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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

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Sample Information
Mutant NameFN302169
Genus speciesGlycine max
Seed Availabilityunknown
Experiment IDFN2.01
LaboratoryUSDA-ARS & UMC: Bilyeu/Stacey
Mutagenfast neutron
Mutagenesis Date2008

Derived Lines

FN302169.01.01.M4(Click to expand)
Genomic Analysis
Loading CGH Data...
Phenotype and Seed Composition
SSD GenerationM4
No Data
Seed composition

No Data

CGH IDIndel IDIndel TypeChromosomeBP StartBP EndNumber of genes
FN302169.01.01.M41homozygous deletionGm0145767787457720680
FN302169.01.01.M42homozygous deletionGm04195553882641224371
FN302169.01.01.M43homozygous deletionGm1135131606352133963
FN302169.01.01.M44homozygous duplicationGm082946892300743410
CGH Chip

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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