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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Reference Report for SoyBase42202240
Title:Inheritance of resistance to Meloidogyne javanica in soybean
Authors:Silva, J.F.V., Ferraze, L.C.C.B., Arias, C.A.
Source:Nematropica 2001, 31(2):209-217
Abstract:Inheritance of resistance in soybean to Meloidogyne javanica was determined for crosses of a Brazilian susceptible genotype, BRS 133, with two resistant genotypes, Coodetec 201 and PI 595099. Each of the F-2 (120) and F-3 (120 families) generations and the parents (60 of each) were screened in a greenhouse for resistance to gall formation. Plants were grown in plastic tubes (4.5 cm of diameter x 19 cm length) filled with methyl bromide-fumigated soil amended with sand. The seedlings were individually inoculated with 3000 eggs and evaluated by counting root galls 30 days later. For BRS 133 x Coodetec 201, two dominant and additive genes controlled resistance. For BRS 133 x PI 595099, two independent and complementary genes controlled resistance, which is determined by homozygotic genotypes for the alleles of the two genes. For both crosses, F-2 and F-3 distribution indicated that resistance was quantitatively inherited. The uniqueness of resistance genes was determined by crossing Coodetec 201 and PI 595099. The F, progeny from this cross exhibited transgressive segregation indicating that the resistance genes are different. The high heritability estimates for the susceptible-resistant crosses indicated that a large percentage of variation in gall number among F-3 progeny was due to genetic causes, which may render additional opportunities in the development of soybean cultivars with a high level of resistance to M. javanica.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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