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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Rag 4-3
Parent 1:Wyandot
Parent 2:PI 567324
Num loci tested:189
Interval length:8.5
Interval LOD score:14.7
Trait name:Reaction to Aphis glycines

SourceAccession Number
Plant Trait OntologyTO:0006067
Gene OntologyGO:0009625

Rag 4-1
Rag 4-2

Jun et al. 2013Genetic mapping of three quantitative trait loci for soybean aphid resistance in PI 567324 
Heredity 2013, 111(1):16-22

GmComposite2003_F F63.6872.18See this QTL region in Sequence Browser

Satt114Parent_14.5 aphid score
Satt114Parent_21.3 aphid score
Satt114Favorable_allele_sourcePI 567324

F7:8 RIL

WyandotAphid susceptible
PI 567324Aphis resistant


JoinMap 4.0
MaptQTL 5.0
QTLNetwork 2.1

The trait studied is the resistance to Aphis glycines (Asian soybean aphid). Location approximate: original marker (BARCSOYSSR_13_1139) is not found on the SoyBase Composite genetic map. QTL limited to an interval width at nearest available marker. See publication for additional details.
Publication assessed aphid resistance at 2 and 4 weeks in both greenhouse and field environements. Only the field at 2 weeks is reported in SoyBase. See publication for additional details
Publication defined aphid resistance as a score which was different at 2 and 4 weeks with a range of 1-5 each time, but measurements at 2 weeks with 1=less than 10 aphids per plant, 5=more than 100 aphids per plant. Measurements at 4 weeks were 1=less than 25 aphids per plant, 5=more than 500 aphids per plant. See publication for additional details
Parent_1 was Wyandot, Parent_2 was PI 567324

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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