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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

The number of genes that are differentially expressed between two tissues can be obtained from the table below. For instance, in the upper left hand corner when comparing young leaf and flower there are 10,262 genes that have a higher gene expression in flower than in young leaf and 7,298 genes that have a higher gene expression in young leaf than in flower. As you can see the table is not symmetric. Think of the upper triangle as the genes that show a significant increase in gene expression between two tissues and the lower triangle as the genes that show a significant decrease in gene expression between the same two tissues. This is the same as saying for each cell the tissues across the bottom will have this many genes that have a significant increase in gene expression than the tissues on the left. The table below is color coded from white to green to purple based on the number of genes in each cell. Clicking on the cell will result in a downloadable list of genes for further exploration. One application of this table is to explore the differential gene expression between two developmental time points in a tissue of interest to gain insight into the gene functions and thereby the biological processes that occur during particular stages of development.

Tissue by Tissue Comparison

young_leaf 0 10262 5603 5721 5432 2119 3446 2886 3293 1804 3785 2232 11588 6958
flower 7298 0 5278 5191 4038 1389 2841 2474 2458 1122 2660 1442 8941 5692
cm_pod 6699 9184 0 2296 3381 1207 2220 1949 2347 1223 2943 1579 10689 6383
pod_shell-10DAF 7387 9655 2712 0 2546 1492 2468 2499 2505 1371 3151 1762 10781 6490
pod_shell-14DAF 11713 13899 8894 7455 0 2433 4560 4588 4084 1671 4900 2343 13620 8160
seed-10DAF 20788 23579 19860 19927 14791 0 9143 8659 9416 3486 10241 5069 20504 14118
seed-14DAF 15143 17796 13220 12963 9661 787 0 2208 3196 1164 4751 2245 16051 9689
seed-21DAF 11087 13382 9205 9436 7136 958 1171 0 1650 601 2753 1357 12633 7404
seed-25DAF 17234 19801 15785 15544 10968 2767 4603 3691 0 168 2924 1074 17641 10773
seed-28DAF 24744 27945 24686 24829 19423 8305 14750 12426 13764 0 13980 4434 24771 17838
seed-35DAF 16825 20179 15653 15544 11509 3817 6523 5317 3137 316 0 334 18193 10784
seed-42DAF 21099 24947 21031 20303 16001 6951 11786 10335 9461 1959 9067 0 22120 15114
root 10649 11685 9453 8954 6563 3101 4591 4150 4390 2330 4598 2517 0 4843
nodule 15312 18510 14743 14399 11028 5310 7625 6883 7107 3621 7385 3827 15587 0
  young_leaf flower cm_pod pod_shell-10DAF pod_shell-14DAF seed-10DAF seed-14DAF seed-21DAF seed-25DAF seed-28DAF seed-35DAF seed-42DAF root nodule
Click Any Cell for Details
0 1 - 1640 1641 - 3290 3291 - 4930 4931 - 6580 6581 - 8220 8221 - 9860 9861 - 11510 11511 - 13150 13151 - 14800 14801 - 16440 16441 - 18080 18081 - 19730 19731 - 21370 21371 - 23020 23021 - 24660 24661 - 26300 26301 - 27950 27951 - 29590
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Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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