Controlled vocabulary terms associated with the QTL
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Other related QTL's
References for the QTL
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Maps containing cqSCN-007
Population types used in identification of the QTL
Parent trait values associated with the QTL
Parent | Trait |
PI 468916 | 20 mean female index |
A81-356022 | 89 mean female index |
Loci associated with the QTL
Methods used to identify the QTL
Comments about the QTL
cM values given in reference have been converted to use the Composite2003 coordinate system. |
confirmed QTL that were initially described in Wang et al. 2001 (Theor Appl Genet 103:561) |
The Soybean Cyst Nematode ( SCN ) disease is caused by Heterodera glycines. |