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Trait Report for Leaflet shape
Definition:The shape of the leaflet.
Comments:Elliptic Fourier descriptor measures 5 components, including aspect ratio of leaflet shape, location of centroid of leaflets along midrib, straightness or distortion of leaflet shape, and roundness of leaflet shape. Measured on central leaflets of fully expanded leaflets. Can also be measured as the ratio of leaflet width to leaflet length from upper third of plant. This trait has been incorrectly called "Leaf shape".

leaf shape

Leaflet shape 1-1
Leaflet shape 1-2
Leaflet shape 1-3
Leaflet shape 1-4
Leaflet shape 10-1
Leaflet shape 10-2
Leaflet shape 10-3
Leaflet shape 10-4
Leaflet shape 10-5
Leaflet shape 10-6
Leaflet shape 10-7
Leaflet shape 2-1
Leaflet shape 4-1
Leaflet shape 4-2
Leaflet shape 5-1
Leaflet shape 6-1
Leaflet shape 6-10
Leaflet shape 6-11
Leaflet shape 6-12
Leaflet shape 6-13
Leaflet shape 6-14
Leaflet shape 6-15
Leaflet shape 6-16
Leaflet shape 6-17
Leaflet shape 6-18
Leaflet shape 6-19
Leaflet shape 6-2
Leaflet shape 6-20
Leaflet shape 6-21
Leaflet shape 6-3
Leaflet shape 6-4
Leaflet shape 6-5
Leaflet shape 6-6
Leaflet shape 6-7
Leaflet shape 6-8
Leaflet shape 6-9
Leaflet shape 7-1
Leaflet shape 7-10
Leaflet shape 7-11
Leaflet shape 7-12
Leaflet shape 7-13
Leaflet shape 7-14
Leaflet shape 7-15
Leaflet shape 7-16
Leaflet shape 7-2
Leaflet shape 7-3
Leaflet shape 7-4
Leaflet shape 7-5
Leaflet shape 7-6
Leaflet shape 7-7
Leaflet shape 7-8
Leaflet shape 7-9
Leaflet shape 8-1
Leaflet shape 8-10
Leaflet shape 8-2
Leaflet shape 8-3
Leaflet shape 8-4
Leaflet shape 8-5
Leaflet shape 8-6
Leaflet shape 8-7
Leaflet shape 8-8
Leaflet shape 8-9
Leaflet shape 9-1
Leaflet shape 9-2
Leaflet shape 9-3
Leaflet shape 9-4
Leaflet shape 9-5
Leaflet shape 9-6
Leaflet shape 9-7
Leaflet shape 9-8


Plant Trait OntologyTO:0000492
Plant OntologyPO:0020049
SoyBase Soybean OntologySOY:0001389

PVPO Office
Imsande, Marcia

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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