Reference Report for IND88035975
Title: | Distribution of threecornered alfalfa hopper (Homoptera: Membracidae) eggs in vegetative stage soybean. |
Authors: | Daigle, C.J., Sparks, A.N. Jr., Boethel, D.J., Mitchell, P.L. |
Source: | J. Econ. Ent. 1988, 81(4):1057-1061 |
Abstract: | A 2-yr stdy of the early season distribution of egg clusters of the threecornered alfalfa hopper, Spissistilus festinus (Say), was concluded in Louisiana [USA] soybean fields. The spatial distribution of egg clusters indicated that colonizing S. festinus females disperse throughout the field before initiation of oviposition. The frequency distribution of egg clusters within a field was best described by the negative binomial (clumped); however, egg clusters were distributed independently among plants within a row. The distribution of egg clusters indicated that females move short distances between ovipositions rather than ovipositing on the same or adjacent plants. Vertical distribution of egg clusters over time showed that the location of preferred oviposition sites shifted upward with plant growth. A parasitoid of threecornered alfalfa hopper eggs was collected and identified as Polynema sp |