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Reference Report for IND90042929
Title:Influence of induced resistance in soybean on the development and nutrition of the soybean looper and the Mexican bean beetle.
Authors:Kogan, M., Lin, H.M.
Source:Entomol. Exp. Appl. 1990, 55(2):131-138
Abstract:A standard gravimetric technique was used to assess the effect of induced resistance in soyabeans on the consumption and utilization of food by 3rd- and 4th-instar larvae of the coccinellid Epilachna varivestis and 5th- and 6th-instar larvae of the noctuid Pseudoplusia includens [Chrysodeixis includens]. Resistance was induced by allowing 4th-instar larvae of C. includens to reduce the area of the bottom 5 leaves by 26%. Undamaged 6th and 7th trifoliates from injured and uninjured plants were used in experiments 5-10 days after the removal of the larvae. Induced resistance had significant retarding effects on the development and growth of both species. Larvae of C. includens fed on leaves of previously injured plants had an 8.5% longer development time through the entire larval stage and a 10.4% lower pupal weight than larvae fed leaves from uninjured plants. First- to 3rd-instar larvae of E. varivestis fed on leaves from previously injured plants had a 9.1% longer development time and a 16.5% lower final weight than those fed on leaves from uninjured plants. Induced resistance had no significant effect on the total food consumed by either species. Nutritional indices including relative consumption rate, relative growth rate, efficiency of conversion of ingested food, approximate digestibility and efficiency of conversion of digested food were calculated on dry weight measurements. Generally, induced resistance had a greater impact on the performance of E. varivestis than on that of C. includens

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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