Report for Sequence Feature Glyma10g17440
Feature Type: gene_model
Chromosome: Gm10
Start: 20882745
stop: 20882903
Source: JGI
Version: Wm82.a1.v1.1
High confidence: yes
A newer version of this gene model can be found here:
Annotations for Glyma10g17440
Database ID Annotation Type Annotation Description Annotation Source Match Score Evidence Code
AT3G47930 AT
Annotation by Michelle Graham. TAIR10: L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase | chr3:17684500-17687426 FORWARD LENGTH=610
SoyBase E_val: 3.00E-24 ISS
GO:0009853 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: photorespiration
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0019853 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0055114 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: oxidation-reduction process
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0005739 GO-cc
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Cellular Compartment: mitochondrion
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0009536 GO-cc
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Cellular Compartment: plastid
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0016020 GO-cc
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Cellular Compartment: membrane
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0003824 GO-mf
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Molecular Function: catalytic activity
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0003885 GO-mf
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Molecular Function: D-arabinono-1,4-lactone oxidase activity
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0008762 GO-mf
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Molecular Function: UDP-N-acetylmuramate dehydrogenase activity
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0016491 GO-mf
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Molecular Function: oxidoreductase activity
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0016614 GO-mf
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Molecular Function: oxidoreductase activity, acting on CH-OH group of donors
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0016633 GO-mf
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Molecular Function: galactonolactone dehydrogenase activity
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0050660 GO-mf
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Molecular Function: flavin adenine dinucleotide binding
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0080049 GO-mf
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Molecular Function: L-gulono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase activity
SoyBase N/A ISS
PTHR13878 Panther
PTHR13878:SF6 Panther
UniRef100_C3V9A8 UniRef
Annotation by Michelle Graham. Most informative UniRef hit: Mitochondrial L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase n=1 Tax=Citrus unshiu RepID=C3V9A8_CITUN
SoyBase E_val: 1.00E-24 ISS
UniRef100_UPI000233C1DC UniRef
Annotation by Michelle Graham. Best UniRef hit: UPI000233C1DC related cluster n=1 Tax=unknown RepID=UPI000233C1DC
SoyBase E_val: 3.00E-26 ISS
Expression Patterns of Glyma10g17440
Gene expression representations made with eFP at the University of Toronto.
Waese et al. 2017, Plant Cell 29(8):1806-1821 ePlant: Visualizing and Exploring Multiple Levels of Data for Hypothesis Generation in Plant Biology
To see more experiments click HERE
Gene model name correspondences to Glyma10g17440 Gene Call Version Wm82.a1.v1.1
Corresponding Name Annotation Version Evidence Comments
References for Glyma10g17440
Coding sequences of Glyma10g17440
Show Sequence BLAST Sequence at SoyBase BLAST Sequence against GenBank NT Limit To All Plant Sequences
>Glyma10g17440.1 sequence type=CDS gene model=Glyma10g17440 sequence assembly version=Glyma 1.0 annotation version=1.1 JGI Gene Call confidence=high
Predicted protein sequences of Glyma10g17440
Show Sequence BLAST Sequence at SoyBase BLAST Sequence against GenBank NR Limit To All Plant Sequences
>Glyma10g17440.1 sequence type=predicted peptide gene model=Glyma10g17440 sequence assembly version=Glyma 1.0 annotation version=1.1 JGI Gene Call confidence=high