M81-27 X M83-16
M90-421 M81-27 X M83-16
M90-665 M83-3 X McCall
M90-7199 Unspecified X Unspecified
M90-7216 Unspecified X Unspecified
M91-103023 Dawson X ( Dawson x Bell )
M91-1087 M82-559 X Kato
M91-1137 MN 1801
Kasota X Kentwood
M91-116124 Faribault X Archer
M91-134038 Harmony X Ozzie
M91-1416 M83-727 X A86-104011
M91-163126 E86-237 X M87-135
M91-166056 IA2008 X Bert
M91-198009 Toyopro X Kato
M91-564 Ozzie X M86-421
M91-821 MN 0901
M83-766 X Leslie
M91-895 M81-27 X M85-52
M92-119 Sturdy X PI 361088 B
M92-120014 M87-1088 X Dawson
M92-129 Sturdy X PI 361088 B
M92-1525 M85-647 X Bell
M92-1571 MN9002CN
Jack X Alpha
M92-1631 Maple Ridge X Lakota
M92-1645 Faribault X Bell
M92-1651 Faribault X PI 437654
M92-1708 Kato X Bell
M92-185003 MN0071
Archer X Glacier
M92-191023 M88-504 X Kenwood
M92-270029 M87-227 X M87-346
M92-59 Kato X PI 467313
M92-597 Pioneer P6061 X Ozzie
M92-674 Agassiz X Ozzie
M92-836 M85-564 X Kato
M93-133047 Faribault X Bell
M93-141-16-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
M93-310162 M87-330 X Glacier
M93-313185 Agassiz X M90-1437
M94-161045 IA1006 X Agassiz
M94-162105 IA2008R X M90-1278
M94-246152 Lambert X M92-1651
M94-275024 M89-1006 X Kato
M95-116011 Glacier X Northrup King S19-90
M95-116024 Glacier X Northrup King S19-90
M95-123023 Parker X M92-1631
M95-123116 Parker X M92-1631
M95-211102 SD92-1272 X Agassiz
M95-255017 M92-1525 X A92-526007
M95-258296 MN1006CN
Lambert X M92-1631
M95-265009 MN1005
IA2008R X Lambert
M95-274132 Council X Northrup King S19-90
M95-305-31 CX1538-70-11-1 X M92-119
M95-306-104 CX1538-70-11-1 X M92-119
M95-327061 Parker (3) X Marcus 95
M95-327084 Marcus 95 X Parker (3)
M95-601001 Parker X PABU2-2
M96-133019 Lambert (2) X Resnik RR (2)
M96-133029 Lambert (2) X Resnik RR (2)
M96-133030 Lambert (2) X Resnik (2)
M96-133044 Hendricks (2) X Resnik RR (2)
M96-133047 Lambert (2) X Resnik RR (2)
M96-133151 Lambert (2) X Resnik RR (2)
M96-134102 Hendricks (2) X Resnik
M96-136-20 ND(M)90-370 (2) X Resnik RR (2)
M96-136016 M90-162034 X IA2021
M96-136086   M90-162034 X IA2021Parentage conflict. NUST 2014
M96-136086    ND(M)90-370 (2) X ResnikParentage conflict. NUST 2007
M96-355009 M91-116124 X MN1301
M96-356062 M92-674 X M92-1708
M96-414121 Unspecified X Unspecified
M96-714-81 Unspecified X Unspecified
M96-71481 Unspecified X Unspecified
M96-746-4-2 Agassiz X M95-306-104Cultivar derived from F2 generation seed
M97-101088 ND91-2721 X Pioneer P9004
M97-115063 MN0301 X Tracker
M97-121119 MN0302 X Pioneer P9004
M97-121138 MN0302 X Pioneer P9004
M97-129094 Archer X IA2021
M97-136016 M90-162034 X IA2021
M97-304076RR Surge X M96-136-20
M97-357138 IA1006 X Surge
M98-108119 M92-120014 X Traill
M98-134022 Lambert X Hartwig
M98-227065 Unspecified X Unspecified
M98-239080 MN0902CN X IA1008
M98-252008 MN0302 X PI 561353
M98-283046 Unspecified X Unspecified
M98-308007 MN1601SP X IA20121
M98-310069 Unspecified X Unspecified
M98-315056 Toyosamari X Toyopro
M98-331009RR MN0302 X M96-133030
M98-332108 M91-198009 X M93-133047
M98-332108RR M91-198009 X M96-133047
M99-103172 IA2021 X M96-746-4-2
M99-278133 MN0301 X S-1990
M99-286047 IA1008 X Pioneer P9234
M99-286149 IA1008 X Pioneer P9234
M99-304146 Unspecified X Unspecified
M99-386097 M89-1006 X Kato
Mack PI 559370
[ ( NC55 (3) x S62-5-16-12 ) x RA63-19-2X Lee 68Derived from a bulk of F4 lines from the cross
Macon PI 593258
Sherman X Resnik
Macoupin PI 548364
Selection from Mammoth YellowSelection from Mammoth Yellow
Madison PI 548580
Monroe X Lincoln
Madison GL2810 S20 X Hark
Magellan PI 595362
Sherman X HarperPVP 9600319
Magna PI 548553
A50-7401 X A50-6838
Magnolia Selection from PI 85537Possibly PI 85537 but from Korea not China; Not certain of origin
Magnum PI 556579
( Wayne x HabaroX WilliamsV. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900106
Majos PI 548697
Tokyo X YelredoCoker Pedigreed Seed Co
Majos 51-12 Tokyo X Yelredo
Majos 52-87 Tokyo X Yelredo
Mamloxi PI 548468
Mammoth Yellow X BiloxiSelection from a natural cross
Mammoth Yellow Mammoth
PI 548469
UnknownGrown in N. Carolina since 1880, introduced from Japan
Mamotan Mammoth Yellow X Otootan
Mamotan 6640 PI 548470
Mammoth Yellow X Otootan
Mamotan 6680 Mammoth Yellow X Otootan
Mamredo PI 548471
Mammoth Yellow X Laredo
Manchu PI 548365
Selection from PI 30593Selected from PI 30593 in Heilongjiang, CN
Manchu 3 PI 548371
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
Manchu 606 PI 548372
Wis. Manchu 606
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
Manchu 831 PI 548374
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
Manchu A Selection from ManchuPresumably a selection from Manchu, No Manchu A in GRIN
Manchu, Hudson PI 548369
Hudson Manchu
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu, PI 30.593 from Heilongjiang, China
Manchu, Montreal PI 548370
Montreal Manchu
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
Manchu, Wisconsin Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
Manchukota PI 548374
Manchu 831
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
Manchuria PI 548375
Selection from PI 28050Selection from PI 28050, Released 1912
Manchuria 13177 PI 548376
Ohio 13177
Manchuria 13-177
Selection from ManchuriaSelection from variety Manchuria ca. 1913
Mandarin PI 548378
Selection from PI 36653Selected from PI 36653
Mandarin (Ottawa) PI 548379
Ottawa Mandarin
Selection from MandarinSelection from Mandarin ca. 1929
Mandarin 507 PI 548380
Selection from MandarinSelection from Mandarin, Released ca. 1943
Mandell PI 548381
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu ca. 1926, Released ca. 1934
Manitoba Brown PI 548382
IntroductionReleased by 1932
Manokin PI 559932
L70L-3048 X D78-7424
Manokin-742 Unspecified X Unspecified
Mansoy PI 548383
Selection from ManchuSelected in Manchu in 1915, Heilongjiang, CN
Maple Amber PI 548592
Holmberg 840-7-3 X ( Harosoy 63 x Altona )
Maple Arrow PI 548593
Harosoy 63 X Holmberg 840-1-3
Maple Donovan PI 548642
Maple Arrow X Harcor
Maple Glen PI 548643
BD22115-13 X Premier
Maple Isle PI 548595
Holmberg 744-2 X L62-667 (2)
Maple Presto PI 548594
( Amsoy x PortageX ( 201-14-20 x 680+993+994 )
Maple Ridge PI 548596
Fiskeby III X EvansPI 196491 (Fiskeby III sib)
Marcus PI 537095
A79-135010 X Asgrow A1937PVP 9000040
Marcus 95 Unspecified X Unspecified
Marcus BC Unspecified X Unspecified
Marion PI 548537
Amsoy X [ Provar x ( Disoy x Magna ) ]PVP 7700051
Marshall PI 548693
Provar X ( A55-5629-4 x PI248404 )Improved Variety Research, Inc., PVP 7200008
Masco 1976 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7700039
Matsoy PI 556538
Corsoy X AmsoyPVP 7800052
Maverick PI 598124
LN86-4668 X ResnikPVP 9800001
Maxcy PI 568236
D76-9665 X Johnston
MB92-16 Hy 574
PI 590248
Hutcheson X HSC B2
MBC11-424-1-25 ND07-2303 X XMAS -M5-10
MBC11-424-1-48 ND07-2303 X XMAS -M5-10
MBC11-425-5-002 Glabrous X Noir1-SGC-01
MBC11-425-5-010 Glabrous X Noir1-SGC-01
McCall PI 548582
M433 X Hark
McClave Unknown X Unknownfarmer selection, similar to Midwest
MCH13R-113046 M00-530039 X M05-615082
MCH13R-113075 M00-530039 X M05R-615082
MCH13R-117008 M06R-614008 X M06R-613036
MCH13R-117020 Unspecified X Unspecified
MCH13R-117024 Unspecified X Unspecified
MCH13R-117046 M06R-614008 X M06R-613036
MCH13R-117054 M06R-614008 X M06R-613036
MCH13R-117072 M06R-614008 X M06R-613036
MCH17-316069 M09-285032 X MSC10-567015
MCH17-317025 M10-218053 X ND12-15628
MCH17-317065 M10-218053 X ND12-15628
McKoy 1100 PI 556513
Unspecified X UnspecifiedHarris Moran Seed Company, PVP 7400026
McNair 500 PI 556506
Davis X Lee 68Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7605016
McNair 600 PI 556480
Jackson X LeeNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7100075
McNair 700 PI 556648
Bragg X RansomNorthrup King Company, PVP 7900093
McNair 710 PI 556583
McNair 600 X Coker Hampton 266Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900088
McNair 770 PI 556584
Ransom X Pickett 71Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900089
McNair 780 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNorthrup King Company, PVP 7900094
McNair 800 PI 556481
Roanoke X N47-745Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7100042
McRostie Mandarin Selection from MandarinSelection from Mandarin
MD 4900 MD92-5769
N85-578 X Ripley
MD00-5020 S92-1069 X MD93-5298
MD00-5024 S92-1069 X MD93-5298
MD00-5326 KY91-11114 X Croton 3.9
MD00-6015 MD92-5769 X N93-54
MD00F2Rw11-2 Manokin X [ Stressland x ( Manokin-742 x ( Manokin (2) x NC565 ) ) ]
MD01-206 RR MD94-5396 X (Manokin (2) x MON RR)
MD01-5866 K1364 X SS91-7138
MD01-6106 U94-2306 X S95-1908
MD02-5634 Unspecified X Unspecified
MD03-5446 Unspecified X Unspecified
MD03-5453 MD96-5722 X CX1834-1-2
MD03-5517 MD86-5788 X CX1834-1-2
MD03-6420 MD94-5332 X CX1834-1-2
MD03-6610 Unspecified X Unspecified
MD0304WN 59 Unspecified X Unspecified
MD05-5276 MD97-5905 X K1401
MD05-6207 LG97-7012 X Loda
MD07-5092 MD97-6065 X MD00-5020
MD07-5756 NC97-3363-3TN24 X MD99-173-11LOW LIN
MD07-5782 Ina X MD97-6156
MD07-5786 MD96-5722 X MD03-5446
MD0708WN 109 MD01-5866 X S99-11509
MD0708WN 13 S02-2259 X MD99-6226
MD0708WN 145 MD00-5326 X MD03-5517
MD0708WN 157 MD00-5326 X MD03-5517
MD0708WN 21 R01-3474F X MD00-6015
MD0708WN 215 MD0304WN 59 X MD03-6420LOW PHYTATE
MD0708WN 8 Hutcheson X MD03-6610
MD0708WN 86 MD00-5326 X LG 00-6293
MD0708WN 90 MD00-5326 X MD03-5517
MD0708WN 93 MD99-6226 X R01-3474FDiversity
Md0708WN93 Unspecified X Unspecified
MD08-5141 S02-2259 X MD00-6015Diversity
MD08-5809 Md selection from LG 05-2887 X UnspecifiedDiversity
MD0809WN 139 Md selection from LG 06-4429 X UnspecifiedDiversity
MD09-5148 Unspecified X Unspecified
MD4900 MD92-5769
N85-578 X Ripley
MD55-49 Wabash X Ogden
MD55-54 Wabash X Ogden
MD59-1552 Adams X C985
MD59-285 Md59-285
Lincoln X C985
MD62-2313 Unspecified X Unspecified
Md62-3223 Various2nd cycle of 20-line intermating from bulk population 2nd cycle of 8-line intermating (Adams, Lincoln, Perry, Wabash, C799, C985, L46-1503, FC 33.243)
Md62-3303 Various2nd cycle of 20-line intermating from bulk population 2nd cycle of 8-line intermating (Adams, Lincoln, Perry, Wabash, C799, C985, L46-1503, FC 33.243)
MD62-3303-3 Wye
PI 548633
VariousSelection from intermated population of Adams, Lincoln, Perry, Wabash, C799, C985, FC33243 and L46-1503
MD64-338 Unspecified X UnspecifiedSelection from bulk population
MD64-429 Unspecified X UnspecifiedSelection from bulk population
MD66-1058 Unspecified X UnspecifiedIntermated population
MD66-1258 Various2nd cycle of 8 line intermating (Adams, Lincoln, Perry, Wabash, C799, C985, FC33.243)
MD66-1311 Unspecified X UnspecifiedIntermated population
MD70-1004-94 Unspecified X Unspecified
MD70-1212 Unspecified X Unspecified3rd cycle intercross of 8 lines
Md70-2221 Various3rd cycle of 20-line intermating from bulk population 2nd cycle of 8-line intermating (Adams, Lincoln, Perry, Wabash, C799, C985, L46-1503, FC 33.243)
MD70-2605 Unspecified X Unspecified3rd cycle intercross of 8 lines
MD70-8412 D69-17 X Mack
MD71-1643-82 Adelphi X PI 157483
MD71-407 PI 548598
Clark X D64-4731
MD74-900B-19 Unspecified X Unspecified
MD77-5675 V68-1171 X Columbus
MD79-5043 PI 510670
Union X Miles
Md79-5144 L70D6-16 X Miles
Md80-IL2-1 Forrest X ( Bonus x Cutler )
Md81-0953 A75-305022 X Elf
MD83-5008 PI 559932
L70L-3048 X D78-7424
MD83-5078 D74-7824 X Miles
MD83-5198 Bedford X Miles
Md85-2048 Bass
PI 548652
BSR 301 X Essex
Md85-5376 Douglas X N77-179
MD85-5443 PI 559931
Essex X HarperPVP 9200074
MD86-5324 Douglas X Md77-5675
MD86-5788 Unspecified X Unspecified
MD87-5389 PI 595626
D77-18 X D77-5169PVP 9600329
MD87-5602 Pershing X D77-5169
MD87-5669 L80-4349 X Egyptian
MD89-5051 K1099 X S82-1443
MD89-5289 Morgan X TN83-7
MD90-54-73 MD90-5473
D83-2886 X S82-1443
MD90-5473 D83-2886 X S82-1443
MD92-5769 MD 4900
N85-578 X Ripley
MD92-5850 Hamilton X Bass
MD93-5298 MD87-5669 X Edison
MD93-5576 Manokin X LS84-2308
MD93-5581 LS84-920 X Manokin
MD93-5634 K1173 X Corsica
MD93-5668 K1173 X Corsica
MD94-5332 Clifford X Corsica
MD94-5334 Unspecified X Unspecified
MD94-5341 Clifford X Corsica
MD94-5396 Ripley X Clifford
MD94-5463 Spencer X Corsica
MD95-5260 S88-1855 X Manokin
MD95-5358 S88-19561 X Corsica
MD96-5275 KY88-4080 X Manokin
MD96-5696 KY88-4080 X Corsica
MD96-5722 Monocacy
KS4694 X Corsica
MD97-5905 TN90-3 X Stressland
MD97-6065 Manokin X Holladay
MD97-6156 Unspecified X Unspecified
MD97-6491 Holladay X Stressland
MD97-6590 KY88-5037 X Clifford
MD98-5095 D92-9779 X Probst
MD98-5579 S91-5371-19 X LN89-3615
MD98-5927 Hartwig X LN89-295
MD98-5987 MD90-5473 X TN90-3
MD99-0687-3RR Wicomico X ( Manokin x MON RR )
MD99-1098-2 RR MD92-5769 (2) X Resnik RR
MD99-1353-2 RR Manokin (2) X Resnik RR
MD99-1411-1 RR MD92-5769 (2) X Resnik RR
MD99-173-11 Unspecified X Unspecified(low palmitic), (low palmitic)
MD99-173-11-17 Unknown X Unknownlow palmitic
MD99-6226 V91-2935 X MD92-5769
ME3908128 31713H013 X Pioneer P94B73
Me57B Selection from PI 194644Selection from PI 194644; From Sweden ca. 1951
Me60C Selection from PI 194645Selection from PI 194645; From Sweden ca. 1951
ME6400079 YB48M01 X HL3060460
Mead PI 548597
Bonus X WaynePVP 8100139
Medium Green Unspecified X UnspecifiedPI uncertain PI 157451, 548384, 6335 or 4628
Mercury PI 583835
T208 X Hobbit
Merit PI 548545
Blackhawk X Capital
Merschman Cheyenne ( L15 x C1423X Hark
Merschman Dallas Unspecified X Unspecified
Merschman Washington Amsoy X Wayne
Merschman Washington V IVR 1120 X Calland
MFL-159 PI 636311
V85-5344 X V81-1603Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc., PVP 200500008
MFL-551 PI 577817
Unspecified X UnspecifiedVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and VTIP, Inc., PVP 9400069
MFL-552 PI 599358
Unspecified X UnspecifiedVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, PVP 9700410
MFS-541 PI 659077
SS516 ( 3 ) X V93-0687Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc., PVP 201000095
MFS-553 PI 608574
Essex X CampPVP 9900135
MFS-561 V03-1144
PI 671807
V96-4164 X MFS-553Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc., PVP 201400095
MFS-591 Camp X RockyMontague Farms Inc., Center Cross, VA
MH5817653 Syngenta S10-F2 X Pioneer P90B51
Miami PI 548584
Wells II BC6
Wells II (7) X PRX9-274PVP 8400084
Midwest PI 548386
Medium Yellow
Selection from PI 6556Selection from PI 6556
Midwest Oilseeds 2050 ( L15 x C1423X Hark
Midwest Oilseeds 3010 Unknown X Mitchell
Midwest Oilseeds Experimental 16727 Unspecified X Unspecified
Mike Brayton Exp W20 Unspecified X Unspecified
Mike Brayton Expl 59372 Unspecified X Unspecified
Miles PI 548598
Clark X D64-4731
Miller 67 PI 548387
IntroductionIntroduced by a farmer Richard Miller, Arcanum, OH from Korea
Miller-BC Unspecified X Unspecified
Mingo PI 548388
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
MiniMax PI 643148
( AC Colombe x PI548240X PI548650U.S. Government, as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture, PVP 200700279
Minnatto PI 537096
Evans X Dobruzanca IPVP 9000046
Minsoy PI 548389
Selection from PI 27890Selection from PI 27890
Missoy PI 548472
Selection from PI 71664Selection from PI 71664
Misuzu Daizu Nagano 1
introduction X NemashirazuPI 423912
Misuzu Daizu-BB Unspecified X Unspecified
Mitchell PI 548679
Amsoy X WaynePVP 7300054
Mitchell 410 PI 556701
( Viking x Unk 286 dt1X MitchellNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200162
Mitchell 450 PI 556560
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900046
MLG03-4069017 A99-217006 X LG98-1445
MM-15 Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
MM-21 Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
MM-31 Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
MM-35 PI 548381
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu ca. 1926, Released ca. 1934
MM-5 Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
MM0404CN Unspecified X Unspecified
MN0071 Harmony X OT92-8
MN0081 MN0304 X Pioneer P9004
MN0083 M97-121138 X MN0091
MN0091 Unspecified X Unspecified
MN0094SP Unspecified X Unspecified
MN0095 M92-270029 X M93-313185
MN0107 MN0302 X Daksoy
MN0201 PI 629004
Ozzie X ( Maple Ridge x Lakota )PVP 200200085
MN0206RR Lambert X Lamb/Resnik (2)Lamb/ResnikBC2 Cultivar derived from F2 generation seed
MN0208CN MN0902CN X MN0201
MN0301 PI 602594
Maple Donovan X [ ( ( Merit x (Harosoy x Norchief) x ( Traverse x PI 196163) ) x ( Merit x Beeson ) ]PVP 9800098
MN0302 PI 629005
M84-93 X ArcherPVP 200200086
MN0304 M92-185003
Unspecified X Unspecified
MN0305RR Lambert X ResnikLamb/ResnikBC2 Cultivar derived from F2 generation seed
MN0308CN Unspecified X Unspecified
MN0401RR Surge X M96-136-20
MN0404CN MN0902CN X MN0304
MN05-286085 Kato X Asgrow A1929
MN0504 Unspecified X Unspecified
MN0606CN MN0901 X MN0902CNSCN
MN0801SP P02-60 X Toyopro
MN0804SP Unspecified X Unspecified
MN0807SP M00-456052
OT98-1 X M96-414121
MN0901 PI 612764
M83-766 X LeslieMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200000146
MN0902CN PI 618613
Jack X AlphaPVP 200100113
MN0904RR Lambert X Resnik
MN0907 M01-278013
M94-161045 X OAC 98-12
MN0908CN Unspecified X Unspecified
MN1003SP Unspecified X Unspecified
MN1004SP Lambert X M95-305-31Cultivar derived from F2 generation seed
MN1006CN M95-258296
Lambert X M92-1631
MN1011CN Unspecified X Unspecified
MN1013 MN0302 X PI 495831
MN1103SP A89-269039 X M87-1709
MN1105SP Unspecified X Unspecified
MN1107RR Unspecified X Unspecified
MN1301 PI 602593
M84-492 X M74-498
MN1308SP Unspecified X Unspecified
MN1401 PI 608726
BSR101 X KatoMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9900174
MN1410 Unknown X Unknown
MN1410BC2R2F2-4 Unspecified X Unspecified
MN1410BC2R2F3 Unspecified X Unspecified
MN1410R2F5-117 MN1410 (3) X R2 LINE FROM MONSANTO R2BC2
MN1410R2F5-121 MN1410 (3) X R2 LINE FROM MONSANTO R2BC2
MN1410R2F5-217 MN1410 (3) X R2 LINE FROM MONSANTO R2BC2
MN1410R2F5-22 MN1410 (3) X R2 LINE FROM MONSANTO R2BC2
MN1410R2F5-83 MN1410 (3) X R2 LINE FROM MONSANTO R2BC2
MN1413CN Unspecified X Unspecified
MN1504RR Lambert (2) X Resnik
MN1505SP Unspecified X Unspecified
MN1511CN M06-288181 X M06-358188
MN1601SP Vinton 81 X Proto
MN1606SP Unspecified X Unspecified
MN1701CN M00-114140
M90-184111 X MN0902CN
MN1801 PI 612763
Kasota X KenwoodMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200000145
MN1803RR Parker (2) X Resnik
MN1806SP Unspecified X Unspecified
MN9002CN M92-1571
Jack X Alpha
MO 304-21 S10 X Mitchell
MO 5301D CONV PI 688604
S07-2680 X LG04-6000CV-528
MO HI OLEIC Unspecified X Unspecified
MO/PSD-0259 PI 417479 X Merschman DallasComposite of 11 lines from the cross
MO01010 Harcor X CM183
MO01718 MO50321 X MO50226
MO15733 Unspecified X Unspecified
MO2050 Unspecified X Unspecified
MO30421 Unspecified X Unspecified
MO304211 Unknown X Unknown
MO50226 ST3010 X MO01010
MO50321 MO01010 X A8
MON RR Unspecified X UnspecifiedPresumably Monsanto event MON40-3-2
MON 88978
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto MON88978 event
MON40-3-2 GTS 40-3-2
Roundup Ready soybean
Mon RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMON RR soybean
MON87705 Unspecified X Unspecified
Monetta Selection from PI 71608Selected from PI 71608; Jiangsu, Cn 1927
Monocacy Unspecified X Unspecified
Monroe PI 548599
Mukden X Mandarin
Montreal Manchu PI 548370
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
Moon Cake PI 632905
OR5-12-1T X DisoyPVP 200300169
Morgan PI 510670
MD79-5043; F4
Union X Miles
Morse PI 548390
Selection from PI 19186Selection from Virginia
Morsoy PI 548600
Acme X L48-7289
Motte PI 603953
Asgrow A6785 X CO82-645South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9800254
Mount Carmel Introductionfrom PI 70.218-2, similar to Patoka
MP02052-11 CM293 X Syngenta S24-92
MSBP1 VariousG. Graef, Male-sterile intermated population
MSBP2 VariousG. Graef, Male-sterile intermated population, ms2
MSBP3 VariousG. Graef, Male-sterile intermated population
MSBP3F6 Unspecified X Unspecified
MSBP6S4 VariousG. Graef, Male-sterile intermated population
MSBP7S4 VariousG. Graef, Male-sterile intermated population
MSC09-774074 Unspecified X Unspecified
MSC09-774089 Sheyenne X PI 567516 C
MSC09-777143 IA2073 X PI 438489 B
MSC10-559061 Sheyenne X PI 507471
MSC10-567015 Unspecified X Unspecified
MSC10-578025 DS-880 X Sheyenne
MSPB6S4 VariousMSPBS4 is a male-sterile facilitated, random mating population
MT002750 ST1970 X L932113
MT002989 Syngenta S16-Y6 X X022
MT012091 X006 X Syngenta S24-K4
MT013548 X006 X Syngenta S24-K4
MT100710 X006 X Pioneer P92B22
MT103884 X006 X Syngenta S25-J5
MT802867 Syngenta S22-C3 X Asgrow A1900
MT803006 ST2621 X Pioneer P9172
MT9078008 PXB19J99 X X022
MTC00-112-37-3 N94-7784 X MN0302
MTC00-112-412-10 N94-7784 X MN0302
MTC00-112-412-18 N94-7784 X MN0302
MTC00-113-30-9 NTCPR94-5157 X MN0302
MTC00-113-54-3 NTCPR94-5157 X MN0302
MTC00-113-61-7 NTCPR94-5157 X MN0302
MTC00-115-74-7 N96-6809 X MN0302
MTCPR-5157 Unspecified X Unspecified
MTCPR94-5157 Davis X N73-1102
Mukden PI 50532Q
Selection from PI 50523Selection from PI 50523
Mukden No.4 Selection from MukdenSelection from Mukden
Musen SC89-181
PI 599333
Hutcheson X LeFlorePVP 9700396
Mustang PI 595363
Fayette X PyramidThe Curators of the University of Missouri, PVP 9600320
MV2E1 Unspecified X Unspecified
MYC B2275 Unknown X Unknown
N-STPR14-549 N6001 X Young
N. 41-39 Selection from HermanSelection from Herman
N00-370 AU92-916 X N90-845
N00-377 AU92-916 X N90-845
N00376 MO02301-99 X Pioneer P9344
N0095 M92-270029 X M93-313185
N01-10974 N6201 X N95-7390
N01-11136 NTCPR94-5157 X N96-7031SLOW WILT; 25% PI 416937
N01-11298 Unspecified X Unspecified
N01-11424 NTCPR94-5157 X N96-6767
N01-11491 NTCPR94-5157 X N96-6767
N01-11771 Graham X N96-7031SLOW WILT; 25% PI 416937
N01-11777 Graham X N96-7031SLOW WILT; 25% PI 416937
N01-11936 Unspecified X Unspecified
N01-11977 Unspecified X Unspecified
N01-9059-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
N01419 Pioneer P92B52 X YB27F
N01525R013 Pioneer P92B61 X N01419
N02-219 SC91-2007 X Holladay
N02-417 NC-Miller
PI 665018
SC91-2007 X HolladayHIgh Oil
N02-70 Unspecified X Unspecified
N02-7002 Cook X Anandmod. Race 2 SCN resist
N02-7084 Cook X Anand
N02-7738 Cook X Bicentennial50% Bicentennial, which is Group 00
N02-7779 Carver X Lambert50% Lambert, which is Group 0
N02-7834 Cook X Archer
N02-8491 Dillon X N96-6730
N02-8492 Dillon X N96-6730
N02-8718 N95-7391 X N95-7409
N02-8760 Unspecified X Unspecified
N02-8951 N96-6730 X N96-6732Diversity 25% Suzuyataka
N02783 YB38 X General
N02992 Pioneer P93B82 X Pioneer P93B53
N03-11895 Boggs X PI 437726
N03-11936 Boggs X PI 471931
N03-12249 Unspecified X Unspecified
N03-7183 Cook X Archer50% Archer, which is Group I
N03-832 N94-537 X K1424
N03-893 N96-752 X TN93-99
N03287 Pioneer P92B61 X YB32X
N04-05-N41 USDA-N6003LP
PI 689999
NC-Roy X ( NC-Roy x CX1834 )Low Phytate, GP-435
N04-05N41 NC-ROY X ( NC-ROY x CX1834 )
N04-10327 ND1005T
NorPro X TraillNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 201100097
N04-8801 N98-7893 X N96-671712.5% PI 416937,12.5% Suzuyataka, 25% Nakasennari
N04-8803 N98-7893 X N96-6717
N04-8814 N98-7893 X N93-713325% Enrei, 12.5% PI 416937, 12.5% Nakasennari
N04-8826 N98-7893 X NTCPR93-646
N04-8830 N98-7893 X NTC93PR-64612.5% PI 416937, 25% Suzuyataka, 12.5% Nakasennari
N04-8866 NTCPR96-1215 X N96-671725% Tanbaguro, 12.5% Suzuyataka, 12.5% Nakasennari
N04-8884 NTCPR96-1215 X NTCPR93-64625% Tanbaguro, 25% Suzuyataka
N04-8947 N96-6894 X N97-9812Diversity 50% PI 416937
N04-9646 Boggs X NTCPR94-5157Slow Wilt
N04-9649 Boggs X MTCPR-5157
N04-9859 N94-7440 X N96-6733Diversity 12.5%
N05-196 Unspecified X Unspecified
N05-316 NC-Roy X N96-675225% PI 416937
N05-7085 N94-7350 X N96-671737.5% Suzuyataka, 12.5% Nakasennari
N05-7260 N96-6809 X N96-7031Diversity 50% PI 416937
N05-7281 N96-6809 X N98-726525% PI 416937, 25% PI 471938
N05-7353 N7002 X N98-7265Drought
N05-7364 N7002 X N98-7265
N05-7375 N7002 X N98-7265Drought
N05-7380 N7002 X N98-7265
N05-7396 N7002 X N98-7265Diversity,Drought 12.5%
N05-741 Unspecified X Unspecified
N05-7432 N7002 X N98-7265Drought
N05-7452 N7002 X 5601T
N05-7462 5601T X N96-6809
N05402 YB32E00 X Pioneer P93B72
N05916 Pioneer P93B45 X Pioneer P93B68
N05977 XB31Z01 X Pioneer P93M60
N06-06 N99-510 X G98-1053
N06-06-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
N06-10009 Young X N6202Diversity 12.5% Nakasennari
N06-10011 Unspecified X Unspecified
N06-10029 Young X N6202Diversity 12.5% Nakasennari
N06-10035 Young X N6202
N06-10053 Young X N6202Diversity
N06-10059 Young X N6202Diversity
N06-10074 Young X N6202DIV (25% exotic pedigree)
N06-10194 Young X N6202DIV (25% exotic pedigree) Drought
N06-10237 Young X N6202DIV (25% exotic pedigree)
N06-19 N99-58 X SC97-318F4, Conv., Diversity, 12.5% exotic
N06-523 N99-510 X G98-1053
N06-6 N99-510 X G98-1053
N06-7023 N98-7265 X N98-7288Slow Wilt
N06-7124 N98-7265 X N98-7288Slow Wilt
N06-7187 N98-7265 X N93-110-6Slow Wilt 471938 (25%) & 416 937 (25%)
N06-7280 N98-7265 X N7002Diversity
N06-7535 NC-Roy X N8001Diversity 416937
N06-7564 NC-Roy X N800112.5% PI 416937
N07-14182 N7002 X Clifford
N07-14221 N7002 X Clifford
N07-14288 Hutch X N98-7833(25% exotic pedigree), (480 AKA PI407948)
N07-14313 Hutch X N98-7833
N07-14443 Graham X N01-11977(25% exotic pedigree), (from LG93-8169)
N07-14704 Young X N94-7350DIV (25% exotic pedigree)
N07-14718 Young X N94-7350F4, Conv., Diversity-Protein, 25% exotic
N07-14730 Young X N94-7350Diversity
N07-14753 Young X N94-7350DIV (25% exotic pedigree)
N07-14793 Young X N95-7296
N07-15444 NC-Roy X PI 399045Diversity X 50% PI 399045
N07-15529 N7002 X PI 221717Diversity X 50% PI 221717
N07-15546 N7002 X PI 221717
N07-15769 N93-110-6 X N98-7165
N07-16202 Delsoy 4710 X N01-9059-1SCN
N07-16209 Delsoy 4710 X N01-9059-1SCN
N07-187 5601T X N00-370
N07-3297 Unspecified X Unspecified
N07-8059 NC-Roy X Fukuyataka
N08-105 N99-186 X TN99-117F4, Conv.
N08-145 N99-186 X TN99-117
N08-147 N99-186 X TN99-117
N08-148 N99-186 X TN99-117
N08-174 N99-186 X TN99-117F4, Conv., Yield
N08-174-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
N08-374 S99-1171 X N00-370
N08-383 S99-1171 X N00-370
N08-391 S99-1171 X N00-370
N08-447 G96-2272 X N00-377
N08-521 G96-2272 X N00-377
N08-93 N99-186 X TN99-117
N09-12273 NC-Roy X Blue Side50% Blue Side
N09-12414 N7002 X Misuzu Diazu
N09-12441 N7002 X Misuzu Daizu
N09-12455 N7002 X Misuzu Daizu50% Misuzu Daizu and 12.5% PI 416937
N09-12632 N7103 X PI 398976
N09-12838 N7103 X PI 408337
N09-12854 N7103 X PI 408337
N09-12980 NC-Roy X PI 39904450% PI399044-BB
N09-13128 N7002 X TamahakariDiversity
N09-13189 NC-Roy X PI 50829450% PI 508294
N09-13257 N98-6384 X N7003CN
N09-13317 N98-7961 X N95-7296DIV (50% exotic pedigree)
N09-13325 N98-7961 X N02-8760DIV (50% exotic pedigree)
N09-13534 NC-Roy X N02-8760Diversity X 25% Tokyo
N09-13565 NC-Roy X N02-8760DIV (25% exotic pedigree)
N09-13659 Graham X N98-8597DIV
N09-13663 N98-7961 X N02-8718
N09-13671 N98-7961 X N02-871812.5% PI 416937
N09-13690 N98-7961 X N02-8718
N09-13884 TCPR-83 X N01-11136F4, Conv., Drought, 37.5% exotic
N09-13890 TCPR-83 X N01-11136
N09-13914 N01-11936 X N98-7265DROUGHT X 25% PI 471938
N09-175 N02-70 X G98-1420
N09-209 N02-205 X MD97-6065F4, Conv.
N09-7 N02-70 X G98-1420
N09-9 N02-70 X G98-1420
N09-9-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
N10-1031 NTCPR01-163 X N03-832F4, Conv., Diversity, 25% exotic
N10-1501 Unspecified X Unspecified
N10-687 NTCPR01-163 X N03-832F4, Conv., Diversity, 25% exotic
N10-711 NTCPR01-163 X N03-832F4, Conv., Diversity, 25% exotic
N10-7121 NC-Roy X PI 39883350% PI 398833
N10-7143 NC-Roy X PI 39897650% PI 398976
N10-7187 NC-Roy X PI 408337-BBF4, Conv., Diversity, 50% exotic
N10-7189 NC-Roy X PI 40833750% PI 408337
N10-7254 NC-Roy X PI 408339
N10-7277 N03-11936 X NC-Roy
N10-7365 N01-11136 X N98-7265
N10-7404 N01-11936 X N98-7265DROUGHT X 25% PI 471938
N10-7412 5157 X 93705-50
N10-764 N03-893 X G00-3213F4, Conv., Diversity, 12.5% exotic
N10-792 N03-893 X G00-3213F4, Conv., Diversity, 12.5% exotic
N11-10295 N01-11298 X N04-9646F4, Conv., Drought-Protein, 12.5% exotic
N11-10605 NC-Roy X PI 612717F4, Conv., Diversity, 50% exotic
N11-11924 NC-Roy X PI 291290
N11-12528 NC-Roy X PI 603308 BF4, Conv., Diversity, 50% exotic
N11-339 N05-741 X N05-196F4, Conv.
N11-340 N05-741 X N05-196F4, Conv., Yield
N11-352 N05-741 X N05-196F4, Conv., Yield
N11-411 NC-Roy X ( NC-Roy x CX1834 )
N11-7046 NC-Roy X LD00-3309F4, Conv., Midwestern pedigree
N11-7060 NC-Roy X LD00-3309
N11-7089 NC-Roy X LD00-3309F4, Conv., Midwestern pedigree
N11-7090 NC-Roy X LD00-3309Diversity X 50% Midwestern pedigree
N11-7125 NC-Roy X LD00-3309Diversity X 50% Midwestern pedigree
N11-7354 NC-Roy X PI587696
N11-7405 Roy X PI 587696
N11-7414 NC-Roy X PI 587696
N11-7433 NC-Roy X PI 587696
N11-7477 NC-Roy X PI 587563B
N11-7559 NC-Roy X PI 587696
N11-7620 NC-Roy X PI 587563B
N11-8042 SC97-1821 X MN0302F4, Conv., Upper midwestern pedigree, 50% exotic
N11-8086 SC97-1821 X MN0302
N11-8098 SC97-1821 X MN0302
N11-8488 NC-Roy X PI 417021
N11-8508 NC-Roy X PI 417021F4, Conv., Diversity, 50% exotic
N11-8526 NC-Roy X PI 417021
N11-9228 Selection from 5601TReselection from 5601T
N11-9263 N03-12249 X N03-11895
N11-9298 N03-12249 X N03-11895F4, Conv., High Protein or Oil
N11-9519 Young X N02-8718F4, Conv., Diversity, 25% exotic
N13-273 G03-3401 X N06-10011
N14-7142 ( G00-3213 x TCHM06-Morph-204 )  X TCHM06-Morph-204
N14-7254 G00-3213 X TCHM06-Morph-204
N14-7563 N6002 X NC-Roy
N14-7691 N6002 X NC-Roy
N14-7719 N07-14704 X NC-Roy
N14-7784 N6001 X NC-Roy
N14-7797 N6001 X NC-Roy
N14-7822 ( N6001 x NC-RoyX NC-Roy
N14-8522 NMS4-44-329 X N7103
N14-8537 NMS4-44-329 X N7103Conv., Diversity
N16-10425 N7103 X NMS4-1-45
N16-10518 N7103 X NMS4-1-45
N16-10740 NMS4-44-329 X N7103
N16-10756 NMS4-44-329 X N7103
N16-10889 NC-Roy X N01-11771
N16-10927 NC-Roy X N01-11771
N16-10962 NC-Roy X N01-11771
N16-1286 NC-Roy(4) X HOLN
N16-1296 Miller-BC(4) X HOLN
N16-559 N08-145 X Pro5-10
N16-590 N08-145 X Pro5-1
N16-600 N08-145 X Pro5-1
N16-7526 Holladay X Fiskeby III
N16-8423 NC-Roy X LG01-5087-5
N16-8437 NC-Roy X LG01-5087-5
N16-8458 NC-Roy X LG01-5087-5
N16-8470 NC-Roy X LG01-5087-3
N16-8531 Osage X Holiday
N16-8564 Osage X Holiday
N16-8876 N02-7002 X NMS4-1-45
N16-9064 N7103 X NMS5-48-2-75
N16-9124 N7103 X NMS5-48-2-75
N16-9134 N7103 X NMS5-48-2-75
N16-9171 N7103 X NMS5-48-2-75
N16-9198 N7103 X NMS5-48-2-75
N16-9211 N7103 X NMS5-48-2-75
N16-D49-2524 CNS X S-100
N17-1791 HR09-397 X R06-3789
N17-2135 HR10-1-540 X R10-5828
N17-2319 HR10-1-540 X R05-655
N17-2488 R05-655 X NC-Miller
N17-2496 R05-655 X NC-Miller
N17-2520 R09-4095 X NC-Miller
N17-2535 R09-4095 X NC-Miller
N17-30715 NC-Raleigh X PI 407042
N17-30803 NC-Raleigh X PI 597461B
N17-30898 NC-Raleigh X PI 597461B
N17-30904 NC-Raleigh X PI 597461B
N17-31531 NC-Raleigh X PI 407042
N17-551 LG09-7163 X R09-3789
N17-7028 N8002 X S11-21092
N17-882 Highpro1 X R09-3789
N18-1188 NCC06-1090 X R11-8011
N18-1472 G00-3213 X N07-3297
N18-235 Ellis X R10-3536
N18-296 Jake X NLM09-77
N18-446 Osage X HR09-397
N18-452 Osage X HR09-397
N18-688 NCC06-1090 X UA5814HP
N18-719 NCC06-1090 X UA5814HP
N18-8005 N8002 X S11-21092
N18-8006 N8002 X S11-21092
N18-947 UA5814HP X N09-9
N18-952 UA5814HP X N09-9
N18-960 UA5814HP X N09-9
N18-963 UA5814HP X N09-9
N19-0004 G00-3213 X N11-9298
N19-0042 G00-3213 X R13-7797
N19-0115 G00-3213 X HR10-2-559
N19-0117 G00-3213 X HR10-2-559
N19-0238 N08-174-1 X S09-13185
N19-0318 N09-9-1 X LMN09-19
N19-0573 N06-06-1 X R11-8346
N19-0756 S13-1805 X N08-174
N19-0768 G00-3213 X N11-9298
N19-0806 G00-3213 X R11-7999
N19-0818 G00-3213 X R11-7999
N19-0820 G00-3213 X R11-7999
N19-0829 G00-3213 X R11-7999
N19-1090 N06-06-1 X R11-8346
N19-1095 N06-06 X R11-8346
N19-1097 N06-06 X R11-8346
N19-1253 TN08-100 X NC-Dunphy
N19-1468 G11-7013 X NC-Dunphy
N19-5004 R10-2436 X S11-20967
N33129R Unspecified X Unspecified
N34505R Unspecified X Unspecified
N35-2-19 Unspecified X Unspecified
N41-90 Roanoke
PI 548485
Selection from NankingRogue selection from Nanking
N42-26 Selection from ArksoySelection from Arksoy
N44-639 Ogden X Missoy
N44-774 Ogden X Missoy
N44-92 Haberlandt X Ogden
N44-937 Palmetto X Ogden
N44-99 Unspecified X Unspecified
N45-1004 Volstate X C.N.S.
N45-1128 Volstate X C.N.S.
N45-1466 Ralsoy X Ogden
N45-1497 Ralsoy X Ogden
N45-2556 Chief X Arksoy
N45-2559 Macoupin X Monetta
N45-2802 Volstate X Palmetto
N45-2885 Haberlandt X Ogden
N45-2994   Ralsoy X OgdenParentage conflict
N45-2994    Arksoy X OgdenParentage conflict
N45-3013 Ralsoy X Ogden
N45-3036 Ralsoy X Ogden
N45-3048 Ralsoy X Ogden
N45-3102 Ralsoy X Ogden
N45-3563 Missoy X Ogden
N45-3726 Palmetto X Ogden
N45-3728 Palmetto X Ogden
N45-3799 Palmetto X Ogden
N45-745 Ogden X C.N.S.
N46-1703 Volstate X Ogden
N46-191 S-100 X Rose Non-pop
N46-2566 S-100 X C.N.S.
N46-2652 Volstate X Palmetto
N46-2802 Volstate X Palmetto
N46-2852 Volstate X Palmetto
N46-2872 Unspecified X Unspecified
N46-2881 Volstate X Palmetto
N46-3008 Volstate X Palmetto
N46-4202 N46-1703 X D49-2525
N47-309 Volstate X C.N.S.
N47-3332 Volstate X Palmetto
N47-3470 Selection from N46-2872Selection from N46-2872
N47-3479 Jackson
PI 548657
Selection from N46-2881Selection from N46-2881
N47-3545 Unspecified X Unspecified
N48-1101 Roanoke X Ogden
N48-1151 Roanoke X Ogden
N48-12-48 Unspecified X Unspecified
N48-1248 Roanoke X N45-745
N48-1394 Roanoke X N45-745
N48-1515 Roanoke X N45-745
N48-1570 Roanoke X N45-745
N48-1574 Roanoke X N45-745
N48-1831 Roanoke X N45-745
N48-1835 Roanoke X N45-745
N48-1867 Roanoke X N45-745
N48-2087 Roanoke X N45-745
N48-2089 Unspecified X Unspecified
N48-2484 N42-26 X N45-745
N48-4860 Ogden X Haberlandt
N48-886 Roanoke X Ogden
N49-2525 Unspecified X Unspecified
N49-533 Roanoke X N45-745
N50-2217 Volstate X Mamotan 6640
N50-2542 Ogden X Biloxi
N51-1403 N48-1248 X Perry
N51-1675 N48-1248 X Perry
N51-1956 Volstate (2) X Palmetto
N51-1971 Roanoke X Ogden
N51-2043 Roanoke X Ogden
N51-2140 Roanoke X N45-745
N51-2186 Roanoke X N45-745
N51-2220 Roanoke X N45-745Sub-line of N48-1867
N51-2302 Roanoke X N45-745
N51-2638 N42-26 X N45-1004
N51-2764 Roanoke X N45-1128
N51-3185 Roanoke X N45-1128
N51-3527 Selection from JacksonSelection from Jackson
N51-3908 Roanoke X N45-745
N53-3494 N46-1703 X D49-2525
N53-3592 N46-1703 X D49-2525
N53-3599 N46-1703 X D49-2525
N53-3646 N46-1703 X D49-2525
N53-5146 N48-1248 X Perry
N53-5263 N46-1703 X N45-2994
N54-1748 Roanoke X N48-1394
N54-1842 Roanoke X N48-1394
N55-2908 Jackson X D49-2491
N55-2934 Jackson X D49-2491
N55-3818 ( N45-2994 x OgdenX ( N44-92 x N48-1867 )
N55-3830 ( N45-2994 x OgdenX ( N44-92 x N48-1867 )
N55-3843 ( N45-2994 x OgdenX ( N44-92 x N48-1867 )
N55-395 Adams X Roanoke
N55-47 Roanoke X Hawkeye
N55-5787 ( N46-1703 x N48-2089X N48-1574
N55-5877 N47-3545 X N48-1835
N55-5931 Roanoke X D49-2491
N56-3901 N48-1574 X ( Roanoke x N45-3799 )
N56-3918 N48-1574 X ( Roanoke x N45-3799 )
N56-4071 N46-1703 X D49-2525
N56-4141 N46-1703 X D49-2525
N56-4202 N46-1703 X D49-2525
N56-5249 Jackson X D49-2491
N57-5461 N48-4860 (2) X N48-2484
N57-6725 Jackson X D49-2491
N57-6736 Jackson X D49-2491
N57-6801 Jackson X D49-2491
N58-3818 Unspecified X Unspecified
N58-5850 N51-1971 X D49-2491
N59-6091 Hill X D52-810
N59-6800 Hill X D52-810
N59-6821 Hill X D52-810
N59-6825 Hill X D52-810
N59-6873 Hill X D52-810
N59-6913 Hill X D52-810
N59-6921 Hill X D52-810
N59-6926 Hill X D52-810
N59-6937 Hill X D52-810
N59-6948 Hill X D52-810
N59-6955 Hill X D52-810
N59-6958 Unspecified X Unspecified
N59-6972 Dare
PI 548987
Hill X D52-810
N60-1926 D58-3358 X D59-9289
N60-5174 D55-4110 X N56-4071
N60-5234 D55-4110 X N56-4071
N60-6053 Hill X D49-2491
N60-6056 Hill X D49-2491
N60-6195 Hill X D49-2491
N60-6352 Hill X D49-2491
N60-6407 Hill X D49-2491
N6001 Young X N94-7350eg No. GP-396, PI 674170
N6002 PI 658498
N6202 X YoungGP-397
N62-136 D58-1899 X D59-2205
N62-2144 ( N52-3908 x N51-1675X ( Ogden x Lee )
N6201 NTCPR92-40
PI 619615
Nakasennari X Young
N6202 PI 619615
N02-70 X G98-142025% Nakasennari
N63-1131 D58-3358 X D59-9289
N63-1206 D58-3358 X D59-9289
N63-1926 D58-3358 X D59-9289
N63-2769 N59-6958 X D52-810
N63-4253 Hill (2) X PI 96983
N63-858 D58-3358 X D59-9289
N63-908 D58-3358 X D59-9289
N64-1758 ( N55-3843 x N55-2908X D56-1192
N64-2423 ( N55-5931 x N58-3818X D56-1185
N64-2430 Ransom
PI 548989
( N55-3843 x N55-2908X D56-1185CV-95
N64-2451 ( N55-3843 x N55-2908X D56-1185
N64-2457 ( N55-5931 x N55-3818X D56-1185
N66-1136 N56-4202 X N57-6801
N66-1221 N56-4202 X N57-6801
N66-1231 N56-4202 X N57-6801
N66-1783 N56-4202 X N57-6801
N66-5236 N56-4202 X D61-3505
N67-3831 Dare X Bragg
N68-3000B Unspecified X Unspecified
N68-358 Dare X N60-5234
N68-415 Dare X D60-5234
N68-96 Dare X N60-5234
N68-97 Dare X N60-5234
N69-332 N55-47 X York
N69-468 N55-395 X N56-4202
N69-5020 D63-6094 X D62-7816
N70-1501 Dare X D65-6765
N70-1540 Dare X D65-6765
N70-1549 Dare X D65-6765
N70-1741 Dare X D65-6765
N70-1816 Dare X D65-6765
N70-2173 Hampton X Ransom
N70-2205 Hampton X Ransom
N70-3037 Unspecified X Unspecified
N7001 N90-7199
PI 615694
N77-114 X PI 416937PVP 200100221
N7002 N7001 X Cook
N7003CN Cook X Anandresistant to all field races of SCN
N7101 NTCPR92-100
PI 619616
Vance X Jizuka
N7102 PI 619617
Vance X PI561386USDA-Agricultural Research Service, PVP 200100286
N7103 NTCPR90-143 X PearlLodging resistant
N72-1014 629-22-27 X Ransom
N72-137 D65-6765 X ( D67-B5 x N64-2451 )
N72-3037 D67-B5 X N64-2451
N72-3038 D67-B5 X N64-2451
N72-3058 F65-1376 X Ransom
N72-3148 D67-B5 X N64-2451
N72-3154 D67-B5 X N64-2451
N72-3167 F65-1376 X Ransom
N72-3189 D65-6765 X Ransom
N72-3213 D67-B5 X N64-2451
N72-337 D65-6765 X ( N64-1758 x N64-2457 )
N72-40 D64-3253 X D65-3168
N72-546 D65-6765 X ( N64-1758 x N64-2451 )
N72-55 D64-3253 X D65-3168
N72-7 D64-3253 X D65-3168
N73-1102 Tracy X Ransom
N73-1286 Tracy X Ransom
N73-40 N66-1783 X Lee 68
N73-520 Tracy (3) X Ransom (2)
N73-520-2 Tracy X Ransom?? Perhaps
N73-520-4 Tracy X Ransom
N73-538 Tracy X Ransom
N73-693 D68-216 X Ransom
N73-877 F67-3944 X Ransom
N73-882 F67-3944 X Ransom
N74-1341 Govan X Ransom
N74-1572 Govan X Davis
N75-2213 Young
PI 508266
Davis X Essex
N76-098 N70-1741 X Essex
N76-1415 N70-2173 X Hutton
N76-1505 N70-2173 X Hutton
N76-1507 Johnston
PI 508267
N70-2173 X Hutton
N76-325 N69-5020 X Essex
N76-683 N70-1501 X N70-2173
N77-114 Essex X N70-2173
N77-1602 Hutton X N70-2205
N77-179 N70-1549 X N72-3213
N77-2703 Unspecified X Unspecified
N77-347 N70-1549 X Centennial
N77-889 N70-1549 X Centennial
N77-907 N70-1549 X Centennial
N77-940 N70-1540 X Centennial
N77432 N70-1549 X Centennial
N78-2117-3 N78-2245 X PI 123440
N78-2245 Various5th cycle population of PI 90406, PI92567, N69-2774
N79-2077 PI 90406
PI 92567
VariousN69-2774 - ms maintianer line
N79-2077-12 Selection from N79-2077Selection from N79-2077
N79-2337 Forrest (2) X 4-74-6-3
N79-491 N70-1501 X Centennial
N79-606 Essex X Centennial
N79-856 Essex X N70-3037
N80-2282 Forrest (2) X 4-74-6-3
N80-777 N70-1501 X ( N72-40 x N73-538 )
N8001 N7001 X Cook
N8002 N7001 X CookConv.
N81-1121 N72-3058 X N73-1102
N81-1756 Ransom X N77-2703
N81-1816 N73-520-2 X Ransom
N81-320 N73-40 X N73-520-4
N8101 PI 654355
NC114 X N7101CV-498
N82-1050 Young X Bay
N82-1198 Young X N73-1102
N82-1893 Wright X N72-3148
N82-1933 Wright X N72-3148
N82-2037 N73-1102 X 330-26-29-4
N83-1014 GaSoy 17 X N77-940
N83-375 N76-098 X N76-683
N84-1299 Selection from RS4Selection from population RS4- cycle1
N84-492 Unspecified X Unspecified
N84-507 N77-114 X N77-907
N84-878 Young X GaSoy 17
N85-4085 Centennial X PI 417409
N85-492 N77-179 X Johnston
N85-574 N77-179 X JohnstonSib of Holladay
N85-578 PI 572239
N77-179 X Johnston
N85-662 Unspecified X Unspecified
N85-67 N77-179 X Epps
N86-397 Young (2) X D76-9665
N86-452 N77-940 X N79-856
N86-491 N77-1602 X F77-1797
N86-7682 N77-114 X Pixie
N86-7687 N77-114 X Pixie
N86-820 Unspecified X Unspecified
N87-2117-3 N78-2245 X PI 123440
N87-2120-3 N79-2077 X PI 123440
N87-2122-4 PI 568261
N78-2245 X N79-2077
N87-298 Unspecified X Unspecified
N87-325 Clifford
PI 596414
N77-114 X N77-179PVP 9700102
N87-445 Davis X N73-1102
N87-539 N79-491 X GaSoy 17
N88-192 N79-856 X N81-320
N88-431 N84-1299 X N82-2037
N88-480 PI 568262
VariousSelection from a random mating population of Arksoy, Ogden, Lee, Roanoke, Jackson, D60-8107 and N69-2774
N89-280 Young X NCR84-V233
N89-3095 Unspecified X Unspecified
N89-566 Young X NCR84-V248
N90-1072 Brim X N80-777
N90-1085 Brim X N80-777
N90-1101 Brim X N80-777
N90-2013 PI 123440 X N79-2077-12
N90-403 G81-152 X N83-375
N90-516 Hutcheson X N83-1014
N90-541 Hutcheson X N83-1014
N90-7199 N7001
PI 615694
N77-114 X PI 416937Released as N7001
N90-7202 N77-114 X PI 416937
N90-7241 GaSoy X PI 416937
N90-804 Brim X N80-777
N90-845 Brim X N80-777
N91-140 Selection from NRS5YSelection from NRS5Y
N91-1639 Unspecified X Unspecified
N91-207 Selection from NRS5YSelection from NRS5Y
N91-245 Selection from NRS5YSelection from NRS5Y
N91-386 N85-4085 X Braxton
N91-404 N85-4085 X Braxton
N91-639 Hutcheson X N84-878
N91-7202 Unspecified X Unspecified
N91-7254 Davis X PI 416937
N91-78 Unspecified X Unspecified
N91-8005 N77-114 X PI 416937
N91-8006 Unspecified X Unspecified
N92-189 AU82-211 X N85-578
N92-195 Unspecified X Unspecified
N92-32 N85-492 X PI 43832B
N92-3907 Unspecified X Unspecified
N92-598 97668
N85-492 X N84-507
N92-610 N85-492 X PI 438302B
N92-612 N85-492 X PI 438302B
N92-727 AU82-211 X N85-578
N92-8231 Unspecified X Unspecified
N93-110-6 Unspecified X Unspecified
N93-1188 Unspecified X Unspecified
N93-1264 Brim X PI 416937
N93-132 PI 614702
Brim X ( N87-2117-3 x Brim )
N93-2007-4 Unspecified X Unspecified
N93-318 N86-820 X Lamar
N93-430 Brim X Stonewall
N93-54 N85-67 X Holladay
N93-54 RR N93-54 X MON RR
N93-66 N85-67 X Holladay
N93-7133 Young X Enrei
N93-739 Brim X ( N87-2120-3 x Brim )
N94-199 Brim (3) X N87-2120-3
N94-208 Holladay (2) X ( N87-2122-4 x N89-3095 )
N94-2473 Unspecified X Unspecified
N94-3405 N87-539 X Hartwig
N94-532 Cook X Clifford
N94-537 Cook X Clifford
N94-546 Cook X Clifford
N94-550 Holladay X Brim
N94-550RR Unspecified X Unspecified
N94-552 Holladay X Brim
N94-552 RR Unspecified X Unspecified
N94-7350 Young X Suzutaka
N94-7440 NTCPR90-143 X Pearl
N94-7441 NTCPR90-143 X Pearl
N94-7784 Celeste X Crawford
N95-198 Prolina X Corsica
N95-492 Unspecified X Unspecified
N95-614 NC-Raleigh
N85-492 X N88-480
N95-621 N84-492 X N88-480
N95-723 N85-662 X AU87-547
N95-7296 Young X Funk's Delicious
N95-7390 Young X Fukuyutaka
N95-7391 Young X Fukuyataka
N95-7409 Unspecified X Unspecified
N96-180 N87-298 X Cook
N96-556 N87-298 X NRS5Y
N96-6717 NTCPR92-64 X NTCPR92-5
N96-6730 TCPR92-64 X TCPR92-5
N96-6732 Unspecified X Unspecified
N96-6733 Unspecified X Unspecified
N96-6752 N91-7202 X N90-7199
N96-6755 N90-7202 X N90-7199
N96-6767 N90-7202 X N90-7199
N96-6783 N91-7202 X N90-7199
N96-6800 N91-7202 X N90-7199
N96-6806 N90-7202 X N90-7199
N96-6809 N90-7202 X N90-7199
N96-6894 M90-7216 X N90-7202
N96-7018 N90-7199 X N90-7241
N96-7031 N90-7199 X N90-7241
N96-7157 Holladay X N91-8006
N96-7211 Holladay X N91-8006
N96-752 N87-298 X Cook
N97-10074 N90-7199 X N91-8005
N97-3363-3TN12 Unspecified X UnspecifiedHi oleic acid selection from NC line.
N97-3525 Satelite
N93-132 X [ Brim (2) x ( N88-431 (2) x N35-2-19 ) ]
N97-467 Graham X D87-4429
N97-61 N90-541 X N90-1101
N97-9599 N90-7199 X Cook
N97-9612 N90-7199 X Cook
N97-9636 N90-7199 X Cook
N97-9658 N90-7199 X Cook
N97-9677 M90-7199 X Cook
N97-9693 N90-7199 X Cook
N97-9783 N90-7199 X N91-7254
N97-9788 N90-7199 X N91-7254
N97-9812 N90-7199 X N91-7254
N97-9827 N90-7199 X N91-7254
N97-984 N90-541 X N90-1101
N97-9944 N90-7199 X N91-8005
N98-223 V88-494 X N90-1101
N98-234 V88-494 X N90-1101
N98-274 Unspecified X Unspecified
N98-293 N91-78 X SC89-181
N98-4445 Unspecified X Unspecified
N98-4445A PI 636691
N94-2473 X ( N93-2007-4 x N92-3907 )GP-313
N98-445 Cook X N93-1188
N98-445A Unspecified X Unspecified
N98-479 Cook X N93-1188
N98-6384 Unspecified X Unspecified
N98-6403 N87-539 (3) X Hartwig
N98-7165 Unspecified X Unspecified
N98-7182 Hutcheson X PI 471938
N98-7261 Hutcheson X PI 471938
N98-7265 Hutcheson X PI 471938
N98-7275 Hutcheson X PI 471938
N98-7288 Hutcheson X PI 471938
N98-7289 Hutcheson X PI 471938
N98-74 N91-78 X SC89-181
N98-7833 PI 407948
Selection from PI 407948Selection from PI 407948
N98-7881 Clifford X Blue Side
N98-7893 Unspecified X Unspecified
N98-7961 N90-7199 X NTCPR93-283
N98-8597 Unspecified X Unspecified
N99-186 N90-516 X N90-845
N99-244 N90-516 X N90-845
N99-510 N92-32 X K1309
N99-579 N92-32 X K1309
N99-58 N92-32 X K1309
N99-701 N93-1264 X D91-4759
N99-8119 N90-7199 X Graham
N99-8137 N7001 X Graham
N99-8141 N7001 X Graham
N99-8234 Clifford X NTCPR92-40
NA91-501002 Unspecified X Unspecified
Nagano 1 PI 594225 A
NIAR 032048
introductionJapan ca. 1993
Nagyszemu Feher Unspecified X Unspecified
Nairn -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFunk Seeds International, Inc., PVP 7600073
Nakasennari Selection from PI 507079Introduced from Japan
NAM64A-20 Unspecified X Unspecified
Namikawa Unspecified X Unspecified
Namredo Selection from Mammoth Yellow
Nanda PI 548474
Selection from PI 95727Shariin 1932, selection from PI 95727
Nangun Takedate PI 594228
Unspecified X Unspecified
Nanking PI 71597
C.N.S. ??
IntroductionIntroduced from Jiangsu, CN
Nanksoy Selection from PI 104881Nanking, Cn
Nannonatto PI 631438
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200200264
Nansemond UnknownFarmer selection
NAPB HP20-20 Unspecified X Unspecified
NAPB HS235 C1426 X Marshall
Narow R74-511A
PI 553052
R66-873 X Mack
Nathan J74-51
Forrest (2) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
NattoKing K86 PI 556856
B216R X T215King Agro Inc., PVP 8700191
NC 97-61 Unspecified X Unspecified
NC ROY N94-552
SY 105001
PI 617045
Holladay X BrimU.S. Department of Agriculture/Agriculture Research Service and N.C. Agriculture Research Service, PVP 200100220
NC-Burton CV-504
PI 664026
TN93-99 X FowlerF6, CV-504
NC-Dilday N99-8137 X TN99-117Conv., Diversity
NC-Dunphy MD99-6226 X N97-9677
NC-Miller N02-417
PI 665018
Santee X HolladayPVP 201200307
NC-Raleigh PI 641156
N85-492 X N88-480
NC-Roy N94-552
PI 617045
SY 105001
Holladay X Brim
NC-Roy RR NC-Roy X MON RRPresumably based on NC-Roy
NC-Tinius PI 664027
TN99-76,077 X VT91-3036CV-503
NC-Wilder R97-1634 X N97-9693Conv., 12.5% exotic from PI 416937
NC114 NTCPR90-143 X Pearl
NC17-6025 R00-1194F X PI 200487
NC55 Lee (4) X Peking
NC565 Unspecified X Unspecified
NC7308A1-COYN Unspecified X Unspecified
NC97-3363-3TN24 Unspecified X Unspecified
NCC01-153 TN94-213 X MD94-5396
NCC01-250RR Unspecified X Unspecified
NCC01-256RR J94-7 X TN93-87RR
NCC01-69 TN93-99 X J94-7
NCC02-20578 PI 664026
TN93-99 X FowlerF6, CV-504
NCC02-21183 TN93-99 X Fowler
NCC02-22219 PI 664027
V91-3036 X TN98-76077
NCC02-24030RR TN99-76194 X TN93-99RR
NCC02-307 Anand X MD94-5396
NCC02-317 TN93-142-17 X Fowler
NCC02-329 TN93-99 X Anand
NCC03-105RR TN93-142 (3) X MON RR
NCC03-149RR TN93-142 (3) X MON RR
NCC04-14762R TN96-58 X NC-Roy RR (1)
NCC04-1555 MD97-5905 X N98-274
NCC04-5336 NC97-61 X N94-552 RR (1)
NCC04-5336R NC97-61 X NC-Roy RR (1)
NCC04-619 N97-61 X TN96-64
NCC04-624 N97-61 X TN96-64
NCC04-734 N97-61 X TN96-64
NCC04-8020 TN96-58 X Clifford RR (3)
NCC04-8610 TN96-58 X N93-54 RR (2)
NCC05-1168 TN97-167 X S99-2281
NCC05-1261 TN97-167 X S99-2281
NCC05-1323 TN97-167 X S99-2281
NCC05-1336 TN97-167 X S99-2281
NCC05-1543 N97-61 X N95-614
NCC05-4512R TN96-68 X ( TN96-58 x N94-550RR )
NCC05-456 TN96-58 X Delsoy 5710
NCC05-7568R N99-244 X ( N98-74 x N94-550RR )
NCC05-7649R N99-244 X ( N98-74 x N94-550RR )
NCC06-1090 N99-8137 X TN99-117
NCC06-148 S00-9925-10 X DT99-17400
NCC06-2188 TN96-58 X V96-0340
NCC06-339 S00-9925-10 X DT99-17400
NCC06-5754R TN99-184 X NC-Roy RR
NCC06-579 TN96-58 X DT99-16864
NCC06-5894R TN99-184 X NC-Roy RR
NCC06-7018R N97-9612 X NC-Roy RR
NCC06-899 R97-1634 X N97-9693
NCC06-929 R97-1634 X N97-9693
NCC07-1148R V00-1988 X [ R98-1817 x ( TN96-58 x N94-550RR ) ]
NCC07-241R R99-2172 X NCC01-250RR
NCC07-7496 K1530 X NC-Roy
NCC07-7506 K1530 X NC-Roy
NCC07-7590 K1530 X NC-Roy
NCC07-7714 K1530 X NC-Roy
NCC07-7961 MD99-6226 X N97-9677
NCC07-8138 MD99-6226 X N97-9677Diversity
NCC07-8693 R99-2070 X MD00-6015
NCC07-869R V00-1988 X [ R98-1817 x ( TN96-58 x N94-550RR ) ]
NCC07-8792 R99-2070 X MD00-6015
NCC07-974R V00-1988 X [ R98-1817 x ( TN96-58 x N94-550RR ) ]
NCC08-205 Unspecified X Unspecified
NCC08-208 Unspecified X Unspecified
NCC08-247 Unspecified X Unspecified
NCC09-135 Unspecified X Unspecified
NCC09-1603 Unspecified X Unspecified
NCC09-200718-6-36 Unspecified X Unspecified
NCC09-200719-1-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
NCC09-200719-1-37 NCC04-619 X NCC04-1555
NCC09-200720-1-31 Unspecified X Unspecified
NCC09-200722-2-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
NCR84-V233 Unspecified X Unspecified
NCR84-V248 Unspecified X Unspecified
ND Benson Unspecified X Unspecified
ND Bison PI 680568
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 201700086
ND Dickey ND13-4508
Pioneer P91M10 X Sheyenne
ND Henson PI 675334
ND03-5679 X HamlinCV-517
ND Rolette ND12-15647
M00-30755 X ND05-17649
ND Stutsman Sheyenne X LaMoure (2)
ND(M)87-2263 McCall X PI 470930
ND(M)90-370 M81-27 X M83-16
ND(M)90-705 Toyopro X Kato
ND(M)90-722 M83-422 X M81-18
ND(M)91-895 M81-27 X M85-52
ND00-2756 M91-895 X ND93-5849
ND00-2761 M91-895 X ND93-5849
ND00-2763 M91-895 X ND93-5849
ND00-2765 M91-895 X ND93-5849
ND00-2774 M91-895 X ND93-5849
ND00-547 Pioneer P9092 X Korada
ND00-560 Pioneer P9092 X Korada
ND00-908 ND93-6064 X ND92-2381
ND01-1690 Pioneer P9092 X ND95-958
ND01-1912 Pioneer P9092 X ND95-958
ND01-2006 Proto X NorproRps6
ND01-2621 ND95-952 X Pioneer P9004
ND01-2765 Unspecified X Unspecified
ND01-3533 IA1009 X ND95-952
ND01-3533   A95-583021 X ND95-952Parentage conflict. NUST 2012
ND01-3533    IA1009 X ND95-952Parentage conflict. NUST 2004
ND01-3559 Pioneer P91B01 X ND92-2381
ND01-3739 ND95-952 X A96-492041
ND01-3901 Unspecified X Unspecified
ND01-4249 Pioneer P9092 X ND95-958
ND02-2367 PI 655938
ND95-952 X CouncilF4, CV-500
ND02-2559 ND95-958 X Council
ND02-3783 ND95-938 X Korada
ND02-4166 ND95-938 X Traill
ND02-971   Celeste X CrawfordParentage conflict. NUST 2014
ND02-971    ND92-2381 X ND95-938Parentage conflict. NUST 2005
ND02-992 ND92-2381 X ND95-938
ND03-4757 ND96-1593 X Pioneer P9061
ND03-5030 Barnes X SD96-33
ND03-5037 Barnes X SD96-33
ND03-5047 Barnes X SD96-33
ND03-5441 Barnes X MN9002CN
ND03-5672 Barnes X SD96-33
ND03-5679 Barnes X SD96-33
ND03-6793 Walsh X AC Orford
ND03-6795 Walsh X AC Orford
ND03-7267 Walsh X MN9002CN
ND03-7538 Barnes X MN9002CN
ND03-7566 Barnes X MN9002CN
ND03-7747 Barnes X A95-583021
ND04-10046 Unspecified X Unspecified
ND04-10637 ND1100S
ND97-1120 X ErinNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 201200030
ND04-11329 ( SD96-702 x LodaX MN0902CN
ND04-11421 ( SD96-702 x LodaX MN0902CN
ND04-12603 Selection from IAR2101SCNMaybe a selection
ND05-17649 MN302 X ( ND95-1564 x MN201 )
ND05-17835 MN0302 X ND95-1564
ND06-25513 MN1006 X ND01-2765
ND06-4642 PI 673929
Norpro X ProSoyCV-516
ND06-5248 ND00-547 X Walsh
ND07-18644 Unspecified X Unspecified
ND07-2019 LaMoure X ND01-1690
ND07-2205 LaMoure X ND01-1690
ND07-2303 ND01-3559 X ND99-2169
ND07-2330 Unspecified X Unspecified
ND07-3761 ProSoy X ND01-2006
ND07-3987 M96-356062 X Ashtabula
ND07-3994 M96-356062 X Ashtabula
ND07-4027 M96-356062 X Ashtabula
ND07-4069 ND02-2559 X A00-711013
ND07-4635 MN1006CN X Walsh
ND08-7287 Traill X Pembina
ND09-3153 ND02-992 X ND03-7747
ND09-3155 ND02-992 X ND03-7747
ND09-3170 ND02-992 X ND03-7747
ND09-3175 ND02-992 X ND03-7747
ND09-3180 ND02-992 X ND03-7747
ND09-3344 ND03-7267 X ND03-5679
ND09-3381 ND03-7267 X ND03-5679
ND09-3416 ND03-7267 X ND03-5679
ND09-3437 ND03-5030 X ND03-6793
ND09-3505 Cavalier X Pembina
ND09-3724 Cavalier X ND02-3783
ND09-4027 Cavalier X ND03-6795
ND09-4592 ND03-7538 X ( ND01-1912 x M95-255017 )
ND09-5604 PI 675334
ND Henson
ND03-5679 X HamlinCV-517
ND09-5706 ND03-7267 X Sheyenne
ND09-5800 ND03-7267 X Sheyenne
ND10-2479 Unspecified X Unspecified
ND10-2522 ND03-7566 X ND03-5441
ND10-2763 Sheyenne X ND03-5441
ND10-2769 Sheyenne X ND03-5441
ND10-2993 ND04-11329 X ND03-7566
ND10-3067 ND Stutsman
Sheyenne X LaMoure (2)
ND10-3401 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure (2) )
ND10-3417 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure (2) )
ND10-3419 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure (2) )
ND10-3427 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure (2) )
ND10-3446 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure (2) )
ND10-3449 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure (2) )
ND10-3459 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure (2) )
ND10-3464 ND Benson
ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure )
ND10-3473 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure (2) )
ND10-3495 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure (2) )
ND10-3600 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure )
ND10-3601 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure )
ND10-3610 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure )
ND10-4423 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x LaMoure (2) )
ND10-4677 Unspecified X Unspecified
ND10-4839 ND03-5441 X ND03-6793
ND10-4865 ND04-12603 X ND03-5037
ND1005T N04-10327
PI 660538
NorPro X TraillNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 201100097
ND11-16241 Sheyenne (2) X ND03-7566
ND11-16587 Ashtabula X Sheyenne
ND11-19539 Ashtabula X Sheyenne
ND11-19725 ND03-7566 X ( ND03-5441 x Pioneer XB15H(STS) )
ND1100S ND04-10637
PI 664265
ND97-1120 X ErinNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 201200030
ND12-15628 M00-30755 X ND05-17649
ND12-15647 ND Rolette
M00-30755 X ND05-17649
ND12-15670 M00-30755 X ND05-17649
ND12-19542 Cavalier X ( Wallace x Sheyenne )
ND12-20515 RG607RR X Ashtabula
ND12-20766(GT) Unspecified X Unspecified
ND12-20771(GT) Unspecified X Unspecified
ND12-20902(GT) Unspecified X Unspecified
ND12-21211 OAC06-02 X RG7008RR
ND12-21284(GT) Unspecified X Unspecified
ND12-21458(GT) Unspecified X Unspecified
ND12-21469(GT) Unspecified X Unspecified
ND12-21598 ND17009GT
OAC 07-26C X RG607RR
ND12-21716(GT) Unspecified X Unspecified
ND12-23230 RG405RR X ( Sheyenne x LaMoure )
ND12-24081 RG200RR X ND07-18569
ND13-4508 Pioneer P91M10 X Sheyenne
ND13-4810 Pioneer P91M10 X ProSoy
ND13-7510 ND04-10046 X Pioneer P91M10
ND13-7564 SD03-2154 X ( Sheyenne x LaMoure-1 )
ND13-7810 ND03-7566 X ND06-25513
ND13-8691 ND06-25513 X ( Ashtabula x Sheyenne )
ND13-8892 Pioneer P91M10 X Sheyenne
ND13-8894 Pioneer P91M10 X Sheyenne
ND13-9073 Pioneer P91M10 X ( Ashtabula x Sheyenne-1 )
ND14-2194 ND07-4069 X ND07-3994
ND14-2373 Hamlin X Duel
ND14-23953 ND07-4635 X RG7008RR
ND14-2631 Ashtabula X ND07-3987
ND14-2661 Astabula X ND07-3987
ND14-2671 ND07-4635 X ND03-7566
ND14-2677 ND07-4635 X ND03-7566
ND14-2678 ND07-4635 X ND03-7566
ND14-2695 Unspecified X Unspecified
ND14-3068 ND07-2330 X ND07-3994
ND14-3442 ND07-2019 X Pembina
ND14-3606 Duel X AR09-1919050
ND14-3926 Sheyenne X ND07-4635
ND14-4327 Sheyenne X ND07-1816
ND14-4455 ND04-11421 X Sheyenne
ND14-4462 ND04-11421 X Sheyenne
ND14-4468 ND04-11421 X Sheyenne
ND14-4507 ND04-11421 X Sheyenne
ND14-4598 ND1005T X Sheyenne
ND14-5440 Ashtabula X Sheyenne
ND14-5732 RG200RR X ND08-7287
ND14-5881 RG200RR X Cavalier
ND14-5895 RG200RR X Cavalier
ND14-6120 ND21008GT20
Duel X RG607RR
ND14-6120GT Unspecified X Unspecified
ND14-6238 RG200RR X ND04-11421
ND14-6283 ND05-17835 X ( OAC6-20 x RG7008RR-1 )
ND14-6284 ND05-17835 X ( OAC6-20 x RG7008RR-1 )
ND14-6288 ND05-17835 X ( OAC6-20 x RG7008RR-1 )
ND14-6963 ND03-7566 X RG200RR
ND14-7610 Ashtabula X [ Ashtabula x ( RG7008RR x Sheyenne-1 ) ]
ND14-7738 ( RG405RR x Sheyenne-1X ( Ashtabula x RG607RR-1 )
ND14-8101 ND03-7566 X ( Sheyenne x RG607RR-1 )
ND14-8129 ND07-4027 X [ Ashtabula x ( RG7008RR x Sheyenne-1 ) ]
ND14-8364 ND07-2330 X ( Pioneer P91M10 x RG7008RR-1 )
ND14-8628 ND07-4050 X ( RG7008RR x Sheyenne-1 )
ND14-8899 ND07-4635 X ( OAC06-20 x RG7008RR-1 )
ND1406HP PI 673929
Norpro X ProSoyCV-516
ND15-17909 Surge X Pioneer 91M10
ND15-18005 ND07-2205 X Pioneer 91M10
ND15-18237 ND07-2205 X Sheyenne
ND15-18287 ND07-2205 X Sheyenne
ND15-18939 M05-363022 X MN1410
ND15-19289 M03-172059 X Sheyenne
ND15-19597 M03-172059 X ND07-2205
ND15-19739 M03-172059 X ND08-9141
ND15-20392 ND08-9127 X ND07-3761
ND15-20399 ND08-9127 X ND07-3761
ND15-20563(GT) MN1410 X ( RG607RR x Sheyenne )
ND15-20592(GT) MN1410 X ( RG607RR x Sheyenne )
ND15-20611(GT) MN1410 X ( RG607RR x Sheyenne )
ND15-20625(GT) MN1410 X ( RG607RR x Sheyenne )
ND15-20680(GT) ( MN1410 x SheyenneX ( Ashtabula x RG7008RR )
ND15-20996(GT) ( ND07-2303 x DuelX [ Ashtabula x ( RG607RR x Sheyenne )]
ND15-21885(GT) ND07-2205 X ( RG607RR x Sheyenne )
ND15-22128(GT) ( ND07-3376 x ND07-3684X ( OAC06-02 x RG6076RR )
ND15-22860(GT) MN1410 X ( RG607RR x Sheyenne )
ND15-22872(GT) ( MN1410 x SheyenneX ( Ashtabula x RG7008RR )
ND15-22873 Unspecified X Unspecified
ND15-22873(GT) ND2108GT73
( MN1410 x SheyenneX ( Ashtabula x RG7008RR )
ND15-22880(GT) ( MN1410 x SheyenneX ( Ashtabula x RG7008RR )
ND15-22887(GT) ( MN1410 x SheyenneX ( Ashtabula x RG7008RR )
ND15-23466(GT) ( ND07-2205 x ND05-17855X ( Ashtabula x RG607RR )
ND15-23848(GT) ( M03-172059 x AshtabulaX ( RG607RR x Sheyenne )
ND15-24953(GT) ( ND07-2205 x SheyenneX ( Ashtabula x RG7008RR )
ND15-24970(GT) ( ND07-2205 x Sheyenne )  X ( Ashtabula x RG7008RR )
ND15-25587(GT) ( Sheyenne x ND07-4069X ( RG405RR x Ashtabula )
ND15-25926(GT) ( MN1410 x SheyenneX ( Ashtabula x RG607RR )
ND15-25933(GT) ( MN1410 x SheyenneX ( Ashtabula x RG7008RR )
ND15-4064 MN1410 X ND07-3947
ND15-4106 MN1410 X ND07-3947
ND15-4271 MN1410 X ND07-3376
ND15-5190 Pioneer 91M10 X ND07-2260
ND15-6207 ND08-9127 X ND07-3376
ND15-6956 Surge X ND07-3947
ND16-10069GT ( ND10-3473 x ND07-3987X ( RG7008RR x ND03-5441 )
ND16-10359GT ( ND10-3495 x ND04-11421X ( P.91M10 x RG7008RR )
ND16-10485GT NDND10-3473 X ( ND03-7556 x RG200RR )
ND16-10491GT ND10-3773 X ( ND03-7556 x RG7008RR )
ND16-11108GT ND10-3495 X ND07-18644
ND16-11172GT ND10-3473 x ND07-3987 X ( RG7008RR x ND03-5441 )
ND16-11368GT ( M05-363022 x ND07-3987X ( RG7008RR x ND03-5441 )
ND16-11448GT ND10-2522 x ND07-3987 X ( RG7008RR x ND03-5441 )
ND16-11454GT M05-363022 x ND07-3987 X ( RG7008RR x ND03-5441 )
ND16-11624GT ( ND10-3495 x ND04-11421X ( P.91M10 x RG200RR )
ND16-11836GT ( M05-363022 x ND04-11421X ( P.91M10 x RG7008RR )
ND16-12086GT Ashtabula X ND07-18644
ND16-2739 ND10-3459 X ND07-2205
ND16-3035 ND10-2763 X ND10-2522
ND16-3107 ND10-3459 X ND10-2763
ND16-4031 ND10-3495 X ND Stutsman
ND16-5352 ND07-3761 X ND10-2522
ND16-5639 ND10-3413 X ND Bison
ND16-6045 ND07-2303 X M05-363022
ND16-6745 ND10-3460 X MN1401
ND16-6769 ND10-3495 X M05-363022
ND16-6908 ND10-2763 X ND10-2522
ND16-7108 AR191018 X Ashtabula
ND16-7155 AR191018 X Ashtabula
ND16-7175 AR191018 X Ashtabula
ND16-7176 AR191018 X Ashtabula
ND16-7274 AR191018 X ND07-2205
ND16-7291 AR191018 X ND07-2205
ND16-7704 ND10-3413 X ND10-3048
ND16-7744 ND10-3048 X M05-363022
ND16-7895 ND10-3495 X ND Stutsman
ND16-7896 ND10-3495 X ND Stutsman
ND16-7913 ND10-3495 X ND Stutsman
ND16-8064 ND10-3460 X ND10-3323
ND16-8257 ND10-3459 X ND10-2479
ND16-8305 ND10-2479 X ND10-2522
ND16-8821 Sheyenne X ND10-3600
ND16-8865 ND07-3761 X ND10-2522
ND16-8873 ND07-3761 X ND10-2522
ND16-8909 ND10-2763 X ND07-3761
ND16-9606 ND10-2763 X M05-363022
ND16-9741GT ND10-3473 X ND07-18633GT
ND16-9745GT ND10-3473 X ND07-18633GT
ND16-9755GT ND10-3743 X ND07-18633GT
ND16-9796GT ND10-2522 X ND07-18644
ND17-17290(GT) ND12-20771(GT) X ND10-4423
ND17-18763(GT) ND12-21716(GT) X ND10-4423
ND17-19726(GT) ND10-3495 X ND12-21469(GT)
ND17-19739(GT) ND10-3495 X ND12-21469(GT)
ND17-20229(GT) ND12-21469(GT) X ND10-2993
ND17-20264(GT) ND12-21469(GT) X ND10-2993
ND17-20565 ND10-3601 X Pioneer 91M10
ND17-20727 ND10-3601 X Pioneer 91M10
ND17-20728 ND10-3610 X Pioneer 91M10
ND17-20754 ND10-3610 X Pioneer 91M10
ND17-21410 ND10-3495 X ND10-4677
ND17-21922 ND10-3610 X Pioneer 91M10
ND17-21929 ND10-3610 X Pioneer 91M10
ND17-22117 ND10-3610 X Pioneer 91M10
ND17-22120 ND10-3610 X Pioneer 91M10
ND17-22388 Pioneer 91M10 X ND10-2993
ND17-24101(GT) ND12-21716(GT) X ND10-4423
ND17-24158(GT) ND10-4423 X ND12-20902(GT)
ND17-24362(GT) ND12-21211 X ND10-3601
ND17-25230(GT) ND10-3473 X ND12-21458(GT)
ND17-25371(GT) ND10-3473 X ND12-21284(GT)
ND17-25996(GT) ND12-20766(GT) X ND10-4423
ND17-26003(GT) ND12-20766(GT) X ND10-4423
ND17009GT OAC07-26C X RG607RR
ND18-17021 ND10-3067 X M08-218089
ND18-18363 ND11-16241 X ND10-3464
ND18-18416 ND11-16241 X ND11-16587
ND18-19021 ND11-19539 X ND12-15670
ND18-22422GT ND12-20515 X ND10-3464
ND18008GT RG200RR X ND07-18569
ND19-13905 ND10-3067 X ND12-15670
ND19-18020(GT) ND10-2763 X ND12-23230
ND20-12884 ND14-2695 X M10-181003
ND20-13062 Pioneer 91M10 X ND Bison
ND20-14884 ND14-3926 X ND Bison
ND20-15478 ND Bison X M07-209037
ND20-16667(GT) ND11-19725 X ND14-6120
ND20-17783(GT) ND14-8899 X ND Bison
ND20-17978(GT) ND14-8899 X ND Bison
ND20-18789(GT) ND Benson X ND14-5732
ND20-18871(GT) ND11-19725 X ND14-8101
ND2328 Wilkin X L62-973
ND2329 Wilkin X L62-361
ND2330 Wilkin X L62-973
ND2337 Wilkin X L62-361
ND2338 Wilkin X L62-361
ND2353 Wilkin X L62-361
ND2361 ( BD21115 x SRF 150X ( Merit x Anoka )
ND2373 Wilkin X L62-973
ND372-8 Illini X MandarinRe-coded from (F)
ND457-18 Cayuga X Hudson Manchu
ND457-28 Cayuga X Hudson Manchu
ND801 Merit X L62-973
ND803 Wilkin X L62-361
ND851 ( BD21115 x SRF 150X ( Merit x Anoka )
ND852 Wilkin X L62-361
ND854 SRF-150
( BD21115 x SRF 150X ( Merit x Anoka )
ND855 Wilkin X L62-361
ND861 Wilkin X L62-361
ND862 Wilkin X L62-361
ND863 Wilkin X L62-361
ND864 Wilkin X L62-361
ND865 Wilkin X L62-361
ND866 Wilkin X L62-361
ND867 Wilkin X L62-361
ND868 Wilkin X L62-361
ND88-686 Evans X Bicentennial
ND88-800 Maple Amber X EvansFull sib of Walsh
ND89-1112 McCall X Maple Ridge
ND91-2721 Jim
Sigco KG20 X M81-18
ND92-2381 M83-64 X Pioneer P9061
ND92-2381RR ND92-2381 (3) X Resnik RR
ND93-5849 KG20 X Maple Donovan
ND93-6064 Agassiz X Pioneer P9061
ND93-6247 Pioneer P9061 X Evans
ND94-7784 Unspecified X Unspecified
ND941 Selection from WilkinSelection from Wilkin
ND95-1215 M90-665 X ND88-800
ND95-1564 Parker X Pioneer P9061
ND95-6634 Alpha X OT90-9
ND95-931C RR Barnes (3) X ( Council x Resnik RR )
ND95-938   ND88-800 X Pioneer P9061Parentage conflict. NUST 2007
ND95-938    ND88-800 X Pioneer P9092Parentage conflict. NUST 2012
ND95-952 ND88-800 X Pioneer P9061
ND95-955 ND88-800 X Pioneer P9061
ND95-958   ND88-800 X Pioneer P9061Parentage conflict. NUST 2013
ND95-958    ND88-800 X Pioneer P9093Parentage conflict. NUST 2011
ND96-1006 Glacier X Council
ND96-1593 PI 615585
ND88-800 X Council
ND96-8811 ND88-800 X Council
ND96-8929 PI 615586
ND88-800 X Council
ND97-1211 Glacier X Lambert
ND98-2252 La Moure
SD92-1323 X M90-370
ND99-0408 M91-564 X Pioneer P9092
ND99-0413 M91-564 X Pioneer P9092
ND99-1002 SD92-1323 X Jim
ND99-2169 M91-564 X Pioneer P9092
ND99-2608 M91-564 X Pioneer P9092
ND99-2621 M91-564 X Pioneer P9092
ND99-3315 M91-564 X ND93-5849
ND99-4022 Norpro X Kato
ND99-N2282 ND93-5849 X Pioneer P9004
NDI019 Merit X SRF 100
NDPJE-14-133 N07-14221 X Clifford
NDPJE-14-194 N07-14221 X Clifford
NDPJE-14-217 N07-14221 X Clifford
NE0800087 06NB199076 X ( M815869 x 97824-N00-47977 )
NE0800097 WW115926 X 98211-A01-36153
NE0900094 Unspecified X Unspecified
NE0912640 PI 669419
02JR318004 X Asgrow A3244RR2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300414
NE1115163 PI 669417
NE0800097 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN ) Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300412
NE1900 U95-2418
NE2802 Unspecified X Unspecified
NE3001 Colfax X A91-701035NAM Strain
NE32022 Unspecified X Unspecified
NE3400 PI 614832
Selection from MSBP1Selection from MSBP1 population
Nebsoy PI 548566
C1432 X C1430PVP 8000031
Nema Shirazu PI 594231
Selection from Geden ShirazuSelection from Geden Shirazu
Nemashirazu PI 342004
Touhoku 6
Newton PI 543855
BSR 101 X CN210
NEX2403K2R Unspecified X Unspecified
NEX2803Y3R Unspecified X Unspecified
NEX2905A0R Unspecified X Unspecified
NEX3301H1R Unspecified X Unspecified
NG 2.4 Unspecified X Unspecified
NIAR 040303 Unspecified X Unspecified
NIDERA A 3289RG PI 648324
NU9489 X 40-3-2Nidera S.A., PVP 200600252
NIDERA A 4209RG PI 648319
NU9401 X 40-3-2Nidera S.A., PVP 200600247
NIDERA A 4613RG PI 648323
Pioneer P943484 X 40-3-2Nidera S.A., PVP 200600251
NIDERA A 5009RG PI 648318
NZ9227 X XI70821RGNidera S.A., PVP 200600243
NIDERA A 5485RG PI 648321
Asgrow A5402 X XI59739Nidera S.A., PVP 200600249
NIDERA A 5543RG PI 648320
Asgrow A54909 X Asgrow A5634RGNidera S.A., PVP 200600248
NIDERA A 7708RG PI 648322
Asgrow A7852 X ( Asgrow A7986 ( 2 ) x 40-3-2 ) Nidera S.A., PVP 200600250
Nile PI 572240
Forrest X Union
NLM09-52 N6202 X G98SF114High Protein/Diversity/12.5% Nakasennari
NLM09-77 N6202 X G98SF114High Protein X Diversity X 12.5% Nakasennari
NMS4-1-45 Unspecified X Unspecified
NMS4-1-77 Unspecified X Unspecified
NMS4-1-83 N7103 X PI 366122Diversity soja PI 366122
NMS4-175-709 N7103 X PI 366122Diversity soja PI 366122
NMS4-19-243 N7103 X PI 366122HI PROTEIN 29% SNP SOJA, Soja PI
NMS4-37-308-1 N7103 X PI 366122Diversity
NMS4-44-329 N7103 X PI 366122
NMS4-52-390 N7103 X PI 366122
NMS4-6-10 N7103 X PI 36612225% SNP SOJA, Soja PI
NMS5-101-2-203 N7103 X PI 366122(50% exotic pedigree), G. soja PI
NMS5-11-1-4 N7103 X PI 36612240% SNP SOJA PI 366122, G. soja PI
NMS5-111-6 N7103 X PI 366122
NMS5-253-1-537 N7103 X PI 366122DIV (50% exotic pedigree)
NMS5-48-2-75 Unspecified X Unspecified
No. 171 IntroductionSochentze, Heilongjiang, CN, No PI number
Noir 1 PI 290136
IntroductionCollected in France
Noir1-SGC-01 Noir 1
Selection from PI 290136Noir 1 subline
Norchief PI 548601
Hawkeye X Flambeau
Norman PI 548535
Acme X Hardome
Nornatto PI 631437
Danatto X ( Chico x PI437296 ) NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200200263
Norpro ND92-1111
Ozzie X Proto
Norsoy Unknownunknown (from a farmer in Minnesota)
Northrup King 9436 NK 9436
Corsoy X Wayne
Northrup King RA-452 NK RA-452
NK RA452
Northrup King RA452
Williams X Essex
Northrup King S1244 NK S1244
Corsoy X Wayne
Northrup King S1346 NK S1346
A55-4629-4 X PI 257435
Northrup King S1474 PI 556482
NK S1244
Hark X Wayne
Northrup King S1492 S1492
NK S1492
Corsoy X Wayne
Northrup King S15-50 S15-50
NK S15-50
PI 556765
Syngenta S15-50
[ Mack x Corsoy x Pride B216 (2) ] X ( Northrup King S1492 x Lee 74 )
Northrup King S18-84 S18-84
NK S18-84
PI 556644
Northrup King S1492 (4) X Tracy
Northrup King S19-90 S19-90
NK S19-90
Northrup King S19-90
PI 556897
Syngenta S19-90
Pride B216 X Pella
Northrup King S20-12 S20-12
NK S20-12
Unspecified X Unspecified
Northrup King S20-13 Unspecified X Unspecified
Northrup King S20-20 S20-20
NK S20-20
PI 540880
Pride B152 X CM497
Northrup King S20-91 S20-91
NK S20-91
PI 590534
Unspecified X Unspecified
Northrup King S20-F8 Syngenta S20-F8
NK S20-F8
Unspecified X Unspecified
Northrup King S23-03 S23-03
NK S23-03
PI 556724
Pride B216 X Hodgson
Northrup King S23-12 S23-12
NK S23-12
PI 556822
Pride B152 X CM497
Northrup King S24-92 S24-92
NK S24-92
Asgrow A3127 X [ ( IVR 1120 x Calland ) x ( Mitchell x Cutler 71 ) ]
Northrup King S25-J5 X9925
Exp 13404 X Pioneer P9273PVP 200000234
Northrup King S26-06 S26-06
NK S26-06
PI 556864
Northrup King S18-84 X Matsoy
Northrup King S29-18 S29-18
NK S29-18
PI 590535
Unspecified X Unspecified
Northrup King S32-23 S32-23
NK S32-23
Unspecified X Unspecified
Northrup King S35-35 S35-35
NK S35-35
PI 561209
Northrup King S39-99 X Asgrow A3127
Northrup King S38-T8 S38-T8
NK S38-T8
PI 613609
Unspecified X Unspecified
Northrup King S39-11 S39-11
NK S39-11
PI 556997
Fayette X Northrup King S42-30
Northrup King S39-99 S39-99
NK S39-99
PI 556764
Northrup King S1492 X Mack
Northrup King S40-55 S40-55
NK S40-55
Beeson X Cutler
Northrup King S42-30 S42-30
NK S42-30
PI 556762
Essex X AgriPro 35
Northrup King S42-32 S42-32
NK S42-32
PI 566936
MO2050 X Asgrow A5474
Northrup King S42-H1 X9842
NK S42-H1
PI 610443
Pioneer P9303 X Asgrow A4715PVP 9900315
Northrup King S43-B5 S43-B5
NK S43-B5
Unspecified X Unspecified
Northrup King S46-44 X9146
PI 564525
NK S46-44
Syngenta S46-44
Asgrow A5474 X Asgrow A3127PVP 9300018
Northrup King S59-60 PI 560307
NK S59-60
Coker 485 X ( Coker 76-927 x Epps )PVP 9200112
Northrup King S59-95 S59-95
NK S59-95
PI 590536
Unspecified X Unspecified
Northrup King S75-55 H88-2546
NK S75-55
PI 576149
Coker 82-645 X ( Coker 82-645 x D77-6056 )
Northrup King S83-30 S83-30
NK S83-30
PI 543933
Unspecified X Unspecified
Northrup King S92-1598 S92-1598
NK S92-1598
Unspecified X Unspecified
NP5851530 XB25E02 X Pioneer P94M30
NP5851570 EX26C03 X YB38F03
NP8089672 Pioneer P93M11 X YB35N04
NRS5Y Unspecified X Unspecified
Ns-Kasna Unspecified X Unspecified
NSTPR14-353 N6001 X YoungF4, Conv., Diversity-Protein, 12.5% exotic
NSTPR14-358 N6001 X YoungF4, Conv., Diversity-Protein, 12.5% exotic
NSTPR14-407 N6001 X YoungF4, Conv., Diversity-Protein, 12.5% exotic
NSTPR14-446 N6001 X YoungF4, Conv., Diversity-Protein, 12.5% exotic
NSTPR14-478 N6001 X YoungF4, Conv., Diversity-Protein, 12.5% exotic
NSTPR14-531 N6001 X YoungF4, Conv., Diversity-Protein, 12.5% exotic
NTC02AXB-717 N94-7440 X N7101
NTC93PR-646 Unspecified X Unspecified
NTCPR01-163 Dillon X Tamahikari
NTCPR90-143 GaSoy17 X Vance
NTCPR92-100 N7101
PI 619616
Vance X Jizuka
NTCPR92-40 N6201
PI 619615
Nakasennari X Young
NTCPR92-5 D74-9806 X Nakasennari
NTCPR92-64 Young X Suzuyataka
NTCPR93-283 Young X Suzuyataka
NTCPR93-646 Young X Suzuyataka
NTCPR94-5157 Davis X N73-1102
NTCPR94-5237 Young X N73-1102
NTCPR94-5293 Forrest X Bay
NTCPR94-5483 N77-179 X Forrest
NTCPR94-5491 N77-179 X Forrest
NTCPR96-1215 Young X Tanbaguro
NTCPRO1-163 Dillon X Tamahikari
NU9401 ( Asgrow A3322 x Asgrow 3935X 40-3-2
O-17 Acme
Selection from PagodaSelection from Pagoda
O-200 Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
O-255 Strain 171 X A.K. (Harrow)
O-378-28 PI 548576
Harosoy 63 X C1270
O-4323 Capital X Hardome
O-4456 Hardome X Adams
O-671 Mandarin (Ottawa) X ( A.K. (Harrow) x Korean )
O3-33 PI 279648
Mandarin (Ottawa) (2) X A.K. (Harrow)
O48-36 PI 548539
Pagoda X Mandarin (Ottawa)
O50-11 A.K. X Pagoda
O51-318 PI 548544
F8-291 X MandarinPresumably Madarin (Ottawa)
O51-322 PI 548544
F8-291 X MandarinPresumably Madarin (Ottawa)
O52-710 Blackhawk X Mandarin (Ottawa)
O52-793 A45-251 X Flambeau
O52-903 Selection from PI 194654Sel. 753-1 S.A. Holmberg same as PI 194654
O55-2065 PI 548545
Blackhawk X Capital
O56-2678 Blackhawk X Capital
O57-2824 Adams X A43K-884
O57-2826 Adams X A43K-884
O57-2905 Blackhawk X Capital
O57-2909 Blackhawk X Capital
O57-2921 ( Blackhawk x CapitalX JA42
O57-2921-M Selection from O57-2921Farmer selection from O57-2921
O57-2921-O Selection from O57-2921Farmer selection from O57-2921
O60-3396 Selection from PI 180501Selection from PI 180501 in Germany ca. 1949
O73-15 Maple Arrow
Harosoy 63 X Holmberg 840-7-3
O73-5 Mandarin (Ottawa) X Holmberg 827-4
OAC 00-01 OAC Bayfield X ( OT89-16 x OAC Shire )
OAC 00-09 OAC Atwood X OAC Vision
OAC 00-11 OAC Erin X OAC Wingham
OAC 00-17 A92-525014 X OAC Vision
OAC 00-33 OAC Wallace
Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC 01-12 Selection from ND(M)90-705OAC Klondike
OAC 01-15 OAC Bayfield X OAC Millennium
OAC 01-26 OAC 96-06 X M91-821
OAC 02-25 OAC 97-01 X OAC Stratford
OAC 02-31 OAC Stratford X OAC97-07
OAC 03-07 OAC 97-01 X OAC Walton
OAC 03-21 OAC Lakeview
U95-2418 X OAC Kent
OAC 05-17 RCAT 99-01 X OAC 00-01
OAC 05-21 OT99-2 X OAC00-17
OAC 05-30 OAC Clinton X PH9718
OAC 07-26C ND95-1564 X OAC Champion
OAC 10-20C OAC Lakeview X RCAT Wildcat
OAC 10-24C OAC Lakeview X SD00-167
OAC 11-13C OAC Prodigy X S03-W4
OAC 11-34C OAC Prodigy X OAC Champion
OAC 12-21C Colby X OAC 05-30
OAC 12-61C Colby X OAC 05-30
OAC 13-87C-SCN SC Starfield X OAC Wallace
OAC 13-90C-SCN Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC 14-05C OAC Lakeview X Venus
OAC 14-16C-SCN OAC Lakeview X S18-R6
OAC 14-37C-SCN OAC Lakeview X S18-R6
OAC 15-06C OAC Wallace X Colby
OAC 15-11C OAC Wallace X DH 748
OAC 15-13C OAC Wallace X DH 748
OAC 15-15C OAC Wallace X OAC Sunny
OAC 17-112C DH618 X OAC 11-51C
OAC 17-129C OAC Strive X DH530
OAC 17-14C OAC 07-26C X SeCan 11-12C
OAC 17-56C Saska X DH530
OAC 17-93C SeCan 09-42C X Saska
OAC 18-110C OAC Wallace X S23-T5
OAC 18-111C-SCN OAC Wallace X Sheyenne
OAC 18-58C MN1410 X OAC Nation
OAC 18-64C OAC Nation X Syngenta S05-T6
OAC 18-75C OAC 11-34C X Syngenta S05-T6
OAC 20-20C OAC 13-90C-SCN X OAC 12-61C
OAC 211 Selection from HabaroSelection from Habaro
OAC 85 Vansoy
( Lincoln x FlambeauX Goldsoy
OAC 88-09 Selection from OAC Thames
OAC 92-01 OAC Eclipse X OT84-12
OAC 94-11 RCAT Angora X Haroson
OAC 95-06 OT89-18 X OAC Shire
OAC 97-01 KG20 X OAC Exeter
OAC 97-02 OAC Exeter X OAC 92-01
OAC 97-07 Y3916F38 X M84-916
OAC 97-11 OAC Auburn X M84-748
OAC 97-41 OAC Clinton
Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC 98-01 OAC Frontier X ND88-686
OAC 98-12 92546-01td X OAC Bayfield
OAC 99-21 M88-207 X OAC92-08
OAC 99-36 OAC Bayfield X Marcus BC
OAC Adare Colby X OAC Perth
OAC Atwood Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Auburn OAC 91-06
Talon X OAC Scorpio
OAC Avatar Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Bayfield OAC 90-06
KG 60 X Bicentennial
OAC Bright Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Brooke RCAT Pinehurst X A01-409031
OAC Brussels OAC 90-02
KG 60 X Bicentennial
OAC Bruton Ln 955414
SC Starfield X SC 2307
OAC Calypso Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Champion OAC 99-01
M88-207 X OAC Bayfield
OAC Clinton OAC 97-41
Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Eclipse OAC86-01
PI 567783
Maple Arrow X Williams
OAC Erin Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Exeter OAC 92-06
A83-172007 X M75-25
OAC Frontier OAC87-02
PI 567784
Pioneer P1677 X Maple Arrow
OAC Kent Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Lakeview OAC 03-21
U95-2418 X OAC Kent
OAC Libra PI 548638
FH 31-3 X Evans
OAC Millennium Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Nation OAC 02-25 X RCAT Corbett
OAC Perth Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Prodigy Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Prosper SC 7512N
SV90-3 MFA/06 X HDC Goshen
OAC Ramsay SC 3313N
SC Starfield X SC 2307
OAC Scorpio OAC 83-01
McCall X Bicentennial
OAC Shire OAC88-08
PI 567785
A80-147002 X Asgrow A1895
OAC Stratford OAC 97-06
Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Strive Colby X S03-W4
OAC Sunny Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Thames OAC88-09
Harcor X OX621
OAC Thamesville Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Vision PI 567787
Bicentennial X Ozzie
OAC Wallace OAC 00-33
Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Walton Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC Wingham Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC-22-815 Fiskeby V X Harosoy 63
OAC00-17 A92-525014 X OAC Vision
OAC07-26C ND95-1564 X OAC Champion
OAC6-20 Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC81-2 PI 548515
Fiskeby V X Harosoy 63
OAC82-07 OAC Libra
FH 31-3 X Evans
OAC85 PI 548623
( Lincoln x FlambeauX Goldsoy
OAC86-01 OAC Eclipse
PI 567783
Maple Arrow X Williams
OAC86-07 Maple Arrow X Williams
OAC87-02 OAC Frontier
PI 567784
Pioneer P1677 X Maple Arrow
OAC88-01 PI 567787
OAC Vision
Bicentennial X Ozzie
OAC88-08 OAC Shire
PI 567785
A80-147002 X Asgrow A1895
OAC88-09 Unspecified X Unspecified
OAC92-08 OAC86-07 X OT84-12
OAC97-07 Y3916F38 X M84-916
Oak PI 556808
Unspecified X UnspecifiedIllinois Foundation Seeds, Inc., PVP 8600013
Oakland PI 548543
L66L-137 X CallandPVP 7900062
OD032-3118 Unspecified X Unspecified
Ogden PI 548477
Tokyo X PI 54610
OHFG1 LS301 X HS84-6247
OHFG5 OHFG1 X HS89-3078
Ohio FG1 PI 584469
LS301 X HS84-6247PVP 9500038
Ohio FG2 PI 584470
LS301 X HS84-6247Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University, PVP 9500039
OHIO FG3 PI 629008
( Hayes x LS301 )  X Ohio FG1Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, PVP 200200089
Ohio FG5 HS98-3755
PI 642768
Ohio FG1 X HS89-3078CV048
OHS 202 HF03-534
A95-581028 X PI 592926
OHS 303 HS3-2840
U97-3114 X HS98-3628
OHS 305 HS4-3189
Unspecified X Unspecified
OK 710 Chief X Arksoy
OK88-5409 Forrest X Essex
OK88-5420 Douglas X Essex
OK89-5602 Bedford X EssexConfilicting parentage, maybe Essex x Sohoma
OK89-5606 Bedford X Mitchell
OK89-5618 Coker 156 X Essex
OK89-6001 Essex X Gail
OK92-6508 Miles X Forrest
OK92-6520 Miles X Lee 74
OK92-6524 Miles X Lee 74
OK93-5907 Sohoma X Forrest
OK96-7006 Forrest X R85-3280
OK963 Unspecified X Unspecified
Oka Daizu PI 417208
Oksoy PI 548602
Scott (6) X Blackhawk
Oku Shirome PI 594243
Nema Shirazu X Nangun Takedate
OLERICHI50 PI 643976
( M-5 x M-24 )  X M23Saga Prefectural Regional Industry Support Center, PVP 200600261
Olympus PI 602060
E84108 X ConradPVP 9800359
Ontario PI 548396
OR5-12-1T PA4-11g1 X Ripley
ORC 0302 Unspecified X Unspecified
ORC 14.150.284 RCAT 1003 X LD-073419
ORC 14.150.305 RCAT 1003 X LD-073419
ORC 14.150.307 RCAT 1003 X LD-073419
ORC 3119N RCAT 1003 X AAC Malden
ORC 3313N S18-R6 X HD 369
ORC 3419 SC 3313N X OAC Brooke
ORC 3713N SC Starfield X SC 2307
ORC 4217N RCAT 1001 X S23-T5
ORC 4219N SC 3313N X AAC Malden
ORC 4817N Mersea X RCAT 1003
ORC 5220N SC 7912N X U11-610107
ORC 5317N Kenjiangdou 43 X XC 2211
ORC 5517N RCAT 1005 X S23-T5
ORC 5520N LD07-3419 X OAC Bruton
ORC 5822 OAC Brooke X SC 8415N
ORC 6218N OAC Prosper X SC 6218N
ORC 6722 SC 7415N X OAC 13-87C-SCN
ORC 6922 OAC Thamesville X SC 8515N
ORC 7022 DH 410SCN X SC 8515N
ORC 7322 SC 3116N X SC 3313N
ORC 7422 OAC Brooke X SC 8515N
ORC 8518N OAC Prosper X OX-111
ORC 8703 Hodgson X FH22-815
ORC 8715 SC 4009 X SC 2407
ORC 9002 A81-151026 X Eglin
ORC 9205 Conrad X RCAT Alliance
ORC 9404 Westag 97
ORC 8703 X Northrup King S26-06
ORC 9803 PS 42 X Northrup King S20-20
ORC 9808 Pioneer P9273 X Pride B152
ORC 9902 RCAT Wildcat
OAC Brussels X ( E85073 x Maple Glen )
ORC8502 RCAT Alliance
Wells II X Williams
ORC8601 RCAT Persian
M73-62 X FH31-3
ORC8605 HC77-878 X A79-138024
ORC8801 RCAT Angora
Pride B152 X Thompson T8112
ORC8803 Brock
PI 572241
Pride B152 X HW8039
ORC8805 A80-147002 X Pride B152
ORC9001 Pride B152 X Jewel
ORC9002 Unspecified X Unspecified
ORC9201 Conrad X RCAT Alliance
ORC9205 Conrad X RCAT Alliance
Osage R98-1821
PI 648270
Hartz H5545 X KS4895CV-495, PVP 200800001
OT73-15 PI 548593
Maple Arrow
Harosoy 63 X Holmberg 840-1-3
OT80-1 PI 548592
Maple Amber
Holmberg 840-7-3 X ( Harosoy 63 x Altona )
OT80-12Y PI 548596
Maple Ridge
Fiskeby III X EvansPI 196491 (Fiskeby III sib)
OT80-16 744-2
PI 194641
Holmberg 744-2 X L62-667 (2)
OT80-18   ( Renville x CapitalX [ ( ( Harosoy x Norchief (3) ) x ( PI 438473 (4) x Evans ) ) x ( Acme x Blackhawk ) ]Parentage conflict. Can. J. Plant Sci. 1999, 79(1):111-112
OT80-18    ( M62-173 x Holmberg 827-4X ( Evans x CM145 )Parentage conflict. NUST 1998
OT80-2 Maple Presto X Evans
OT80-3 ( Amsoy x PortageX Holmberg 840-7-3
OT81-5 PI 548595
Maple Isle
Holmberg 744-2 X L62-667 (2)
OT81-6 Maple Presto X Evans
OT83-4 PI 548642
Maple Donovan
Maple Arrow X Harcor
OT84-12 PI 548643
Maple Glen
BD22115-13 X Premier
OT84-14 Maple Arrow X Wayne
OT84-14BR Maple Arrow X Wayne
OT84-4 Evans (3) X Holmberg 840-7-3
OT84-7 231-4-5-1 X McCall
OT85-5 Evans (4) X Holmberg 840-7-3
OT86-1 Coles X DO-9-2-1-2
OT86-5 ( Maple Presto x WilliamsX Weber
OT86-6 ( Maple Presto x WilliamsX Weber
OT86-9 ( Evans (2) x Holmberg 840-7-3X L62-667
OT87-12 McCall X Maple Amber (2)
OT87-4 ( Thompson T7803 x BK-17-1-4X McCall
OT87-7 ( Maple Presto x WilliamsX Weber
OT87-8 ( Maple Presto x WilliamsX Weber
OT88-1 BD22115-13 X Weber
OT88-11 Maple Ridge X Lakota
OT88-2 [ ( Holmberg 840-7-3 x Evans (2) ) x Maple ArrowX Weber
OT88-8 McCall X Maple Amber (2)
OT89-16 Selection from AC ProteusSelection from AC Proteus
OT89-18 Maple Arrow X X881-57
OT89-24 OX611 X Maple Presto
OT90-9 ( Thompson 7803 x BD22115-13X McCall
OT91-3 (Maple Presto x EvansX OX611
OT92-8 Baron X Maple Donovan
OT93-28 Unspecified X Unspecified
OT95-10 X2150-A-78
AC Orford
OT80-18 X X875-2-B-1
OT98-1 [ ( Corsoy79 x Pioneer P1981 ) x AC ProteusX [ ( Maple Presto x Williams ) x Webber ]
OT99-2 ( AC Bravor x RAGT86L579 ) X AC Harmony
Otootan Selection from PI 548479no previous name; Selection from an introduction, Released 1918
Ottawa PI 548673
Selection from ChippewaRogue selection from Chippewa
Ottawa Mandarin PI 548379
Mandarin (Ottawa)
Selection from MandarinSelection from Mandarin ca. 1929
OW0800084 97026-N99-42648 X MT103884
OW0800367 G1490N X 03KL015826
OW0902053 03KL015366 X Syngenta S05-T6
OW0912575 PI 665477
06NB204846 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200376
OW0913200 PI 669426
NE0800097 ( 2 ) X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300421
OW1011073 PI 669415
06KL162978 X ( 04KL109914 ( 3 ) x 1707A1-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300410
OW1011829 PI 669427
NE0800087 X ( 04KL108370 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300422
OW1012750 PI 669396
05KL119276 X ( 03KL0115751 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300391
OW1012936 PI 669397
OW800084 X ( 05KLL135608 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300392
OW1012939 PI 669425
OW0800084 X ( 05KL135608 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300420
OW1012976 PI 669401
06KL163375 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300396
OW1113014 PI 669416
06GK614011 X [ 03DL090957 x ( S06-CL968413 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300411
OW1113707 PI 672045
4065130-22 X [ NE080097 x ( Syngenta S35-N4 x ( 02JR423003 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400276
OW1117105 PI 672046
Syngenta S10-B7 X ( 03KL015644 ( 5 ) x 1707A1-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400277
OW1117461 PI 672047
3061019-60 X [ 05DL345858 ( 2 ) x ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 1707A1-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400278
OW1119015 PI 672048
06KL163285 X [ 06GK615309 x ( 04KL108888 x ( 05KL134976 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400279
Owens PI 633567
PI417288 X T145Virginia State University and U.S. Government, as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture, PVP 200300250
OX-111 AAC Malden
IA1008 X AC Hime
OX-85242-3 C3S1-57 X C3S1-53
OX-85251-16 C3S1-62 X C3S1-53
OX-85284-4 C3S1-71 X C3S1-69
OX-8601-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
OX-89182-2-1 OX-8601-1 X OX-85284-4
OX-89194-1-8 OX-85242-3 X OX-85251-16
OX-Hodgson 1cHm PI 548641
Hodgson X M75-2
OX271 PI 548570
Corsoy X OX383
OX383 Corsoy X Harosoy 63
OX611 Unknown X Unknown
OX621 [ Harcor x ( ( ( M61-96 x Hobbit 87 )(4) x Blackhawk ) x Midwest ) ] X [ ( ( ( Corsoy x L59-738) (3) x Corsoy ) (2) x L57-738 ) ]
OX643 PI 548571
Blackhawk X Harosoy 63
OX720-26 L60-347-l-60-28
Harosoy X Higan
OX736 Coles X ( Harcor (2) x Raiden )
OX752 A83-378001 X OX736
OX8016-16 PI 542711
HW79116 X HW79022PVP 9100173
OX93329-7 PI 633608
Chapman X Probst
OX99128 Unspecified X UnspecifiedSelection from Rps8 line from Ohio
OXC-9227-4 OX-89182-2-1 X OX-89194-1-8
OXC-9227-7 OX-89182-2-1 X OX-89194-1-8
OXHodgson Ie Hm Hodgson (3) X M75-2
OXR-96201 ( Harosoy x PI 567642AX Flint
OXR-96202 Defiance X ( Harosoy x PI 567642A )
OXR-96243 Northrup King S29-18 X PI 274421
OXR961095 Resnik RR X HS93-1882-41
Ozark R96-209
Holladay X DPL 415PVP200400095
Ozark RR2Y Unspecified X UnspecifiedPresumably based on Ozark
Ozzie PI 542404
Wilkin X M63-217YPVP 8400052
P00048 Asgrow A3431 X Pioneer P94B01
P0007A43R PI 684623
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700258
P000A87R PI 684622
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700257
P00115 ST3630 X Pioneer P9314
P001T34R PI 665301
Pioneer P90A01 X Pioneer P90M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200174
P002A63R PI 684620
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700255
P002T04R PI 665300
Pioneer P90A01 X Pioneer P90Y42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200173
P005T13R PI 677312
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600221
P006T46R PI 677310
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600219
P006T78R PI 674519
RJS00901 X ZB01Q08Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500122
P007A90R PI 684621
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700256
P008T22R2 PI 671809
DMK0006A0R X ( 212112-27 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400097
P008T57R PI 665304
Pioneer P90M91 X Pioneer P90M01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200177
P008T70R PI 665306
Pioneer P90M01 X Pioneer P90M92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200179
P01T23R PI 665305
EX01F04 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200178
P02-60 M82-806 X HHP
P02T54R PI 674520
Pioneer P90Y50 X Pioneer P90Y90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500123
P03T68R2 PI 671808
BMK0606E0R X ( AG00603 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400096
P04A60R PI 684618
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700253
P05T24R PI 665307
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200180
P06A13R PI 684619
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700254
P06T28R PI 668265
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P90Y50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300207
P06T64R PI 665308
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200181
P08T20 PI 677318
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600227
P08T36R PI 674521
Pioneer P90Y50 X Pioneer P90Y90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500124
P08T58X PI 677291
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600200
P08T96R PI 677311
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600220
P09T29X PI 677289
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600198
P09T74R2 PI 674522
MK0906A1-D0YN X RM1909B3-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500125
P1 Unspecified X Unspecified
P10T41X PI 677287
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600196
P10T48R PI 677317
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600226
P10T91R PI 665311
Pioneer P90M60 X Pioneer P91M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200184
P12T82R PI 668271
Pioneer P90Y80 X Pioneer P91M41Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300213
P15T46R2 PI 674523
EV1709B3-D0YN X RM1609A7-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500126
P15T83R PI 668274
Pioneer P93M13 X XB12K05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300216
P16T04R PI 665316
Pioneer P92M72 X YB09Q05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200189
P18T26R2 PI 674524
67185166 X AK2508B4-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500127
P18T31R PI 674525
Pioneer P91Y72 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500128
P18T85R PI 677302
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600211
P19T01R PI 665326
XB21R05 X Pioneer P92M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200200
P19T55X PI 677280
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600189
P19T60R PI 665318
Pioneer P92M91 X XB19V06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200191
P19T78R PI 674526
Pioneer P92Y30 X Pioneer P92Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500129
P20T53PR PI 677281
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600190
P21T89X PI 677290
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600199
P21T97R PI 665320
Pioneer P92Y21 X Pioneer P91Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200193
P22T24X PI 677282
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600191
P22T69R PI 665321
Pioneer P93M11 X Pioneer P92M21Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200194
P22T73R PI 674527
LP11969710 X Pioneer P93Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500130
P24T05R PI 668281
Pioneer P92Y21 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300223
P24T19R PI 665324
Pioneer P92Y30 X RJS25003Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200197
P24T84X PI 677273
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600182
P24T93R PI 674528
Pioneer P92Y51 X Pioneer P93Y13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500131
P25A65R PI 684624
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700259
P25T51R PI 665330
Pioneer P92M54 X EX24P05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200214
P26T76R PI 665328
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200202
P27T03R PI 677313
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600222
P27T47R PI 674529
YB30A05 X XB32C05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300225
P27T59R PI 677315
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600224
P27T91PR PI 677271
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600179
P28T08R PI 674530
Pioneer P93Y05 X YB28E09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500133
P28T33R PI 665333
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200217
P28T62R XB28AB15R
PI 677228
Pioneer P92Y91 X Pioneer P92Y53Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600106
P28T71X PI 674531
AG2531 X AK3310T9-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500134
P29T40PR PI 674532
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500135
P29T50 PI 677314
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600223
P29T68PR PI 665398
Pioneer P92Y30 X YR34C09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200288
P29T98R PI 665335
Pioneer P91Y90 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200219
P31T38X PI 674533
OX3009B4-D0YN X AK3110U5-T0BAHMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500136
P31T52X PI 674534
AG2931 X AK3110U5-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500137
P31T77R PI 674535
Pioneer P93Y22 X Pioneer P93Y05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500138
P32T16R PI 674536
Pioneer P92Y91 X Pioneer P93Y82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500139
P32T31X PI 677272
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600180
P32T49PR PI 674537
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP24380127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500140
P32T64PR PI 677264
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600172
P32T80PR PI 665399
Pioneer P93Y11 X XR31C09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200289
P33T19X PI 677262
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600170
P33T72R PI 668293
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300235
P33T89R PI 665339
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200223
P34T23R PI 677307
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600216
P35T27X PI 674538
AG2931 X AK3210T2-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500141
P35T58R PI 665342
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200226
P35T75X PI 677257
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600165
P36T14R2 PI 674540
CBL3705N1R X CP3408A4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500143
P36T36X PI 677258
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600166
P36T86R PI 674541
Pioneer P93Y92 X Pioneer P93Y82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500144
P37T32X PI 677263
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600171
P37T51PR PI 677256
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600164
P37T92X PI 674542
BL3610B5-D0AAC X AG3803-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500145
P38T20X PI 674543
AG3804 ( 4 ) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500146
P38T42R PI 677308
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600217
P39T03X PI 674544
AG3631 X AG3803-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500147
P39T28X PI 677267
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600175
P39T67R PI 665346
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200230
P39T95X PI 677274
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600183
P4 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7200074
P40T26X PI 674545
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN ( 2 ) x A3525-A3244-BAH ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500148
P40T55PR PI 674546
Pioneer P93Y82 X XR33W10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500149
P40T84X PI 677275
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600184
P41T33R PI 674547
Pioneer P93Y92 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500150
P449 IntroductionInported from China
P44T63R PI 665348
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P94Y60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200232
P44T82SR PI 665353
XB48W07 X RJS39003Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200237
P45T48R PI 674548
Pioneer P94Y22 X Pioneer P93Y92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500151
P45T74X PI 677270
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600178
P46T01R PI 674549
Pioneer P94Y22 X Pioneer P93Y92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500152
P46T21R PI 665349
Pioneer P94Y10 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200233
P46T30X PI 674550
BL3510A9-D0AAC X AG4907-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500153
P46T59R PI 674551
Pioneer P94Y70 X Pioneer P95Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500154
P47T06X PI 677266
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600174
P47T36R PI 665355
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200239
P47T44X PI 674552
EI4610A5-D0AAC X ( EI4409C3-D0YN ( 2 ) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500155
P48T27X PI 677269
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600177
P48T53R PI 665356
ME6400079 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200240
P49T09BR PI 674553
Pioneer P94Y61 X BC45036488Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500156
P49T24SR PI 665354
RJS39003 X Pioneer P94Y90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200238
P49T80R PI 665357
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200241
P49T97R PI 665359
Pioneer P94Y60 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200243
P5096-03D Asgrow A3127 X PI 273483
P50T15BR PI 674554
Pioneer P95Y10 X BC45036483Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500157
P50T40R PI 665360
Pioneer P94Y60 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200250
P50T56X PI 677261
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600169
P50T64R PI 665361
Pioneer P94Y60 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200251
P50T92X PI 677259
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600167
P53T18X PI 674555
J02-11943 ( 3 ) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500158
P54T94R PI 665363
Pioneer P95Y40 X Pioneer P95Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200253
P55T57R PI 665364
Pioneer P93B86 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200254
P55T81R PI 677305
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600214
P56T12SR PI 674556
RJS57003 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500159
P56T29R2 PI 674557
DGL5406B0R X [ Asgrow A5427 x ( DKB54-52 x Asgrow 3244RR2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500160
P6 Unspecified X Unspecified
P60T95X PI 677260
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600168
P61-22 Corsoy X ( Magna x Provar )
P6906-16 Asgrow A3127 X PI 273483
P6917-29 Unpsecified X Unspecified
P71-39 Acme X Blackhawk
P73T38X PI 674558
NC6707A1-A0RN-T0BAH X NC7210A9-C0AACMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500161
P9441 Unspecified X Unspecified
PA4-11g1 ( Wilson (6) x ForrestX ( Perry x L76-0253 )
PABU2-2 Selection from DevineForage type from Devine
Pagoda PI 548398
Manitoba Brown X Mandarin
Pagoda 2 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPresumably based on Pagoda
Pagoda 25 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPresumably based on Pagoda
Palmetto PI 548480
Selection from PI 71587Selection from PI 71587, Jiangsu, China
Pana PI 597387
Jack X Asgrow A3205
Pando PI 548399
IntroductionSouth Korea
Parker PI 562374
A79-136012 X DawsonPVP 9200244
Patoka PI 548400
PI 70218-2-19-3
Selection from PI 7218-2Selection from PI
Patterson Unspecified X Unspecified
PE3031531 Pioneer P93B86 X XB7C02
PE4006780 ZB31M02 X Pioneer P93B15
PE8015767 ZB27U04 X XB27P04
Pearl PI 583367
G80-1515 X VancePVP 9400200
Peking IntroductionWhich Peking was not specified
Pelican Selection from PI 95727Shariin 1932
Pelican #1 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pelican #2 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pella PI 548523
L66L-137 X CallandPVP 8000063
Pella 86 PI 509044
AHW-Pella BC
Pella (5) X Williams 82
Pembina PI 638510
ND93-5849 X Pioneer P9004NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200500169
Pennsoy PI 548403
Selection from Manchuria 13-177Rogue selection from Manchuria 13177
Pennyrile PI 515961
Williams X EssexPVP 8700164
Perrin PI 536637
Coker 488 X Braxton
Perry PI 548603
Patoka X L37-1355
Pershing PI 548604
D67-3297 X EssexPVP 8500067
Peterson 0877 ( Clark x Chippewa 64X Corsoy
Peterson 1677 Rampage X Corsoy (2)
Peterson 56-23 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7200075
Peterson 85 PI 556490
Provar X ( Amsoy x PI 248404 )PVP 7300065
Peterson Jade PI 548694
Verde X KanrichPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7200076
Peterson Px20 P61-22 X Wells
PH9718 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pharaoh PI 548645
Forrest X V71-480
PI 073587 Pioneer P9091
Peterson 85 X Pioneer P1677Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700100
PI 091730 -1 PI 091730
IntroductionMay also be PI 091730, Lilin China
PI 103419 IntroductionManchuria
PI 104881 Nanksoy
IntroductionReceived as PIO Soja max
PI 123440 No. 2
IntroductionCollected in Myanmar ca. 1937
PI 132207 No. D. 14
IntroductionNetherlands ca. 1934
PI 153293 N-34
IntroductionFrom Belgium ca 1946
PI 153296 V-4
IntroductionFrom Belgium ca. 1946
PI 157440 Kin du
IntroductionSouth Korea
PI 157483 IntroductionSouth Korea
PI 159025 Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
PI 159319 No. 34 s 51
IntroductionDeveloped in 1934 in South Africa
PI 1594166 Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
PI 159925 Glycine H
IntroductionLima, Peru ca. 1947
PI 168508 Unknown X UnknownPI resolves to Sorghum
PI 171442 No. 3226 Brown
IntroductionShaanxi, CN ca. 1948
PI 171445 No. 332
IntroductionJiangsu, CN ca.1948
PI 171450 Kisaya
IntroductionKagoshima, JP ca. 1948
PI 171451 Kosamame
IntroductionReceived Ca. 1948, Kanagawa Japan
PI 179826 Peiping
IntroductionBeijing, CN ca.1949
PI 180501 Strain No. 18
IntroductionFrom Germany 1949
PI 181537 No. 8
IntroductionJapan ca. 1949
PI 181550 No. 31
IntroductionJapan ca. 1949
PI 187155 Urusan
No. 241
IntroductionJapan ca. 1950
PI 189930 Mandchurische
J 57
IntroductionFrance ca. 1950
PI 189950 Cosse Lisse
N 13
IntroductionFrance ca. 1950
PI 19186 PI 548422
PI 19186D
IntroductionLiaoning, CN
PI 194633 733-4
193-7-27 X Blackeye EdibleSweden ca. 1951
PI 194644 748-7
Pagoda 2 X 201-8-29From Sweden ca. 1951; A. Holmberg and Sons
PI 194645 749-1
IntroductionFrom Sweden ca. 1951; A. Holmberg and Sons
PI 194654 753-1
Pagoda 2 X 201-14-20From Sweden ca. 1951; A. Holmberg and Sons
PI 196163 Tokatinagaha
IntroductionJapan ca. 1951
PI 196176 Yu Tae
IntroductionS. Korea ca. 1951
PI 196177 Yu tae
No. 2300-3
IntroductionS. Korea ca. 1951
PI 196491 IntroductionFrom Sweden ca. 1951; A. Holmberg and Sons
PI 200487 IntroductionKinoshita
PI 200492 Komata
No. 79
IntroductionKagawa Japan ca. 1952
PI 200508 Natsu Daizu
IntroductionJapan 1952
PI 200538 Sugao Zairai
IntroductionKagawa Japan
PI 20405 No. 643a
PEO Glycine hispida
IntroductionKhaborovsk, Russian Federation ca. 1906
PI 20798 IntroductionShanghai, CN ca. 1907
PI 209332 IntroductionHokkaido, Japan ca. 1953
PI 221717 ( P449 x DixieX Nanda
PI 227328 Manchikin
IntroductionHokkaido, Japan ca. 1955
PI 227333 Ohozyu
IntroductionHokkaido, Japan ca. 1955
PI 227557 Geden shirazu
IntroductionJapan ca. 1955
PI 227687 Miyako white
Col. No. 380 No. 1
IntroductionOkinawa, Japan Ca. 1955
PI 229332 Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
PI 229358 Soden-daizu
IntroductionTokyo Japan ca. 1955
PI 22S06-1364043 Unspecified X Unspecified
PI 230970 IntroductionCollected in Japan ca. 1956
PI 230977 IntroductionTokyo Japan ca. 1956
PI 23211 Biloxi
Tsze pi tou
No. 964a
IntroductionZhejiang China ca. 1908
PI 240664 IntroductionIntroduced from Luzon, Phillippines 1957
PI 248404 IntroductionFrom Serbia 1958
PI 248406 Osijecka
IntroductionSerbia ca. 1958
PI 253665 D IntroductionChina ca. 1958
PI 257435 Soja-B 49/58 R
IntroductionN. Rhine-Westphalia Germany
PI 257436 C 8/58 R
Soja-C 8/58 R
192 X 614N. Rhine-Westphalia, Germany ca. 1959; Max Planck Inst.
PI 261467 Saikai No. 3
IntroductionHyogo, Japan ca.1959
PI 261475 Shika No. 1
IntroductionManchuria, China ca. 1959
PI 273483 IntroductionSeoul, S. Korea ca. 1961
PI 274421 Kanenari No. 1
IntroductionMiyagi, Japan 1961
PI 27890 PEO Soja max
IntroductionCollected in District of Columbia, USA ca. 1910
PI 28019 IntroductionDistrict of Columbia, USA ca. 1910
PI 28050 Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
PI 283327 Pingtung Pearl
PI 283331 No. 380
IntroductionMorocco ca. 1962
PI 290126 B Hei ch'i
IntroductionChina ca. 1963
PI 290136 Noir 1
IntroductionCollected in France
PI 291290 IntroductionHeilongjiang China
PI 291322 IntroductionHeilongjiang, China ca. 1961; A. Holmberg and Sons
PI 297515 Iregi GM/1
IntroductionHugary ca. 1964
PI 297518 Iregi Nagyszemu Feher
IntroductionHungary 1964
PI 297544 Primorszkaja 529
IntroductionPrimorye, Russian Fed. Ca 1964
PI 30593 Huang tou
IntroductionCollected in Jilin, CN ca. 1911
PI 340023 No. 47
IntroductionKyonggi, South Korea
PI 341243 Red Tanner
C.P.I. 15674
IntroductionTanzania ca. 1946
PI 358323 IntroductionCollected in Japan from imported Chinese soybeans ca. 1963
PI 360844 Raiden
Harrow 178
PI 361064 F. 56-51
IntroductionCollected in Yugoslovia ca. 1971
PI 361066 A F. 56-17
IntroductionCollected in Yugoslovia ca. 1971
PI 361088 B Mica Ungara
IntroductionCollected in Romania ca. 1971
PI 366122 IntroductionWild Glycine soja, Fukushima Japan
PI 36653 PI 36653
IntroductionFrom Heilongjiang, CN ca. 1913
PI 36846 Pai Mei
Introduction1913, Liaoning, CN
PI 370059 VIR 5622
IntroductionCollected in Primorye, Russian Fed. ca. 1971
PI 37062 IntroductionCollected in Heilongjiang, China ca. 1914
PI 37330 IntroductionPyongyang N. Korea ca. 1914
PI 37335 Arksoy
IntroductionIntroduced from Pyongyang, N. Korea
PI 379621 IntroductionCollected in Taiwan ca. 1973
PI 381668 Kakira 13
PI 384469 A Kubanskaja 33
VIR 5573
IntroductionCollected in Krasnodar, Russian Fed. Ca. 1974
PI 384471 Introduction
PI 391583 Jilin No. 10
IntroductionJilin China
PI 391594 Jilin No. 8
IntroductionDeveloped in Jilin, China ca. 1974
PI 398223 KAS 132-1
IntroductionKyonggi, S. Korea ca. 1972
PI 398697 KAS 330-3
PI 398833 KAS 361-2
IntroductionChungchong Nam, S. Korea ca. 1972
PI 398833-BB Introduction
PI 398881 KLS 126-1
IntroductionNAM Strain; Kyonggi, S. Korea ca. 1967;Pyung-taek-gun. Latitude: 36 deg 60 min N (36.9999962), Longitude: 126 deg 60 min E (126.9999924)
PI 398976 KLS 701-1
IntroductionKyongsang Puk, S. Korea ca. 1967
PI 398976-BB Introduction
PI 399044-BB Introduction
PI 399045 KLS 906
IntroductionCheju, S. Korea ca. 1967
PI 399073 IntroductionChungchong Nam, S. Korea ca. 1967
PI 404157 Primorskaja 494
VIR 5622
IntroductionPrimorye, Russian Fed. Ca. 1975
PI 404188A Huaj an si er dian
VIR 5349
IntroductionNAM Strain; Russian Federation ca. 1975
PI 407042 RB 1072
PI 407710 Foo sun No. 1
IntroductionHeilongjiang, China ca. 1975
PI 407720 Kao chien tao
IntroductionJilin, China ca. 1975
PI 407948 KAERI 502-1
IntroductionCholla Nam, S. Korea, 35.18.4N - 126.46.56E
PI 408251 KAERI 610-3
IntroductionKyongsang Nam, S. Korea, 34.58.0N - 128.12.0E
PI 408337 KAERI 590-1
IntroductionJeju-gun, S. Korea, Latitude: 33 deg 24 min 6 sec N (33.4016666), Longitude: 126 deg 32 min 46 sec E
PI 408337-BB Introduction
PI 408339 KAERI 590-3
IntroductionJeju-gun, S.Korea, Latitude: 33 deg 24 min 6 sec N (33.4016666), Longitude: 126 deg 32 min 46 sec E (126.5461082)
PI 416937 Houjaku Kuwazu
IntroductionKanto and Tosan Region, Japan
PI 417015 IntroductionIwate Japan
PI 417021 Kikuchi 1
IntroductionTohoku region, Japan ca. 1974
PI 417088 Kur churyuu
IntroductionTohoku region, Japan ca. 1974
PI 417288 Shibahara mame
IntroductionKanto and Tosan region, Japan ca. 1974
PI 417409 PI 417409
Tousan 22
IntroductionKanto and Tousan region of Japan
PI 417479 Yougetsu
IntroductionFrom Tohoku region of Japan
PI 423905 Gin Daizu
IntroductionNagano, Japan
PI 424159 B KAS 643-8
IntroductionKyonggi, South Korea
PI 424195 B ISZ-3
IntroductionCollected in Hungary ca. 1978
PI 424546 A KAS 632-21
PI 427099 Jilin No. 3
IntroductionCollected in Jilin, China ca. 1963
PI 427136 Backchung No.42
IntroductionNAM Strain; Kyonggi S. Korea ca. 1978
PI 436682 Ji Lin 15
Jilin 15
IntroductionCollected in Jilin, China ca. 1979
PI 437169B VNIISC-4
VIR 4986
IntroductionNAM Strain; Krasnodar, Russian Fed.; 45 deg 6 min 13 sec N (45.1034734), Longitude: 39 deg 16 min 13 sec E (39.2702676)
PI 437645 DV-2827
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1979
PI 43765 Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
PI 437654 Er-hej-jan
VIR 5268
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1979
PI 437655 Er-huan-jan
VIR 5269
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1979
PI 437666 I-vo-phyn
VIR 5463
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1979
PI 437726 Ti-jue-baj
VIR 5386
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1979
PI 437833 Curo Sengocu
VIR 3742
IntroductionCollected in Japan ca. 1932
PI 437851 A DV-2369/2
VIR 4609
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1979
PI 437883 Elita 709
VIR 4318
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1979
PI 437994 VIR 1672
IntroductionNE. China
PI 438025 VIR 1935
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1979
PI 438151 VIR 2921
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1979
PI 438205 B VIR 4491
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1979
PI 438206 VIR 4492
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1979
PI 438302 B Zan dan ber mak
VIR 5247
IntroductionCollected in Krasnodar, Russian Fed. Ca. 1955
PI 438328 Reaz 20 bis
IntroductionCollected in Algeria ca. 1979
PI 438473 Fiskeby 827-4-23
VIR 5593
IntroductionCollected in Ostergotland, Sweden
PI 441001 IntroductionG. Tomentella, Australia 1980
PI 445826 644
IntroductionDeveloped in Germany 1925-1940
PI 445830 Flora
IntroductionCollected in Romania
PI 445837 Violeta
IntroductionCollected in Romania ca. 1980
PI 458511 Kai Yu No. 3
IntroductionDeveloped in Liaoning, China ca. 1981
PI 459025 Bing-Nan
IntroductionCollected in Fujian, China Ca. 1981
PI 467313 Da-hei-qi
IntroductionCollected in Jilin, China ca. 1982
PI 468377 Hong Kong #3
IntroductionCollected in Heilongjiang, China ca. 1982, State Farm 852. Latitude: 48 deg 28 min 34 sec N (48.4760799), Longitude: 127 deg 58 min 19 sec E (127.9719961)
PI 470930 Traff
840-2-7 X 751-8-1-15Developed in Sweden, Released 1978
PI 471931 0185
IntroductionCollected in Nepal ca. 1982
PI 471938 0197
IntroductionCollected in Nepal
PI 479767 Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
PI 483461 Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
PI 494182 Suzuhime
IntroductionCollected in Japan
PI 495831 Amsoy X Black EyebrowFrance, 1985
PI 50523 Hsiao chin huang tou
IntroductionCollected in Liaoning, China
PI 506764 Hyuuga
Akasaya X Ako Musume
PI 506852 Kantou 60
NIAR 040303
IntroductionCollected in Japan ca. 1987; Kanto and Tosan. Latitude: 35 deg 60 min N (35.9999962), Longitude: 138 deg 60 min E (138.9999924)
PI 507079 Nakasennari
PI 619615
PI 507354 Tokei 421
NIAR 010080
IntroductionCollected in Hokkaido, Japan ca. 1987; Latitude: 43 deg 27 min 37 sec N (43.4603694), Longitude: 142 deg 36 min 34 sec E (142.6095656)
PI 507471 Tousan kei na 16
NIAR 041016
IntroductionCollected in Japan ca. 1987; Kanto and Tosan. Latitude: 36 deg 0 min 0 sec N (36), Longitude: 139 deg 0 min 0 sec E (139)
PI 507681 B Jangiabad
VIR 7217
IntroductionNAM Strain; Usbekistan, Russian Fed. Ca. 1987
PI 508294-BB Introduction
PI 518751 NS-20
Ns-Kasna X BeesonNAM Strain; Serbia and Montengro ca. 1988
PI 524993 Amurskaja 41
VIR 4112
IntroductionCollected in Amur, Russian Fed. Ca. 1988
PI 527703 Asgrow A6381
N72-3038 X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8400095
PI 534648 GR8936
Asgrow A3127 X Williams 82Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University, PVP 8700128
PI 538024 Hartz 914
H78-B18 X H78-B2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000083
PI 538773 Kosuzu
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, PVP 9000110
PI 538774 HSC 721
[ ( Forrest x Essex ) x BedfordX TracyAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9000111
PI 538781 DPL 878
Davis X Pickett 71Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000118
PI 540451 L2333
Land O Lakes Max X Land O Lakes L4404Land O Lakes, Inc., PVP 9000143
PI 540452 Asgrow A2427
Asgrow A2943 X PI088788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000144
PI 540453 Asgrow A2872
Asgrow A2943 X Asgrow A3501Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000145
PI 540455 XL1901
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000147
PI 540456 Asgrow A7258
R74-1625 X Coker 77-188Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000151
PI 540876 HS 2533
Weber X Asgrow A2943Growmark, Inc., PVP 9000159
PI 540877 FFR 464
Mitchell X EssexFFR Cooperative, PVP 9000160
PI 540880 Syngenta S20-20
PI 540880
B152 X CM497Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000163
PI 540881 Syngenta S25-15
Lakota X Asgrow A3127Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000164
PI 540882 Syngenta S28-18
Syngenta S30-31 X Asgrow A3127Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000165
PI 540883 Syngenta S29-39
B152 X 9240RNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000166
PI 540884 Syngenta S43-34
Fayette ( 3 ) X Syngenta S14-92Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000167
PI 542053 Hartz 922
Hartz 930 X Hartz 936XMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000178
PI 542055 Dairyland DSR262
BSR201 X Asgrow A3127Dairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9000180
PI 542056 Pioneer P9171
Pioneer P9271 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000181
PI 542057 Pioneer P9191
HP 2530 X Pioneer P3981Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000182
PI 542058 Pioneer P9221
Pioneer P1677 X FranklinPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000183
PI 542059 Pioneer P9241
0624-32 X Pioneer P2981Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000184
PI 542060 Pioneer P9273
Pioneer P2981 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000185
PI 542061 Pioneer P9311
Asgrow A1937 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000186
PI 542062 Pioneer P9381
( Essex x L69-4143X SpritePioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000187
PI 542063 Pioneer P9681
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000188
PI 542064 Ardir
Unspecified X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000189
PI 542065 Pioneer P9162
Pioneer P2981 X Asgrow A1937Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000190
PI 542066 FFR 606
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9000191
PI 542067 FFR 646
Bedford X BayFFR Cooperative, PVP 9000192
PI 542070 Dairyland DSR333
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9000195
PI 542392 38735L
( Corsoy x HarkX Asgrow A3127Latham Seed Company, PVP 9000205
PI 542393 BT 1790
( Corsoy x HarkX Beeson 80Ziller Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9000206
PI 542399 BT 2585
CM137 X CM304-21Ziller Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9000213
PI 542972 Hartz 7190
D73-9442 X RansomMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000214
PI 542982 Hartz 639
Davis X Ware x KanrichMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000225
PI 543794 Delsoy 4900
Asgrow A5424 X MackCurators of the University of Missouri, PVP 9100062
PI 543832 Buckshot 723
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLouisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9000236
PI 543932 Syngenta S00-88
( Maple Presto x WoodworthX Maple ArrowNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000262
PI 543933 Syngenta S83-30
Braxton X Coker 368Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000263
PI 543934 Syngenta S48-84
( Mitchell 450 x L77-994X Mitchell 410Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000264
PI 543935 Syngenta S64-23
J77-46 X ( Coker 136 ( 3 ) x Centennial )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000265
PI 543936 Syngenta S61-89
Selection from BedfordNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000266
PI 54563 No. 3
IntroductionIntroduced from Liaoning, CN
PI 54563-3 IntroductionCollected in Liaoning, China
PI 54592 No. 32
IntroductionCollected in Liaoning, CN, Southern Manchuria
PI 54610 IntroductionCollected in Jilin, China; Changchun. Latitude: 43 deg 52 min 48 sec N (43.8799992), Longitude: 125 deg 19 min 22 sec E (125.3227806)
PI 54610-3 Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
PI 54615-1 No. 55
IntroductionCollected in Heilongjiang, China; Harbin. Latitude: 45 deg 45 min 0 sec N (45.75), Longitude: 126 deg 39 min 0 sec E (126.6500015)
PI 546480 CX210
Weber X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9100033
PI 546499 CFS 2000
C1426 X Amsoy Phyt 4Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500081
PI 547094 CX291
Asgrow A3127 X Williams 82Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9100075
PI 547656 L81-4871
L6(6) X PI 157440
PI 547875 L85-2378
Williams 82 (6) X PI 200492
PI 547878 L86-1752
Williams 82 (6) X PI 230970
PI 547879 L87-0482
Williams 82 (6) X PI 459025
PI 548325 Flambeau
Wisconsin 839-14
PI 548443 IntroductionCollected in Zhejiang, CN
PI 548451 Delsta
Selection 6677
IntroductionDeveloped in USA ca. 1991
PI 548473 IntroductionIntroduced from Jiangsu, CN
PI 548479 Otootan
IntroductionIntroduction from Taiwan
PI 548559 Emerald
Aoda X Hahto x Kent Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 7500052
PI 548684 SRF 307B
Wayne ( 7 ) X D61-5141Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7200099
PI 548685 SRF 450
Kent ( 8 ) X PI 088818Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7200077
PI 548687 SRF 307
Wayne ( 7 ) X D61-5141Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7100017
PI 548688 XK-505
C1253 X KentTeweles Seed Company, PVP 7100037
PI 548690 Syngenta S14-92
Corsoy X WayneNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7600066
PI 548692 AP 200
Amsoy Phytophthora 225 X SwiftAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000072
PI 548693 Marshall
Provar X ( A55-5629-4 x PI248404 )Improved Variety Research, Inc., PVP 7200008
PI 548694 Peterson Jade
Verde X KanrichPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7200076
PI 548834 FFR 695
[ 6041 x ( 6084 x Bragg ) ] X CentennialFFR Cooperative, PVP 9100130
PI 548835 3615
DPX 403 X DPL 345Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9100131
PI 549046 Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
PI 549098 SS 390
( Union x Asgrow A3127X ( L74L-228 x Asgrow A3127 )Southern States Cooperative, Inc., PVP 9100148
PI 549099 Southern States SS516
SS 516
Asgrow A4997 X Asgrow A5474PVP 9100149
PI 550728 Pioneer P9131
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100180
PI 550729 Pioneer P9231
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100181
PI 550730 Pioneer P9392
Asgrow A3127 X GnomePioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100182
PI 550731 Pioneer P9443
Douglas X FayettePioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100183
PI 550732 Pioneer P9593
2177-57 X Pioneer P9561Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100184
PI 550733 Pioneer P9551
J74-45 X 1095C42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100185
PI 550734 Pioneer P9583
Pioneer P9591 X Pioneer P9471Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100186
PI 550735 Pioneer P9521
Pioneer P9531 X Pioneer P9561Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100187
PI 550736 Pioneer P9761
2178-33 X 2029-14Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100188
PI 550738 Asgrow A6961
84V741-04 X BraxtonMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9100190
PI 550740 Asgrow A1662
Asgrow A3127 X ( Century 84 ( 2 ) x AP6 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9100192
PI 553044 Camp
Selection from VanceSelection from Vance, PVP 8900271
PI 554604 CX267
CM203 X CX366Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9100209
PI 555463 BT 1422
( Hodgson x EvansX ( Hark x Corsoy )Ziller Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9100249
PI 555464 BT 2877
Beeson X Williams 79Ziller Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9100250
PI 556352 RA501A
Mack X L62-1251Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7605006
PI 556468 Buccaneer
Amsoy X ( Magna x Exp 8314 )Syler, Inc., PVP 7300010
PI 556469 Seedmakers I-E
Harosoy X Bellatti L-263Louis Bellatti, PVP 7200078
PI 556470 XK-515
Wayne X Habaro 95Teweles Seed Company, PVP 7100060
PI 556471 XK-585
Wayne X T93ATeweles Seed Company, PVP 7100074
PI 556472 XK-535
Cayuga X Chippewa 64 ©48Teweles Seed Company, PVP 7100062
PI 556474 SRF 200
X68-136 X Amsoy 71Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7400002
PI 556475 SRF 425
Wayne ( 3 ) X ( Dorman ( 5 ) x PI181537 )Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7400005
PI 556476 SRF 307P
L15 X 68g-19Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7400003
PI 556477 SRF 174-AT
Harosoy 63 ( 9 ) X D61-5141Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7400094
PI 556478 FFR 777
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 7300018
PI 556479 FFR 666
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 7300017
PI 556480 McNair 600
Jackson X LeeNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7100075
PI 556481 McNair 800
Roanoke X N47-745Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7100042
PI 556482 Syngenta S1474
Hark X WayneNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7300085
PI 556483 3034
Amsoy X 303S11The Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 7400097
PI 556484 PX 185-44
Corsoy ( 2 ) X BeesonPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7300062
PI 556485 AP 27
Agripro Ex 7710
Cutler X CallandAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7400079
PI 556486 Pontiac
Corsoy X BeesonAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7400081
PI 556487 AP 25
Beeson X CallandAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7400080
PI 556488 PX 181-88
Corsoy ( 2 ) X HarkPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7300061
PI 556489 Pioneer P61-22
Corsoy X Magna x ProvarPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7300064
PI 556491 Brysoy 9
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBryco Plant Research Division, PVP 7400038
PI 556492 AP 20
C1426 X Amsoy Phyt 4Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500056
PI 556493 Classic I
Wayne X HarkV. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500069
PI 556494 RA526
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500067
PI 556496 Asgrow A3001
Beeson X CallandMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7600063
PI 556497 Voris 295
Beeson X CallandVoris Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500055
PI 556498 Pioneer P83-14
Amsoy X BeesonPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7300063
PI 556501 Syngenta S13-46
A5-5629-4 X PI257435Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500085
PI 556502 Syngenta S12-44
Corsoy X WayneNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500086
PI 556503 B186
Corsoy X WayneNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500088
PI 556504 Lancer
N59-6800 X Coker Hampton 266Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7600044
PI 556505 Classic II
Wayne X Harosoy 63V. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7600041
PI 556506 McNair 500
Davis X Lee 68Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7605016
PI 556509 Asgrow A2444
M60-406 X Amsoy 71Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7700006
PI 556512 118-11
Corsoy X ( Hawkeye x Chippewa )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7700002
PI 556513 McKoy 1100
Unspecified X UnspecifiedHarris Moran Seed Company, PVP 7400026
PI 556514 Coker 136
N98-6800 X Coker Hampton 266Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7300091
PI 556516 Terra-Vig 708
Coker Hampton 266 X BraggTerral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 7605003
PI 556517 Beechwood
S58-544 X MeritFunk Seeds International, Inc., PVP 7600074
PI 556518 Syngenta S15-78
Amoy Rps1 X Clark 63Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7700078
PI 556519 FFR 111
Adelphia X Harosoy 63FFR Cooperative, PVP 7600007
PI 556520 Gutwein 180
Harosoy 63 X PI248406Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7700036
PI 556521 PL 6712424
Wayne X HarosoySoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7700038
PI 556522 DS 160
Harosoy 63 X PI248406Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7700035
PI 556523 PL 6940104
Grant X WayneSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7700037
PI 556524 Ike
Wayne X PI54608-1V. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7700081
PI 556525 CX 290
Chippewa 64 X Amsoy 5143 ( c ) 1 ( b ) 2Americana Seeds, Inc., PVP 7600056
PI 556527 Asgrow A5312
Williams X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7700111
PI 556529 Asgrow A5618
( Williams x V69-289X YorkMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7800018, Parentage confilct S01-9269 registration says Williams x York
PI 556531 J-84A
Unspecified X UnspecifiedJacques Seed Company, PVP 7700055
PI 556533 RA401
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7800030
PI 556534 RA601
Mack X L62-1251Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7800031
PI 556535 Land O Lakes Max
PI 556535
[ Wayne x ( Clark x Adams ) ] X CutlerLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 7700062
PI 556539 PL723299L
Corsoy X AmsoySoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7800054
PI 556540 Big Boy
( Kanrich x PI243519X PrizeSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7800049
PI 556541 Gutwein 421
Clark 63 X D61-6141Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7800051
PI 556542 PL709947
( Chippewa 64 ( 3 ) x D61-5141X DareSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7800053
PI 556543 Dotson
Harosoy 63 X PI248406Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7800050
PI 556544 3035
Ax50F58-2 X PI31122The Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 7700075
PI 556545 Brooks
Bragg X HoodGold Kist, Inc., PVP 7700025
PI 556546 FFR 444
Wayne X KentFFR Cooperative, PVP 7600006
PI 556547 Rockford
Altona X WellsCallahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 7800021
PI 556548 Asgrow A2858
Beeson X ( Patoka x Mack ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 7900037
PI 556549 Syngenta S40-55
Beeson X CutlerNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7800101
PI 556550 AP 40
Amsoy 71 X WilliamsAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900014
PI 556551 CO-OP 500
L15 X C1423 x C1253 Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900018
PI 556552 RS 2300
C1453 X :66L-140Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900013
PI 556553 AP 70
Bragg X DavisNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7800081
PI 556554 AP 10
M60-406 X [ ( Blackhawk x Harosoy ) x Hark ]Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900010
PI 556555 GT 1200
Hark X CallandAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900019
PI 556556 GT 1310
L66L-140 X CutlerAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900021
PI 556557 SRF 150P
SRF 150 ( 6 ) X SRF 200Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7800055
PI 556558 RA604
Hutton X ForrestNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900008
PI 556559 RA480
Mack X L62-1251Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900007
PI 556560 Mitchell 450
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900046
PI 556561 K-77
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNixon Seed Company and L. Krietemeyer, PVP 7800015
PI 556562 Victor
Mitchell X WayneBioTechnica Agriculture, Inc., PVP 7900025
PI 556563 S-48
IVR 1120 X SL12Callahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 7800098
PI 556565 SRF 250
Hark X D61-5141Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7900112
PI 556566 Hobson
( Chippewa 64 ( 3 ) x D61-5141X DareSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7900109
PI 556567 SRF 450P
SRF 450 ( 3 ) X SL5Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7900113
PI 556568 PL 72-3176L
Corsoy X AmsoySoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7900111
PI 556569 PL 70-10546D
( Chippewa 64 ( 3 ) x D61-5141X DareSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7900110
PI 556570 Gutwein 221
Corsoy X AmsoySoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7900108
PI 556571 Wilstar 790
Bragg X RansomHelena Chemical Company, PVP 7900058
PI 556573 Asgrow A3501
Williams 82 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8700119
PI 556574 TC 137
M60-406 X ( Amsoy ( 8 ) x C1253 ) Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000071
PI 556575 AP 225C
Beeson X HarkAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000073
PI 556576 FFR 335
Wayne X KentFFR Cooperative, PVP 7900070
PI 556577 FFR 224
L65-4059 X T117FFR Cooperative, PVP 8000090
PI 556578 Riverside 2025
Williams X CorsoyThe Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8000015
PI 556579 Magnum
( Wayne x HabaroX WilliamsV. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900106
PI 556580 Duke
Chippewa 64 X Cutler 71V. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900105
PI 556581 Delta
Wayne X Harosoy 63V. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900107
PI 556582 DPL 345
Bragg X MackMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8000045
PI 556583 McNair 710
McNair 600 X Coker Hampton 266Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900088
PI 556584 McNair 770
Ransom X Pickett 71Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900089
PI 556585 Syngenta S2596
Amsoy Rps X CutlerNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000009
PI 556586 Syngenta S33-45
Vickery X S48Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700114
PI 556587 Syngenta S53-34
Essex X MackNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700129
PI 556588 Pioneer P2877
Corsoy X ( Corsoy x Hark )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000027
PI 556589 Pioneer P4280
Williams X WoodworthPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000024
PI 556590 Pioneer P4880
Mitchell X Cutler 71Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000025
PI 556591 Pioneer P1981
Beeson X WilliamsPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000102
PI 556592 Pioneer P3081
Williams X WoodworthPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000103
PI 556594 Pioneer P3981
Williams X Cutler 71Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000105
PI 556595 Stevens
Wayne X HarkScientific Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8000076
PI 556596 RA402
Adelphia X BonusNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000093
PI 556597 Asgrow A5939
( Tracy x D71-6234 )  X J74-122Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8000148
PI 556598 Dairyland DSR141
Chippewa 64 X AmsoyDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8100020
PI 556599 Dairyland DSR171
Wayne X HarkDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8100021
PI 556600 Dairyland DSR207
Wayne X HarkDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8100022
PI 556601 Dairyland DSR232
Wayne X HarkDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8100023
PI 556602 Dairyland DSR120
Harosoy 63 X T34Dairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8100096
PI 556603 GT 1250
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900020
PI 556604 APHP 20-20
HP 20-20
Rampage X HarkAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000070
PI 556605 HS 220
M59-213 X WayneAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100007
PI 556606 HS 265
C1470 X OgdenAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100009
PI 556607 AP 250
Hark X CallandAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100005
PI 556608 AP 71
Dare X D64-3937Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100090
PI 556609 GT 1380
L66L-140 X AdamsAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100088
PI 556610 HP 3700
AP20 X L66L-108Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100106
PI 556611 RA481
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000054
PI 556612 Terra-Vig 606
Dare X D64-3937Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8000163
PI 556613 Land O Lakes L4404
Land O' Lakes L4404
Amsoy 71 X PikeLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8000125
PI 556614 Pioneer P2981
Hark X ( Corsoy x Calland )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8100038
PI 556616 GT 1440
Mitchell X Exp 40306Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100016
PI 556617 SRF 350P
SRF 350 ( 6 ) X SRF 307PSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8100115
PI 556618 PL 707743
Amsoy X WayneSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8100113
PI 556619 Hartz 936X
D71-4538 X H16-11Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100080
PI 556620 FFR 668
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 8100140
PI 556621 Land O Lakes L4104
Land O Lakes Max ( 4 ) X AltonaLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8100142
PI 556622 Land O Lakes L4303
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8200135
PI 556624 HS 235
C1426 X KentAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8100008
PI 556625 AP 350
Amsoy Phyt 326 X CallandAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8100006
PI 556626 AP 55
Dare X R64-502Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100089
PI 556627 AP 230
Beeson X L66-1359Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8200072
PI 556628 CS20
S4 X S19Callahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100132
PI 556629 CS45
Corsoy X MitchellCallahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100138
PI 556630 CS31
S10 X MitchellCallahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100135
PI 556631 CS38
Mitchell X Cutler 71Callahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100136
PI 556632 J-112
Wells X WilliamsThe Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8100092
PI 556634 SRF 101
Hark ( 2 ) X ( Wayne ( 3 ) x D61-5141 )Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8100152
PI 556635 DPL 105
Dare X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100151
PI 556636 DPL 506
Bragg X Lee 68Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100149
PI 556638 Asgrow A1179
L68-4242 X Asgrow A1564Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100081
PI 556639 Asgrow A2680
Corsoy X Md1913Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100083
PI 556640 Pioneer P2180
Swift X CallandPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000029
PI 556641 Pioneer P2480
Corsoy X BeesonPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000030
PI 556642 TS250
Hark x Wayne X [ ( Hark x Wayne ) x Amsoy 71 ]Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100176
PI 556643 Syngenta S09-90
Amsoy 71 ( 3 ) X PI189868Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100146
PI 556644 Syngenta S18-84
Syngenta S14-92 ( 3 ) X TracyNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200093
PI 556645 Syngenta S40-44
Beeson X WilliamsNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100147
PI 556646 B242
Hampton 266 X WellsNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200091
PI 556647 RA680
Centennial X D72-8867ANovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100097
PI 556648 McNair 700
Bragg X RansomNorthrup King Company, PVP 7900093
PI 556649 Cypress 6000
Tracy X Pickett 71Milburn Farms, Inc., PVP 8100131
PI 556650 CS42
Unspecified X UnspecifiedCallahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100137
PI 556651 CS24
S20 X HarkCallahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100133
PI 556652 CS30
Unspecified X UnspecifiedCallahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 8100134
PI 556653 B203
B216 ( 5 ) X ( Mack x Corsoy ) Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200090
PI 556654 Syngenta S72-60
Ransom X Pickett 71Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200164
PI 556655 2400
Amsoy Rps X CutlerNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100145
PI 556656 Syngenta S69-96
Dare X YorkNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200165
PI 556657 B152
Syngenta S13-46 ( 6 ) X Syngenta S13-46Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200092
PI 556658 Syngenta S14-60
Syngenta S14-92 X HodgsonNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8300088
PI 556659 Syngenta S45-01
Swift X DavisNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8300090
PI 556660 Syngenta S30-31
B216 X DavisNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8300089
PI 556661 DPL 417
Davis X N66-1136Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300014
PI 556662 DPL 497
Davis X N66-1136Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300013
PI 556663 DPL 246
Lee 68 X D62-7816Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8200102
PI 556664 Shiloh
SB168 X [ ( Tracy x ( N10-1501 x D72-8867A ) ) x ( D64-4636 ( Dare x Harosoy 63 ) ) ]Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300006
PI 556665 Pioneer P1282
Wells X [ ( Disoy x Magna ) x Provar ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8200144
PI 556666 Pioneer P6782
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8200117
PI 556667 Pioneer P1082
Wells X WilkinPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8200115
PI 556668 Pioneer P3580
Williams X WoodworthPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000026
PI 556669 Pioneer P5482
Dare X ForrestPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8200116
PI 556670 Pioneer P9561
Mack X ForrestPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8200119, Parentage conflict literature says Forrest x Mack
PI 556671 Pioneer P3481
Williams X WoodworthPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000104
PI 556672 GL 2250
Corsoy X AmsoySoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8100114
PI 556673 GL 2552
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8300094
PI 556674 Gutwein 225
SRF 150 X SRF 200Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8300093
PI 556675 SRF 205
SRF 150 ( 2 ) X SRF 200Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8300092
PI 556676 HP 4800
70-4428 X 70-5126Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8200073
PI 556677 APHP 2530
HP 2530
L15 X C1431Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8100105
PI 556678 HP 3033S
Marshall X AP26Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300025
PI 556679 RS 2330
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300027
PI 556680 AP 420
Amsoy 71 X L66-1359Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300026
PI 556681 AP 240
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300028
PI 556682 AP 120
IVR 0810 X HarosoyAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300029
PI 556683 AP 330
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8300146
PI 556684 Ruby
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300145
PI 556685 Asgrow A5308
Williams X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8100084
PI 556686 Asgrow A7372
N63-1206 X BraggMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8200087
PI 556688 Asgrow A4997
Harcor X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300137
PI 556690 Asgrow A6520
( Tracy x D5064 )  X J74-122Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300136
PI 556691 Land O Lakes L4106
Evans X RansomLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8200136
PI 556692 Land O Lakes L4207
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8200134
PI 556693 Land O Lakes L4204
Amsoy X WayneLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8200133
PI 556694 Land O Lakes L4504
Amsoy 71 X PikeLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8000127
PI 556695 Land O Lakes L4503
Amsoy 71 X PikeLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8000126
PI 556697 Terra-Vig 505
Dare X R64-502Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8200153
PI 556698 Bellatti-R-77-84
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLouis Bellatti, PVP 8200056
PI 556699 Hartz 930
D71-4538 X MackMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8200127
PI 556700 RA580
D69-8001 X SB168Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8300075
PI 556701 Mitchell 410
( Viking x Unk 286 dt1X MitchellNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200162
PI 556702 RA403
Sb128 ( b )4 X [ ( N701501 x D728867A ) x SB117 ( a )1 ) x ( Mitchell x Columbus ) ]Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200163, SB117 ( a )1 was a single plant selected from Clark
PI 556703 RA606
Cross IV ( a ) 160 X RA-528Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200161
PI 556704 RA502
RA527 X Syngenta RA603Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200160
PI 556705 Birch
Hodgson X HarcorIllinois Foundation Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200107
PI 556706 VR 3393
Unspecified X UnspecifiedV. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200057
PI 556707 Dairyland DSR320
Wayne X HarkDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8200123
PI 556708 Dairyland DSR227
Wayne X HarkDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8200124
PI 556709 Dairyland DSR352
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8200125
PI 556710 Dairyland DSR303
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8200126
PI 556711 FFR 560
D69-8001 X SB168FFR Cooperative, PVP 8300002
PI 556712 90210-30266
51232 X 51509Midwest Oilseeds, Inc., PVP 8200100
PI 556713 60524-30575
S8 X CallandMidwest Oilseeds, Inc., PVP 8200101
PI 556714 71229-31008
S10 X MitchellMidwest Oilseeds, Inc., PVP 8200098
PI 556715 90339-30435
51232 X 245Midwest Oilseeds, Inc., PVP 8200099
PI 556716 GK-67
Bragg X PI253662Agratech Seeds Inc., PVP 8200142
PI 556717 Hartz 7126
Forrest X RansomMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300129
PI 556718 Hartz 5252
Forrest X MackMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300130
PI 556719 Hartz 5370
D70-3115 X ForrestMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300128
PI 556720 Hartz 6383
Forrest X Pickett 71Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300127
PI 556721 Hartz 5171
D66-12392 X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300126
PI 556722 Sumter
( York x Davis ( a ) 160 )  X ForrestAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300005
PI 556723 Syngenta S42-40
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400122
PI 556724 Syngenta S23-03
B216 X HodgsonNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400120
PI 556725 Syngenta S39-93
Syngenta S14-92 X WoodworthNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400121
PI 556726 Syngenta S69-54
Ransom X Pickett 71Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400064
PI 556727 Collier
Unspecified X UnspecifiedB. B. Collier-Barney A. Smith, PVP 8400099
PI 556728 Asgrow A6242
( Tracy x D5064 )  X J74-122Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8400096
PI 556729 Asgrow A2522
Hodgson X Syngenta S14-92Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8400137
PI 556730 Asgrow A3420
Union X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8400149
PI 556731 Asgrow A4271
Asgrow A3860 X UnionMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8400150
PI 556733 Pioneer P9471
Williams X EssexPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8400072
PI 556734 Pioneer P9441
Williams X EssexPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8400073
PI 556735 Pioneer P9292
149-66 X WilliamsPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8400074
PI 556736 Pioneer P9271
149-66 X WilliamsPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8400075
PI 556737 J82
Corsoy X SwiftThe Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8400009
PI 556739 RA701
Unspecified X UnspecifiedRing Around Products, Inc., PVP 8000059
PI 556740 RA800
Unspecified X UnspecifiedRing Around Products, Inc., PVP 8100141
PI 556741 Coker 393
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400018
PI 556742 Coker 355
J74-122 X ( Forrest x Centennial )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400019
PI 556746 Riverside 303C
Calland X B216The Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8400035
PI 556747 Riverside 2021
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLynnville Seed Company, PVP 7800025
PI 556748 PRN-82
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBSF Ag Research, PVP 8400032
PI 556749 KG30
Maple Arrow X SA198King Grain, Inc., PVP 8500022
PI 556750 KG70
Evans X MarionKing Grain, Inc., PVP 8500024
PI 556752 HT5203
[ ( XK585 x XK505 ) x VikingX ( Mac x Clark ) Stanford Seed Company, PVP 8400069
PI 556753 HT4203
Unspecified X UnspecifiedStanford Seed Company, PVP 8400070
PI 556754 RA603
Unspecified X UnspecifiedRing Around Products, Inc., PVP 8000057
PI 556755 J-8287
Corsoy X SwiftThe Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8400080
PI 556756 J-72
Corsoy X WirthThe Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8400079
PI 556757 J-8389
Corsoy X PI081029The Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8400081
PI 556759 RA451
SX-441 X MO74-50416Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500008
PI 556760 RA405
Sb128 ( b )4 X [ ( N701501 x Dare 728867A ) x SB117 ( a )1 ) x ( Mitchell x Columbus ) ]Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500010, SB117 ( a )1 was a single plant selected from Clark
PI 556761 Syngenta S27-10
[ ( ( Mack x Corsoy ) x B216 ) x B216X ( Syngenta S13-46 x Mack )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500117
PI 556762 Syngenta S42-30
Essex X AP35Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500119
PI 556763 Syngenta S24-24
[ ( Mack x Corsoy ) x B216X B216Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500122
PI 556764 Syngenta S39-99
[ ( Syngenta S14-92 x Mack ) x ( Syngenta S14-92 x Lee 74 ) ] X ( Syngenta S13-46 x Mack )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500118
PI 556765 Syngenta S15-50
[ ( ( Mack x Corsoy ) x B216 ) x B216X ( Syngenta S12-44 x Mack )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500120
PI 556766 B335
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500116
PI 556767 B095
Evans X HodgsonNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500121
PI 556768 L1771
Land O Lakes Max ( 4 ) X AltonaLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8500140
PI 556769 L2330
Land O Lakes Max ( 2 ) X AltonaLand O Lakes, Inc., PVP 8500141
PI 556770 Pioneer P9691
Forrest X Pickett 71Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500145
PI 556771 Pioneer P9061
Wells X Pioneer P1677Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500144
PI 556772 Pioneer P9541
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500147
PI 556773 Pioneer P9591
Essex X YorkPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500143, F7 single seed decent
PI 556774 Pioneer P9791
GaSoy 17 X TracyPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500146
PI 556775 Pioneer P9531
Centennial X ( Pickett 71 x J74-45 ) Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500142
PI 556776 Asgrow A1214
Evans X HP20-20Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8500157
PI 556779 Asgrow A1525
Asgrow A1564 X L71L-436Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8500156
PI 556780 Asgrow A3803
L74L-228 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8500160
PI 556781 Asgrow A3307
( Williams ( 2 ) x PI088788 )  X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600020
PI 556782 Asgrow A5149
Asgrow A3860 X N72-3058Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600018
PI 556784 Asgrow A4595
Douglas X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600019
PI 556785 KG60
Premier X BK22-1-3King Grain, Inc., PVP 8500175
PI 556786 J-231
Corsoy X ( Hodgson x Calland )The Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8500173
PI 556787 Dairyland DSR151
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8500206
PI 556788 Dairyland DSR205
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8500207
PI 556789 Dairyland DSR255
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8500208
PI 556790 Dairyland DSR287
Williams X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8500209
PI 556791 Dairyland DSR297
Beeson X Williams 79Dairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8500210
PI 556792 Dairyland DSR317
Williams X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8500211
PI 556793 Terra-Vig 553
Forrest X D68-4641Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600001
PI 556794 Terra-Vig 717
Experimental 128 X Experimental 41Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600006
PI 556795 Terra-Vig 616
Experimental 128 X Experimental 41Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600005
PI 556796 Sanalona
Hood X LeePrairie Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600008
PI 556797 Pioneer P9201
B216 X WilliamsPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8600120
PI 556798 Pioneer P9251
Syngenta S14-92 X Asgrow A2575Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8600121
PI 556799 Pioneer P9361
Essex X L69-4143Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8600125
PI 556800 Pioneer P9581
( Mack x ForrestX J74-90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8600122
PI 556801 Pioneer P9751
Centennial X BraxtonPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8600123
PI 556802 S331
Unspecified X UnspecifiedStone Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600024
PI 556803 Hartz 6130
Bedford X ( Centennial x X37-3-16 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600014
PI 556804 Hartz 6383R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600044
PI 556805 Hartz 9190
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600043
PI 556806 Hartz 8112
Forrest X RansomMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600015
PI 556807 DPL 566
N66-1136 X D67-4601Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600023
PI 556808 Oak
Unspecified X UnspecifiedIllinois Foundation Seeds, Inc., PVP 8600013
PI 556809 AP 3023
Amsoy Phyt 326 x Cutler X HodgsonAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8600057
PI 556810 AP 2190
CFS2000 X K464Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8600056
PI 556811 AP 4321
348-71-25503-51137 X MitchellAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8600058
PI 556812 Asgrow A0949
Vickery X EvansMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600101
PI 556813 Asgrow A7986
Young X BraxtonMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600107
PI 556815 Asgrow A3511
Williams 82 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600163
PI 556818 Starr
Davis X N68-415Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8600062
PI 556819 Terra-Vig 808
[ ( N64-2451 x Dyer ) x Pickett 71X MackTerral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600033
PI 556820 Syngenta S59-19
Bay X BedfordNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8600114
PI 556821 B236
Pride PEX110
Syngenta S13-46 X AP25Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8600146
PI 556822 Syngenta S23-12
Syngenta S13-46 X Asgrow A2575Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8600145
PI 556823 Hawkson
Beeson X XK515Identity Seed and Grain Company, PVP 8600079
PI 556824 Spartan
Brysoy 9 X Pickett 71Bryco, Inc., PVP 8600119
PI 556825 Coker 627
Centennial X ( Coker 69-119 x D80-3185 )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700001
PI 556827 Coker 686
Coker 76-849 X BraxtonNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700035
PI 556828 DPL 675
Bedford X ( V68-920 x Mack ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8700056
PI 556829 HS 302
M0264 X Asgrow A3127Growmark, Inc., PVP 8700037
PI 556830 HS 321
C4217 X Williams 79Growmark, Inc., PVP 8700038
PI 556831 HS 339
Asgrow A3127 X ( Williams x Essex )Growmark, Inc., PVP 8700052
PI 556832 HS 348
L74L-228 X Asgrow A3127Growmark, Inc., PVP 8700039
PI 556833 Hartz 7110
Bedford X ( Govan x Centennial )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8700044
PI 556834 Hartz 5164
Bedford X ( D70-3115 x HX37-3-16 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8700204
PI 556835 Hartz 6385
D70-3115 X Pickett 71Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800008
PI 556837 Pioneer P9181
Beeson 80 X Pioneer P2981Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700101, Parentage conflict Northern 2007 has Beeson x Williams
PI 556838 Pioneer P9202
CM184 X Syngenta S13-46Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700102
PI 556839 Pioneer P9331
( Williams 79 x Asgrow A3127X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700103
PI 556840 Pioneer P9391
( Williams 79 x Asgrow A3127X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700104
PI 556841 Pioneer P9442
Pioneer P9441 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700105
PI 556842 Pioneer P9641
Essex X DavisPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700106
PI 556843 B117
Syngenta S13-46 X Asgrow A1564Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700110
PI 556844 Syngenta S06-57
McCall X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700111
PI 556845 Syngenta S29-20
B216 X Asgrow A2575Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700113
PI 556846 Syngenta S44-77
Asgrow A2575 X MackNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700112
PI 556847 6727
F71-1180 X ( Centennial x Co76-863 )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700157
PI 556848 6738
F71-1180 X CN281Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700158
PI 556849 Asgrow A0358
Evans X [ Asgrow A1564 x ( Corsoy x Mack ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8700080
PI 556851 Asgrow A4906
Asgrow A4997 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8700082
PI 556853 AP 1776
AP20 X TC 137Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8700107
PI 556854 AP 3132
AP350 X WoodworthAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8700108
PI 556855 AP 3773
Amsoy 71 X ElfAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8700109
PI 556856 NattoKing K86
B216R X T215King Agro Inc., PVP 8700191
PI 556859 Asgrow A3415
( Williams ( 2 ) x PI088788 )  X ( Corsoy ( 2 ) x PI088788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800174
PI 556860 Asgrow A4009
Asgrow A3860 X ( Williams (2) x PI 088788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800175, 1996 Northern Tests lists parentage as Asgrow A3860 x Fayette. Fayette parentage is (Williams(2) x PI 88788)
PI 556861 Asgrow A5403
ASG A5403
Asgrow A5421 X Asgrow A5474Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800151
PI 556862 6847
F71-1180 X CN281Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800127
PI 556863 Syngenta S21-98
Syngenta S25-96 X ( Syngenta S14-92 ( 4 ) x Tracy ) Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800144
PI 556864 Syngenta S26-06
Syngenta S18-84 X MatsoyNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800145
PI 556865 Syngenta S34-19
B152 X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800143
PI 556866 Syngenta S36-36
Charger X Asgrow A3860Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800142
PI 556867 Syngenta S61-10
Forrest X HoodNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800141
PI 556868 Syngenta S74-40
Tracy X HuttonNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800140
PI 556869 Pioneer P9272
Pioneer P9292 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800164
PI 556870 Pioneer P9301
Asgrow A3127 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P2981Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800165
PI 556871 Pioneer P9501
[ ( Swift x Williams ) x 3481X [ ( Williams x GP9 ) x Pioneer P4280 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800166
PI 556872 Pioneer P9111
Pioneer P1981 X Pioneer P2981Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800158
PI 556873 Pioneer P9161
( Syngenta S14-92 x Hodgson 78X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800159
PI 556874 Pioneer P9293
Pioneer P2981 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800160
PI 556875 Pioneer P9402
( L77-994 x Asgrow A3127X L77-994Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800161
PI 556876 FFR 565
Bedford X BayFFR Cooperative, PVP 8800134
PI 556877 Dairyland DSR128
Hodgson 78 X Beeson 80Dairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8800065
PI 556878 Dairyland DSR135
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8800066
PI 556879 Dairyland DSR155
Williams 79 X Wells IIDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8800067
PI 556880 Dairyland DSR184
Unspecified X UnspecifiedDairyland Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8800068
PI 556881 AP 2021
RS 2300 X 78067Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8800124
PI 556882 AP 3977
Williams 79 X AP26Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8800125
PI 556883 AP 1650
AP20 X TC 137Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8900009
PI 556884 AP 1989
AP26 X VickeryAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8900010
PI 556885 AP 2324
HP 2530 X HS 235Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8900011
PI 556886 SS 487
Asgrow A4268 X K1024Southern States Cooperative, Inc., PVP 8800116
PI 556887 CX117
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800186
PI 556888 CX298
Williams 82 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800188
PI 556889 CX458
Douglas X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800187
PI 556890 29725K
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLatham Seed Company, PVP 8800221
PI 556891 34726
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLatham Seed Company, PVP 8800222
PI 556892 34870
BSR201 X Asgrow A3127Latham Seed Company, PVP 8800223
PI 556894 HSC Baldwin
OP 76-622 X BedfordAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8800146
PI 556895 Syngenta S07-80
McCall X SloanNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900209
PI 556896 Syngenta S17-18
S48 X PellaNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900210
PI 556897 Syngenta S19-90
B152 X PellaNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900211
PI 556898 Syngenta S20-26
B152 X HS235Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900212
PI 556899 Syngenta S30-41
B152 X PellaNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900213
PI 556900 Syngenta S31-33
WX1738 X L77-994Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900214
PI 556901 Syngenta S42-50
B203 X Asgrow A3127Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900215
PI 556902 6925
Essex X ForrestNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900284
PI 556903 6955
Coker 237 X D74-7741Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900291
PI 556904 6995
Bedford X Coker 156Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900292
PI 556905 FFR 398
Mitchell X EssexFFR Cooperative, PVP 8900109
PI 556907 DPL 726
Deltapine 246 X CentennialMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8900080
PI 556908 Pioneer P9121
Asgrow A1937 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900172
PI 556909 Pioneer P9302
Williams 79 X Pioneer P9292Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900173
PI 556910 Pioneer P9303
Pioneer P2981 X CM385Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900174
PI 556911 Pioneer P9341
CM304 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900175
PI 556912 Pioneer P9411
( Williams 79 x Asgrow A3127X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900176
PI 556913 Pioneer P9461
( 0351-29 x Asgrow A4268X ( 9401 x Asgrow A3127 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900177
PI 556914 Pioneer P9582
( Centennial x BedfordX D77-5090Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900178
PI 556915 Pioneer P9592
Pioneer P9561 X ( Asgrow A5618 x Pioneer P9561 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900179
PI 556916 Pioneer P9711
Centennial X Pioneer P9571Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900180
PI 556917 Hartz 6200
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8900154
PI 556918 Hartz 6686
Ransom X N77-2703Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8900155
PI 556919 Hartz 6372
Forrest X [ D70-3115 x ( D71-6841 x Williams ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8900264
PI 556920 HS 2455
Asgrow A1937 X PellaGrowmark, Inc., PVP 8900148
PI 556921 HS 266
Unspecified X UnspecifiedGrowmark, Inc., PVP 8900146
PI 556922 HS 2821
Asgrow A2943 X [ Hark x ( Corsoy x Calland ) ]Growmark, Inc., PVP 8900149
PI 556923 HS 358
Unspecified X UnspecifiedGrowmark, Inc., PVP 8900147
PI 556924 HS 4011
Unspecified X UnspecifiedGrowmark, Inc., PVP 8900150
PI 556925 K87
B216R X T215King Agro Inc., PVP 8900144
PI 556926 TK 89
Premier X VintonKing Agro Inc., PVP 9000023
PI 556929 Asgrow A2543
Asgrow A3127 X ( Century 84 ( 2 ) x AP6 ) Parentage conflict. May be ( Century 84 (2) x A79-134008 ), Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000007
PI 556931 CX329
Williams 82 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000005
PI 556932 CX469c
Asgrow A5474 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000006
PI 556933 W20
Unspecified X UnspecifiedE. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, PVP 9000036
PI 556996 Syngenta S33-32
CM304-21 X WilliamsNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200003
PI 556997 Syngenta S39-11
Fayette X Syngenta S42-30Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200004
PI 559379 3311
Asgrow A3127 X SL1646Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200036
PI 559397 FFR 253
Williams 82 X PellaFFR Cooperative, PVP 9200055
PI 559398 FFR 299
B152 X PellaFFR Cooperative, PVP 9200056
PI 559399 FFR 343
Cumberland X PellaFFR Cooperative, PVP 9200057
PI 559400 FFR 373
Williams 82 X PellaFFR Cooperative, PVP 9200058
PI 559924 Hartz 5240
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200067
PI 559927 DPL 3627
DPL 105 X DPL 345Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200070
PI 560300 HSC 623
Bedford X DPL 105Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 9200105
PI 560307 Syngenta S59-60
Coker 485 X ( Coker 76-927 x Epps )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200112
PI 561183 SS 461
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSouthern States Cooperative, Inc., PVP 9200144
PI 561191 Hartz 4464
H78-938 X FayetteMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200153
PI 561205 Syngenta S12-22
9240R X WeberNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200168
PI 561206 Syngenta S24-92
Asgrow A3127 X ( CM385 x CCM399 )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200169
PI 561207 Syngenta S25-07
Ozzie X Asgrow A5474Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200170
PI 561208 Syngenta S28-01
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200171
PI 561209 Syngenta S35-35
Syngenta S39-99 X Asgrow A3127Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200172
PI 561210 Syngenta S38-83
Syngenta S44-77 X Asgrow A3127Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200173
PI 561211 3172
HP20-20 X HW79149Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200174
PI 561212 3202
V295 X Asgrow A3127Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200175
PI 561218 Asgrow A5560
EPPS X ( D74-7741 x N73-693 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200181
PI 561319 A Hui nan zi hua he jia
IntroductionFrom Chinese Acad. Sci., Beijing, CN
PI 561370 Fen dou 14
IntroductionNAM Strain; Shanxi, China ca. 1982
PI 561377 Chohakuzan
IntroductionAzuma Natto factory Japan
PI 561389 B Okura Natto
IntroductionUsed for natto, Japan
PI 561576 FFR 595
[ ( Custer x Dyer ) x PI088788X BedfordFFR Cooperative, PVP 9200185
PI 561578 HSC 591
[ ( Custer x Dyer ) x PI088788X BedfordAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9200187
PI 561581 Asgrow A3200
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200190
PI 561582 Pioneer P9232
Pioneer P9181 X Pioneer P9271Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9200191
PI 561583 Pioneer P9351
Williams 82 X Asgrow A1937Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9200192
PI 561584 Pioneer P9062
Pioneer P9061 X Pioneer P9181Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9200193
PI 561585 Pioneer P9312
Asgrow A3307 X Pioneer P9402Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9200194
PI 561586 Pioneer P9831
2076-18 X 2032-14Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9200195
PI 561589 BT 2919
10411-37 X 10305-01Ziller Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9200198
PI 561596 Hartz 507
Hartz 930 X ( H78-4722 x H78-B1 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200205
PI 561597 Hartz 5566
H80-18032 X Pioneer P9571Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200206
PI 561599 Hartz 5088
H76-558 X H79-2410Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200208
PI 561711 Asgrow A3237
Asgrow A3501 X Asgrow A3733Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200213
PI 561712 H8558
TracyM X H76-1634Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200217
PI 561717 Asgrow A2506
Syngenta S14-60 X Asgrow A3501Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200222
PI 561718 Asgrow A2835
X1972 X Asgrow A3935Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200223
PI 562375 AT 550
AgraTech AT550
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAgraTech Seeds Inc., PVP 9200245
PI 562376 AT 575
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAgraTech Seeds Inc., PVP 9200246
PI 562628 CX121
Pella X CX174Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200267
PI 562629 H8448
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200268
PI 562637 CX248
Asgrow A3127 X Williams 79Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9200276
PI 564082 Terra-Vig 5555
Asgrow A5980 X DPL 415Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9300010
PI 564526 Syngenta S62-66
Coker 485 X ( Coker 485 x Epps ) Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9300019
PI 564528 DPL 3818
Bedford X BraggMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300021
PI 564530 DPL 3733
Asgrow A7986 X Asgrow A5980Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300023
PI 564694 3602
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9300046
PI 564713 Pioneer P9692
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300065
PI 564714 Pioneer P9584
( Pioneer P5482 x CentennialX Pioneer P9561Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300066
PI 564742 Hartz 608
Hartz 936X X ( ( H24 x S77-8 ) x Bay ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300072
PI 564745 Hartz 6397
Hood 75 X H79-15462Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300077
PI 565091 Terra-Vig 5676
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTerral Seed, Inc., PVP 9300094
PI 565092 Terra-Vig 6253
( Pershing x Coker 355X ( Coker 485 x Epps )Terral Seed, Inc., PVP 9300095
PI 565093 Terra-Vig 6792
Coker 686 X D7-6103Terral Seed, Inc., PVP 9300096
PI 565485 DPL 3682
DPL 417 X FosterMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300121
PI 565487 FFR 193
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9300125
PI 565488 FFR 352
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9300126
PI 565510 Asgrow A4539
Asgrow A4595 X Asgrow A4009Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300149
PI 565511 Asgrow A3431
Asgrow A2943 X Asgrow A5474Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300150
PI 565512 Asgrow A4138
Asgrow A4595 X Asgrow A4009Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300151, Parentage conflict Northern Test 2008 says parentage is A4009 x A4595
PI 566931 DPL 3606
DPL 415 X DPL 105Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300179
PI 566936 Syngenta S42-32
MO2050 X Asgrow A5474Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9300184
PI 566937 Syngenta S30-06
Asgrow A2943 X Syngenta S23-12Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9300185
PI 567222 Alisa
VIR 9615
PI 567374 Ba yue zha
IntroductionCollected in Shaanxi Sheng, China ca. 1993
PI 567425B IntroductionShanxi, China
PI 567516 C Ba yue zha
IntroductionCollected in Shandong, China
PI 567537 Gu li hun
IntroductionShandong Shen, Cn
PI 567601 Xiao tie jiao
PI 567642 A Nan zhao cao huang dou
IntroductionCollected in Henan, China
PI 567904 DPL 3553
DPL 415 X Asgrow A5980Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300196
PI 568238 FFR 500
FFR 561 X Asgrow A5474FFR Cooperative, PVP 9300203
PI 568239 FFR 731
Pickett 71 x Centennial X CentennialFFR Cooperative, PVP 9300204
PI 568240 Asgrow A1395
Pioneer P9061 X Asgrow A2234Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300205
PI 568241 Asgrow A1900
86P058-14 X Asgrow A2234Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300206
PI 568242 Asgrow A2012
Asgrow A2234 ( 2 ) X BSR101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300207
PI 568243 Asgrow A2540
Asgrow A3307 X 85V250-08Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300208
PI 568244 Asgrow A3304
Asgrow A3322 X ( Asgrow A3127 x W20 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300209
PI 568245 Asgrow A3510
84P323 X X3213Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300210
PI 568254 Asgrow A4415
Asgrow A3935 X Asgrow A5474Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300219
PI 570653 HSC 741
Bedford X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9300228
PI 570658 Pioneer P9252
Pioneer P2981 X Asgrow A2943Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300234
PI 572271 Pioneer P9242
B216 X MONRRPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300238
PI 572275 Pioneer P9041
Pioneer P9061 X Pioneer P1082Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300242
PI 572276 Pioneer P9071
Pioneer P9061 X Pioneer P9181Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300243
PI 572277 Pioneer P9007
Pioneer P9061 X RidgePioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300244
PI 572278 Pioneer P9141
Pioneer P9061 X Pioneer P9181Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300245
PI 572279 Pioneer P9203
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300246
PI 572280 Pioneer P9394
Asgrow A3307 X EgyptianPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300247
PI 572281 Pioneer P9451
Pioneer P9571 X Pioneer P9402Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300248
PI 572282 Pioneer P9491
Asgrow A5474 X Pioneer P9292Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300249
PI 572283 Pioneer P9721
Pioneer P9791 X Pioneer P9751Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300250
PI 572284 Pioneer P9304
HP 2530 X Asgrow A2943Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300251
PI 572285 Pioneer P9342
Pioneer P9341 X Resnik ( 2 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300252
PI 573031 Asgrow A4045
Asgrow A3935 ( 5 ) X W20Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300286
PI 574477 Fen dou 31
IntroductionCollected in Shanxi, China
PI 574486 Jin dou 13
IntroductionNAM Strain; Shanxi, China ca. 1993
PI 574534 Piatt
LN78-257 X Asgrow A3127Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9400062
PI 574542 LN89-5717
Williams 82 (2) X PI 89772F3, Resistant to SCN Races 2, 3, 5 and 14.
PI 576145 Sandusky
Conrad X HayesOhio Agricultural Research and Development Center, The Ohio State University Research Foundation, PVP 9400008
PI 576149 Syngenta S75-55
Coker 82-645 X ( Coker 82-645 x D77-6056 )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400012
PI 576155 HY 798
Kirby X WrightUniversity of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 9400020
PI 576160 CX335
CX366 X CX458Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400025
PI 576161 CX394c
Asgrow A3307 X CX366Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400026
PI 576162 CX434
CX366 X CX458Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400027
PI 576163 CX232
Asgrow A3127 X ( CM385 x CCM399 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400028
PI 576164 CX313
CX366 X MO211Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400029
PI 576165 CX314
CM304-21 X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400030
PI 576166 CX411
CX366 X CX458Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400031
PI 576440 Calhoun
Ripley X PershingKentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9400221
PI 577798 Bronson
Bradley X L80-4323Purdue University, Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9400047
PI 577809 293
Winchester X HarperFFR Cooperative, PVP 9400060
PI 577810 381
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9400061
PI 577817 MFL-551
Unspecified X UnspecifiedVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and VTIP, Inc., PVP 9400069
PI 578038 Pioneer P9362
Asgrow A2943 X Asgrow A5474Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9400098
PI 578039 Pioneer P9393
Resnik X Asgrow A3733Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9400099
PI 578293 Syngenta S09-95
Syngenta S07-80 X Syngenta S23-03Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400137
PI 578294 Syngenta S16-60
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400138
PI 578295 Syngenta S29-11
Syngenta S31-33 X Asgrow A3307Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400139
PI 578296 Syngenta S39-41
Syngenta S42-30 ( 2 ) X ( Williams 82 x PRX58-35 )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400140
PI 578297 Syngenta S42-60
Syngenta S42-30 X CM455Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400141
PI 578425 ZDD000049
PI 578888 Syngenta S52-25
Pioneer P5482 X Asgrow A5474Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400163
PI 578889 Syngenta S57-11
Asgrow A5474 X BraxtonNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400164
PI 578890 Syngenta S66-90
York X BedfordNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400165
PI 583284 5050
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400170
PI 583287 DPL 3570
Asgrow A6785 X H6383Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400173
PI 583288 DPL 3588
DPL 415 X Asgrow A5980Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400174
PI 583289 DPL 3561
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400175
PI 583359 At 555
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAgraTech Seeds Inc., PVP 9400192
PI 583370 FFR 542
Asgrow A5474 X BayFFR Cooperative, PVP 9400203
PI 583371 FFR 563
Asgrow A5474 X BayFFR Cooperative, PVP 9400204
PI 583737 Hartz 5350
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400207
PI 583741 CX228
EX723 ( 2 ) X CX366Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400211
PI 583743 CX377
CX458 X CX366Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400213
PI 583744 CX399
CX458 X CX366Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400214
PI 583745 CX445
CX415 X CX458Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400215
PI 583746 CX478
CX415 X Syngenta S42-40Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400216
PI 583764 CX260c
Dairyland DSR304 X CartterMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9400232
PI 584326 HT261 STS
Asgrow A2872 X [ ( Asgrow A2943 ( 2 ) x Chamberlain ) x W20 ]Genecorp, Inc., PVP 9500004
PI 584327 HT331 STS
Asgrow A3935 X ( Asgrow A3205 x W20 )Genecorp, Inc., PVP 9500005
PI 584328 HT381 STS
Asgrow A3322 X ( Asgrow A3205 x W20 )Genecorp, Inc., PVP 9500006
PI 584331 Asgrow A2722
Preston X X3511Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500009
PI 584459 Pioneer P9008
Pioneer P9061 X Maple IslePioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500028
PI 584460 Pioneer P9042
Pioneer P9061 X CX096Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500029
PI 584461 P9092
Pioneer P9061 X Syngenta S15-50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500030
PI 584462 Pioneer P9204
1901C45 X [ ( GT1380 x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Century 84 x ( PRX325260 x PRX107132 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500031
PI 584463 Pioneer P9281
Pioneer P9273 ( 4 ) X [ ( Pioneer P2981 x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Pioneer 9273 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 2981 x ( MV2E1 x Resnik ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500032, Parentage conflict 2003 Northern Test says Hark x (Corsoy x Calland)
PI 584464 Pioneer P9321
MO304-21 X ( Weber x Asgrow A3127 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500033
PI 584465 Pioneer P9412
Pioneer P9361 X Pioneer P9442Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500034
PI 584466 Pioneer P9444
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500035
PI 584467 Pioneer P9452
Syngneta S42-30 X Asgrow A3803Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500036
PI 584468 Pioneer P9472
Asgrow A4595 X Asgrow A4009Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500037
PI 584470 Ohio FG2
LS301 X HS84-6247Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University, PVP 9500039
PI 587563 B Dan yang huang xiang dou y
PI 587696 Introduction
PI 587982 A Huang mao bai shui dou
IntroductionCollected in Sichuan, China
PI 587982A DS25-1
DT98-9102 X PI 587982A
PI 590233 FFR 553
Asgrow A6381 X Pioneer P5482FFR Cooperative, PVP 9500149
PI 590234 FFR 583
FFR 771 X BayFFR Cooperative, PVP 9500150
PI 590235 FFR 663
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9500151
PI 590236 DPL 3640
DPX 1348 X DPL 415Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500152
PI 590237 DPL 3681
Coker 6727 X DPL 415Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500153
PI 590238 DPL 3519S
DPX 3519
DP 3519 STS
DPL 415 X [ Asgrow A5403 x ( W20 x Hutcheson ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500154
PI 590239 DPL 3571S
DPL 415 X [ Asgrow A5403 x ( W20 x Hutcheson ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500155
PI 590256 CX046
KG20 X CX174Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500173
PI 590257 CX145
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500174
PI 590517 CX173
CX210 X EX925Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500175
PI 590518 CX278
CX259 X EX925Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500176
PI 590519 CX289
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500177
PI 590520 CX351
CX366 X Asgrow A3733Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500178
PI 590521 CX360
CX366 X ( W20 x Asgrow A1937 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500179
PI 590522 CX368
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500180
PI 590523 CX499c
CX469c X Asgrow A3307Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500181
PI 590532 Syngenta S00-66
B117 X BicentennialNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500190
PI 590533 Syngenta S12-49
McCall X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500191
PI 590534 Syngenta S20-91
Syngenta S21-98 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500192
PI 590535 Syngenta S29-18
Syngenta S31-33 ( 2 ) X Century 84Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500193
PI 590536 Syngenta S59-95
Coker 82-645 ( 3 ) X Pioneer P8571Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500194
PI 590931 CF 492
K1099 X HutchesonKentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9500235
PI 591050 Terral TV5495
DPL 415 X Asgrow A5980Terral Seed, Inc., PVP 9500257
PI 591481 Asgrow A6711
Coker 79-760 X XX5512Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500273
PI 591561 Asgrow A3313
Asgrow A2234 X Asgrow A3935Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500277
PI 591562 Asgrow A4341
Asgrow A3935 X X4413Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500278
PI 591565 Asgrow A5545
Asgrow A5403 X ( Asgrow A3205 x W20 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500286
PI 591567 BT 2911
MO40042 X MO50032Ziller Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9500289
PI 591630 Asgrow A1923
Asgrow A2234 ( 2 ) X BSR101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9500313
PI 592389 Freeborn
Ozzie X FayetteMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9600037
PI 592524 Granite
Sibley X BSR101Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9600039
PI 592533 Hartz 4152
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600048
PI 592534 9004
Maple Ridge X LakotaAgriculture Canada, PVP 9600050
PI 592535 Pioneer P9132
Syngenta S15-50 X Pioneer P9272Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600051
PI 592536 Pioneer P9151
Elgin 87 X Pioneer P9162Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600052
PI 592537 Pioneer P9163
Pioneer P9202 X Syngenta S15-50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600053
PI 592538 Pioneer P9172
Pioneer P9171 ( 2 ) X [ Pioneer P9241 x ( Pioneer 9271 x ( MO30421 x ( PRX325260 x PRX107132 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600054
PI 592539 Pioneer P9253
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600055
PI 592540 Pioneer P9254
Pioneer P9341 X Pioneer P9273Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600056
PI 592541 Pioneer P9255
CM293 X ST2250Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600057
PI 592542 Pioneer P9244
Asgrow A2943 X Pioneer P9061Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600058
PI 592543 Pioneer P9305
Pioneer P9303 X [ ( Asgrow A3733 x Resnik ) x Asgrow 3733 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600059
PI 592544 Pioneer P9313
Pioneer P9293 X Pella 86Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600060
PI 592545 Pioneer P9323
W20 X Asgrow A3205Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600061
PI 592546 Pioneer P9343
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600062
PI 592547 Pioneer P9352
Pioneer P9341 X Pioneer P9273Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600063
PI 592548 Pioneer P9481
( Pioneer P4280 x FayetteX Asgrow A4715Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600064
PI 592549 Pioneer P9611
Pioneer P9592 X [ ( Pioneer P9561 x Asgrow A5618 ) x ( Forrest x Essex ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600065
PI 592553 Asgrow A2704
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600069
PI 592554 Asgrow A3134
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600070
PI 592555 Asgrow A3732
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600071
PI 592556 Asgrow A3834
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600072
PI 592557 Asgrow A4922
Asgrow A4715 X Asgrow A3935Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600073
PI 592558 Asgrow A5547
Hutcheson X Asgrow A5403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600074
PI 592748 Hartz 4994
Asgrow A5474 X Pioneer P5482Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600142
PI 592749 Hartz 6255
Young X Hartz 7126Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600143
PI 592789 Akibiyori
Unspecified X UnspecifiedKaneko Seeds Company, Ltd., PVP 9600188
PI 592790 Suzunishiki
Unspecified X UnspecifiedKaneko Seeds Company, Ltd., PVP 9600189
PI 592892 Syngenta S08-80
Syngenta S07-80 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600193
PI 592893 Syngenta S18-11
Syngenta S31-33 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600194
PI 592894 Syngenta S23-06
Syngenta S21-98 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600195
PI 592922 LG03-11572
Hong feng No. 3
ZDD 06833
PI 592926 Tong nong No. 8
IntroductionHighly inbred
PI 592934 Zhe chun No. 2
IntroductionChina, highly inbred
PI 593655 Danatto
Nattoking K86 X UnspecifiedNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 9600241
PI 593953 Sui nong No. 10
SY 9504002
IntroductionFrom China
PI 594172 A Gogaku
NIAR 033154
IntroductionFrom Japan
PI 594228 Nangun Takedate
Unspecified X Unspecified
PI 594231 Nema Shirazu
Selection from Geden ShirazuSelection from Geden Shirazu
PI 594243 Oku Shirome
Nema Shirazu X Nangun Takedate
PI 594352 HT551STS
Unspecified X UnspecifiedGenecorp, Inc., PVP 9600219
PI 594353 FFR 439
Unspecified X UnspecifiedGenecorp, Inc., PVP 9600220
PI 594381 Asgrow A2247
Pioneer P9111 X XP3299Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600244
PI 594382 Asgrow A2833
Asgrow A2396 X XP3299Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600245
PI 594383 Asgrow A3244
Asgrow A3322 X A86-301024Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600246
PI 594384 Asgrow A3404
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600247
PI 594385 Asgrow A3704
Asgrow A3304 X Asgrow A3237Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600248
PI 594386 Asgrow A5848
Hutcheson X Asgrow A5403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600249
PI 594387 Asgrow A5944
Hutcheson X Asgrow A5403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600250
PI 595087 Syngenta S00-55
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600257
PI 595108 FFR 474
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9600281
PI 595109 FFR 514
Unspecified X UnspecifiedFFR Cooperative, PVP 9600282
PI 595350 CX025
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600307
PI 595351 CX197
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600308
PI 595352 CX229
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600309
PI 595353 CX297
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600310
PI 595354 CX375
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600311
PI 595355 CX280c
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600312
PI 595356 CX450c
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600313
PI 595357 CX494
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600314
PI 595358 CX510c
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600315
PI 595363 Mustang
Fayette X PyramidThe Curators of the University of Missouri, PVP 9600320
PI 595622 Hartz 616
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9600325
PI 595640 Syngenta S48-14
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600353
PI 595641 Syngenta S51-00
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600354
PI 595642 Syngenta S62-62
Hutcheson X ( Coker 237 x Bedford )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600355
PI 595643 Syngenta S65-50
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600356
PI 595644 Syngenta S67-70
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600357
PI 595683 Pioneer P9243
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600368
PI 595684 Pioneer P9306
Pioneer P9273 X [ Asgrow A3733 x ( ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) x Asgrow 3733 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600369
PI 595685 Pioneer P9333
Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A5403 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600370
PI 595686 Pioneer P9344
Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A5403 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600371
PI 595687 Pioneer P9363
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600372
PI 595688 Pioneer P9364
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600373
PI 595689 Pioneer P9421
( W20 x Asgrow A3935X Pioneer P9392Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600374
PI 595690 Pioneer P9482
Pioneer P9501 X Pioneer P9301Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600375
PI 595691 Pioneer P9552
Pioneer P9591 X Pioneer P9531Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600376
PI 595692 Pioneer P9594
Pioneer P9592 X Asgrow A6297Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600377
PI 595693 Pioneer P9631
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600378
PI 595694 Pioneer P9671
[ ( ( ( Centennial x D73-4124 ) x ( Pioneer P5482 x Centennial ) ) x W20 ) x ( ( Centennial x D73-4124 ) x ( Pioneer 5482 x Centennial ) ) ] X [ ( Centennial x ( Mack x Dare ) ) x ( Dare x Tracy ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600379
PI 595695 Pioneer P9182
Pioneer P9273 X BellPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600380
PI 595696 Pioneer P9322
Dairyland DSR304 X AC5263Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600381
PI 595697 Pioneer P9233
CM293 X ST2250Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600382
PI 595698 Pioneer P9396
Pioneer P9381 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A5403 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600383
PI 595826 Pioneer P9245
Asgrow A2396 X Pioneer P9231Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600384
PI 595827 Pioneer P9511
RA452 X Pioneer P9391Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600385
PI 595828 Pioneer P9282
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600386
PI 595829 Pioneer P9234
Pioneer P9221 X Pioneer P9162Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600387, Parentage conflict 2011 Northern Test says it is a selection from Peking
PI 595830 Pioneer P9294
Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A5403 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600388
PI 595831 Pioneer P9395
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600389
PI 596333 Terral TV5893
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTerral Seed, Inc., PVP 9700055
PI 596790 CX292C
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700172
PI 596791 CX373
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700173
PI 596792 CX420C
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700174
PI 596793 CX470C
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700175
PI 596794 CX235C
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700176
PI 596795 CX132
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700177
PI 596796 CX205
CX259 X EX925Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700178
PI 596797 CX363
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700179
PI 596798 CX339C
CX340c X CX469cMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700180
PI 597402 Runo
SY 9618012
IntroductionFrom Krasnodar, Russian Fed. Ca. 1996
PI 597461 B ZYD3243
PI 597883 Syngenta S13-J6
Syngenta S12-22 X Century 84Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9700265
PI 597884 Syngenta S21-A1
( Syngenta S14-60 x Syngenta S23-12X Asgrow A2234Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9700266
PI 597885 Syngenta S28-T3
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9700267
PI 597886 Syngenta S43-B5
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9700268
PI 597929 GCS Raydor
Unspecified X UnspecifiedGold Country Seed, Inc., PVP 9700248
PI 597936 DPL 5644RR
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700258
PI 597937 DPL 5767 RR
H5088 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-2-3 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700259
PI 597938 DPL 5806 RR
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700260
PI 597939 DPL 5960 RR
DPX 9759 RR
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700261
PI 597940 DPL 6200 RR
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700262
PI 598051 Asgrow A1553
Asgrow A1395 X Asgrow A1900Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700300
PI 598052 AG2501
Asgrow A2012 X [ Asgrow A1900 x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700301
PI 598053 AG2301
XP2514 X RP931179Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700302
PI 598054 AG3002
Asgrow A2722 X [ Asgrow A3431 x ( Asgrow 2835 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700303
PI 598055 AG4901
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700304
PI 598056 AG4702
( Asgrow A4715 x Asgrow 3733X ( Asgrow A4715 x 40-3-2 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700305
PI 598057 Asgrow A2553
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700306
PI 598058 AG2702
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700307
PI 598059 Asgrow A5959
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700308
PI 598060 AG5602
Asgrow A5547 ( 3 ) X MON40-3-2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700309
PI 598061 Asgrow A5704
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700310
PI 598062 AG2101
Asgrow A1923 (2) X ( Asgrow A1900 x ( Pioneer P2396 x MON40-3-2 ) )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700311
PI 598063 AG1901
Asgrow A1900 (3) X ( Asgrow A2396 x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700312
PI 598064 Asgrow A3559
Asgrow A4138 X Asgrow A3431Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700313
PI 598065 AG2401
Asgrow A2722 X ( Asgrow A2835 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700314
PI 598066 Asgrow A4604
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700315
PI 598067 Asgrow A2869
Jack X Asgrow A2835Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700316
PI 598068 Asgrow A3904
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700317
PI 598215 Syngenta S24-12
[ B152 x ( Cutler 71 x Essex ) ] X Syngenta S29-20Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9700318
PI 598220 CX255
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700335
PI 598223 Hartz 564
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700342
PI 598359 Hartz 4998RR
Hartz 4994 X ( Hartz 5033 x Hartz 4464RR )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700341
PI 599305 SF567RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700272
PI 599306 Delta King 5961
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700273
PI 599307 SF477RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700274
PI 599308 CX570C
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700292
PI 599311 HY 663
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9700297
PI 599358 MFL-552
Unspecified X UnspecifiedVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, PVP 9700410
PI 599598 Hartz 4994RR
Hartz 4994 X ( Hartz 5033 x Hartz 4464RR )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800025
PI 601983 Donegal
[ ( Wilson ( 6 ) x Forrest ) x ( Perry x ( Williams x PI229358 ) ) ] X BurlisonAgricultural Research Service USDA, PVP 9800028
PI 601984 Tyrone
[ ( Wilson ( 6 ) x Forrest ) x ( Perry x ( Williams x PI229358 ) ) ] X RipleyAgricultural Research Service USDA, PVP 9800029
PI 601985 Terral TV5666RR
Bay X ( Asgrow A5474 x 40-3-2 ) Terral Seed, Inc., PVP 9800042
PI 602383 Pioneer P91B01
Asgrow A2234 X Pioneer P9061Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800056
PI 602384 Pioneer P91B91
Pioneer P9172 X [ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800057
PI 602385 Pioneer P92B01
Pioneer P9172 X [ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800058
PI 602386 Pioneer P92B21
9196-074 X [ Pioneer P9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800059
PI 602387 Pioneer P92B51
Pioneer P9204 ( 2 ) X [ Pioneer P9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800060
PI 602388 Pioneer P92B52
MO304-21 X ConradPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800061
PI 602389 Pioneer P92B61
Pioneer P9241 X ( Rps1k BC4 of Pionner 9273 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800062
PI 602390 Pioneer P92B71
[ Pioneer P9273 x ( ( MO304 x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ) ] X [ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800063
PI 602391 Pioneer P92B72
Kenwood X ( AX5152 x Kenwood )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800064
PI 602392 Pioneer P92B91
Jack X Pioneer P9061Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800065
PI 602393 Pioneer P93B01
Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A5403 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800066
PI 602394 Pioneer P93B11
Asgrow A3415 X [ Pioneer P9271 x ( 3105 x ( Corsoy x Magna ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800067
PI 602395 Pioneer P93B41
Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) X [ Asgrow A3733 ( 2 ) x ( Resnik x Asgrow 3733 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800068
PI 602396 Pioneer P93B51
MO2660 X [ Pioneer P9444 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800069
PI 602397 Pioneer P93B52
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800070
PI 602398 Pioneer P93B81
W20 X ( Asgrow A3935 x Pioneer P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800071
PI 602399 Pioneer P93B82
Pioneer P9273 X [ ( MO304 x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800072
PI 602400 Pioneer P93B83
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800073
PI 602401 Pioneer P94B01
Asgrow A4715 X [ Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800074
PI 602402 Pioneer P94B41
( Asgrow A3307 x CM286N sibX [ Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800075
PI 602403 Pioneer P94B81
Pioneer P9584 X [ Pioneer P9444 x ( Pioneer 9431 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800076
PI 602404 Pioneer P9492
Asgrow A4715 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800077
PI 602405 Pioneer P95B41
Pioneer P9584 X [ Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800078
PI 602406 Pioneer P95B71
Pioneer P9584 X [ Pioneer P9544 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800079
PI 602407 Pioneer P97B61
Asgrow A6297 X Pioneer P9711Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800080
PI 602582 SG 567 RR
Pioneer P9592 X [ DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800083
PI 602583 SG 597 RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800084
PI 602584 SG 617 RR
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800085
PI 602896 Daksoy
KG20 X M81-18NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 9800161
PI 602962 HBK 6600
Asgrow A6785 X DPL 415Hornbeck Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9800138
PI 602963 DPL 4750 RR
CM428 X [ TN6-90 x ( DPX 3541 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800139
PI 602964 DPL 4969 RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800140
PI 602965 DPL 5354
Asgrow A5403 X DPL 3589Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800141
PI 602966 DPL 4344 RR
CM428 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800142
PI 603075 DPL 7731
DPL 415 X ( Coker 368 x Asgrow A7986 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800162
PI 603076 DPL 5989
FFR 561 X DPL 3589Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800163
PI 603077 DPL 5655
Asgrow A5403 X DPL 3589Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800164
PI 603078 DPL 4909
Hutcheson X DPX 2485Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800165
PI 603081 DPL 6880 RR
Pioneer P9584 X [ Cook x ( Buckshot 723 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800168
PI 603082 DPL 7375 RR
DPL 3682 X [ Hutcheson x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800169
PI 603090 SG 708 RR
Pioneer P9584 X [ Cook x ( Buckshot 723 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800177
PI 603091 SG 468 RR
CM428 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800178
PI 603092 SG 678 RR
DPL 3682 X [ Hutcheson x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800179
PI 603093 SG 498 RR
CM428 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800180
PI 603176A Introduction
PI 603280 DPL 7220 RR
CM428 X [ TN6-90 x ( DPX 3541 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800215
PI 603281 DPX 8S64 RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800216
PI 603282 DPX 8S63 RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800217
PI 603283 DPL 6299 RR
DPL 3682 X [ Hutcheson x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800218
PI 603284 0
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800219
PI 603285 DPX 8S60
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800220
PI 603287 AP 727
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9800222
PI 603288 AP 572STS
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 9800223
PI 603290 Zao shu 18
PI 603308 B Niu xin hong
PI 603432 B ZDD018276
PI 603452 Diao si gui
IntroductionShandong, China
PI 603571 A ZDD008858
PI 603756 ZDD05996
SY 9816147
IntroductionFrom China ca. 1998
PI 603788 CX402STS
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800228
PI 603789 CX277
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800229
PI 603790 CX257RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800230
PI 603791 CX075
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800231
PI 603792 CX230
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800232
PI 603793 CX253
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800233
PI 603794 CX202C
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800234
PI 603795 CX393c
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800235
PI 603796 CX295
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800237
PI 603797 CX364c
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800238
PI 603798 CX105
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800239
PI 603799 CX419RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800240
PI 603800 CX392RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800241
PI 603801 CX456RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800242
PI 603802 CX496c
Asgrow A4715 X CX340cMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800243
PI 603803 Syngenta S22-C3
Syngenta S33-32 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9800244
PI 603804 Syngenta S33-N1
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9800245
PI 603805 CX160c
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800246
PI 603806 CX284c
CX340c ( 2 ) X CX259Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800247
PI 603807 CX195
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800248
PI 603953 Motte
Asgrow A6785 X CO82-645South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9800254
PI 603957 Syngenta S05-D5
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9800261
PI 60406 Cung Yien
IntroductionNanping, Fujian, China
PI 605706 CX302c
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800236
PI 606071 AG5401
Asgrow A5547 ( 2 ) X MON40-3-2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900027
PI 606072 AG3302
Asgrow A3244 X [ Asgrow A3304 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 4 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900028
PI 606073 AG0901
Agassiz X [ Asgrow A1900 ( 3 ) x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900029
PI 606074 Asgrow A3204
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900030
PI 606075 AG5802
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900031
PI 606076 AG2902
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900032
PI 606077 Asgrow A0868
Asgrow A1923 X Pioneer P9061Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900033
PI 606078 AG3502
Asgrow A3244 X [ Asgrow A3431 ( 3 ) x ( Asgrow 3242 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900034
PI 606079 Asgrow A2069
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900035
PI 606080 AG2201
Asgrow A2139 X [ Asgrow A2012 x ( Asgrow 2190 x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900036
PI 606081 AG4602
Asgrow A3834 X [ Asgrow A4539 x ( Asgrow 3431 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 3242 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900037
PI 606082 AG4301
Asgrow A4715 X [Asgrow A3733 x ( Asgrow 4045 x ( Asgrow 4138 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900038
PI 606083 Asgrow A3469
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900039
PI 606084 AG3901
Asgrow A4595 X [ Asgrow A4009 x ( Asgrow 3237 x ( Asgrow 4138 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900040
PI 606727 Pioneer P92B23
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900085
PI 606728 Pioneer P90B21
Asgrow A1929 X Pioneer P9061Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900086
PI 606729 Pioneer P92B22
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900087
PI 606730 Pioneer P93B34
Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900088
PI 606731 Pioneer P93B45
Pioneer P9342 X ST3230Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900089
PI 606732 Pioneer P90B93
Pioneer P9132 X [ Pioneer P9244 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900090
PI 606733 Pioneer P91B64
Pioneer P9132 X [ Asgrow A1900 x ( Pioneer P9304 x ( Pioneer 9412 x ( Asgrow 4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900091
PI 606734 Pioneer P92B05
Pioneer P9172 X [ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900092
PI 606735 Pioneer P90B72
Pioneer P9042 X [ Pioneer P9172 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900097
PI 606736 Pioneer P91B52
Pioneer P9151 X [ Pioneer P9244 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900098
PI 606737 Pioneer P91B02
Pioneer P9132 X [ Pioneer P9244 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900099
PI 606738 Pioneer P95B33
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900100
PI 606739 Pioneer P93B53
Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900101
PI 606740 Pioneer P90B43
Pioneer P9071 X Pioneer P9041Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900102
PI 606741 Pioneer P93B25
Pioneer P9244 X [ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900103
PI 606742 Pioneer P90B31
Pioneer P9007 X [ Pioneer P9172 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900104
PI 606743 Pioneer P93B71
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900105
PI 606749 INA
Jack X Hartwig
PI 607541 Syngenta S80-J2
Asgrow A6297 X H6686Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900224
PI 607576 SG 759 RR
H5088 X [ Cook x ( Buckshot 723 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900257
PI 607581 TV4975
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTerral Seed, Inc., PVP 9900264
PI 607835 UM-3
Natto X M87-926Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9800050
PI 607980 CX433RR
CX399 X ( CX366 ( 3 ) x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900276
PI 607981 CX262RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900277
PI 607982 CX300
CX250b X CX267Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900279
PI 608006 TJS 410
Unspecified X UnspecifiedT J Seed Company, PVP 9900312
PI 608726 MN1401
BSR101 X KatoMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9900174
PI 610240 Pioneer P94B45
Asgrow A4138 X [ Pioneer P9362 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000030
PI 610241 Pioneer P94B53
Asgrow A4715 X CorsicaPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000031
PI 610242 Pioneer P95B32
Asgrow A5979 X [ Asgrow A4715 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000032
PI 610243 Pioneer P93B84
Pioneer P9281 X [ Asgrow A3227 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000033
PI 610244 Pioneer P92B74
MO12557 X [ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000034
PI 610245 Pioneer P93B35
Pioneer P9281 X [ Asgrow A3227 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000035
PI 610246 Pioneer P96B01
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9584 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000036
PI 610247 Pioneer P91B53
ST0380 X ST3790Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000037
PI 610248 Pioneer P97B62
Pioneer P9761 X HagoodPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000038
PI 610249 Pioneer P92B35
CX340c X Asgrow A2396Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000039
PI 610250 Pioneer P92B25
Dairyland DSR120 X ( Dairyland DSR304 ( 2 ) x W20 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000040
PI 610251 Pioneer P92B24
MO01718 X [ MO12557 x ( Stine 2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000041
PI 610252 Pioneer P94B22
Asgrow A4138 X ( Pioneer P9312 x Pioneer 9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000042
PI 610253 Pioneer P93B54
Dairyland DSR373 ( 2 ) X W20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000043
PI 610254 Pioneer P93B65
Pioneer P9362 X Pioneer P9381Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000044
PI 610255 Pioneer P95B53
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9551 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000045
PI 610256 Pioneer P93B07
Pioneer P9362 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000046
PI 610431 CX414cRR
Asgrow A4138 X [ CX445 x ( CX411 x ( CX415 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900278
PI 610432 CX405RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900280
PI 610433 CX299c
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900281
PI 610434 CX207c
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900282
PI 610435 CX383RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900283
PI 610436 DPL 6926 S
[ H6686 x ( DPX 3717 x ( W20 x Young ) ) ] X CookMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900284
PI 610437 DPL 5915 RR
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900285
PI 610438 DPL 5718 RR
Pioneer P9592 X ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900286
PI 610439 DPL 4748 S
[ Asgrow A6785 x ( W20 x DPL 415 ) ] X DPL 3478Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900287
PI 610442 Syngenta S24-L2
( B242 x Syngenta S25-96X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900314
PI 610443 Syngenta S42-H1
Pioneer P9303 X Asgrow A4715Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900315
PI 610444 Syngenta S14-U4
Syngenta S20-20 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900316
PI 610445 Syngenta S19-T9
Syngenta S19-90 X PS42Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900317
PI 610447 Syngenta S30-J2
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900319
PI 611112 7499
Pioneer P9391 X KY84-1616Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9900351
PI 612444 Pioneer P93B46
MO16727 X ( Mike Brayton Exp 59372 x Mike Brayton Exp W20 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000109
PI 612445 Pioneer P93B26
Pioneer P92B91 X [ S2911 x ( MO92117-18 x ( Pioneer P9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000110
PI 612446 Pioneer P92B36
ST2250 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000111
PI 612447 Pioneer P96B32
Pioneer P9631 ( 2 ) X [ Pioneer P9551 x ( Pioneer 9444 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000112
PI 612448 Pioneer P96B21
Pioneer P9594 ( 2 ) X [ Pioneer P9584 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000113
PI 612449 Pioneer P95B95
Pioneer P9594 ( 2 ) X [ Pioneer P9584 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000114
PI 612584 Pioneer P92B62
Syngenta S29-11 X [ MO12557 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000117
PI 612585 Pioneer P92B37
Asgrow A3431 X Pioneer P9092Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000118
PI 612586 Pioneer P92B56
MO01718 ( 2 ) X [ Asgrow A1900 x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 3 ) x ( Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000119
PI 612587 Pioneer P92B75
Pioneer P9281 X [ Asgrow A3227 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000120
PI 612717 IntroductionHarbin 94-2508, Heilongjiang China
PI 612763 MN1801
Kasota X KenwoodMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200000145
PI 612764 MN0901
M83-766 X LeslieMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200000146
PI 612935 Asgrow A5404
Asgrow A5885 X XR5101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000078
PI 612936 Asgrow A2804
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000079
PI 612937 AG5001
CM428 X ( Asgrow A4922 x AG4701 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000080
PI 612938 AG1301
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000081
PI 612939 Asgrow A2104
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000082
PI 612940 AG1101
Pioneer P9041 X [ Asgrow A1900 ( 3 ) x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000083
PI 612941 AG4902
Asgrow A4722 X [ 14624 x ( Asgrow A4341 x ( Asgrow 4138 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000084
PI 612942 AG3003
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000085
PI 612943 AG3702
3HS302-12 X [ Asgrow A33133 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 3 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000086
PI 612944 AG3303
Asgrow A3559 X AGR37504Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000087
PI 612945 AG4101
QE4459 X AG4501Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000088
PI 612946 AG4402
Asgrow A4539 X [ Asgrow A4341 x ( Asgrow 4138 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000089
PI 612947 AG5701
Asgrow A5959 ( 2 ) X ( Asgrow A5979 x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000090
PI 612948 AG2001
Asgrow A1900 (3) X [ Asgrow A2012 x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 3 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000091
PI 612949 AG1601
Pioneer P9071 X [ Asgrow A1923 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 1900 x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000092
PI 612950 AG2602
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000093
PI 612951 AG2601
Asgrow A2939 X [ Asgrow A2139 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 2112 x ( Asgrow 1900 x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000094
PI 612952 AG6201
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000095
PI 612953 AG6701
Asgrow A6961 X MON40-3-2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000096
PI 612954 AG0801
Agassiz X [ Asgrow A1900 ( 3 ) x ( Asgrow 2396 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000097
PI 612960 Pioneer P93B66
Pioneer P9362 X ST3630Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000150
PI 612962 Pioneer P92B63
ST2660 X Pioneer P9321Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000151
PI 612963 Pioneer P90B73
OACBayfield ( 2 ) X [ Asgrow A2506 x ( Pioneer P9321 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000152
PI 612964 Pioneer P90A07
Pioneer P9091 X Pioneer P9008Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000153
PI 613609 Syngenta S38-T8
Syngenta S35-35 X Syngenta S46-44Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 200000235
PI 614773 DPL 5414 RR
DPL 3588 X [ Pioneer P9584 x ( DPX 2324 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000316
PI 614774 DPX 5877
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000317
PI 614775 DPL 5110 S
[ Asgrow A5979 x ( Asgrow 6785 x ( W20 x DPL 415 ) ) ] X DPL 3478Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200000318
PI 615537 Pioneer P90B11
Pioneer P9007 X [ Pioneer P9172 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100060
PI 615538 Pioneer P91B12
ST1570 X [ Asgrow A1900 x ( Pioneer P9304 x ( Pioneer 9412 x ( Asgrow 4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100061
PI 615539 Pioneer P91B33
Asgrow A1900 X [ST2250 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100062
PI 615540 Pioneer P91B92
ST2250 X Asgrow A1900Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100063
PI 615541 Pioneer P92B38
Pioneer P92B52 X [ ST2550 x ( Asgrow A1900 x ( Pioneer P9304 x ( Pioneer 9412 x ( Asgrow 4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100064
PI 615542 Pioneer P92B95
Pioneer P92B91 X [ S2911 x ( MO92117-18 x ( Pioneer P9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100065
PI 615561 Pioneer P93B67
Pioneer P93B65 ( 3 ) X [ Pioneer P9204 x ( Pioneer 9281 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100070
PI 615562 Pioneer P93B72
Pioneer P93B82 X [ W30132-004 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9342 x ( Pioneer 934 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100071
PI 615563 Pioneer P95B96
Pioneer P9594 ( 3 ) X [ ( Hutcheson x ( Pioneer P9584 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100072
PI 615564 Pioneer P93B85
Pioneer P9352 X [ Pioneer P92B91 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100073
PI 615565 Pioneer P94B23
Pioneer P93B82 X [ Pioneer P9343 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9362 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100074
PI 615566 Pioneer P95B34
Hutcheson X [ Pioneer P8798 x ( Pioneer 8683 x ( Pioneer 9593 x W20 ) x Pioneer 9593 ( 2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100075
PI 615568 Pioneer P97B52
Pioneer P97B61 X [ Pioneer P9584 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100077
PI 615569 Pioneer P96B51
Asgrow A5979 X S6266Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100078
PI 615570 Pioneer P95B97
Asgrow A5979 X Syngenta S5960Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100079
PI 615571 Pioneer P94B73
[ Pioneer P9273 x ( ( MO304BR x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ) ] X [ Asgrow A3237 x ( Pioneer P9362 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100080
PI 615572 Pioneer P94B54
Pioneer P94B01 X Asgrow A3834Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100081
PI 615573 Pioneer P94B24
Pioneer P9362 X [ ( W20 x Asgrow A3935 ) x Pioneer P9392 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100082
PI 615574 Pioneer P93B87
Pioneer P9273 X [ ( MO304 x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100083
PI 615575 Pioneer P93B86
Pioneer P9362 X Pioneer P93B82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100084
PI 615576 Pioneer P93B47
Pioneer P9352 X [ Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100085
PI 615577 Pioneer P93B15
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100086
PI 615578 Pioneer P92B84
Pioneer P9306 X [ MO01718 x ( Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9273 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow A5403 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100087
PI 615579 Pioneer P92B76
Pioneer P9352 X AX5753J10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100088
PI 615580 Pioneer P92B12
Pioneer P9221 X ( Pioneer P9162 x Pioneer 9234 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100089
PI 615586 Walsh
( Maple Amber x Evans-1-1-10X CouncilNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200100100
PI 617041 Santee
Coker 82-622 X HutchesonSouth Carolina Agriculture and Forestry Research System, PVP 200100207
PI 617045 NC ROY
Holladay X BrimU.S. Department of Agriculture/Agriculture Research Service and N.C. Agriculture Research Service, PVP 200100220
PI 619049 BM-7
Minnatto X M87-926Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200100174
PI 619050 M-S2
Minnatto X KingnattoMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200100175
PI 619083 Danbaekkong
IntroductionSouth Korea
PI 619091 Syngenta S00-A6
( Syngenta S20-26 x Syngenta S19-90X [ ( Syngenta S09-90 x B152 ) x Baron ]Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 200100202
PI 619095 Syngenta S38-E9
Syngenta S35-35 X Asgrow A3200Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 200100206
PI 619617 N7102
Vance X PI561386USDA-Agricultural Research Service, PVP 200100286
PI 628354 BS-141
FTE-MN001 X ( FTE-KN6001 x IL3333NT )Brushvale Seeds, Inc., PVP 200200015
PI 628355 BS-208
IL3333NT X ( FTE-MN001 x FTE-KN6001 )Brushvale Seeds, Inc., PVP 200200016
PI 628659 SN79553
Asgrow A2833 X [ Asgrow 2722 x ( Asgrow A2835 x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 3 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200034
PI 628660 2324990
mp13404 X [ Asgrow A3431 x ( Asgrow 2835 x MON40-3-2 )]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200035
PI 628661 SN79794
Asgrow A3134 X [ Asgrow A3313 x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 4 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200036
PI 628662 SY32157
Cx469c X CX404Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200037
PI 628663 SN79624
HS4824 X [ Asgrow A4138 x ( Asgrow 4922 x ( Asgrow 4045 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 4138 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200038
PI 628664 SN79628
Asgrow A5848 X ( Asgrow A5979 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200039
PI 628665 SE80014
Asgrow A5959 ( 2 ) X AG6101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200040
PI 628666 SN79582
Asgrow A1553 X AG2101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200041
PI 628667 SN79591
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200042
PI 628668 SN79596
AI2453 X [ Asgrow A2722 x ( Asgrow 2396 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 3322 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200043
PI 628669 SN79557
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200044
PI 628997 Pioneer P91B03
Pioneer P9151 X [ MO92117-18 x ( Pioneer P9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200078
PI 628998 Pioneer P91B42
Pioneer P9182 X ( Archer x Pioneer P9273 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200079
PI 628999 Pioneer P92B13
Asgrow A2012 X [ Pioneer P9204 x ( Pioneer 9204 x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200080
PI 629000 Pioneer P92B47
XB22D X [ ST2621 x ( MO01718 x ( Asgrow A1900 x 21710 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200081
PI 629001 Pioneer P93B09
Pioneer P93B82 X [ ST2660 x ( Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9273 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200082
PI 629002 Pioneer P93B36
Pioneer P93B82 X ( Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9273 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200083
PI 629003 Pioneer P93B68
Pioneer P93B82 X [ Pioneer P9343 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow A2506 x 90679 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200084
PI 629008 OHIO FG3
( Hayes x LS301 )  X Ohio FG1Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, PVP 200200089
Gordon X F85-1138Florida Agricultural Experiment Station University of Florida, IFAS, PVP 200400032
PI 630928 Pioneer P90B51
Pioneer P90B43 X [ Pioneer P9132 x ( Pioneer 9172 x ( ST2250 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200098
PI 630929 Pioneer P90B74
Pioneer P90B74 X [ Pioneer P9132 x ( Pioneer 9172 x ( ST2250 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200099
PI 630930 Pioneer P94B13
[ Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9444 x G40-3P9341 ) ] X Asgrow A3834Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200100
PI 630931 Pioneer P94B74
Pioneer P93B82 X [ Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer P9392 x G40-3P9392 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200101
PI 630932 Pioneer P95B42
Pioneer P95B33 X Pioneer P95B32Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200102
PI 630933 Pioneer P95B43
Pioneer P95B33 X YB54DPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200103
PI 631086 Pioneer P92B14
Syngenta S18-11 X Pioneer P93B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200131
PI 631167 Syngenta S25-D3
Harovinton X Syngenta S24-12Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 200200139
PI 631437 Nornatto
Danatto X ( Chico x PI437296 ) NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200200263
PI 631438 Nannonatto
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200200264
PI 632259 RG200GT
Traill ( 3 ) X ( Council x Resnik )NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200200262
PI 632303 88401
Asgrow A1923 X 2702RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300016
PI 632304 SN71173
Asgrow A2553 X AGK26602Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300017
PI 632305 SE71112
Asgrow A4459 X [ ( (Asgrow A 3313 x Asgrow 3733 ) x Pioneer P9303 ) x ( Asgrow 4922 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300018
PI 632306 SN64195
Asgrow A2553 X AG0901Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300019
PI 632307 SN76208
Asgrow A3431 X AGF26601Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300020
PI 632308 SN79525
Asgrow A5547 X [ Asgrow A5249 x ( Asgrow 5547 ( 3 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300021
PI 632309 96008
AG2101 X Pioneer P9163Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300022
PI 632310 SW90702
CX339c X ( CX367c ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300023
PI 632311 SE73224
Asgrow A5843 X [ Asgrow A5403 x ( Asgrow 3205 x W20 ) ) x MON40-3-2 ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300024
PI 632312 SN83211
Asgrow A2069 X AG2101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300025
PI 632313 SE73206
Asgrow A3904 X AG5401Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300026
PI 632314 SE90345
Asgrow A5959 X [ Asgrow A5848 x ( Asgrow 5403 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300027
PI 632315 SN82691
Asgrow A2553 X AGK23603Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300028
PI 632316 SW84112
CX339c X [ CX399 x ( CX366 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300029
PI 632317 149928
Asgrow A5848 X ( Asgrow A5979 (2) x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300030
PI 632418 Tara
[ ( ( Wilson ( 6 ) x Forrest ) x ( Perry x ( Williams x PI229358 ) ) ) x RipleyX DisoyU.S. Government, as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture, PVP 200300172
PI 632600 Pioneer P90M90
Pioneer P90B43 X [ Pioneer P9151 x ( Pioneer 9204 x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300084
PI 632601 Pioneer P91M10
( Pioneer P9161 x Pioneer 9111X Pioneer P92B52Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300085
PI 632602 Pioneer P91M40
Pioneer P90B43 X [ ( ( ( ( Amsoy x Beeson ) x Williams ) x Asgrow A1937 ) x Asgrow 1929 ) x Pioneer P93B51 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300086
PI 632603 Pioneer P91M50
Syngenta S18-11 X Pioneer P93B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300087
PI 632604 Pioneer P91M90
Pioneer P9234 X Pioneer P92B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300088
PI 632605 Pioneer P92M00
( Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9273X ( Pioneer P9273 x Asgrow A2234 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300089
PI 632606 Pioneer P92M10
Pioneer P9163 X CX232Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300090
PI 632607 Pioneer P92M30
Syngenta S18-11 X Pioneer P93B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300091
PI 632608 Pioneer P92M31
Pioneer P93B41 X [ ( Pioneer P9273 x Asgrow A2234 ) x ( Pioneer 9252 x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300092
PI 632609 Pioneer P92M50
Asgrow A1900 X Pioneer P9363Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300093
PI 632610 Pioneer P92M70
Pioneer P9363 X Pioneer P92B61Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300094
PI 632611 Pioneer P92M71
Pioneer P93B82 X Pioneer P93B34Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300095
PI 632612 Pioneer P92M72
ST2621 X Pioneer P93B82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300096
PI 632613 Pioneer P92M80
Pioneer P93B82 X ( ST3630 x Pioneer P9314 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300097
PI 632614 Pioneer P93M40
ST3630 X [ Pioneer P9273 x ( ( MO304BR x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300098
PI 632615 Pioneer P93M41
( Asgrow A2835 x MO15733 ) ( 2 ) X Pioneer P9363Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300099
PI 632616 Pioneer P93M60
Pioneer P93B82 X ( Asgrow A3431 x Pioneer P94B01 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300100
PI 632617 Pioneer P93M80
Pioneer P93B82 X ( Asgrow A3431 x Pioneer P94B01 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300101
PI 632618 Pioneer P93M90
ST3171 X Pioneer P94B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300102
PI 632619 Pioneer P93M91
Pioneer P9421 X ( Pioneer P9362 ( 3 ) x G40-3P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300103
PI 632620 Pioneer P94M40
Pioneer P9421 X ( Pioneer P9362 ( 3 ) x G40-3P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300104
PI 632621 Pioneer P94M41
Pioneer P93B82 X [ Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer P9392 x G40-3P9392 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300105
PI 632622 Pioneer P94M70
Pioneer P93B82 X [ Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer P9392 x G40-3P9392 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300106
PI 632693 SN83541
( Bravor x Hefeng 25 ) ( 2 )  X 3101RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300117
PI 632694 SN74232
Asgrow A2553 X AG2903Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300118
PI 632695 103321
Asgrow A3559 X AG3502Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300119
PI 632696 25340
ST0280 X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300120
PI 632697 33405
ST2870 X AG2601Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300121
PI 632698 53381
Asgrow A4604 X AG4902Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300122
PI 632699 6245
ST0280 X AG2401Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300123
PI 632700 40887
ST2788 X AG3302Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300124
PI 632701 SE84950
Hartz 4994RR X ( Hutcheson x Hartz 4994RR )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300125
PI 632702 11824
ST1386-23 X AG2101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300126
PI 632703 151167
Asgrow A3244 X AG3201Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300127
PI 632704 96004
Asgrow A5959 X AG4501Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300128
PI 632705 96838
Asgrow A2553 X AG2903Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300129
PI 632706 49431
Asgrow A3559 X AG3302Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300130
PI 632707 203314
H91-25699 X [ Hartz 5088 x ( Pioneer P9791 x Hartz 6686RR ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300131
PI 632709 DPL 5634 RR
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300136
PI 633007 1465003
DPX 5024 X DPX 5463Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300195
PI 633008 7085005
Pioneer P9592 X [ Cook x ( BK723 x ( DPX2384 (2) x MON40-3-2 ))]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300196
PI 633039 Spink
ORC9002 X OzzieSouth Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200300164
PI 633051 3186004
DPL 4909 sib X DPL 4344RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300211
PI 633567 Owens
PI417288 X T145Virginia State University and U.S. Government, as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture, PVP 200300250
PI 633608 Dilworth
PI 633608
Chapman X Probst
PI 634570 4283008
DPL 5767RR X Pioneer P9611Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400099
PI 634590 Pioneer P96M20
Pioneer P9631 X [ Hutcheson ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer P9551 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow A4715 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400073
PI 634591 Pioneer P95M80
Pioneer P95B33 X ( Asgrow A5979 x ( Pioneer P9584 x ( Asgrow 4715 x G40-3P9392 ) ) )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400074
PI 634596 3282002
FFR 495 X SG567RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400105
PI 634597 5091007
Hartz 4994 X DPL 5767RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400106
PI 634598 2386009
DPL 5644RR X ( DPL 415 x H7190 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400107
PI 634736 Pioneer P94M90
CM428 X Pioneer P94B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400075
PI 634737 Pioneer P93M93
Asgrow A3431 X Pioneer P94B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400076
PI 634738 Pioneer P93M92
Pioneer P93B82 X Pioneer P92B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400077
PI 634739 Pioneer P93M50
Pioneer P93B86 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P93B67Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400078
PI 634740 Pioneer P93M30
ST2870 X [ S2911 x ( MO92117-18 x ( Pioneer P9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400079
PI 634741 Pioneer P93M11
Pioneer P9306 X Pioneer P92B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400080
PI 634742 Pioneer P93M10
Asgrow A4138 X [ ST2660 x ( Asgrow A3237 ( 3 ) x ( Pioneer P9362 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400081
PI 634743 Pioneer P92M92
Pioneer P92B63 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9362 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400082
PI 634744 Pioneer P92M91
Pioneer P9306 X Pioneer P92B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400083
PI 634745 Pioneer P92M40
( Pioneer P9362 x ( ST2950 x CM176 ) ) X Pioneer P92B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400084
PI 634746 Pioneer P91M51
Pioneer P9071 X [ Pioneer P9132 x ( Pioneer 9172 x ( ST2250 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400085
PI 634747 Pioneer P91M11
Pioneer P91B01 X [ ( ( ( ( Amsoy x Beeson ) x Williams ) x Asgrow A1937 ) x Asgrow 1929 ) x Pioneer P93B51 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400086
PI 634748 Pioneer P90M60
Pioneer P90B43 X [ RCAT 9404 x ( Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9273 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400087
PI 634749 Pioneer P90M20
Pioneer P90B43 X [ Pioneer P9172 x ( ST2250 x G40-3P9392 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400088
PI 634804 Pioneer P94M30
Pioneer P93B82 X ( Pioneer P9362 ( 3 ) x G40-3P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400144
PI 634812 RG405RR
Barnes ( 3 ) X ( Council x ResnikRR )NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200400153
PI 634813 LaMoure
SD92-1323 X M90-370NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200400154
PI 635051 L-Star
Fukuyutaka ( 2 ) X IchihimeNational Agricultural Research Organization, PVP 200300229
PI 635150 SD1151RR
Lambert ( 2 ) X ResnikRRMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota, PVP 200400288
PI 636110 384279
Jim X AGA06801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400310
PI 636111 208463
AP1275 X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400311
PI 636112 212930
602216 X APG0972Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400312
PI 636113 164851
( Asgrow A1923 (2) x Syngenta S24-92X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400313
PI 636114 90505
AP1275 X AG2201Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400314
PI 636115 221524
DKB26-52 X AG2703Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400315
PI 636116 236101
CI3478 X AG3702Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400316
PI 636117 211948
Asgrow A3244 X CPG3289CMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400317
PI 636118 152167
Asgrow A3469 X AGH36801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400318
PI 636119 235908
Asgrow A3559 X ( Asgrow A3469 x HIG3770 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400319
PI 636120 44483
MP15733-72 X AG4301Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400320
PI 636121 SN70025
Asgrow A3469 X Asgrow A3244Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400321
PI 636122 132963
CP3678 X AG4301Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400322
PI 636123 275934
CI43980 X AG4702Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400323
PI 636124 361380
Asgrow A4604 X AGQ48803Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400324
PI 636125 13744
Asgrow A5959 X AGM58702Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400325
PI 636311 MFL-159
V85-5344 X V81-1603Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc., PVP 200500008
PI 636732 Pioneer P90M01
[ ( McCall x Maple Isle ) x Pioneer P9042X Pioneer P91B52Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500067
PI 636733 Pioneer P90M40
Syngenta S08-80 X [ ( Pioneer P9061 x Syngenta S19-90 ) x ( Syngenta S00-66 x ( Syngenta S19-90 x ( Pioneer 9281 x G40-3P9273 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500068
PI 636734 Pioneer P90M61
Pioneer P9151 X Pioneer P92B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500069
PI 636735 Pioneer P90M91
[ ( Pioneer P9061 x Asgrow A1937 ) x ( Pioneer 9293 x Pella 86 ) ] X Pioneer P90B93Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500070
PI 636736 Pioneer P91M12
Pioneer P9234 X Pioneer P90B93Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500071
PI 636737 Pioneer P91M13
Pioneer P9151 X Pioneer P92B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500072
PI 636738 Pioneer P91M60
Pioneer P9151 X Pioneer P91B64Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500073
PI 636739 Pioneer P91M70
ST1970 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P92B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500074
PI 636740 Pioneer P91M91
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P92B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500075
PI 636741 Pioneer P92M01
Pioneer P92B63 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9362 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500076
PI 636742 Pioneer P92M61
Pioneer P9363 X Pioneer P92B61Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500077
PI 636743 Pioneer P93M01
[ Pioneer P9322 x ( ST2250 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9392 ) ] X Pioneer P93B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500078
PI 636744 Pioneer P93M12
Pioneer P93B65 X [ ST2660 x ( Asgrow A3237 ( 3 ) x ( Pioneer P9362 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500079
PI 636745 Pioneer P93M42
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500080
PI 636746 Pioneer P93M51
Pioneer P93B86 X [ Pioneer P93B82 x ( ST3660 x ( Asgrow A2396 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9381 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500081
PI 636747 Pioneer P93M94
Pioneer P94B24 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9362 ( 3 ) x G40-3P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500082
PI 636748 Pioneer P94M50
( CX469c x Pioneer P9451X ( Syngenta S42-60 x Pioneer P9492 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500083
PI 636749 Pioneer P94M80
Pioneer P94B53 X [ ( Pioneer P9362 x Pioneer 9444 ) x ( Syngenta S42-60 x Pioneer 9492 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500084
PI 636750 Pioneer P95M30
[ Hutcheson x ( ( Pioneer P9593 x W20 ) x Pioneer 9593 ( 2 ) ) ] X Pioneer P95B53Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500085
PI 636751 Pioneer P95M50
DPL 9371S X [ Pioneer P9594 ( 3 ) x ( Hutcheson x ( Pioneer 9551 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow A4715 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500086
PI 636752 Pioneer P95M81
Pioneer P9631 X Pioneer P96B21Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500087
PI 636753 Pioneer P96M60
Pioneer P9631 X Pioneer P95B95Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500088
PI 638510 Pembina
ND93-5849 X Pioneer P9004NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200500169
PI 638511 ProSoy
Norpro X KatoNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200500170
PI 638685 1339013
DPL 5110S (2) X DPL 4690RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200500125
PI 638686 4136015
DPL 5110S (2) X DPL 4690RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200500126
PI 638687 3133014
DPL 5110S X ( DP4748S x DP4690RR )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200500127
PI 638688 6084016
DPX8S61RR X BolivarMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200500128
PI 639187 UA 4805
Hartz 5545 X KS4895Arkansas Agricultural Experimental Station, University of Arkansas, PVP 200600045
PI 639555A VIR 5419
IntroductionRussian Federation, 2005
PI 642013 SD1092RR
Lambert ( 2 ) X ResnikRRMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota, PVP 200600015
PI 642167 5083011
DPX8S61RR X BolivarMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600055
PI 642318 1486018
H6191 X DPL 5644RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600066
PI 642319 4189010
Pioneer P9671 X ( DPL 5767RR x HY574 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600067
PI 642324 Pioneer P91M30
XB16H X Pioneer P91B52Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600072
PI 642325 Pioneer P91M61
Pioneer P91B42 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P93B68Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600073
PI 642326 Pioneer P92M02
ST1970 X [ Asgrow A1900 x ( MO92117-18 x ( Pioneer P9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600074
PI 642327 Pioneer P92M03
( Pioneer P9151 x ST2250 )  X [ ST1570 x ( Asgrow A1900 x ( Pioneer P9304 x ( Pioneer 9412 x ( Asgrow 4715 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600075
PI 642328 Pioneer P92M33
Pioneer P9362 x MO21584 X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600076
PI 642329 Pioneer P92M51
[ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 x Pioneer 9321 ) ] X [ Pioneer P93B82 x ( Pioneer 9273 x ( ( MO304BR x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ) x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600077
PI 642330 Pioneer P92M52
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600078
PI 642331 Pioneer P92M73
Pioneer P92B76 X Pioneer P93B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600079
PI 642332 Pioneer P92M74
Pioneer P93B66 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600080
PI 642333 Pioneer P92M75
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600081
PI 642334 Pioneer P93M13
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600082
PI 642335 Pioneer P93M43
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93B47Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600083
PI 642336 Pioneer P93M52
ST3171 X Pioneer P93B66Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600084
PI 642337 Pioneer P93M81
Pioneer P93B87 X [ Pioneer P9352 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9362 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P931 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600085
PI 642338 Pioneer P93M82
Pioneer P93B86 X [ Pioneer P93B82 x ( ST3870 x ( Asgrow A1900 x ( MO0708 x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600086
PI 642339 Pioneer P93M95
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93B67Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600087
PI 642340 Pioneer P93M96
( Pioneer P9362 x MO15733X Pioneer P93B71Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600088
PI 642341 Pioneer P94M31
( Pioneer P93B66 x Pioneer 93B87X Pioneer P94B23Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600089
PI 642342 Pioneer P95M60
Fowler X Pioneer P95B95Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600090
PI 642343 Pioneer P95M82
[ ( Pioneer P9582 x ( ( ( Mack x Forrest ) x J74-45 ) x Epps ) ) x ( Pioneer 9591 x ( ( Forrest x Tracy ) x ( Mack x Forrest ) ) ] X [ Pioneer P9594 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9584 x ( Asgrow A4715 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600091
PI 642344 3235020
1465003 (3) X DPL 4344RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600148
PI 642345 3233021
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600149
PI 642346 1336024
( DPL 3519s x FFR493X SG468RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600150
PI 642347 6188027
Benning X ( 93258F1 x Boggs ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600151
PI 642348 4183026
H5050 X DPL 5806RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200600152
PI 642458 SD1111RR
A97-771039 X SD1081RRSouth Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200600184
PI 642768 HS98-3755
Ohio FG5
Ohio FG1 X HS89-3078
PI 643148 MiniMax
( AC Colombe x PI548240X PI548650U.S. Government, as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture, PVP 200700279
PI 643913 S00-9980-22
TN94-213 X S94-186GP-330, F4:F6
PI 643976 OLERICHI50
( M-5 x M-24 )  X M23Saga Prefectural Regional Industry Support Center, PVP 200600261
PI 643977 Suzusayaka
Suzuyutaka X Kyuko355National Agriculture and Food Organization, PVP 200600262
PI 645464 RG600RR
RG200RR X RG405RRNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700054
PI 645465 RG607GT
SD1091RR X BarnesNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700055
PI 645466 RG604RR
Walsh X RG200RRNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700056
PI 645467 RG603RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700057
PI 645468 RG601NRR
Walsh ( 3 ) X ( Council ( 2 ) x ResnikRR )NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700058
PI 645469 RG6008RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700059
PI 646161 Pioneer P90A06
[ J009 x ( Pioneer P9091 x Asgrow A2234 ) ] X [ ( ( McCall x Maple Isle ) x Pioneer P9042 ) x Pioneer 90B31 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700094
PI 646162 Pioneer P90M02
[ J009 x ( Pioneer P9091 x Asgrow A2234 ) ] ( 2 ) X Pioneer P91B12Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700095
PI 646163 Pioneer P90M80
Pioneer P92B12 X [ Pioneer P90A07 x ( Pioneer 90B43 x ( Pioneer 9007 x ( Pioneer 9172 x ( ST2250 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700096
PI 646164 Pioneer P90M92
Syngenta S10-F2 X [ Pioneer P93B82 x ( ( Pioneer 9273 x ( ( CM304BR x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ) ) ) x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700097
PI 646165 Pioneer P91M01
Syngenta S20-F8 X Pioneer P91B33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700098
PI 646166 Pioneer P91M41
[ ( Archer x Pioneer P9273 ) x ST1570X Pioneer P91B33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700099
PI 646167 Pioneer P91M80
( Pioneer P9182 x Pioneer 9254X Pioneer P91B03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700100
PI 646168 Pioneer P92M11
( Pioneer P92B12 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P92B36Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700101
PI 646169 Pioneer P92M21
( Pioneer P92B12 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700102
PI 646170 Pioneer P92M41
Pioneer P92B76 X Pioneer P93B84Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700103
PI 646171 Pioneer P92M53
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700104
PI 646172 Pioneer P92M54
( Pioneer P9362 x MO21584X Pioneer P92B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700105
PI 646173 Pioneer P92M76
Pioneer P93B09 X Pioneer P92B62Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700106
PI 646174 Pioneer P92M81
Pioneer P93B15 X Pioneer P92M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700107
PI 646175 Pioneer P92M82
Pioneer P92B76 X Pioneer P93B36Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700108
PI 646176 Pioneer P93M14
Pioneer P93B66 ( 2 ) X ST3660Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700109
PI 646177 Pioneer P93M61
Pioneer P93B86 X [ Pioneer P93B82 x ( ST3630 x Pioneer 9314 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700110
PI 646178 Pioneer P93M62
Pioneer P93B15 X Pioneer P93B82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700111
PI 646179 Pioneer P93M70
Pioneer P93B87 X [ Pioneer P92B61 x ( Pioneer 9172 ( 2 ) x ( MO12557 x ( Asgrow A4715 x G40-3P9292 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700112
PI 646180 Pioneer P94M71
( CX469c x Pioneer P9451X ( ST3680 x Pioneer P94B45 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700113
PI 646189 1335025
DPL 4748S X SG468RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700122
PI 646190 1686017
DPL 5644RR X DPX 5225Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700123
PI 646191 2388028
H5050 X DPL 5806RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700124
PI 646192 2387029
HY 574 X DPX5718RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700125
PI 647087 Dennison
Athow X HS94-4533
PI 647867 Sheyenne
Pioneer P9071 X A96-492041NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700352
PI 647985 330738
Asgrow A5427 X AG5001Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700133
PI 647986 358232
AG4402 X AG4403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700134
PI 647987 385457
ST0280 X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700135
PI 647988 387907
Asgrow A2824 X AG3201Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700136
PI 647989 437973
DGL4700A0R X AG4403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700137
PI 647990 457028
DGL4500A0X X DGL4700A0RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700138
PI 647991 4010165
( Asgrow A3469 x Asgrow 3244X CSR3403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700139
PI 647992 4175567
ABN2000C0 X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700141
PI 647993 4219527
DKB45-51 X AG4403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700142
PI 647994 4247825
602216 X AG1101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700143
PI 647995 4309194
Asgrow A2804 X DwightMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700144
PI 647996 4353363
( Asgrow A3469 x Asgrow 3834X [ Asgrow A3559 x ( Asgrow 3244 x ( Asgrow 3431 (3) x ( Asgrow 3242 x 40-3-2)))]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700145
PI 647997 4559808
Asgrow A3525 X DKB31-51Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700147
PI 647998 4599695
Asgrow A3469 X DKB26-52Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700148
PI 647999 4684181
A209 X RM99215F1Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700149
PI 648000 4782157
OACErin X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700150
PI 648001 4788561
602216 X WPG2684Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700151
PI 648002 4958786
DKB38-52 X AG4403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700152
PI 648003 4440685
( Asgrow A2553 x AG2903X ( Asgrow A2553 x AG2903 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700251
PI 648031 4498438
FR24960 X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700146
PI 648231 Pioneer P90M93
12380-32 X ( 00CY622138 x Dairyland DSR199RRSTS )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700258
PI 648232 Pioneer P92M34
[ AP1953 x ( ( ( Asgrow A3205 x ( Asgrow 3127 x Fayette ) ) x G2436A ) ) ] X Dairyland DSR221RRPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700259
PI 648233 Pioneer P91M92
( 76599 x 1CH244B )  X Dairyland DSR221RRPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700260
PI 648235 4896902
Dillon X H5013RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700281
PI 648318 NIDERA A 5009RG
NZ9227 X XI70821RGNidera S.A., PVP 200600243
PI 648319 NIDERA A 4209RG
NU9401 X 40-3-2Nidera S.A., PVP 200600247
PI 648320 NIDERA A 5543RG
Asgrow A54909 X Asgrow A5634RGNidera S.A., PVP 200600248
PI 648321 NIDERA A 5485RG
Asgrow A5402 X XI59739Nidera S.A., PVP 200600249
PI 648322 NIDERA A 7708RG
Asgrow A7852 X ( Asgrow A7986 ( 2 ) x 40-3-2 ) Nidera S.A., PVP 200600250
PI 648323 NIDERA A 4613RG
Pioneer P943484 X 40-3-2Nidera S.A., PVP 200600251
PI 648324 NIDERA A 3289RG
NU9489 X 40-3-2Nidera S.A., PVP 200600252
PI 648470 RG7008RR
RG200RR X ND95-6634NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700353
PI 651309 D4127789
Asgrow A3525 X AG3101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700393
PI 651310 D4210110
DEI81373RRN X AG4403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700394
PI 651311 D4253854
H95-123579 X H6255RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700395
PI 651312 D4201139
Asgrow A3244 X AG2705Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700396
PI 651313 D4523081
Asgrow A3525 X CSR3922NMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700415
PI 651314 D4483789
( Asgrow A3469 x Asgrow 3244X AG3302Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700416
PI 651315 D4328762
AOX3501C0C X ( Asgrow A3554 x AG3502 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700418
PI 651518 D4422957
( AP1275 x AG0801 )  X AG0101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700417
PI 652893 Pioneer P93Y12
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P93B68Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800082
PI 652894 Pioneer P93Y11
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B68Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800083
PI 652895 Pioneer P92Y80
XB23W03 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800084
PI 652896 Pioneer P92Y90
IA2064 X Pioneer P93B36Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800085
PI 652897 Pioneer P93Y02
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800087
PI 652898 Pioneer P93Y01
IA3019 X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800088
PI 652899 Pioneer P92Y30
Pioneer P92M70 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800089
PI 652900 Pioneer P95Y70
Pioneer P95B34 X Pioneer P95B96Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800091
PI 652901 Pioneer P93Y70
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P92M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800092
PI 652902 Pioneer P93Y80
Pioneer P93B09 X Pioneer P93B67Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800093
PI 652903 Pioneer P93Y81
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P94B54Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800094
PI 652904 Pioneer P93Y20
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800095
PI 652905 Pioneer P93Y50
IA3017 X Pioneer P93M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800096
PI 652906 Pioneer P94Y70
Pioneer P93B86 X H04433Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800097
PI 652907 Pioneer P94Y20
YB36V00 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800098
PI 652908 Pioneer P94Y10
31713H013 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800099
PI 652909 Pioneer P94Y01
T00038H005 X XB37C02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800100
PI 652910 Pioneer P93Y90
Pioneer P93B86 X YB37Y00Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800101
PI 652911 Pioneer P95Y41
71026G005 X YB54M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800102
PI 652912 Pioneer P91Y91
Pioneer P92B12 X L03610Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800103
PI 652913 Pioneer P92Y20
Pioneer P92B12 X L03610Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800104
PI 652914 Pioneer P91Y70
Pioneer P91B42 X XB19M01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800105
PI 652915 Pioneer P90Y20
YB009A99 X Pioneer P91B03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800106
PI 652916 Pioneer P90Y41
Pioneer P91B42 X Pioneer P91B33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800108
PI 652917 Pioneer P91Y20
YB15K99 X R03171REPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800109
PI 652918 Pioneer P91Y90
Pioneer P91B53 X Pioneer P93B47Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800110
PI 652919 Pioneer P95Y20
70653G003 X YB54N02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800111
PI 652920 Pioneer P95Y40
Pioneer P93B86 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800112
PI 652921 Pioneer P94Y60
Pioneer P93B82 X XB43JPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800113
PI 652922 Pioneer P94Y90
Pioneer P93B86 X H04433Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800114
PI 652950 Pioneer P93Y10
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800086
PI 652951 Pioneer P98Y11
Pintado X Pioneer P96B32Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800090
PI 653113 RJS41001
YB32J01 X Pioneer P94B54Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800136
PI 653114 RJS44001
31713H013 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800137
PI 653115 RJS37002
Pioneer P93B86 X XB37C02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800138
PI 653116 RJS39001
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B68Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800139
PI 653117 RJS49001
Pioneer P94B13 X Pioneer P94B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800140
PI 653118 RJS18001
Pioneer P92B12 X L03610Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800141
PI 653119 RJS15001
Pioneer P91B42 X Pioneer P92B13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800142
PI 653120 RJS03001
YB009A99 X Pioneer P91B03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800143
PI 653121 RJS15002
YB15K99 X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800144
PI 653122 RJS11001
Pioneer P91B42 X Pioneer P92B13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800145
PI 653123 RJS18002
YB22S00 X Pioneer P92B13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800146
PI 653124 RJS25001
Pioneer P92B12 X YB32K01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800147
PI 653125 RJS26001
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P92M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800148
PI 653126 RJS28001
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800149
PI 653127 RJS31001
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B85Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800150
PI 653128 RJS33001
Pioneer P93B87 X N05402Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800151
PI 653129 RJS34002
YB36V00 X YB36X00Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800152
PI 653130 RJS34001
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B85Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800153
PI 653131 RJS36001
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B85Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800154
PI 653261 Pioneer P90Y40
Pioneer P90B43 X D00782Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800107
PI 65338 Botanical Garden no. 4
IntroductionCollected in Heilongjiang, China; Latitude: 45 deg 45 min 0 sec N (45.75), Longitude: 126 deg 39 min 0 sec E (126.6500015)
PI 65344 No. 4472
No. 9
IntroductionCollected in Heilongjiang, China ca. 1925
PI 653539 SD1161RR/SCN
IA1008 X SD10181RRSouth Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200800185
PI 65393 PI 65393
PI 65394 No. 4520
No. 65
IntroductionCollected in Heilongjiang, China ca. 1925
PI 6556 No. 57
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1901
PI 655963 Pioneer P92Y31
NKX022 X D08006Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900143
PI 655964 Pioneer P94Y21
YB42G X Syngenta S30-J2Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900157
PI 655965 Pioneer P92Y72
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900148
PI 655967 Pioneer P90Y42
R00448R003 X Pioneer P91B03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900138
PI 656332 D5032147
QRG53910 X CGL5400E2RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900113
PI 656333 D5086205
AG5605 X CGL4902C2XMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900114
PI 656334 D5123854
H95-123579 X H6255RRMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900115
PI 656335 D5124759
CSR3922N X DGL4701A0XMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900116
PI 656336 D5142326
CAK2400N1R X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900117
PI 656337 D5232589
R1120 X CRM1502D1RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900118
PI 656338 D5231451
H6191RR X ( HX821280 x H7550RR )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900119
PI 656339 D5624834
( Pioneer P9234 x CX235X DKB23-51Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900120
PI 656340 D5703684
AGL4703B0R X AG3802Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900123
PI 656341 D5362795
( Asgrow A5484 x AMA5900B1RX Asgrow A4324Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900124
PI 656342 D5502014
37014-11 X AG3101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900125
PI 656343 D5896414
( Jim x AG0801 )  X AG0801Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900126
PI 656344 D5903654
DKB44-52 X AG4403Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900127
PI 656345 D5916542
AG0601 X DAK2301A1RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900128
PI 656346 A1007978
CFN3802A1X X ACP4103C0RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900129
PI 656347 Pioneer P90Y50
R00448R003 X XB02E02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900137
PI 656348 Pioneer P90Y80
R00448R003 X K12620Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900139
PI 656349 Pioneer P91Y21
Pioneer P91B42 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900140
PI 656350 Pioneer P91Y80
Pioneer P91B42 X L04549Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900141
PI 656351 Pioneer P92Y10
YB36V00 X Pioneer P92B36Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900142
PI 656352 Pioneer P92Y50
Pioneer P92M20 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900144
PI 656353 Pioneer P92Y51
Pioneer P92M40 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900145
PI 656354 Pioneer P92Y70
Pioneer P93B86 X L04177Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900146
PI 656355 Pioneer P92Y71
IA2064 X Pioneer P92M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900147
PI 656356 Pioneer P93Y13
ZB36A02 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900149
PI 656357 Pioneer P93Y14
Pioneer P93M10 X IA3017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900150
PI 656358 Pioneer P93Y40
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900151
PI 656359 Pioneer P93Y51
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900152
PI 656360 Pioneer P93Y52
Pioneer P93B87 X N05916Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900153
PI 656361 Pioneer P93Y71
Pioneer P93B86 X SP3449336Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900154
PI 656362 Pioneer P93Y91
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900155
PI 656363 Pioneer P93Y92
Pioneer P93B86 X HL3060483Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900156
PI 656364 Pioneer P94Y80
[ ( Pioneer P4280 x Fayette ) x Asgrow A4715X [ ( ( ( Pioneer P4280 x Fayette ) x Asgrow A4715 ) x Asgrow 3431 ) x Pioneer 94B73 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900158
PI 656365 Pioneer P94Y91
Pioneer P93B68 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900159
PI 656366 Pioneer P95Y01
YB48M01 X Pioneer P94B54Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900161
PI 656367 Pioneer P95Y30
71557T001 X Pioneer P95B43Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900160
PI 656368 RJS30001
Syngenta S32-Z3 X XB38Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900179
PI 656369 RJS32001
LP3442228 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900184
PI 656370 RJS35001
Pioneer P93M50 X XB35Q04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900186
PI 656371 RJS37001
Pioneer P93B87 X PE3031531Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900187
PI 656397 RJS47001
T00038H005 X Pioneer P94B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900165
PI 656398 RJS45001
YB32K01 X Pioneer P94B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900167
PI 656399 RJS40002
Pioneer P93B86 X H04385Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900169
PI 656400 RJS40001
YB36V00 X Pioneer P93M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900170
PI 656401 RJS39003
Pioneer P93B67 X K12021Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900171
PI 656402 RJS13001
Pioneer P91B42 X R05686Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900172
PI 656403 RJS15003
XB23Y02 X Pioneer P91B33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900173
PI 656404 RJS22002
YB21G01 X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900174
PI 656405 RJS30002
XB37L03 X Pioneer P93M10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900180
PI 656406 RJS33002
YB36V00 X JH4267591Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900185
PI 656407 RJS39002
Pioneer P93B86 X YB37F02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900190
PI 656599 RJS48001
Syngenta S32-Z3 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900166
PI 656600 RJS41002
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900168
PI 656601 RJS23001
Pioneer P92B12 X YB26V01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900175
PI 656602 RJS28002
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P93B68Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900176
PI 656603 RJS29001
XB23W03 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900178
PI 656604 RJS38001
Pioneer P93M93 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900188
PI 656605 RJS38002
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P94B54Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900189
PI 656608 RJS31002
Pioneer P93B87 X L04210Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900181
PI 656609 RJS31004
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900183
PI 656650 RJS28004
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900177
PI 656651 RJS31003
YB36V00 X N05977Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900182
PI 657701 TGx 1987-129F
UG-5 X TGx1805-31FF7, GP-369
PI 657702 TGx 1987-76F
UG-5 X TGx1805-31FF7, GP-369
PI 657703 TGx 1987-118F
UG-5 X TGx1805-31FF7, GP-369
PI 658014 Glenn
V88-466 X Pioneer P9461Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc., PVP 200900325
PI 658015 PSC37BU06
HS98-3409 X HS99-5021The Ohio State University, PVP 200900326
PI 658045 D5568543
AOX3505G0C X GM_A19788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900405
PI 658046 D5223512
Asgrow A3525 X GM_A19788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900406
PI 658047 D5824620
Asgrow A3525 X GM_A19788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900407
PI 658048 D5638947
Asgrow A3525 X GM_A19788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900408
PI 658049 D5365424
AG2107 X GM_A19788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200900409
PI 658307 LG04-6863
Rend X LG97-9486
PI 659077 MFS-541
SS516 ( 3 ) X V93-0687Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc., PVP 201000095
PI 659274 Pioneer P90Y30
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000103
PI 659275 Pioneer P90Y70
ZB10J03 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000104
PI 659276 Pioneer P91Y22
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000105
PI 659277 Pioneer P91Y40
YB21F01 X Pioneer P91M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000106
PI 659278 Pioneer P91Y60
EX13Q01 X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000107
PI 659279 Pioneer P91Y71
EX15N01 X K12650Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000108
PI 659280 Pioneer P91Y72
Pioneer P91B42 X N01525R013Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000109
PI 659281 Pioneer P91Y92
ZB06C02 X Pioneer P93M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000110
PI 659282 Pioneer P92Y11
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P91M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000111
PI 659283 Pioneer P92Y21
Pioneer P93B86 X XB23Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000112
PI 659284 Pioneer P92Y52
ZB25F02 X YB37F02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000113
PI 659285 Pioneer P92Y53
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P91M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000114
PI 659286 Pioneer P92Y60
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P92M40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000115
PI 659287 Pioneer P92Y82
ZB25F02 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000116
PI 659288 Pioneer P93Y03
Pioneer P93B86 X SP3449336Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000117
PI 659289 Pioneer P93Y04
XB31R04 X Pioneer P92M75Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000118
PI 659290 Pioneer P93Y05
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000119
PI 659291 Pioneer P93Y21
EX32S02 X Pioneer P93B86Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000120
PI 659292 Pioneer P93Y41
Pioneer P93B86 X PE4006780Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000121
PI 659293 Pioneer P93Y60
Pioneer P93M92 X Pioneer P93M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000122
PI 659294 Pioneer P93Y83
Pioneer P93B86 X Syngenta S38-T8Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000124
PI 659295 Pioneer P93Y93
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000125
PI 659296 Pioneer P94Y30
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P94M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000126
PI 659297 Pioneer P94Y71
Pioneer P93M90 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000128
PI 659298 Pioneer P94Y92
Pioneer P93M42 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000129
PI 659299 Pioneer P95Y31
Pioneer P95M30 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000130
PI 659300 RJS46001
Pioneer P93M42 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000170
PI 659301 RJS53002
Pioneer P95B33 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000174
PI 659302 RJS51001
XB42J00 X XB53E02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000176
PI 659303 RJS49003
YB48M01 X Pioneer P94B73Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000178
PI 659304 RJS49002
EX48Q02 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000179
PI 659305 RJS47002
Pioneer P92M40 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000183
PI 659306 RJS38003
Pioneer P93B87 X DP3927359Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000188
PI 659307 RJS35006
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000194
PI 659308 RJS35004
Pioneer P93M50 X LP3442228Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000196
PI 659309 RJS38005
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000197
PI 659310 RJS25004
LP3442228 X Pioneer P93M10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000201
PI 659311 RJS23002
Syngenta S32-Z3 X Pioneer P92M40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000202
PI 659312 RJS18003
Pioneer P91B42 X XB29K04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000204
PI 659313 Pioneer P92Y54
Pioneer P93M13 X SP11513488Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000262
PI 659314 Pioneer P92Y61
Pioneer P93M13 X SP11513488Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000263
PI 659315 UA 4910
Asgrow A4715 X DPL 3478
PI 659323 Pioneer P93Y82
Pioneer P93M90 X Pioneer P93M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000123
PI 659324 Pioneer P94Y40
Pioneer P93M11 X XB44W04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000127
PI 659348 DS-880
Hartwig X ( PI 437654 x Ripley )
PI 659352 Pioneer P900Y71
XB01C03 X XB06B02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000102
PI 659353 RJS57001
71288G134 X YB54N02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000172
PI 659354 RJS54001
71128G100 X 71865T001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000173
PI 659355 RJS53001
Pioneer P95M30 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000175
PI 659356 RJS50002
Pioneer P94M70 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000177
PI 659357 RJS48005
YB48M01 X Pioneer P94M30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000180
PI 659358 RJS42001
Pioneer P94M30 X YB34R03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000181
PI 659359 RJS40008
EX40U03 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000182
PI 659360 RJS39007
Pioneer P94M30 X YB34R03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000184
PI 659361 RJS35005
LP3442228 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000195
PI 659362 RJS29003
Pioneer P93M11 X LP6083726Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000200
PI 659363 RJS19004
Pioneer P92M01 X DP9422453Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000203
PI 659364 RJS18004
Pioneer P91B42 X N01525R013Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000205
PI 659455 RJS56001
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000171
PI 659456 RJS01001
YB009A99 X R03809Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000186
PI 659457 RJS31009
Pioneer P93M50 X XB31R04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000198
PI 659458 RJS30006
Pioneer P92M01 X Pioneer P93M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000199
PI 659459 RJS09002
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000206
PI 659460 RJS08001
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000207
PI 659461 RJS05002
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000208
PI 659462 RJS04001
RCAT Wildcat X D09233Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000209
PI 659463 RJS38006
Pioneer P94M30 X Pioneer P93M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000185
PI 659464 RJS37006
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000189
PI 659509 RJS00901
Pioneer P91M10 X R05331Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000187
PI 660005 Pioneer P94Y02
Pioneer P93M94 X Pioneer P93M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000534
PI 660006 XB42E10
Pioneer P93M90 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000532
PI 660007 RJS40007
Pioneer P93B82 X Pioneer P93M94Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000504
PI 660008 A1020078
DKB29-51 X ( CSR2932N (2) x MON89788 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000396
PI 660009 A1024638
Haskell X ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000397
PI 660010 A1024631
Haskell X ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000398
PI 660011 A1024666
BBL3605D0RL X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000399
PI 660012 A1020074
DKB29-51 X ( CSR2932N (2) x MON89788 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000400
PI 660013 A1016011
BAH2705H0RL X GM_A19788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000401
PI 660014 A1024702
BBL3605E0RL X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000402
PI 660015 A1024705
AG00603 X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000403
PI 660016 A1024751
CGL4902CX X ( AG4903 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000404
PI 660017 A1024763
DAK2804A0R (2) X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000405
PI 660018 A1024230
3015806-01 X 135717-04 x MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000406
PI 660019 A1024249
3018938-21 X [ AJW1405D0R x ( CSR1510 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000407
PI 660020 A1024212
[ Asgrow A5427 x ( Manokin x S91-1839 ) ] X (Asgrow A5427 x MON89788)Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000408
PI 660021 A1023841
AGL4805D0R X ( DCP4703A0RR x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000409
PI 660022 A1023763
CBL3705N1R X CP3607C4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000410
PI 660023 A1023761
3015806-01 X 228839-22 x MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000411
PI 660024 A1024210
Public Freedom X ( Asgrow A5427 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000412
PI 660025 A1024103
3015806-01 X [ CRM1104B2R x ( ST602216 (2) x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000413
PI 660026 A1023535
DOX3104B0R X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000414
PI 660027 A1024077
3015806-01 X ( DJW2605D0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000415
PI 660028 A1023486
DMK0006A0R X ( AG0602 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000416
PI 660029 A1024001
ABL3705N0R X ( EX739A x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000417
PI 660030 A1023849
3018938-21 X ( DFN2702B0R-B2 (2) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000418
PI 660031 A1023485
DMK0006A0R X ( AG0803 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000419
PI 660032 A1023696
DCP4704A0R (2) X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000420
PI 660033 A1023511
DMK0006A0R X ( 212802-04 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000421
PI 660034 A1023750
Anand X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000422
PI 660035 A1023729
DFN3205A0R X ( DBL3603B0R x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000423
PI 660036 A1023611
CBL3705N1R X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000424
PI 660037 A1023625
CGL4604E1X X [ DGL4405B0R x ( DCP4703A0R x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000425
PI 660038 A1024318
CBL3705N1R X ( DBL3405C0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000426
PI 660039 A1024341
3015806-01 X [ CRM1104B2R x ( ST602216 (2) x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000427
PI 660040 A1024629
Haskell X ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000428
PI 660041 A1024630
Haskell X ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000429
PI 660042 A1022842
( (Dwight x (Dowling x Loda) x 277843-07X ( AG0803 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000430
PI 660043 A1023169
AG3101 X ( CSR2633 x MON889788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000431
PI 660044 A1023673
CBL3705N1R X CP3607C4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000435
PI 660045 A1024750
CGL4902C2X X ( AG4903 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000436
PI 660046 A1023771
CBL3705N1R X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000437
PI 660047 A1023943
ABL3305X0X X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000438
PI 660048 A1023969
CBL3705N1R X CP3607C4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000439
PI 660049 A1024167
DCP4605A0R X [ AG4703 x ( CGL4504D0C x MON89788 ) ] Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000440
PI 660050 A1024305
( DOX3203B1R x MON89788X 3027001-21Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000441
PI 660051 A1024197
AGL4805D0R X ( CGL4504D0CC x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000442
PI 660052 A1024719
CGL4401C03 (2) X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201000443
PI 660054 RJS25006
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000488
PI 660055 XR33W10
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000526
PI 660135 XR35Z10
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000450
PI 660136 XR03B10
Pioneer P90M20 X JH13885038Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000451
PI 660137 XR12F10
ZB08Q06 X JH14820789Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000452
PI 660138 XR15T10
Pioneer P90M60 X JH11944941Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000453
PI 660139 XR29AE10
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000454
PI 660140 XR29T10
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000455
PI 660141 XR31AL10
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000456
PI 660142 XR31U10
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000457
PI 660143 XR32R10
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000458
PI 660144 XR32Q10
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000459
PI 660145 XR32W10
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000460
PI 660146 XR33X10
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000461
PI 660147 XR34D10
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000462
PI 660148 XR36P10
Pioneer P93B86 X JH14820720Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000463
PI 660149 XR37H10
Pioneer P93B86 X JH14820720Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000464
PI 660150 XR40K10
Pioneer P93B86 X JH14820720Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000465
PI 660151 XB36J10
Pioneer P93B68 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000468
PI 660152 XB35R10
Pioneer P92M40 X Pioneer P93M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000469
PI 660153 XB34Z10
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P93M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000470
PI 660154 XB33B10
YB38F03 X Pioneer P93B68Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000471
PI 660155 Pioneer P93Y15
YB38Q05 X XB32C05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000472
PI 660156 Pioneer P93Y16
ZB25F02 X Pioneer P93M92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000473
PI 660157 Pioneer P93Y22
ZB28S05 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000474
PI 660158 XB31AQ10
Pioneer P93B86 X XB21R05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000475
PI 660159 XB31A10
YB30A05 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000476
PI 660160 XB30V10
SP3799102 X Pioneer P92M75Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000477
PI 660161 XB30J10
XB29K04 X JH4603324Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000478
PI 660162 XR28K10
Pioneer P93M13 X SP11513488Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000479
PI 660163 RJS06002
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000480
PI 660164 RJS09004
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000481
PI 660165 RJS11002
ZB09H02 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000482
PI 660166 RJS17001
ZB24J03 X XB22C04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000483
PI 660167 RJS17002
Pioneer P92M22 X Pioneer P91M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000484
PI 660168 RJS19003
Pioneer P92M22 X Pioneer P91M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000485
PI 660169 RJS21004
XB23Y02 X Pioneer P92M33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000486
PI 660170 RJS25005
Pioneer P92M61 X Pioneer P92M21Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000487
PI 660171 RJS27002
XB25S05 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000489
PI 660172 RJS27004
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P92M33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000490
PI 660173 RJS28005
XB27P04 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000491
PI 660174 RJS29002
ZB36H04 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000492
PI 660175 RJS30003
Pioneer P93M92 X NP5851530Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000493
PI 660176 RJS30004
Pioneer P93B36 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000494
PI 660177 RJS00801
YB01D05 X YB007D03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000495
PI 660178 RJS31005
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P92M33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000496
PI 660179 RJS31006
Pioneer P93M50 X YB34R03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000497
PI 660180 RJS32002
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P93M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000498
PI 660181 RJS37004
Pioneer P93B09 X Pioneer P93B67Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000499
PI 660182 RJS37005
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000500
PI 660183 RJS39005
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93M95Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000501
PI 660184 RJS39006
Pioneer P92M70 X XB49K04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000502
PI 660185 RJS40005
YB43U05 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000503
PI 660186 RJS42002
YB36V00 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000505
PI 660187 RJS43003
Pioneer P93M95 X XB44W04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000508
PI 660188 RJS45002
Pioneer P94M50 X XB41B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000509
PI 660189 RJS46002
YB48M01 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000510
PI 660190 RJS47004
YB48M01 X Pioneer P94B73Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000511
PI 660191 RJS47006
Syngenta S42-H1 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000512
PI 660192 RJS48002
Pioneer P93B86 X H04433Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000513
PI 660193 RJS48006
Pioneer P94M80 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000514
PI 660194 RJS49005
Pioneer P94M70 X XB49K04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000515
PI 660195 RJS49006
Pioneer P94M80 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000516
PI 660196 RJS49007
Pioneer P94M70 X XB49K04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000517
PI 660197 RJS56002
ZB58A03 X YB56G03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000519
PI 660198 RJS49004
Pioneer P94M70 X XB49K04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000521
PI 660199 XR28L10
Pioneer P93M13 X SP11513488Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000522
PI 660200 Pioneer P93Y30
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000523
PI 660201 Pioneer P93Y23
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000524
PI 660202 XR32X10
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000525
PI 660203 XR33Y10
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000527
PI 660204 XR35A10
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000528
PI 660205 XR35J10
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000529
PI 660206 RJS04002
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000530
PI 660207 XB43S10
Pioneer P94M30 X Pioneer P93B85Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000531
PI 660208 XB41K10
Pioneer P93M90 X XB43W04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000533
PI 660209 XB40U10
Pioneer P94M50 X XB41B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000535
PI 660210 XB39E10
Pioneer P93M52 X YB42V04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000536
PI 660211 XB39C10
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93M52Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000537
PI 660212 XB39B10
YB38Q05 X YB42V04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000538
PI 660213 Pioneer P93Y72
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P92M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000539
PI 660214 XB37Q10
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000540
PI 660215 Pioneer P94Y61
YB48M01 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000541
PI 660216 Pioneer P94Y22
Pioneer P93M42 X YB39X03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000542
PI 660217 Pioneer P94Y50
Pioneer P93B86 X H04433Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000543
PI 660218 Pioneer P94Y82
YB48M01 X Pioneer P94B73Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000544
PI 660219 XB30C10
Pioneer P92M40 X Pioneer P93M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000545
PI 660220 RJS29004
YB30K06 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000547
PI 660221 XB29J10
XB25S05 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000548
PI 660222 Pioneer P92Y91
Pioneer P93M11 X NP5851570Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000549
PI 660223 Pioneer P92Y75
YB30A05 X XB32C05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000550
PI 660224 XB28J10
Pioneer P92M61 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000551
PI 660225 Pioneer P92Y74
Pioneer P92M70 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000552
PI 660226 RJS26003
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92M75Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000553
PI 660227 Pioneer P92Y73
Pioneer P93M52 X PE8015767Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000554
PI 660228 Pioneer P92Y12
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P92M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000555
PI 660229 RJS19005
XB23W03 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000556
PI 660230 XB16Q10
Pioneer P91M51 X Pioneer P95B97Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000557
PI 660231 Pioneer P91Y61
Pioneer P92M22 X Pioneer P91M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000558
PI 660232 RJS17003
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P91M30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000559
PI 660233 RJS14001
Pioneer P91M10 X C05526R002Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000560
PI 660234 Pioneer P91Y41
XB25P05 X Pioneer P91M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000561
PI 660235 RJS12002
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000562
PI 660236 Pioneer P90Y90
Pioneer P92M22 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000563
PI 660237 XB08U10
RCAT 2002 X Pioneer P90M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000564
PI 660238 XB04S10
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000565
PI 660239 Pioneer P90Y21
YB01D05 X Pioneer P90M01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000567
PI 660240 RJS03003
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000568
PI 660241 RJS00003
YB01D05 X Pioneer P90M20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000569
PI 660242 Pioneer P900Y81
XB01C03 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000570
PI 660243 Pioneer P900Y61
XB01C03 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000571
PI 660244 Pioneer P95Y71
ZB58A03 X YB56G03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000573
PI 660245 RJS57003
71165G032 X YB54M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000574
PI 660246 XB56X10
G00450T009 X XB57M04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000575
PI 660247 Pioneer P95Y50
ZB58A03 X YB56G03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000576
PI 660248 XB48T10
EX53F03 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000577
PI 660249 Pioneer P95Y10
YB48M01 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000578
PI 660250 XB50K10
EX53F03 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000579
PI 660251 RJS47007
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000580
PI 660252 RJS48007
Pioneer P93B86 X HL5078266Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000581
PI 660253 Pioneer P94Y81
YB48M01 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000582
PI 660254 XR15U10
ZB08Q06 X JH14820789Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000583
PI 660297 A1023788
AG3803 X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100011
PI 660298 A1024720
CGL4401C0S (2) X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100012
PI 660299 A1015895
AG0803 X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100013
PI 660300 A1024184
AFN2805Q0R X ( DOX3203B1RR x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100014
PI 660301 A1024650
DAK2301A2R X ( DKB20-52 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100015
PI 660302 A1024350
EXP424ARR X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100016
PI 660303 A1024693
CAK3301E0C X ( AOX3505G0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100017
PI 660304 A1024300
[ ( DCP3706B0R x DGL4405B0R ) x CGL4504D0C ] X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100018
PI 660305 A1023692
DMK0006A0R X ( 21802-04 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100019
PI 660306 A1023603
ABL3605R0R X Asgrow A3525 x MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100020
PI 660307 A1024216
3015806-01 X ( ARM0903L0C (2) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100021
PI 660308 A1024198
AGL4805D0R X ( CGL4504D0CC x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100022
PI 660309 A1023748
AG4404 X ( DOX3803A0X (2) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100023
PI 660310 A1024340
3015806-01 X [ CRM1104B2R x ( ST602216 (2) x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100024
PI 660311 A1024755
CMK0903C0R X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100025
PI 660538 ND1005T
NorPro X TraillNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 201100097
PI 661015 RJS32005
Pioneer P93Y70 X YB32E06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100157
PI 661016 RJS29005
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100159
PI 661017 RJS27005
XB30E07 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100160
PI 661018 RJS16003
Pioneer P91M30 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100161
PI 661019 RJS15004
ZB22F04 X XB08P05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100162
PI 661020 RJS11003
Pioneer P91M01 X Pioneer P90M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100163
PI 661021 RJS10001
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100164
PI 661022 Pioneer P95Y80
Pioneer P95B96 X XB59U04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100166
PI 661023 Pioneer P95Y61
EX55N04 X Pioneer P95B42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100167
PI 661024 RJS55003
Pioneer P95B97 X YB58L04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100168
PI 661025 Pioneer P95Y60
EX55Q05 X Pioneer P95M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100169
PI 661026 RJS53003
Ozark X EX56N05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100171
PI 661027 RJS42004
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS41001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100172
PI 661028 XB42R11
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100173
PI 661029 Pioneer P94Y23
Pioneer P93Y70 X XB39W06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100174
PI 661030 XB39A11
Pioneer P93M11 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100175
PI 661031 Pioneer P93Y84
Pioneer P93M51 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100176
PI 661032 Pioneer P93Y73
Pioneer P93Y70 X YB26Y06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100177
PI 661033 XB35AT11
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100179
PI 661034 Pioneer P93Y43
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100180
PI 661035 RJS34008
Pioneer P93M61 X YB26Y06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100181
PI 661036 RJS32007
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P92M75Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100182
PI 661037 Pioneer P93Y25
Pioneer P92M53 X Pioneer P93Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100183
PI 661038 XB31E11
YB35R05 X Pioneer P92M81Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100184
PI 661039 XB30AL11
Pioneer P93M42 X EX33M07Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100186
PI 661040 Pioneer P92Y92
EX29E04 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100187
PI 661041 Pioneer P92Y83
XB27B05 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100188
PI 661042 XB26E11
YB30A05 X Pioneer P92M61Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100189
PI 661043 Pioneer P92Y62
Pioneer P93M61 X YB26Y06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100190
PI 661044 XB25X11
ZB23G05 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100191
PI 661045 Pioneer P92Y55
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P92M40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100192
PI 661046 Pioneer P92Y32
ZB28S05 X Pioneer P93M13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100193
PI 661047 Pioneer P92Y22
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100194
PI 661048 Pioneer P91Y74
XB22G05 X Pioneer P92M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100196
PI 661049 Pioneer P91Y62
Pioneer P91B42 X Pioneer P92M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100197
PI 661050 RJS15005
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P92M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100198
PI 661051 RJS14003
EX21Q04 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100199
PI 661052 Pioneer P91Y30
ZB22F04 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100200
PI 661053 Pioneer P91Y10
YB20G05 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100201
PI 661054 XB12B11
XB06G06 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100202
PI 661055 Pioneer P91Y01
YB08K04 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100203
PI 661056 XB09C11
RCAT 2002 X Pioneer P90M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100205
PI 661057 Pioneer P90Y71
XB02F04 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100206
PI 661058 Pioneer P90Y81
Pioneer P92M75 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100207
PI 661059 RJS08005
YB07M04 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100208
PI 661060 RJS54004
Pioneer P95M30 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100227
PI 661118 RJS00902
YB01D05 X Pioneer P90M20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100165
PI 661119 RJS47008
Pioneer P94M30 X HL9476156Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100170
PI 661120 Pioneer P93Y24
Pioneer P93B42 X DP7748344Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100185
PI 661121 Pioneer P91Y81
Pioneer P92M22 X XB19V06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100195
PI 661122 XB09P11
Pioneer P91M10 X Syngenta S08-80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100204
PI 661123 XB06M11
YB08N05 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100209
PI 661124 XB008G11
YB01D05 X XB17S05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100213
PI 661125 RJS50001
Pioneer P94B73 X HL8180531Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100228
PI 661126 RJS46003
ME3908128 X YB48U05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100229
PI 661127 RJS44002
Pioneer P93M42 X Pioneer P94Y60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100230
PI 661128 RJS41003
ZB42L06 X Pioneer P94Y60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100232
PI 661129 RJS40009
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100233
PI 661130 RJS39008
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100234
PI 661131 RJS38010
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100235
PI 661132 RJS38009
XB38E06 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100236
PI 661133 RJS38008
Pioneer P93M42 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100237
PI 661134 RJS37007
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100239
PI 661135 RJS35007
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100241
PI 661136 RJS34006
Pioneer P93M61 X YB26Y06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100242
PI 661137 RJS34005
YB31J06 X Pioneer P93Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100243
PI 661138 RJS34004
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100244
PI 661139 RJS33003
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100245
PI 661161 RJS32004
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100158
PI 661162 RJS35008
ZB30L05 X Pioneer P93M61Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100240
PI 661163 RJS32006
Pioneer P93M11 X NP8089672Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100246
PI 661209 Pioneer P93Y53
Pioneer P93M52 X EX32K06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100178
PI 661210 7
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100219
PI 661211 RJS41004
Pioneer P93Y70 X XB39W06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100231
PI 661212 RJS38007
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100238
PI 661500 Pioneer P90Y51
YB08N05 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100210
PI 661501 XB009K11
YB01D05 X XB21R05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100211
PI 661502 2
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100214
PI 661503 3
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100215
PI 661504 4
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100216
PI 661505 6
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100218
PI 661506 8
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100220
PI 661507 9
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100221
PI 661508 10
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100222
PI 661509 11
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100224
PI 661510 12
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100226
PI 661974 5
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100217
PI 661993 Pioneer P93Y42
Pioneer P93Y11 X SP16410155Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100223
PI 661994 XR33AH11
Pioneer P93Y20 X SP16410155Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100225
PI 661998 Pioneer P90Y01
YB01D05 X YB08K04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100212
PI 662941 Davison
IA2242 X IA2022South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 201000317
PI 664031 A1026545
( DCP3706B0R x DGL4405B0RX ( CGL4504D0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100482
PI 664032 A1026903
DMK0006A0R X ( AG0602 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100483
PI 664033 A1026888
CBN2205A2R X ( DFN2702B0R-B2 (2) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100484
PI 664034 A1026848
Haskell X ( CMA5901D0C x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100485
PI 664035 A1026832
AGL4508D0R X (AG4404 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100486
PI 664036 A1026828
ABL3705N0R X ( EX739A x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100487
PI 664037 A1026810
CBL3705N1R X ( BBL3405G0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100488
PI 664038 A1026809
CBL3705N1R X ( DBL3405C0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100489
PI 664039 A1026611
NCRaleigh X ( H7550 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100490
PI 664040 A1026729
3015806-01 X [ CRM1104B2R x ( ST602216 (2) x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100491
PI 664041 A1026742
DJW2106A0RL X ( DJW2605E0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100492
PI 664042 A1026796
CBL3705N1R X ( BBL3405G0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100493
PI 664043 A1026657
DMK006A0R X ( AG0803 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100494
PI 664044 A1026649
DMK006A0R X ( AG0803 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100495
PI 664045 A1026622
3015806-01 X ( DJW2605D0RL x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100496
PI 664046 A1026677
DMK0006A0R X ( AG0602 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100497
PI 664047 A1026616
CNC7105B0R X [ AG7601 x ( ANC6301A0R-B1 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100498
PI 664048 A1026602
Clifford X [ Cook x ( H7550 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100499
PI 664049 A1026591
[ Asgrow A5427 x ( L85-2378 x L86-1752 ) ] X [ NC-Raleigh x ( H7550 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100500
PI 664050 A1026561
[ AGQ55910 x ( AG5905 x MON89788 ) ] X [ QRG53910 x ( AGQ55910 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100501
PI 664051 A1026552
3046231-21 X [ DKB42-51 x ( AG4404 x MON89788) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100502
PI 664052 A1025937
260744-14 X RM2007A1-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100503
PI 664053 A1026505
260744-14 X [ AG2107 x ( DAK2301A3R x ( AG2107 x MON89788 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100504
PI 664054 A1026474
MA5307A1-D0XN X [ Asgrow A5427 x ( DKB54-52 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100506
PI 664055 A1026458
[ QRG5310 x ( DMA5504B0R x MON89788 ) ] X [ QRG53910 x ( AGQ55910 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100507
PI 664056 A1026437
[ Asgrow A5427 x ( L85-2378 x L86-1752 ) ] X [ AGQ55910 x ( AG5905 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100508
PI 664057 A1026436
3047405-34 X [ AG5702 x ( DKB44-51 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100509
PI 664058 A1026419
DBL3606E0R X [ AG4703 x ( ACP4305H0C x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100510
PI 664059 A1026418
DGL4405B2R X [ GL4807A2-D0RN x ( AG4703 x ( AG4404 x MON89788 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100511
PI 664060 A1026415
GL4807A2-D0RN X [ DGL4405B0R x ( CGL4504D0C x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100512
PI 664061 A1026393
3046231-21 X CP3807A4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100513
PI 664062 A1026390
GL5007A1-D0RN X AG3906RR2YBC2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100514
PI 664063 A1026344
DOX3806B1R X BL3407D3-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100515
PI 664064 A1026332
DBL3606B0R X [ 256838-13 x ( AG4404 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100516
PI 664065 A1026305
CBL3705N1R X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100517
PI 664066 A1026219
AG3602 X ( EX739Ax MON899788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100518
PI 664067 A1026151
COX2705Y2R X ( DKB29-51 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100519
PI 664068 A1026150
COX2705Y2R X ( DKB29-51 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100520
PI 664069 A1026142
BN3107J4-D0RN X AG2801RR2YBC2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100521
PI 664070 A1026139
AS2002N-103 X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100522
PI 664071 A1026046
AG2107RR2YBC2 X ( AS2002N--103 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201100523
PI 664260 XB74D11
XB79A05 X Pioneer P98Y51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200002
PI 664261 XB74B11
XB79A05 X Z00154Z065Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200003
PI 664262 Pioneer P97R01
Virtuosa X YB82D05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200004
PI 664263 BG4184
Z98117Z003 X Z01174Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200005
PI 664264 Pioneer P95R51
Pioneer P9482 X Pioneer P94B73Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200006
PI 664265 ND1100S
ND97-1120 X ErinNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 201200030
PI 664903 JTN5203
Caviness X Anand
PI 665300 P002T04R
Pioneer P90A01 X Pioneer P90Y42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200173
PI 665301 P001T34R
Pioneer P90A01 X Pioneer P90M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200174
PI 665302 XB004B12
Pioneer P90A01 X Pioneer P90Y50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200175
PI 665303 XB004C12
Pioneer P90A01 X Pioneer P90Y42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200176
PI 665304 P008T57R
Pioneer P90M91 X Pioneer P90M01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200177
PI 665305 P01T23R
EX01F04 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200178
PI 665306 P008T70R
Pioneer P90M01 X Pioneer P90M92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200179
PI 665307 P05T24R
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200180
PI 665308 P06T64R
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200181
PI 665309 RJS06008
Pioneer P90M80 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200182
PI 665310 RJS07002
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200183
PI 665311 P10T91R
Pioneer P90M60 X Pioneer P91M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200184
PI 665312 XB13R12
Pioneer P92Y21 X Pioneer P91Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200185
PI 665313 XB14N12
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200186
PI 665314 XB14P12
Pioneer P92M75 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200187
PI 665315 XB15E12
Pioneer P91Y20 X Pioneer P92M40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200188
PI 665316 P16T04R
Pioneer P92M72 X YB09Q05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200189
PI 665317 XB17R12
XB17S05 X XB19V06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200190
PI 665318 P19T60R
Pioneer P92M91 X XB19V06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200191
PI 665319 XB21F12
YB30A05 X Pioneer P92M22Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200192
PI 665320 P21T97R
Pioneer P92Y21 X Pioneer P91Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200193
PI 665321 P22T69R
Pioneer P93M11 X Pioneer P92M21Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200194
PI 665322 XB22V12
Pioneer P91Y91 X Pioneer P92M54Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200195
PI 665323 XB24S12
RJS25001 X Pioneer P92Y53Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200196
PI 665324 P24T19R
Pioneer P92Y30 X RJS25003Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200197
PI 665325 XB25F12
ZB27U04 X YB30G05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200198
PI 665326 P19T01R
XB21R05 X Pioneer P92M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200200
PI 665327 XB25G12
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200201
PI 665328 P26T76R
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200202
PI 665329 XB26AE12
Pioneer P92M54 X RJS28004Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200203
PI 665330 P25T51R
Pioneer P92M54 X EX24P05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200214
PI 665331 XB26X12
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200215
PI 665332 XB27X12
Pioneer P92Y30 X ZB31B07Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200216
PI 665333 P28T33R
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200217
PI 665334 XB28C12
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200218
PI 665335 P29T98R
Pioneer P91Y90 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200219
PI 665336 XB31AX12
EX35B06 X Pioneer P93Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200220
PI 665337 XB31N12
Pioneer P93Y02 X Pioneer P93Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200221
PI 665338 XB31Q12
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200222
PI 665339 P33T89R
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200223
PI 665340 XB35AK12
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200224
PI 665341 XB34D12
YB31J06 X Pioneer P93Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200225
PI 665342 P35T58R
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200226
PI 665343 XB37K12
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200227
PI 665344 XB37U12
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200228
PI 665345 XB38AR12
Pioneer P93M42 X RJS34002Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200229
PI 665346 P39T67R
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200230
PI 665347 XB43J12
YB44F06 X Pioneer P94M30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200231
PI 665348 P44T63R
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P94Y60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200232
PI 665349 P46T21R
Pioneer P94Y10 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200233
PI 665350 XB45J12
RJS39003 X Pioneer P94Y60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200234
PI 665351 RJS47012
RJS39003 X Pioneer P94Y60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200235
PI 665352 XB47R12
Pioneer P94M80 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200236
PI 665353 P44T82SR
XB48W07 X RJS39003Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200237
PI 665354 P49T24SR
RJS39003 X Pioneer P94Y90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200238
PI 665355 P47T36R
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200239
PI 665356 P48T53R
ME6400079 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200240
PI 665357 P49T80R
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200241
PI 665358 RJS49012
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200242
PI 665359 P49T97R
Pioneer P94Y60 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200243
PI 665360 P50T40R
Pioneer P94Y60 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200250
PI 665361 P50T64R
Pioneer P94Y60 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200251
PI 665362 XB53S12
Pioneer P93B86 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200252
PI 665363 P54T94R
Pioneer P95Y40 X Pioneer P95Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200253
PI 665364 P55T57R
Pioneer P93B86 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200254
PI 665365 XB68A12
Pioneer P97B52 X Pioneer P97M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200255
PI 665366 RJS73001
Pioneer P93B75 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200256
PI 665367 RJS05003
YB09Q05 X Pioneer P91M30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200257
PI 665368 XBP06007
Pioneer P90M80 X YB09P05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200258
PI 665369 XBP08004
XB33N06 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200259
PI 665370 RJS14002
Pioneer P90M60 X Pioneer P91M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200260
PI 665371 RJS17004
XB21R05 X YB20S02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200261
PI 665372 RJS18005
Pioneer P92M22 X XB19V06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200262
PI 665373 XBP19006
XB19V06 X YB22R06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200263
PI 665374 RJS20001
Pioneer P92M35 X Pioneer P92M40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200264
PI 665375 RJS21005
Pioneer P92M33 X CA14387615Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200265
PI 665376 RJS24002
Pioneer P93M11 X Pioneer P92M21Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200266
PI 665377 RJS24003
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200267
PI 665378 RJS27006
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200268
PI 665379 RJS27007
Pioneer P92M54 X RJS28004Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200269
PI 665380 RJS28006
Pioneer P93Y10 X LP11865821Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200270
PI 665381 RJS31010
YB26Y06 X ZB31B07Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200271
PI 665382 RJS34007
LP11969710 X Pioneer P92Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200272
PI 665383 RJS37008
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200273
PI 665384 RJS38011
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200274
PI 665385 RJS38012
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200275
PI 665386 RJS40010
Pioneer P94Y21 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200276
PI 665387 RJS42005
Pioneer P94Y21 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200277
PI 665388 RJS44003
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P94Y60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200278
PI 665389 XBP49008
Pioneer P94B73 X XB48W07Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200279
PI 665390 RJS52003
Pioneer P94M80 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200280
PI 665391 RJS53004
Pioneer P93B86 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200281
PI 665392 RJS54005
Pioneer P95Y40 X Pioneer P95Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200282
PI 665393 RJS55002
Pioneer P93B86 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200283
PI 665394 RJS55004
Pioneer P93B86 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200284
PI 665395 RJS59001
Ozark X EX56N05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200285
PI 665396 XR22N12
SP14847007 X Pioneer P92Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200286
PI 665397 XR29A12
Pioneer P92Y61 X Pioneer P92Y80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200287
PI 665398 P29T68PR
Pioneer P92Y30 X YR34C09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200288
PI 665399 P32T80PR
Pioneer P93Y11 X XR31C09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200289
PI 665476 AR0912509
04KL109914BC3 X 1701-AOYNSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200374
PI 665477 OW0912575
06NB204846 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200376
PI 665478 CL0911610
02JR423003BC3 X 3607F9-AOYNSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200377
PI 665479 CL1013665
02JR318004BC3 X 3607F9-AOYNSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200378
PI 665480 CL0911444
04KL109914BC3 X 1701-AOYNSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200379
PI 665481 CL1013663
02JR318004BC3 X 3607F9-AOYNSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200380
PI 665482 CL1013675
02JR310007BC3 X 3607F9-AOYNSyngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200381
PI 665483 WN0912882
02RM018047 X Asgrow A3244RR2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200383
PI 665484 WN0912883
03JR101916 X Asgrow A3244RR2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200384
PI 665485 WN0913501
06NB204846BC1 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200385
PI 665486 WN0912598
06NB204846BC1 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200386
PI 665487 WN0913535
02JR318004 X Asgrow A3244RR2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200387
PI 665488 BY0912931
03JR102982 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200388
PI 665489 HI0912797
03JR102982 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200389
PI 666942 XB85F13
Jiripoca X Pioneer P98Y51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300011
PI 666943 XB77C12
Matrinxa X Pioneer P95M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300012
PI 666944 XB79B13
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300013
PI 666945 XB78B13
Matrinxa X Pioneer P95M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300014
PI 666946 XB74F13
Matrinxa X Pioneer P95M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300015
PI 666947 XB74E12
Matrinxa X Pioneer P95M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300016
PI 666948 XB73B13
Piraiba X Pioneer P95M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300017
PI 666949 XB73A13
Vmax X YB83L06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300018
PI 666950 XB64E13
Vmax X YB83L06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300019
PI 666951 BG4277
Luziania X Pioneer P98Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300020
PI 666952 BG4272
Vmax X YB83L06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300021
PI 666953 Pioneer P97R71
Luziania X Pioneer P98Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300022
PI 666954 Pioneer P97R21
Vmax X YB83L06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300023
PI 666955 Pioneer P95Y21
Pioneer P94M70 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300024
PI 666956 XB86G13
CD217 X Pioneer P98Y51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300025
PI 666957 BG4284
Tucunare X XB85C04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300026
PI 667623 A1026312
CBL3705N1R X [ CBL3705N1R x ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300104
PI 667624 A1026620
AG6702 X ( AG5605 x MON899788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300105
PI 667625 A1035361
GL5007A1-D0RN X GL4008D9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300106
PI 667626 A1035362
DGL4405B2R X [3046231-21 x ( AGL4805D0R x ( AG4404 x MON89788 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300107
PI 667627 A1035365
GL5007A3-A0XN X GL4008D9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300108
PI 667628 A1035368
[ GL5007A1-D0YN x ( CBL3705N1R x DGL4405B0R ) ] X [ AG4703 x ( AG4404 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300109
PI 667629 A1035431
J02-11943 X GL4008D9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300110
PI 667630 A1035898
4014815-17 X JW3107C4-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300111
PI 667631 A1036320
AG3802RR2YBC2 X ( 009777--06 x AG3602RR2YBC2 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300112
PI 667632 A1037405
3015806-01 X ( AJW2504H0C (2) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300113
PI 667633 A1036609
LD05-16521 X [ RCAT Corbett x ( AG0803 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300114
PI 667634 A1037425
FN3207N1-D0RN X BN2607C8-A0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300115
PI 667635 A1037420
270630-30 X CP3307A4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300116
PI 667636 A1037429
RM2007A1-D0YN X DAK2306A0R-0017Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300117
PI 667637 A1037446
CGL4605E1X X FN3007D6-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300118
PI 667638 A1037459
GL5007A1-D0RN X AG3906RR2YBC2Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300119
PI 667639 A1037490
MA5307A1-D0XN X ( Asgrow A5427 x ( DKB54-52 x MON89788 ) )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300120
PI 667640 A1037507
Haskell X ( Asgrow A5944 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300121
PI 667641 A1037511
NCRaleigh X ( AG5605 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201300122
PI 668259 XB009M13
Pioneer P90M60 X Pioneer P90M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300200
PI 668260 XB01Y13
Pioneer P90Y20 X Pioneer P91Y22Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300201
PI 668261 XB01Z13
Pioneer P90Y20 X Pioneer P90Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300202
PI 668262 XB02W13
Pioneer P90Y41 X MH5817653Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300204
PI 668263 XB03N13
OACLakeview X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300205
PI 668264 XB05A13
Pioneer P90Y50 X Pioneer P91Y22Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300206
PI 668265 P06T28R
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P90Y50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300207
PI 668266 XB05L13
Pioneer P90M80 X Pioneer P90Y41Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300208
PI 668267 XB06T13
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P91Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300209
PI 668268 XB08F13
Pioneer P91M41 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300210
PI 668269 XB09AD13
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P90Y41Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300211
PI 668270 XB11K13
XB32L06 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300212
PI 668271 P12T82R
Pioneer P90Y80 X Pioneer P91M41Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300213
PI 668272 XB13B13
EX14M05 X XB12K05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300214
PI 668273 XB15J13
ZB16V06 X Pioneer P90Y41Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300215
PI 668274 P15T83R
Pioneer P93M13 X XB12K05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300216
PI 668275 XB17G13
ZB19S04 X Pioneer P92M54Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300217
PI 668276 XB18S13
Pioneer P90Y80 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300218
PI 668277 XB19N13
Pioneer P91Y40 X Pioneer P92Y51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300219
PI 668278 XB21Y13
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300220
PI 668279 XB22T13
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300221
PI 668280 XB22Z13
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300222
PI 668281 P24T05R
Pioneer P92Y21 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300223
PI 668282 XB26AU13
Pioneer P93Y11 X Pioneer P92Y80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300224
PI 668284 XB28R13
Pioneer P93Y11 X Pioneer P92Y80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300226
PI 668285 XB29AA13
Pioneer P92Y80 X Pioneer P93Y13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300227
PI 668286 XB29K13
Pioneer P92Y80 X Pioneer P93Y40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300228
PI 668287 XB31AD13
Pioneer P92Y82 X Pioneer P93Y13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300229
PI 668288 XB31AG13
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300230
PI 668289 XB31C13
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P92Y80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300231
PI 668290 XB31R13
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300232
PI 668291 XB32AC13
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300233
PI 668292 XB32AE13
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93Y12Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300234
PI 668293 P33T72R
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300235
PI 668294 XB32AK13
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300236
PI 668295 XB32M13
Pioneer P92Y80 X Pioneer P93Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300237
PI 668296 XB32T13
Pioneer P93Y11 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300238
PI 668297 XB33F13
YB30K06 X EX32K06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300239
PI 668298 XB33U13
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300240
PI 668299 XB34F13
Pioneer P93Y40 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300241
PI 668300 XB35AX13
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300242
PI 668301 XB35E13
Pioneer P93Y92 X Pioneer P93Y04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300243
PI 668302 XB36AL13
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300244
PI 668303 XB36AP13
Pioneer P93M61 X DP17145891Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300245
PI 668304 XB36E13
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34002Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300246
PI 668305 XB37E13
Pioneer P93Y80 X RJS34002Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300247
PI 668306 XB38AT13
Pioneer P93M52 X Pioneer P93Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300248
PI 668307 XB40S13
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300249
PI 668308 XB41A13
Pioneer P93Y80 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300250
PI 668309 XB41T13
Pioneer P94Y30 X XB40H09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300251
PI 668310 XB41V13
RJS39003 X Pioneer P94Y90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300252
PI 668311 XB45T13
Pioneer P92Y72 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300253
PI 668312 XB46L13
Pioneer P94Y80 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300254
PI 668313 XB47H13
RJS39003 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300255
PI 668314 XB47X13
Pioneer P94Y70 X HL17619014Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300256
PI 668315 XB48P13
XB39W06 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300257
PI 668316 XB52J13
EX53P06 X Pioneer P95Y40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300258
PI 668317 XB52K13
Pioneer P95B43 X Pioneer P95M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300259
PI 668318 XB53N13
Pioneer P95Y40 X YB53Q06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300260
PI 668319 XB53T13
Pioneer P95Y41 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300261
PI 668320 XB77D13
XB74A09 X Z01103Z265Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300262
PI 668321 XBP02003
RJS00001 X XB06M07Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300263
PI 668322 XBP04003
RF5100790 X Pioneer P90M92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300264
PI 668323 XBP08006
Pioneer P92M22 X YB12M06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300265
PI 668324 XBP09006
ZB08Q06 X Pioneer P90M92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300266
PI 668325 XBP10002
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P90Y41Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300267
PI 668326 XBP14004
Pioneer P92M35 X Pioneer P90M92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300268
PI 668327 XBP16004
Pioneer P91M80 X Pioneer P92M61Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300269
PI 668328 XBP18006
Pioneer P92Y21 X Pioneer P92Y10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300270
PI 668329 XBP20002
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300271
PI 668330 XBP22003
Pioneer P92Y30 X Pioneer P93Y40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300272
PI 668331 XBP22004
Pioneer P92Y30 X RJS25003Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300273
PI 668332 XBP22005
Pioneer P92Y30 X YB21D06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300274
PI 668333 XBP27009
YB30A05 X XB32C05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300275
PI 668334 XBP27010
Pioneer P92Y51 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300276
PI 668335 XBP30007
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P92Y80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300277
PI 668336 RJS35009
Pioneer P93M61 X DP17145891Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300278
PI 668337 RJS42006
Pioneer P94Y30 X XB40H09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300279
PI 668338 RJS44005
Pioneer P94Y01 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300280
PI 668339 RJS46005
Pioneer P94Y01 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300281
PI 668340 RJS46006
RJS30002 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300282
PI 668341 RJS47011
Pioneer P94Y91 X Pioneer P94Y80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300283
PI 668342 XBP48009
Pioneer P94Y80 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300284
PI 668343 XBP49013
Pioneer P94Y60 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300285
PI 668344 XBP52005
Pioneer P95Y41 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300286
PI 668345 XR31AE13
Pioneer P92Y61 X Pioneer P93Y92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300287
PI 668346 XR31L13
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP24380127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300288
PI 668347 XR33A13
Pioneer P93Y82 X Pioneer P93Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300289
PI 668348 XR33S13
Pioneer P93Y20 X YR34C09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300290
PI 668349 XR34Q13
Pioneer P93M61 X YR34C09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300291
PI 668350 XRP32008
Pioneer P92Y61 X Pioneer P93Y40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300292
PI 668351 XRP35010
XB30N08 X SP21045463Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300293
PI 669389 GO1010146
06KL167872 X ( 04KL109914 ( 3 ) x 1707A1-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300384
PI 669390 BK1011572
06KL167872 X ( 04KL109914 ( 3 ) x 1707A1-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300385
PI 669391 BY1012225
02JR318004 X 07SG920877Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300386
PI 669392 GO1010024
04KL108888 ( 2 ) X Asgrow A3244RR2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300387
PI 669393 AR1011118
06KL162149 X [ Syngenta S05-T6 x ( 05KL134976 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300388
PI 669394 WN1013689-1
06JR208211 X ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300389
PI 669395 AR1011191
06KL167872 X [ 04KL108370 x ( 04KL108888 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300390
PI 669396 OW1012750
05KL119276 X ( 03KL0115751 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300391
PI 669397 OW1012936
OW800084 X ( 05KLL135608 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300392
PI 669398 WN1012471
NE0800097 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300393
PI 669399 WN1013170
NE0800097 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300394
PI 669400 BN1012650
NE0800097 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300395
PI 669401 OW1012976
06KL163375 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300396
PI 669402 WN1013087
NE0800097 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300397
PI 669403 WN1013689-2
06JR208211 X ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300398
PI 669404 BN1110075
WN080099 X ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300399
PI 669405 HI1019014-1
06JR205420 X ( 03JR321088BC1 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300400
PI 669406 HI1016529
S06-02JR423003 X ( 03JR321086 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300401
PI 669407 HI1016703-2
S07-03JR103829 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300402
PI 669408 HI1017010
03JR103829 X ( 03JR321086 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300403
PI 669409 HI1018109
02JR318004 X [ 04RM822970 x ( 05JR007045 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300404
PI 669410 SJ1012389
S07-03JR103829 X ( 03JR321088x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300405
PI 669411 BY0912928
03JR102982 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300406
PI 669412 AR1111663
OW0800367 X [ 04DL106306 x ( 06DL480732 x ( 05DL285328 x ( 04KL108888 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300407
PI 669413 AR1111926
AR0800162 X [Dairyland 75112-2 x ( 06DL487032 x ( Syngenta S05-T6 x ( 05KL134976 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300408
PI 669414 WN1118256
NE0800087 ( 2 ) X [ WN0800099 ( 2 ) x ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300409
PI 669415 OW1011073
06KL162978 X ( 04KL109914 ( 3 ) x 1707A1-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300410
PI 669416 OW1113014
06GK614011 X [ 03DL090957 x ( S06-CL968413 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300411
PI 669417 NE1115163
NE0800097 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN ) Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300412
PI 669418 WN1116259
SJ0800021 X [ SJ0800018 x ( Syngenta S38-H8 x ( 03JR101916 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300413
PI 669419 NE0912640
02JR318004 X Asgrow A3244RR2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300414
PI 669420 HI1110907
02JR318004 X [ S06-02JR423003 x ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300415
PI 669421 HI1016622-2
02JR318004 X ( 03JR321086 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300416
PI 669422 HI1016703-1
S07-03JR103829 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300417
PI 669423 BY1113148
06JR207459 X [ S07-03JR103829 x ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300418
PI 669424 SJ1012347
Syngenta S38-H8 X ( 03JR101916 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300419
PI 669425 OW1012939
OW0800084 X ( 05KL135608 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300420
PI 669426 OW0913200
NE0800097 ( 2 ) X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300421
PI 669427 OW1011829
NE0800087 X ( 04KL108370 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300422
PI 669428 WN1012862
NE0800097 ( 2 ) X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300423
PI 669429 WN0913499
NE0800097 ( 2 ) X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300424
PI 669430 BY1012348
02JR310007 X 07RE700600Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300425
PI 669431 BY1012307
02JR310061 X 07RE700600Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300426
PI 669432 SJ1012477
03JR102982 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300427
PI 669558 XB88B14
MT99-33114 X XB88K06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300482
PI 669559 XB73D14
CD217 X Pioneer P98Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300483
PI 669972 1045652
JW2007A6-D0YN X MK0107A1B0RNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400013
PI 669973 1046965
NC6207A2-A0RN X [ Haskell x (CMA5901C0C x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400014
PI 669974 1046975
CNC7305A0R X NC7208A1-C0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400015
PI 669975 A1026287
CBL3705N1R (2) X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400016
PI 669976 A1035300
BEI4606A0X X [ 941062-30 x ( DKB44-51 x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400017
PI 669977 A1035957
JW3107C4-B0YN X 67185166Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400018
PI 669978 A1036109
CBL3705N1R X BL3308A2-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400019
PI 669979 A1036212
CBL3705N1R (2) X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400020
PI 669980 A1036292
CBL3705N1R (2) X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400021
PI 669981 A1036419
DPL 6568RR X [ Manokin x ( S91-1839 x ( H7550 x MON89788 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400022
PI 669982 A1036421
CNC7406A0R X [ NC-Raleigh x ( CMA5601C0C x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400023
PI 669983 A1036446
ABL3705N0R X GL3708B6-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400024
PI 669984 A1037403
4014546-28 X JW2507D9-A0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400025
PI 669985 1045742
260744-14 X RM2007A1-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400026
PI 669986 1045749
JW1508E7-A0YN X RM1609BB-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400027
PI 669987 1046251
BL3409A8-D0YN X AG3130Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400028
PI 669988 1046882
GL5007A1-D0RN X GL4008D9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400029
PI 669989 1046941
HH5808A5-B0YN X NC7208A1-C0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400030
PI 671807 MFS-561
V96-4164 X MFS-553Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc., PVP 201400095
PI 671808 P03T68R2
BMK0606E0R X ( AG00603 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400096
PI 671809 P008T22R2
DMK0006A0R X ( 212112-27 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400097
PI 671810 RJS09007R2
AMK0702D0C X MK0907C1-A0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400098
PI 671811 XB17H13
JW2007A6-D0YN X 67101117Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400099
PI 671812 XB19P13
CRM1904B0C ( 3 ) X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400100
PI 671813 XB21Z13
AW1508B3-D0YN X 67101117Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400101
PI 671814 XB22A13
3015806-01 X ( AJW2504H0C ( 2 ) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400102
PI 671815 XB23AB13
DAK2306A0R-0017 X RM2507B6-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400103
PI 671816 XB24AF13
DFN3206D0R X FN3305A1-G0AACMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400104
PI 671817 XB25U13
DFN3206D0R X FN3305A1-G0AACMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400105
PI 671818 XB26AW13
270630-30 X CP3307A4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400106
PI 671819 XB28T13
COX2705Y2R X FN3407E1-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400107
PI 671820 XB29AD13
67185166 X JW3107C4-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400108
PI 671821 XB33AA13
Asgrow A2442 X ( DKB36-52 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400109
PI 671822 XB33Z13
DOX3306C0R X ( AFN3105P0R x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400110
PI 671823 XB34Y13
CBL3705N1R X BL3308A2-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400111
PI 671824 XB34Z13
BL3308H5-B0YN X JW3107C4-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400112
PI 671825 XB35W13
CBL3705N1R ( 2 ) X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400113
PI 671826 XB35X13
CBL3705N1R X BL3308A2-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400114
PI 671827 XB35Y13
CBL3705N1R X CP3408A4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400115
PI 671828 XB36G13
ABL3705N0R X BL3407D3-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400116
PI 671829 XB38D13
ABL3705N0R X CP3407B6-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400117
PI 671830 XB38F13
FN3207N2-D0RN X OX3407C5-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400118
PI 671831 XB38G13
AG3802RR2YBC2 X ( 009777--06 x AG3602RR2YBC2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400119
PI 671832 XB39C13
CBL3705N1R X CP3408A4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400120
PI 671833 XB39D13
CBL3705N1R ( 2 ) X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400121
PI 671834 XB40U13
3041620-29 X ( AG4403 ( 2 ) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400122
PI 671835 XB44K13
CBL3705N1R X [ AG4404 x ( AG4703 x ( AG4404 x MON89788 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400123
PI 671836 XB49AE13
GL5007A3-A0XN X GL4008D9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400124
PI 671837 XB55B13
DPL 6568RR X [ Manokin x ( S91-1839 x ( H7550 x MON89788 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400125
PI 671838 XB55C13
NC7407A1-D0RN X [ NC-Raleigh x ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400126
PI 671839 XB56V13
CNC7406A0R X [ NC-Raleigh x ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400127
PI 671840 A1035446
BMK0606E0R X ( AG00603 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400128
PI 671841 1045692
MK0707A3-D0RN X RM2007A1-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400129
PI 671863 Pioneer P97M50
G93-2225 ( 5 ) X [ G93-225 x ( ( Benning ( 4 ) x ( Resnik ( 2 ) x RR ) ) ]University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 200600223
PI 671864 RJS57002
ZB58A03 X YB58L04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000520
PI 671865 Pioneer P98Y12
Pintado X Pioneer P95B43Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000572
PI 671977 D4311702
Asgrow A3525 X CSR3143Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200700419
PI 672024 AR1111559
04DL106306 X [ 06DL480732 x ( 04KL108888 ( 4 ) x 1707A1-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400255
PI 672025 AR1111955
06DL480307 X ( 03KL015751 ( 5 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400256
PI 672026 AR1112511
AR0800187 X [ 06DL384689 x ( 06NB199520 x ( 04KL108370 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400257
PI 672027 AR1211262
AR0800197 X [ 07DL599351 x ( 05KL119276 ( 2 ) x ( Syngenta S10-B7 x 2407D4-AOYN ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400258
PI 672028 AR1211948
OW0902053 X AR0912401Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400259
PI 672029 BY1113023
02JR318004 ( 2 ) X [ 03KG2112010 x ( Syngenta S39-A3 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400260
PI 672030 BY1212083
BY0800071 X ( SG08002154 x 3607D9-A0YN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400261
PI 672031 BY1212201
BY0800231 X ( 09SG050340 x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400262
PI 672032 BY1212223
BY0800148 X ( 09SG050328 x 3607F9-A0YN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400263
PI 672033 CC1211481
SJ0800019 X ( SG08002123 x 3607F9-A0YN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400264
PI 672034 CC1211818
SJ0800225 X Syngenta S39-U2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400265
PI 672035 CC1216972
SJ0800225 X ( JI0912795 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400266
PI 672036 CC1217018
SJ0800225 X Syngenta S39-U2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400267
PI 672037 CE1210923
SJ0800036 X [ NE0800097 ( 4 ) x ( 05KL134039 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400268
PI 672038 CE1211033
06BR337018 X [ NE080097 ( 4 ) x ( 05KL134039 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400269
PI 672039 CE1211211
SJ0800048 X CL0911639Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400270
PI 672040 GO1110272
07RG381326 X [ 06DL4808688 x ( 05DL285328 x ( 05KL134976 x Asgrow A3244 ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400271
PI 672041 GO1112037
04KL108888 X [ 07DL599351 x ( 04KL109914 ( 3 ) x 1707A1-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400272
PI 672042 HI1112509
02JR318004 X [ Syngenta S39-A3 x ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400273
PI 672043 HI1114914
06JR207459 X [ S07-03JR103829 x ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400274
PI 672044 HI1115518-1
02JR318004 X [ 03JR321088BC1 x ( 5465901-26 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400275
PI 672045 OW1113707
4065130-22 X [ NE080097 x ( Syngenta S35-N4 x ( 02JR423003 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400276
PI 672046 OW1117105
Syngenta S10-B7 X ( 03KL015644 ( 5 ) x 1707A1-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400277
PI 672047 OW1117461
3061019-60 X [ 05DL345858 ( 2 ) x ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 1707A1-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400278
PI 672048 OW1119015
06KL163285 X [ 06GK615309 x ( 04KL108888 x ( 05KL134976 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400279
PI 672049 SJ1112199
06RM934415 X ( 03RM893031 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400280
PI 672050 SJ1112576
06RM934415 X [ 02JR318004 x ( 04RM822970 x ( 05JR007045 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400281
PI 672051 SJ1112872
02JR318004 ( 2 ) X [ 03KG2112010 x ( Syngenta S39-A3 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400282
PI 672052 SJ1114205
03RM893031 X [ 06JR202581 ( 2 ) x ( 03RM893031 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400283
PI 672053 SJ1114419
WN0800545 X [ WN0800104 x ( 06BR381007 x ( 03RM893031 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400284
PI 672054 SJ1210844
BN0800007 X CL0911639Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400285
PI 672055 SJ1214029
HI0902015 X Syngenta S39-U2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400286
PI 672056 WN1115314
4064827-33 X [ OW0800084 x ( 03KL015751 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400287
PI 672057 WN1115965
06JR208211 ( 2 ) X ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400288
PI 672058 WN1116094-1
06JR208211 ( 2 ) X ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400289
PI 672059 WN1117512
06JR205288 X ( 03KL015751 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400290
PI 672060 WN1118091
SJ0800019 X [ WN0800099 x ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400291
PI 672061 WN1118163
BN0800077 X [ 06JR202581 x ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400292
PI 672062 WN1118297
OW080084 ( 2 ) X ( RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400293
PI 672063 WN1118398
SJ0800025 X [ 06JR208211 x ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400294
PI 672064 WN1118509
WN0800506 X [ NE0800097 ( 3 ) x ( 05KL134039 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400295
PI 672065 WN1118516
WN0800506 X [ NE0800097 ( 3 ) x ( 05KL134039 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400296
PI 672498 210197
301 X 3062331535 ONTARIO LTD, PVP 201400238
PI 672499 210342
301 X 3062331535 ONTARIO LTD, PVP 201400239
PI 673055 1045636
AG2107RR2YBC2 X AG00901Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400424
PI 673056 1045681
28-61RY X CR2-1503NMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400425
PI 673057 1045695
260744-14 X ( AG2205 (3) x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400426
PI 673058 1045703
JW1508E7-A0YN X RM1609B8-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400427
PI 673059 1045746
JW1508E7-A0YN X RM1609B8-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400428
PI 673060 1045748
JW1508E7-A0YN X RM1609B8-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400429
PI 673061 1045798
JW1508E7-A0YN X RM1909B5-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400430
PI 673062 1045962
AG2002 X RM1909B5-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400431
PI 673063 1045970
AG2002 X [AG1402 x ( ST6002216 (2) x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400432
PI 673064 1046238
AG3132 X AG3130Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400433
PI 673065 1046250
BL3409A8-D0YN X AG3130Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400434
PI 673066 1046317
FN3209D2-B0YN X CS-29R212NMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400435
PI 673067 1046394
BL3409A8-D0YN X AG3130Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400436
PI 673068 1046642
CP3907A4-D0RN X CP3408A5-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400437
PI 673069 1046750
CEI4606A0X-0004 X CP3708D5-A0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400438
PI 673070 1046852
GL5007A3-A0XN X ( GL4708A6-B0YN x GL4508A1- )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400439
PI 673071 1046909
J02-11943 X GL4008D9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400440
PI 673072 1050478
CMKZ706A0R-0003 X MK0608A3-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400441
PI 673073 1050485
CMKZ706A0R-0003 X MK0608A3-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400442
PI 673074 1052002
GL4708A6-B0YN X GL4408B5-G0RNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400443
PI 673075 1052058
NC7208A1-C0YN X GL4608A1-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400444
PI 673076 1052125
NC7409A2-C0YN X AG7231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400445
PI 673077 A1035765
AG2107RR2YBC2 X ( AS2002NN-103 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400446
PI 673109 A1036554
BN3108B9-D0YL X MON87705Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400496
PI 673110 1046289
BL3509A9-D0YL X E93109D5-G0YVMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400497
PI 673111 1046291
BL3609C5-D0YL X ( JW2407A7-D0YN x MON87705 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400498
PI 673112 1051014
OX3210D4-D0BAJ X AG3231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400499
PI 673113 1051039
OX3110E1-D0BAJ X AG3231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400500
PI 673114 1051522
OX3210D4-D0BAJ X AG3431Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400501
PI 673115 1051528
MON32VG X AG3431Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400502
PI 673371 RJS54003
G00450T009 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000518
PI 674113 1045656
AG0403 (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400447
PI 674114 1045696
260744-14 (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400448
PI 674115 1045730
RM0808B3-D0YN (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400449
PI 674116 1045953
CSR 17Y02N (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400450
PI 674117 1045954
CSR 17Y02N (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400451
PI 674118 1046035
AS2002N (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400452
PI 674119 1046058
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400453
PI 674120 1046060
JW2409A3-D0YL (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400454
PI 674121 1046182
AG3239 (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400455
PI 674122 1046302
AG3039 (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400456
PI 674123 1046551
BL3809A1-D0YN (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400457
PI 674124 1046878
ANC55050R (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400458
PI 674125 1046898
CSR5452N (4) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400459
PI 674126 1046942
NC6807A7-A0RN (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400460
PI 674127 1046948
NC7208A1-C0YN (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400461
PI 674128 1050893
CP3009B7-B0YN X AK2910T4-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400462
PI 674129 1050918
AG3030 X CSR1802N-T0BAMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400463
PI 674130 1050923
AG3231 X AK3110T6-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400464
PI 674131 1050938
AG3231 X AG2606-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400465
PI 674132 1051076
AG3231 X AG2606-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400466
PI 674133 1051085
CP3009B7-B0YN X AK3610T1-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400467
PI 674134 1051140
OX3009B4-D0YN X AK3410T9-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400468
PI 674135 1051516
BL3610C3-D0AAC X AG3803-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400469
PI 674136 1051540
RB3792R2N X AG4005-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400470
PI 674137 1051545
CR2-3092N X AG4005-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400471
PI 674138 1051547
CP3709B2-B0YN X AG4005-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400472
PI 674139 1051550
GL4008C1-D4YN X AG4005-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400473
PI 674140 1051556
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400474
PI 674141 1051559
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400475
PI 674142 1051574
AG4130 X CSR4362N-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400476
PI 674143 1051581
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400477
PI 674144 1051583
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400478
PI 674145 1051585
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400479
PI 674146 1051589
EI4610B3-B0AAC X ( EI4709A7-D0YN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400480
PI 674147 1051603
J02-11943 (3) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400481
PI 674148 1052164
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400482
PI 674149 1052171
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400483
PI 674150 1052173
EI4610A5-D0AAC X ( EI4409C3-D0YN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400484
PI 674519 P006T78R
RJS00901 X ZB01Q08Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500122
PI 674520 P02T54R
Pioneer P90Y50 X Pioneer P90Y90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500123
PI 674521 P08T36R
Pioneer P90Y50 X Pioneer P90Y90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500124
PI 674522 P09T74R2
MK0906A1-D0YN X RM1909B3-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500125
PI 674523 P15T46R2
EV1709B3-D0YN X RM1609A7-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500126
PI 674524 P18T26R2
67185166 X AK2508B4-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500127
PI 674525 P18T31R
Pioneer P91Y72 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500128
PI 674526 P19T78R
Pioneer P92Y30 X Pioneer P92Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500129
PI 674527 P22T73R
LP11969710 X Pioneer P93Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500130
PI 674528 P24T93R
Pioneer P92Y51 X Pioneer P93Y13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500131
PI 674529 P27T47R
YB30A05 X XB32C05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300225
PI 674530 P28T08R
Pioneer P93Y05 X YB28E09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500133
PI 674531 P28T71X
AG2531 X AK3310T9-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500134
PI 674532 P29T40PR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500135
PI 674533 P31T38X
OX3009B4-D0YN X AK3110U5-T0BAHMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500136
PI 674534 P31T52X
AG2931 X AK3110U5-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500137
PI 674535 P31T77R
Pioneer P93Y22 X Pioneer P93Y05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500138
PI 674536 P32T16R
Pioneer P92Y91 X Pioneer P93Y82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500139
PI 674537 P32T49PR
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP24380127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500140
PI 674538 P35T27X
AG2931 X AK3210T2-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500141
PI 674539 RJS14006R
Pioneer P92Y31 X Pioneer P92Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500142
PI 674540 P36T14R2
CBL3705N1R X CP3408A4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500143
PI 674541 P36T86R
Pioneer P93Y92 X Pioneer P93Y82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500144
PI 674542 P37T92X
BL3610B5-D0AAC X AG3803-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500145
PI 674543 P38T20X
AG3804 ( 4 ) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500146
PI 674544 P39T03X
AG3631 X AG3803-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500147
PI 674545 P40T26X
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN ( 2 ) x A3525-A3244-BAH ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500148
PI 674546 P40T55PR
Pioneer P93Y82 X XR33W10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500149
PI 674547 P41T33R
Pioneer P93Y92 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500150
PI 674548 P45T48R
Pioneer P94Y22 X Pioneer P93Y92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500151
PI 674549 P46T01R
Pioneer P94Y22 X Pioneer P93Y92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500152
PI 674550 P46T30X
BL3510A9-D0AAC X AG4907-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500153
PI 674551 P46T59R
Pioneer P94Y70 X Pioneer P95Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500154
PI 674552 P47T44X
EI4610A5-D0AAC X ( EI4409C3-D0YN ( 2 ) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500155
PI 674553 P49T09BR
Pioneer P94Y61 X BC45036488Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500156
PI 674554 P50T15BR
Pioneer P95Y10 X BC45036483Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500157
PI 674555 P53T18X
J02-11943 ( 3 ) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500158
PI 674556 P56T12SR
RJS57003 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500159
PI 674557 P56T29R2
DGL5406B0R X [ Asgrow A5427 x ( DKB54-52 x Asgrow 3244RR2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500160
PI 674558 P73T38X
NC6707A1-A0RN-T0BAH X NC7210A9-C0AACMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500161
PI 674559 RJS04004R
Pioneer P90Y50 X Pioneer P90Y90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500162
PI 674560 RJS18012R
Pioneer P92Y11 X Pioneer P91Y72Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500163
PI 674561 RJS21007R
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93Y05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500164
PI 674562 RJS22009R
RJS30006 X YB28E09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500165
PI 674563 RJS28013R
Pioneer P93Y13 X Pioneer P92Y53Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500166
PI 674564 RJS30008R
Pioneer P93Y22 X Pioneer P93Y05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500167
PI 674565 RJS31014R
Pioneer P93Y22 X Pioneer P93Y05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500168
PI 674566 RJS32013R2
AG3803 X BL3308A2-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500169
PI 674567 RJS32014X
CS 31R212N ( 2 ) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500170
PI 674568 RJS35014R2
AG3803 X BL3408A1-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500171
PI 674569 RJS35015R
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500172
PI 674570 RJS35016X
AG3231 X AK3410T2-T0BAHMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500173
PI 674571 RJS36008X
BL3610D5-D0AAC X AG3803-T0BAHMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500174
PI 674572 RJS37015R
Pioneer P94Y22 X Pioneer P93Y92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500175
PI 674573 RJS40014R
RJS40001 X YB38B08Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500176
PI 674574 RJS41007R2
CP3907A4-D0RN X OX3707A3-D0YNMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500177
PI 674575 RJS49017R2
GL4708A1-D0YN X GL4408D55-G0RNMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500178
PI 674576 RJS50005R
Pioneer P93Y92 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500179
PI 674577 RJS55005R
RJS57003 X Pioneer P95M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500180
PI 674578 RJS72001R2
N05-7462 X NC6208A7-B0YNMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500181
PI 674579 RJS18007R
Pioneer P92M54 X RJS18004Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500264
PI 674580 RJS24006R
Pioneer P92M54 X RJS28004Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500265
PI 674581 RJS25007R
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93Y05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500266
PI 674582 RJS26004R
Pioneer P93Y22 X Pioneer P93Y05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500267
PI 674583 RJS29008R
XB30C10 X Pioneer P93Y82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500268
PI 674584 RJS32009R
XB39B10 X Pioneer P93Y82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500269
PI 674585 RJS32010R
Pioneer P93Y05 X YB28E09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500270
PI 674586 RJS33010R
Pioneer P93Y40 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500271
PI 674587 RJS34010R
RJS30006 X Pioneer P93Y40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500272
PI 674588 RJS34011R
Pioneer P92Y70 X Pioneer P93Y82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500273
PI 674589 RJS37012R
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500274
PI 674590 RJS39010R
Pioneer P93Y92 X Pioneer P93Y82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500275
PI 674591 RJS46007SR
Pioneer P94Y30 X XB40H09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500276
PI 674592 RJS47015R
Pioneer P94Y70 X HL17619026Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500277
PI 674593 RJS48011R
Pioneer P94Y80 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500278
PI 674594 RJS48012R
Pioneer P93Y92 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500279
PI 674595 RJS49015R
Pioneer P94Y20 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500280
PI 674596 RJS49016R
Pioneer P94Y70 X Pioneer P95Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500281
PI 675568 1050561
AW1409A3-B0YN X FL0609A8-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500402
PI 675569 1050668
JW1507E7-A0YN X AG1431 (2)Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500403
PI 675570 1050762
AG2031 X CB1791R2NMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500404
PI 675571 1050834
AG2606 X AG2839Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500405
PI 675572 1050913
8263536 X AG3231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500406
PI 675573 1051034
CR2-2823N X BL3110A6-D0AACMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500407
PI 675574 1051117
CR23-3422N X AK3110T4-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500408
PI 675575 1051773
CP3310G5-B0AAC X AG3803-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500409
PI 675576 1051779
AG3231 X AG3631Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500410
PI 675577 1051842
AG4005 X GL4308A9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500411
PI 675578 1051877
AG3634 X AG4907-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500412
PI 675579 1051938
AG4130 X GL4008D5-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500413
PI 675580 1052085
NC6807A7-A0RN-T0BAH X AG7231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500414
PI 675581 1052094
AG7501-T0BAH X AG7231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500415
PI 675582 1052098
HH5808A5-B0YN X AG6730Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500416
PI 675583 1052110
AG7501-T0BAH X AG7231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500417
PI 675584 1057162
CSR2682N-T0BAH X CR2-2823NMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500418
PI 675585 1058613
AG4531 X ( GL4808A5-C0RN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500419
PI 675586 1058627
AG4632 X ( AG3931 (2) x AA3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500420
PI 675587 1058664
AG4232 X GL4911A5-B0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500421
PI 675588 1058668
CR4812N X GL4911A5-B0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500422
PI 675589 1058730
AG5332 X ( RB4492R2N (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500423
PI 675590 1058733
CR4812N X [ AG5332 x ( GL5007A3-A2XN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500424
PI 675591 1058741
CR4812N X GL4911A5-B0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500425
PI 675592 1058744
AG4632 X [ AG4531 x ( GL50007A3-A2XN (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500426
PI 675593 1052136
AG7502-T0BAH X AG6730Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500427
PI 675594 1058683
AG4832 X ( AG4531 (2) x AAK3410T2-T0BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500428
PI 675595 1058749
CP4310B5-B0AAC X ( RB4492R2N (4) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500429
PI 675596 1058772
CR-4722N X GL4911A5-B0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500430
PI 675597 1058472
AG3832 X ( AG3931 x AG4005 ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500431
PI 675598 1058524
CR2-3902N X AK3710T2-D0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500432
PI 675599 1058771
CR4812N X GL4911A5-B0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500433
PI 675600 1058780
AG4932 X ( ANC5505C0R (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500434
PI 675601 1058789
AG4932 X ( ANC5505C0R (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500435
PI 675602 1058808
HH5011A6-D0AAC X HH6511A2-C0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500436
PI 675603 1051835
GL4008C1-D4YN X AG4005-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500437
PI 675604 1056963
AG0730 X ( 25-60RY (2) x AK3210T9-T0BAH ) Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500438
PI 675605 1050596
260744-14 (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500439
PI 675606 1058565
EI3811C7-D0BAH X CR2-3422NMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500440
PI 675607 1058766
CP4310B5-B0AAC X ( RB4492R2N (4) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500441
PI 675608 1057255
AK3210T7-D0BAH X AG2731Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500442
PI 675609 1057325
CR2-2823N X AK2910T5-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500443
PI 675610 1057383
BN2310A2-D0AAC X ( CBL3506H0R-0008 (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500444
PI 675611 1057052
CB1791R2N X ( 4065735-51 (2) x A3525-A3244-BAH )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500445
PI 675612 1057497
AG3631 X AK3210T2-T0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500446
PI 675613 1050611
260744-14 (2) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500447
PI 675614 1059874
006186-11 X AOX3505G0CMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500448
PI 675615 1050939
OX3410C3-D0BAJ X AG3231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500449
PI 675616 1050982
OX3410C3-D0BAJ X AG3231Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500450
PI 675617 1058475
EI3811C7-D0BAH X AG3832Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500451
PI 676276 1057115
CR-2042N X AW1911F2-B0BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600042
PI 676995 1051604
AG5606 (3) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600141
PI 677228 P28T62R
Pioneer P92Y91 X Pioneer P92Y53Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600106
PI 677229 GLL0050
CZ 4540 LL
HBK C5025 X DLL0370Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600112
PI 677230 GLL0059
S043976 X DLL0706Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600113
PI 677231 ELL0082
CZ 5147 LL
S00-9925-10 BS X GH-LIB-2Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600114
PI 677232 DLL1206
CZ 5225 LL
S021421 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600115
PI 677233 DLL1335
CZ 5445 LL
S01100 X LIB Q206-83-4 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600116
PI 677234 DLL0840
CZ 5515 LL
5002T X LIB Q206-83-5 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600117
PI 677235 DLL1347
CZ 5727 LL
5002T X LIB Q206-83-2 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600118
PI 677236 DLL1172
CZ 5947 LL
S043861 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600119
PI 677237 DLL0838
CZ 6109 LL
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600120
PI 677238 DLL1143
CZ 6316 LL
S043954 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600121
PI 677239 ELL0908
CZ 6515 LL
Darby X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600122
PI 677240 DLL1141
CZ 7007 LL
S043954 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600123
PI 677241 DLL0750
CZ 7132 LL
HBK C4926 X LIB Q206-83-2 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600124
PI 677242 DLL1149
5002T X LIB Q206-83-5 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600125
PI 677243 DLL1273
HBK C4926 X LIB Q206-83-2 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600126
PI 677244 DLL1182
HBK C4926 X LIB Q206-83-5 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600127
PI 677245 DLL1289
S043861 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600128
PI 677246 DLL1290
S043861 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600129
PI 677247 DLL1291
5002T X LIB Q206-83-2 LIBBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600130
PI 677248 DLL1344
S043861 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600131
PI 677249 DLL1348
S21421 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600132
PI 677250 DR20252
HBK C5894 X ( AG4903 x GM_A19788 )Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600133
PI 677251 DR20281
HBK C5894 X ( DKB51-51 x GM_A19788 )Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600134
PI 677252 ELL0041
S022401 X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600135
PI 677253 ELL0254
Darby X GH-LIB-6Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600136
PI 677254 ELL0909
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600137
PI 677255 ER22295
6I_S021136R X DKB51-51 x GM_A19788Bayer CropScience LP, PVP 201600138
PI 677256 P37T51PR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600164
PI 677257 P35T75X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600165
PI 677258 P36T36X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600166
PI 677259 P50T92X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600167
PI 677260 P60T95X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600168
PI 677261 P50T56X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600169
PI 677262 P33T19X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600170
PI 677263 P37T32X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600171
PI 677264 P32T64PR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600172
PI 677265 RJS39013X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600173
PI 677266 P47T06X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600174
PI 677267 P39T28X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600175
PI 677268 RJS48014X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600176
PI 677269 P48T27X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600177
PI 677270 P45T74X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600178
PI 677271 P27T91PR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600179
PI 677272 P32T31X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600180
PI 677273 P24T84X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600182
PI 677274 P39T95X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600183
PI 677275 P40T84X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600184
PI 677276 RJS36010X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600185
PI 677277 RJS33013R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600186
PI 677278 RJS37018R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600187
PI 677279 RJS26009R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600188
PI 677280 P19T55X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600189
PI 677281 P20T53PR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600190
PI 677282 P22T24X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600191
PI 677283 RJS51006SR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600192
PI 677284 RJS53008R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600193
PI 677285 RJS47016R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600194
PI 677286 RJS68001R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600195
PI 677287 P10T41X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600196
PI 677288 RJS57005SR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600197
PI 677289 P09T29X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600198
PI 677290 P21T89X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600199
PI 677291 P08T58X
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600200
PI 677292 RJS20006R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600201
PI 677293 RJS24008R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600202
PI 677294 RJS18011R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600203
PI 677295 RJS04005R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600204
PI 677296 RJS05005R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600205
PI 677297 RJS58001R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600206
PI 677298 RJS10006R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600207
PI 677299 RJS16006R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600208
PI 677300 RJS05006R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600209
PI 677301 RJS15011R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600210
PI 677302 P18T85R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600211
PI 677303 RJS10005R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600212
PI 677304 RJS55006R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600213
PI 677305 P55T81R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600214
PI 677306 RJS44009R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600215
PI 677307 P34T23R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600216
PI 677308 P38T42R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600217
PI 677309 RJS32015R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600218
PI 677310 P006T46R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600219
PI 677311 P08T96R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600220
PI 677312 P005T13R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600221
PI 677313 P27T03R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600222
PI 677314 P29T50
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600223
PI 677315 P27T59R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600224
PI 677316 RJS08014R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600225
PI 677317 P10T48R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600226
PI 677318 P08T20
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600227
PI 678798 1058711
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600327
PI 678799 1063920
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600328
PI 678800 1063921
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600329
PI 678801 1063928
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600330
PI 678802 1063935
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600331
PI 678803 1063939
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600332
PI 678804 1063940
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600333
PI 678805 1064108
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600334
PI 678806 1062058
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600335
PI 678807 1063878
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600336
PI 678808 1063884
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600337
PI 678809 1063886
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600338
PI 678810 1063888
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600339
PI 678811 1063892
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600340
PI 678812 1063894
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600341
PI 678813 1058469
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600342
PI 678814 1058513
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600343
PI 678815 1058528
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600344
PI 678816 1058529
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600345
PI 678817 1058606
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600346
PI 678818 1058698
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600347
PI 678819 1058714
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600348
PI 678820 1064124
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600349
PI 678821 1064143
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600350
PI 678822 1064148
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600351
PI 678823 1064152
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600352
PI 678824 1064169
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600353
PI 678825 1064177
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600354
PI 678826 1058718
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600355
PI 678827 1058767
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600356
PI 678828 1058822
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600357
PI 678829 1058861
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600358
PI 678830 1058863
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600359
PI 678831 1058864
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600360
PI 678832 1062055
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600361
PI 678833 1063900
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600362
PI 678834 1063902
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600363
PI 678835 1063903
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600364
PI 678836 1063906
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600365
PI 678837 1063907
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600366
PI 678838 1063916
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600367
PI 678839 1063918
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600368
PI 678840 1051641
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600369
PI 678841 1056929
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600370
PI 678842 1057072
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600371
PI 678843 1057181
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600372
PI 678844 1057348
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600373
PI 678845 1057408
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600374
PI 678846 1058444
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600375
PI 680568 ND Bison
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 201700086
PI 681601 GR20521
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201700127
PI 681602 ER22621
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBayer CropScience LP, PVP 201700128
PI 682087 G13-6299
G00-3213 X LG04-6000GP-415, F5d, Conv., 19 % exotic
PI 68430 5830
IntroductionCollected in Heilongjiang, China ca. 1926
PI 684618 P04A60R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700253
PI 684619 P06A13R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700254
PI 684620 P002A63R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700255
PI 684621 P007A90R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700256
PI 684622 P000A87R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700257
PI 684623 P0007A43R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700258
PI 684624 P25A65R
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201700259
PI 684625 5PDSD70
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700260
PI 684626 5PDZB74
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700261
PI 684627 5PHQP31
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700262
PI 684628 5PPHU37
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700263
PI 684629 5PQNG18
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700264
PI 684630 5PUWT62
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700265
PI 684631 5PYFS21
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201700266
PI 684675 DS25-1
DT98-9102 X PI 587982A
PI 68474 Introduction
PI 68508 292
IntroductionCollected in Yaomyn Manchuria ca 1926; Latitude: 46 deg 11 min 42 sec N (46.1950421), Longitude: 126 deg 4 min 5 sec E (126.0679479)
PI 68522 314
IntroductionCollected in Heilongjiang, China ca. 1926; Mangou, Manchuria. Latitude: 46 deg 7 min 37 sec N (46.1269188), Longitude: 125 deg 56 min 15 sec E (125.9374811)
PI 68577-3 Introduction
PI 68600 382
IntroductionCollected in Jilin, China ca. 1926; Sanchahe, Manchuria. Latitude: 44 deg 59 min 0 sec N (44.9833374), Longitude: 126 deg 1 min E (126.0166664)
PI 68623-1 Introduction
PI 68644-2 Introduction
PI 68658 114
IntroductionColected in Heilongjiang, China ca. 1926; Anda. Latitude: 46 deg 38 min 35 sec N (46.6429903), Longitude: 125 deg 25 min 33 sec E (125.4258961)
PI 68666 Introduction
PI 686908 TN11-5102
Hutcheson X TN89-39
PI 68708 300
IntroductionCollected in China ca. 1926; Yaomyn, Manchuria. Latitude: 46 deg 11 min 42 sec N (46.1950421), Longitude: 126 deg 4 min 5 sec E (126.0679479)
PI 68788 110
IntroductionCollected in Heilongjiang, China ca. 1926; Anda. Latitude: 46 deg 38 min 35 sec N (46.6429903), Longitude: 125 deg 25 min 33 sec E (125.4258961)
PI 689003 LG03-4561-14
LG99-5106 X LG91-7320
PI 689999 USDA-N6003LP
PI 689999
NC-Roy X ( NC-Roy x CX1834 )GP-435, Low Phytate
PI 691646 R11-7999
5002T X R00-2097GP-436
PI 691841 S14-15146GT
S09-10871 X S08-9727RR1CV-534
PI 692131 TN15-5007
Osage X TN10-4409
PI 70218-2 Introduction
PI 70218-2-19-3 Introduction
PI 70218-2-6-11 Introduction
PI 70218-2-6-13 Introduction
PI 70218-2-6-15 Introduction
PI 70218-2-6-20 Introduction
PI 70218-2-6-21 Introduction
PI 70218-2-6-23 Introduction
PI 70459 Introduction
PI 70478 Introduction
PI 71506 Introduction
PI 71525 Hayseed
No. 113
IntroductionCollected in Jiangsu, China
PI 71587 Palmetta
No. 186
IntroductionCollected in Jiangsu, China
PI 71608 Monetta
IntroductionCollected in Jiangsu, China
PI 71659 328
IntroductionIntroduced from Jiangsu, CN ca. 1927
PI 71663 Charlee
IntroductionCollected in Jiangsu, China
PI 71664 Missoy
IntroductionIntroduced from Jiangsu, CN ca. 1927
PI 7218-2 Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
PI 79610 Introduction
PI 79885 Introduction
PI 80462 Furisode
IntroductionCollected in Tokyo, Japan ca. 1929
PI 80471 Sousei Kuro Sakigake
IntroductionCollected in Tokyo, Japan ca. 1929
PI 80475 Higan Mame
IntroductionTokyo, Japan
PI 80837 Mejiro
IntroductionAkita, Japan
PI 81021 Introductionintroduced from Hokkaido, Japan
PI 81041 Kuro Daizu
IntroductionCollected in Hokkaido, Japan ca. 1929
PI 81043 Ao daizu
No. 300
IntroductionCollected in Hokkaido, Japan ca. 1929
PI 82263-2 Pepute No. 2
IntroductionCollected in Seoul, S. Korea ca. 1929
PI 83945-4 Dairyu Tsurunoko
IntroductionCollected in Kyonggi, S. Korea ca. 1929
PI 8424 Tokyo
Ita Mame
IntroductionCollected in Kanagawa, Japan; Duplicate to PI 548493
PI 84637 S-62
IntroductionCollected in Kyonggi, S. Korea ca. 1929
PI 84642 IntroductionSuigen 1929
PI 84666-1 S-94
IntroductionCollected in Kyonggi, S. Korea ca. 1929
PI 84928 Kanro
IntroductionCollected in Pyongyang, N. Korea ca. 1929
PI 84946-2 Kandokon
PIO Soja max
IntroductionPusan South Korea, ca. 1929
PI 85355 Y-47
IntroductionCollected in Kyonggi, S. Korea ca. 1929
PI 85559 Y-352
IntroductionCollected in Kyonggi, S. Korea ca. 1929
PI 85897 IntroductionShiznoke, Jp
PI 86024 Daidzuhinshu satei
IntroductionCollected in Hokkaido, Japan ca. 1930
PI 86050 Rasuto San
IntroductionCollected in Hokkaido, Japan ca. 1930
PI 86736 Izari mame kinai No. 1
IntroductionIntroduced from Saitama, JP
PI 868907 TN09-008
Fowler X AnandCV-527
PI 86972-1 Pakute
IntroductionCollected in Cholla Puk, S. Korea ca. 1930
PI 86974 IntroductionZenra Hokudo 1930
PI 87066 IntroductionNanmen 1930
PI 88310 5699
IntroductionCollected in Touren, Manchuria ca. 1930
PI 88447-2 Introduction
PI 88788 5913
IntroductionCollected in Liaoning, China ca. 1930; Along the Liao river, Kaiyuan District. Latitude: 42 deg 43 min 22 sec N (42.7228358), Longitude: 124 deg 19 min 53 sec E (124.3313446)
PI 88818 Yota
PI 89075 6060
IntroductionCollected in Liaoning, China ca. 1930; Manchuria. Latitude: 46 deg 11 min 42 sec N (46.1950421), Longitude: 126 deg 4 min 5 sec E (126.0679479)
PI 89152 Introduction
PI 89775A IntroductionTang Shang, Cn 1930
PI 90566 6476
IntroductionCollected in Liaoning, China ca. 1930; Manchuria. Latitude: 46 deg 11 min 42 sec N (46.1950421), Longitude: 126 deg 4 min 5 sec E (126.0679479)
PI 90566-1 6476
IntroductionCollected in Liaoning, China ca. 1930; Manchuria. Latitude: 46 deg 11 min 42 sec N (46.1950421), Longitude: 126 deg 4 min 5 sec E (126.0679479)
PI 90763 7570
IntroductionCollected in Beijing, China ca. 1930; Tunghsien. Latitude: 39 deg 54 min 19 sec N (39.9052792), Longitude: 116 deg 35 min 58 sec E (116.5994453)
PI 90763R Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
PI 91109 Introduction
PI 91110-1 6565
IntroductionCollected in Heilongjiang, China; Taianchen, northern Manchuria
PI 91120 6575
IntroductionCollected in Jilin, China; Taolaichao, northern Manchuria. Latitude: 44 deg 52 min 48 sec N (44.88), Longitude: 125 deg 54 min 0 sec E (125.9)
PI 91161 Introduction
PI 91730 -1 Excellent Grade No. 1
IntroductionCollected in Jilin, China ca. 1930; Kungchuling. Latitude: 43 deg 30 min 26 sec N (43.5072231), Longitude: 124 deg 48 min 44 sec E (124.8122215)
PI 92470 Introduction
PI 92592 Introduction
PI 92717 Introduction
PI 92718-2 7913
IntroductionCollected in Jilin, China ca. 1931; Kungchuling, Manchuria. Latitude: 43 deg 30 min 26 sec N (43.5072231), Longitude: 124 deg 48 min 44 sec E (124.8122215)
PI 93057 Ke lu tion
No. 6939
IntroductionCollected in Zhejiang, CN ca. 1931
PI 93058 Seminole
No. 6940
IntroductionCollected in Zhejiang, China ca. 1931
PI 95719-1 Unknown X UnknownNot in GRIN
PI 95727 Nanda
No. 7992
Station No. 22
IntroductionCollected in Cholla Puk, S. Korea ca. 1932
PI 96035 330
IntroductionCollected in Hwanghae Puk, N. Korea ca. 1931
PI 96089 384
IntroductionIntroduced from North Korea
PI 96354 649
IntroductionCollected in Hwanghae Puk, N. Korea ca. 1931
PI 96983 IntroductionIntroduced from Korea 1932
PI 96989 9108
Station No. 1138
IntroductionCollected in Chosen, S. Korea ca. 1932
PI 97066 IntroductionNanmen 1930
Piatt PI 574534
LN78-257 X Asgrow A3127Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9400062
Pickett ( D49-2491 (6) x DormanX ( Lee (4) x Peking )
Pickett 71 PI 548982
Pickett X LeePhytophthora resistant Lee type
Pike IVR Ex5003
Provar X ( AX56P64-1 x PI 91110-1 )
Pintado Unspecified X UnspecifiedBrazilian cultivar
Pion 9233 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer 91B01 Asgrow A2234 X Pioneer P9061
Pioneer 91M10 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer 92B12 PI 615580
Pioneer P9221 X ( Pioneer P9162 x Pioneer 9234 )
Pioneer 93B82 Unknown
Pioneer 93B86 Unknown
Pioneer P0877 ( Clark x Chippewa 64X Corsoy
Pioneer P1082 PI 556667
Wells X WilkinPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8200115
Pioneer P1282 PI 556665
Wells X [ ( Disoy x Magna ) x Provar ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8200144
Pioneer P1677 Peterson 1677
Rampage X Corsoy (2)PVP 8000023
Pioneer P1951 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer P1963 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer P1981 PI 556591
Beeson X WilliamsPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000102
Pioneer P2180 PI 556640
Swift X CallandPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000029
Pioneer P2480 PI 556641
Corsoy X BeesonPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000030
Pioneer P2877 PI 556588
Corsoy X ( Corsoy x Hark )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000027
Pioneer P2981 PI 556614
Hark X ( Corsoy x Calland )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8100038
Pioneer P3081 PI 556592
Williams X WoodworthPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000103
Pioneer P3481 PI 556671
Williams X WoodworthPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000104
Pioneer P3580 PI 556668
Williams X WoodworthPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000026
Pioneer P3981 PI 556594
Williams X Cutler 71Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000105
Pioneer P4280 PI 556589
Williams X WoodworthPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000024
Pioneer P4880 PI 556590
Mitchell X Cutler 71Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8000025
Pioneer P4920 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer P5096-03D ( PI 80471 x PI 86050X ( Williams 79 (2) x Asgrow A3127 )
Pioneer P5482 PI 556669
Dare X ForrestPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8200116
Pioneer P6061 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer P61-22 PI 556489
Corsoy X Magna x ProvarPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7300064
Pioneer P6782 PI 556666
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8200117
Pioneer P6906-16 ( PI 80471 x PI 86050X ( Williams 79 x Asgrow A3127 )
Pioneer P6917-29 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer P7273 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer P7293 Unknown X Unknown
Pioneer P83-14 PI 556498
Amsoy X BeesonPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7300063
Pioneer P8902 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer P9004   M83-442 X McCallParentage conflict. NUST 2014
Pioneer P9004    Maple Ridge X LakotaParentage conflict. NUST 2004
Pioneer P9007 PI 572277
Pioneer P9061 X RidgePioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300244
Pioneer P9008 PI 584459
Pioneer P9061 X Maple IslePioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500028
Pioneer P900Y61 PI 660243
XB01C03 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000571
Pioneer P900Y71 PI 659352
XB01C03 X XB06B02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000102
Pioneer P900Y81 PI 660242
XB01C03 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000570
Pioneer P9041 PI 572275
Pioneer P9061 X Pioneer P1082Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300242
Pioneer P9042 PI 584460
Pioneer P9061 X CX096Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500029
Pioneer P9061 PI 556771
Wells X Pioneer P1677Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500144
Pioneer P9062 PI 561584
Pioneer P9061 X Pioneer P9181Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9200193
Pioneer P9071 PI 572276
Pioneer P9061 X Pioneer P9181Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300243
Pioneer P9091 PI 073587
Peterson 85 X Pioneer P1677Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700100
Pioneer P9092 PI 584461
Northrup King S15-50
Pioneer P9061 X Syngenta S15-50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500030
Pioneer P90A05 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700093
Pioneer P90A06 PI 646161
[ J009 x ( Pioneer P9091 x Asgrow A2234 ) ] X [ ( ( McCall x Maple Isle ) x Pioneer P9042 ) x Pioneer 90B31 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700094
Pioneer P90A07 PI 612964
Pioneer P9091 X Pioneer P9008Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000153
Pioneer P90B11 PI 615537
Pioneer P9007 X [ Pioneer P9172 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100060
Pioneer P90B21 PI 606728
Asgrow A1929 X Pioneer P9061Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900086
Pioneer P90B31 PI 606742
Pioneer P9007 X [ Pioneer P9172 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900104
Pioneer P90B43 PI 606740
Pioneer P9071 X Pioneer P9041Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900102
Pioneer P90B51 PI 630928
Pioneer P90B43 X [ Pioneer P9132 x ( Pioneer 9172 x ( ST2250 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200098
Pioneer P90B72 PI 606735
Pioneer P9042 X [ Pioneer P9172 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900097
Pioneer P90B73 PI 612963
OACBayfield ( 2 ) X [ Asgrow A2506 x ( Pioneer P9321 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000152
Pioneer P90B74 PI 630929
Pioneer P90B74 X [ Pioneer P9132 x ( Pioneer 9172 x ( ST2250 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200099
Pioneer P90B93 PI 606732
Pioneer P9132 X [ Pioneer P9244 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900090
Pioneer P90M01 PI 636732
[ ( McCall x Maple Isle ) x Pioneer P9042X Pioneer P91B52Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500067
Pioneer P90M02 PI 646162
[ J009 x ( Pioneer P9091 x Asgrow A2234 ) ] ( 2 ) X Pioneer P91B12Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700095
Pioneer P90M20 PI 634749
Pioneer P90B43 X [ Pioneer P9172 x ( ST2250 x G40-3P9392 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400088
Pioneer P90M40 PI 636733
Syngenta S08-80 X [ ( Pioneer P9061 x Syngenta S19-90 ) x ( Syngenta S00-66 x ( Syngenta S19-90 x ( Pioneer 9281 x G40-3P9273 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500068
Pioneer P90M60 PI 634748
Pioneer P90B43 X [ RCAT 9404 x ( Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9273 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400087
Pioneer P90M61 PI 636734
Pioneer P9151 X Pioneer P92B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500069
Pioneer P90M80 PI 646163
Pioneer P92B12 X [ Pioneer P90A07 x ( Pioneer 90B43 x ( Pioneer 9007 x ( Pioneer 9172 x ( ST2250 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700096
Pioneer P90M90 PI 632600
Pioneer P90B43 X [ Pioneer P9151 x ( Pioneer 9204 x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300084
Pioneer P90M91 PI 636735
[ ( Pioneer P9061 x Asgrow A1937 ) x ( Pioneer 9293 x Pella 86 ) ] X Pioneer P90B93Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500070
Pioneer P90M92 PI 646164
Syngenta S10-F2 X [ Pioneer P93B82 x ( ( Pioneer 9273 x ( ( CM304BR x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ) ) ) x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700097
Pioneer P90M93 PI 648231
12380-32 X ( 00CY622138 x Dairyland DSR199RRSTS )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700258
Pioneer P90Y01 PI 661998
YB01D05 X YB08K04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100212
Pioneer P90Y20 PI 652915
YB009A99 X Pioneer P91B03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800106
Pioneer P90Y21 PI 660239
YB01D05 X Pioneer P90M01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000567
Pioneer P90Y30 PI 659274
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000103
Pioneer P90Y40 PI 653261
Pioneer P90B43 X D00782Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800107
Pioneer P90Y41 PI 652916
Pioneer P91B42 X Pioneer P91B33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800108
Pioneer P90Y42 PI 655967
R00448R003 X Pioneer P91B03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900138
Pioneer P90Y50 PI 656347
R00448R003 X XB02E02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900137
Pioneer P90Y51 PI 661500
YB08N05 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100210
Pioneer P90Y70 PI 659275
ZB10J03 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000104
Pioneer P90Y71 PI 661057
XB02F04 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100206
Pioneer P90Y80 PI 656348
R00448R003 X K12620Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900139
Pioneer P90Y81 PI 661058
Pioneer P92M75 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100207
Pioneer P90Y90 PI 660236
Pioneer P92M22 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000563
Pioneer P9111 PI 556872
Pioneer P1981 X Pioneer P2981Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800158
Pioneer P9121 PI 556908
Asgrow A1937 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900172
Pioneer P9131 PI 550728
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100180
Pioneer P9132 PI 592535
Syngenta S15-50 X Pioneer P9272Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600051
Pioneer P9141 PI 572278
Pioneer P9061 X Pioneer P9181Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300245
Pioneer P9151 PI 592536
Elgin 87 X Pioneer P9162Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600052
Pioneer P9161 PI 556873
( Syngenta S14-92 x Hodgson 78X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800159
Pioneer P9162 PI 542065
Pioneer P2981 X Asgrow A1937Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000190
Pioneer P9163 PI 592537
Pioneer P9202 X Syngenta S15-50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600053
Pioneer P9171 PI 542056
Pioneer P9271 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000181
Pioneer P9172 PI 592538
Pioneer P9171 ( 2 ) X [ Pioneer P9241 x ( Pioneer 9271 x ( MO30421 x ( PRX325260 x PRX107132 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600054
Pioneer P9181     PI 556837
Beeson 80 X Pioneer P2981Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700101, Parentage conflict. Parentage from PVP application
Pioneer P9181   Beeson X WilliamsParent conflict. Parentage from NUST 2007 and 2012.
Pioneer P9182 PI 595695
Pioneer P9273 X BellPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600380
Pioneer P9191 PI 542057
HP 2530 X Pioneer P3981Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000182
Pioneer P91B01 PI 602383
Asgrow A2234 X Pioneer P9061Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800056
Pioneer P91B02 PI 606737
Pioneer P9132 X [ Pioneer P9244 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900099
Pioneer P91B03 PI 628997
Pioneer P9151 X [ MO92117-18 x ( Pioneer P9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200078
Pioneer P91B12 PI 615538
ST1570 X [ Asgrow A1900 x ( Pioneer P9304 x ( Pioneer 9412 x ( Asgrow 4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100061
Pioneer P91B33 PI 615539
Asgrow A1900 X [ST2250 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100062
Pioneer P91B42 PI 628998
Pioneer P9182 X ( Archer x Pioneer P9273 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200079
Pioneer P91B52 PI 606736
Pioneer P9151 X [ Pioneer P9244 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900098
Pioneer P91B53 PI 610247
ST0380 X ST3790Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000037
Pioneer P91B64 PI 606733
Pioneer P9132 X [ Asgrow A1900 x ( Pioneer P9304 x ( Pioneer 9412 x ( Asgrow 4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900091
Pioneer P91B91 PI 602384
Pioneer P9172 X [ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800057
Pioneer P91B92 PI 615540
ST2250 X Asgrow A1900Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100063
Pioneer P91M01 PI 646165
Syngenta S20-F8 X Pioneer P91B33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700098
Pioneer P91M10 PI 632601
( Pioneer P9161 x Pioneer 9111X Pioneer P92B52Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300085
Pioneer P91M11 PI 634747
Pioneer P91B01 X [ ( ( ( ( Amsoy x Beeson ) x Williams ) x Asgrow A1937 ) x Asgrow 1929 ) x Pioneer P93B51 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400086
Pioneer P91M12 PI 636736
Pioneer P9234 X Pioneer P90B93Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500071
Pioneer P91M13 PI 636737
Pioneer P9151 X Pioneer P92B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500072
Pioneer P91M30 PI 642324
XB16H X Pioneer P91B52Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600072
Pioneer P91M40 PI 632602
Pioneer P90B43 X [ ( ( ( ( Amsoy x Beeson ) x Williams ) x Asgrow A1937 ) x Asgrow 1929 ) x Pioneer P93B51 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300086
Pioneer P91M41 PI 646166
[ ( Archer x Pioneer P9273 ) x ST1570X Pioneer P91B33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700099
Pioneer P91M50 PI 632603
Syngenta S18-11 X Pioneer P93B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300087
Pioneer P91M51 PI 634746
Pioneer P9071 X [ Pioneer P9132 x ( Pioneer 9172 x ( ST2250 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400085
Pioneer P91M60 PI 636738
Pioneer P9151 X Pioneer P91B64Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500073
Pioneer P91M61 PI 642325
Pioneer P91B42 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P93B68Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600073
Pioneer P91M70 PI 636739
ST1970 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P92B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500074
Pioneer P91M80 PI 646167
( Pioneer P9182 x Pioneer 9254X Pioneer P91B03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700100
Pioneer P91M90 PI 632604
Pioneer P9234 X Pioneer P92B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300088
Pioneer P91M91 PI 636740
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P92B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500075
Pioneer P91M92 PI 648233
( 76599 x 1CH244B )  X Dairyland DSR221RRPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700260
Pioneer P91Y01 PI 661055
YB08K04 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100203
Pioneer P91Y10 PI 661053
YB20G05 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100201
Pioneer P91Y20 PI 652917
YB15K99 X R03171REPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800109
Pioneer P91Y21 PI 656349
Pioneer P91B42 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900140
Pioneer P91Y22 PI 659276
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000105
Pioneer P91Y30 PI 661052
ZB22F04 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100200
Pioneer P91Y40 PI 659277
YB21F01 X Pioneer P91M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000106
Pioneer P91Y41 PI 660234
XB25P05 X Pioneer P91M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000561
Pioneer P91Y60 PI 659278
EX13Q01 X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000107
Pioneer P91Y61 PI 660231
Pioneer P92M22 X Pioneer P91M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000558
Pioneer P91Y62 PI 661049
Pioneer P91B42 X Pioneer P92M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100197
Pioneer P91Y70 PI 652914
Pioneer P91B42 X XB19M01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800105
Pioneer P91Y71 PI 659279
EX15N01 X K12650Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000108
Pioneer P91Y72 PI 659280
Pioneer P91B42 X N01525R013Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000109
Pioneer P91Y74 PI 661048
XB22G05 X Pioneer P92M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100196
Pioneer P91Y80 PI 656350
Pioneer P91B42 X L04549Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900141
Pioneer P91Y81 PI 661121
Pioneer P92M22 X XB19V06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100195
Pioneer P91Y90 PI 652918
Pioneer P91B53 X Pioneer P93B47Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800110
Pioneer P91Y91 PI 652912
Pioneer P92B12 X L03610Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800103
Pioneer P91Y92 PI 659281
ZB06C02 X Pioneer P93M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000110
Pioneer P9201 PI 556797
B216 X WilliamsPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8600120
Pioneer P9202 PI 556838
CM184 X Syngenta S13-46Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700102
Pioneer P9203 PI 572279
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300246
Pioneer P9204 PI 584462
1901C45 X [ ( GT1380 x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Century 84 x ( PRX325260 x PRX107132 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500031
Pioneer P9221 PI 542058
Pioneer P1677 X FranklinPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000183
Pioneer P9231 PI 550729
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100181
Pioneer P9232 PI 561582
Pioneer P9181 X Pioneer P9271Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9200191
Pioneer P9233 PI 595697
CM293 X ST2250Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600382
Pioneer P9234 PI 595829
Pioneer P9221 X Pioneer P9162Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600387, Parentage conflict 2011 Northern Test says it is a selection from Peking
Pioneer P9235 Unknown X Unknown
Pioneer P9241   Selection from PekingSCN Res line from Peking. Parentage conflict. Parentage from NUST 2012
Pioneer P9241    PI 542059
0624-32 X Pioneer P2981Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000184, Parentage conflict. Parentage from PVP application.
Pioneer P9242 PI 572271
B216 X MONRRPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300238
Pioneer P9243 PI 595683
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600368
Pioneer P9244 PI 592542
Asgrow A2943 X Pioneer P9061Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600058
Pioneer P9245 PI 595826
Asgrow A2396 X Pioneer P9231Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600384
Pioneer P9251 PI 556798
Syngenta S14-92 X Asgrow A2575Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8600121
Pioneer P9252 PI 570658
Pioneer P2981 X Asgrow A2943Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300234
Pioneer P9253 PI 592539
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600055
Pioneer P9254 PI 592540
Pioneer P9341 X Pioneer P9273Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600056
Pioneer P9255 PI 592541
CM293 X ST2250Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600057
Pioneer P9268-003 PI 92718-2 X Pioneer P9271
Pioneer P9268-03 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer P9271 PI 556736
149-66 X WilliamsPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8400075
Pioneer P9272 PI 556869
Pioneer P9292 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800164
Pioneer P9273 PI 542060
Pioneer P2981 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000185
Pioneer P9281   PI 584463
Pioneer P9273 ( 4 ) X [ ( Pioneer P2981 x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Pioneer 9273 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 2981 x ( MV2E1 x Resnik ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500032, Parentage conflict. Parentage fro PVP application.
Pioneer P9281    Hark X (Corsoy x Calland)Parentage conflict. Parentage from NUST 2012.
Pioneer P9282 PI 595828
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600386
Pioneer P9292 PI 556735
149-66 X WilliamsPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8400074
Pioneer P9293 PI 556874
Pioneer P2981 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800160
Pioneer P9294 PI 595830
Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A5403 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600388
Pioneer P92B01 PI 602385
Pioneer P9172 X [ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800058
Pioneer P92B05 PI 606734
Pioneer P9172 X [ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900092
Pioneer P92B12 PI 615580
Pioneer P9221 X ( Pioneer P9162 x Pioneer 9234 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100089
Pioneer P92B13 PI 628999
Asgrow A2012 X [ Pioneer P9204 x ( Pioneer 9204 x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200080
Pioneer P92B14 PI 631086
Syngenta S18-11 X Pioneer P93B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200131
Pioneer P92B21 PI 602386
9196-074 X [ Pioneer P9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800059
Pioneer P92B22 PI 606729
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900087
Pioneer P92B23 PI 606727
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900085
Pioneer P92B24 PI 610251
MO01718 X [ MO12557 x ( Stine 2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000041
Pioneer P92B25 PI 610250
Dairyland DSR120 X ( Dairyland DSR304 ( 2 ) x W20 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000040
Pioneer P92B35 PI 610249
CX340c X Asgrow A2396Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000039
Pioneer P92B36 PI 612446
ST2250 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000111
Pioneer P92B37 PI 612585
Asgrow A3431 X Pioneer P9092Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000118
Pioneer P92B38 PI 615541
Pioneer P92B52 X [ ST2550 x ( Asgrow A1900 x ( Pioneer P9304 x ( Pioneer 9412 x ( Asgrow 4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100064
Pioneer P92B47 PI 629000
XB22D X [ ST2621 x ( MO01718 x ( Asgrow A1900 x 21710 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200081
Pioneer P92B51 PI 602387
Pioneer P9204 ( 2 ) X [ Pioneer P9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800060
Pioneer P92B52 PI 602388
MO304-21 X ConradPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800061
Pioneer P92B56 PI 612586
MO01718 ( 2 ) X [ Asgrow A1900 x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 3 ) x ( Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000119
Pioneer P92B61 PI 602389
Pioneer P9241 X ( Rps1k BC4 of Pionner 9273 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800062
Pioneer P92B62 PI 612584
Syngenta S29-11 X [ MO12557 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000117
Pioneer P92B63 PI 612962
ST2660 X Pioneer P9321Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000151
Pioneer P92B71 PI 602390
[ Pioneer P9273 x ( ( MO304 x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ) ] X [ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800063
Pioneer P92B72 PI 602391
Kenwood X ( AX5152 x Kenwood )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800064
Pioneer P92B74 PI 610244
MO12557 X [ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000034
Pioneer P92B75 PI 612587
Pioneer P9281 X [ Asgrow A3227 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000120
Pioneer P92B76 PI 615579
Pioneer P9352 X AX5753J10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100088
Pioneer P92B84 PI 615578
Pioneer P9306 X [ MO01718 x ( Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9273 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow A5403 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100087
Pioneer P92B91 PI 602392
Jack X Pioneer P9061Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800065
Pioneer P92B95 PI 615542
Pioneer P92B91 X [ S2911 x ( MO92117-18 x ( Pioneer P9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100065
Pioneer P92M00 PI 632605
( Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9273X ( Pioneer P9273 x Asgrow A2234 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300089
Pioneer P92M01 PI 636741
Pioneer P92B63 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9362 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500076
Pioneer P92M02 PI 642326
ST1970 X [ Asgrow A1900 x ( MO92117-18 x ( Pioneer P9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600074
Pioneer P92M03 PI 642327
( Pioneer P9151 x ST2250 )  X [ ST1570 x ( Asgrow A1900 x ( Pioneer P9304 x ( Pioneer 9412 x ( Asgrow 4715 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600075
Pioneer P92M10 PI 632606
Pioneer P9163 X CX232Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300090
Pioneer P92M11 PI 646168
( Pioneer P92B12 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P92B36Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700101
Pioneer P92M21 PI 646169
( Pioneer P92B12 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700102
Pioneer P92M30 PI 632607
Syngenta S18-11 X Pioneer P93B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300091
Pioneer P92M31 PI 632608
Pioneer P93B41 X [ ( Pioneer P9273 x Asgrow A2234 ) x ( Pioneer 9252 x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300092
Pioneer P92M33 PI 642328
Pioneer P9362 x MO21584 X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600076
Pioneer P92M34 PI 648232
[ AP1953 x ( ( ( Asgrow A3205 x ( Asgrow 3127 x Fayette ) ) x G2436A ) ) ] X Dairyland DSR221RRPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700259
Pioneer P92M40 PI 634745
( Pioneer P9362 x ( ST2950 x CM176 ) ) X Pioneer P92B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400084
Pioneer P92M41 PI 646170
Pioneer P92B76 X Pioneer P93B84Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700103
Pioneer P92M50 PI 632609
Asgrow A1900 X Pioneer P9363Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300093
Pioneer P92M51 PI 642329
[ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 x Pioneer 9321 ) ] X [ Pioneer P93B82 x ( Pioneer 9273 x ( ( MO304BR x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ) x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600077
Pioneer P92M52 PI 642330
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600078
Pioneer P92M53 PI 646171
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700104
Pioneer P92M54 PI 646172
( Pioneer P9362 x MO21584X Pioneer P92B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700105
Pioneer P92M61 PI 636742
Pioneer P9363 X Pioneer P92B61Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500077
Pioneer P92M70 PI 632610
Pioneer P9363 X Pioneer P92B61Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300094
Pioneer P92M71 PI 632611
Pioneer P93B82 X Pioneer P93B34Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300095
Pioneer P92M72 PI 632612
ST2621 X Pioneer P93B82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300096
Pioneer P92M73 PI 642331
Pioneer P92B76 X Pioneer P93B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600079
Pioneer P92M74 PI 642332
Pioneer P93B66 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600080
Pioneer P92M75 PI 642333
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600081
Pioneer P92M76 PI 646173
Pioneer P93B09 X Pioneer P92B62Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700106
Pioneer P92M80 PI 632613
Pioneer P93B82 X ( ST3630 x Pioneer P9314 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300097
Pioneer P92M81 PI 646174
Pioneer P93B15 X Pioneer P92M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700107
Pioneer P92M82 PI 646175
Pioneer P92B76 X Pioneer P93B36Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700108
Pioneer P92M91 PI 634744
Pioneer P9306 X Pioneer P92B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400083
Pioneer P92M92 PI 634743
Pioneer P92B63 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9362 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400082
Pioneer P92Y10 PI 656351
YB36V00 X Pioneer P92B36Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900142
Pioneer P92Y11 PI 659282
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P91M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000111
Pioneer P92Y12 PI 660228
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P92M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000555
Pioneer P92Y20 PI 652913
Pioneer P92B12 X L03610Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800104
Pioneer P92Y21 PI 659283
Pioneer P93B86 X XB23Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000112
Pioneer P92Y22 PI 661047
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100194
Pioneer P92Y30 PI 652899
Pioneer P92M70 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800089
Pioneer P92Y31 PI 655963
NKX022 X D08006Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900143
Pioneer P92Y32 PI 661046
ZB28S05 X Pioneer P93M13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100193
Pioneer P92Y50 PI 656352
Pioneer P92M20 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900144
Pioneer P92Y51 PI 656353
Pioneer P92M40 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900145
Pioneer P92Y52 PI 659284
ZB25F02 X YB37F02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000113
Pioneer P92Y53 PI 659285
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P91M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000114
Pioneer P92Y54 PI 659313
Pioneer P93M13 X SP11513488Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000262
Pioneer P92Y55 PI 661045
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P92M40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100192
Pioneer P92Y60 PI 659286
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P92M40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000115
Pioneer P92Y61 PI 659314
Pioneer P93M13 X SP11513488Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000263
Pioneer P92Y62 PI 661043
Pioneer P93M61 X YB26Y06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100190
Pioneer P92Y70 PI 656354
Pioneer P93B86 X L04177Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900146
Pioneer P92Y71 PI 656355
IA2064 X Pioneer P92M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900147
Pioneer P92Y72 PI 655965
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900148
Pioneer P92Y73 PI 660227
Pioneer P93M52 X PE8015767Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000554
Pioneer P92Y74 PI 660225
Pioneer P92M70 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000552
Pioneer P92Y75 PI 660223
YB30A05 X XB32C05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000550
Pioneer P92Y80 PI 652895
XB23W03 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800084
Pioneer P92Y82 PI 659287
ZB25F02 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000116
Pioneer P92Y83 PI 661041
XB27B05 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100188
Pioneer P92Y90 PI 652896
IA2064 X Pioneer P93B36Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800085
Pioneer P92Y91 PI 660222
Pioneer P93M11 X NP5851570Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000549
Pioneer P92Y92 PI 661040
EX29E04 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100187
Pioneer P9301 PI 556870
Asgrow A3127 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P2981Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800165
Pioneer P9302 PI 556909
Williams 79 X Pioneer P9292Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900173
Pioneer P9303   Pioneer P2981 X M0835Parentage conflict. Parentage from NUST 2003.
Pioneer P9303    PI 556910
Pioneer P2981 X CM385Parentage conflict. Parentage from PVP application. Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900174
Pioneer P9304 PI 572284
HP 2530 X Asgrow A2943Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300251
Pioneer P9305 PI 592543
Pioneer P9303 X [ ( Asgrow A3733 x Resnik ) x Asgrow 3733 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600059
Pioneer P9306 PI 595684
Pioneer P9273 X [ Asgrow A3733 x ( ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) x Asgrow 3733 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600369
Pioneer P9311 PI 542061
Asgrow A1937 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000186
Pioneer P9312 PI 561585
Asgrow A3307 X Pioneer P9402Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9200194
Pioneer P9313 PI 592544
Pioneer P9293 X Pella 86Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600060
Pioneer P9321 PI 584464
MO304-21 X ( Weber x Asgrow A3127 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500033
Pioneer P9322 PI 595696
Dairyland DSR304 X AC5263Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600381
Pioneer P9323 PI 592545
W20 X Asgrow A3205Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600061
Pioneer P9331 PI 556839
( Williams 79 x Asgrow A3127X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700103
Pioneer P9333 PI 595685
Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A5403 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600370
Pioneer P9341 PI 556911
CM304 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900175
Pioneer P9342 PI 572285
Pioneer P9341 X Resnik ( 2 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300252
Pioneer P9343 PI 592546
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600062
Pioneer P9344 PI 595686
Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A5403 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600371
Pioneer P9351 PI 561583
Williams 82 X Asgrow A1937Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9200192
Pioneer P9352 PI 592547
Pioneer P9341 X Pioneer P9273Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600063
Pioneer P9361 PI 556799
Essex X L69-4143Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8600125
Pioneer P9362 PI 578038
Asgrow A2943 X Asgrow A5474Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9400098
Pioneer P9363 PI 595687
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600372
Pioneer P9364 PI 595688
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600373
Pioneer P9381 PI 542062
( Essex x L69-4143X SpritePioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000187
Pioneer P9391 PI 556840
( Williams 79 x Asgrow A3127X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700104
Pioneer P9392 PI 550730
Asgrow A3127 X GnomePioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100182
Pioneer P9393 PI 578039
Resnik X Asgrow A3733Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9400099
Pioneer P9394 PI 572280
Asgrow A3307 X EgyptianPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300247
Pioneer P9395 PI 595831
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600389
Pioneer P9396 PI 595698
Pioneer P9381 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A5403 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600383
Pioneer P93B01 PI 602393
Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) x Asgrow A5403 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800066
Pioneer P93B07 PI 610256
Pioneer P9362 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000046
Pioneer P93B09 PI 629001
Pioneer P93B82 X [ ST2660 x ( Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9273 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200082
Pioneer P93B11 PI 602394
Asgrow A3415 X [ Pioneer P9271 x ( 3105 x ( Corsoy x Magna ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800067
Pioneer P93B15 PI 615577
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100086
Pioneer P93B25 PI 606741
Pioneer P9244 X [ ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900103
Pioneer P93B26 PI 612445
Pioneer P92B91 X [ S2911 x ( MO92117-18 x ( Pioneer P9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000110
Pioneer P93B34 PI 606730
Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900088
Pioneer P93B35 PI 610245
Pioneer P9281 X [ Asgrow A3227 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000035
Pioneer P93B36 PI 629002
Pioneer P93B82 X ( Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9273 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200083
Pioneer P93B41 PI 602395
Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) X [ Asgrow A3733 ( 2 ) x ( Resnik x Asgrow 3733 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800068
Pioneer P93B45 PI 606731
Pioneer P9342 X ST3230Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900089
Pioneer P93B46 PI 612444
MO16727 X ( Mike Brayton Exp 59372 x Mike Brayton Exp W20 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000109
Pioneer P93B47 PI 615576
Pioneer P9352 X [ Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100085
Pioneer P93B51 PI 602396
MO2660 X [ Pioneer P9444 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800069
Pioneer P93B52 PI 602397
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800070
Pioneer P93B53 PI 606739
Pioneer P9281 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9273 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900101
Pioneer P93B54 PI 610253
Dairyland DSR373 ( 2 ) X W20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000043
Pioneer P93B65 PI 610254
Pioneer P9362 X Pioneer P9381Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000044
Pioneer P93B66 PI 612960
Pioneer P9362 X ST3630Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000150
Pioneer P93B67 PI 615561
Pioneer P93B65 ( 3 ) X [ Pioneer P9204 x ( Pioneer 9281 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100070
Pioneer P93B68 PI 629003
Pioneer P93B82 X [ Pioneer P9343 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow A2506 x 90679 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200084
Pioneer P93B71 PI 606743
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900105
Pioneer P93B72 PI 615562
Pioneer P93B82 X [ W30132-004 x ( ST2250 x ( Pioneer P9342 x ( Pioneer 934 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100071
Pioneer P93B81 PI 602398
W20 X ( Asgrow A3935 x Pioneer P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800071
Pioneer P93B82 PI 602399
Pioneer P9273 X [ ( MO304 x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800072
Pioneer P93B83 PI 602400
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800073
Pioneer P93B84 PI 610243
Pioneer P9281 X [ Asgrow A3227 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000033
Pioneer P93B85 PI 615564
Pioneer P9352 X [ Pioneer P92B91 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100073
Pioneer P93B86 PI 615575
Pioneer P9362 X Pioneer P93B82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100084
Pioneer P93B87 PI 615574
Pioneer P9273 X [ ( MO304 x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100083
Pioneer P93M01 PI 636743
[ Pioneer P9322 x ( ST2250 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9392 ) ] X Pioneer P93B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500078
Pioneer P93M10 PI 634742
Asgrow A4138 X [ ST2660 x ( Asgrow A3237 ( 3 ) x ( Pioneer P9362 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400081
Pioneer P93M11 PI 634741
Pioneer P9306 X Pioneer P92B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400080
Pioneer P93M12 PI 636744
Pioneer P93B65 X [ ST2660 x ( Asgrow A3237 ( 3 ) x ( Pioneer P9362 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500079
Pioneer P93M13 PI 642334
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600082
Pioneer P93M14 PI 646176
Pioneer P93B66 ( 2 ) X ST3660Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700109
Pioneer P93M20 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer P93M30 PI 634740
ST2870 X [ S2911 x ( MO92117-18 x ( Pioneer P9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400079
Pioneer P93M40 PI 632614
ST3630 X [ Pioneer P9273 x ( ( MO304BR x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300098
Pioneer P93M41 PI 632615
( Asgrow A2835 x MO15733 ) ( 2 ) X Pioneer P9363Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300099
Pioneer P93M42 PI 636745
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500080
Pioneer P93M43 PI 642335
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93B47Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600083
Pioneer P93M50 PI 634739
Pioneer P93B86 ( 2 ) X Pioneer P93B67Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400078
Pioneer P93M51 PI 636746
Pioneer P93B86 X [ Pioneer P93B82 x ( ST3660 x ( Asgrow A2396 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9381 ( 2 ) x G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500081
Pioneer P93M52 PI 642336
ST3171 X Pioneer P93B66Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600084
Pioneer P93M60 PI 632616
Pioneer P93B82 X ( Asgrow A3431 x Pioneer P94B01 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300100
Pioneer P93M61 PI 646177
Pioneer P93B86 X [ Pioneer P93B82 x ( ST3630 x Pioneer 9314 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700110
Pioneer P93M62 PI 646178
Pioneer P93B15 X Pioneer P93B82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700111
Pioneer P93M70 PI 646179
Pioneer P93B87 X [ Pioneer P92B61 x ( Pioneer 9172 ( 2 ) x ( MO12557 x ( Asgrow A4715 x G40-3P9292 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700112
Pioneer P93M80 PI 632617
Pioneer P93B82 X ( Asgrow A3431 x Pioneer P94B01 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300101
Pioneer P93M81 PI 642337
Pioneer P93B87 X [ Pioneer P9352 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9362 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P931 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600085
Pioneer P93M82 PI 642338
Pioneer P93B86 X [ Pioneer P93B82 x ( ST3870 x ( Asgrow A1900 x ( MO0708 x ( Pioneer 9342 x G40-3P9341 ) ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600086
Pioneer P93M90 PI 632618
ST3171 X Pioneer P94B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300102
Pioneer P93M91 PI 632619
Pioneer P9421 X ( Pioneer P9362 ( 3 ) x G40-3P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300103
Pioneer P93M92 PI 634738
Pioneer P93B82 X Pioneer P92B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400077
Pioneer P93M93 PI 634737
Asgrow A3431 X Pioneer P94B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400076
Pioneer P93M94 PI 636747
Pioneer P94B24 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9362 ( 3 ) x G40-3P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500082
Pioneer P93M95 PI 642339
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93B67Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600087
Pioneer P93M96 PI 642340
( Pioneer P9362 x MO15733X Pioneer P93B71Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600088
Pioneer P93Y01 PI 652898
IA3019 X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800088
Pioneer P93Y02 PI 652897
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800087
Pioneer P93Y03 PI 659288
Pioneer P93B86 X SP3449336Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000117
Pioneer P93Y04 PI 659289
XB31R04 X Pioneer P92M75Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000118
Pioneer P93Y05 PI 659290
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000119
Pioneer P93Y10 PI 652950
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800086
Pioneer P93Y11 PI 652894
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B68Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800083
Pioneer P93Y12 PI 652893
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P93B68Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800082
Pioneer P93Y13 PI 656356
ZB36A02 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900149
Pioneer P93Y14 PI 656357
Pioneer P93M10 X IA3017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900150
Pioneer P93Y15 PI 660155
YB38Q05 X XB32C05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000472
Pioneer P93Y16 PI 660156
ZB25F02 X Pioneer P93M92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000473
Pioneer P93Y20 PI 652904
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800095
Pioneer P93Y21 PI 659291
EX32S02 X Pioneer P93B86Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000120
Pioneer P93Y22 PI 660157
ZB28S05 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000474
Pioneer P93Y23 PI 660201
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000524
Pioneer P93Y24 PI 661120
Pioneer P93B42 X DP7748344Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100185
Pioneer P93Y25 PI 661037
Pioneer P92M53 X Pioneer P93Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100183
Pioneer P93Y30 PI 660200
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000523
Pioneer P93Y40 PI 656358
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900151
Pioneer P93Y41 PI 659292
Pioneer P93B86 X PE4006780Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000121
Pioneer P93Y42 PI 661993
Pioneer P93Y11 X SP16410155Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100223
Pioneer P93Y43 PI 661034
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100180
Pioneer P93Y50 PI 652905
IA3017 X Pioneer P93M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800096
Pioneer P93Y51 PI 656359
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900152
Pioneer P93Y52 PI 656360
Pioneer P93B87 X N05916Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900153
Pioneer P93Y53 PI 661209
Pioneer P93M52 X EX32K06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100178
Pioneer P93Y60 PI 659293
Pioneer P93M92 X Pioneer P93M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000122
Pioneer P93Y70 PI 652901
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P92M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800092
Pioneer P93Y71 PI 656361
Pioneer P93B86 X SP3449336Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900154
Pioneer P93Y72 PI 660213
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P92M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000539
Pioneer P93Y73 PI 661032
Pioneer P93Y70 X YB26Y06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100177
Pioneer P93Y80 PI 652902
Pioneer P93B09 X Pioneer P93B67Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800093
Pioneer P93Y81 PI 652903
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P94B54Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800094
Pioneer P93Y82 PI 659323
Pioneer P93M90 X Pioneer P93M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000123
Pioneer P93Y83 PI 659294
Pioneer P93B86 X Syngenta S38-T8Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000124
Pioneer P93Y84 PI 661031
Pioneer P93M51 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100176
Pioneer P93Y90 PI 652910
Pioneer P93B86 X YB37Y00Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800101
Pioneer P93Y91 PI 656362
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900155
Pioneer P93Y92 PI 656363
Pioneer P93B86 X HL3060483Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900156
Pioneer P93Y93 PI 659295
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000125
Pioneer P9401 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8200118
Pioneer P9402 PI 556875
( L77-994 x Asgrow A3127X L77-994Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800161
Pioneer P9403 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer P9411 PI 556912
( Williams 79 x Asgrow A3127X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900176
Pioneer P9412 PI 584465
Pioneer P9361 X Pioneer P9442Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500034
Pioneer P9421 PI 595689
( W20 x Asgrow A3935X Pioneer P9392Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600374
Pioneer P9441 PI 556734
Williams X EssexPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8400073
Pioneer P9442 PI 556841
Pioneer P9441 X Asgrow A3127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700105
Pioneer P9443 PI 550731
Douglas X FayettePioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100183
Pioneer P9444 PI 584466
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500035
Pioneer P9451 PI 572281
Pioneer P9571 X Pioneer P9402Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300248
Pioneer P9452 PI 584467
Syngneta S42-30 X Asgrow A3803Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500036
Pioneer P9461 PI 556913
( 0351-29 x Asgrow A4268X ( 9401 x Asgrow A3127 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900177
Pioneer P9471 PI 556733
Williams X EssexPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8400072
Pioneer P9472 PI 584468
Asgrow A4595 X Asgrow A4009Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9500037
Pioneer P9481 PI 592548
( Pioneer P4280 x FayetteX Asgrow A4715Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600064
Pioneer P9482 PI 595690
Pioneer P9501 X Pioneer P9301Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600375
Pioneer P9491 PI 572282
Asgrow A5474 X Pioneer P9292Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300249
Pioneer P9492 PI 602404
Asgrow A4715 ( 2 ) X ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800077
Pioneer P94B01 PI 602401
Asgrow A4715 X [ Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800074
Pioneer P94B13 PI 630930
[ Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9444 x G40-3P9341 ) ] X Asgrow A3834Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200100
Pioneer P94B22 PI 610252
Asgrow A4138 X ( Pioneer P9312 x Pioneer 9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000042
Pioneer P94B23 PI 615565
Pioneer P93B82 X [ Pioneer P9343 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9362 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100074
Pioneer P94B24 PI 615573
Pioneer P9362 X [ ( W20 x Asgrow A3935 ) x Pioneer P9392 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100082
Pioneer P94B41 PI 602402
( Asgrow A3307 x CM286N sibX [ Pioneer P9362 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800075
Pioneer P94B45 PI 610240
Asgrow A4138 X [ Pioneer P9362 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9342 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000030
Pioneer P94B53 PI 610241
Asgrow A4715 X CorsicaPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000031
Pioneer P94B54 PI 615572
Pioneer P94B01 X Asgrow A3834Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100081
Pioneer P94B73 PI 615571
[ Pioneer P9273 x ( ( MO304BR x Asgrow A3127 ) x ( Asgrow 3733 x Resnik ) ) ] X [ Asgrow A3237 x ( Pioneer P9362 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100080
Pioneer P94B74 PI 630931
Pioneer P93B82 X [ Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer P9392 x G40-3P9392 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200101
Pioneer P94B81 PI 602403
Pioneer P9584 X [ Pioneer P9444 x ( Pioneer 9431 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800076
Pioneer P94M30 PI 634804
Pioneer P93B82 X ( Pioneer P9362 ( 3 ) x G40-3P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400144
Pioneer P94M31 PI 642341
( Pioneer P93B66 x Pioneer 93B87X Pioneer P94B23Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600089
Pioneer P94M40 PI 632620
Pioneer P9421 X ( Pioneer P9362 ( 3 ) x G40-3P9392 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300104
Pioneer P94M41 PI 632621
Pioneer P93B82 X [ Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer P9392 x G40-3P9392 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300105
Pioneer P94M50 PI 636748
( CX469c x Pioneer P9451X ( Syngenta S42-60 x Pioneer P9492 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500083
Pioneer P94M70 PI 632622
Pioneer P93B82 X [ Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer P9392 x G40-3P9392 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200300106
Pioneer P94M71 PI 646180
( CX469c x Pioneer P9451X ( ST3680 x Pioneer P94B45 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200700113
Pioneer P94M80 PI 636749
Pioneer P94B53 X [ ( Pioneer P9362 x Pioneer 9444 ) x ( Syngenta S42-60 x Pioneer 9492 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500084
Pioneer P94M90 PI 634736
CM428 X Pioneer P94B01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400075
Pioneer P94Y01 PI 652909
T00038H005 X XB37C02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800100
Pioneer P94Y02 PI 660005
Pioneer P93M94 X Pioneer P93M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000534
Pioneer P94Y10 PI 652908
31713H013 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800099
Pioneer P94Y20 PI 652907
YB36V00 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800098
Pioneer P94Y21 PI 655964
YB42G X Syngenta S30-J2Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900157
Pioneer P94Y22 PI 660216
Pioneer P93M42 X YB39X03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000542
Pioneer P94Y23 PI 661029
Pioneer P93Y70 X XB39W06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100174
Pioneer P94Y30 PI 659296
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P94M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000126
Pioneer P94Y40 PI 659324
Pioneer P93M11 X XB44W04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000127
Pioneer P94Y50 PI 660217
Pioneer P93B86 X H04433Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000543
Pioneer P94Y60 PI 652921
Pioneer P93B82 X XB43JPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800113
Pioneer P94Y61 PI 660215
YB48M01 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000541
Pioneer P94Y70 PI 652906
Pioneer P93B86 X H04433Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800097
Pioneer P94Y71 PI 659297
Pioneer P93M90 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000128
Pioneer P94Y80 PI 656364
[ ( Pioneer P4280 x Fayette ) x Asgrow A4715X [ ( ( ( Pioneer P4280 x Fayette ) x Asgrow A4715 ) x Asgrow 3431 ) x Pioneer 94B73 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900158
Pioneer P94Y81 PI 660253
YB48M01 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000582
Pioneer P94Y82 PI 660218
YB48M01 X Pioneer P94B73Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000544
Pioneer P94Y90 PI 652922
Pioneer P93B86 X H04433Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800114
Pioneer P94Y91 PI 656365
Pioneer P93B68 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900159
Pioneer P94Y92 PI 659298
Pioneer P93M42 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000129
Pioneer P9501 PI 556871
[ ( Swift x Williams ) x 3481X [ ( Williams x GP9 ) x Pioneer P4280 ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8800166
Pioneer P9511 PI 595827
RA452 X Pioneer P9391Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600385
Pioneer P9521 PI 550735
Pioneer P9531 X Pioneer P9561Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100187
Pioneer P9531 PI 556775
Centennial X ( Pickett 71 x J74-45 ) Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500142
Pioneer P9541 PI 556772
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500147
Pioneer P9551 PI 550733
J74-45 X 1095C42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100185
Pioneer P9552 PI 595691
Pioneer P9591 X Pioneer P9531Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600376
Pioneer P9561 PI 556670
Mack X ForrestPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8200119, Parentage conflict literature says Forrest x Mack
Pioneer P9571 ( Dyer x ForrestX J74-45
Pioneer P9581 PI 556800
( Mack x ForrestX J74-90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8600122
Pioneer P9582 PI 556914
( Centennial x BedfordX D77-5090Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900178
Pioneer P9583 PI 550734
Pioneer P9591 X Pioneer P9471Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100186
Pioneer P9584 PI 564714
( Pioneer P5482 x CentennialX Pioneer P9561Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300066
Pioneer P9591 PI 556773
Essex X YorkPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500143, F7 single seed decent
Pioneer P9592 PI 556915
Pioneer P9561 X ( Asgrow A5618 x Pioneer P9561 )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900179
Pioneer P9593 PI 550732
2177-57 X Pioneer P9561Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100184
Pioneer P9594 PI 595692
Pioneer P9592 X Asgrow A6297Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600377
Pioneer P95B32 PI 610242
Asgrow A5979 X [ Asgrow A4715 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000032
Pioneer P95B33 PI 606738
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9900100
Pioneer P95B34 PI 615566
Hutcheson X [ Pioneer P8798 x ( Pioneer 8683 x ( Pioneer 9593 x W20 ) x Pioneer 9593 ( 2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100075
Pioneer P95B41 PI 602405
Pioneer P9584 X [ Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer P9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800078
Pioneer P95B42 PI 630932
Pioneer P95B33 X Pioneer P95B32Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200102
Pioneer P95B43 PI 630933
Pioneer P95B33 X YB54DPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200200103
Pioneer P95B53 PI 610255
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9551 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000045
Pioneer P95B71 PI 602406
Pioneer P9584 X [ Pioneer P9544 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800079
Pioneer P95B95 PI 612449
Pioneer P9594 ( 2 ) X [ Pioneer P9584 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000114
Pioneer P95B96 PI 615563
Pioneer P9594 ( 3 ) X [ ( Hutcheson x ( Pioneer P9584 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100072
Pioneer P95B97 PI 615570
Asgrow A5979 X Syngenta S5960Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100079
Pioneer P95M30 PI 636750
[ Hutcheson x ( ( Pioneer P9593 x W20 ) x Pioneer 9593 ( 2 ) ) ] X Pioneer P95B53Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500085
Pioneer P95M50 PI 636751
DPL 9371S X [ Pioneer P9594 ( 3 ) x ( Hutcheson x ( Pioneer 9551 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow A4715 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500086
Pioneer P95M60 PI 642342
Fowler X Pioneer P95B95Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600090
Pioneer P95M80 PI 634591
Pioneer P95B33 X ( Asgrow A5979 x ( Pioneer P9584 x ( Asgrow 4715 x G40-3P9392 ) ) )Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400074
Pioneer P95M81 PI 636752
Pioneer P9631 X Pioneer P96B21Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500087
Pioneer P95M82 PI 642343
[ ( Pioneer P9582 x ( ( ( Mack x Forrest ) x J74-45 ) x Epps ) ) x ( Pioneer 9591 x ( ( Forrest x Tracy ) x ( Mack x Forrest ) ) ] X [ Pioneer P9594 ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer 9584 x ( Asgrow A4715 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200600091
Pioneer P95R51 PI 664264
Pioneer P9482 X Pioneer P94B73Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200006
Pioneer P95Y01 PI 656366
YB48M01 X Pioneer P94B54Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900161
Pioneer P95Y10 PI 660249
YB48M01 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000578
Pioneer P95Y20 PI 652919
70653G003 X YB54N02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800111
Pioneer P95Y21 PI 666955
Pioneer P94M70 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300024
Pioneer P95Y30 PI 656367
71557T001 X Pioneer P95B43Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900160
Pioneer P95Y31 PI 659299
Pioneer P95M30 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000130
Pioneer P95Y40 PI 652920
Pioneer P93B86 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800112
Pioneer P95Y41 PI 652911
71026G005 X YB54M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800102
Pioneer P95Y50 PI 660247
ZB58A03 X YB56G03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000576
Pioneer P95Y60 PI 661025
EX55Q05 X Pioneer P95M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100169
Pioneer P95Y61 PI 661023
EX55N04 X Pioneer P95B42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100167
Pioneer P95Y70 PI 652900
Pioneer P95B34 X Pioneer P95B96Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800091
Pioneer P95Y71 PI 660244
ZB58A03 X YB56G03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000573
Pioneer P95Y80 PI 661022
Pioneer P95B96 X XB59U04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100166
Pioneer P9611 PI 592549
Pioneer P9592 X [ ( Pioneer P9561 x Asgrow A5618 ) x ( Forrest x Essex ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600065
Pioneer P9631 PI 595693
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600378
Pioneer P9641 PI 556842
Essex X DavisPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8700106
Pioneer P9671 PI 595694
[ ( ( ( Centennial x D73-4124 ) x ( Pioneer P5482 x Centennial ) ) x W20 ) x ( ( Centennial x D73-4124 ) x ( Pioneer 5482 x Centennial ) ) ] X [ ( Centennial x ( Mack x Dare ) ) x ( Dare x Tracy ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9600379
Pioneer P9681 PI 542063
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9000188
Pioneer P9691 PI 556770
Forrest X Pickett 71Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500145
Pioneer P9692 PI 564713
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300065
Pioneer P96B01 PI 610246
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9584 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000036
Pioneer P96B21 PI 612448
Pioneer P9594 ( 2 ) X [ Pioneer P9584 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000113
Pioneer P96B32 PI 612447
Pioneer P9631 ( 2 ) X [ Pioneer P9551 x ( Pioneer 9444 x ( Pioneer 9341 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000112
Pioneer P96B51 PI 615569
Asgrow A5979 X S6266Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100078
Pioneer P96M20 PI 634590
Pioneer P9631 X [ Hutcheson ( 2 ) x ( Pioneer P9551 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow A4715 x G40-3P9392 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200400073
Pioneer P96M60 PI 636753
Pioneer P9631 X Pioneer P95B95Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200500088
Pioneer P9711 PI 556916
Centennial X Pioneer P9571Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8900180
Pioneer P9721 PI 572283
Pioneer P9791 X Pioneer P9751Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300250
Pioneer P9751 PI 556801
Centennial X BraxtonPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8600123
Pioneer P9761 PI 550736
2178-33 X 2029-14Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9100188
Pioneer P9791 PI 556774
GaSoy 17 X TracyPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 8500146
Pioneer P97B52 PI 615568
Pioneer P97B61 X [ Pioneer P9584 x ( Asgrow A4715 x ( Pioneer 9392 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200100077
Pioneer P97B61 PI 602407
Asgrow A6297 X Pioneer P9711Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9800080
Pioneer P97B62 PI 610248
Pioneer P9761 X HagoodPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200000038
Pioneer P97M50 PI 671863
G93-2225 ( 5 ) X [ G93-225 x ( ( Benning ( 4 ) x ( Resnik ( 2 ) x RR ) ) ]University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 200600223
Pioneer P97R01 PI 664262
Virtuosa X YB82D05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200004
Pioneer P97R21 PI 666954
Vmax X YB83L06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300023
Pioneer P97R71 PI 666953
Luziania X Pioneer P98Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300022
Pioneer P9831 PI 561586
2076-18 X 2032-14Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9200195
Pioneer P98Y11 PI 652951
Pintado X Pioneer P96B32Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800090
Pioneer P98Y12 PI 671865
Pintado X Pioneer P95B43Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000572
Pioneer XB15H(STS) Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer XB27U01 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer XB28V99 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer XB29D01 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer XB31Z01 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer YB280 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pioneer YB33A99 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pixie PI 543856
Williams X RansomPVP 8100162
PL 6712424 PI 556521
Wayne X HarosoySoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7700038
PL 6940104 PI 556523
Grant X WayneSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7700037
PL 70-10546D PI 556569
( Chippewa 64 ( 3 ) x D61-5141X DareSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7900110
PL 707743 PI 556618
Amsoy X WayneSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8100113
PL 72-3176L PI 556568
Corsoy X AmsoySoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7900111
PL709947 PI 556542
( Chippewa 64 ( 3 ) x D61-5141X DareSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7800053
PL723299L PI 556539
Corsoy X AmsoySoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7800054
Plant 51 Unspecified X Unspecified
Plant 75 Unspecified X Unspecified
Platte PI 548605
Amsoy 71 X C1421PVP 8300170
Plenish: P20T53PR Unspecified X Unspecified
Pomona PI 548606
C1266 X C1265
Pontiac PI 556486
Corsoy X BeesonAgripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7400081
Portage PI 548607
Acme X Comet
PR 33 Unspecified X Unspecifiedrust resistant line from Georgia
PR 9817 Unspecified X Unspecified
PR17-540 Unspecified X Unspecified
PR17-629 Unspecified X Unspecified
Premier Pride B216
Corsoy X Wayne
Preston PI 548520
Schechinger S48 X Land O Lakes Max
Prichard PI 612157
Coker 82-622 X HowardPVP 9900378; Cultivar derived from single pod bulk
Prichard RR Prichard X MON RRPresumably based on Prichard
PRico HOLL Unspecified X Unspecified
Pride B152 Northrup King S1346 (6) X Mack
Pride B203 Pride B216 (6) X ( Mack x Corsoy )
Pride B216 Corsoy X Wayne
Pride B236 Pride PEX100
Northrup King S1346 X AgriPro 25
Pride PEX110 B236
PI 556821
Syngenta S13-46 X AP25Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8600146
Pridesoy Unknown X Unknownunknown; similar to Norsoy
Pridesoy 57 PI 548680
Selection from Pridesoyselection from Pridesoy
Pridesoy II Unspecified X Unspecified
Pritchard-RR ( Coker 82-622 x HowardX MON RR
Prize PI 548554
A50-7401 X A50-6838
PRN-82 PI 556748
Unspecified X UnspecifiedBSF Ag Research, PVP 8400032
PRO 25-53 Unspecified X Unspecified
PRO 30-15 Westag 97 X RCAT Calico
PRO 3170 Northrup King S24-92 X Pioneer P9305
Pro30-05 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pro5-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
Pro5-10 G03-3385 X N06-10035Selection from population Pro5
Probst PI 587185
Spencer X ResnikPVP 9500079
Profiseed 1138 Hark X PI 68430
Prohio HC94-81PR X Asgrow A2506NAM Strain
Prolina PI 597389
VariousSelection from NRS4 population
ProSoy PI 638511
Norpro X KatoNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200500170
ProSoy PS104 PS104
Unspecified X Unspecified
Protana PI 548528
CX291-42-1 X CX258-2-3-2
Proto M70-504 X M69-42
Provar PI 548608
Harosoy X Clark
PRX 54-59 Unspecified X Unspecified
PRX12-112 PI 86972-1 X PI 84637
PRX54-33-2 Harosoy X Altona
PRX54-59 Harosoy X Altona
PRX9-249 PI 86972-1 X PI 54615-1
PRX9-274 PI 86972-1 X PI 54615-1
PS 42 KSX3948
Premier X BK22-1-3Pride Seed Canada
PS 42 Ablett Unspecified X UnspecifiedPride Seed Canada
PS 55 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPride Seed Canada
PS 73 Unspecified X UnspecifiedPride Seed Canada
PSC37BU06 PI 658015
HS98-3409 X HS99-5021The Ohio State University, PVP 200900326
PX 181-88 PI 556488
Corsoy ( 2 ) X HarkPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7300061
PX 185-44 PI 556484
Corsoy ( 2 ) X BeesonPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7300062
PX181-88A -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 7700057
Pyramid PI 512039
Franklin X J74-5
Quebec 92 Unknown X Unknown
R00-1029 Asgrow A5843 X Hartz H5545
R00-1076 Asgrow A5843 X Hartz H5545
R00-1158F Asgrow A4715 X DPL 3478
R00-1178F Asgrow A4715 X DPL 3478
R00-1194F Asgrow A4715 X DPL 3478
R00-155 Northrup King RA-452 X R89-332
R00-1551 Hartz H4994 X Asgrow A5403
R00-1940 Hartz H4994 X Northrup King S59-60
R00-2097 Unspecified X Unspecified
R00-214F Unspecified X Unspecified
R00-2267 Unspecified X Unspecified
R00-33 Unspecified X Unspecified
R00-684 MD92-5769 X N90-541
R00-859 N92-195 X Delsoy 5500
R00302 XB22D X 13007
R01-1017 HBK 4890 X R96-1083
R01-1018 HBK 4890 X R96-1083
R01-1092 HBK 4890 X R96-1083
R01-2195 HBK 5990 X R96-2361
R01-2245 V91-3036 X HBK 5990
R01-2346 V91-3036 X HBK 5990
R01-2373 V91-3036 X HBK 5990
R01-315 Unspecified X Unspecified
R01-327 R96-2660 X HBK 5990
R01-330 R96-2660 X HBK 5990
R01-332 Unspecified X Unspecified
R01-3474F Caviness X PI 594208
R01-3637F Caviness X Misuzu Daizu
R01-379 R96-2660 X HBK 5990
R01-416F Jackson X KS4895
R01-4747RR Hartz H4994 X N92-598
R01-4752 Unspecified X Unspecified
R01-4752RR Hartz H4994 X N92-598
R01-4766RR Hartz H4994 X N92-598
R01-4787 Unspecified X Unspecified
R01-4804RR Hartz H4994 X N92-598
R01-4834RR Hartz H4994 X N92-598
R01-52F R93-5455 X Minsoy
R01-81 Unspecified X Unspecified
R01-976 Hartz H4994 X R95-1470
R02-1372 Unspecified X Unspecified
R02-2363 Unspecified X Unspecified
R02-3065 HBK 5990 X Anand
R02-3263RR HBK 4890 X 98602
R02-3369 Unspecified X Unspecified
R02-6232F Unspecified X Unspecified
R02-6268F KS4895 X Jackson
R02322 Pioneer P90B43 X 12223R006
R02416 Pioneer P9091 X Pioneer P91B02
R03-1011 HBK 5990 X 98601
R03-1134 M91-163126 X OT93-28
R03-1176 R96-209 X Anand
R03-1187 Ozark X Anand
R03-1232 Pioneer P9592 X KS4895
R03-1235 Pioneer P9592 X KS4895
R03-1250 Pioneer P9592 X KS4895
R03-176 R95-3235 X 98602
R03-224 Ozark X 99507
R03-263 DT96-6840 X Anand
R03-862 V94-1295 X Ozark
R03-946 TN93-99 X R95-798
R03-984 R95-3235 X HyPerformer AP 4880
R03171RE Pioneer P93B82 X Pioneer P90B72
R03210RE 21030R017 X R02416
R03809 YB009A99 X Pioneer P91B12
R03893 YB17K99 X XB16H
R04-122 Ozark X R00-214F
R04-1250RR Ozark X 98601
R04-1268RR R96-3427 X 98601
R04-1276 R04-1276RR
Unspecified X UnspecifiedRR
R04-170RR Desha X R00-214F
R04-198 SS-516 X Ozark
R04-342 R97-1650 X 98601
R04-357 R97-1650 X 98601
R04-366 R97-1650 X 98601
R04-522 Lonoke X Pioneer P9594
R04-572 MD4900 X Ozark
R04-632 R98-1682 X HBK 5991
R05-138 MD4900 X Ozark
R05-1415 MFS-591 X V96-4486
R05-1772 R95-1705 X V96-4181
R05-235 Pioneer P9594 X Ozark
R05-269 P9594 X Ozark
R05-3191 Lonoke X S99-1171
R05-3239 Ozark X Anand
R05-374 Lonoke X DP4748
R05-3817 R96-3427 X 605
R05-4114 R98-1523 X 98601
R05-5366 Unspecified X Unspecified
R05-655 Unspecified X Unspecified
R05331 Pioneer P92B52 X Pioneer P90B51
R05686 Pioneer P91B42 X Pioneer P92B14
R06-1270 Lonoke X PI 88310
R06-2597 Lonoke X S96-2692
R06-3789 Unspecified X Unspecified
R06-4222 Unspecified X Unspecified
R06-4433 Lonoke X Pioneer P9594
R06-4475 R98-3267F X R97-1832
R07-10231 S99-2281 X UA4805
R07-10244 S99-2281 X UA4805
R07-10263 S99-2281 X UA4805
R07-10322 R97-1634 X V00-3824
R07-1035 S01-9209 X R01-2373
R07-1545 DP4748S X K1599
R07-1685 5002T X Ozark
R07-1738 R00-1076 X R01-2373
R07-1769 R00-1551 X R00-684
R07-1810 R00-1551 X R01-2346
R07-1826 R00-1551 X R01-315
R07-1857 R01-2373 X R01-315
R07-1882 R99-2512 X R01-1092
R07-191 S01-9265 X R00-1940
R07-2000 Unspecified X Unspecified
R07-470 R00-2267 X Osage
R07-5351 LS96-1631 X R96-3427
R07-6046 S94-1867 X Pioneer P9594
R07-6614RR Lonoke X Hutcheson-RRRR
R07-6654 Lonoke X R00-33
R07-6669 Lonoke X R00-33
R08-107 BA 743303 X R00-684
R08-1178 S98-1375 X R97-1634
R08-141 R00-1076 X R00-1940
R08-265 R00-1551 X R00-1940
R08-2687 99VPI-120 X S98-1375
R08-2776 V98-2711 X R00-2097
R08-2797 DP4748S X K1599
R08-3119 PI 612750 X R01-4787
R08-3206 R00-2267 X S00-9980-22
R08-3211 R00-2267 X S00-9980-22
R08-3377 Unspecified X Unspecified
R08-409 Unspecified X Unspecified
R08-47 5601T X R00-1940
R08-527 UA4805 X 5002T
R08-550RR Unspecified X Unspecified
R08-991 S97-1688 X Caviness-RR
R09-1223 Unspecified X Unspecified
R09-1237LL Unspecified X Unspecified
R09-131 Unspecified X Unspecified
R09-1418 Unspecified X Unspecified
R09-1589 5002T X R01-4752
R09-1607RR 5601T X R04-1250RR
R09-1822 UA4805 X R01-4747RR
R09-1827RR UA4805 X R01-4747RR
R09-1970 R00-1076 X S99-2281
R09-209 5002T X Ozark
R09-2567 TN01-235 X UA4805
R09-2988 TN02-204 X Osage
R09-319 BA 015355 X R00-684
R09-345 UA Mulberry
PI 688606
R01-3597F X V96-7198CV-530
R09-3513 Unspecified X Unspecified
R09-3742 Unspecified X Unspecified
R09-3789 PI 679957
UA 5814HP
R95-1705 X S00-9980-22
R09-400 R00-1076 X BA 743303
R09-4010 R00-1076 X IA2065
R09-4095 S01-9265 X R00-1940
R09-430 UA 5115C
PI 689004
Syngenta BA 743303 X R00-684Reg. No. CV-531
R09-4571 DP4748 X S01-9794
R09-4798 V00-3650 X FG-5
R09-5026 S00-9925-10 X UA4805
R09-5088 5002T X UA4805
R09-5137 5002T X Ozark
R09-5225 5601T X Ozark
R09-886 R01-315 X JTN-01
R10-115 5002T X R01-2245
R10-1191 R03-263 X UA4805
R10-1288 S00-9925-10 X UA4805
R10-130RY Ozark X Unspecified
R10-1663 R01-976 X R03-946
R10-197 5002T X R04-357
R10-197RY Ozark X MON RR2Y
R10-216 5002T X R04-357
R10-230 5002T X R04-357
R10-2346 Unspecified X Unspecified
R10-2436 R01-52F X R02-6268F
R10-2465 R01-81 X R02-6232F
R10-2622 Unspecified X Unspecified
R10-2710 R01-52F X USDA-N7002F4
R10-28 5002T X Ozark
R10-298 5601T X OzarkF5, Conv.
R10-3185 V01-1693 X Ozark
R10-3536 Unspecified X Unspecified
R10-428RY Osage X Ozark RR2Y
R10-4892 5002T X R01-3474F
R10-5086 Osage X R99-1613F
R10-5434 Unspecified X Unspecified
R10-5595 R01-3474F X R02-3263RR
R10-5709 5601T X R01-2195
R10-5721 5601T X R01-2195
R10-5828 Unspecified X Unspecified
R10-7339RR UA4805 X R01-4747RR
R10-7587 TN01-235 X S01-9265
R11-1057 MD00-6015 X R02-3065
R11-1192 Osage X R05-3239
R11-1546 R03-263 X UA4805
R11-1578 R03-263 X UA4805
R11-1617 R03-263 X UA4805
R11-171 5002T X R01-2346F5, Conv.
R11-1756 UA4805 X R01-327
R11-213RY R03-1232 X MON RR2Y
R11-2282 NCC04-734 X R01-327
R11-2299 NCC04-734 X R01-327
R11-2354 NCC04-734 X R03-1232
R11-2419 R01-976 X NCC02-307
R11-245 5002T X R04-357
R11-2517 R01-976 X R03-946
R11-262 5002T X R04-357
R11-328 5601T X R01-1762Conv., F5
R11-7141 Osage X R99-1613F
R11-7999 PI 691646
5002T X R00-2097F5, Conv., AA, Meal Protein ? 50%, GP-436
R11-8011 Unspecified X Unspecified
R11-8346 Osage X S00-9980-22F5, Conv., AA, Meal Protein ? 50%
R11-8397 Osage X V97-1346F5, Conv., AA, Meal Protein ? 50%
R11-89RY Osage X MON RR2Y
R11-927 JTN 5303 X Osage
R12-1622 JTN-4507 X R04-122
R12-2069 R01-976 X NCC02-307
R12-2079 R03-1232 X R01-327
R12-2142 R05-235 X R02-3065
R12-226 5002T X R04-846
R12-4786 Unspecified X Unspecified
R12-514 Osage X N02-7002
R12-6751RR R04-1276RR X 5002TF5, RR1
R12-712 R01-976 X 5002TConv., F5
R12-7448RY R06-4222 X UA 4805R2Y1
R13-1019 R05-4114 X R05-3239Conv., F4
R13-10658 R09-131 X R07-2000F3, Conv., > 7% Sucrose, <2% Stachyose, DNC18
R13-13433 R05-235 X S021431CConv., F4
R13-13997 S07-2680 X R08-409F4, Conv.
R13-14007 S07-2680 X R08-409F4, Conv.
R13-14575RR R07-6614RR X LEO 3140-07Conv.
R13-14635RR LEO 2939-04S809 X R04-572F4, RR1
R13-14635RR:0010 LEO2939-04S809 X R04-572
R13-2423RR R04-170RR X R01-327
R13-354 NCC05-1261 X R04-357
R13-4638RY TN05-5018 X ( R03-1232 x R2Y12 )F5, RR2
R13-7797 Unspecified X Unspecified
R13-907 R05-235 X R02-3065F4, Conv.
R13-9687 R05-5366 X OsageF5, Conv.
R13-9736 R05-5366 X R03-984
R14-1358 R06-4433 X R04-572F5, Conv.
R14-1422 R06-4433 X S05-11482
R14-14635 R09-1822 X R05-3239F4, Conv.
R14-14648 R09-1822 X R09-1589F4, Conv.
R14-14797RR C1176 X R04-1250RRF4, RR1
R14-2090 S05-11482 X R03-984F5, Conv.
R14-2765 LS03-4294 X R05-3239F5, Conv.
R14-2893RR Glenn X R08-550RRF5, RR1
R14-356 NCC05-1261 X R04-357F5, Conv.
R14-4187RY R03-984 X ( R03-263 x R2Y14 )F5, RR2
R14-691 R03-984 X V03-4705F5, Conv.
R14-898 R05-235 X S021431CF5, Conv.
R15-1194 R09-1822 X R09-1589
R15-1587 S05-11482 X R07-1685
R15-2422 LEO2939-04S809 X R04-357
R15-5695 V06-3392 X N02-417
R15-7063 R10-5434 X Md0708WN93
R16-253 S09-10871 X R11-1617
R16-259 S09-10871 X R11-1617
R17-1079 R09-1970 X R08-47
R17-283F S13-16188 X R04-357
R17-3393 R08-3377 X R04-357
R17-3488 S07-6557 X R07-1685
R18-10491 R09-3742 X R10-28
R18-14229 S09-13635 X R12-712
R18-14272 S09-13635 X R12-712
R18-14286 S09-13635 X R12-712
R18-14502 S09-13635 X R12-712
R18-14572 S10-7543 X R13-354
R18-14753 S10-7543 X R13-354
R18-14793 S10-7543 X R13-354
R18-3048 S08-17361 X R11-1617
R18-3250 S09-10871 X R05-3239
R18-3332 S09-10871 X R05-3239
R18-67F ( R10-230(4) x UARK-282HOX ( R10-230(4) x R09-1237LL )
R18C-13665 LD11-7311 X R05-3239
R19-39415 LG13-4321 X R11-7141
R19-39444 LG13-4321 X R11-7141
R19-410712 TN08-100 X R11-2299
R19-411424 R11-1578 X K12-1348
R19-42447b XC5110 X R05-3239
R19-45980 Ellis X R04-357
R19-46252 FNA1.31 X R05-4114
R19C-1001 S09-13635 X R11-328
R19C-1012 S09-13635 X R11-328
R19C-1035 S09-13635 X R11-328
R19C-1081 S09-13635 X R11-328
R19C-2678 R09-430 X DA10x30-09F
R19C-3147 R16-253 X LD11-2170
R19C-3194 R16-253 X LD11-2170
R2Y14 Unspecified X Unspecified
R46-2062   Dunfield X ArksoyParentage conflicts
R46-2062    Dunfield X C143Parentage conflicts
R46-2076   C143 X DunfieldParentage conflicts
R46-2076    C143 X C233Parentage conflicts
R54-168 D49-2573 X N45-1497
R54-171-1 Davis
PI 553039
D49-2573 X N45-1497
R56-49 Selection from LeeRogue selection from Lee
R57-18 Dorman X D49-2477
R59-2 D49-507 X D49-2510
R59-200 Selection from Leeoff-type selection from Lee
R60-66 Dortchsoy 67 X Lee
R62-395 F54-168 X Hill
R62-550 Essex X G. soja???
R62-659 ( R54-168 x HillX ( Lee x Dortchsoy 110 )
R63-190 ( R54-168 x HillX ( Lee x Dortchsoy 110 )
R63-544 ( R54-168 x HillX ( Lee x Dortchsoy 110 )
R64-14 ( R54-168 x HillX ( Lee x Dortchsoy 110 )
R64-168 D49-2573 X N45-1497
R64-500 Hill (6) X Arksoy
R64-502 Lee (6) X Arksoy
R65-113 Hill X R59-200
R65-12 ( R64-168 x HillX ( Lee x Dortchsoy 110 )
R65-37 Hood (6) X Arksoy
R65-49 Unspecified X Unspecified
R66-1517 Lee (5) X FC 33243
R66-873 Jackson X Semmes
R67-141 R56-49 X Davis
R68-105 Lee X UnspecifiedRecurrent parent
R68-106 Unspecified X Unspecified
R68-208 Davis X Lee 68
R69-1151 Davis X Bragg
R69-1400 Lee 74
PI 548658
Lee 68 X R66-1517
R69-186 ( R65-49 x PI 91120X ( Davis x Lee 68 )
R69-345 Semmes X R64-500
R69-358 Semmes X R64-500
R69-831 R60-66 X R64-500
R70-176 R60-66 X R64-500
R70-306 Davis X Lee 68
R70-33 Semmes X R64-500
R70-332 ( Davis x Lee 68X R60-66
R70-580 Davis X Bragg
R71-626 ( Davis x Lee 68X R60-66
R71-638 ( Davis x Lee 68X R60-66
R71-72 ( Bragg x DavisX ( Dare x Davis )
R72-26 Unspecified X Unspecified
R72-2647 S-100 X C.N.S.
R73-1195 R68-106 X L62-1251
R73-81 R56-49 X D68-B2
R74-1625 York X Davis
R74-39K Davis X York
R74-511A Narow
PI 553052
R66-873 X Mack
R75-112 Unspecified X Unspecified
R75-12 R72-2647 (3) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
R75-12L R72-2647 (3) X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
R75-576 Forrest X Mack
R75-579 Forrest X Mack
R75-868 ( R66-873 x MackX ( Mack x York )
R76-1017 Dare X D65-6765
R76-45 Forrest X Mack
R76-479 Centennial X Forrest
R77-0226 Unspecified X Unspecified
R77-236 Forrest X Lee 74
R77-238 ( T43 x Davis (2) ) X Mack (3)
R78-100-8 Jeff
PI 553040
Centennial X ( R72-2647 (3) x D72-C57 )
R79 Unspecified X Unspecified
R79-121 Mack X V72-128
R79-167S R72-26 X Forrest
R79-772 PI 533602
Centennial X R75-12L
R80-437 ( Centennial x R75-12X ( Pickett 71 x PI 90763R )
R80-64K Unspecified X Unspecified
R81-1239 Centennial X Narow
R81-266 Bragg X Centennial
R82-1077 R77-0226 X Narow
R82-269 Centennial X Narow
R82-368 Centennial X Ransom
R83-11S Jeff X Braxton
R83-1342 Walters
PI 544354
Forrest X Narow
R83-1552 Line 8 X ( R68-208 x Bedford )
R83-310 R77-236 X Narow
R83-980 Narow X R75-868
R84-150 ( R76-1017 x R68-208X ( Forrest x Narow )
R85-140S Wright X Jeff
R85-164 Davis X Bedford
R85-3280 Narow X R75-579
R85-3309 Unspecified X Unspecified
R85-336 Lincoln (2) X RichlandIsoline to Clark
R87-170 Unspecified X Unspecified
R88-638 Jeff X ( Pershing x Epps )
R89-131 ( R80-437 x LeFloreX ( Jeff x R80-64K )
R89-18S Gordon X R82-368
R89-332 Pershing X Narow
R90-149 D83-3349 X Asgrow A5474
R90-515 Lloyd X Narow
R90-555 ( Tracy-M x JeffX ( Narow x Sharkey )
R90-844 ( Walters x LloydX Narow
R91-429 Hartz H6381 X Walters
R91-4484 R85-336 X Walters
R92-1258 PI 633610
Hutcheson X Walters
R92-1294 Hutcheson X Walters
R93-151 Asgrow A5403 X Hutcheson
R93-171 PI 615582
Asgrow A5403 X HutchesonPVP 200100091
R93-174 Asgrow A5403 X Hutcheson
R93-5455 Jackson X PI 416937
R94-929 Hutcheson X R87-170
R95-1470 Unspecified X Unspecified
R95-1705 PI 647962
Hutcheson X BARC-7
R95-2210 PI 633609
Manokin X Asgrow A6297
R95-3235 Manokin X KS4895
R95-798 DPL 415 X Asgrow A9641
R96-1083 Hamilton X Coker 6955
R96-1471 Asgrow A5403 X Manokin
R96-1559 Asgrow A6297 X Asgrow A5403
R96-1689F Asgrow A4715 X HS89-3261
R96-1939 Hutcheson X Coker 6955
R96-209 Ozark
Holladay X DPL 415PVP200400095
R96-2361 PI 507098 X N86-491
R96-2660 Asgrow A6297 X IA2007
R96-3235 Manokin X KS4895
R96-3427 Pioneer P9592 X KS4895
R96-3444 Pioneer P9592 X KS4895
R96-3538 Asgrow A5403 X Dillon
R96-864 Asgrow A6297 X Pioneer P9592
R97-1053 Pioneer P9592 X Northrup King S59-60
R97-1634 Pioneer P9592 X Holladay
R97-1650 Pioneer P9592 X Holladay
R97-1801 Manokin X Asgrow A6297
R97-1832 Manokin X Asgrow A6297
R97-818 Hutcheson X Asgrow A5885
R98-1523 Asgrow A5403 X Hartz H5545
R98-1647 KY88-4080 X Hartz H5545
R98-1682 KY88-4080 X Hartz H5545PVP 8900177
R98-1817 UA4805
Hartz H5545 X KS4895PVP 7700101
R98-1821 Hartz H5545 X KS4895
R98-209 Asgrow A6297 X Clifford
R98-2390F KY88-4080 X DPL 3478
R98-3267F Unspecified X Unspecified
R99-1613F NKRA 452 X PI 290126B
R99-1888 MD92-5769 X Pioneer P9641
R99-2070 N90-516 X Hartz H4994
R99-2088 N90-516 X Hartz H4994
R99-2172 N90-516 X Hartz H4994
R99-2512 Pioneer P9611 X Caviness
R99-541 KY88-4080 X G89-2223
RA-452 NK RA-452
NK RA452
Northrup King RA452
Williams X Essex
RA401 PI 556533
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7800030
RA402 PI 556596
Adelphia X BonusNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000093
RA403 PI 556702
Sb128 ( b )4 X [ ( N701501 x D728867A ) x SB117 ( a )1 ) x ( Mitchell x Columbus ) ]Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200163, SB117 ( a )1 was a single plant selected from Clark
RA405 PI 556760
Sb128 ( b )4 X [ ( N701501 x Dare 728867A ) x SB117 ( a )1 ) x ( Mitchell x Columbus ) ]Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500010, SB117 ( a )1 was a single plant selected from Clark
RA427 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedRing Around Products, Inc., PVP 7605005
RA451 PI 556759
SX-441 X MO74-50416Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500008
RA452 Unspecified X Unspecified
RA480 PI 556559
Mack X L62-1251Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900007
RA481 PI 556611
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000054
RA501A PI 556352
Mack X L62-1251Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7605006
RA502 PI 556704
RA527 X Syngenta RA603Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200160
RA526 PI 556494
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500067
RA527 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedRing Around Products, Inc., PVP 7500066
RA580 PI 556700
D69-8001 X SB168Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8300075
RA601 PI 556534
Mack X L62-1251Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7800031
RA603 PI 556754
Unspecified X UnspecifiedRing Around Products, Inc., PVP 8000057
RA604 PI 556558
Hutton X ForrestNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900008
RA606 PI 556703
Cross IV ( a ) 160 X RA-528Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200161
RA63-19-2 ( R54-168 (2) x PekingX Lee
RA680 PI 556647
Centennial X D72-8867ANovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100097
RA701 PI 556739
Unspecified X UnspecifiedRing Around Products, Inc., PVP 8000059
RA800 PI 556740
Unspecified X UnspecifiedRing Around Products, Inc., PVP 8100141
Rad Unknown X Unknown
RAGT86L579 Unspecified X Unspecified
Raiden PI 360844
Harrow 178
Ralsoy PI 548484
Selection from ArksoySelection from Arksoy
Rampage PI 548609
Clark X Chippewa
Randolph PI 633424
PI 417288 X ( T135 x PI 83945-4 )PVP 200300241
Ransom N64-2430
PI 548989
[ ( N55-5931 x N55-3818 ) x D56-1185X D56-1185
RCAT 0414 SCN Starfield
Unspecified X Unspecified
RCAT 1003 Unspecified X Unspecified
RCAT 2006 J251 X ORC 9404
RCAT 8703 FH 22-815 X Hodgson
RCAT 9201 Conrad X RCAT Alliance
RCAT 9709 PS 42 X Conrad
RCAT 99-01 Northrup King S24-92 X RCAT Bobcat
RCAT 9910 Unspecified X Unspecified
RCAT Alliance PI 548646
Wells II X Williams 82
RCAT Angora PI 572242
Pride B152 X Thompson T8112
RCAT Bobcat RCAT 9301
T8508 X OAC86-07
RCAT Calico RCAT 9009
KG 60 X Asgrow A2943
RCAT Corbett J-251 X Westag 97
RCAT Persian PI 548647
M73-62 X FG31-3
RCAT Wildcat Syngenta S24-92 X OAC BayfieldF5 single seed descent
Red Tanner PI 341243
C.P.I. 15674
Selection from PI 341243Selection from PI 341243; Austrailia
Regal PI 548636
C-Union BC
Union (8) X ( PI 86972-1 x PI 84637 )PVP 8600046
Rend PI 606748
Jack X Resnik
Renville PI 548611
Lincoln (2) X Richland
Resnik PI 534645
Asgrow A3127 (4) X Williams 82PVP 8700126
Resnik RR ResnikRR
Resnik (2) X MON40-3-2
Resnik2 Unspecified X Unspecified
RF5100790 Surge X Syngenta S25-J5
RG 09 Unspecified X Unspecified
RG 27 Unspecified X Unspecified
RG200GT PI 632259
Traill ( 3 ) X ( Council x Resnik )NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200200262
RG200RR Traill (4) X Resnik RR
RG405RR PI 634812,ND95-931C(RR)
Barnes ( 3 ) X ( Council x ResnikRR )NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200400153
RG6008RR PI 645469
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700059
RG600RR PI 645464
RG200RR X RG405RRNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700054
RG601NRR PI 645468
Walsh ( 3 ) X ( Council ( 2 ) x ResnikRR )NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700058
RG603RR PI 645467
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700057
RG604RR PI 645466
Walsh X RG200RRNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700056
RG607GT PI 645465
SD1091RR X BarnesNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700055
RG607RR ND02-4997
SD1091RR X BarnesRR
RG607RR-1 SD1091RR X Barnesselection from RG607RR ??
RG7008RR PI 648470
RG200RR X ND95-6634NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700353
RG7008RR-1 RG200RR X ND95-6634selection from RG7008RR
Rhodes PI 561400
J74-123 X N73-520
Richland PI 548406
PI 70502-2
IntroductionSelected from PI 70502 ca. 1927
RIL Wyandot X PI 567301BMP-5, NSL 519221, Recombinant inbred line population
Ripley PI 536636
Hodgson X V68-1034PVP 8700098
Riverside 2021 PI 556747
Unspecified X UnspecifiedLynnville Seed Company, PVP 7800025
Riverside 2024 Wayne X CorsoyUSDA Tech. Bul. 1846 says Wayne x Pride B216. PVP says Wayne x Corsoy.
Riverside 2025 PI 556578
Williams X CorsoyThe Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8000015
Riverside 303C PI 556746
Calland X B216The Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8400035
RJ84-1822 ( R70-580 x ForrestX Bedford
RJ85-9116 J77-255 X Bedford
RJS00003 PI 660241
YB01D05 X Pioneer P90M20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000569
RJS00801 PI 660177
YB01D05 X YB007D03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000495
RJS00901 PI 659509
Pioneer P91M10 X R05331Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000187
RJS00902 PI 661118
YB01D05 X Pioneer P90M20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100165
RJS01001 PI 659456
YB009A99 X R03809Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000186
RJS03001 PI 653120
YB009A99 X Pioneer P91B03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800143
RJS03003 PI 660240
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000568
RJS04001 PI 659462
RCAT Wildcat X D09233Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000209
RJS04002 PI 660206
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000530
RJS04004R PI 674559
Pioneer P90Y50 X Pioneer P90Y90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500162
RJS04005R PI 677295
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600204
RJS05002 PI 659461
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000208
RJS05003 PI 665367
YB09Q05 X Pioneer P91M30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200257
RJS05005R PI 677296
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600205
RJS05006R PI 677300
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600209
RJS06002 PI 660163
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000480
RJS06008 PI 665309
Pioneer P90M80 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200182
RJS07002 PI 665310
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200183
RJS08001 PI 659460
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000207
RJS08005 PI 661059
YB07M04 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100208
RJS08014R PI 677316
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600225
RJS09002 PI 659459
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000206
RJS09004 PI 660164
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000481
RJS09007R2 PI 671810
AMK0702D0C X MK0907C1-A0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400098
RJS10001 PI 661021
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100164
RJS10005R PI 677303
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600212
RJS10006R PI 677298
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600207
RJS11001 PI 653122
Pioneer P91B42 X Pioneer P92B13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800145
RJS11002 PI 660165
ZB09H02 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000482
RJS11003 PI 661020
Pioneer P91M01 X Pioneer P90M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100163
RJS12002 PI 660235
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000562
RJS13001 PI 656402
Pioneer P91B42 X R05686Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900172
RJS14001 PI 660233
Pioneer P91M10 X C05526R002Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000560
RJS14002 PI 665370
Pioneer P90M60 X Pioneer P91M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200260
RJS14003 PI 661051
EX21Q04 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100199
RJS14006R PI 674539
Pioneer P92Y31 X Pioneer P92Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500142
RJS15001 PI 653119
Pioneer P91B42 X Pioneer P92B13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800142
RJS15002 PI 653121
YB15K99 X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800144
RJS15003 PI 656403
XB23Y02 X Pioneer P91B33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900173
RJS15004 PI 661019
ZB22F04 X XB08P05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100162
RJS15005 PI 661050
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P92M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100198
RJS15011R PI 677301
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600210
RJS16003 PI 661018
Pioneer P91M30 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100161
RJS16006R PI 677299
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600208
RJS17001 PI 660166
ZB24J03 X XB22C04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000483
RJS17002 PI 660167
Pioneer P92M22 X Pioneer P91M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000484
RJS17003 PI 660232
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P91M30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000559
RJS17004 PI 665371
XB21R05 X YB20S02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200261
RJS18001 PI 653118
Pioneer P92B12 X L03610Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800141
RJS18002 PI 653123
YB22S00 X Pioneer P92B13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800146
RJS18003 PI 659312
Pioneer P91B42 X XB29K04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000204
RJS18004 PI 659364
Pioneer P91B42 X N01525R013Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000205
RJS18005 PI 665372
Pioneer P92M22 X XB19V06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200262
RJS18007R PI 674579
Pioneer P92M54 X RJS18004Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500264
RJS18011R PI 677294
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600203
RJS18012R PI 674560
Pioneer P92Y11 X Pioneer P91Y72Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500163
RJS19003 PI 660168
Pioneer P92M22 X Pioneer P91M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000485
RJS19004 PI 659363
Pioneer P92M01 X DP9422453Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000203
RJS19005 PI 660229
XB23W03 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000556
RJS20001 PI 665374
Pioneer P92M35 X Pioneer P92M40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200264
RJS20006R PI 677292
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600201
RJS21004 PI 660169
XB23Y02 X Pioneer P92M33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000486
RJS21005 PI 665375
Pioneer P92M33 X CA14387615Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200265
RJS21007R PI 674561
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93Y05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500164
RJS22002 PI 656404
YB21G01 X Pioneer P92B38Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900174
RJS22009R PI 674562
RJS30006 X YB28E09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500165
RJS23001 PI 656601
Pioneer P92B12 X YB26V01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900175
RJS23002 PI 659311
Syngenta S32-Z3 X Pioneer P92M40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000202
RJS24002 PI 665376
Pioneer P93M11 X Pioneer P92M21Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200266
RJS24003 PI 665377
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200267
RJS24006R PI 674580
Pioneer P92M54 X RJS28004Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500265
RJS24008R PI 677293
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600202
RJS25001 PI 653124
Pioneer P92B12 X YB32K01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800147
RJS25004 PI 659310
LP3442228 X Pioneer P93M10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000201
RJS25005 PI 660170
Pioneer P92M61 X Pioneer P92M21Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000487
RJS25006 PI 660054
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000488
RJS25007R PI 674581
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93Y05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500266
RJS26001 PI 653125
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P92M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800148
RJS26003 PI 660226
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92M75Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000553
RJS26004R PI 674582
Pioneer P93Y22 X Pioneer P93Y05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500267
RJS26009R PI 677279
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600188
RJS27002 PI 660171
XB25S05 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000489
RJS27004 PI 660172
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P92M33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000490
RJS27005 PI 661017
XB30E07 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100160
RJS27006 PI 665378
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200268
RJS27007 PI 665379
Pioneer P92M54 X RJS28004Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200269
RJS28001 PI 653126
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800149
RJS28002 PI 656602
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P93B68Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900176
RJS28004 PI 656650
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900177
RJS28005 PI 660173
XB27P04 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000491
RJS28006 PI 665380
Pioneer P93Y10 X LP11865821Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200270
RJS28013R PI 674563
Pioneer P93Y13 X Pioneer P92Y53Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500166
RJS29001 PI 656603
XB23W03 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900178
RJS29002 PI 660174
ZB36H04 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000492
RJS29003 PI 659362
Pioneer P93M11 X LP6083726Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000200
RJS29004 PI 660220
YB30K06 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000547
RJS29005 PI 661016
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100159
RJS29008R PI 674583
XB30C10 X Pioneer P93Y82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500268
RJS30001 PI 656368
Syngenta S32-Z3 X XB38Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900179
RJS30002 PI 656405
XB37L03 X Pioneer P93M10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900180
RJS30003 PI 660175
Pioneer P93M92 X NP5851530Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000493
RJS30004 PI 660176
Pioneer P93B36 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000494
RJS30006 PI 659458
Pioneer P92M01 X Pioneer P93M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000199
RJS30008R PI 674564
Pioneer P93Y22 X Pioneer P93Y05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500167
RJS31001 PI 653127
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B85Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800150
RJS31002 PI 656608
Pioneer P93B87 X L04210Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900181
RJS31003 PI 656651
YB36V00 X N05977Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900182
RJS31004 PI 656609
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900183
RJS31005 PI 660178
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P92M33Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000496
RJS31006 PI 660179
Pioneer P93M50 X YB34R03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000497
RJS31009 PI 659457
Pioneer P93M50 X XB31R04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000198
RJS31010 PI 665381
YB26Y06 X ZB31B07Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200271
RJS31014R PI 674565
Pioneer P93Y22 X Pioneer P93Y05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500168
RJS32001 PI 656369
LP3442228 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900184
RJS32002 PI 660180
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P93M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000498
RJS32004 PI 661161
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100158
RJS32005 PI 661015
Pioneer P93Y70 X YB32E06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100157
RJS32006 PI 661163
Pioneer P93M11 X NP8089672Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100246
RJS32007 PI 661036
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P92M75Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100182
RJS32009R PI 674584
XB39B10 X Pioneer P93Y82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500269
RJS32010R PI 674585
Pioneer P93Y05 X YB28E09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500270
RJS32013R2 PI 674566
AG3803 X BL3308A2-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500169
RJS32014X PI 674567
CS 31R212N ( 2 ) X A3525-A3244-BAHMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500170
RJS32015R PI 677309
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600218
RJS33001 PI 653128
Pioneer P93B87 X N05402Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800151
RJS33002 PI 656406
YB36V00 X JH4267591Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900185
RJS33003 PI 661139
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100245
RJS33010R PI 674586
Pioneer P93Y40 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500271
RJS33013R PI 677277
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600186
RJS34001 PI 653130
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B85Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800153
RJS34002 PI 653129
YB36V00 X YB36X00Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800152
RJS34004 PI 661138
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100244
RJS34005 PI 661137
YB31J06 X Pioneer P93Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100243
RJS34006 PI 661136
Pioneer P93M61 X YB26Y06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100242
RJS34007 PI 665382
LP11969710 X Pioneer P92Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200272
RJS34008 PI 661035
Pioneer P93M61 X YB26Y06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100181
RJS34010R PI 674587
RJS30006 X Pioneer P93Y40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500272
RJS34011R PI 674588
Pioneer P92Y70 X Pioneer P93Y82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500273
RJS35001 PI 656370
Pioneer P93M50 X XB35Q04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900186
RJS35004 PI 659308
Pioneer P93M50 X LP3442228Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000196
RJS35005 PI 659361
LP3442228 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000195
RJS35006 PI 659307
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000194
RJS35007 PI 661135
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100241
RJS35008 PI 661162
ZB30L05 X Pioneer P93M61Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100240
RJS35009 PI 668336
Pioneer P93M61 X DP17145891Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300278
RJS35014R2 PI 674568
AG3803 X BL3408A1-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201500171
RJS35015R PI 674569
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500172
RJS35016X PI 674570
AG3231 X AK3410T2-T0BAHMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500173
RJS36001 PI 653131
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B85Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800154
RJS36008X PI 674571
BL3610D5-D0AAC X AG3803-T0BAHMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500174
RJS36010X PI 677276
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600185
RJS37001 PI 656371
Pioneer P93B87 X PE3031531Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900187
RJS37002 PI 653115
Pioneer P93B86 X XB37C02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800138
RJS37004 PI 660181
Pioneer P93B09 X Pioneer P93B67Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000499
RJS37005 PI 660182
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000500
RJS37006 PI 659464
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000189
RJS37007 PI 661134
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100239
RJS37008 PI 665383
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200273
RJS37012R PI 674589
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500274
RJS37015R PI 674572
Pioneer P94Y22 X Pioneer P93Y92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500175
RJS37018R PI 677278
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600187
RJS38001 PI 656604
Pioneer P93M93 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900188
RJS38002 PI 656605
Pioneer P92M72 X Pioneer P94B54Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900189
RJS38003 PI 659306
Pioneer P93B87 X DP3927359Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000188
RJS38005 PI 659309
Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000197
RJS38006 PI 659463
Pioneer P94M30 X Pioneer P93M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000185
RJS38007 PI 661212
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100238
RJS38008 PI 661133
Pioneer P93M42 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100237
RJS38009 PI 661132
XB38E06 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100236
RJS38010 PI 661131
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100235
RJS38011 PI 665384
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200274
RJS38012 PI 665385
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200275
RJS39001 PI 653116
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B68Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800139
RJS39002 PI 656407
Pioneer P93B86 X YB37F02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900190
RJS39003 PI 656401
Pioneer P93B67 X K12021Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900171
RJS39005 PI 660183
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93M95Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000501
RJS39006 PI 660184
Pioneer P92M70 X XB49K04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000502
RJS39007 PI 659360
Pioneer P94M30 X YB34R03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000184
RJS39008 PI 661130
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100234
RJS39010R PI 674590
Pioneer P93Y92 X Pioneer P93Y82Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500275
RJS39013X PI 677265
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600173
RJS40001 PI 656400
YB36V00 X Pioneer P93M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900170
RJS40002 PI 656399
Pioneer P93B86 X H04385Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900169
RJS40005 PI 660185
YB43U05 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000503
RJS40007 PI 660007
Pioneer P93B82 X Pioneer P93M94Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000504
RJS40008 PI 659359
EX40U03 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000182
RJS40009 PI 661129
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100233
RJS40010 PI 665386
Pioneer P94Y21 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200276
RJS40014R PI 674573
RJS40001 X YB38B08Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500176
RJS41001 PI 653113
YB32J01 X Pioneer P94B54Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800136
RJS41002 PI 656600
Pioneer P93M50 X Pioneer P93M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900168
RJS41003 PI 661128
ZB42L06 X Pioneer P94Y60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100232
RJS41004 PI 661211
Pioneer P93Y70 X XB39W06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100231
RJS41007R2 PI 674574
CP3907A4-D0RN X OX3707A3-D0YNMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500177
RJS42001 PI 659358
Pioneer P94M30 X YB34R03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000181
RJS42002 PI 660186
YB36V00 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000505
RJS42004 PI 661027
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS41001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100172
RJS42005 PI 665387
Pioneer P94Y21 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200277
RJS42006 PI 668337
Pioneer P94Y30 X XB40H09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300279
RJS43003 PI 660187
Pioneer P93M95 X XB44W04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000508
RJS44001 PI 653114
31713H013 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800137
RJS44002 PI 661127
Pioneer P93M42 X Pioneer P94Y60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100230
RJS44003 PI 665388
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P94Y60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200278
RJS44005 PI 668338
Pioneer P94Y01 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300280
RJS44009R PI 677306
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600215
RJS45001 PI 656398
YB32K01 X Pioneer P94B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900167
RJS45002 PI 660188
Pioneer P94M50 X XB41B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000509
RJS46001 PI 659300
Pioneer P93M42 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000170
RJS46002 PI 660189
YB48M01 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000510
RJS46003 PI 661126
ME3908128 X YB48U05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100229
RJS46005 PI 668339
Pioneer P94Y01 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300281
RJS46006 PI 668340
RJS30002 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300282
RJS46007SR PI 674591
Pioneer P94Y30 X XB40H09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500276
RJS47001 PI 656397
T00038H005 X Pioneer P94B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900165
RJS47002 PI 659305
Pioneer P92M40 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000183
RJS47004 PI 660190
YB48M01 X Pioneer P94B73Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000511
RJS47006 PI 660191
Syngenta S42-H1 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000512
RJS47007 PI 660251
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000580
RJS47008 PI 661119
Pioneer P94M30 X HL9476156Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100170
RJS47011 PI 668341
Pioneer P94Y91 X Pioneer P94Y80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300283
RJS47012 PI 665351
RJS39003 X Pioneer P94Y60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200235
RJS47015R PI 674592
Pioneer P94Y70 X HL17619026Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500277
RJS47016R PI 677285
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600194
RJS48001 PI 656599
Syngenta S32-Z3 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200900166
RJS48002 PI 660192
Pioneer P93B86 X H04433Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000513
RJS48005 PI 659357
YB48M01 X Pioneer P94M30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000180
RJS48006 PI 660193
Pioneer P94M80 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000514
RJS48007 PI 660252
Pioneer P93B86 X HL5078266Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000581
RJS48011R PI 674593
Pioneer P94Y80 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500278
RJS48012R PI 674594
Pioneer P93Y92 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500279
RJS48014X PI 677268
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201600176
RJS49001 PI 653117
Pioneer P94B13 X Pioneer P94B74Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 200800140
RJS49002 PI 659304
EX48Q02 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000179
RJS49003 PI 659303
YB48M01 X Pioneer P94B73Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000178
RJS49004 PI 660198
Pioneer P94M70 X XB49K04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000521
RJS49005 PI 660194
Pioneer P94M70 X XB49K04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000515
RJS49006 PI 660195
Pioneer P94M80 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000516
RJS49007 PI 660196
Pioneer P94M70 X XB49K04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000517
RJS49012 PI 665358
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200242
RJS49015R PI 674595
Pioneer P94Y20 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500280
RJS49016R PI 674596
Pioneer P94Y70 X Pioneer P95Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500281
RJS49017R2 PI 674575
GL4708A1-D0YN X GL4408D55-G0RNMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500178
RJS50001 PI 661125
Pioneer P94B73 X HL8180531Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100228
RJS50002 PI 659356
Pioneer P94M70 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000177
RJS50005R PI 674576
Pioneer P93Y92 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500179
RJS51001 PI 659302
XB42J00 X XB53E02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000176
RJS51006SR PI 677283
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600192
RJS52003 PI 665390
Pioneer P94M80 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200280
RJS53001 PI 659355
Pioneer P95M30 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000175
RJS53002 PI 659301
Pioneer P95B33 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000174
RJS53003 PI 661026
Ozark X EX56N05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100171
RJS53004 PI 665391
Pioneer P93B86 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200281
RJS53008R PI 677284
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600193
RJS54001 PI 659354
71128G100 X 71865T001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000173
RJS54003 PI 673371
G00450T009 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000518
RJS54004 PI 661060
Pioneer P95M30 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100227
RJS54005 PI 665392
Pioneer P95Y40 X Pioneer P95Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200282
RJS55002 PI 665393
Pioneer P93B86 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200283
RJS55003 PI 661024
Pioneer P95B97 X YB58L04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100168
RJS55004 PI 665394
Pioneer P93B86 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200284
RJS55005R PI 674577
RJS57003 X Pioneer P95M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201500180
RJS55006R PI 677304
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600213
RJS56001 PI 659455
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000171
RJS56002 PI 660197
ZB58A03 X YB56G03Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000519
RJS57001 PI 659353
71288G134 X YB54N02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000172
RJS57002 PI 671864
ZB58A03 X YB58L04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000520
RJS57003 PI 660245
71165G032 X YB54M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000574
RJS57005SR PI 677288
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600197
RJS58001R PI 677297
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600206
RJS59001 PI 665395
Ozark X EX56N05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200285
RJS68001R PI 677286
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600195
RJS72001R2 PI 674578
N05-7462 X NC6208A7-B0YNMonsanto Technology LLC, PVP 201500181
RJS73001 PI 665366
Pioneer P93B75 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200256
RO-711 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedOttilie Seed Farms, PVP 7300051
RO-727 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedOttilie Seed Farms, PVP 7300052
RO1-52F R93-5455 X Minsoy
Roanoke PI 548485
Selection from NankingRogue selection from Nanking (PI 71597)
Roberts PI 667737
Surge X A96-492041CV-510, F4
Rockford PI 556547
Altona X WellsCallahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 7800021
Rocky Unspecified X Unspecified
Rokusun 25A Selection from TokyoSelection from Tokyo
Rose Non Pop PI 548487
Selection from HaberlandtSelection from Haberlandt in Goldsboro, NC
Ross PI 548612
Monroe X Lincoln
Roy Unspecified X Unspecified
RR2-12996 Unspecified X Unspecified
RR2-6851 Unspecified X Unspecified
RR2S10-3511 Unspecified X Unspecified
RR2S10-5737 Unspecified X Unspecified
RR2Y Unspecified X Unspecified
RS 2300 PI 556552
C1453 X :66L-140Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 7900013
RS 2330 PI 556679
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300027
RS4 Unspecified X Unspecified
Ruby PI 556684
Unspecified X UnspecifiedAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300145
Runo PI 597402
SY 9618012
IntroductionFrom Krasnador Russia
Rupp-1 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedJohn A. Barton, PVP 7600017
RxEF59-79 Ripley X EF59
S Machi Unspecified X Unspecified
S-100 PI 548488
Selection from IlliniSelected from Illini 1938 by Lee Mumford, reselected 1942 by Missouri AES
S-1990 Unspecified X Unspecified
S-48 PI 556563
IVR 1120 X SL12Callahan Enterprises, Inc., PVP 7800098
S0-007RR DeKalb 4762RR X P6
S00-9912-56 S94-2086 X MD94-5334
S00-9912-56 BS Unspecified X Unspecified
S00-9925-10 K1393 X Anand
S00-9970-09 S94-1867 X Anand
S00-9980-22 PI 643913
TN94-213 X S94-186GP-330, F4:F6
S00-9985-03 HY 574 X Anand
S01-8401 Manokin X S92-2711A
S01-9209 Unspecified X Unspecified
S01-9265 Unspecified X Unspecified
S01-9269 S94-1867 X [ S93-1475 x ( Holladay x CX1538-70-5) ]
S01-9794 Unspecified X Unspecified
S01555 Pioneer P93B65 X 90731S043
S02-2238RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S02-2259 Unspecified X Unspecified
S02-390 Unspecified X Unspecified
S02-390 RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S02-3934 DPL 5960RR X Anand
S02-3934RR DPL 5960RR X Anand
S02-577 Unspecified X Unspecified
S02-583CR LS94-3207 X DeKalb 4762
S02-586CR DeKalb 4762 X Anand
S02-611CR DP 5960RR X Anand
S02-6143 Unspecified X Unspecified
S02-670CR Unspecified X Unspecified
S02-677CR RR ( S86-4499 (4) x MON RRX Unspecified
S02-6816 Unspecified X Unspecified
S02-683RR Delta King 4762 X SG498RR
S02-750CR RR SS94-7546 X RR
S02-750RR SS94-7546 X S86-4499 (4)
S021431C Unspecified X Unspecified
S02339 Pioneer P93B65 X S01555
S03-051RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S03-058RR Delta King 4762RR X P6
S03-166RR SG498RR X SS94-7482
S03-1904 SG498RR X Anand-1-CYST02
S03-328RR DPL 5960RR X P1
S03-383RR DPL 5960RR X P1
S03-390RR DPL 5960RR X P1
S03-3923RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S03-4127 Unspecified X Unspecified
S03-4152 Unspecified X Unspecified
S03-575 Unspecified X Unspecified
S03-W4 Unspecified X Unspecified
S04-10364 Unspecified X AgriPro AP4882Female parent was an unspecified PI line
S04-11681 Unspecified X Unspecified
S04-11746 Unspecified X Unspecified
S04-12412 Unspecified X Unspecified
S04-12978 Unspecified X Unspecified
S04-12996 Unspecified X Unspecified
S04-19351RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S04-20912RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S04-21273 RR S99-2281 X DPL 5960RR
S04-23936RR P6 X S98-3940-04RR
S04-24039RR P6 X S98-3940-04RR
S04-3962RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S04-5969 S99-2281 X F1-00-111
S04-5969RR [ N90-516 x ( MD83-5008 x Hartwig ) ] X RR
S04-5997RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S04-6008 K1525 X F1-00-111
S04-6013 K1525 X F1-00-111
S04-7661 Unspecified X Unspecified
S04-8882 S99-2281 X LG97-7012
S04-8952 Unspecified X Unspecified
S05-11268 S00-9925-10 X U98-311442
S05-11400 S00-9925-10 X S98-3403
S05-11462 Unspecified X Unspecified
S05-11482 PI 661090
S99-2281 X S00-9985-03
S05-11968 Unspecified X Unspecified
S05-4604RR P1 X S02-670CR
S05-4630RR Unspecified X UnspecifiedRR1
S05-4678RR P1 X S02-670CR
S06-02JR423003 Syngenta S25-J5 X Syngenta S37-N4
S06-10572 S02-6816 X S02-390 RR
S06-10572RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S06-11278 Unspecified X Unspecified
S06-12224 Unspecified X Unspecified
S06-12439 5002T X S00-9925-10
S06-12749 S02-2259 X LG00-3372
S06-13640 LG99-11986 X S38-T8NAM Strain
S06-3027 S00-9912-56 X S02-3934
S06-3053 S00-9912-56 X S02-3934
S06-3095 S00-9912-56 X S02-3934
S06-3095RR S00-9912-56 X S02-3934RR
S06-3929 U99-311442 X S02-390
S06-4649 JTN 5503 X DPL 5634
S06-4649RR DPL 5634RR
JTN 5503 X Delta Pine DPL 5634RRThis may be the same as S06-4649
S06-6836 R98-209 X S02-3934
S06-7084 Unspecified X Unspecified
S06-CL968413 Unspecified X Unspecified
S0643 Selection from ChippewaSelection from colchicine treated Chippewa
S0645 ( Blackhawk x ClarkX ( Adams x Clark )
S0646 ( Adams x ClarkX Mandarin (Ottawa)
S07-03JR103829 CM4035N X Syngneta S43-B1
S07-10311 S00-9925-10 X S03-383RR
S07-10311RR1 Unspecified X Unspecified
S07-14472 S02-2238RR X S03-058RR
S07-15722 LG00-3372 X S03-058RR
S07-15722RR Unspecified X UnspecifiedThis may be the same as S07-15722
S07-16041 Delsoy 5710 X S03-058RR
S07-18772 HC99-2763 X DPL 5634RR
S07-268 S99-2281 X S02-6143
S07-2680 S99-2281 X S02-6143
S07-3614 S03-4127 X S01-8401
S07-3666 S03-4127 X S01-8401
S07-5049 S03-4152 X HC99-2763
S07-5117 HC99-2763 X S02-6143
S07-5151 HC99-2763 X S02-6143
S07-6489 Unspecified X Unspecified
S07-6557 Unspecified X Unspecified
S08-093 Unspecified X Unspecified
S08-095 Unspecified X Unspecified
S08-10045 R00-1194F X S04-5997RRMON RR
S08-10645 R98-1821 X S03-383RR
S08-110 Unspecified X Unspecified
S08-113 Unspecified X Unspecified
S08-115 Unspecified X Unspecified
S08-12102 S00-9912-56 BS X S04-21273 RR
S08-14072 R00-1194F X S04-5969RRMON RR
S08-14087 R00-1194F X S04-5969RRSCN
S08-14100 R00-1194F X S04-5969RR
S08-14117 R00-1194F X S04-5969RRRR, SCN
S08-14788 Jake X PI 283327
S08-17357 LG04-5196 X S00-9925-10
S08-17361 LG04-5196 X S00-9925-10
S08-17865 S04-8952 X 5002T
S08-18569 Unspecified X Unspecified
S08-2014 S04-3962RR X S04-5997RRMON RR
S08-4628 LD00-3309 X S02-3934
S08-6168 LD00-2817 X S04-5969RR
S08-6800 Unspecified X Unspecified
S08-7048 S04-7661 X S04-19351RR
S08-80 Unknown X Unknown
S08-8113 S04-5969RR X S03-051RR
S08-8440 Unspecified X Unspecified
S08-8440RR1 Unspecified X Unspecified
S08-8972 S04-5997RR X SCHILL 495RC
S08-9727 S08-9727RR
S04-8952 X S03-1904RR, SCN
S08-9727RR S08-9727
S04-8952 X S03-1904
S08-9727RR1 S08-9727RR
S04-8952 X S03-1904
S08-9936 R00-1194F X S03-383RRRR, SCN
S08-9942 S08-9942RR
R00-1194F X S03-383RRRR, SCN
S08-9942RR R00-1194F X S03-383RR
S08-9947 R00-1194F X S03-383RRSCN
S09-10320 S04-10364 X LG03-3780STS
S09-10857 S04-10364 X S04-12412SCN
S09-10871 S04-10364 X S04-12412SCN
S09-12096 Unspecified X Unspecified
S09-13185 Unspecified X Unspecified
S09-13608 LG04-6863 X S04-10364
S09-13608C LG04-6863 X S04-10364SCN, SC
S09-13635 LG04-6863 X S04-10364
S09-14162 S04-11681 X S04-12412
S09-14175 S04-11681 X S04-12412
S09-14199 S04-11681 X S04-12412
S09-18186 S04-11681 X S04-8882CONV
S09-309 Unspecified X Unspecified
S09-318 S07-2680 X LG04-6000
S09-320 Unspecified X Unspecified
S09-328 Unspecified X Unspecified
S09-333 Unspecified X Unspecified
S09-5587 S04-10364 X S04-3962RRMON RR
S09-6201 S04-20912RR X S05-4630RRMON RR
S09-6262 S04-20912RR X S05-4630RRMON RR
S09-9618 K03-3825 X S04-10364CONV
S09-9838 S04-10364 X S04-12978DIV
S09-9937 Unspecified X Unspecified
S09-9943 S04-10364 X LG04-5196STS
S1-441 Unspecified X Unspecified
S10 Unspecified X Unspecified
S10-10368 S04-8882 X S05-11400SCN
S10-10821 S04-8882 X S05-11968SCN
S10-11200 S04-8882 X R00-1194FSCN
S10-1999RR2 Unspecified X Unspecified
S10-2223 Unspecified X Unspecified
S10-2635 S06-7084 X RR2-6851
S10-2635RR S06-7084 X RR2-6851MON RR2Y
S10-3003 S06-10572 X RR2-6851
S10-3190RR2 Unspecified X Unspecified
S10-4948 S04-11746 X RR2-12996
S10-5310 S06-12224 X RR2-12996
S10-6090RR S05-11482 X RR2-12996
S10-6401 S06-6836 X RR2-6851
S10-7543 S04-10364 X S05-11462SCN
S10-8511 LG04-6000 X S05-11462SCN
S10-8604 LG04-6000 X S05-11462SCN
S10-8860 LG04-6000 X S04-12412SCN
S10-9381 LD04-5907 X LG04-6449SCN
S11-10082 S04-20912RR X S08-093
S11-10163 S04-20912RR X S08-095
S11-14926 LD04-13265 X S06-12439
S11-14954 LD04-13265 X S06-12439
S11-15382 LG04-6000 X S06-12749
S11-15857 Unspecified X Unspecified
S11-16413 S07-2680 X R00-1194F
S11-16653 S07-2680 X LG04-6000
S11-16653 BC-12-36 Unspecified X Unspecified
S11-16789 Unspecified X Unspecified
S11-16882 NCC05-1261 X S05-11482
S11-16973 S05-11268 X S05-11482
S11-17025 S05-11268 X S05-11482
S11-17054 S05-11268 X S05-11482
S11-20124 S11-20124RR1
S05-11482 X S06-4649RRMON RR
S11-20124C PI 689118
S05-11482 X S06-4649RRCV-532
S11-20124RR1 S05-11482 X S06-4649RR
S11-20182 S05-11482 X S06-4649RRMON RR
S11-20195 S05-11482 X S06-4649RRMON RR
S11-20321 S05-11482 X S06-3095RRMON RR
S11-20337 S05-11482 X S06-3095RRMON RR
S11-20337GT PI 693754
S09-10871 X S08-9727RR1CV-537
S11-20337RR1 Unspecified X Unspecified
S11-20345 S05-11482 X S06-3095RRMON RR
S11-20356 S11-20356RR1
S05-11482 X S06-3095RRMON RR
S11-20967 Unspecified X Unspecified
S11-21092 Unspecified X Unspecified
S11-21219 S05-11482 X S06-12439CONV
S11-5727 S11-5727RR
S05-11482 X S08-113MON RR2Y
S11-5727RR2 Unspecified X Unspecified
S11-8642RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S11-8787 S06-10572RR X S08-110MON RR2Y
S11-8789 S06-10572RR X S08-110MON RR2Y
S11-8794 S11-8794RR
S06-10572RR X S08-110MON RR2Y
S11-9618 S06-10572RR X S08-115MON RR2Y
S11-9938 S04-20912RR X S08-093
S12-10992 S07-5049 X RR2S10-3511MON RR2Y
S12-11150 S07-2680 X RR2S10-5737MON RR2Y
S12-11165 S07-2680 X RR2S10-5737MON RR2Y
S12-11694RR1 Unspecified X Unspecified
S12-11916 Unspecified X Unspecified
S12-16675 Unspecified X Unspecified
S12-2336 Unspecified X Unspecified
S12-2418 S07-5117 X S08-18569
S12-2994M S07-5117 X S05-11482
S12-3321 S07-5117 X S09-309 F1
S12-3663 S07-5117 X S09-320 F1
S12-3690M S07-5117 X S09-320 F1
S12-3777 LD06-7596 X S07-5117
S12-3782 LD06-7596 X S07-5117
S12-3791 LD06-7596 X S07-5117
S12-3858 LD06-7596 X S07-5117
S12-4718 S05-11482 X S09-318
S12-4718C Unspecified X Unspecified
S12-5912 S06-4649RR X S09-333 F1MON RR
S12-7449 S07-15722RR X S09-328 F1MON RR
S12-8223 Unspecified X Unspecified
S13-1033 K07-1633 X AR09-391017
S13-10590 S08-17361 X S05-11482
S13-10590C SHOW ME SOY 4301 C
S08-17361 X S05-11482Conv.
S13-10590LL Unspecified X Unspecified
S13-10592 S08-17361 X S05-11482
S13-10592C S08-17361 X S05-11482Conv.
S13-11061 LD07-3419 X K08-5026
S13-11434 S08-17361 X LD04-13265
S13-11733 S05-11482 X S08-6800
S13-11940 Unspecified X Unspecified
S13-12611 K07-1633 X S07-10311RR1
S13-13360 S09-10857 X S08-9727RR
S13-14616 S08-17361 X S08-9727RR
S13-16188 Unspecified X Unspecified
S13-16692 Unspecified X Unspecified
S13-16692HO Unspecified X Unspecified
S13-16712RR1 Unspecified X Unspecified
S13-16750 Unspecified X Unspecified
S13-1805 LD07-3419 X S05-11482
S13-1805C LD07-3419 X S05-11482Conv.
S13-1955 LD07-3419 X S05-11482
S13-1955C LD07-3419 X S05-11482Conv.
S13-2743 LS07-3125 X S05-11400
S13-2743C LS07-3125 X S05-11400Conv.
S13-3791 LD06-7596 X S07-5117
S13-3851 S09-9838 X LD05-13265
S13-3851C P 4678,Pioneer P4678
S09-9838 X LD05-13265Conv.
S13-4214 S09-9937 X LD05-13265
S13-8585 Unspecified X Unspecified
S13-9169 S05-11482 X P4920
S14-15138R S09-10871 X S08-9727RR1RR1
S14-15138RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S14-15146 Unspecified X Unspecified
S14-15146GT PI 691841
S09-10871 X S08-9727RR1CV-534
S14-15146R S09-10871 X S08-9727RR1RR1
S14-15146RR/STS Unspecified X Unspecified
S14-15164GT PI 691841
S09-10871 X S08-9727RR1Reg. no. CV-534
S14-15195R S09-10871 X S08-9727RR1RR1
S14-17636 Unspecified X Unspecified
S14-2088 S06-11278 X S08-17361
S14-2582C S06-11278 X S11-185Conv.
S14-3831 Unspecified X Unspecified
S14-6205 S06-11278 X S09-10871
S14-6391 Unspecified X Unspecified
S14-6391C S06-11278 X S09-10871Conv.
S14-7233GT Unspecified X Unspecified
S14-8943R LD07-3419 X S08-9727RR1 High Protein or Oil
S14-9017R LD07-3419 X S08-9727RR1RR1, High Protein or Oil
S14-9051R LD07-3419 X S08-9727RR1
S14-9412R S08-9727 X S08-8440RR1
S15-10434C S11-17025 X S11-14954Conv.
S15-10710C S11-16789 X S11-17025Conv.
S15-10743C S11-16789 X S11-17025High Protein, Conv.
S15-10879C S09-13635 X S08-8440RR1
S15-10924C S11-17025 X S08-17361Conv
S15-11985 Unspecified X Unspecified
S15-12003C LS07-3131 X S11-21219Conv
S15-12298C S11-15857 X V08-1924Conv.
S15-13637C S11-14954 X S11-20124Conv.
S15-15809C R10-230 X S11-20124
S15-16499C R09-4010 X V08-1924Conv.
S15-16505C R09-4010 X V08-1924Conv.
S15-16535C R09-4010 X V08-1924Conv.
S15-16569C R09-4010 X V08-1924Conv.
S15-16592C R09-4010 X V08-1924Conv.
S15-16886C R09-430 X V08-1924Conv.
S15-17108C S11-15857 X R09-430Conv.
S15-17688C S11-15857 X CR12-735TPConv, HO
S15-17812C S05-11482 X CR12-739TPConv., HO
S15-17875R S09-12096 X CR12-859TPHO, RR1
S15-18319R S10-2223 X CR11-596RR2, HO, High Protein
S15-2702 S10-2223 X S05-11482
S15-2702R S10-2223 X S05-11482RR2
S15-2702RY Unspecified X Unspecified
S15-3772R S08-17361 X S11-9618High Protein or Oil, RR2
S15-3772RY S08-17361 X S11-9618RR
S15-3847R S05-11400 X S10-6401RR2
S15-3847RY S05-11400 X S10-6401
S15-4892R S09-9943 X S11-5727RR2
S15-50 PI 556765
NK S15-50
[ Mack x ( Corsoy x Pride B216 (2) ) ] X ( Northrup King S1492 x Lee 74 )
S15-5904R S09-9943 X S11-9618RR2, High Protein
S15-5904RY S09-9943 X S11-9618RR
S15-6037R LS07-1343 X S11-9618RR2
S15-6047R LS07-3125 X S11-9618RR
S15-7174R S08-17361 X S11-8794RRRR1
S15-7218R S08-17361 X S11-8794RRRR1
S15-7499 LG10-2695 X S11-8642RR
S15-7499R LG10-2695 X S11-8642RR1
S15-7499RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S15-8839R S11-20356 X S11-5727RRRR1
S15-8839RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S15-9779R V08-1924 X S09-6262RR1
S15-9779RR Unspecified X Unspecified
S16-11644C S09-13185 X S11-20124
S16-11651C S09-13185 X S11-20124
S16-12137C S11-16653 X LG09-8545
S16-13165C S11-16653 X LG09-8545
S16-14161C S08-17361 X LG09-6212
S16-14379C S08-17361 X LG09-7163
S16-14558 Unspecified X Unspecified
S16-14730C S08-17361 X K10-8556is S16-14730 the same as S16-14730C
S16-14801C S11-16653 X S11-20124
S16-14869C S11-16653 X S11-20124RKN, SCN, SC, Excluder
S16-15170 S11-16653 X S08-17361
S16-15170C S11-16653 X S08-17361
S16-15896C R10-230 X S11-20124
S16-16641R S12-11694RR1 X S11-20337RR1
S16-16814 Unspecified X Unspecified
S16-16814R PI 704911
R09-430 X S12-11694RR1CV-561
S16-3739RY S11-16653 X S11-5727RR2
S16-3747R S11-16653 X S11-5727RR2
S16-3747RY S11-16653 X S11-5727RR2RKN, SCN, SC, Excluder
S16-5503R S11-16653 X S11-20337RR1RKN, SCN, RN, Excluder
S16-5540R S11-16653 X S11-20337RR1
S16-7840C S11-16653 X S11-20124
S16-7875C S11-16653 X S11-20124
S16-7922C S11-16653 X S11-20124
S16-8898C R09-430 X S11-20124
S16-9030C R10-230 X S11-20124
S16-9090C R10-230 X S11-20124
S16-9478C S11-20124 X S08-17361
S16-9784C S09-9943 X DT97-4290
S16-9892C LG10-2695 X S08-17361
S17-10809R S13-10592 X S13-13360
S17-1263C S11-16653 X S13-11434
S17-1344C S11-16653 X S13-11434RKN, SCN, SC
S17-13496C Ellis X S11-20124
S17-1695C S11-16653 X S13-3851
S17-17644C R09-430 X S11-20124
S17-17797C R09-430 X S11-20124RKN, SCN, SC, Excluder
S17-1931C S11-16653 X S13-8585
S17-1946C S11-16653 X S13-8585
S17-1980C S11-16653 X S13-8585
S17-19874R S13-13360 X S13-16712RR1
S17-19933R S11-16653 X S13-16712RR1
S17-20605C S12-16675 X S13-10592
S17-2066C S11-20124 X S13-11940
S17-2193C S11-20124 X S13-11434
S17-2243C S11-20124 X S13-11434
S17-2509 S11-20124 X S13-11940
S17-2509C S11-20124 X S13-11940
S17CR-189C ( S11-20124RR1(4) x TN10-5002X ( S11-20124(4) x S13-16750 )
S17CR-337R ( S11-20124RR1(4) x TN10-5002X ( S11-20124(4) x S13-16750 )
S17PR-499 ( S12-3858 (4) x S13-16692X ( S12-3858 (4) x TN10-5002LL )
S17PR-499R S12-3858(4) X S13-16692HO
S18-1042R S13-10590 X S14-7233GT
S18-1098R S13-10590 X S14-7233GT
S18-3709R S14-2088 X S14-15164GT
S18-3722R S14-2088 X S14-15164GT
S18-3949R S13-10590 X S14-15164GT
S18-5884C S12-4718 X S13-1955
S18-6013C S12-4718 X S14-2088
S18-6097C Ellis X S12-4718
S18-6328C S11-20124 X S13-4214
S18-6346C S11-20124 X S13-4214
S18-6350C S11-20124 X S13-4214
S18-6470C S11-17025 X S13-4214
S18-R6 89694 X 62755
S18PR-190C S11-16653 X BC-2-102
S19-10225 V10-0262 X S13-3851
S19-1176 S15-7499RR X S15-9779RR
S19-12409 S14-6391 X K14-1358
S19-12459 S14-6391 X K14-1358
S19-12537 S13-10590 X K14-1717
S19-14058 S14-3831 X S11-20124
S19-14797 S11-16653 X S15-11985
S19-15968 S14-6205 X R10-2436
S19-15975 S14-6205 X R10-2436
S19-18135L G13LL-44 X S12-4718C
S19-19741C S11-16653 X BC-7-73
S19-19764 Selection from S11-16653 BC-12-36
S19-1987R S14-15138RR X S15-8839RR
S19-19923 ( S11-16653 (4) x S13-16712RR1HO0X ( S11-16653 (4) x A12-961054LL )
S19-2082 S14-15146RR/STS X LD11-13948R
S19-3530RY S15-2702RY X S15-3772RY
S19-5296 S13-3851 X S15-8839RR
S19-7867 S13-10590 X S15-9779RR
S2-7158 D49-2525 X L5-5679
S2-7160 D49-2525 X L6-5679
S2-H1 Unknown X Unknown
S20 L15 X C1423
S20-1175 S11-17025 X LD14-6766
S20-12454 G13LL-44 X S13-10590C
S20-13179 S13-10590C X S13-10590LL
S20-13305 S13-2743C X 165
S20-13444 S13-3851C X S13-10590LL
S20-13825 S14-15146R X LD13-8769
S20-14129 S14-15138R X LD14-6766
S20-1435 S12-4718 X S16-14730
S20-1492 S12-4718 X S16-14730
S20-14936 S14-9017R X K14-1717
S20-15411 S16-16814 X S11-20337GT
S20-17501 PR17-540 X SA15-740PR
S20-17527 PR17-540 X SA15-740PR
S20-18805 PR17-629 X SA15-617F
S20-20 Syngenta S20-20
PI 540880
B152 X CM497Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000163
S20-2017 S13-2743C X K14-1717
S20-2227 S13-10590C X SA13-2699
S20-4428 S16-15170 X S16-14558
S20-5669 LD07-3395bf X S13-3851C
S20-7117 K15-1809 X S13-3851C
S20-91 Syngenta S20-91
PI 590534
Syngenta S21-98 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500192
S29-18 Syngenta S29-18
PI 590535
Syngenta S31-33 ( 2 ) X Century 84Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500193
S3 ( Clark 63 x L46-2132-A1+D58824 (2) ) X ( L49-4091 x Clark (7) )
S3-7094 N48-1248 X Perry
S32-11 PI 37062 X Illini
S32-3 PI 37062 X Illini
S32-8 PI 37062 X Illini
S32-Z3 X99
Exp 13404 X Pioneer P9273
S331 PI 556802
Unspecified X UnspecifiedStone Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600024
S4 S3 X [ S62-4064 x ( Clark (3) x Kanrich ) ]
S4-1714 Unspecified X Unspecified
S4-1771 L9-4091 X L6-2132
S4-7312 Ogden X L6-5679
S4-7346 Unspecified X Unspecified
S42-40 PI 556723
Williams X EssexPVP 8400122
S47-270 Chief (2) X Macoupin
S49-12 Virginia X PI 54610-3
S49-18 Virginia X PI 54610-3
S49-5 Virginia X PI 54610-3
S5 PI 548546
[ ( Scott (4) x Peking) (3) x ( Scott (2) x Peking ) ) x ( Scott (9) x Blackhawk ) ] X ( Scott (5) x Peking )CV-68
S5-7075 N48-1248 X Perry
S5-7144 D49-2525 X L6-5679
S52-5164 Selection from L44-1458Selection from L44-1458
S52-5179 Selection from L44-1458Selection from L44-1458
S52-7158 PI 548613
D49-2525 X L46-5679
S52-7160 D49-2525 X L46-5679
S54-120 Unspecified X Unspecified
S54-1207 Hawkeye X ( L49-4091 x L46-2132-1 )
S54-1714 L49-4091 X Clark
S54-2090 L49-4091 X L46-2132
S55-10 Virginia X PI 37062
S55-19 Virginia X PI 37062
S55-27 Unspecified X Unspecified
S55-35 Virginia X PI 37062
S55-7075 N48-1248 X Perry
S56-1018 Selection from S54-1207Selection from S54-1207
S56-142 PI 548607
Acme X Comet
S56-5004 Lincoln (2) X Richland
S56-5162 Lincoln (2) X Richland
S57-4264 S54-1714 X Clark
S57-4319 S54-1714 X Clark
S57-5343 Clark (3) X S54-1714
S59-119 S55-27 X S2-7160
S59-2504 Selection from ClarkRadiation mutant from Clark
S59-60 Unspecified X Unspecified
S59-95 Syngenta S59-95
Coker 82-645 ( 3 ) X Pioneer P8571Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500194
S6 L61-1112 X [ Wayne (4) x ( Clark (3) x Kanrich ) ]
S6-7413 D49-2491 X L3-2010
S62-4051 Oksoy
PI 548602
Scott (6) X Blackhawk
S62-4064 Clark (3) X L46-1503
S62-5-16-12 Scott (2) X Peking
S62X30 ( Clark (2) x L46-1503X [ ( Clark 63 x L46-2132 (2) ) x ( L46-2132 x ( Clark x Kanrich ) ) ]
S63-2580 Lee X Scott
S63-3277 Scott X Hill
S63-53285 Lee X Scott
S63-6407 Scott X Lee
S65-15A Selection from CusterSub-line of Custer
S65-3339 PI 229332 X Bethel
S66-13 Illini X Virginia
S66-21 Illini X Virginia
S66-27 Illini X Virginia
S66-43 Illini X Virginia
S66-57 Illini X Virginia
S67-80 PI 85559 X Kent
S7 L61-1112 X [ Wayne (4) x ( Clark (3) x Kanrich ) ]
S7-270 ( Chief x MacoupinX Chief
S7-4362 S4-1714 X Clark
S7-5236 Lincoln X S-100
S7-5343 Clark (3) X S4-1714
S73-86113 Cutler X Mack
S75-184 L66L-140 X Columbus
S75-196 L66L-140 X Columbus
S75-212 L66L-140 X Columbus
S75-489 SL-9 X Columbus
S76-2109 PI 548604
D67-3297 X EssexPVP 8500067
S76-2120 D67-3297 X Essex
S76-2194 D67-3297 X Essex
S76-2203 D67-3297 X Essex
S76-2229 Forrest X V71-480
S76-2392 Essex X Mitchell
S76-2425 D70-3115 X Essex
S76-2669 Forrest X S63-53285
S76-8065 D70-3115 X Essex
S77-114 Unspecified X Unspecified
S77-281 Bradley
PI 556738
D70-3115 X J74-39
S77-318 D70-3115 X J74-39
S77-7865 D69-8201 X Mack
S77-7992 Forrest X V71-480
S79-4060 ( D74-7636 x D70-3045X ( D68-18 x PI 88788 )
S79-4240 D70-3045 X Bedford
S79-4246 Bedford X Crawford
S79-4259 Bedford X Crawford
S79-4296 Bedford X Crawford
S8-5139 Lincoln X Ralsoy
S80-2959 J74-123 X N73-520
S80-5949 Bedford X R75-112
S81-2203 Crawford X J74-67-7
S81-2524 Davis X J74-122
S81-2876 Bedford X S77-114
S82-1044 Cumberland X Forrest
S82-1111 L75-8064 X Forrest
S82-1318 Essex X D74-7741
S82-1338 Essex X D74-7741
S82-1443 Asgrow A5424 X Mack
S82-2876 Bedford X S77-114
S82-3641 Forrest X Bedford
S83-1004 PI 543793
Delsoy 4500
Cumberland X ForrestPVP 9100061
S83-1014 Cumberland X Forrest
S83-1144 Forrest X Ransom
S83-1188 Bedford X N77-347
S83-1205 Bedford X N77-347
S83-30 Syngenta S83-30
Braxton X Coker 368Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000263
S84-1876 Bedford X Essex
S84-6484 Douglas X Peking
S85-1008 Bedford X Essex
S85-1009 Bedford X Essex
S85-1084 PI 560206
Delsoy 4210
L77-1233 X DouglasPVP 9200215
S85-1101 Fayette X Douglas
S85-11081 Fayette X Pella
S85-1163 L77-443 X L77-906
S85-1554 Douglas X Peking
S85-1706 Bedford X Essex
S85-1725 Peking X Elf
S85074 Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B67
S85085 Pioneer P93B86 X S85074
S86-1474 S79-4240 X Essex
S86-2209 Peking X Elf
S86-2212 Peking X Elf
S86-2469 S79-4296 X D77-5169
S86-4499 L77-443 X L77-906
S87-1551 Essex X Epps
S88-1318 Peking X Elf
S88-1458 S82-1044 X S79-4246
S88-1854 Delsoy 5500
PI 595765
Hutcheson X S81-2524
S88-1855 Essex (2) X PI 90763
S88-1934 Forrest (3) X PI 437654
S88-19561 Forrest (3) X PI 437654
S88-2036 Hartwig
PI 543795
Forrest (3) X PI 43765
S88-7166 Forrest (3) X PI 437654
S89-1097 Hutcheson X S81-2524
S90-1056 Fayette X S81-2203
S90-1058 Fayette X S81-2203
S90-1218 S81-2876 X N83-375
S90-1245 D81-7857 X N83-375
S90-1435 Unspecified X Unspecified
S90-1818 Unspecified X Unspecified
S91-1381 Hartz H5370 X Hartwig
S91-1532 Unspecified X Unspecified
S91-1661 Pioneer P9571 X Hartwig
S91-1693 PI 643913
Hartwig X Coker 485
S91-1839 Hartwig X Coker 485
S91-2469 Williams X PI 437654
S91-5371-17 Williams (2) X ( Forrest x PI 437654 )
S91-5371-19 Williams (2) X ( Forrest x PI 437654 )
S92-1069 Manokin X Hartwig
S92-1403 Pioneer P9581 X Hartwig
S92-1495 AT550 X Hartwig
S92-1666 Hartz H5164 X Hartwig
S92-2711A Unspecified X Unspecified
S92-2713 Unspecified X Unspecified
S92-2716 Williams (2) X ( Forrest x PI 437654 )
S93-1344 Asgrow A6785 X Hartwig
S93-1475 S85-1706 X Hartwig
S93-1591 Asgrow A5979 X S90-1818
S93-1631 Asgrow A5979 X S90-1818
S94-1808 Asgrow A5403 X S91-1532
S94-1867 Pioneer P9592 X S91-1693SCN resistance
S94-1873 Pioneer P9592 X S91-1693
S94-1955 Holladay X Hartwig
S94-1956 Anand
PI 614732
Holladay X HartwigAnand seed co.
S94-2086 Delsoy X Hartwig
S95-1908 S92-1495 X Northrup King S59-60
S95-1908-3-LOAM02 Unspecified X Unspecified
S95-2151 Asgrow A5979 X Northrup King S92-1598
S96-2641 Pioneer P9591 X S91-1839
S96-2641-2-LOAM02 Unspecified X Unspecified
S96-2692 Manokin X S91-1839
S96-3284 Asgrow A5979 X S91-1693
S96-3418 S92-1666 X Northrup King S59-60
S97-1688 PI 633736
S91-1381 X Hartz H5810GP-300
S97-1688-12-LOAM02 Unspecified X Unspecified
S97-1688-8-LOAM02 Unspecified X Unspecified
S97-1753 Hartz H5545 X S91-1381
S97-1759 Hartz H5545 X S91-1381
S98-1375 N90-516 X S92-1666
S98-3940-04RR ( Delsoy 5500 x MON RRX S86-4499
S99-1117 Anand X S94-1808
S99-11509 LG91-7320 X Probst
S99-1171 Delsoy 5500 X Anand
S99-1177 Delsoy 5500 X Anand
S99-1779 S93-1475 X Delsoy 5500
S99-2176 S93-1591 X S94-1808
S99-2281 PI 654356
SY 808001
N90-516 X S92-10694 selection composited in the F5 generation, GP-361
S99-2447-02RR Delsoy 5500 (4) X MON RR
S99-4074 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA10-11227 S04-8882 X R00-1194F
SA10-8471 LG04-6000 X LD04-5907
SA12-1451 CL06-121119 X S07-5117F4, Conv.
SA12-1455 CL06-121119 X S07-5117F4, Conv.
SA12-1471 CL06-121119 X S07-5117F4, Conv.
SA12-1530 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA12-1532 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA12-1533 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA12-1541 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA13-1310 K07-1633 X LD04-13265
SA13-1363 K07-1633 X LD04-13265
SA13-1385 Show Me Soy 3901C
K07-1633 X LD04-13265
SA13-1464 K07-1633 X LD04-13265F4, Conv.
SA13-2047 LD07-3419 X LG06-5920
SA13-2489 LD07-3419 X K07-1633
SA13-2692 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA13-2699 LS07-3125 X LD04-13265
SA13-2770 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA13-2926 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA13-3135 LS07-3125 X LG07-2309
SA13-4268RR K07-1633 X S10-3190RR2
SA13-4420RR LS07-3125 X S10-1999RR2
SA13-4434RR LS07-3125 X S10-1999RR2
SA13-5761 LG04-5187 X LG05-4092
SA14-5743 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA14-5754 LD07-3419 X LD04-13265F4, Conv.
SA14-5854 LD07-3419 X LD04-13265F4, Conv.
SA14-9653 LD07-4477 X LD02-9050
SA14-9742 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA15-245F SA13-6056 X A12-961044
SA15-507F SA13-6094 X A12-961044
SA15-612F SA13-6094 X A12-961044
SA15-617F SA13-6094 X A12-961044
SA15-662F SA13-6094 X A12-961044
SA15-679F SA13-6094 X A12-961044
SA15-733F SA13-6094 X A12-961044
SA15-740PR Unspecified X Unspecified
SA16-10349 Ellis X LD11-10927
SA16-10735 LD07-3395bf X HM11-W193
SA16-11227 SA12-1532 X LD10-9409
SA16-11831 SA12-1530 X LD11-10927
SA16-12014 SA12-1530 X LD10-2477
SA16-12348 SA12-1541 X LD08-1592
SA16-12472 LS09-1803 X LD09-10911
SA16-12491 LS09-1803 X LD09-10911
SA16-12880 U11-616086 X LS09-2659
SA16-13740 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA16-13847 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA16-1961 LG11-6208 X A12-961054
SA16-2194 U11-616086 X A12-961044
SA16-30116 LG04-6000 X AR09-391017
SA16-7132 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA16-9756 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA17-11294 SA13-5837 X A12-961044
SA17-11463 SA13-2489 X A12-961044
SA17-11700 SA13-2126 X A12-961054
SA17-11753 SA13-2692 X A12-961044
SA17-12251 SA13-2784 X A12-961054
SA17-13168-1 LD10-10226 X A12-961044
SA17-13516 LG11-6214 X A12-961044
SA17-14575 LG11-6190 X A12-961054
SA17-15682 Ellis X LG09-7163
SA17-15865 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA17-16316 Unspecified X Unspecified
SA17-17782 SA12-1532 X LG09-8165
SA17-18138 SA12-1533 X LD10-10219
SA17-18148 SA12-1533 X LD10-10219
SA17-1852 LG11-6214 X A12-961054
SA17-19056 SA12-1541 X LD10-10226
SA17-19304 LS09-1803 X LD09-10911
SA17-19715 U11-616086 X LS07-3131
SA17-19973 U11-410128 X LD11-10310
SA17-20063 U11-410128 X LD11-10927
SA17-21156 LG11-6208 X HM11-W193
SA17-2316 LG11-6208 X A12-961054
SA17-2418 U11-616086 X A12-961044
SA17-2742 LD10-10226 X A12-961054
SA17-29905 134137 X LD11-11299
SA17-30465 U09-311114 X ( U09-311114 x LG10-2699 )
SA17-5483 HM11-W193 X A12-961044
SA17-5523 HM11-W193 X A12-961044
SA17-5559 HM11-W193 X A12-961044
SA17-5563 HM11-W193 X A12-961044
SA17-5568 HM11-W193 X A12-961044
SA17-5569 HM11-W193 X A12-961044
SA17-5585 HM11-W193 X A12-961044
SA17-5753 LD07-3419 X A12-961054
SA17-5771 LD07-3419 X A12-961054
SA17-5776 LD07-3419 X A12-961054
SA17-5792 LD07-3419 X A12-961054
SA17-5794 LD07-3419 X A12-961054
SA17-5797 LD07-3419 X A12-961054
SA17-6259 LS07-3131 X A12-961054
SA17-7283 SA13-1385 X A12-961054
SA17-740PR SA12-1645 (4) X KB11-1#590A
SA17-741PR S11-9446 (4) X KB11-1#590A
SA17-742PR S11-9446 (4) X KB11-1#590A
SA17-745PR S11-9446 (4) X KB11-1#590A
SA17-746PR S11-9446 (4) X KB11-1#590A
SA17-749PR S10-6090 (4) X A12-961054
SA17-8035 SA13-2770 X A12-961044
SA17-8882 SA13-2699 X A12-961044
SA18-10815 LG11-6210 X SA13-2699
SA18-11280 SA13-3135 X LD11-2170
SA18-12086 LD07-3395bf (SCN) X SA13-1363
SA18-12111 LD07-3395bf X SA13-1363
SA18-13417 U11-616086 X S13-9169
SA18-14099 SA13-1363 X LD11-2170
SA18-14143 SA13-1363 X LD11-2170
SA18-14232 SA13-1363 X LD11-2170
SA18-14827 LD11-10069 X SA13-1363
SA18-15071 LD11-7311 X SA13-1363
SA18-261PR Unspecified X Unspecified
SA18-262PR SA13-1363 (4) X KB13-15F314-224
SA18-264PR Unspecified X Unspecified
SA18-268PR SA13-1363 (4) X KB13-15F314-224
SA18-282PR Unspecified X Unspecified
SA18-331PR Unspecified X Unspecified
SA18-340PR Unspecified X Unspecified
SA18-350PR SA13-2699 (4) X KB13-15F314-224
SA18-6603 SA13-1363 X LD11-2170
SA18-7258 LD11-11299 X SA14-5743
SA18-7406 SA13-5761 X LD11-2170
SA18-7490 SA13-5761 X LD11-2170
SA18-8568 LD11-11299 X SA13-1310
SA18-9109 SA13-2692 X K13-1515
SA18-9643 LD11-7311 X SA13-1363
SA19-10016 SA13-1310 X LD11-2170
SA19-10248 SA13-1310 X LD11-2170
SA19-10545 SA13-2699 X LD11-2170
SA19-10687 SA13-2926 X LD11-2170
SA19-10772 SA13-2926 X LD11-2170
SA19-12374 U14-924158 X LD11-2170
SA19-12541 U14-924158 X LD11-2170
SA19-12549 U14-924158 X LD11-2170
SA19-12580 U14-924158 X LD11-2170
SA19-16381 LD11-10069 X SA13-1363
SA19-20433 U11-494100 X SA13-2489
SA19-20828 LD12-10534 X SA13-1363
SA19-23234 F3 SA13-1363 X KB13-15 F3 14-224
SA19-23535 SA13-1363 X KB13-15 F3 14-224
SA19-23588 SA13-1363 X KB13-15 F3 14-224
SA19-23636 F3 SA13-1363 X KB13-15 F3 14-224
SA19-242H SA14-9742 X F2 SA13-2699HOLL
SA19-28299 SA13-1385 X U14-924158
SA19-28597 SA13-1385 X U14-924158
SA19-311H SA13-2699 X F2 SA13-2699HOLL
SA19-316H SA13-2699 X F2 SA13-2699HOLL
SA19-5082 SA13-1385 X LD11-2170
SA19-7246 SA13-1385 X U14-924158
SA19-7368 SA13-1385 X U14-605217
SA19-7485 SA13-1385 X U14-605217
SA19-7733 SA13-1385 X LD06-7620
SA19-7754 SA13-1385 X LD06-7620
SA19-8221 SA13-1385 X LD12-10534
SA19-9915 SA13-2489 X LD11-2170
SA198 unspecified X unspecified
SA20-1026 SA13-2699 (4) X KB13-15 F3 14-224
SA20-10261 SA16-7132 X U14-924158
SA20-11634 SA16-12014 X LD14-3702
SA20-11805 SA16-12348 X U14-924158
SA20-13276 SA13-1385 X LD16-10289
SA20-13711 LD16-10351 X SA16-12491
SA20-13888 LD16-10351 X SA16-12491
SA20-14040 LD16-10351 X SA16-12491
SA20-14268 LD16-10351 X U14-211226
SA20-14624 LD16-10351 X K13-1515
SA20-14689 LD16-10351 X K13-1515
SA20-2212 SA13-1385 X 18AS-9
SA20-2248 SA13-1385 X 18AS-9
SA20-2256 SA13-1385 X 18AS-9
SA20-2289 SA13-1385 X ( LD14-3702 x U14-924158 )
SA20-2430 SA14-9653 X 18AS-10
SA20-3389 18AS-20 X SA14-9653
SA20-8680 SA16-9756 X U14-211226
SA20-9732 SA16-13740 X U14-924158
SA20-9882 SA16-13847 X U14-211226
SA20-9946 SA16-13847 X U14-211226
SA20-9978 SA16-13847 X U14-211226
SA20-9989 SA16-13847 X U14-211226
SA21-10247 SA18-340PR X LD15-5776793
SA21-10315 SA18-340PR X LD15-5776793
SA21-11383 SA18-350PR X LD11-2170
SA21-11384 SA18-350PR X LD11-2170
SA21-11508 SA18-350PR X LD11-2170
SA21-11516 SA18-350PR X LD11-2170
SA21-11643 SA18-350PR X LD11-2170
SA21-12491 SA18-331PR X K15-1283
SA21-14348 SA14-9653 X SA18-264PR
SA21-15107 SA18-261PR X LD15-5776793
SA21-15148 SA18-261PR X LD15-5776793
SA21-15531 SA18-261PR X LD15-5776793
SA21-16433 SA13-1385 X SA18-282PR
SA21-16936 SA13-1385 X SA18-282PR
SA21-2507 SA13-1385 X U15-606207
SA21-3590 SA13-2699 X LD15-5776793
SA21-4164 SA14-9653 X LD15-5776793
SA21-5842 SA17-16316 X LD15-5776793
SA21-6866 SA17-15865 X LD15-5776793
Sac Selection from PI 80462Selection from PI 80462
Saluki 4313 PI 672534
SS98-7851 X LD00-3309CV-515
Saluki 4411 PI 665036
LS93-0375 X InaF5:F2, CV-506
Saluki 4910 PI 665035
Pana X TN96-58F5
Salut 216 PI 295952
IntroductionIntroduced from Russian Federation ca. 1964
Sampson PI 556817
Bragg X EssexPVP 8600068
Sanalona PI 556796
Hood X LeePrairie Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600008
Sandusky PI 576145
Conrad X HayesOhio Agricultural Research and Development Center, The Ohio State University Research Foundation, PVP 9400008
Santee SY0107001
PI 617041
Coker 82-622 X HutchesonSouth Carolina Agriculture and Forestry Research System, PVP 200100207
Sargent PI 615585
ND88-800 X CouncilSib of Walsh, CV-438
Satelite Unspecified X Unspecified
Saturn PI 583837
Hobbit X Jogun
Savoy PI 597381
Burlison X Asgrow A3733
SB-01 10-73#5
Williams 82 X ( Pana x CX1512-44 )
SC 2307 Pro30-05 X OAC Kent
SC 2407 Unspecified X Unspecified
SC 3116N Unspecified X Unspecified
SC 3313N OAC Ramsay
SC Starfield X SC 2307
SC 4009 Unspecified X Unspecified
SC 6218N OAC Prosper X S18-R6
SC 7415N Unspecified X Unspecified
SC 7512N OAC Prosper
SV90-3 MFA/06 X HDC Goshen
SC 7912N Unspecified X Unspecified
SC 8412N Unspecified X Unspecified
SC 8415N Unspecified X Unspecified
SC 8515N Unspecified X Unspecified
SC Starfield RCAT 0414 SCN
IA1008 X Ln 955414
SC00-1741 Dillon X N94-199
SC00-579RR SC92-2482 X [ SC92-2482 x ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR ) ]
SC00-601RR SC92-2482 X ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR )
SC00-603RR SC92-2482 X [ SC92-2482 x ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR ) ]
SC00-643 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMay be the same as SC00-643RR
SC00-643RR SC92-3091 X [ Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ]
SC00-695RR SC92-3091 X ( Maxcy (2) x Resnik RR )
SC00-892RR Dillon (3) X MON RR
SC01-1791 Coker 6847 X Stonewall
SC01-783RR Musen X [ SC92-2482 x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC01-796RR Santee X [ SC92-2482 x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC01-803 RR SC92-2482 X [ SC92-2482 x ( Hagood x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC01-805RR SC92-2482 (2) X ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR )
SC01-809 Unspecified X UnspecifiedMay be the same as SC01-809RR
SC01-809RR SC92-2482 (2) X ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR )
SC01-819RR SC92-2482 X [ SC92-2482 x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC02-011RR Dillon X [ Maxcy x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC02-059RR Musen X [ Musen x ( SC89-147 x ( Musen x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC02-134RR SC92-3091 X [ Maxcy x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC02-163RR Musen X [ Musen x ( SC92-2482 x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ) ]
SC02-176RR Musen X [ Musen x ( SC92-2482 x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ) ]
SC02-208RR Santee X [ SC92-2482 (2) x ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR ) ]
SC03-061RR N95-614 X [ Santee x ( SC92-2482 (2) x ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC03-062RR N95-614 X [ Santee x ( SC92-2482 (2) x ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC03-153RR G93-2225 X [ Hagood x ( Maxcy x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ) ]
SC03-168RR G93-2225 X [ Hagood x ( Maxcy x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ) ]
SC03-169RR G93-2225 X [ Hagood x ( Maxcy x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ) ]
SC03-172RR G93-2225 X [ Hagood x ( Maxcy x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ) ]
SC03-173RR G93-2225 X [ Hagood x ( Maxcy x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ) ]
SC03-9090RR Dillon X [ Maxcy x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC03-9091RR Dillon X [ Maxcy x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC03-9093RR Dillon X [ Maxcy x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC03-9151RR Dillon X [ Maxcy x ( Benning x ( Hagood x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC03-9383RR Santee X [ SC92-2482 (2) x ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR ) ]
SC04-306RR ( SC94-1075 x SanteeX [ SC92-2482 (2) x ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR ) ]
SC04-375RR N95-614 X [ Santee x ( SC92-2482 (2) x ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC04-386RR N95-614 X [ Santee x ( SC92-2482 (2) x ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC04-41 Dillon (3) X N94-199LOW LIN
SC04-417RR N95-614 X [ Santee x ( SC92-2482 (2) x ( Hagood (2) x Resnik RR ) ) ]
SC05-598RR SC00-579RR X N97-9658
SC05-642RR SC00-603RR X SC94-1573
SC06-007RR SC98-1850 X SC00-892RRLong juvenile trait
SC06-013RR SC98-1850 X SC00-892RRLong juvenile trait
SC06-045RR SC98-1850 X SC00-892RRLong juvenile trait
SC06-051RR SC98-1850 X SC00-892RRLong juvenile trait
SC06-247RR SC98-1850 X SC00-579RRLong juvenile trait
SC06-260RR SC98-1850 X SC00-579RRLong juvenile trait
SC06-291RR SC98-1930 X SC00-892RRLong juvenile trait
SC06-301RR N97-9658 X SC01-783RR
SC06-306RR SC98-1930 X SC00-892RRLong juvenile trait
SC06-5214RR SC98-1850 X SC00-579RRLong juvenile trait
SC06-5306RR SC98-1930 X SC00-892RRLong juvenile trait
SC06-5640RR SC98-1850 X SC00-579RRLong juvenile trait
SC06-5733RR SC98-1930 X SC00-892RRLong juvenile trait
SC06-676RR SC01-809RR X G99-3211
SC06-708RR SC01-809RR X G99-3211
SC07-1027RR G00-3213 X SC00-643
SC07-1029RR G00-3213 X SC00-643RR
SC07-108RR N97-9658 X SC01-783RR
SC07-1352RR SC01-809 X G00-3213
SC07-1455RR SC01-809 X G99-3211
SC07-1490RR SC01-809 X G99-3211
SC07-150RR N97-9658 X SC00-643RR
SC07-1518RR SC01-809RR X G99-3211
SC07-1596RR SC01-809 X G99-3211
SC07-786RR SC01-786RR X G00-3213
SC07-912RR G00-3213 X SC00-643
SC09-039RR N97-9658 X SC00-643RR
SC09-052RR N97-9658 X SC00-643RR
SC09-057RR N97-9658 X SC00-643RR
SC09-059RR N97-9658 X SC00-643RR
SC09-090RR N97-9658 X SC00-643RR
SC09-092RR N97-9658 X SC00-643RR
SC09-102RR G00-3213 X SC00-643RR
SC09-103RR G00-3213 X SC00-643RR
SC09-142RR G00-3213 X SC00-643RR
SC09-183RR SC01-809RR X G99-3211
SC09-210RR SC01-809RR X G99-3211
SC09-238RR SC01-809RR X G99-3211
SC10-07 SC98-1850 X ManokinConv.
SC10-128 SC98-1850 X Manokin (2)LJ
SC10-142 SC98-1850 X Manokin (2)LJ
SC10-154 SC98-1850 X ManokinConv., LJ Trait
SC10-170 SC98-1850 X Manokin (2)LJ
SC10-179 SC98-1850 X ManokinConv., LJ Trait
SC10-191 SC98-1850 X Manokin (2)LJ
SC10-231 SC98-1930 X Manokin (2)LJ
SC10-258 SC98-1850 X ManokinConv., LJ Trait
SC10-260 SC98-1850 X ManokinRR1
SC10-261RR SC98-1850 X SC01-783RR
SC10-270RR SC98-1850 X SC01-783RRLJ
SC10-273RR SC98-2070 X SC01-783RRLJ
SC10-29 SC98-1850 X Manokin (2)LJ
SC10-318RR SC98-2070 X SC01-783RRLJ
SC10-359RR SC98-2070 X SC01-783RRLJ
SC10-394RR SC98-2070 X SC01-783RRLJ
SC10-397RR SC98-2070 X SC01-783RRLJ
SC10-399RR SC98-2070 X SC01-783RRRR1, LJ Trait
SC10-400RR SC98-2070 X SC01-783RRLJ
SC10-401RR SC98-2070 X SC01-783RRLJ
SC10-404RR SC98-2070 X SC01-783RRLJ
SC10-406RR SC98-2070 X SC01-783RRLJ, RR1
SC10-455RR SC98-2070 X SC01-783RRLJ
SC10-456RR SC98-2070 X SC01-783RRLJ
SC10-57 SC98-1850 X ManokinConv., LJ Trait
SC17-5517RR1 SC06-676RR X G04-1618RR
SC17-5537RR2 N07-14182 X G10PR-224R2
SC82-1672 PI 536637
Coker 488 X Braxton
SC83-1810 Foster X Ransom
SC84-1531 Braxton X Young
SC84-583 D76-9665 X Johnston
SC84-679 PI 568236
D76-9665 X Johnston
SC84-818 PI 555453
Centennial X Young
SC84-931 PI 592756
Centennial X YoungPVP 9600151
SC85-123 Centennial X Young
SC87-2220 Braxton X ( Gordon x Johnston )
SC88-1568 Coker 368 X D77-6056
SC88-2537 Kirby X ( N79-491 x Forrest )
SC88-2660 Kirby X ( Gordon x D77-6056 )
SC88-2872 Coker 368 X LeFlore
SC88-2909 Coker 368 X LeFlore
SC89-1093 Brim X Coker 6738
SC89-147 Hutcheson X LeFlore
SC89-181 Musen
PI 599333
Hutcheson X LeFlorePVP 9700396
SC89-328 Hutcheson X LeFlore
SC89-551 Asgrow A6785 X Coker 6738
SC89-983 Brim X Coker 6738
SC90-2089 Coker 6847 X Hutcheson
SC90-2839 Coker 6847 X Thomas
SC90-2878 Coker 6847 X Thomas
SC90-3014 Coker 6738 X Howard
SC90-80 Young X LeFlore
SC90-831 Hutcheson X Coker 6738
SC91-1756 Coker 6847 X Stonewall
SC91-1791 Coker 6847 X Stonewall
SC91-2007 PI 617041
Coker 82-622 X HutchesonPVP 200100207
SC91-2410 Northrup King S83-30 X Howard
SC91-2447 Northrup King S83-30 X Howard
SC91-2573 Northrup King S83-30 X Howard
SC92-2482 Coker 6847 X Hagood
SC92-2677 Stonewall X Coker 6738
SC92-3091 Hagood X Coker 6738
SC92-549 Pioneer P9581 X Coker 6738
SC92-902 Brim X Coker 82-622
SC93-1963 Coker 6738 X G83-198
SC93-2073 Coker 6738 X G83-198
SC93-2082 Coker 6738 X G83-198
SC93-2679 Coker 82-622 X Howard
SC93-827 Coker 6847 X Hagood
SC94-1000 Coker 6847 X G83-198
SC94-1075 Coker 6847 X G83-198
SC94-1547 Northrup King S83-30 X Bryan
SC94-1573 Northrup King S83-30 X Bryan
SC94-1577 Northrup King S83-30 X Bryan
SC94-51 Hagood X Coker 6738
SC95-1070 Northrup King S83-30 X Manokin
SC95-771 Coker 6847 X Manokin
SC95-988 Hagood X G83-198
SC96-1476 SC89-181 X SC84-931
SC96-1574 SC89-181 X Northrup King S75-55
SC96-1624 SC89-181 X Northrup King S75-55
SC96-1628 SC89-181 X Northrup King S75-55
SC96-1688 SC89-181 X Northrup King S75-55
SC96-226 N88-480 X Hagood
SC96-2736 Hagood X SC84-931
SC97-1746 Northrup King S83-30 X ( Hutcheson x D87-4429 )
SC97-1764 Northrup King S83-30 X ( Hutcheson x D87-4429 )
SC97-1770 Northrup King S83-30 X ( Hutcheson x D87-4429 )
SC97-1821 Northrup King S83-30 X ( Hutcheson x D87-4429 )Resistance to Mn deficiency
SC97-2010 SC89-181 X Pearl
SC97-259 Northrup King S83-30 X Manokin
SC97-318 Unspecifed X Unspecifed
SC98-1063 SC89-147 X G93-9223
SC98-1428 Hagood X D90-7256
SC98-1850 F91-1419 X Manokin
SC98-1930 F92-1792 X ManokinLong-juvenile trait
SC98-2070 Unspecified X Unspecified
SC98-318 Hutcheson X SC89-551
SC98-353 SC89-181 X Doles
SC98-469 Hutcheson X Northrup King S75-55
SC98-679 Stonewall X Northrup King S75-55
SC99-605 SC89-147 X G89-2223
SC99-615 SC89-147 X G89-2223
Schechinger S48 IVR 1120 X SL12
SCHILL 495RC Unspecified X Unspecified
Schillinger 495 Unspecified X Unspecified
Schillinger XP2410 Unspecified X Unspecified
Schillinger XY2510 Unspecified X Unspecified
Scioto PI 548410
Selection from ManchuSelected from Manchu ca. 1925
Scott PI 548613
D49-2525 X L46-5679
SD(M)91-1574 L15 X Glenwood
SD(M)92-1233 PI 599300
A86-204022 X KatoPVP 9800137
SD(ND)95-1663 Parker X Pioneer P9061
SD(ND)95-1664 Parker X Pioneer P9061
SD00-048R SD94-808 X SD93-1040RR
SD00-1277 RR ( Surge x Resnik RRX Surge
SD00-1307R Surge (2) X Resnik RR
SD00-1391 Surge X C1907
SD00-1501 Parker X C1907
SD00-167 M91-821 X A94-572028
SD00-805R SD94-1370 X SD93-1208RR
SD01-3382R SD94-1662 X SD1091RR
SD01-3603R Unspecified X Unspecified
SD01-76R ( Stride x Resnik RRX Stride
SD03-2154 PI 667737
Surge X A96-492041CV-510, F4
SD03-221 SDX98-75-11-2 X SDX98-82-9-2
SD03-3221 SDX98-75-11-2 X SDX98-82-9-2
SD03-730 SDX98-82-9-2 X SDX98-75-34-1
SD04CV-611 PI 667736
Surge X A96-591033CV-511
SD05-240 A00-711063 X SD98-595
SD06-393 SDX98-74151 X M96-71481
SD06-415 SDX98-76192 X N98-4445A
SD06-418 SDX98-76192 X N98-4445A
SD07CV-539 IA2052 X Pioneer P9092
SD07CV-631 M96-355009 X Pioneer P9233
SD07CV-935 Pion 9233 X A02-381100-1539
SD08CV-0015 M97-136016 X SD96-135-3
SD08CV-0018 M97-136016 X SD96-135-3
SD08CV-1041 M96-355009 X M97-357138
SD08CV-1043 M96-355009 X M97-357138
SD08CV-2102 M97-136016 X SD96-135-3
SD09CV-0012 Lambert X SDX02FA-5-4
SD09CV-0133 Surge X Loda
SD09CV-1040 IA1008 X Surge
SD1081RR Hendricks (4) X Resnik RR
SD1091RR Surge (5) X Resnik RR
SD1092RR PI 642013
Lambert ( 2 ) X ResnikRRMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota, PVP 200600015
SD1111RR PI 642458
A97-771039 X SD1081RRSouth Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200600184
SD1151RR PI 635150
Lambert ( 2 ) X ResnikRRMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota, PVP 200400288
SD1161RR IA1008 X SD1081RR
SD1161RR/SCN PI 653539
IA1008 X SD10181RRSouth Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200800185
SD87-001 Fiskeby X IX93-100
SD91(M)91-1574 L1-5 X Glenwood
SD92(M)-1233 A86-204022 X Kato
SD92-1272 Sibley X Kato
SD92-1272M Unspecified X Unspecified
SD92-1323 Kasota X Kato
SD93(M)-256 Kato X A17
SD93-1037 Parker X Sibley
SD93-1037RR SD93-1037 (4) X Resnik RR
SD93-1040 Parker X Sibley
SD93-1040RR Parker X Sibley
SD93-1043 Parker X Sibley
SD93-1208 Unspecified X Unspecified
SD93-1208RR SD93-1208 (4) X Resnik RR
SD93-1387 Archer X Hodgson 78
SD93-490 Glenwood X Jack
SD93-522 Turner
Turner X Unknown
SD93-522RR Turner (5) X Resnik RR
SD93-823E Unspecified X Unspecified
SD93-828 Parker X Archer
SD93-828E Parker X Archer
SD93-828R SD93-828 (4) X Resnik RR
SD93-851 Parker X Archer
SD93-954 Kasota X Kato
SD94-020R SD94-186 X SD94-1208RR
SD94-027R SD94-186 X SD94-1208RR
SD94-1208RR ( SD87-001 x GlenwoodX Resnik RR
SD94-1276 Sturdy X PI 153296
SD94-1370 SD87-001 X Leslie
SD94-1467 Archer X Glenwood
SD94-1480 Archer X Glenwood
SD94-1520 Archer X BSR 101
SD94-1662 Unspecified X Unspecified
SD94-186 Sibley X Archer
SD94-238 Lambert X PI 437666
SD94-27 Sturdy X Sibley
SD94-280 Glenwood X Leslie
SD94-461 Glenwood X Jack
SD94-477 Glenwood X Jack
SD94-57 Simpson X Elgin 87
SD94-667 Kato X Conrad
SD94-782 ORC 9002 X Agassiz
SD94-808 Parker X Archer
SD94-817 Glenwood X Sibley
SD95-1276 Sturdy X PI 153296
SD95-1518 Glenwood X Parker
SD95-1520 Glenwood X Parker
SD95-610 Unspecified X Unspecified
SD95-781 Lambert X Parker
SD96-119 IA2008 X HS88-4909
SD96-153-3 Surge X Hendricks
SD96-170 IA2008 X HS88-4909
SD96-2156 Parker X SD(M)91-1574
SD96-33 IA2008 X Hendricks
SD96-702 ORC9002 X Ozzie
SD96-77 IA2008 X Ozzie
SD96-782 ORC9002 X Agassiz
SD97-2998 SL91-1574M X PI 438025
SD97-92-2 M92-597 X C1944
SD98-2716 Unspecified X Unspecified
SD98-595 Kato X Asgrow A1929
SD98-74-16-1 SD92-1272M X PI 438025
SD98-76342 Pioneer P9071 X C1944
SD99-002R SD94-186 X SD94-1208RR
SD99-003R SD94-186 X SD94-1208RR
SD99-007R SD94-186 X SD93-1208RR
SD99-009R SD94-808 X SD93-1040RR
SD99-010R SD94-808 X SD93-1040RR
SD99-011R SD94-808 X SD93-1040RR
SD99-017R SD94-808 X SD93-1040RR
SD99-018R SD94-1370 X SD93-1208RR
SD99-034R Unspecified X Unspecified
SD99-061R Unspecified X Unspecified
SD99-1236 Norsoy X Erie
SD99-1358 Unspecified X Unspecified
SD99-1530 SD(M)93-907 X Marcus 95
SD99-36 Unspecified X Unspecified
SD99-469 SD93-954 X Marcus 95
SD99-700 SD93-954 X Elgin 87
SDX00R-015-44 SD96-702 X SD93-828E
SDX00R-015-49 SD96-702 X SD93-828E
SDX00R-017-18 A97-770051 X SD93-823E
SDX00R-017-5 A97-770051 X SD93-823E
SDX00R-017-52 Unspecified X Unspecified
SDX00R-026-42 SD1081RR X IA1008
SDX00R-026-42   SD1081RR X ( IA1008 x SDX02FA-3A-10 )Parentage conflict. Parentage from NUST 2014
SDX00R-026-42    SD1081RR X IA1008Parentage conflict. Parentage from NUST 2012
SDX00R-029-3 Pioneer P9151 X SD93-828E
SDX00R-030-47 IA2021 X SD93-828E
SDX00R-035-1 A97-771039 X Hendricks RR
SDX00R-035-24 A97-771039 X Hendricks RR
SDX00R-036-9 SD93-828E X ( SD94-1370 x SD93-1208 )
SDX00R-039-42 IA2021 X SD93-828R
SDX00R-039-42RR IA2021 X SD93-828R
SDX00R-039-47 IA2021 X SD93-828E
SDX01R-024 Traill X SD1081RR
SDX02FA-3A-10 Unspecified X Unspecified
SDX02FA-5-4 A02-381100-1539 X ( SD98-76342 x N98-4445A )
SDX98-74151 IA 2034 X C1954
SDX98-74151   IA2034 X C1954Parentage confict
SDX98-74151    Pioneer P9071 X C1944Parentage conflict
SDX98-7452 Unspecified X Unspecified
SDX98-75-11-2 M93-141-16-3 X C1944
SDX98-75-34-1 M93-141-16-3 X C1944
SDX98-76192 Pioneer P9071 X C1944
SDX98-82-9-2 U97-2519 X C1944
SE71112 PI 632305
Asgrow A4459 X [ ( (Asgrow A 3313 x Asgrow 3733 ) x Pioneer P9303 ) x ( Asgrow 4922 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300018
SE73206 PI 632313
Asgrow A3904 X AG5401Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300026
SE73224 PI 632311
Asgrow A5843 X [ Asgrow A5403 x ( Asgrow 3205 x W20 ) ) x MON40-3-2 ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300024
SE80014 PI 628665
Asgrow A5959 ( 2 ) X AG6101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200040
SE84950 PI 632701
Hartz 4994RR X ( Hutcheson x Hartz 4994RR )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300125
SE90345 PI 632314
Asgrow A5959 X [ Asgrow A5848 x ( Asgrow 5403 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300027
SECAN 00-10 A92-525014 X OAC Vision
SECAN 00-35 OAC 95-06 X OAC Bright
SECAN 02-09 ND91-2721 X OAC 92-01
SECAN 02-13 OAC Millennium X OAC Stratford
Seedmakers I-E PI 556469
Harosoy X Bellatti L-263Louis Bellatti, PVP 7200078
Seminole PI 548489
Selection from PI 93058Selection from PI 93058, Zhejiang, China
Semmes D60-12,327
PI 548661
D51-5427 X D49-2491
Seneca FC 03654A/G
PI 548411
Selection from FC 03654Selected from FC 03654
SF477RR PI 599307
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700274
SF567RR PI 599305
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9700272
SG 468 RR PI 603091
CM428 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800178
SG 498 RR PI 603093
CM428 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800180
SG 567 RR PI 602582
Pioneer P9592 X [ DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800083
SG 597 RR PI 602583
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800084
SG 617 RR PI 602584
Asgrow A5979 X [ Pioneer P9592 x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800085
SG 678 RR PI 603092
DPL 3682 X [ Hutcheson x ( DPL 415 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800179
SG 708 RR PI 603090
Pioneer P9584 X [ Cook x ( Buckshot 723 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9800177
SG 759 RR PI 607576
H5088 X [ Cook x ( Buckshot 723 x ( DPX 2384 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9900257
SG0-717 Unspecified X Unspecified
SG08002123 02JR318004 ( 5 ) X 3607F9-AOYN
SG08002154 06KG218440 X [ 02KG219016 x ( 04KG128222 ( 2 ) x 3607F9-AOYN ) ]
SG4460NRR Unspecified X Unspecified
SG498RR Unspecified X UnspecifiedSure Grow
SH 7418LL Unspecified X UnspecifiedCommercial Check
Sharkey D79-6162
PI 515960
Tracy X Centennial
Shawnee Corsoy X C1423
Shelby PI 548574
Lincoln (2) X Richland
Sherman PI 548614
A72-512 (2) X PellaPVP 8700007
Sheyenne PI 647867,ND01-3906
Pioneer P9071 X A96-492041NDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200700352
Sheyenne-1 Pioneer P9071 X A96-492041Selection from Sheyenne
Shiloh PI 556664
SB168 X [ ( Tracy x ( N10-1501 x D72-8867A ) ) x ( D64-4636 ( Dare x Harosoy 63 ) ) ]Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300006
Shiro Daizu 3 IntroductionPI 200530 maybe
Shore V69-156
PI 553049
PI 80837 X Hood
SHOW ME SOY 4301 C S13-10590C
S08-17361 X S05-11482Conv.
Sibley PI 508084
M68-256 X HodgsonPVP 8600137
Sigco KG20 KG 20
PI 556751
McCall X 2S11Literature reports parents as McCall x 2S11. PVP has SA198 x 2S11
Simpson PI 548615
Steele X HodgsonPVP 8300012
Sioux PI 548414
Selection from PI 81021Selected from PI 81021
SJ007208 LN89-5717 X Syngenta S33-P2
SJ030546 Syngenta S32-Z3 X Asgrow A4341
SJ031808 CX369c X Syngenta S38-T8
SJ034187 Syngenta S30-Y8 X J420649
SJ034878 Syngenta S32-Z3 X Syngenta S38-E9
SJ0800018 SJ030546 X WW115926
SJ0800019 SJ034878 X WW115335
SJ0800021 WW115926 X SJ934809
SJ0800025 SJ131987 X WW115926
SJ0800036 WW115926 X SJ034187
SJ0800048 SJ034878 X SJ034187
SJ0800225 SJ034878 X SJ007208
SJ1012347 PI 669424
Syngenta S38-H8 X ( 03JR101916 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300419
SJ1012389 PI 669410
S07-03JR103829 X ( 03JR321088x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300405
SJ1012477 PI 669432
03JR102982 X ( 02JR318004 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300427
SJ1112199 PI 672049
06RM934415 X ( 03RM893031 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400280
SJ1112576 PI 672050
06RM934415 X [ 02JR318004 x ( 04RM822970 x ( 05JR007045 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400281
SJ1112872 PI 672051
02JR318004 ( 2 ) X [ 03KG2112010 x ( Syngenta S39-A3 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400282
SJ1114205 PI 672052
03RM893031 X [ 06JR202581 ( 2 ) x ( 03RM893031 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400283
SJ1114419 PI 672053
WN0800545 X [ WN0800104 x ( 06BR381007 x ( 03RM893031 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400284
SJ1210844 PI 672054
BN0800007 X CL0911639Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400285
SJ1214029 PI 672055
HI0902015 X Syngenta S39-U2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400286
SJ131987 Syngenta S18-N5 X Pioneer P93B66
SJ833009 Syngenta S38-L5 X Pioneer P9281
SJ934809 Syngenta S42-H1 X Syngenta S38-T8
Skylla E98076
Dairyland DSR217 X Northrup King S19-90NAM Strain
SL-1 ( Clark (3) x BlackhawkX ( Clark ( 3 ) x S4-1714 )
SL-9 Wayne (10) X Kanrich
SL1 PI 548532
Clark 63
Selection from SL1-Hcomposite of resistant lines from SL1-H
SL1-H ( Clark (5) x L49-4091X ( Clark (6) x Blackhawk )
SL10 L15 X ( Wayne(10) x Kanrich )
SL11 [ L15 x (Wayne (4) x L11 ) ] X SL9
SL12 [ L15 x ( Wayne (4) x L11 ) ] X SL9
SL13 L12 X ( Clark 63 (7) x Kanrich )
SL14 L12 X ( Clark 63 (7) x Kanrich )
SL2 L5 X ( Shelby (5) x Mukden )
SL4 CSR 335
( Shelby (9) x C.N.S. )  X ( Shelby (8) x Mukden )GP-11
SL5 CSR 333
( Kent (7) x L49-4196X ( Kent (8) x Mukden )GP-9
SL6 CSR 334
( Lindarin (8) x MukdenX ( Lindarin (6) x L58-2080 )GP-10
SL7 L10 (8) X Kanrich
SL8 L16 X SL7
SL9 Wayne (10) X Kanrich
SL91-1574M L15 X Glenwood
SL91-564 Ozzie X M86-421
SL91-895 M81-27 X M85-52
Sloan PI 548616
M59-120 X IVR Ex4731PVP 7900064
Smith Selection from Chieffrom Chief by H. W. Smith, W. Frankfort, Illinois
SN64195 PI 632306
Asgrow A2553 X AG0901Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300019
SN70025 PI 636121
Asgrow A3469 X Asgrow A3244Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200400321
SN71173 PI 632304
Asgrow A2553 X AGK26602Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300017
SN74232 PI 632694
Asgrow A2553 X AG2903Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300118
SN76208 PI 632307
Asgrow A3431 X AGF26601Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300020
SN79525 PI 632308
Asgrow A5547 X [ Asgrow A5249 x ( Asgrow 5547 ( 3 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300021
SN79553 PI 628659
Asgrow A2833 X [ Asgrow 2722 x ( Asgrow A2835 x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 3 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200034
SN79557 PI 628669
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200044
SN79582 PI 628666
Asgrow A1553 X AG2101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200041
SN79591 PI 628667
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200042
SN79596 PI 628668
AI2453 X [ Asgrow A2722 x ( Asgrow 2396 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 3322 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200043
SN79624 PI 628663
HS4824 X [ Asgrow A4138 x ( Asgrow 4922 x ( Asgrow 4045 ( 2 ) x ( Asgrow 4138 x MON40-3-2 ) ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200038
SN79628 PI 628664
Asgrow A5848 X ( Asgrow A5979 ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200039
SN79794 PI 628661
Asgrow A3134 X [ Asgrow A3313 x ( Asgrow 3237 ( 4 ) x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200036
SN82691 PI 632315
Asgrow A2553 X AGK23603Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300028
SN83211 PI 632312
Asgrow A2069 X AG2101Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300025
SN83541 PI 632693
( Bravor x Hefeng 25 ) ( 2 )  X 3101RMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300117
SN94-4337 Jack X Pioneer P9341
SN98-3905 Unspecified X Unspecified
Sohoma PI 548990
Davis X Lee 68
Souga Zairai PI 507299
Southern States SS391 Unspecified X Unspecified
Southern States SS516 PI 549099
SS 516
Asgrow A4997 X Asgrow A5474PVP 9100149
Soy04-11 Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics 03KL016094 Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics 96-05287 Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics 96-20403 Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics 96-22065 Selection from Soy04-11Selection from Soy04-11
Soygenetics 97-31055 Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics 97-39372 Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics F10371 Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics F21461C Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics F2156C Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics F26135C Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics F35170C Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics F35481C Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics F35815C Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics F35978C Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics F36150C Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics F40355C Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics F40412C Unspecified X Unspecified
Soygenetics N27205C Unspecified X Unspecified
Soyola PI 614702
SY 29001
( N78-2117-3 x Brim D6393X BrimBrim(1),
Soysota PI 548417
Selection from PI 28019Selection from PI 28019
SP11513488 Pioneer P93M01 X JH10032580
SP11513497 Pioneer P93M20 X JH10032580
SP14847007 Pioneer P93M01 X JH10032629
SP16410155 YB30K06 X SP11513497
SP21045463 Pioneer P93Y70 X XR31C09
SP3449336 YB28C99 X Pioneer P93B01
SP3799102 A97-553010 X Pioneer P93B15
Sparks PI 548619
Williams X CallandPVP 8300072
Spartan PI 556824
Brysoy 9 X Pickett 71Bryco, Inc., PVP 8600119
Spencer PI 525454
A75-305022 X CenturyPVP 8800090
Spink PI 633039
ORC9002 X OzzieSouth Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 200300164
Sprite PI 536635
Williams X RansomPVP 8100163
Sprite 87 PI 546374
HC Sprite BC
Sprite (7) X Williams 82PVP 9000014
Spry PI 553051
L78-8694 X L78L-449PVP 9200229
SRF 100 Chippewa 64 (8) X D61-5141Soybean Research Foundation
SRF 101 PI 556634
Hark ( 2 ) X ( Wayne ( 3 ) x D61-5141 )Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8100152
SRF 150 SRF-150
PI 548683
Hark (7) X ( Wayne (3) x D61-5141 )Soybean Research Foundation
SRF 150P PI 556557
SRF 150 ( 6 ) X SRF 200Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7800055
SRF 174-AT PI 556477
Harosoy 63 ( 9 ) X D61-5141Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7400094
SRF 200 PI 556474
X68-136 X Amsoy 71Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7400002
SRF 205 PI 556675
SRF 150 ( 2 ) X SRF 200Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8300092
SRF 250 PI 556565
Hark X D61-5141Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7900112
SRF 300 Wayne (7) X D61-5141Soybean Research Foundation
SRF 307 PI 548687
Wayne ( 7 ) X D61-5141Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7100017
SRF 307B PI 548684
Wayne ( 7 ) X D61-5141Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7200099
SRF 307P PI 556476
L15 X 68g-19Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7400003
SRF 350 Wayne (3) X D61-5141Soybean Research Foundation
SRF 350P PI 556617
SRF 350 ( 6 ) X SRF 307PSoybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 8100115
SRF 400 SRF-400
PI 548682
Clark 63 (7) X D61-5141Soybean Research Foundation
SRF 425 PI 556475
Wayne ( 3 ) X ( Dorman ( 5 ) x PI181537 )Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7400005
SRF 450 PI 548685
Kent ( 8 ) X PI 088818Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7200077
SRF 450P PI 556567
SRF 450 ( 3 ) X SL5Soybean Research Foundation, Inc., PVP 7900113
SS 390 PI 549098
( Union x Asgrow A3127X ( L74L-228 x Asgrow A3127 )Southern States Cooperative, Inc., PVP 9100148
SS 461 PI 561183
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSouthern States Cooperative, Inc., PVP 9200144
SS 487 PI 556886
Asgrow A4268 X K1024Southern States Cooperative, Inc., PVP 8800116
SS-19561 Forrest (3) X PI 437645
SS-516 PI 549099
Asgrow A4997 X Asgrow A5474PVP 9100149; Southern States Cooperative
SS02-12014 Unspecified X Unspecified
SS02-161523 Unspecified X Unspecified
SS02-8173 Unspecified X Unspecified
SS16257-17 PI 1594166 X Ohio FG1
SS391 Unspecified X UnspecifiedSouthern States Cooperative
SS65-5702 Clark X ( Scott (2) x Peking )
SS88-19561 Forrest (3) X PI 437645
SS91-7138 Pioneer P9442 X Pioneer P9461
SS93-6012 PI 652442
MO/PSD-0259 X Asgrow A3834GP-362
SS93-6181 PI 652443
MO/PSD-0259 X Asgrow A3834GP-363
SS94-7482 Pioneer P9341 X S86-4499
SS94-7546 Pioneer P9341 X S86-4499
SS95-15348 Unspecified X Unspecified
SS95-3486 Asgrow A3242 X Northrup King S39-11
SS96-10704 Northrup King S39-11 X Asgrow A4715
SS96-5637 S88-1318 X S91-5371-17
SS98-3403 Northrup King S42-32 X Northrup King S35-35
SS98-7851 Pioneer P9362 X Magellan
SSR1-11 Jack X Pioneer P9341
SSR1-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
SST01-1918 Unspecified X Unspecified
SST02-12792 Unspecified X Unspecified
ST02-13025 Unspecified X Unspecified
ST2250 Unspecified X Unspecified
Stafford PI 508269
V66-318 X V68-2331
Starr PI 556818
Davis X N68-415Advanta USA, Inc., PVP 8600062
Steele PI 548620
Blackhawk X Harosoy
Stevens PI 556595
Wayne X HarkScientific Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8000076
Stonewall AU82-204
PI 531068
N73-693 X F76-8757
Stout-Rps1k PI 644024
Stout X Sprite 87GP-360
STPR14-358 N6001 X Young
STPR14-411 N6001 X YoungF4, Conv., Diversity-Protein, 12.5% exotic
STPR14-446 N6001 X Young
STPR14-459 N6001 X YoungF4, Conv., Diversity-Protein, 12.5% exotic
STPR14-504 N6001 X YoungConv.
Strain 171 IntroductionIntroduced to Canada from China ca. 1931
Stressland HC89-2170
PI 593645
HC80-1946 X Asgrow A3127
Stride PI 599299
Hack X LambertPVP 9800136
Strong-Rps1k PI 644025
Sprite 87 X HC85-6577BC5-F1, Strong recurrent parent ; Sprite 87 source of Rps1k, GP-359,
STS Unspecified X UnspecifiedSTS source from DuPont
Stuart Coker 57-257
Majos X Lee
Sturdy PI 542768
M70-127 X CenturyPVP 9000027
Su92-2121 AU82-211 X N85-574
Suaqui 86 PI 52491
( Rad x Cajeme )  X ( Tetabiate x Cajeme ) Northern mexico
Sui Nong 10 Selection from PI 593953
Summit PI 665057
IA3023 X HS99-4045CV-508, F4
Sumter PI 556722
( York x Davis ( a ) 160 )  X ForrestAdvanta USA, Inc., PVP 8300005
Surge PI 599300
A86-204022 X KatoPVP 9800137
Suzunishiki PI 592790
Unspecified X UnspecifiedKaneko Seeds Company, Ltd., PVP 9600189
Suzusayaka PI 643977
Suzuyutaka X Kyuko355National Agriculture and Food Organization, PVP 200600262
Suzutaka Unspecified X Unspecified
Suzuyutaka Karekei52 X Oku ShiromeJapanese tofu variety
SV90-3 MFA/06 RG 09 X RG 27
SW84112 PI 632316
CX339c X [ CX399 x ( CX366 x MON40-3-2 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300029
SW90702 PI 632310
CX339c X ( CX367c ( 2 ) x MON40-3-2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200300023
Swift PI 548500
11-54-240 X 11-54-132
SY 105001 NC ROY
Holladay X BrimU.S. Department of Agriculture/Agriculture Research Service and N.C. Agriculture Research Service, PVP 200100220
SY0107001 Santee
Coker 82-622 X HutchesonSouth Carolina Agriculture and Forestry Research System, PVP 200100207
SY32157 PI 628662
Cx469c X CX404Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 200200037
Sygenta S20-F8 Northrup King S20-F8
Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta 03JR101916 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta 03JR313108 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta 03JR321086 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta 03KL016094 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta 03RM893902 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta 04KL015644 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta 04KL108370 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta 04RM820808 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta 05KE307696 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta 30257-b02-07197 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta 98620-b1-51163 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta BA 743303 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta M815869 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta MT913155 Holt X Dairyland DSR304
Syngenta MT913155b Parker X Holt
Syngenta S00-55 PI 595087
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600257
Syngenta S00-66 PI 590532
B117 X BicentennialNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500190
Syngenta S00-88 PI 543932
( Maple Presto x WoodworthX Maple ArrowNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000262
Syngenta S00-A6 PI 619091
( Syngenta S20-26 x Syngenta S19-90X [ ( Syngenta S09-90 x B152 ) x Baron ]Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 200100202
Syngenta S05-12 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNorthrup King Company, PVP 8000007
Syngenta S05-D5 PI 603957
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9800261
Syngenta S05-T6 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta S06-57 PI 556844
McCall X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700111
Syngenta S07-80 PI 556895
McCall X SloanNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900209
Syngenta S08-80 PI 592892
Syngenta S07-80 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600193
Syngenta S09-90 PI 556643
Amsoy 71 ( 3 ) X PI189868Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100146
Syngenta S09-95 PI 578293
Syngenta S07-80 X Syngenta S23-03Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400137
Syngenta S10-F2 S10-F2
Exp 91133 X Exp C319428
Syngenta S12-22 PI 561205
9240R X WeberNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200168
Syngenta S12-44 PI 556502
Corsoy X WayneNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500086
Syngenta S12-49 PI 590533
McCall X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500191
Syngenta S13-46 PI 556501
A5-5629-4 X PI257435Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500085
Syngenta S13-J6 PI 597883
Syngenta S12-22 X Century 84Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9700265
Syngenta S14-60 PI 556658
Syngenta S14-92 X HodgsonNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8300088
Syngenta S14-74 PI 556482
Hark X WayneNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7300085
Syngenta S14-92 PI 548690
Corsoy X WayneNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7600066
Syngenta S14-U4 PI 610444
Syngenta S20-20 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900316
Syngenta S15-50 PI 556765
[ ( ( Mack x Corsoy ) x B216 ) x B216X ( Syngenta S12-44 x Mack )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500120
Syngenta S15-78 PI 556518
Amoy Rps1 X Clark 63Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7700078
Syngenta S16-60 PI 578294
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400138
Syngenta S16-Y6 M001219
Asgrow A2242 X Exp 02052-11
Syngenta S17-18 PI 556896
S48 X PellaNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900210
Syngenta S18-11 PI 592893
Syngenta S31-33 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600194
Syngenta S18-84 PI 556644
Syngenta S14-92 ( 3 ) X TracyNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200093
Syngenta S18-N5 J604217
Asgrow A3431 X Syngenta S18-11PVP 200200138
Syngenta S19-90 PI 556897
Pride B152 X PellaNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900211
Syngenta S19-T9 PI 610445
Syngenta S19-90 X PS42Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900317
Syngenta S20-20 S20-20
PI 540880
B152 X CM497Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000163
Syngenta S20-26 PI 556898
B152 X HS235Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900212
Syngenta S20-91 S20-91
PI 590534
Syngenta S21-98 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500192
Syngenta S21-98 PI 556863
Syngenta S25-96 X ( Syngenta S14-92 ( 4 ) x Tracy ) Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800144
Syngenta S21-A1 PI 597884
( Syngenta S14-60 x Syngenta S23-12X Asgrow A2234Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9700266
Syngenta S22-C3 PI 603803
Syngenta S33-32 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9800244
Syngenta S23-03 PI 556724
B216 X HodgsonNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400120
Syngenta S23-06 PI 592894
Syngenta S21-98 X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600195
Syngenta S23-12 PI 556822
Syngenta S13-46 X Asgrow A2575Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8600145
Syngenta S23-T5 03KL015303
744222 X 38154
Syngenta S24-12 PI 598215
[ B152 x ( Cutler 71 x Essex ) ] X Syngenta S29-20Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9700318
Syngenta S24-24 PI 556763
[ ( Mack x Corsoy ) x B216X B216Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500122
Syngenta S24-92 PI 561206
Asgrow A3127 X ( CM385 x CCM399 )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200169
Syngenta S24-L2 PI 610442
( B242 x Syngenta S25-96X Syngenta S19-90Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900314
Syngenta S25-07 PI 561207
Ozzie X Asgrow A5474Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200170
Syngenta S25-15 PI 540881
Lakota X Asgrow A3127Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000164
Syngenta S25-D3 PI 631167
Harovinton X Syngenta S24-12Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 200200139
Syngenta S25-J5 X9925
Exp 13404 X Pioneer P9273PVP 200000234
Syngenta S2596 PI 556585
Amsoy Rps X CutlerNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000009
Syngenta S26-06 PI 556864
Syngenta S18-84 X MatsoyNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800145
Syngenta S27-10 PI 556761
[ ( ( Mack x Corsoy ) x B216 ) x B216X ( Syngenta S13-46 x Mack )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500117
Syngenta S28-01 PI 561208
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200171
Syngenta S28-18 PI 540882
Syngenta S30-31 X Asgrow A3127Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000165
Syngenta S28-G1 WW152201
Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta S28-T3 PI 597885
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9700267
Syngenta S29-11 PI 578295
Syngenta S31-33 X Asgrow A3307Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400139
Syngenta S29-18 S29-18
PI 590535
Syngenta S31-33 ( 2 ) X Century 84Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500193
Syngenta S29-20 PI 556845
B216 X Asgrow A2575Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700113
Syngenta S29-39 PI 540883
B152 X 9240RNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000166
Syngenta S30-06 PI 566937
Asgrow A2943 X Syngenta S23-12Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9300185
Syngenta S30-31 PI 556660
B216 X DavisNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8300089
Syngenta S30-41 PI 556899
B152 X PellaNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900213
Syngenta S30-J2 PI 610447
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900319
Syngenta S30-Y8 J557707
Pioneer P9362 X Syngenta S35-35
Syngenta S31-33 PI 556900
WX1738 X L77-994Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900214
Syngenta S32-Z3 X99
Exp 13404 X Pioneer P9273
Syngenta S33-32 PI 556996
CM304-21 X WilliamsNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200003
Syngenta S33-45 PI 556586
Vickery X S48Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700114
Syngenta S33-N1 PI 603804
Unspecified X UnspecifiedNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9800245
Syngenta S34-19 PI 556865
B152 X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800143
Syngenta S35-35 PI 561209
Syngenta S39-99 X Asgrow A3127Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200172
Syngenta S36-36 PI 556866
Charger X Asgrow A3860Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800142
Syngenta S38-83 PI 561210
Syngenta S44-77 X Asgrow A3127Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200173
Syngenta S38-E9 PI 619095
Syngenta S35-35 X Asgrow A3200Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 200100206
Syngenta S38-T8 PI 613609
Syngenta S35-35 X Syngenta S46-44Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 200000235
Syngenta S39-11 PI 556997
Fayette X Syngenta S42-30Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200004
Syngenta S39-41 PI 578296
Syngenta S42-30 ( 2 ) X ( Williams 82 x PRX58-35 )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400140
Syngenta S39-93 PI 556725
Syngenta S14-92 X WoodworthNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400121
Syngenta S39-99 PI 556764
[ ( Syngenta S14-92 x Mack ) x ( Syngenta S14-92 x Lee 74 ) ] X ( Syngenta S13-46 x Mack )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500118
Syngenta S39-U2 CL0911453
Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta S40-44 PI 556645
Beeson X WilliamsNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100147
Syngenta S40-55 PI 556549
Beeson X CutlerNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 7800101
Syngenta S42-30 PI 556762
Essex X AP35Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8500119
Syngenta S42-32 PI 566936
MO2050 X Asgrow A5474Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9300184
Syngenta S42-40 PI 556723
Williams X EssexNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400122
Syngenta S42-50 PI 556901
B203 X Asgrow A3127Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8900215
Syngenta S42-60 PI 578297
Syngenta S42-30 X CM455Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400141
Syngenta S42-H1 J335752
PI 610443
Pioneer P9303 X Asgrow A4715Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900315
Syngenta S43-34 PI 540884
Fayette ( 3 ) X Syngenta S14-92Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000167
Syngenta S43-B5 PI 597886
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9700268
Syngenta S44-77 PI 556846
Asgrow A2575 X MackNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700112
Syngenta S45-01 PI 556659
Swift X DavisNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8300090
Syngenta S48-14 PI 595640
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600353
Syngenta S48-84 PI 543934
( Mitchell 450 x L77-994X Mitchell 410Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000264
Syngenta S51-00 PI 595641
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600354
Syngenta S52-25 PI 578888
Pioneer P5482 X Asgrow A5474Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400163
Syngenta S53-34 PI 556587
Essex X MackNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8700129
Syngenta S57-11 PI 578889
Asgrow A5474 X BraxtonNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400164
Syngenta S59-19 PI 556820
Bay X BedfordNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8600114
Syngenta S59-60 X9060
PI 560307
Coker 485 X ( Coker 76-927 x Epps )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200112
Syngenta S59-95 S59-95
PI 590536
Coker 82-645 ( 3 ) X Pioneer P8571Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9500194
Syngenta S61-10 PI 556867
Forrest X HoodNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800141
Syngenta S61-89 PI 543936
Selection from BedfordNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000266
Syngenta S62-62 PI 595642
Hutcheson X ( Coker 237 x Bedford )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600355
Syngenta S62-66 PI 564526
Coker 485 X ( Coker 485 x Epps ) Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9300019
Syngenta S64-23 PI 543935
J77-46 X ( Coker 136 ( 3 ) x Centennial )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000265
Syngenta S65-50 PI 595643
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600356
Syngenta S66-90 PI 578890
York X BedfordNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400165
Syngenta S67-70 PI 595644
Unspecified X UnspecifiedSyngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9600357
Syngenta S69-54 PI 556726
Ransom X Pickett 71Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8400064
Syngenta S69-96 PI 556656
Dare X YorkNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200165
Syngenta S72-60 PI 556654
Ransom X Pickett 71Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200164
Syngenta S74-40 PI 556868
Tracy X HuttonNovartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8800140
Syngenta S75-55 H88-2546
PI 576149
Coker 82-645 X ( Coker 82-645 x D77-6056 )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9400012
Syngenta S80-J2 PI 607541
Asgrow A6297 X H6686Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900224
Syngenta S83-30 S83-30
PI 543933
Braxton X Coker 368Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9000263
Syngenta SJ833009 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta WW115926 WW115926
Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta WW221162 Unspecified X Unspecified
Syngenta WW228348 Unspecified X Unspecified
T00038H005 Asgrow A3834 X Pioneer P93B82
T00539H117 Syngenta S42-60 X Pioneer P9492
T109 PI 84631
IntroductionUse the PI number to refer to this strain
T117 PI 548169
AK114 X PI 65394from AK
T118 PI 548421
Illini X Manchu A
T119 PI 548314
Illini X Manchu AT95
T122 PI 548170
T135 PI 548172
Selection from Illiniy9 mutant of Illini
T145 Unknown X Unknown
T180 Lincoln X RichlandF3 sib of T181, F3 sib of T181
T181 Lincoln (2) X Richlandnon-nodulating rjl mutant in Lincoln
T195 PI 548669
Selection from DunfieldRogue selection from Dunfield
T201 T181 X T180
T204 PI 548195
T136 X T122
T206 PI 548359
Selection from PekingRogue selection from Peking ca. 1921
T208 PI 548197
Selection from PI 196176Selection from PI 196176
T237 PI 548568
Lincoln X Seneca
T259H PI 548236
SL11 X L66L-177ms2, Male sterile
T43 PI 548161
Medium Green X Glaborous
T48 Manchu X Ebony
T70-4 Bragg X PI 200492
T95 Manchu A
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
Tall Unspecified X Unspecified
Talon Unspecified X Unspecified
Tamahakari PI uncertain
PI 423923
SY 940019
Tamahikari Souga Zairai X Chuu Teppou
Tamanishike Selection from Landrace
Tanbaguro PI 659062
SY 902001
IntroductionFrom seed broker, Japanese probably
Tanloxi Unspecified X Unspecified
Tanner Selection from OtootanSelection from Otootan
Tara PI 632418
[ ( ( Wilson ( 6 ) x Forrest ) x ( Perry x ( Williams x PI229358 ) ) ) x RipleyX DisoyU.S. Government, as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture, PVP 200300172
TC 137 PI 556574
M60-406 X ( Amsoy ( 8 ) x C1253 ) Agripro Seeds, Inc., PVP 8000071
TC11POMUT-20 Unspecified X Unspecified
TC11POMUT-5 Unspecified X Unspecified
TCHM06-M-204 Selection from HolladayLate maturing mutant in Holladay
TCHM06-Morph-204 Selection from HolladaySelection from Holladay
TCPR-83 Unspecified X Unspecified
TCPR92-5 Unspecified X Unspecified
TCPR92-64 Unspecified X Unspecified
TCPR96-1213 Young X Tanbaguro
TCPR96-1215 Young X Tanbaguro
TCWN05/06-5045 Cook X SC97-1821
TCWN05/06-5050 Cook X SC97-1821
TCWN05/06-5165 Cook X SC97-1821
TCWN05X06-5045 Cook X SC97-1821RESISTANT TO MN DEF
TCWN05X06-5050 Cook X SC97-1821RESISTANT TO MN DEF
Teejay PI 642935
Hutcheson X CliffordPVP 200600205
Tennessee Non pop Tokyo X PI 54610Bulletin 1746
Terra-Vig 505 PI 556697
Dare X R64-502Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8200153
Terra-Vig 515 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTerral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600034
Terra-Vig 553 PI 556793
Forrest X D68-4641Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600001
Terra-Vig 5555 PI 564082
Asgrow A5980 X DPL 415Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 9300010
Terra-Vig 5676 PI 565091
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTerral Seed, Inc., PVP 9300094
Terra-Vig 606 PI 556612
Dare X D64-3937Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8000163
Terra-Vig 616 PI 556795
Experimental 128 X Experimental 41Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600005
Terra-Vig 6253 PI 565092
( Pershing x Coker 355X ( Coker 485 x Epps )Terral Seed, Inc., PVP 9300095
Terra-Vig 6792 PI 565093
Coker 686 X D7-6103Terral Seed, Inc., PVP 9300096
Terra-Vig 708 PI 556516
Coker Hampton 266 X BraggTerral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 7605003
Terra-Vig 717 PI 556794
Experimental 128 X Experimental 41Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600006
Terra-Vig 808 PI 556819
[ ( N64-2451 x Dyer ) x Pickett 71X MackTerral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8600033
Terral TV5495 PI 591050
DPL 415 X Asgrow A5980Terral Seed, Inc., PVP 9500257
Terral TV5666RR PI 601985
Bay X ( Asgrow A5474 x 40-3-2 ) Terral Seed, Inc., PVP 9800042
Terral TV5797 TVX 9401
TN5-85 X DPL 415
Terral TV5893 PI 596333
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTerral Seed, Inc., PVP 9700055
TGx 1987-118F PI 657703
UG-5 X TGx1805-31FF7, GP-370
TGx 1987-129F PI 657701
UG-5 X TGx1805-31FF7, GP-368
TGx 1987-76F PI 657702
UG-5 X TGx1805-31FF7, GP-369
TGx1805-31F Unspecified X UnspecifiedIITA lines, high yielding
Thomas G80-1413
PI 522236
Centennial X F71-1138
Thompson 7803 Wells X Williams
Thompson T-3211 Unspecified X Unspecified
Thompson T7803 Wells X Williams
Thompson T8112 Harwood X Williams
Thorne PI 564718
A80-344003 X A3127BC3F2-1PVP 9300097
Titan PI 608438,E93147
E86067 X Kenwood
TJS 410 PI 608006
Unspecified X UnspecifiedT J Seed Company, PVP 9900312
TK 89 PI 556926
Premier X VintonKing Agro Inc., PVP 9000023
TN-5601T Selection from 5601TSelection from 5601T
TN-86 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN-EXW2-051 Essex X Williams 82
TN-EXW2-111 Essex X Williams 82
TN-EXW2-141 Essex X Williams 82
TN00-60 MD92-5769 X Fillmore
TN01-032 Caviness X Anand
TN01-056 TN93-88 X MD 4900
TN01-235 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN01-294RR Unspecified X Unspecified
TN01-360-RR TN93-99RR (3) X UnspecifiedPresumably crossed with Mon RR
TN02-05RR MD94-5396 X ( TN95-53 x MON RR )
TN02-064RR Anand X ( TN95-53 x MON RR )
TN02-104RR Anand X ( TN95-53 x MON RR )
TN02-134RR Anand X ( TN95-53 x MON RR )
TN02-151RR Anand X ( TN95-53 x MON RR )
TN02-169 Fowler X MD94-5396
TN02-204 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN02-205 TN94-213 X MD94-5396
TN02-224 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN02-225 Fowler X Anand
TN02-226 Fowler X Anand
TN02-275 Fowler X Anand
TN02-283 Fowler X Anand
TN02-302 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN02-303 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN03-011RR TN93-87 (4) X MON RR
TN03-012RR TN93-87 (4) X MON RR
TN03-217 N94-7440 X MFS-553
TN03-234 Terral TV5797 X TN4-94
TN03-235 Terral TV5797 X TN4-94
TN03-349 TN93-99 X PI 416937
TN04-089 5601T X TN99-368
TN04-124 5601T X S94-1867
TN04-5321 Prolina X TN93-99
TN04-593RR 5601T X ( Fowler x TN93-87RR )
TN04-616-RR 5601T (3) X ( TN93-99 (3) x MON RR )
TN04-617-RR 5601T (3) X ( TN93-99 (3) x MON RR )
TN05-3027 LG01-3733 X LG97-9301= F3:5 Rend
TN05-4008 LG01-1745 X HS93-4118= F3:5 LG97-9015
TN05-4034 N98-4445 X S99-4074
TN05-5018 Ellis
5601T X 5002T
TN05-5109 S97-1688 X CX1834-1-2
TN05-5118 560T X CX1834-1-2
TN05-547RR 5601T (3) X ( TN93-99 (3) x MON RR )
TN05-548RR 5601T (3) X ( TN93-99 (3) x MON RR )
TN06-181 5601T X S97-1688
TN06-218 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN06-219 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN07-621 TN02-302 X U98-307917
TN07-694 TN02-204 X TN02-303
TN07-700 LS97-1610 X TN02-225
TN07-754 5601T X 5002T
TN08-098 TN99-117 X MD96-5722
TN08-100 5601T X PI 417088
TN08-101 5601T X PI 417088
TN08-106 TN02-303 X S98-1375
TN08-109 TN02-303 X S98-1375
TN08-113 TN02-303 X S98-1375
TN08-114 TN02-303 X S98-1375
TN08-118 TN02-224 X N99-510
TN09-004 Fowler X Anand
TN09-008 PI 868907
Fowler X AnandCV-527
TN09-016 Fowler X Anand
TN09-029 Fowler X Anand
TN09-168 MD00-5326 X HC99-2846
TN09-193 TN02-302 X U98-307917
TN09-239 5601T (4) X CX1834-1-2LOW PHYTATE
TN09-242 S98-1375 X TN02-225
TN09-44,420 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-45 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-45,368 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-45,497 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN09-45432 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-46 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-46,128 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN09-46,665 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN09-46551 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-46989 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-47 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-47,169 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-47,315 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-47169 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-48 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-48,012 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN09-48,343 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN09-48263 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN10-4,409 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN10-4037 LG01-3733 X LG97-9301HO
TN10-4037-HO Unspecified X Unspecified
TN10-4037-HO-530-214 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN10-4037-HO-530-214HO Unspecified X Unspecified
TN10-4038 Rend X LG97-9301
TN10-4404 5601T X SB-01
TN10-4409 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN10-5002 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN10-5002LL Unspecified X Unspecified
TN11-20,133 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN11-3519 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN11-4502 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN11-4510 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN11-4513 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN11-4532 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN11-5037 Holladay X Manokin
TN11-5053 Hutcheson X TN89-39
TN11-5062 Holladay X Manokin
TN11-5088 Hutcheson X TN89-39
TN11-5095 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN11-5102 PI 686908
Hutcheson X TN89-39F21 reselection of 5601T, CV-526
TN11-5104 Hutcheson X TN89-39
TN11-5118 Hutcheson X TN89-39
TN11-5140 PI 685014
Hutcheson X TN89-39Conv., High Protein
TN11-5510 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN12-3002 TN06-218 X K03-2897
TN12-4061 Rend X LG97-9301
TN12-4090 TN06-219 X IA3024
TN12-4712R2 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN12-5014 5601T X TN03-349
TN12-5015 5601T X TN03-349
TN12-5507R2 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN12-5508R2 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN12-5523R2 TN02-226 X MON RR2YRR2
TN12-5712R2 TN02-226 X MON RR2YRR2
TN12-5716 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN12-6509 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN13-3519R2 LD02-7222P X ( TN02-226 x MON RR2 )RR2
TN13-4301 Rend X LG97-9301Conv., 37 % exotic
TN13-4304 Selection from AVRDC AGS 292Reselection from AVRDC AGS292, Conv., Meal Protein ? 48%
TN13-4508R2 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN13-4710R2 5002T X TN09-46665
TN13-4730RR1 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN13-5001 S97-1688 X SB-01
TN13-5001LL Unspecified X UnspecifiedLL
TN13-5503R2 5002T X TN09-46665
TN13-5508R2 5002T X TN09-46,665RR2
TN13-5531RR1 TN01-294RR X LG98-1445RR1, 12.5 % exotic
TN13-5535 TN13-5535RR1
Unspecified X Unspecified
TN13-5538MON RR TN01-294RR X LG98-1445= 75T40 SP No.91.
TN13-5538R1 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN13-5538R1-4 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN13-5539MON RR TN01-294RR X LG98-1445= 75T40 SP No.30.
TN13-5723R2 5601T X TN09-45,497
TN13-5741R2 TN02-226 X MON RR2Y
TN13-5745RR1 5601T (4) X TN93-99RRRR1
TN13-5746RR1 5601T (4) X TN93-99RRRR1
TN14-4001 G03-3101 X LD00-2817P
TN14-4008 TN09-029 X ( 17D x S08-14788 #7 )
TN14-4015 TN09-029 X ( 17D x S08-14788 #7 )
TN14-4402 TN09-029 X TN10-4030
TN14-4425 Holladay X Manokin
TN14-5017 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN14-5021 Caviness X AnandConv.
TN14-5035 Caviness X AnandConv.
TN14-5035-HO Unspecified X Unspecified
TN14-5035-LL Unspecified X Unspecified
TN14-5542R2 TN08-114 X TN09-48343RR2
TN15-4009 PI 691608
TN09-016 X S05-11482Conv., GP-437
TN15-4011 TN09-016 X S05-11482Conv.
TN15-4023 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN15-4038 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN15-4302 OSAGE X TN10-4409Meal Protein ? 48%, Conv.
TN15-4545 TN02-226 X MON RR2YRR2
TN15-4546 TN02-226 X MON RR2YRR2
TN15-5005 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN15-5007 PI 692131
OSAGE X TN10-4409Meal Protein ? 48%, Conv., CV-535
TN15-5008 Osage X TN10-4409Meal Protein ? 48%, Conv.
TN15-5012 Osage X TN07-754Conv., Meal Protein ? 48%
TN15-5015 TN09-016 X S05-11482Conv
TN15-5503 TN09-46,128 X TN11-20133RR2
TN16-5024 TN09-008 X Ellis
TN16-5027 TN09-008 X Ellis
TN16-510 Ellis (4) X TN13-4730RR1, BC4F2
TN16-5109 JTN-4607 X [ NC-Raleigh x ( NCC02-20578 x ( PI 603452 x PI 283327 ) ) ]Conv.
TN16-510R1 Ellis (5) X TN13-4730R1
TN16-520 Ellis (4) X TN13-4730RR1RR1, BC4F2 derived
TN16-520R1 Ellis (5) X TN13-4730R1
TN16-521 Ellis (4) X TN13-4730RR1RR1, BC4F2
TN16-521R1 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN16-532 Ellis (4) X TN13-4730RR1RR1, BC4F2 derived
TN16-5817RR1 Ellis (2) X TN13-4730RR1RR1, BC2 derived
TN16-5858R1 Ellis (2) X TN13-5535RR1RR1, BC1 derived
TN16-619 Ellis (4) X TN13-4730RR1RR1, BC4F2
TN16-630 Ellis (4) X TN13-4730RR1RR1, BC4F2
TN16-630R1 Ellis (5) X TN13-4730R1
TN16-645 Ellis (4) X TN13-4730RR1RR1, BC4F2
TN17-4416 S09-14175 X Ellis
TN18-4005 S09-9943 X 13-531-261
TN18-4006 S09-9943 X 13-531-261
TN18-4047 NCC09-200719-1-37 X 2013-50,454
TN18-4049 NCC09-200719-1-37 X 2013-50,454
TN18-4051 NCC09-200719-1-37 X 2013-50,454
TN18-4110 ( Ellis(4) x TN13-5001X ( Ellis(4) x TN10-4037 )
TN18-4110b ( Ellis (4) x TN13-5001-lnX ( Ellis (4) x TN10-4037-HO )
TN18-4127 ( Ellis(4) x TN13-5001LLX ( Ellis(4) x TN10-4037-HO )
TN18-4130 Ellis(4) X [ ( TN13-5001LL x Ellis(4) ) x TN10-4037-HO-530-214HO ]
TN18-5001 DB06x038-70 X HM11-W193
TN19-4004 LG11-6760 X TN15-4038
TN19-4012 LG11-6760 X TN15-4038
TN19-4053 TN11-5095 X HM11-W192
TN19-4070 LG11-6760 X TN15-4038
TN19-4074 TN14-4001 X TN14-4402
TN19-4100 TN09-008 X Ellis
TN19-4101 TN09-008 X Ellis
TN19-4714R1 S12-2418 X S12-8223
TN19-4734R1 S12-2336 X S12-8223
TN19-5748R1 TN13-5538R1-4 X [ TN13-5001LL x ( TN13-5538R1(4) x TN10-4037-HO-530-214 ) ]
TN19-5750R1 TN13-5538R1-4 X [ TN13-5001LL x ( TN13-5538R1(4) x TN10-4037-HO-530-214 ) ]
TN20-4043 TN14-5017 X S11-17025
TN20-4050 TN14-5017 X S11-17025
TN20-4051 TN14-5017 X S11-17025
TN20-4708R1 TN14-5017 X S11-20337RR1
TN20-5036 TN14-5017 X S11-17025
TN20-5043 TN14-5017 X TN15-4023
TN21-4606 S13-10590 X Ellis-HOLL
TN21-4659 DA10x30-09F X TN15-4011
TN21-4660 DA10x30-09F X TN15-4011
TN21-4668 DA10x30-09F X TN15-4011
TN21-4721R1 TN16-521R1 X Ellis-HOLL
TN21-4723R1 TN16-521R1 X Ellis-HOLL
TN21-5002 S13-10590 X Ellis-HOLL
TN21-5005 S13-10590 X Ellis-HOLL
TN21-5016 SA12-1451 X TN15-5005
TN21-5050 TN09-008 X S13-10590
TN21-5707R1 S14-15146 X Ellis-HOLL
TN21-5708R1 S14-15146 X Ellis-HOLL
TN21-5710R1 S14-15146 X Ellis-HOLL
TN22-4620 Ellis-HOLL X SA13-1310
TN22-5028 Ellis-HOLL X K15-1310
TN22-5030 TN14-5035-HO X TN14-5035-LL
TN22-5035 TN14-5035-HO X TN14-5035-LL
TN22-5060 Ellis-HOLL X K15-1310
TN22-5075 TN14-5035-HO X TN14-5035-LL
TN22-5091 TN14-5035-HO X TN14-5035-LL
TN4-86 TN83-7
Bedford X CrawfordSingle plant selection from F6 generation
TN4-94 TN4-86 X TN84-87
TN5-85 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN5-92 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN5-95 Asgrow A5474 X TN83-67
TN56Cx-1273 5601T X TN09-239low phytate; >50% protein meal
TN76-32 Jill X York
TN77-111 D68-127 X EssexDwarf mutant of D68-127
TN77-46 Forrest X Mitchell
TN80-69 Essex X J74-40
TN80-83 Essex X J74-40
TN81-2 Lee 74 X Mitchell
TN82-162 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN82-268 Essex X ( Bay x N73-520 )
TN82-94 Essex (5) X ( Bay (2) x N73-520 )
TN83-167 Lee 74 X TN76-32
TN83-22 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN83-26 J74-40 X K1017
TN83-67 J74-45 X Mitchell
TN83-7 Bedford X Crawford
TN84-21 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN84-87 V75-345 X S76-2229
TN85-157 D72-8927 X TN80-83
TN85-42 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN85-55 TN77-46 X Fayette
TN87-198 Asgrow A5474 X V78-1355
TN88-63 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN88-87 Asgrow A5474 X TN83-167
TN89-39 TN81-2 X TN80-69
TN90-03 TN-86 X TN84-87Released as TN4-94
TN90-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN90-58 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN90-91 Stafford X TN82-94
TN91-07 TN4-86 X TN83-22
TN91-220-53 Hutcheson X TN5-85
TN91-55 TN4-86 X TN83-67
TN91SS-33 Rocky X Vance
TN92-198 Hutcheson X TN82-162
TN92-228 V74-315 X TN82-94
TN92-249 D72-8927 X TN5-85
TN92-64 TN4-86 X TN83-22
TN93-142 Hutcheson X ( TN85-55 x TN83-26 )
TN93-142-17 Hutcheson X ( TN85-55 x TN83-26 )
TN93-55 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN93-74 TN84-21 X TN85-42
TN93-87 TN85-55 X TN82-268
TN93-87RR Unspecified X Unspecified
TN93-88 TN85-55 X TN82-268
TN93-99 Hutcheson X ( TN85-55 x TN5-85 )
TN93-99RR TN93-99 X UnspecifiedDeriviative of 1N93-99; US7777102, RR
TN94-213 S85-1009 X Hutcheson
TN95-268 Cordell X Hutcheson
TN95-53 TN4-86 X Kunitz
TN95-95 TN4-86 X Kunitz
TN96-115 K1192 X Manokin
TN96-192 Hartwig X Manokin
TN96-58 5601T
Hutcheson X TN89-39PVP200400045
TN96-63 N85-578 X Manokin
TN96-64 N85-578 X Manokin
TN96-68 5002T
N85-578 X ManokinPVP 200400178
TN96-84 TN5-95 X Manokin
TN97-02 K1192 X N87-325
TN97-134 TN90-58 X Spencer
TN97-167 TN89-39 X Manokin
TN97-271 N86-7687 X Hutcheson
TN98-149 N87-325 X S88-1855
TN98-170 TN88-63 X TN5-92
TN98-219 S85-1009 X TN5-92
TN98-228 N86-7687 X Manokin
TN98-76 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN98-76077 Unspecified X Unspecified
TN99-117 N92-189 X V90-1012
TN99-184 K1309 X V90-1012
TN99-186 K1309 X V90-1012
TN99-191 TN92-64 X TN93-55
TN99-368 Soyola X [ ( Brim x N88-431 ) x ( N90-2013 x C1726 ) ]
TN99-376 Soyola X [ ( Brim x N88-431 ) x ( N90-2013 x C1726 ) ]
TN99-76,077 N97-3525,
Selection from SateliteSelection from Satelite
TN99-76194 Unspecified X Unspecified
TNLR-07 TN10-4037 X [ NC-Raleigh x ( NC-Burton x ( PI 603452 x PI 283327 ) ) ]Oleic ? 75%, Conv.
TNLR-10 TN10-4037 X [ NC-Raleigh x ( NC-Burton x ( PI 603452 x PI 283327 ) ) ]Oleic ? 75% Conv.
TNLR-12 TN10-4037 X [ NC-Raleigh x ( NC-Burton x ( PI 603452 x PI 283327 ) ) ]Oleic ? 75%, Conv.
Toano PI 508268
Ware X Essex
Tokyo PI 171454; Tokyo
Jp 1901
Selection from PI 8424
Tomahomare PI 561391
IntroductionVegetable soybean
Toyopro PI 592560
M81-610 X M76-349PVP 9600076
Toyosamari Unspecified X Unspecified
Tracker Unspecified X Unspecified
Tracy PI 548983
D61-618 X D60-9647PVP 7400062
Tracy-M Tracy X ( D61-618 x D60-9647 )Metribuzin tolerant selection,
Traill PI 596541
M82-996 X Sigco KG20PVP 9700293
Traverse PI 548621
Lincoln X Mandarin (Ottawa)
Tri-Valley Charger Trivalley Charger
IVR 1120 X CallandMidwest Oilseeds Inc
Tri-Valley Charger III Trivalley Charger III
Mitchell X Cutler 71Midwest Oilseeds Inc
Troll PI 614806,HC90-196
Sprite 87 X HC80-1756
TS250 PI 556642
Hark x Wayne X [ ( Hark x Wayne ) x Amsoy 71 ]Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 8100176
Ts70-4 Bragg X PI 200492
Ts72-6 Bragg X PI 200492
Ts72-824 Bethel X Clark 63
Ts73-16 Dowling
PI 548663
Semmes X PI 200492
Ts77-5 D66-8556 X Ransom
TSB88-1266 Braxton X N77-889
TSB90-302 Dowling X Braxton
Turner PI 612976
Glenwood X JackPVP 200000171
TV4975 PI 607581
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTerral Seed, Inc., PVP 9900264
Twiggs PI 511813
Centennial X Forrest
TX 74053 TN94-213 X MD94-5396
TX12-06 V99-1685 X R01-3474F
TX12-09 V99-1685 X R01-3474F
TX12-10 V99-1685 X R01-3474F
TypXX stam 9 Unspecified X Unspecified
Tyrone PI 601984
[ ( Wilson ( 6 ) x Forrest ) x ( Perry x ( Williams x PI229358 ) ) ] X RipleyAgricultural Research Service USDA, PVP 9800029
U00-130753 NE3001 X Asgrow A2833
U00-405036-031 NE3001 X Hol-672
U00-408032-048 ( NE3001 x HOE x 149 )
U00-424033 NE3001 X UP1C6-47
U00-429029 NE3001 X U96-3640
U00-429037 U6-1612 X U96-3601
U00-433038 Unspecified X Unspecified
U00424033 Unspecified X Unspecified
U01-190127 Unspecified X Unspecified
U01-190311 NE1900 X A97-871009
U01-290401 Unspecified X Unspecified
U01-290680 NE3001 X HOL-833
U01-290931 M91-163126 X NE1900
U01-310156 Selection from UP3YC1S3Selection from UP3YC1S3 population
U01-390489 IA1008 X NE3001
U01-390787 NE3001 X Pioneer P93B82
U02-100215 Harbin 92 X NE1900
U02-140131 NE1900 X A97-770031
U02-240807 NE1900 X A97-770031
U02-242055 NE1900 X Pioneer P93B82
U02-242055-0165 Unspecified X Unspecified
U02-242055-0187 Unspecified X Unspecified
U02-341563 NE3400 X Pioneer P93B82
U03-100612 MSPB6S4 X Pioneer P93B82NAM Strain
U03-130145R AAK 2501 MOR X U99-507030R
U03-200238 NE3202 X Pioneer P92B12
U03-200317 U99-009019 X Pioneer P92B12
U03-260216 U99-009019 X UP1Fe (S1) C7-150
U03-300134 NE32022 X NE2802
U03-331729 U99-009019 X CBN 1900 HO
U03-400435 Pioneer P92B12 X U97-207904
U03-801564R DAK 2501 X ( CBN 1900 HO x U99-507030R )
U03-823141R DAK 2501 X ( CBN 1900 HO x U99-507030R )
U03-825124R DAK 2501 X ( CBN 1900 HO x U99-507030R )
U03-827101 Unspecified X Unspecified
U03-830131R DAK 2501 X ( CSR 3322 x U99-507030R )
U04-604039 Selection from UP1C8-90-123-10
U04-614043 Selection from UP1C8-90-223-18
U04-615036 Selection from UP1C8-90-233-20
U04-625036 Selection from UP1C8-130-125-19
U04-632043 Selection from UP1C8-90-223-18
U06-300952 U98-307917 X U01-310156
U06-814223R Unspecified X Unspecified
U07-135377R NEX2803Y3R X U03-823141R
U07-135478R Unspecified X Unspecified
U07-135601R Unspecified X Unspecified
U07-135636R Unspecified X Unspecified
U07-236486R Unspecified X Unspecified
U07-236940R NEX2403K2R X U03-130145R
U07-237058R Unspecified X Unspecified
U07-237991R Unspecified X Unspecified
U07-338254R Unspecified X Unspecified
U07-402918 U01-390489 X ( U00-429037 x Essex )
U07-439042R Unspecified X Unspecified
U07-439221R Unspecified X Unspecified
U08-917024R Unspecified X Unspecified
U08-924029R Unspecified X Unspecified
U08-932024R Unspecified X Unspecified
U09-105007 OAC 05-21 X U03-300134
U09-105007-174 Unspecified X Unspecified
U09-118017 U01-190311 X U02-242055
U09-126009 Unspecified X Unspecified
U09-129007 U01-390489 X U03-200317
U09-133005 U02-242055 X U03-200317
U09-133021 U02-242055 X U03-200317
U09-202083 OAC 05-21 X U03-400435
U09-209069 U01-190311 X U02-242055
U09-210042 U01-190311 X U03-200317
U09-210051 U01-190311 X U03-200317
U09-211049 U01-190311 X U03-300134
U09-211070 U01-190311 X U03-300134
U09-215057 U01-390489 X U03-200317
U09-224078 U03-200317 X U03-300134
U09-233044 Selection from UP2YC4S3Selection from population?
U09-234083 Selection from UP2YC4Selection from population UP2YC4
U09-310098 U02-242055 X U03-200317
U09-311114 U02-242055 X U03-200317
U09-312115 U02-242055 X U03-300134
U09-316113 LD01-5907 X U03-300134
U09-317120 U03-300134 X U03-400435
U09-323109 Selection from UP2YC4S3
U09-407147 Unspecified X Unspecified
U092-15057 Unspecified X Unspecified
U093-11114 Unspecified X Unspecified
U10-425065 ( U01-390489 x LD01-5907X U02-341563
U10-430052 ( U01-390489 x LD01-5907X U02-341563
U10727 Wayne X C1317-71
U10917 C1253 X Wayne
U11-374036 U03-100612 X LD02-7222P
U11-410122 LG04-6000 X U03-300134
U11-410128 Unspecified X Unspecified
U11-444079 U03-300134 X LD00-3309
U11-494100 LG04-6005 X LD00-2817P
U11-602165R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-603167R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-604181R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-605178R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-605186R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-606184R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-607166R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-607174R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-608163R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-608165R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-608172R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-609163R U07-135478R X U08-917024R
U11-609165R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-610107 LD02-4485 X U03-100612
U11-610109 LD02-4485 X U03-100612
U11-610186R U07-135478R X U08-917024R
U11-611178R U07-135478R X U08-917024R
U11-614093 U02-242055 X LD04-13265
U11-614119 U02-242055 X LD04-13265
U11-616086 U02-242055 X LD02-4485
U11-619102 U03-300134 X LD00-3309
U11-629168R U07-439042R X U07-135478R
U11-638173R U07-236486R X U07-135478R
U11-643172R U07-236486R X U08-924029R
U11-902111R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-902116R U07-338254R X U07-135478R
U11-904117R U07-135478R X U08-924029R
U11-906115R U08-924029R X U07-439221R
U11-911079 LD02-4485 X U03-300134
U11-917032 LD02-4485 X U03-100612
U11-919011 LD02-4485 (5) X U03-300134
U11-920017 HS5-3417 X LD02- 4485
U11-924119R U07-439042R X U07-135478R
U11-926111R U07-439042R X U07-135478R
U11-927115R U07-237058R X U07-135478R
U11-927121R U07-237058R X U07-135478R
U11-931121R U07-236486R X U07-135478R
U11-932025 U06-300952 X U03-100612
U11-932079 U06-300952 X U03-100612
U11-935093 Unspecified X Unspecified
U11239 Amsoy X Wayne
U11406 PI 548566
C1432 X C1430PVP 8000031
U11532 Wayne X C1317-71
U12-428210 Dairyland 75517 X K07-1544
U12-902102R U07-135601R X U07-135377R
U12-902104R U07-135601R X U07-135377R
U12-902108R U07-135601R X U07-135377R
U12-903124R U07-135601R X U07-135377R
U12-904114R U07-135601R X U07-135377R
U12-906103R U07-135601R X U07-135377R
U12-907117R U07-135601R X U07-135377R
U12-909109R U07-135601R X U07-135377R
U12-909110R U07-135601R X U07-135377R
U12-911104R U07-135601R X U07-135377R
U12-913114R U07-135601R X U07-237991R
U12-915108R U07-135601R X U07-237991R
U12-916111R U07-135601R X U07-237991R
U12-916112R U07-135601R X U07-237991R
U12-917104R U07-135601R X U07-237991R
U12-920105R U07-135601R X U08-932024R
U12-920124R U07-135601R X U08-932024R
U12-921088 MN1410 X LD04-13265
U12-922122R U07-135601R X U08-932024R
U12-923116R U07-135601R X U08-932024R
U12-923122R U07-135601R X U08-932024R
U12-924117R U07-135601R X U08-932024R
U12-926101R U07-135601R X U08-932024R
U12-926110R U07-135601R X U08-932024R
U12-926115R U07-135601R X U08-932024R
U12-927105R U07-135601R X U08-932024R
U13-131132 Unspecified X Unspecified
U13-203400 U09-215057 X U09-312115
U13-212431 Unspecified X Unspecified
U13-213431 U09-312115 X U03-260216
U13-220427 U07-402918 X U09-233044
U13-226415 U09-209069 X U09-311114
U13-227417 U09-209069 X U09-311114
U13-228304 Unspecified X Unspecified
U13-231286 LD04-13265 X UX2759-1F1
U13-233401 U09-311114 X U10-425065
U13-234286 U09-311114 X LD04-13265
U13-602106 Unspecified X Unspecified
U13-603120 U09-323109 X U09-312115
U13-604147 U09-323109 X U09-312115
U13-609144 U09-312115 X U03-260216
U13-611161 Unspecified X Unspecified
U13-618087 U03-260216 X U10-425065
U13-905029 U09-215057 X U03-260216
U13-931068 U03-260216 X U10-425065
U14-103015 LG07-2249 X LG07-6944
U14-108007 U11-926035 X U09-105007
U14-110036 U11-926035 X U09-105007
U14-111010 U11-935093 X U09-105007
U14-112015 Unspecified X Unspecified
U14-112042 Unspecified X Unspecified
U14-114011 Unspecified X Unspecified
U14-206326 U11-926035 X U09-215057
U14-211209 U09-407147 X LD02-4485
U14-211226 Unspecified X Unspecified
U14-212231 U09-407147 X LD02-4485
U14-212285 Unspecified X Unspecified
U14-213255 U09-407147 X U09-317120
U14-216260 U11-921041 X U09-210051
U14-217227 U11-935093 X LD07-3419
U14-217253 Unspecified X Unspecified
U14-218244 Unspecified X Unspecified
U14-219257 U11-935093 X LD07-3419
U14-220237 Unspecified X Unspecified
U14-221187 U09-234083 X U09-312115
U14-222063 06NB204846 X LG07-9721
U14-227255 U11-935093 X U09-215057
U14-322043 U09-215057 X U09-407147
U14-602105 U09-312115 X ( U09-209069 x U09-311114 )
U14-604086 Unspecified X Unspecified
U14-605217 U09-215057 X LD07-3419
U14-606112 U10-425065 X U09-323109
U14-617066 U09-311114 X ( U09-312115 x U07-402918 )
U14-618064 U09-234083 X U09-312115
U14-903100 U09-105007 X CL05-32415
U14-909100 U09-105007 X LD02-4485
U14-910097 U09-105007 X LD07-3419
U14-912075 U09-105007 X LD07-3419
U14-915126 U09-215057 X U09-126009
U14-916082 Unspecified X Unspecified
U14-918103 Unspecified X Unspecified
U14-919098 U09-105007 X U09-215057
U14-923045 U09-234083 X U09-312115
U14-923097 U09-105007 X U09-317120
U14-924158 U11-935093 X LD07-3419
U14-925062 U09-234083 X U09-312115
U14-925152 U11-935093 X LD07-3419
U14-927142 Unspecified X Unspecified
U14-929047 U10-425065 X U09-323109
U15-203099 LD07-3419 X U11-614093
U15-219169 U09-312115 X U11-614093
U15-224117 U03-100612 X U09-105007
U15-231102 U09-312115 X U11-614093
U15-320173 U09-312115 X U11-614093
U15-322139 U09-312115 X U11-614093
U15-322140 U09-312115 X U11-614093
U15-324153 U09-312115 X U11-614093
U15-606207 LD07-3419 X U09-105007
U15-917133 U09-133005 X U11-614093
U15-927115 Unspecified X Unspecified
U15-934067 U11-919011 X U11-921041
U16-125610 U02-242055-0165 X U09-105007-174
U16-126608 U02-242055-0187 X U09-105007-174
U16-126662 U02-242055-0165 X U09-105007-174
U16-127010 U09-105007-174 X AR09-191018
U16-127621 U02-242055-0187 X U09-105007-174
U16-128607 U09-105007-174 X U11-919011
U16-128648 U09-105007-174 X U11-919011
U16-129612 U09-105007-174 X U11-919011
U16-129646 U11-932025 X U13-602106
U16-129655 U11-932025 X U13-602106
U16-207253 U11-614093 X U02-242055
U16-317096 U11-410122 X U13-611161
U16-322148 U11-614093 X U13-602106
U16-322178 U11-614093 X U13-602106
U16-323153 U11-614093 X U13-602106
U16-323177 U11-614093 X U13-602106
U16-324137 U11-919011 X U11-614093
U16-324189 U11-614093 X U13-602106
U16-325193 U11-919011 X U11-614093
U16-326197 U11-919011 X U11-614093
U16-603132 U11-614093 X U12-415209
U16-605223 U13-611161 X U11-614093
U16-605224 U13-611161 X U11-614093
U16-605284 U11-410122 X U11-614093
U16-609052 U11-932025 X U09-105007-174
U16-609059 U11-932025 X U09-105007-174
U16-610065 U11-932025 X U09-105007-174
U16-610243 U09-312115 X U11-614093
U16-902058 U11-919011 X U11-614093
U16-902145 U11-919011 X U11-614093
U16-903131 U11-614093 X U12-415209
U16-904046 U09-105007-174 X U11-919011
U16-904053 U09-105007-174 X U11-919011
U16-904142 U11-614093 X U12-415209
U16-905030 U11-919011 X U09-133021
U16-905090 U09-105007-174 X U11-919011
U16-907052 U11-614093 X U11-396029
U16-908112 U11-614093 X U11-396029
U16-909058 U11-614093 X U11-610107
U16-909085 U11-614093 X U11-610107
U16-910073 U11-614093 X U11-920017
U16-911026 U11-396029 X U11-380035
U16-914101 U11-614093 X U11-920017
U16-928123 U11-410122 X U11-614093
U16-929037 U11-932025 X U11-919011
U16-929043 U11-932025 X U11-919011
U16-929142 U11-410122 X U11-614093
U16-930010 U11-932025 X U11-919011
U16-932008 U11-932025 X U09-105007-174
U16-932015 U11-932025 X U09-105007-174
U16-934075 U11-410122 X U11-614093
U17-107198 U11-619102 X U13-905029
U17-217211 U11-374036 X U13-905029
U17-221057 U13-228304 X U13-131132
U17-221061 U14-919098 X U13-228304
U17-226201 U11-619102 X U11-932025
U17-238027 U14-919098 X U13-212431
U17-238045 U14-919098 X U14-604086
U17-244210 U09-118017 X U13-618087
U17-311090 U13-228304 X U14-912075
U17-311242 U11-619102 X U13-905029
U17-313161 NAM64A-20 X U11-614093
U17-322103 U14-919098 X U13-131132
U17-323182 U13-228304 X U14-912075
U17-326153 U13-228304 X U14-604086
U17-326222 U11-614119 X U13-905029
U17-333174 U14-927142 X U13-228304
U17-335221 U13-618087 X U13-604147
U17-336167 U13-220427 X U14-918103
U17-337087 U13-228304 X U14-909100
U17-342096 U14-918103 X U14-909100
U17-602177 U14-912075 X U14-604086
U17-602199 U14-912075 X U14-604086
U17-602213 U14-912075 X U13-212431
U17-603165 U14-919098 X U13-131132
U17-606129 U13-228304 X U13-220427
U17-607173 U14-606190 X U14-919098
U17-608196 U14-919098 X U13-212431
U17-609217 Unspecified X Unspecified
U17-611078 U14-924149 X U14-918103
U17-616050 Unspecified X Unspecified
U17-616162 U14-916082 X U14-924149
U17-618174 U14-916082 X U14-903100
U17-905083 U14-916082 X U14-604086
U17-905087 U14-916082 X U14-604086
U17-916070 U14-919098 X U14-912075
U17-919065 U11-932025 X U11-911079
U17-920008 U11-619102 X U11-932025
U17-920124 U14-919098 X U13-212431
U17-924011 U11-619102 X U11-932025
U17-928093 U14-916082 X U14-903100
U17-929069 U14-916143 X U13-228304
U17-933052 LD09-30224 X U11-932025
U18-207106 U13-234286 X U14-925062
U18-208163 U13-203400 X U14-606112
U18-209157 U13-203400 X U14-606112
U18-213007 U13-233401 X U13-213431
U18-213042 U13-234286 X U13-213431
U18-213069 U14-923045 X U13-233401
U18-214085 U14-923045 X U13-233401
U18-216019 U13-226415 X U13-213431
U18-216062 U14-923045 X U13-213431
U18-217010 U13-226415 X U13-213431
U18-217049 U13-226415 X U13-213431
U18-217059 U13-226415 X U13-213431
U18-218126 U13-234286 X U13-226415
U18-220085 U14-923045 X U13-226415
U18-226102 U14-618064 X U13-213431
U18-227104 U13-227417 X U13-213431
U18-241184 U14-617066 X U13-213431
U18-247185 U13-226415 X U13-213431
U18-250175 U14-617066 X U14-606112
U18-260188 U14-923045 X U14-602105
U18-264180 U13-233401 X U14-925062
U18-306211 U14-602105 X U14-606112
U18-310211 U13-234286 X U14-606112
U18-316324 U14-617066 X U14-929047
U18-320240 U14-617066 X U13-234286
U18-607283 U14-217253 X U14-218244
U18-609101 U14-322043 X U14-112042
U18-610140 U14-217253 X U14-112015
U18-612127 U14-322043 X U14-112015
U18-613282 U14-322043 X U14-218244
U18-615191 U14-216260 X U14-212231
U18-902015 U14-216260 X U14-114011
U18-903050 U14-216260 X U14-114011
U18-929246 U14-216260 X U14-212285
U18-930197 U14-217253 X U14-220237
U18-930208 U14-217253 X U14-220237
U18-932147 U14-322043 X U14-220237
U19-031023 Pioneer 93B82 X UX3662B-3
U19-060113 U14-903100 X LD12-3903
U19-204054 U14-910097 X U16-905090
U19-208038 U14-910097 X U16-905090
U19-208068 U14-222063 X U16-610243
U19-209077 U14-222063 X U16-610243
U19-230031 U14-925152 X U16-905090
U19-230043 U14-925152 X U16-905090
U19-231003 U14-925152 X U16-905090
U19-234020 U14-925152 X U16-903131
U19-244132 U14-925152 X U16-905090
U19-274052 U16-610243 X U16-905090
U19-274107 U14-910097 X U16-903131
U19-274119 U14-910097 X U16-903131
U19-274156 U16-610243 X U11-920017
U19-277150 U14-222063 X U16-610243
U19-278062 U16-610243 X U14-909100
U19-615127 U14-910097 X LD12-3903
U19-650058 U14-910097 X U16-610243
U19-654090 U16-605284 X U14-910097
U19-655078 U16-605284 X U14-910097
U19-656063 U16-605284 X U14-910097
U19-923091 U14-910097 X LD11-2170
U19-935171 U16-605284 X U14-910097
U20-602081 U14-910097 X U14-206326
U20-612185 U14-910097 X U16-928123
U20-612253 LD14-3702 X U16-609059
U20-613095 U14-206326 X U14-219257
U20-616237 LD14-3702 X U17-616050
U20-908101 U14-910097 X U16-928123
U20-910082 U14-910097 X U16-932015
U20-914165 LD14-3702 X U16-322178
U20-916148 U14-206326 X U16-932015
U20-917147 U14-206326 X U16-932015
U20-918126 LD14-3702 X U17-618174
U20-922007 U16-928123 X U16-932015
U20-924040 U14-910097 X U15-927115
U20-926122 U17-609217 X U17-618174
U20-928077 U14-206326 X U14-219257
U20325 C1317-71 X C1253
U36276 PI 548597
Bonus X WaynePVP 8100139
U37219 C1430 X Calland
U46762 Merit X Cutler 71
U49-2 Unknown X UnknownMixed seed
U50-41 Selection from U49-2Selection from U49-2
U51-5 Selection from U49-2Selection from U49-2
U54-75 Lincoln X Blackhawk
U56355 PI 548605
Amsoy 71 X C1421
U57-6804 Hawkeye X H6150
U57073 Wayne X Cutler
U57139 Beeson X Clark 63
U59218 Williams X Amsoy 71
U6-1612 Unspecified X Unspecified
U75633 PI 548591
( Beeson x L15X Amsoy
U76168 Williams X PI 89075
U76360 PI 548564
Williams X Amsoy 71
U80-64032 L69U37-17-5 X Nebsoy
U80-65127 L70T-543G X Amsoy 71
U80-68130 Williams X L69U40-19-1
U80-70070 Bonus X [ Wayne x ( Clark x Adams ) ]
U83-75056 Hodgson X DeSoto
U85-63023 Nebsoy X Mead
U85-64055 U46762 X C1514
U85-71084 Platte X Asgrow A3127
U85-74089 PI 552538
Platte X Asgrow A3127PVP 9400190
U8662062 K1047 X Mead
U87-63041 PI 561858
Sherman X Harperreleased as Holt
U90-3529 PI 583837
Hobbit X Jogun
U91-2519 A86-204022 X HC84-553-1
U92-3815 Unspecified X Unspecified
U94-2306 Holt X Dairyland DSR304
U94-2629 Parker X Uphoff 3100
U94-3412 U94-3412 X IA3010
U95-2418 VariousSelection from a male sterile intermated population.
U95-3231 NE3400
VariousSelection from MSBP1 male sterile population.
U96-1612 Parker X Saturn
U96-2208 Colfax X A91-701035
U96-2408 Colfax X Iroquois
U96-3106 VariousSelection from MSBP2 (F1 Bulk) population
U96-3601 Saturn X A91-701035
U96-3640 IA3001 X U91-2519
U97-201128 Unspecified X Unspecified
U97-201128-211 U94-2306 X UP1FE-30
U97-201128-98 U94-2306 X UP1FE-30
U97-201847 U94-2629 X UP1Fe30
U97-207134 A94-773014 X Bell
U97-207904 Unspecified X Unspecified
U97-209053-11-22 Unspecified X Unspecified
U97-209053-74 Unspecified X Unspecified
U97-2104 VariousSelection from MSBP3F6 population
U97-2519 Unspecified X Unspecified
U97-3114 VariousSelection from MSBP3 population
U98-205355 A94-773014 X Bell
U98-307162 U94-3412 X IA3010
U98-307917 U94-2306 X A92-525014
U98-311422 Unspecified X Unspecified
U98-311442 A94-773014 X Bell
U98-407345 Unspecified X Unspecified
U99-009019 VariousSelection from MSBP6S4 population
U99-311442 Unspecified X Unspecified
U99-507030R NE3001 X AGH33701
UA 4805 PI 639187
Hartz 5545 X KS4895Arkansas Agricultural Experimental Station, University of Arkansas, PVP 200600045
UA 4910 CV-501
PI 659315
Asgrow A4715 X DPL 3478
UA 5014C PI 675648
Ozark X AnandF4, CV-141
UA 5115C PI 689004
Syngenta BA 743303 X R00-684CV-531
UA 5213C PI 670461
R98-1523 X R93-171CV-514, F4:F5
UA 5612 PI 667740
R97-1650 X 98601CV-513, F2:F3
UA 5715GT PI 688605
Lonoke X Hutcheson-RRCV-529
UA 5814HP PI 679957
R95-1705 X S00-9980-22CV-522, F4
UA Mulberry R09-345
PI 688606
R01-3597F X V96-7198CV-530
UA4805 Hartz H5545 X KS4895
UA5612 Unspecified X Unspecified
UA5814HP Unspecified X Unspecified
UARK-282HO Unspecified X Unspecified
UARK-288 R01-332 X [ IA3017 x ( Osage x ( NCC02-20578D1 x ( PI 603452 x PI 283327) ) ) ]Conv., Diversity
UARK-5798 UARK5789
Hutcheson X Waters
UD288 Hawkeye X FC 33243
UD297-6 FC 33243 X Hawkeye
UD321-5 Bethel
FC 33243 X Perry
UD3210-14 PI 548624
Aoda X A50-7445
UD3210-31-14 PI 548624
Aoda X A50-7445
UD36 FC33243 X Wabash
UD580-10 FC 33243 X C985
UD61-1806 FC 33243 X D49-2491
UD672 PI 548548
C799 X FC 33243
UG5 Unspecified X UnspecifiedIITA lines, rust resistant
UM-3 PI 607835
Natto X M87-926Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, PVP 9800050
UM13 O52-903 X Flambeau
UM14 O52-903 X Flambeau
UM14-I O52-903 X Flambeau
UM14-P O52-903 X Flambeau
UM15 Altona
PI 548504
Flambeau X O52-903
UM19 Crest X Flambeau
UM20 Crest X Chippewa
UM4 Portage
Acme X Comet
UM5 Acme X Comet
UM55-2 Pagoda 2 X Holmberg 201-14-18
UM56-1 Pagoda 2 X Holmberg 201-14-18
UM6 Blackhawk X PI 194633
UM7 Blackhawk X PI 194633
UM8 M10 X PI 194633
Union PI 548622
Williams (5) X SL12
UP1-90-123-8 VariousG. Graef Intermated population
UP1C1-92-102 VariousG. Graef Intermated population
UP1C4-95-30 VariousG. Graef Intermated population
UP1C6-47 VariousG. Graef Intermated population
UP1C8-130-125-19 VariousG. Graef Intermated Population
UP1C8-90-123-10 VariousG. Graef Intermated population
UP1C8-90-223-18 VariousG. Graef Intermated population
UP1C8-90-233-20 VariousG. Graef Intermated Population
UP1Fe VariousG. Graef (S1) C6-47 S1 line intermated population
UP1Fe (S1) C6-47 VariousG. Graef Selection from S1 line intermated population
UP1Fe (S1) C7-150 VariousG. Graef S1 line intermated population
UP1Fe (S1) C8S0-90 VariousG. Graef S1 line intermated population
UP1Fe (S1) C8S0-91 VariousG. Graef S1 line intermated population
UP1FE(S1)C6-47 VariousG. Graef Intermated Population
UP1FE-30 VariousG. Graef Intermated Population
UP1FE-95-9 VariousG. Graef population
UP1Fe30 VariousG. Graef population
UP2PC2-12-10 VariousG. Graef Intermated population
UP2PC4-28-12-254-9 Unspecified X Unspecified
UP2YC3S3:4 VariousG. Graef S1 line intermated population
UP2YC4S3 Unspecified X Unspecified
UP3PC2-56-2 VariousG. Graef Intermated population
UP3YC1S3 VariousG. Graef Intermated population
UP3YC2S2 VariousG. Graef Intermated population
UP3YC2S3 VariousG. Graef S1 line intermated population
UP3YC3S3:7 VariousG. Graef Intermated Population
Uphoff 3100 Unspecified X Unspecified
USDA-N6003LP N04-05-N41
PI 689999
NC-Roy X ( NC-Roy x CX1834 )GP-435, Low Phytate
USDA-N6005 PI 696388
NTCPR01-163 X N03-832GP-442
UX1593 LN92-7369 X Japan Black
UX1676 U97-201128 X UP2PC4-28-12-254-9
UX1708 U97-201128-98 X UX1676
UX1877 U00424033 X U00424033
UX2759-1 Unspecified X Unspecified
UX3662B-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
V00-1242 Hutcheson X Graham
V00-1630 V92-0570 X V88-494
V00-1988 V90-1012 X Clifford
V00-2275 KY88-4080 X FFR 493
V00-3650 Unspecified X Unspecified
V00-3824 Unspecified X Unspecified
V00-4079 Unspecified X Unspecified
V00-4271 Unspecified X Unspecified
V00-7339 Unspecified X Unspecified
V01-1693 Unspecified X Unspecified
V01-2245 V91-0223 X V91-3036
V02-8659 Unspecified X Unspecified
V03-0293 V91-3036 (3) X MON RR
V03-1144 MFS-561
PI 671807
V96-4164 X MFS-553Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc., PVP 201400095
V03-3650 V92-0254 X MD94-5341
V03-3719 V92-0254 X MD94-5341
V03-4298 V92-0974 X MD92-5769
V03-4660 V93-2329 X Anand
V03-4661 V93-2329 X Anand
V03-4705 V93-2329 X Anand
V03-4726 V93-2329 X Anand
V03-5306 KS4694 X N94-546
V03-5901 Unspecified X Unspecified
V03-7426 Stressland X LG93-77
V03-7740 Stressland X LG92-12
V03-7833 Stressland X LG92-12
V03-8283 Troll X Titan
V04-0807 Essex MON RR X V94-0189
V04-1022 R95-798 X V215
V04-5842 V94-0436 X V93-2329
V04-5959 V93-2329 X V94-0189
V05-2037 5002T X V99-3337Pro
V05-2326 V95-0391 X N96-7211
V05-2436 Unspecified X Unspecified
V05-2592 R95-2210 X V94-0436
V05-2607 R95-2210 X V94-0436
V05-2664 R95-2210 X V96-0332
V06-0168 V95-0391 X V96-0340exotic
V06-0245 MD97-6065 X V95-0016
V06-0283 V96-0340 X V94-1401
V06-0488 TN96-58 X V94-1401
V06-0855 S96-2641 X V97-1549
V06-10038 V95-0391 X PI 227328Det.
V06-3392 V00-4079 X V00-4271low sats
V06-8015 V94-0436 X V97-715
V06-9664 Loda X LG96-1797exotic
V06-9723 Kottman X Loda
V07-0873 Unspecified X Unspecified
V07-3105 V99-8060 X GP 26062
V07-3209 99VPI-67 X GP 26082
V07-5775 V97-2276 X GP 26062
V07-5781 V97-2276 X GP 26062
V07-5944 V96-4174 X MON RR (2)small seed
V07-9330 V99-0376 X TeejayDet. (High Pro)
V07-9387 V96-0340 X R98-1817Rsv1
V07-9390 V99-0376 X V96-0340
V07-9496 S99-2281 X R98-1817SCN
V07-9734 MD97-6065 X MD98-5579SCN
V07-9764 TN97-167 X V99-8097SCN
V08-0062 DT99-17400 X 99VPI-67
V08-0136 99VPI-67 X S00-9925-10Det.
V08-1909 S00-9925-10 X S00-9985-03Det.
V08-1924 S00-9925-10 X S00-9985-03Det.
V08-2377 G98-1053 X V00-7339Det.
V08-2412 DT99-17400 X TeejayDet.
V08-2455 DT99-17400 X TeejayDet.
V09-0610 V98-2711 X DPL 3519s
V09-0673 Unspecified X Unspecified
V09-1268 R02-1372 X V98-2711
V09-1276 R02-1372 X V98-2711
V09-1470 V98-2711 X LG00-6925
V09-1558 V98-2711 X LG00-6925
V09-2026 Teejay X LG00-6925
V09-2056 Teejay X LG00-6925
V09-2274 V01-2245 X LG00-3372
V09-2618 DT99-17400 X V96-0340
V09-4076 Unspecified X Unspecified
V10-0262 R02-2363 X V98-2711F4, Conv.
V10-1687 V98-2711 X V02-8659
V10-2499 V98-2711 X LG00-3372
V10-2508 V98-2711 X LG00-3372
V11-0536 R04-198 X V98-2711
V11-0730 V03-7833 X V02-8659
V11-1172 Unspecified X Unspecified
V11-2149 LG04-6000 X V03-7833
V11-2187 LG04-6000 X V03-7833F4, Conv.
V11-2263 LG04-6000 X V03-7833Conv., > 50% meal, LP, Sugars, F4, RR1
V11-3098 Unspecified X Unspecified
V11-3163 Unspecified X Unspecified
V11-3392 Unspecified X Unspecified
V11-3485 V98-2711 X Schillinger 495F4, RR1
V11-3522 Unspecified X Unspecified
V12-0045R2 Teejay X ( Asgrow AG5501 (3) x GM_A19788 )F4, RR2
V12-0253R2 Unspecified X Unspecified
V12-0287R2 Unspecified X Unspecified
V12-0956 Unspecified X Unspecified
V12-1416 Allen X LG05-2887Conv.
V12-3446 R01-3474F X TN02-226F4, Conv.
V12-4590 V03-5901 X V98-9005F4, Conv., > 50% meal, LP, sugars
V12-4831 Unspecified X Unspecified
V13-0096 Unspecified X Unspecified
V13-0113 V02-8659 X Schillinger 495
V13-0116 V02-8659 X Schillinger 495F4, RR1
V13-3833 Glenn X V07-0873
V14-0079 Glenn X V05-2436
V14-0153 V07-0873 X S07-6489
V14-1219 B05-8046 X S04-12996
V14-1235 B05-8046 X S04-12996
V14-2421 TN04-5321 X V07-0873
V14-3508 ( R04-198 x GlennX V03-4705
V14-3821 Glenn X R05-235
V14-3983 ( Glenn x V03-4660X Glenn
V14-3987 ( Glenn x V03-4660X Glenn
V14-4140 ( Glenn x R02-3369X ( V03-4660 x R02-3369 )
V15-0057DI Ozark X PI 200508
V15-1407DI Glenn X G08-PR-394
V15-1815DI Ozark X G08-PR-394
V15-1872 Ozark X NCC06-339
V15-2259ST Hanover X V09-0673
V15-2261ST Hanover X V09-0673
V16-0157 Hutcheson X LV 75
V16-0248DI R99-1613F X R05-4114
V16-0262DI R99-1613F X R05-4114
V16-0293 S08-17361 X JTN-4307
V16-0709PR S08-17361 X R08-3206
V16-1485ST S09-9943 X UA 5612
V16-1706R2 04-05-N41 X RR2Y
V16-1816R2HP V07-0873 X RR2Y
V16-1923R HANOVER X V04-1022
V16-2451R2 JTN-5203 X RR2Y
V16-2471R JTN-4307 X V11-3098
V17-0156HP V10-1687 X R09-3513
V17-0334 R05-3239 X R09-1223
V17-0432 R05-3239 X TN09-008
V17-0437 R05-3239 X TN09-008
V17-0454 R05-3239 X TN09-008
V17-0460 JTN-5203 X Hanover
V17-0476 V10-1687 X R05-3239
V17-1195TI Glenn X PI 547656
V17-2099DTR V11-3522 X N92-8231
V17-2131R Monocacy X V11-3163
V17-2350R S09-6201 X V11-3163
V17-2361R S09-6201 X V11-3163
V17-2379R S09-6201 X V11-3163
V17-2460R S10-11200 X V11-3163
V17-2478R S10-11200 X V11-3163
V17-2924R V11-2149 X S08-9942RR
V17-2933R V11-2149 X S08-9942RR
V18-0120DI S09-13185 X V08-1924
V18-0400 R05-4114 X R09-430
V18-0483DT V11-0730 X Jindou 19
V18-0678 V12-4831 X R10-5086
V18-1255 Md99-6226 X R11-8346
V18-2393 V11-0730 X Ellis
V18-2423 Ellis X Md99-6226
V18-2720HOR2 V12-0253R2 X S09-12096
V18-2940OA S11-20967 X V13-0096
V18-2973OA S11-20967 X V13-0096
V18-3081HP S11-20967 X V11-3522
V18-3452HP V11-3522 X MD09-5148
V18-3782R V12-0956 X V11-2187
V18-3788 V12-0956 X V11-2187
V18-3866 V11-2149 X V11-3522
V18-3977 V12-0956 X V11-2149
V18-4040HP V11-3485 X R11-8346
V18-4246R Ellis X V11-3522
V18-4411R2DI V12-0287R2 X R09-1418
V19-0064DT Md09-5148 X Fendou 78
V19-0300 V11-1172 X V09-4076
V19-0496HP S12-11916 X R11-8346
V19-0873 R10-230 X MD99-6226
V19-1409RR Ellis X V11-3392
V19-1625HO V10-0262 X R11-8346
V19-1626 V10-0262 X R11-8346
V215 Unspecified X Unspecified
V60-K Selection from OgdenSelection of a natural cross
V61-20 York
PI 553038
Dorman X Hood
V63-57 Hood X D53-354
V63-76 Hill X D53-354
V66-12 D56-1192 X Dorman
V66-180 PI 548667
Lee X S5-7075
V66-318 D53-184 X J22
V66-840 Sampson X Hill
V67-1370 Unspecified X Unspecified
V67-447 S5-7075 X Hill
V68-1034   York X PI 71506Parentage conflict
V68-1034    Dare X PI 71506Parentage conflict
V68-1038 York X Dare
V68-1171 PI 80837 X V63-76
V68-1242 PI 548627
PI 80837 X V63-76
V68-183 Lee X S55-7075
V68-224 Lee X S5-7075
V68-2331 York X Clark
V68-297 Lee X S5-7075
V68-381 Lee X S5-7075
V68-920 York X Dare
V69-156 Shore
PI 553049
Hood X PI 80837
V69-495 Unspecified X Unspecified
V69-862 Hood X D60-9647
V71-380 Unspecified X Unspecified
V71-480 V63-76 X V66-318
V71-775 Delmar X V66-318
V71-793 Dare X V66-318
V71-807 Delmar X V66-318
V72-128 PI 96983 X V66-318
V72-580 Bay
PI 553043
York X R62-550
V73-1899 V68-183 X V66-318Probably
V73-76 Hill X D53-354
V74-315 PI 508269
V66-318 X V68-2331
V75-345 Essex X Shore
V76-200 V68-2331 X V69-495
V76-398 Essex X SRF 400
V76-411 Essex X SRF 400
V76-465 Essex X SRF 400
V76-482 Essex X SRF 400
V76-600 V68-920 X V69-862
V78-105 V68-1034 X V71-380
V78-1355 Unspecified X Unspecified
V78-184 PI 518664
V68-1034 X Essex
V78-444 Selection from EssexMutant of Essex
V78-713 Essex X V68-1171
V78-727 Essex X V68-1171
V79-1362 Essex X Williams
V79-2856 Hodgson X V73-1899
V79-881 Essex X Ransom
V79-882 Essex X Ransom
V80-174B Hodgson X Essex
V80-2165 Essex X V68-1171
V80-239 V68-2331 X V68-183
V80-2476 Hodgson X Essex
V81-1325 PI 553048
Essex X G. soja
V81-1325-25 PI 553044
Selection from VanceSelection from Vance, PVP 8900271
V81-141 Essex X V71-793
V81-1603 Unspecified X Unspecified
V81-942 Essex X V67-1370
V82-673 V68-1171 X SRF 400
V83-1357 Essex (3) X L73-811
V83-2298 Will X Essex
V84-1354W Unspecified X Unspecified
V84-1787 Unspecified X Unspecified
V84-1790 Epps X L77-994
V84-1805 Epps X L77-994
V84-484 MD71-1643-82 X Will
V85-1195 Unspecified X Unspecified
V85-1729 Unspecified X Unspecified
V85-3336 Essex X R75-576
V85-5344 Unspecified X Unspecified
V87-1457 N77-114 X Asgrow A5474
V87-299 Essex X V79-2856
V87-396 Essex X LS79-330
V88-1234 Accomac
PI 597388
D77-6056 X LS79-330PVP 9800048
V88-466 Coker 237 X Toano
V88-494 V79-881 X Toano
V89-805 Hutcheson X ( V80-2476 x V80-2165 )
V90-1012 Hutcheson X ( FFR 561 x Toano )
V90-798 Hutcheson X Pioneer P9441
V90-848 Hutcheson X P9441
V91-0223 Stafford X Hutcheson
V91-223 Stafford X Hutcheson
V91-2492 Chesapeake X Hutcheson
V91-2935 Hutcheson (2) X V84-1805
V91-3036 Hutcheson X V84-1790
V92-0163 Hutcheson X Forrest
V92-0254 Hutcheson X V83-2298
V92-0570 Hutcheson (2) X V84-1805
V92-0974 Hutcheson X FFR 561
V92-0995 Hutcheson X FFR 561
V92-1333 Chesapeake X Hutcheson
V92-2329 V84-1787 X V85-5344
V92-697 Hutcheson X Avery
V92-840 Asgrow A4595 X Avery
V93-2329 V84-1787 X V85-5344
V93-3114 FFR 544 X Hutcheson
V94-0189 Unspecified X Unspecified
V94-0198 DPL 415 X Manokin
V94-0198-13-LOAM02 Unspecified X Unspecified
V94-0198-5-LOAM02 Unspecified X Unspecified
V94-0198-9-LOAM02 Unspecified X Unspecified
V94-0436 DPL 415 X C1747
V94-0552 Hutcheson X Manokin
V94-1295 V85-5344 X C1747
V94-1382 V85-5344 X Corsica
V94-1401 V85-5344 X Corsica
V95-0016 KS5292 X Accomac
V95-0242 Hutcheson X V85-1195
V95-0391 V85-1729 X V84-1354W
V96-0310 Hutcheson X Clifford
V96-0332 Hutcheson X Clifford
V96-0340 Teejay
Hutcheson X CliffordPVP 200600205
V96-1772 KS5292 X MD87-5602
V96-2543 V85-5344 X C1747
V96-4174 Unspecified X Unspecified
V96-4181 Southern States SS516 X ( Essex x Vance )Sister line of Vance
V96-4486 Vance X ( Essex x Vance ) Sister line of Vance used as parent
V97-1346 Unspecified X Unspecified
V97-1549 Unspecified X Unspecified
V97-1827 Essex X ( Hutcheson (3) x Avery )
V97-1843 Essex X ( Hutcheson (3) x Avery )
V97-1911 Hartwig X Clifford
V97-2276 Hutcheson X KS5292
V97-2303 Hutcheson X KS5292
V97-715 Unspecified X Unspecified
V98-2711 V88-466 X Pioneer P9461
V98-9005 Unspecified X Unspecified
V99-0023 KS4895 X TN90-03
V99-0025 KS4895 X TN90-03
V99-0376 Unspecified X Unspecified
V99-1685 Unspecified X Unspecified
V99-3337 Unspecified X Unspecified
V99-8060 Unspecified X Unspecified
V99-8097 Unspecified X Unspecified
Vance PI 553048
Essex X G. soja
Vansoy PI 548623
( Lincoln x Flambeau D7020X Goldsoy
Verde PI 548624
Aoda X A50-7445
Vertex PI 576146
Conrad X HayesPVP 9400009
Vickery PI 548617
A75-Corsoy R3
VariousPVP 7900065, Parents are L65-1342, Mack, Anoka, Corsoy. See PVP for details.
Victor PI 556562
Mitchell X WayneBioTechnica Agriculture, Inc., PVP 7900025
Viking PI 548421
Illini X Manchu A
Vinton PI 548618
Hark X [ Provar x ( Disoy x Magna ) ]PVP 7900063
Vinton 81 PI 548625
L60-347-4-4G-2-B X Vinton (5)PVP 8200050
Virginia PI 32906
PEO Glycine hispida
Vistive Gold: DF 5265 N VG R2Y Unspecified X Unspecified
Vmax Unspecified X UnspecifiedBrazillian cultivar
Volstate PI 548494
Tokyo X PI 54610
Voris 295 PI 556497
Beeson X CallandVoris Seeds, Inc., PVP 7500055
Voris 311 S10 X Mitchell
VR 3393 PI 556706
Unspecified X UnspecifiedV. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 8200057
VS04-781 Kanrich X PI 50685250% exotic
VS04-819 Lt Giant X Kanrich
VS04-922 V81-1603 X PI 37962150% exitic
VS04-964 V81-1603 X Verde0% exotic
VS05-966 PI 379621 X V81-160350% exotic
VS06-1020 V81-1603 X Kantou 60
VS07-1023 V81-1603 X PI 506852
VS08-1028 PI 379621 X Kanrich
VS08-1033 Pella X Tomahomare
VS08-1038 Late Giant X Pella
VS10-1294 Satellite X Mooncake
VS20-394 ( PI 159319 x Essex (2) ) X ( L76-0132 x Essex (2) )
VS20-402 ( PI 159319 x Essex (2) ) X ( L76-0132 x Essex (2) )
VS20-405 ( PI 96089 x Essex (2) ) X ( L76-0132 x Essex (2) )
VS20-406 ( PI 96089 x Essex (2) ) X ( L76-0132 x Essex (2) )
VS20-412 ( PI 159319 x Essex (2) ) X ( PI 96089 x Essex (2) )
VS20-414 PI 423905 X York(50% exotic pedigree)
VS21-441 Hutcheson X VS94-11
VS21-443 Hutcheson X VS94-11
VS21-449 VS94-18 X Hutcheson
VS22-450 IAC-100 X Akiyoshi(50% exotic pedigree)
VS22-457 VS95-49 X VS94-17
VS22-458 VS95-49 X VS94-17
VS22-460 VS95-49 X VS95-47
VS22-465 VS95-50 X VS94-17
VS22-477 VS95-49 X VS94-17
VS22-523 Forrest X Essex
VS22-524 Forrest X Essex
VS22-537 Forrest X Essex
VS94-08   PI 381668 X YorkParentage conflict
VS94-08    ( PI 381668 x York (2) ) X ( L760132 x Essex (2) )Parentage conflict
VS94-11 PI 632747
L76-0049 X Essex
VS94-17 York X PI 416937
VS94-18 York X PI 416937
Vs95-154 ( PI 159319 x Essex (2) ) X ( PI 96089 x Essex (2) )
VS95-47 Unspecified X Unspecified
VS95-49 PI 423905 X Bay
VS95-50 Unspecified X Unspecified
VS95-78 ( L760132 x Essex (2) ) X ( L760132 x Essex (2) )
Vs97-318 L76-0132 X Essex (2)
VS97-349 PI 96089 X Essex (2)
VS98-363 PI 159319 X Essex (2)
VS98-369 PI 159319 X Essex (2)
VT91-3036 Hutcheson X V84-1790
W1 Dunfield X Illini
W10186 Salut 216 X Amurskaja 41
W10381-022 Pioneer P9091 X Asgrow A2234
W20 PI 556933
Unspecified X UnspecifiedE. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, PVP 9000036
W214164 M060249 X Syngenta S20-26
W2707-23 Y2011Z2 X Epps
W2768-04 Pioneer P9584
PI 564714
( Pioneer P5482 x CentennialX Pioneer P9561Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 9300066
W30047R012 Pioneer P9161 X Pioneer P9111
W30132-004 Pioneer P9273 X [ XB33B x ( Asgrow A3733 x Resnik ) ]
W30271R014 Pioneer P9241 X Resnik
W44-2115 Lincoln (2) X Richland
W44-3190 Lincoln (2) X Richland
W44-4018 Lincoln (2) X Richland
W44-61O Richland X Kabott
W44-623 Richland X Kabott
W44-631 Richland X Kabott
W45-2175 Mandarin X L36-12
W45-2260 Ontario X Richland
W45-2307 Lincoln X Richland
W45-3346 Lincoln (2) X Richland
W45-3372 Lincoln (2) X Richland
W45-3633 Lincoln (2) X Richland
W45-3638 Lincoln X Richland
W45S-4142 Kabbot X Goldsoy
W45S-4143 Mukden X Pagoda
W46S-246 Lincoln X Pagoda
W46S-292 PI 548568
Lincoln X Seneca
W46S-326 Lincoln X Pagoda
W46S-338 Lincoln X Pagoda
W46S-339 Cayuga X Kabbot
W46S-341 Cayuga X Kabbot
W48-1028 Lincoln X Manchu 606
W4850-011 J81-116 X Y186402
W48S-1019 Kabbot X Chief
W48S-1025 Lincoln X Pagoda
W48S-1035 Lincoln X Pagoda
W48S-1200 Richland X Flambeau
W48S-1460 PI 548601
Hawkeye X Flambeau
W49-1982 A43-108 X Manchu 3
W49-1982-32 A43-108 X Manchu 3
W49S-2703 Lincoln X Flambeau
W50S-3138 Hawkeye X Flambeau
W50S-3147 Mukden X Flambeau
W50S-3180 Mukden X Flambeau
W50S-3257 Mukden X Flambeau
W50S-3334 Lincoln X Flambeau
W50S-3386 Lincoln X Flambeau
W53-1069 Lincoln X Capital
W57-2334 Seneca X Chippewa
W61-4221 PI 548509
Grant X Chippewa
W61-4243 Blackhawk X Seneca (?)Seneca is a possible parent
W61S-191 Norchief X Clark
W61S-294 Norchief X Harosoy
W63-1010-3 Seneca X Chippewa
W63-4445 Chippewa X Seneca
W63-4731 Seneca X Norchief
W63S-177 W50S-3386 X Clark
W63S-179 W50S-3386 X Clark
W63S-184 W50S-3386 X Clark
W63S-236 W50S-3386 X Clark
W64-3351 W49-1982-32 X Chippewa
W64-3656 C1128 X Hardome
W6471M010 6347 X 6363
W64S-190 Hardome X Chippewa
W64S-209 Seneca X W50S-3386
W66-3445 C1128 X M319
W66-4108 Merit X W49-1982-32
W67-186 W57-2334 X Chippewa 64
W68-37 W57-2334 X Chippewa 64
W8238-02 Pioneer P9591 X Y277402
W8248-02 Pioneer P9592 X H5164
W837-4 Unknown X Unknown
W8520-044 Pioneer P9592 X Asgrow A5979
W8692-462 Asgrow A5979 X Hutcheson
W87-11 Hodgson 78 X Wells II
W87-15 Hodgson 78 X Wells II
Wabash PI 548626
Dunfield X Mansoy
Walsh PI 615586
( Maple Amber x Evans-1-1-10X CouncilNDSU Research Foundation, PVP 200100100
Walters PI 544354
Forrest X NarowCV-285
Wamloxi Mammoth Yellow X Biloxi
Wamotan 6640 Mammoth Yellow X Otootan
Wannamaker #1 Unspecified X UnspecifiedSelection from mixed seed lot
Ware V68-1242
PI 548627
PI 80837 X V63-76
Washington Mitchell X Cutler 71
Wayne PI 548628
L49-4091 X Clark
Weber PI 548524
C1453 X SwiftPVP 8000061
Weber 84 PI 548629
Weber BC
Weber (5) X Century
Weber BC PI 548629
Weber 84
Weber (5) X Century
Wells PI 548630
C1266R X C1253PVP 7300097
Wells BC6 PI 548513
Wells II
Wells X ArksoyPVP 7900073
Wells II PI 548513
Wells BC6
Wells (6) X ArksoyPVP 7900073
Wells II BC6 PI 548584
Wells II (7) X PRX9-274PVP 8400084
Westag 97 RCAT 8703 X S26-06
White Biloxi Txze Pi Tou
PI 548495
Selection from BiloxiSelected from Biloxi from natural hybrid
Wicomico PI 595626
D77-18 X D77-5169PVP 9600329
Wilkin PI 548501
Merit X Harosoy
Will PI 518672
Williams (6) X ( Clark (6) x T117 )
Williams PI 548631
Wayne X L57-0034
Williams 79 PI 518670
Williams (6) X Lee 68
Williams 82 PI 518671
Williams (7) X Kingwa
Williams BC6 PI 548585
Williams (7) X PRX12-112PVP 8400082
Wilson PI 438501
VIR 199
IntroductionIntroduced from Vavilov Inst. of Plant Industry ca. 1979
Wilstar 790 PI 556571
Bragg X RansomHelena Chemical Company, PVP 7900058
Winchester PI 548585
Williams BC6
Williams (7) X PRX12-112PVP 8400082
Wirth PI 548610
Clark X Chippewa
Wis. Manchu 3 sel. Selection from Manchu 3Selection from Manchu 3
Wis. Manchu 606 PI 548372
Manchu 606
Selection from ManchuSelection from Manchu
Wis. Manchu 839-14 PI 548325
IntroductionIntroduced from USSR ca. 1955
Wisconsin 839-14 PI 548325
IntroductionIntroduced from USSR, not from 'Manchu'
WL04J105-3-4-3 Unspecified X Unspecified
WN0800099 DST2343 X XB23Y02
WN0800104 DS99055NSTS X WW115926
WN0800506 Dairyland DSR3100 X WW115926
WN0800527 Unspecified X Unspecified
WN0800545 WW236435 X Syngenta S32-Z3
WN0902577 Unspecified X Unspecified
WN0912598 PI 665486
06NB204846BC1 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200386
WN0912882 PI 665483
02RM018047 X Asgrow A3244RR2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200383
WN0912883 PI 665484
03JR101916 X Asgrow A3244RR2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200384
WN0913499 PI 669429
NE0800097 ( 2 ) X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300424
WN0913501 PI 665485
06NB204846BC1 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200385
WN0913535 PI 665487
02JR318004 X Asgrow A3244RR2Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201200387
WN1012471 PI 669398
NE0800097 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300393
WN1012862 PI 669428
NE0800097 ( 2 ) X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300423
WN1013087 PI 669402
NE0800097 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300397
WN1013170 PI 669399
NE0800097 X ( WW221162 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300394
WN1013689-1 PI 669394
06JR208211 X ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300389
WN1013689-2 PI 669403
06JR208211 X ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300398
WN1115314 PI 672056
4064827-33 X [ OW0800084 x ( 03KL015751 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400287
WN1115965 PI 672057
06JR208211 ( 2 ) X ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400288
WN1116094-1 PI 672058
06JR208211 ( 2 ) X ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400289
WN1116259 PI 669418
SJ0800021 X [ SJ0800018 x ( Syngenta S38-H8 x ( 03JR101916 x Asgrow A3244RR2 ) ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300413
WN1117512 PI 672059
06JR205288 X ( 03KL015751 x Asgrow A3244RR2 )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400290
WN1118091 PI 672060
SJ0800019 X [ WN0800099 x ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400291
WN1118163 PI 672061
BN0800077 X [ 06JR202581 x ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400292
WN1118256 PI 669414
NE0800087 ( 2 ) X [ WN0800099 ( 2 ) x ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201300409
WN1118297 PI 672062
OW080084 ( 2 ) X ( RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN )Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400293
WN1118398 PI 672063
SJ0800025 X [ 06JR208211 x ( 03RM893902 ( 3 ) x 2807D9-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400294
WN1118509 PI 672064
WN0800506 X [ NE0800097 ( 3 ) x ( 05KL134039 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400295
WN1118516 PI 672065
WN0800506 X [ NE0800097 ( 3 ) x ( 05KL134039 ( 3 ) x 2407D4-AOYN ) ]Syngenta Crop Protection AG, PVP 201400296
Wonetta Selection from PI 71608Nanking, Cn 1927
Wood's Yellow PI 548496
Selection from Mammoth YellowSelection from Mammoth Yellow
Wood's Yellow #1 Selection from Wood's YellowFarmer selection from Wood's Yellow
Woodruff G00-3209
Boggs X N7001
Woodworth PI 548632
Wayne X L57-0034
Wright Ga72-663
PI 553042
Bragg X Lee
WW115335 Pioneer P93B45 X Syngenta S25-J5
WW115926 Syngenta WW115926
Unspecified X Unspecified
WW152201 Syngenta S28-G1
Unspecified X Unspecified
WW221162 Syngenta S32-Z3 X X022
WW221162BC1 WW221162 X ( WW221162 x 2407D4-AOYN )
WW221162BC2 WW221162 X WW221162BC1
WW236435 Syngenta S32-Z3 X Pioneer P92B63
WW703873 Asgrow A2540 X Pioneer P9362
WW710273 MO02052 X Asgrow A2506
WW815289 13404BB2 X Asgrow A2722
Wyandot F02-0005
( Northrup King S29-18 x PI 274421 )  X Ohio FG1
Wyandot-14 PI 676304
( Northrup King S29-18 x PI 274421X Ohio FG1Reg. No. CV-520,
Wye MD62-3303-3
PI 548633
VariousSelection from intermated population of Adams, Lincoln, Perry, Wabash, C799, C985, FC33243 and L46-1503
X-33802 Unknown X Unknown
X006 Syngenta S19-90 X MP91133
X022 Pioneer P91608 X Pioneer P9273
X029 Pioneer P9362 X Syngenta S29-11
X143 Unspecified X Unspecified
X2150-A-78 X2150-A-78-B-5
AC Orford
OT80-18 X X875-2-B-1
X2150-A-78-B-5 X2150-A-78
AC Orford
OT80-18 X X875-2-B-1
X312R X006 X Syngenta S24-K4
X33802 Unspecified X Unspecified
X3836 Williams X Mack
X4521 Williams X Columbus
X4797 Asgrow A4595
PI 556784
Douglas X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600019
X5304 Asgrow A5403
ASG A5403
PI 556861
Asgrow A5421 X Asgrow A5474Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800151
X531-468-3-3-2 Unspecified X Unspecified
X5421 Essex X K1017
X5512 D74-7741 X N73-693
X5803 J74-35 X D74-7741
X696-32-2 ( Vinton x EnreiX Harovinton
X875-2-B-1 Harcor X [ Harosoy x ( ( Harsoy x OX611 (3) ) x Maple Presto ) ]
X875-2-B1 Harcor X [ ( Harosoy x OX611 (3) ) x Maple Presto ]
X881-57 Unspecified X Unspecified
X9054 Coker 156 X Nathan
X9060 Syngenta S59-60
Coker 485 X ( Coker 76-927 x Epps )Novartis Seeds, Inc., PVP 9200112
X9146 Northrup King S46-44
PI 564525
Asgrow A5474 X Asgrow A3127PVP 9300018
X921-33-1 PI 548642
Maple Donovan
Maple Arrow X Harcor
X9662 B821241
C6738 X H841635
X973-8-8-4 PI 548643
Maple Glen
BD22115-13 X Premier
X9842 Syngenta S42-H1
PI 610443
Pioneer P9303 X Asgrow A4715Syngenta Seeds, Inc., PVP 9900315
X9855 B314028
Manokin X DPL 415
XB00448R003 Pioneer P9071 X MO30179
XB004B12 PI 665302
Pioneer P90A01 X Pioneer P90Y50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200175
XB004C12 PI 665303
Pioneer P90A01 X Pioneer P90Y42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200176
XB008G11 PI 661124
YB01D05 X XB17S05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100213
XB009K11 PI 661501
YB01D05 X XB21R05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100211
XB009M13 PI 668259
Pioneer P90M60 X Pioneer P90M02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300200
XB01C03 Pioneer P90B43 X OT94-13
XB01Y13 PI 668260
Pioneer P90Y20 X Pioneer P91Y22Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300201
XB01Z13 PI 668261
Pioneer P90Y20 X Pioneer P90Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300202
XB02E02 Pioneer P90B43 X R00302
XB02F04 Titan X D01306
XB02F13 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300203
XB02W13 PI 668262
Pioneer P90Y41 X MH5817653Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300204
XB03N13 PI 668263
OACLakeview X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300205
XB04S10 PI 660238
Pioneer P91M10 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000565
XB05A13 PI 668264
Pioneer P90Y50 X Pioneer P91Y22Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300206
XB05L13 PI 668266
Pioneer P90M80 X Pioneer P90Y41Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300208
XB06B02 Pioneer P90B43 X 12465
XB06K06 12102R024 X Pioneer P91B33
XB06M07 Pioneer P90B43 X D00782
XB06M11 PI 661123
YB08N05 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100209
XB06T13 PI 668267
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P91Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300209
XB08F13 PI 668268
Pioneer P91M41 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300210
XB08P05 YB14D X K10005
XB08U10 PI 660237
RCAT 2002 X Pioneer P90M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000564
XB09AD13 PI 668269
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P90Y41Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300211
XB09C11 PI 661056
RCAT 2002 X Pioneer P90M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100205
XB09P11 PI 661122
Pioneer P91M10 X Syngenta S08-80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100204
XB11K13 PI 668270
XB32L06 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300212
XB12B11 PI 661054
XB06G06 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100202
XB12K05 Syngenta S03-W4 X D89003
XB13B13 PI 668272
EX14M05 X XB12K05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300214
XB13R12 PI 665312
Pioneer P92Y21 X Pioneer P91Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200185
XB14N12 PI 665313
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200186
XB14P12 PI 665314
Pioneer P92M75 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200187
XB15E12 PI 665315
Pioneer P91Y20 X Pioneer P92M40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200188
XB15J13 PI 668273
ZB16V06 X Pioneer P90Y41Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300215
XB16H Syngenta S19-90 X MO30732-51
XB16Q10 PI 660230
Pioneer P91M51 X Pioneer P95B97Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000557
XB17G13 PI 668275
ZB19S04 X Pioneer P92M54Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300217
XB17H13 PI 671811
JW2007A6-D0YN X 67101117Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400099
XB17R12 PI 665317
XB17S05 X XB19V06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200190
XB17S05 ST1970 X K10005
XB18S13 PI 668276
Pioneer P90Y80 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300218
XB19M01 Pioneer P9132 X 21721
XB19N13 PI 668277
Pioneer P91Y40 X Pioneer P92Y51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300219
XB19P13 PI 671812
CRM1904B0C ( 3 ) X MON89788Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400100
XB19V06 YB18J00 X Pioneer P92B38
XB20L00 W30271R014 X Pioneer P9234
XB21F12 PI 665319
YB30A05 X Pioneer P92M22Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200192
XB21R05 YB22T00 X Pioneer P92B38
XB21Y13 PI 668278
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300220
XB21Z13 PI 671813
AW1508B3-D0YN X 67101117Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400101
XB22A13 PI 671814
3015806-01 X ( AJW2504H0C ( 2 ) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400102
XB22C04 Pioneer P92B35 X Pioneer P92B05
XB22D Pioneer P9273 X 30388
XB22G06 Pioneer P93B82 X Pioneer P91B53
XB22T13 PI 668279
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300221
XB22V12 PI 665322
Pioneer P91Y91 X Pioneer P92M54Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200195
XB22Z13 PI 668280
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300222
XB23AB13 PI 671815
DAK2306A0R-0017 X RM2507B6-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400103
XB23W03 Pioneer P92B63 X C04065
XB23Y02 Pioneer P92B52 X Pioneer P93B82
XB24AF13 PI 671816
DFN3206D0R X FN3305A1-G0AACMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400104
XB24S12 PI 665323
RJS25001 X Pioneer P92Y53Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200196
XB25E02 Pioneer P9301 X Pioneer P93B82
XB25F12 PI 665325
ZB27U04 X YB30G05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200198
XB25G12 PI 665327
Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200201
XB25P05 Pioneer P92B86 X CX235c
XB25P99 Pioneer P93B82 X 91013F2
XB25S05 YB18J00 X Pioneer P92B84
XB25U13 PI 671817
DFN3206D0R X FN3305A1-G0AACMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400105
XB25X11 PI 661044
ZB23G05 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100191
XB26AE12 PI 665329
Pioneer P92M54 X RJS28004Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200203
XB26AU13 PI 668282
Pioneer P93Y11 X Pioneer P92Y80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300224
XB26AW13 PI 671818
270630-30 X CP3307A4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400106
XB26E11 PI 661042
YB30A05 X Pioneer P92M61Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100189
XB26X12 PI 665331
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200215
XB27B05 Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B09
XB27P04 YB23M X Pioneer P92B74
XB27X12 PI 665332
Pioneer P92Y30 X ZB31B07Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200216
XB28AB15R P28T62R
Pioneer P92Y91 X Pioneer P92Y53Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201600106
XB28C12 PI 665334
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200218
XB28J10 PI 660224
Pioneer P92M61 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000551
XB28R13 PI 668284
Pioneer P93Y11 X Pioneer P92Y80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300226
XB28T13 PI 671819
COX2705Y2R X FN3407E1-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400107
XB29AA13 PI 668285
Pioneer P92Y80 X Pioneer P93Y13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300227
XB29AD13 PI 671820
67185166 X JW3107C4-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400108
XB29D01 ST2660 X Pioneer P93B82
XB29J10 PI 660221
XB25S05 X Pioneer P93B09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000548
XB29K04 45217N901 X XB25P99
XB29K13 PI 668286
Pioneer P92Y80 X Pioneer P93Y40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300228
XB29V99 Pioneer P93B82 X 91013F2
XB29X00 Pioneer P9305 X 21069
XB30AL11 PI 661039
Pioneer P93M42 X EX33M07Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100186
XB30C10 PI 660219
Pioneer P92M40 X Pioneer P93M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000545
XB30E07 Pioneer P93B86 X XB23W03
XB30J10 PI 660161
XB29K04 X JH4603324Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000478
XB30N08 Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93M11
XB30V10 PI 660160
SP3799102 X Pioneer P92M75Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000477
XB31A10 PI 660159
YB30A05 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000476
XB31AD13 PI 668287
Pioneer P92Y82 X Pioneer P93Y13Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300229
XB31AG13 PI 668288
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300230
XB31AQ10 PI 660158
Pioneer P93B86 X XB21R05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000475
XB31AX12 PI 665336
EX35B06 X Pioneer P93Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200220
XB31C13 PI 668289
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P92Y80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300231
XB31E11 PI 661038
YB35R05 X Pioneer P92M81Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100184
XB31N12 PI 665337
Pioneer P93Y02 X Pioneer P93Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200221
XB31Q ST2660 X 21710
XB31Q12 PI 665338
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200222
XB31R04 Pioneer P93B86 X 45487L002
XB31R13 PI 668290
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300232
XB31Z01 Pioneer P9306 X MO0708-31
XB32AC13 PI 668291
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300233
XB32AE13 PI 668292
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93Y12Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300234
XB32AK13 PI 668294
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300236
XB32C05 Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93B09
XB32L06 Pioneer P93B15 X L04178
XB32M13 PI 668295
Pioneer P92Y80 X Pioneer P93Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300237
XB32T13 PI 668296
Pioneer P93Y11 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300238
XB33AA13 PI 671821
Asgrow A2442 X ( DKB36-52 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400109
XB33B CM304BR X Asgrow A3127
XB33B10 PI 660154
YB38F03 X Pioneer P93B68Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000471
XB33F13 PI 668297
YB30K06 X EX32K06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300239
XB33N06 Pioneer P93B86 X YB34Y99
XB33U13 PI 668298
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300240
XB33Z13 PI 671822
DOX3306C0R X ( AFN3105P0R x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400110
XB34D12 PI 665341
YB31J06 X Pioneer P93Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200225
XB34F13 PI 668299
Pioneer P93Y40 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300241
XB34Y13 PI 671823
CBL3705N1R X BL3308A2-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400111
XB34Z10 PI 660153
Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P93M51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000470
XB34Z13 PI 671824
BL3308H5-B0YN X JW3107C4-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400112
XB35AK12 PI 665340
Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P93Y02Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200224
XB35AT11 PI 661033
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P92M91Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100179
XB35AX13 PI 668300
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300242
XB35D Pioneer P9352 X 32745
XB35E13 PI 668301
Pioneer P93Y92 X Pioneer P93Y04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300243
XB35Q04 ST2870 X XB43J
XB35R10 PI 660152
Pioneer P92M40 X Pioneer P93M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000469
XB35W13 PI 671825
CBL3705N1R ( 2 ) X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400113
XB35X13 PI 671826
CBL3705N1R X BL3308A2-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400114
XB35Y13 PI 671827
CBL3705N1R X CP3408A4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400115
XB36AL13 PI 668302
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300244
XB36AP13 PI 668303
Pioneer P93M61 X DP17145891Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300245
XB36E13 PI 668304
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34002Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300246
XB36G13 PI 671828
ABL3705N0R X BL3407D3-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400116
XB36J10 PI 660151
Pioneer P93B68 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000468
XB36L Pioneer P9362 X 90683
XB37C02 Pioneer P93B82 X P00048
XB37E13 PI 668305
Pioneer P93Y80 X RJS34002Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300247
XB37K12 PI 665343
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200227
XB37L03 Pioneer P93B86 X S85085
XB37Q10 PI 660214
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P93M42Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000540
XB37U12 PI 665344
Pioneer P93M61 X RJS34001Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200228
XB38AR12 PI 665345
Pioneer P93M42 X RJS34002Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200229
XB38AT13 PI 668306
Pioneer P93M52 X Pioneer P93Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300248
XB38D13 PI 671829
ABL3705N0R X CP3407B6-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400117
XB38E06 Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P94B73
XB38F13 PI 671830
FN3207N2-D0RN X OX3407C5-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400118
XB38G13 PI 671831
AG3802RR2YBC2 X ( 009777--06 x AG3602RR2YBC2 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400119
XB38Y01 Pioneer P93B82 X 91183
XB39A11 PI 661030
Pioneer P93M11 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100175
XB39B10 PI 660212
YB38Q05 X YB42V04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000538
XB39C10 PI 660211
Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P93M52Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000537
XB39C13 PI 671832
CBL3705N1R X CP3408A4-D0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400120
XB39D13 PI 671833
CBL3705N1R ( 2 ) X ( Asgrow A3525 x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400121
XB39E10 PI 660210
Pioneer P93M52 X YB42V04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000536
XB39U99 Asgrow A4138 X 40305-117
XB39W06 EX39E00 X Pioneer P94B23
XB40H09 Pioneer P93M91 X Pioneer P94B54
XB40S13 PI 668307
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300249
XB40U10 PI 660209
Pioneer P94M50 X XB41B05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000535
XB40U13 PI 671834
3041620-29 X ( AG4403 ( 2 ) x MON89788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400122
XB41A13 PI 668308
Pioneer P93Y80 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300250
XB41B05 Pioneer P93B82 X 90765T003
XB41K10 PI 660208
Pioneer P93M90 X XB43W04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000533
XB41M01 MO06347-68 X CX469c
XB41T13 PI 668309
Pioneer P94Y30 X XB40H09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300251
XB41V13 PI 668310
RJS39003 X Pioneer P94Y90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300252
XB42E10 PI 660006
Pioneer P93M90 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000532
XB42J00 Asgrow A3431 X Pioneer P9472
XB42R11 PI 661028
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P94Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100173
XB43B Pioneer P9391 X Asgrow A3733
XB43J Pioneer P9362 X 90755
XB43J12 PI 665347
YB44F06 X Pioneer P94M30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200231
XB43S10 PI 660207
Pioneer P94M30 X Pioneer P93B85Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000531
XB43W04 Pioneer P93B82 X 90765T003
XB44K13 PI 671835
CBL3705N1R X [ AG4404 x ( AG4703 x ( AG4404 x MON89788 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400123
XB44W04 Pioneer P93B82 X 41914S135
XB45J12 PI 665350
RJS39003 X Pioneer P94Y60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200234
XB45T13 PI 668311
Pioneer P92Y72 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300253
XB46L13 PI 668312
Pioneer P94Y80 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300254
XB46L99 CX469c X Pioneer P9451
XB47H13 PI 668313
RJS39003 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300255
XB47R12 PI 665352
Pioneer P94M80 X Pioneer P93M11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200236
XB47X13 PI 668314
Pioneer P94Y70 X HL17619014Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300256
XB48B Y4667-09 X Asgrow A4715
XB48P13 PI 668315
XB39W06 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300257
XB48T10 PI 660248
EX53F03 X Pioneer P94M90Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000577
XB48W07 Pioneer P94B53 X H02353
XB49AE13 PI 671836
GL5007A3-A0XN X GL4008D9-B0YNMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400124
XB49K04 CM428 X H00180
XB50K10 PI 660250
EX53F03 X Pioneer P94M70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000579
XB52G Hutcheson X Asgrow A5403
XB52J13 PI 668316
EX53P06 X Pioneer P95Y40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300258
XB52K13 PI 668317
Pioneer P95B43 X Pioneer P95M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300259
XB53E02 XB52G X YB54D
XB53N13 PI 668318
Pioneer P95Y40 X YB53Q06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300260
XB53S12 PI 665362
Pioneer P93B86 X G00167G017Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200252
XB53T13 PI 668319
Pioneer P95Y41 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300261
XB55B13 PI 671837
DPL 6568RR X [ Manokin x ( S91-1839 x ( H7550 x MON89788 ) ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400125
XB55C13 PI 671838
NC7407A1-D0RN X [ NC-Raleigh x ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400126
XB56V13 PI 671839
CNC7406A0R X [ NC-Raleigh x ( CMA5901C0C x MON89788 ) ]Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 201400127
XB56X10 PI 660246
G00450T009 X XB57M04Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000575
XB57M04 Pioneer P9631 X Pioneer P95B95
XB59E Hutcheson X Pioneer P9591
XB59U04 Pioneer P95B33 X Pioneer P95B53
XB64E13 PI 666950
Vmax X YB83L06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300019
XB67A00 W8566-005 X YB57G
XB68A12 PI 665365
Pioneer P97B52 X Pioneer P97M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200255
XB73A13 PI 666949
Vmax X YB83L06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300018
XB73B13 PI 666948
Piraiba X Pioneer P95M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300017
XB73D14 PI 669559
CD217 X Pioneer P98Y11Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300483
XB74A09 MT95-124604 X Pioneer P97B52
XB74B11 PI 664261
XB79A05 X Z00154Z065Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200003
XB74D11 PI 664260
XB79A05 X Pioneer P98Y51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200002
XB74E12 PI 666947
Matrinxa X Pioneer P95M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300016
XB74F13 PI 666946
Matrinxa X Pioneer P95M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300015
XB77C12 PI 666943
Matrinxa X Pioneer P95M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300012
XB77D13 PI 668320
XB74A09 X Z01103Z265Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300262
XB78B13 PI 666945
Matrinxa X Pioneer P95M80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300014
XB79A05 FT52700 X BR90-5719
XB79B13 PI 666944
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300013
XB85C04 DM339 X XB67A00
XB85F13 PI 666942
Jiripoca X Pioneer P98Y51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300011
XB86G13 PI 666956
CD217 X Pioneer P98Y51Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300025
XB88B14 PI 669558
MT99-33114 X XB88K06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300482
XBP02003 PI 668321
RJS00001 X XB06M07Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300263
XBP04003 PI 668322
RF5100790 X Pioneer P90M92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300264
XBP06007 PI 665368
Pioneer P90M80 X YB09P05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200258
XBP08004 PI 665369
XB33N06 X Pioneer P90M60Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200259
XBP08006 PI 668323
Pioneer P92M22 X YB12M06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300265
XBP09006 PI 668324
ZB08Q06 X Pioneer P90M92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300266
XBP10002 PI 668325
Pioneer P90M92 X Pioneer P90Y41Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300267
XBP14004 PI 668326
Pioneer P92M35 X Pioneer P90M92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300268
XBP16004 PI 668327
Pioneer P91M80 X Pioneer P92M61Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300269
XBP18006 PI 668328
Pioneer P92Y21 X Pioneer P92Y10Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300270
XBP19006 PI 665373
XB19V06 X YB22R06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200263
XBP20002 PI 668329
Pioneer P92M54 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300271
XBP22003 PI 668330
Pioneer P92Y30 X Pioneer P93Y40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300272
XBP22004 PI 668331
Pioneer P92Y30 X RJS25003Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300273
XBP22005 PI 668332
Pioneer P92Y30 X YB21D06Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300274
XBP27009 PI 668333
YB30A05 X XB32C05Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300275
XBP27010 PI 668334
Pioneer P92Y51 X Pioneer P92Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300276
XBP30007 PI 668335
Pioneer P93M61 X Pioneer P92Y80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300277
XBP48009 PI 668342
Pioneer P94Y80 X Pioneer P94Y01Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300284
XBP49008 PI 665389
Pioneer P94B73 X XB48W07Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200279
XBP49013 PI 668343
Pioneer P94Y60 X Pioneer P94Y70Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300285
XBP52005 PI 668344
Pioneer P95Y41 X Pioneer P95M50Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300286
XC5110 Unspecified X Unspecified
XI59739 Asgrow A6401RG X Asgrow A5780
XI70821 Chatata 76 X ( Asgrow A4656 ( 2 ) x 40-3-2 )
XK-165 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTeweles Seed Company, PVP 7100061
XK-505 PI 548688
C1253 X KentTeweles Seed Company, PVP 7100037
XK-515 PI 556470
Wayne X Habaro 95Teweles Seed Company, PVP 7100060
XK-535 PI 556472
Cayuga X Chippewa 64 ©48Teweles Seed Company, PVP 7100062
XK-565 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTeweles Seed Company, PVP 7100063
XK-585 PI 556471
Wayne X T93ATeweles Seed Company, PVP 7100074
XK-590 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTeweles Seed Company, PVP 7100072
XK-605 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedTeweles Seed Company, PVP 7100073
XK505 Selection from CallandSelection from Calland
XK88K06 MT95-121268 X Pioneer P96B32
XL1901 PI 540455
Unspecified X UnspecifiedMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000147
XMAS-M5-10 Unspecified X Unspecified
XP1928 ( Hardin x Williams 82X [ ( Tracy x Williams ) x HW79149 ]
XP2543 Asgrow A2543
PI 556929
Asgrow A3127 X ( Century 84 ( 2 ) x AP6 ) Parentage conflict. May be ( Century 84 (2) x A79-134008 ), Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9000007
XP4009 Asgrow A4009
PI 556860
Asgrow A3860 X ( Williams (2) x PI 088788 )Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800175, 1996 Northern Tests lists parentage as Asgrow A3860 x Fayette. Fayette parentage is (Williams(2) x PI 88788)
XP4238 Asgrow A4138
PI 565512
Asgrow A4595 X Asgrow A4009Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 9300151, Parentage conflict Northern Test 2008 says parentage is A4009 x A4595
XP4595 Asgrow A4595
PI 556784
Douglas X Asgrow A3127Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600019
XP4982 Asgrow A4997
PI 556688
Harcor X EssexMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8300137
XP5304 Asgrow A5403
ASG A5403
PI 556861
Asgrow A5421 X Asgrow A5474Monsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8800151
XP5643 PI 591566
Asgrow A5843
Hutcheson X Asgrow A5403PVP 9500287
XP5979 PI 556930
Asgrow A5979
Young X Asgrow A5474
XP8186 Asgrow A7986
PI 556813
Young X BraxtonMonsanto Technology, LLC, PVP 8600107
XR03B10 PI 660136
Pioneer P90M20 X JH13885038Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000451
XR12F10 PI 660137
ZB08Q06 X JH14820789Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000452
XR15T10 PI 660138
Pioneer P90M60 X JH11944941Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000453
XR15U10 PI 660254
ZB08Q06 X JH14820789Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000583
XR22N12 PI 665396
SP14847007 X Pioneer P92Y20Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200286
XR27F11 PI 661510
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100226
XR28K10 PI 660162
Pioneer P93M13 X SP11513488Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000479
XR28L10 PI 660199
Pioneer P93M13 X SP11513488Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000522
XR29A12 PI 665397
Pioneer P92Y61 X Pioneer P92Y80Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201200287
XR29AE10 PI 660139
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000454
XR29T10 PI 660140
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000455
XR31AE13 PI 668345
Pioneer P92Y61 X Pioneer P93Y92Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300287
XR31AL10 PI 660141
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000456
XR31C09 YB27Z06 X SP11513497
XR31L13 PI 668346
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP24380127Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300288
XR31U10 PI 660142
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000457
XR32Q10 PI 660144
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000459
XR32R10 PI 660143
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000458
XR32W10 PI 660145
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000460
XR32X10 PI 660202
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000525
XR33A13 PI 668347
Pioneer P93Y82 X Pioneer P93Y30Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300289
XR33AH11 PI 661994
Pioneer P93Y20 X SP16410155Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100225
XR33S13 PI 668348
Pioneer P93Y20 X YR34C09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300290
XR33W10 PI 660055
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000526
XR33W20 YB30K06 X SP11513497
XR33X10 PI 660146
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000461
XR33Y10 PI 660203
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000527
XR34AT11 PI 661509
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100224
XR34D10 PI 660147
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000462
XR34Q13 PI 668349
Pioneer P93M61 X YR34C09Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300291
XR35A10 PI 660204
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000528
XR35J10 PI 660205
YB30K06 X SP11513497Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000529
XR35K11 PI 661508
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100222
XR35Z10 PI 660135
Pioneer P93Y11 X LP15796828Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000450
XR36P10 PI 660148
Pioneer P93B86 X JH14820720Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000463
XR37H10 PI 660149
Pioneer P93B86 X JH14820720Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000464
XR39AG11 PI 661507
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100221
XR39AH11 PI 661506
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100220
XR40A11 PI 661210
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100219
XR40K10 PI 660150
Pioneer P93B86 X JH14820720Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000465
XR42N11 PI 661505
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100218
XR43G11 PI 661974
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100217
XR49N11 PI 661504
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100216
XR53H11 PI 661503
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100215
XR56F10 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000466
XR56Q11 PI 661502
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201100214
XR57M10 -
Unspecified X UnspecifiedPioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201000467
XRP32008 PI 668350
Pioneer P92Y61 X Pioneer P93Y40Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300292
XRP35010 PI 668351
XB30N08 X SP21045463Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., PVP 201300293
Y186402 1190-19 X Asgrow A3127
Y2011Z2 1190-02 X J74-45
Y277402 1100-07 X 1190-19
Y3916F38 Unspecified X Unspecified
Y4667-09 Pioneer P4280 X Fayette
Yale LN87-2112
PI 584441
Sherman X FayetteCV-334, Crop Sci 35(4):1221
YB007D03 Pioneer P90A07 X R02322
YB009A99 J009 X W10381-022
YB01D05 Pioneer P9008 X XB16H
YB07M04 Syngenta S03-W4 X D89003
YB08K04 Pioneer P9071 X Pioneer P91B52
YB08N05 XB20L00 X Pioneer P91B33
YB09P05 Syngenta S10-F2 X Pioneer P91B92
YB09Q05 Syngenta S10-F2 X XB25P99
YB12M06 Pioneer P91B53 X R03210RE
YB14D W30047R012 X YB23E
YB15K99 MO1718 X Pioneer P9204
YB17K99 ST1590 X ST2250
YB18H Pioneer P9172 X 90676
YB18J00 Pioneer P9362 X MO21584
YB20G05 Pioneer P9182 X 45233R043
YB20S02 CX173 X 90736-085
YB21D06 YB22S00 X Pioneer P92B13
YB21F01 Pioneer P9182 X Pioneer P9254
YB21G01 XB22D X Pioneer P92B52
YB22N MO01718 X Pioneer P9171
YB22R06 Pioneer P92B12 X Pioneer P92B38
YB22S00 CX232 X ST1570
YB22T00 Pioneer P9362 X MO21584
YB23E Archer X Pioneer P9273
YB23M Pioneer P9362 X MO21584
YB24X06 Ina X K10467
YB26V01 Pioneer P9281 X XB31Q
YB26Y06 XB23W03 X Pioneer P92M91
YB27F Pioneer P9281 X 90675
YB27Z06 Pioneer P93B66 X YB22T00
YB28C99 Pioneer P9322 X 21052
YB28E09 XB23W03 X Pioneer P92M91
YB29S ST2250 X 21028
YB30A05 ST2870 X ST3380
YB30G05 Pioneer P93B15 X Pioneer P93B09
YB30K06 Pioneer P93B86 X YB22T00
YB31C04 Pioneer P93B15 X Pioneer P93B68
YB31J06 Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93B09
YB32E00 Asgrow A4138 X MO15733
YB32E06 Pioneer P93Y70 X Pioneer P92M91
YB32J01 Pioneer P93B82 X N00376
YB32K01 Pioneer P93B82 X P00115
YB32X Pioneer P9281 X 21097
YB34R03 Pioneer P93B82 X N03287
YB34Y99 Pioneer P93B82 X 45282
YB35N04 N02783 X N02992
YB35R05 Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93B68
YB36V00 Pioneer P9362 X Pioneer P93B82
YB36X00 Pioneer P9352 X 32870F2
YB37F02 XB35D X XB31Q
YB37Y00 Pioneer P93B65 X S02339
YB38B08 Pioneer P93M42 X Pioneer P93M50
YB38F03 ST3883 X 21710N120
YB38K Pioneer P9273 X 30107
YB38Q05 Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P93B82
YB39X03 22302S025 X XB43J
YB42D XB43B X W6471M010
YB42G Pioneer P9362 X ST3660
YB42V04 Pioneer P93B72 X Pioneer P94B45
YB43U05 ST3480 X YB23M
YB44F06 Pioneer P93B86 X Pioneer P94M70
YB46K Pioneer P9362 X Pioneer P9444
YB48M01 XB48B X Asgrow A3431
YB48U05 XB46L99 X H02173
YB52H W4850-011 X Pioneer P9521
YB52J00 Wicomico X Pioneer P95B32
YB53Q06 YB54H00 X G00167G017
YB54D Asgrow A5979 X 90773
YB54H00 Asgrow A5979 X KS5292
YB54M02 Pioneer P95B33 X YB54D
YB54N02 Pioneer P95B33 X Pioneer P95B53
YB55H00 Pioneer P9594 X S6423
YB56G03 Pioneer P9594 X 71495
YB57G Pioneer P9584 X 90688
YB57H 8377-16 X W8238-02
YB58G Pioneer P9592 X Asgrow A5979
YB58L04 YB57H X Pioneer P96B21
YB82D05 DM339 X XB67A00
YB83L06 FTH2893 X XB67A00
Yellow Gatan Selection from GatanSelection from Gatan
Yelnanda PI 548698
Nanda X YelredoMay also be Coker 433?
Yelnanda 52-135 Nanda X Yelredo
Yelnanda 53-116 Nanda X Yelredo
Yelredo PI 548497
Mammoth Yellow X LaredoMay also be Coker 319?
York V61-20
PI 553038
Dorman X Hood
Yota PI 88818
Young PI 508266
Davis X Essex
YoungBC4LX Young X UnspecifiedUnspecified parent in backcross
YR34C09 YB30K06 X SP11513497
Z00103 DM339 X XB67A00
Z00107 DM339 X Z00103
Z00154Z065 MT95-122795 X 71022G016
Z01103Z265 MT95-123720 X Z00107
Z01174 Z98136Z015 X Z00103
Z98117Z003 MT95-120438 X MTBR95-122474
Z98136Z015 MT95-120438 X MT95-122655
Zane PI 548634
Cumberland X PellaPVP 8500059
ZB01Q08 ZB09H02 X CA4135092
ZB06C02 Pioneer P90B43 X Asgrow A1900
ZB08Q06 Pioneer P91M10 X Syngenta S10-F2
ZB09H02 Pioneer P90B43 X Pioneer P9234
ZB10J03 ST1970 X Pioneer P91B01
ZB16V06 Pioneer P91B53 X K10282
ZB19S04 ST1970 X Pioneer P91B53
ZB22F04 Pioneer P93B82 X Pioneer P91B53
ZB23G05 Pioneer P92B12 X R03893
ZB24J03 Pioneer P92B63 X CX235c
ZB25F02 XB35D X 21270LBW39
ZB27U04 Pioneer P93B87 X Pioneer P92B61
ZB28S05 Pioneer P93B66 X YB22T00
ZB30L05 Pioneer P93B87 X XB29D01
ZB31B07 Pioneer P92M91 X Pioneer P93M11
ZB31M02 3171 X Pioneer P93B65
ZB36A02 Pioneer P93B45 X Pioneer P93B65
ZB36H04 Pioneer P93B86 X YB29S
ZB37P05 Pioneer P93B86 X XB39U99
ZB42L06 Pioneer P93B72 X Pioneer P94B45
ZB58A03 Pioneer P9594 X Dillon

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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