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Reference Report for reni_ref1
Title:New hosts and nonhosts of reniform nematode
Authors:Birchfield, W., Brister, L.R.
Source:Plant Dis. 1962, 46(9):683-685
Abstract:Of 43 plant species and varieties tested for their reaction to Rotylenchulus reniformis, 14 were found to be immune and 13 resistant to attack. The immune plants included all grasses tested and Brassica nigra, B. rapa, Avena sativa, Alliran cepa, Saccharum officinarttm, Spinacia olerĂ¡cea and 2 varieties of Capsicum annuum. Several types of Zea mays were resistant. New host plants were: Trifolium incarnatum, T, repens, Trifolium sp. (red clover), Vida villosa, Lathyrus hirsutus and Arachis hypogaea. D.J.H.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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