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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Reference Report for AP20210825.1
Title:Soybean cyst nematode resistance QTL cqSCN-006 alters the expression of a gamma-SNAP protein
Authors:Butler, K. J., Fliege, C., Zapotocny, R., Diers, B., Hudson, M., Bent, A. F.
Source:Butler et al. 2021 Mol Plant Microbe Interact
Abstract:Soybean cyst nematode is the most economically damaging pathogen of soybean and host resistance is a core management strategy. The SCN resistance QTLcqSCN-006, introgressed from the wild relativeGlycine soja, provides intermediate resistance against nematode populations including those with increased virulence on the heavily usedrhg1-bresistance locus.cqSCN-006was previously fine-mapped to a genome interval on chromosome 15. The present study determined thatGlyma.15G191200atcqSCN-006, encoding a -SNAP (gamma-SNAP), contributes to SCN resistance. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated disruption of thecqSCN-006allele reduced SCN resistance in transgenic roots. There are no encoded amino acid polymorphisms between resistant and susceptible alleles. However, othercqSCN-006-specific DNA polymorphisms in theGlyma.15G191200promoter and gene body were identified, and we observed differing induction of -SNAP protein abundance at SCN infection sites between resistant and susceptible roots. We identified alternative RNA splice forms transcribed from theGlyma.15G191200-SNAP gene and observed differential expression of the splice forms two days after SCN infection. Heterologous overexpression of -SNAPs in plant leaves caused moderate necrosis, suggesting that careful regulation of this protein is required for cellular homeostasis. Apparently, certainG. sojaevolved quantitative SCN resistance through altered regulation of -SNAP. Previous work has demonstrated SCN resistance impacts of the soybean -SNAP proteins encoded byGlyma.18G022500(Rhg1) andGlyma.11G234500. The present study shows that a different type of SNAP protein can also impact SCN resistance. Little is known about -SNAPs in any system, but the present work suggests a role for -SNAPs during susceptible responses to cyst nematodes.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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