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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Pod borer 1-2
Parent 1:Dong Nong 1068
Parent 2:Dong Nong 8004
Num loci tested:131
Interval length:1.96
Interval LOD score:3.41
Trait name:Reaction to Maruca vitrata

SourceAccession Number
Plant Trait OntologyTO:0000961
Gene OntologyGO:0009625

Pod borer 1-1
Pod borer 1-3

Zhao et al. 2008Identification of QTL underlying the resistance of soybean to pod borer, Leguminivora glycinivorella (Mats.) obraztsov, and correlations with plant, pod and seed traits 
Euph. 2008, 164(1):275-282

GmComposite2003_H H67.1669.12See this QTL region in Sequence Browser

Satt314Parent_164.58 % damage
Satt314Parent_220.62 % damage
Satt314Favorable_allele_sourceDong Nong 8004

F5:6 RIL

Dong Nong 1068Susceptible
Dong Nong 8004Resistant


MapMaker/EXP 3.0b
Mapchart 2.1
QTL Cartographer 2.1

Parent_1 is Dong Nong 1068, Parent_2 is Dong Nong 8004
Publication used Percent of Damaged Seeds to determine pod borer (Leguminivora glycinivorella) resistance; calculated as (# of seeds damaged by borer/total # of seeds)100
The trait is pod borer, the reaction of the plant to feeding by the larva of the moth Maruca vitrata.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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