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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Reference Report for SoyBase12402834
Title:Comparative susceptibility of soybean germplasm to stem fly Melanagromyza sojae (Zehnt)
Authors:Sekhar, J.C., Rana, V.K.S., Siddiqui, K.H., Mohan, T.
Source:Indian J. Ent. 2000, 62(3):316-317
Abstract:Seventy soyabean genotypes were evaluated against the stem fly M. sojae in a field experiment conducted in New Delhi, India during the kharif season of 1994, under conditions of natural infestation. Resistance was evaluated in terms of the percentage of stem tunnelled by stem fly larvae by harvest. None of the genotypes were highly resistant or resistant. Thirty-nine genotypes were moderately resistant with percentage tunnelling ranging from 28.90 to 41.70%. DS93-P-40-3 recorded the lowest percentage tunnelling (28.90%). Twenty-eight genotypes exhibited low resistance, with percentage tunnelling ranging from 43.0 to 59.4%. DSK 92-19 and DS93 MPT 16-1 were susceptible to stem fly with 60.5 and 60.7% tunnelling, respectively. DS91-2-1 was highly susceptible to stem fly with 68.5% tunnelling damage.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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