Report for Sequence Feature Glyma08g08290
Feature Type: gene_model
Chromosome: Gm08
Start: 5950006
stop: 5951609
Source: JGI
Version: Wm82.a1.v1.1
High confidence: yes
A newer version of this gene model can be found here:
Annotations for Glyma08g08290
Database ID Annotation Type Annotation Description Annotation Source Match Score Evidence Code
AT1G68150 AT
Annotation by Michelle Graham. TAIR10: WRKY DNA-binding protein 9 | chr1:25543970-25545615 FORWARD LENGTH=374
SoyBase E_val: 1.00E-66 ISS
GO:0000041 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: transition metal ion transport
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0006355 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0006826 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: iron ion transport
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0010043 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: response to zinc ion
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0010106 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: cellular response to iron ion starvation
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0010167 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: response to nitrate
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0015706 GO-bp
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Biological Process: nitrate transport
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0005634 GO-cc
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Cellular Compartment: nucleus
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0003700 GO-mf
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Molecular Function: sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
SoyBase N/A ISS
GO:0043565 GO-mf
Annotation by Michelle Graham. GO Molecular Function: sequence-specific DNA binding
SoyBase N/A ISS
PF03106 PFAM
WRKY DNA -binding domain
UniRef100_B9SPL6 UniRef
Annotation by Michelle Graham. Most informative UniRef hit: WRKY transcription factor, putative n=1 Tax=Ricinus communis RepID=B9SPL6_RICCO
SoyBase E_val: 1.00E-77 ISS
UniRef100_I1KR89 UniRef
Annotation by Michelle Graham. Best UniRef hit: Uncharacterized protein (Fragment) n=1 Tax=Glycine max RepID=I1KR89_SOYBN
SoyBase E_val: 1.00E-143 ISS
Expression Patterns of Glyma08g08290
Gene expression representations made with eFP at the University of Toronto.
Waese et al. 2017, Plant Cell 29(8):1806-1821 ePlant: Visualizing and Exploring Multiple Levels of Data for Hypothesis Generation in Plant Biology
To see more experiments click HERE
Paralogs of Glyma08g08290
Paralog Evidence Comments
Glyma05g25270 IGC Paralogs in soybean determined by Steven Cannon using BLAST, DAGChainer, PAML, and selection of gene pairs from synteny blocks with median Ks values of less than 0.3.
Gene model name correspondences to Glyma08g08290 Gene Call Version Wm82.a1.v1.1
Corresponding Name Annotation Version Evidence Comments
References for Glyma08g08290
Coding sequences of Glyma08g08290
Show Sequence BLAST Sequence at SoyBase BLAST Sequence against GenBank NT Limit To All Plant Sequences
>Glyma08g08290.2 sequence type=CDS gene model=Glyma08g08290 sequence assembly version=Glyma 1.0 annotation version=1.1 JGI Gene Call confidence=high
Predicted protein sequences of Glyma08g08290
Show Sequence BLAST Sequence at SoyBase BLAST Sequence against GenBank NR Limit To All Plant Sequences
>Glyma08g08290.2 sequence type=predicted peptide gene model=Glyma08g08290 sequence assembly version=Glyma 1.0 annotation version=1.1 JGI Gene Call confidence=high