Reference Report for IND90011394
Title: | Plant-parasitic nematodes and Neocosmospora vasinfetca var. Africana associated with soybeans in the Republic of Zambia. |
Authors: | Lawn, D.A., Noel, G.R., Sinclair, J.B. |
Source: | Nematropica 1988, 18(1):33-43 |
Abstract: | Field trials were established during the 1985-86 cropping season at Mkushi in the Central Province and at Magoye in the Southern Province of Zambia. Soybean cvs. Bragg, Jupiter, Santa Rosa, and Hernon 147 were planted in soil either fumigated with ethylene dibromide or not fumigated. Soil was infested with Pratylenchus zeae, Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus, Paratrichodorus christiei and Scutellonema brachyurum at the Central Province location and with S. brachyurum, Meloidogyne javanica and Tylenchorhynchus sp. (undescribed) at the Southern Province site. Nematode population were not significantly different among cultivars in either fumigated or nonfumigated plots. Populations of all species except P. christiei were significantly lower (P < 0.05) following fumigation. At Mkushi significantly higher populations of P. christiei were recovered from fumigated plots and were associated with 16%, 10% and 6% yield decrease of 'Bragg', 'Santa Rosa' and 'Heron 147', respectively. Yields of 'Jupiter' were increased 6% by fumigation. Infection of soybean roots with Neocosmospora vasinfecta var. africana was observed for the first time in the Republic of Zmbia in nonfumigated plots at Magoye infested with S. brachyurum, M. javanica, and Tylenchorhynchus sp. |