Sclero 7-2
Controlled vocabulary terms associated with the QTL
Source | Accession Number |
Plant Trait Ontology | TO:0000439 |
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Other related QTL's
References for the QTL
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Maps containing Sclero 7-2
Loci positively associated with the QTL
Satt658 | Parent_1 | 1.6 DSI |
Satt658 | Parent_2 | 4.5 DSI |
Satt658 | Phenotypic_R2 | 5.7 |
Satt658 | Favorable_allele_source | Maple Donovan |
Population types used in identification of the QTL
Parent trait values associated with the QTL
Parent | Trait |
Maple Donovan | Resistant |
OAC Bayfield | Susceptible |
Loci associated with the QTL
Methods used to identify the QTL
Mapmaker/EXP 3.0 |
Mapmaker/QTL 1.1 |
QTL-Cartographer |
Comments about the QTL
Publication reported ranges of LOD score (3.1-6.7) and amount of variation in the trait (5.7-15.4%) for this QTL from 3 years of trials; the lowest value of those ranges is used in this entry; see publication for more information |
Publication used Disease Severity Index (DSI) to evaluate resistance which ranged 0 to 100 (0=no disease, 100=all plants killed, poor pod fill) |
Parent 1 is Maple Donovan, Parent 2 is OAC Bayfield |
Publication did not assign an individual name to this QTL |
Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA |