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Reference Report for SoyBase5209782028
Title:Effect of Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines infection on histology of soybean leaves.
Authors:Khare, N., Lakpale, N., Shukla, C.S.
Source:Adv. Plant Sci. 1996, 9(1):21-23
Abstract:Studies on histopathology of bacterial pustule of soybean caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines reveals that the causal bacterium enters through stomatal opening and/or epidermal injuries for initiation of the infection. The mesophyll cells were destroyed gradually and in severe infection, complete destruction of cells of host leaves was observed.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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