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Reference Report for SoyBase819021247
Title:In Vivo and in Vitro Phosphorylation of Membrane and Soluble Forms of Soybean Nodule Sucrose Synthase
Authors:Komina, O., Zhou, Y., Sarath, G., Chollet, R.
Source:Plant Physiol. 2002, 129:1664-1673
Abstract:Sucrose synthase (SS) is a known phosphoserine (SerP)-containing enzyme in a variety of plant sink organs, including legume root nodules, where it is phosphorylated primarily at Ser-11. Using immunofluorescence confocal microscopy, we documented that part of the total SS (nodulin-100) pool in mature soybean (Glycine max) nodules is apparently associated with the plasma membrane in situ, and we report that this association is very tight, as evidenced by a variety of chemical and enzymatic pretreatments of the isolated microsomal fraction. To investigate the in situ and in planta phosphorylation state of the membrane (m) and soluble (s) forms of nodule SS, three complementary approaches were used. First, excised nodules were radiolabeled in situ with [32P]Pi for subsequent analysis of phosphorylated m- and s-SS; second, immunopurified s- and m-SS were used as substrate in on-bead assays of phosphorylation by nodule Ca2+-dependent protein kinase; and third, SS-Ser-11(P) phosphopeptide-specific antibodies were developed and used. The collective results provide convincing evidence that microsomal nodulin-100 is phosphorylated in mature nodules, and that it is hypophosphorylated relative to s-SS (on an equivalent SS protein basis) in attached, unstressed nodules. Moreover, the immunological data and related phosphopeptide mapping analyses indicate that a homologous N-terminal seryl-phosphorylation domain and site reside in microsomal nodulin-100. We also observed that mild, short-term inorganic nitrogen and salt stresses have a significant negative impact on the content and N-terminal phosphorylation state of nodule m- and s-SS, with the former being the more sensitive of the two SS forms.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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