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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Reference Report for IND21994862
Title:Soybean linkage studies: y18 and y20.
Authors:Burzlaff, J.D., Palmer, R.G.
Source:Soybean Genet. Newsl. 1999, 26(4):1-3
Abstract:The Chinese cultivar Jilin 3 (PI 427099) is prone to somaclonal variation in tissue culture. Among the progeny of a chimaeric foliage plant (LA55-1) identified in the R3 generation, were plants with green foliage, chimaeric foliage, and yellow viable, and yellow lethal plants. The yellow viable mutant was allelic to y20 and the yellow lethal mutant was allelic to y18. The objective of this study was to determine linkage relationships of these two mutants with morphological and isoenzyme mutants in soyabean. Cross-pollinations were made between the yellow viable mutant and heterozygous yellow lethal mutant plants and cultivar BSR 101, and the F2 were subjected to analysis of isoenzymes (5 enzymes systems) and the genetic markers flower colour (w1 locus) and leaflet morphology (Na locus). The yellow viable mutant was allelic to y20 and completely linked to Mdh1-n. The seven linkage tests between the yellow viable mutant and the isoenzyme and morphological traits showed no linkage. The only linkage detected was between flower colour (w1) and alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh1) with 23.7+ 4.1% recombination. The lethal yellow mutant was allelic to y18. Similarly, seven linkage tests between the lethal yellow mutant and the isoenzyme and morphological trait hypocotyl colour (pleiotropic effect of flower colour) showed no linkage. The lethal yellow mutant died before expressing leaflet morphology so the Na trait could not be determined. Of the twenty-one additional linkage tests, linkage was detected only between the w1 and Adh1 loci with 18.6 + 1.9% recombination. The y20 and Mdh1-n loci were completely linked.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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