Reference Report for IND89060723
Title: | Inheritance of a soybean stem-tip necrosis reaction to soybean mosaic virus. |
Authors: | Buzzell, R.I., Tu, J.C. |
Source: | J. Heredity 1989, 80(5):400-401 |
Abstract: | Genetic studies in OX 686, an F2-derived line of Columbia X Harosoy, confirmed the presence of a dominant gene controlling the stem-tip necrosis reaction to infection with necrosis-causing strains (G1 and G4) of soybean mosaic potyvirus (SMV). This gene, which was derived from cv. Columbia, was at a different locus from Rsv1 and Rsv2 (controlling stem-tip necrosis reaction to SMV strains 1B and C14, respectively). It is assigned the symbols Rsv3 for a hypersensitive (stem-tip necrosis) reaction and rsv3 for a non-necrotic reaction |