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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Reference Report for SoyBase2249725713
Title:Inheritance of resistance of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) to races 4 and 15 of frogeye leaf spot fungus (Cercospora sojina Hara).
Authors:Arias, C.A.A., Yorinori, J.T., Toledo, J.F.F.D., Kiihl, R.A.S.
Source:Bra. J. Genetics 1996, 19(2):295-304
Abstract:Frogeye leaf spot caused by Cercospora sojina is one of the most important soybean diseases in Brazil and has caused severe losses in many regions. The development of new cultivars resistant to C. sojina is a priority in all breeding programs, since it is the most efficient and economical control method. Although more than 20 races of C. sojina have been identified, the genetic control of resistance to this pathogen is largely unknown. To determine the inheritance of the resistance of soybean to races Cs-4 and Cs-15 of C. sojina, crosses between cultivars Davis, S. Rosa (Santa Rosa), BR-27 (Cariri), Parana and Bragg were made and quantitative and qualitative analyses applied to the data. There are three distinct alleles for resistance to race Cs-4, one in Davis (Rcs-3-a), one in Parana (Rcs-3-b) and a third in S. Rosa and BR-27 (Rcs-3-c), which independently determine resistance. The two alleles Rcs-3-a and Rc-3-b also confer resistance to race Cs-15. Additional genes for resistance to Cs-4 appeared in the crosses S. Rosa times Bragg, S. Rosa times BR-27 and Parana times Bragg, and to Cs-15 in the crosses Davis times S. Rosa and Davis times Bragg, but these are not the sole determinants of resistance. A progeny test must be performed to confirm these results.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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