Report for Sequence Feature Glyma15g02730
Feature Type: gene_model
Chromosome: Gm15
Start: 1880809
stop: 1881447
Source: JGI
Version: Wm82.a1.v1.1
High confidence: yes
A newer version of this gene model can be found here:
Annotations for Glyma15g02730
Database ID Annotation Type Annotation Description Annotation Source Match Score Evidence Code
AT1G09270 AT
Annotation by Michelle Graham. TAIR10: importin alpha isoform 4 | chr1:2995162-2997833 FORWARD LENGTH=456
SoyBase E_val: 5.00E-24 ISS
GO:0006007 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: glucose catabolic process
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0006499 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: N-terminal protein myristoylation
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0006606 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: protein import into nucleus
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0006612 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: protein targeting to membrane
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0006820 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: anion transport
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0006862 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: nucleotide transport
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0006886 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: intracellular protein transport
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0006888 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0010363 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: regulation of plant-type hypersensitive response
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0015696 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: ammonium transport
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0015802 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: basic amino acid transport
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0030581 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: symbiont intracellular protein transport in host
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0043069 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: negative regulation of programmed cell death
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0043090 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: amino acid import
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0043269 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: regulation of ion transport
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0080034 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: host response to induction by symbiont of tumor, nodule or growth in host
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0005622 GO-cc
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Cellular Compartment: intracellular
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0005737 GO-cc
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Cellular Compartment: cytoplasm
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0005829 GO-cc
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Cellular Compartment: cytosol
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0005515 GO-mf
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Molecular Function: protein binding
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0008565 GO-mf
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Molecular Function: protein transporter activity
SoyBase N/A ISS
PTHR23316 Panther
PF00514 PFAM
Armadillo/beta-catenin-like repeat
UniRef100_I1NJ48 UniRef
Annotation by Michelle Graham. Best UniRef hit: Uncharacterized protein n=1 Tax=Glycine max RepID=I1NJ48_SOYBN
SoyBase E_val: 5.00E-26 ISS
UniRef100_Q71VM4 UniRef
Annotation by Michelle Graham. Most informative UniRef hit: Importin subunit alpha-1a n=2 Tax=Oryza sativa Japonica Group RepID=IMA1A_ORYSJ
SoyBase E_val: 2.00E-25 ISS
Expression Patterns of Glyma15g02730
Gene expression representations made with eFP at the University of Toronto.
Waese et al. 2017, Plant Cell 29(8):1806-1821 ePlant: Visualizing and Exploring Multiple Levels of Data for Hypothesis Generation in Plant Biology
To see more experiments click HERE
Gene model name correspondences to Glyma15g02730 Gene Call Version Wm82.a1.v1.1
Corresponding Name Annotation Version Evidence Comments
References for Glyma15g02730
Coding sequences of Glyma15g02730
Show Sequence BLAST Sequence at SoyBase BLAST Sequence against GenBank NT Limit To All Plant Sequences
>Glyma15g02730.1 sequence type=CDS gene model=Glyma15g02730 sequence assembly version=Glyma 1.0 annotation version=1.1 JGI Gene Call confidence=high
Predicted protein sequences of Glyma15g02730
Show Sequence BLAST Sequence at SoyBase BLAST Sequence against GenBank NR Limit To All Plant Sequences
>Glyma15g02730.1 sequence type=predicted peptide gene model=Glyma15g02730 sequence assembly version=Glyma 1.0 annotation version=1.1 JGI Gene Call confidence=high