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Reference Report for SoyBase922031021
Title:Association of the yellow leaf (y10) mutant to soybean chromosome 3
Authors:Zou, J.J., Singh, R.J., Hymowitz, T.
Source:J. Hered. 2003, 94(4):352-354
Abstract:At least 19 single recessive gene yellow leaf mutants and one duplicate recessive gene mutant have been described in soybean. This study was conducted to associate a yellow leaf mutant, y10, with a specific soybean chromosome by using primary trisomics (2n = 41). Seven soybean primary trisomics were hybridized as female parent with genetic stock strain, T161, carrying y10. F-1 disomic and primary trisomic plants were identified cytologically. One disomic (control) and all primary trisomic plants were allowed to self-pollinate and F-2 populations were classified for green versus yellow leaf mutant. The F-2 population of Triplo 3 segregated in a 17:1 ratio, while a disomic (3:1) ratio was observed with Triplo 8-, 17-, 18-, and 20-derived F-2 populations, suggesting that the y10 locus is on chromosome 3. The y10 locus was examined with four simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers (Satt584, Sat_033, Satt387, and Satt022) from molecular linkage group (MLG) N and y10 was found linked with Satt022. Therefore we confirmed the association of MLG N with chromosome 3. The possible association of y10 with Triplo 16 and Triplo 19 are discussed.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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