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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Locus Type:  SSR

Map NamePosition
GmComposite2003_B1 57.91
GmConsensus40_B1 64.493

ChromosomeStart PosEnd PosMotifDerived FromPolymorphic*Assembly Version
Gm11 1398445913984515(TAA)19Wm82yesGlyma 1.0
scaffold_21 886568886805(TAA)19Wm82yesGlyma 2.0

Flooding yield index 1-2
Flooding yield index 1-3
Plant P 1-2
Plant weight 1-2
Reproductive stage length 8-1
Root area 1-1
Root area 1-3
Root length, primary 1-1
Root length, primary 1-2
Root length, primary 3-1
Root P 1-2
Root to Shoot weight ratio 1-1
Root weight 1-1
Root weight 1-3
Seed number 3-1
Seed number 3-3
Seed weight 20-1
Seed weight 20-3
Seed weight 20-4
Shoot P 1-2
Shoot weight 1-2
Shoot weight 1-3
Plant P, variable P 4-2
Plant weight, dry, variable P 3-1
Root P, variable P 3-1
Root to Shoot weight ratio, variable P 3-1
Root weight, dry, variable P 4-1
Root weight, dry, variable P 4-3
Seed weight per plant, variable P 7-1
Seed weight per plant, variable P 7-3
Seed weight per plant, variable P 7-4
Seeds per plant, variable P 4-1
Seeds per plant, variable P 4-3
Shoot P, variable P 2-2
Shoot weight, dry, variable P 6-2
Shoot weight, dry, variable P 6-3


Song, Qijian and Cregan, Perry

Cregan et al. 1999A An integrated genetic linkage map of the soybean genome Crop Sci. 1999, 39(5):1464-1490

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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