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Reference Report for CAIN789100125
Title:Quantitative enumeration of Macrophomina phaseolina [charcoal rot] in soybean tissues
Authors:Short, G.E., Wyllie, T.D., Ammon, V.D.
Source:Phytopath. 1978, 68(5):736-741
Abstract:M. phaseolian penetrated roots of soybean [Glycine max] plants 7-42 days old. The fungus invaded cortical tissue intercellularly; later, intracellular invasion occurred, which was followed by the formation of sclerotia. The large size of the sclerotia, the apparent disruption of host cell walls by sclerotia and the appearance of sclerotia in stem tissues only after loss of color suggested that sclerotia in tissues are indicative of host cell death. A technique was developed for determining mycelial and sclerotia propagative units in infected soybean tissue. The method was used to measure disease development in field- and greenhouse-grown soybeans. Mycelial propagative units always exceeded sclerotia until moribundicity of the host was apparent. Sclerotia were not abundant in root or stem tissues until after the onset of host moribundicity. Following plant death, sclerotia were most numerous in the roots, less abundant in the lower half of the stem and least numerous in the upper half. Evidently, differential propagule enumeration in diseased tissues quantitatively measures the degree of compatibility between selected soybean cultivars and M. phaseolina.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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