Mutant Data Explorer
To use the tool, select the germplasm and traits of interest to you and then click on the Preview Results button at the top or bottom of this page.
It is often useful to be able to search across the various soybean mutant collections. We have developed a tool to facilitate searches of the
phenotypes in these collections. The collections included in this tool are
Collection Name |
Development and Phenotypic Screening of an Ethyl Methane Sulfonate Mutant Population in Soybean  Espina et al. (2018), Front. Plant Sci. |
To use the tool, select the trait(s) of interest using the checkboxes. For traits with numeric values the search can be narrowed by entering minimum
and/or maximum allowable values. We have pre-populated the form below with the minimum and maximum values in SoyBase for these traits. When a trait
has only discrete values the search can be narrowed by choosing one of the options in the drop-down list of values. This list has been pre-populated
with all valid values in SoyBase for these traits.
To learn more about a trait, place your mouse cursor over the trait and a description will appear.
Click on the Preview Results button at the top or bottom of this page to download a file to your computer of the results of the search.