Seed linoleic 7-3
Controlled vocabulary terms associated with the QTL
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Other related QTL's
References for the QTL
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Maps containing Seed linoleic 7-3
Loci positively associated with the QTL
Satt556 | Parent_1 | 51.31% |
Satt556 | Parent_2 | 54.47% |
Satt556 | Phenotypic_R2 | 7.39 |
Population types used in identification of the QTL
Parent trait values associated with the QTL
Parent | Trait |
Keunolkong | None given |
Iksan10 | None given |
Other QTLs studied
Seed weight |
Oil content |
Palmitic and stearic acid |
Oleic acid |
Linolenic acid |
Loci associated with the QTL
Methods used to identify the QTL
MapManager QT v2.8 |
Comments about the QTL
The trait measured was seed linoleic acid content. Linoleic acid content determined by gas chromatography using a flame ionization detector |
Quantified as a percentage of total oil content |
Parent_1 is Keunolkong, Parent_2 is Iksan10 |
Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA |