BSR 6-10
Controlled vocabulary terms associated with the QTL
Source | Accession Number |
Plant Trait Ontology | TO:0000439 |
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Other related QTL's
References for the QTL
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Maps containing BSR 6-10
Loci positively associated with the QTL
Satt244 | Phenotypic_R2 | 37 |
Satt244 | LOD_score | 8.0 |
Satt244 | P_value | 0.05 |
Satt244 | Homozygous_female | 0 |
Satt244 | Homozygous_male | 28 |
Population types used in identification of the QTL
Parent trait values associated with the QTL
Parent | Trait |
PI 567544 | Resistant |
Century 84 | Susceptible |
Loci associated with the QTL
Methods used to identify the QTL
Comments about the QTL
Trait is brown stem rot (BSR) caused by the fungus Phialophora gregata. |
See original document for further information and data |
Study was done in 5 greenhouse environment, showing foliar and stem BSR, and was done to show relationships to Satt244 which was already identified in other studies |
Parent 1 and presumed female is PI 567544 and parent 2 and presumed male is Century 84 |
Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA |