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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Reference Report for SoyBase42202404
Title:Increased sulfur amino acids in soybean plants overexpressing the maize 15 kDa zein protein
Authors:Dinkins, R.D., Reddy, M.S.S., Meurer, C.A., Yan, B., Trick, H.N., Thibaud-Nissen, F., Finer, J.J., Parrott, W.A., Collins, G.B.
Source:In Vitro Cell. Develop. Bio. Plant 2001, 37(6):742-747
Abstract:Four transgenic soyabean (Glycine max) lines were generated containing the maize 15-kDa zein protein gene using somatic embryogenic protocols. The zein gene was inserted behind the beta-phaseolin promoter for seed-specific expression. All four lines represent separate transformation events as they were generated in different experiments at different locations. Two of the transformation events produced multiple plants, and these produced identical Southern hybridization patterns (UKY/Z1, UKY/Z2 and UKY/Z3 from the first; and OSU/Z4, OSU/Z8 and OSU/Z10 from the second). Molecular characterization revealed that multiple copies of the zein gene were present in all of the transgenic lines. Immunoblot analysis confirmed the accumulation of the zein protein product in the seeds of the UKY/Z1, UKY/Z2, UKY/Z3, OSU/Z4, OSU/Z8 and OSU/Z10 transgenic lines. However, there was no accumulation of zein protein in the UGA/Z1 line and Northern analysis confirmed that the zein transgene was silenced in this line. It was not possible to analyse the zein expression in the seeds of the UKY/Z4 line, as it was sterile. Amino acid analysis of the UKY and OSU lines confirmed that there was a 12-20% increase in methionine, and 15-35% increase in cysteine content in these lines compared to the control. There were no consistent changes in the content of the other amino acids in the transgenic lines. These results suggest that while the increase in methionine content in these lines is modest, it is possible to increase the methionine content without adversely affecting the protein composition of soyabean.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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