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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Spring 2022

Experimental (i.e., unreleased) strains are identified by a number with a state or province code letter prefix. Additional code letters may be used to designate the individuals within a state or province that developed the strain. These codes are a compilation of codes used in the Northern and Southern Uniform Soybean Tests since 1943.

A.E.S = Agricultural Experiment Station
AIowa A.E.S. (A=W. Fehr, AR=S. Cianzio, AX, AP, AD=D.E. Green)
ArArizona A.E.S.
ASAlabama A&M Univ.
AuAlabama A.E.S.
BSouthwestern Irrigation Field Station, Brawley, CA and US Regional Soybean Lab., Urbana, IL
CPurdue (Indiana) A.R.P. (C=J.R. Wilcox, CL=A. LeRoy, CX, CR=K. Rainey)
CMCanada Dept. of Agriculture, Morden, Manitoba
CoCoker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC
DMississippi A.E.S.
D; DA; DB; DT; DS; DMK; LGDelta Branch Experiment Station and USDA-ARS at Stoneville, MS
DSNIndiana NAM Strains (K. Rainey, B. Diers, J. Specht)
EMichigan A.E.S.
FFlorida A.E.S.
FWHFlorida A.E.S. Walnut Hill, FL
FCForage and Range Research Branch, USDA
Ga; GGeorgia A.E.S.
Note: A "T" in a Georgia number indicates selection made at Tiffton
HOhio A.R.D.C. (HC=R.L. Cooper, HF=R. Fioritto, HS=S.K. St. Martin/L. McHale, HM=L. McHale, HX, HC=R.L. Cooper, HW=A.K. Walker)
JDelta Branch A.E.S., West Tennessee A.E.S and ARS
J.E.W.John Wannamaker, St. Matthews, SC
JTNTennessee A.E.S., Jackson, TN and USDA-ARS
KKansas A.E.S.
KyKentucky A.E.S.
LIllinois A.E.S. (LD=B. Diers, LG=R.L. Nelson, LN=C.D. Nickell, LS=M. Schmidt, LA LD LU=R.L. Cooper, LN=C.D. Nickell)
Note: Second "L" in a number indicates selection made at Eldorado, IL
LaLouisiana A.E.S.
LSSouthern Illinois University (LS= L. Schmidt)
M; IIMinnesota A.E.S.
MdMaryland A.E.S.
MeMaine A.E.S.
N; C; NCC; NTC; NTCPR; TCWN; JWB; NLMNorth Carolina A. E. S. and USDA-ARS
NDNorth Dakota A.E.S.
NDPJENorth Carolina A. E. S. and USDA-ARS
O, OT, BCentral Experiment Farm, Ottawa, Ontario
O, OXResearch Station, Harrow, Ontario
OACUniversity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario
OKOklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station
ORCRidgetown, Ontario
OTCentral Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario
OXResearch Station, Harrow, Ontario
PPaymaster Farm, Plainview, TX
PIPlant Inventory
RArkansas A.E.S.
RebelStoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS
RJArkansas State University, Jonesboro
S; LGMissouri A.E.S. (SS=D.Sleper UM Delta Center, SA=A. Scaboo)
SAMissouri A.E.S. (SS=D.Sleper or UM Delta Center)
SCSouth Carolina A.E.S. Clemson, SC
SDSouth Dakota A.E.S.
SLUS Regional Soybean Laboratories - Illinois and Missouri
TNTennessee A.E.S.
TsTexas A.E.S.
TSBTexas A.E.S, Beaumont, TX
TSoybean Genetic Type Collection, USDA, Urbana, IL
UAArkansas A.E.S., Univ. of Arkansas
U, NEXNebraska A.E.S.
UDDelaware A.E.S.
UMUniversity of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
UTTennessee A.E.S.
V; BVirginia A.E.S., Virginia Tech
VSVirginia A.E.S., Virginia State University
WWisconsin A.E.S.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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