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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Reference Report for SoyBase1026011101
Title:Genetic mapping of QTLs conditioning soybean sprout yield and quality
Authors:Lee, S.H., Park, K.Y., Lee, H.S., Park, E.H., Boerma, H.R.
Source:Theor. Appl. Genet. 2001, 103(5):702-709
Abstract:Soybean sprouts have been used as a food in the Orient since ancient times. In this study, 92 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) loci and two morphological markers (W1 and T) were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with soybean sprout-related traits in 100 F2-derived lines from the cross of 'Pureunkong' 'Jinpumkong 2'. The genetic map consisted of 76 loci which covered about 756 cM and converged into 20 linkage groups. Eighteen markers remained unlinked. Phenotypic data were collected in 1996 and 1997 for hypocotyl length, percentage of abnormal seedlings, and sprout yield 6 days after germination at 20°C. Hypocotyl length was determined as the average length from the point of initiation of the first secondary root to the point of attachment of the cotyledons. The number of decayed seeds and seedlings, plus the number of stunted seedlings (less than 2-cm growth), was recorded a s abnormal seedlings. Seed weight was determined based on the 50-seed sample. Sprout yield was recorded as the total fresh weight of soybean sprouts produced from the 50-seed sample divided by the dry weight of the 50-seed sample. Four QTLs were associated with sprout yield in the combined analysis across 2 years. For the QTL linked to L154 on the Linkage Group (LG) G the positive allele was derived from Pureunkong (R2= 0.19), whereas at the other three QTLs (A089 on LG B1, A668n on LG K and B046 on LG L) the positive alleles were from Jinpumkong 2. QTLs conditioning seed weight were linked to markers A802n (LG B1), A069 (LG E), Cr321 (LG F) and A235 (LG G). At these four markers, the Jinpumkong allele increased seed weight. Markers K011n on LG B1, W1 on LG F and A757 on LG L were linked to QTLs conditioning hypocotyl length; and Bng119, K455n and K418n to QTLs conditioning the abnormal seedlings. The QTLs conditioning sprout yield were in the same genomic locations as the QTLs for seed weight identified in this population or from previously published research, indicating that QTLs for sprout yield are genetically linked to seed-weight QTLs or else that seed-weight QTLs pleiotropically condition sprout yield. These data demonstrate that effective marker-assisted selection may be feasible for enhancing sprout yield in a soybean. The transgressive segregation of sprout yield, as well as the existence of two QTLs conditioning greater than 10% of the phenotypic variation in sprout yields provides an opportunity to select for progeny lines with a greater sprout yield than currently preferred cultivars such as Pureunkong.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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