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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

SCN 39-8
Parent 1:PI437654
Parent 2:Essex
Num loci tested:273
Interval length:5.3
Trait name:Reaction to Heterodera glycines

SourceAccession Number
Plant Trait OntologyTO:0000384
Gene OntologyGO:0009624

SCN 39-1
SCN 39-2
SCN 39-3
SCN 39-4
SCN 39-5
SCN 39-6
SCN 39-7
SCN 39-9
SCN 39-10
SCN 39-11
SCN 39-12


Wu et al. 2009QTL, additive and epistatic effects for SCN resistance in PI 437654 
Theor. Appl. Genet. 2009, 118(6):1093-1105

GmComposite2003_A2 A252.2657.56See this QTL region in Sequence Browser

Satt187Parent_11.4 FI
Satt187Parent_2141.5 FI

F7:9 RIL

PI437654SCN resistant
EssexSCN susceptible


GeneMapper 3.7
JoinMap 3.0

Parent_1 is PI437654, Parent_2 is Essex
The trait is resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode ( SCN ) disease which is caused by the nematode Heterodera glycines. QTL is associated with resistance to SCN Race 3
Publication used Female Index (FI) to quantify SCN resistance, where FI=(no. of cysts on individual/average no. of cysts on cv. Hutcheson)x100
One marker (EaacMcac086) reported as flanking this QTL is not on the SoyBase Composite genetic map. The QTL position shown is an interval around the marker that is present on the SoyBase map. See the publication for additional details

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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