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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Reference Report for SoyBase3402750
Title:Molecular Mapping Genes Conditioning Reduced Palmitic Acid Content in N87-2122-4 Soybean
Authors:Li, Z., Wilson, R.F., Rayford, W.E., Boerma, H.R.
Source:Crop Sci. 2002 42(2):373-378
Abstract:Palmitic acid is one of the two major saturated fatty acids of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] oil that is closely related to nutritional quality of soybean oil. Reduction of palmitic acid content would lower the total saturated fatty acid content of soybean oil and improve the oil quality for human consumption. Several mutant lines with reduced palmitic acid content have been developed in which the genes conditioning palmitic acid content are located at different loci. The objective of this research was to map the genes conferring reduced palmitic acid from N87-2122-4 on the public soybean genetic linkage map with simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Four near-isogenic lines with normal and reduced palmitic acid content and the F2 and F2:3 generations of a population derived from the cross of ‘Cook’ x N87-2122-4 were used to perform the SSR mapping of the genes conditioning reduced palmitic acid. The results indicated that a major gene with an allele for reduced palmitic acid contributed by N87-2122-4 is located near the top of Linkage Group (LG) A1. A SSR marker, Satt684 in that region accounted for 38% of variation in palmitic acid content in the F2 generation and 31% of variation in the F2:3 generation. On LG-M, Satt175 accounted for 8% of the variation in the F2 and 9% of the variation in the F2:3 generation. This minor gene on LG-M had a significant interaction with the gene on LG-A1 in the F2 generation. When combined in a multiple regression equation, these markers explained 51% of total phenotypic variation for palmitic acid content in the F2 and 43% of the variation in the F2:3 generations.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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