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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Gene Report for FAN
Gene Class:Seed Composition
Gene Class:Enzyme

Linolenic Acid Content


LocusGene SymbolGene ModelProtein Name

Palmer and Kilen 1987
  Qualitative genetics and cytogenetics.
  Soybeans: Improvement, Production and Uses 2nd Ed. Ch. 5, 135-209
Rahman et al. 1998
  Genetic relationships of soybean mutants for different linolenic acid contents.
  Crop Sci. 1998, 38(3):702-706
Brummer et al. 1995
  Mapping the Fan locus controlling linolenic acid content in soybean oil
  J. Heredity 1995, 86(3):245-247
Primomo et al. 2002A
  Inheritance and Interaction of Low Palmitic and Low Linolenic Soybean
  Crop Sci. 2002, 42(1):31-36
Rahman et al. 2001
  Combining ability in loci for high oleic and low linolenic acids in soybean
  Crop Sci. 2001, 41(1):26-29
Bilyeu et al. 2003
  Three Microsomal Omega-3 Fatty-acid Desaturase Genes Contribute to Soybean Linolenic Acid Levels
  Crop Sci. 2003, 43(5):1833-1838

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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