An improved nomenclature for Fast Neutron-generated mutants has been developed.
FN - fast neutron-generated mutant
0112843 - unique identifier for this mutant supplied by the submitting lab
. - seed #1 from the M2 plant named FN0112843 was advanced to the M3 generation, seed #3 from that generation was advanced to the M4 and so on up to this M5 plant
Individual indels identified within a mutant are named by appending '_x' to the mutant name.
FN0112843. = the 3rd indel identified in this mutant
Although the SoyBase pages will use the new mutant names, to allow historical continuity either the old or new mutant names can be used in any of the search functions.
In addition to providing additional information about the lines derived from the initial mutant, the nomenclature is extensible to allow similar names for other mutant types (eg. transposon insertions, EMS treatment, etc.) by replacing the initial letters with ones appropriate to the mutant type.
Use the + button to add additional search criteria. A range-limited search, (i.e. 2 < x < 4), can be accomplished by using the same trait twice where
the first uses the > operator and the second uses the < one.
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