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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Reference Report for RGB20120209.1
Title:Identification of QTLs controlling somatic embryogenesis using RI population of cultivar X weedy soybean
Authors:Choi, P., Mano, Y., Ishikawa, A., Odashima, M., Umezawa, T., Fujimura, T., Takahata, Y., Komatsuda, T.
Source:Pl. Biotech. Rep. 2010, 4(1):23-27
Abstract:Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling ability of somatic embryogenesis were identified in soybean. A frame map with 204-point markers was developed using an RI population consisting of 117 F11 lines derived from a cross between cultivar ?Keburi? and a weedy soybean ?Masshokutou Kou 502?. The parents differed greatly in their abilities of somatic embryogenesis using immature cotyledons as explants. The ability of somatic embryogenesis was evaluated in five different experiments: the F11 (evaluated in 1998) and F15 (2002) generations cultured on basal media supplemented with 40 mg/l 2,4-D (2,4-D1998 and 2,4-D2002), F14 (2001) generation on medium with 40 mg l?1 2,4-D and high sucrose concentration [2,4-D2001 (30 g/l sucrose)], and the F11 (1998) and F12 (1999) generations on medium with 10 mg/l NAA (NAA1998 and NAA1999). The RILs showed wide and continuous variations in each of the five experiments. In the composite interval mapping analysis, 2 QTLs were found in group 8 (D1b + W, LOD = 5.42, r 2 = 37.5) in the experiment of 2,4-D1998 and in group 6 (C2, LOD = 6.03, r 2 = 26.0) in the experiment of 2,4-D2001 (high concentration sucrose). In both QTLs, alleles of ?Masshokutou Kou 502? with high ability of somatic embryogenesis contributed to the QTLs. For the other three experiments, no QTL was detected in the criteria of LOD >3.0, suggesting the presence of minor genes.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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