Libault et al. 2010, Plant Phys 152(2):541-552. Complete Transcriptome of the Soybean Root Hair Cell, a Single-Cell Model, and Its Alteration in Response to Bradyrhizobium japonicum Infection |
Severin et al. 2010, BMC Plant Biology 10:160 RNA-Seq Atlas of Glycine max: A guide to the soybean transcriptome |
Danzer et al. 2015, Plant Phys 168(3):1025-10352. > Down-Regulating the Expression of 53 Soybean Transcription Factor Genes Uncovers a Role for SPEECHLESS in Initiating Stomatal Cell Lineages During Embryo Development |
Pelletier et al. 2017, PNAS DOI:/10.1073/pnas.1707957114 > LEC1 sequentially regulates the transcription of genes involved in diverse developmental processes during seed development |
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Williams 82 unifolate 0 hr 4 F cold stress | Williams 82 unifolate 1 hr 4 F cold stress | Williams 82 unifolate 24 hr 4 F cold stress |
147, 177, 70 | 190, 153, 73 | 187, 175, 82 |
Glaborus Clark shoot tip | Wild-type Clark shoot tip |
3.69 | 2.94 |
Williams cotyledon stage 1 | Williams cotyledon stage 2 | Williams cotyledon stage 3 | Williams cotyledon stage 4 | Williams cotyledon stage 5 | Williams cotyledon stage 6 | Williams cotyledon stage 7 |
3.07, 3.77 | 2.68, 2.66 | 2.51, 2.41 | 2.61, 2.15 | 2.18, 1.27 | 0.83, 1.24 | 1.25, 0.88 |
Williams 43 100-200 mg seed cotyledon | Williams 43 400-500 mg seed cotyledon | Williams 43 5-6 mg seed cotyledon | Williams 43 5-6 mg seed seed coat | Williams 43 5-6 mg whole seed | Williams 43 dry seed | Williams 43 whole seed 12-14 DAF | Williams 43 whole seed 22-24 DAF | Williams 43 whole seed 4 DAF |
1.89, 1.23 | 2.42, 3.42 | 1.43 | 0.47 | 1.64, 1.46 | 4.18, 2.27 | 2.31, 3.65 | 2.54, 3.56 | 1.06, 3.59 |
Williams 82 Early Maturation Stage Axis Parenchyma | Williams 82 Early Maturation Stage Axis Vasculature | Williams 82 Early Maturation Stage Cotyledon Abaxial Epidermis | Williams 82 Early Maturation Stage Cotyledon Vasculature | Williams 82 Early Maturation Stage Endosperm | Williams 82 Early Maturation Stage Seed Coat Hilum | Williams 82 Early Maturation Stage Seed Coat Hourglass Cells | Williams 82 Early Maturation Stage Seed Coat Palisade | Williams 82 Early Maturation Stage Seed Coat Parenchyma | Williams 82 Early maturation stage embryonic axis SAM | Williams 82 Early maturation stage embryonic axis epidermis | Williams 82 Early maturation stage embryonic axis plumule | Williams 82 Early maturation stage embryonic axis root tip | Williams 82 Early maturation stage embryonic axis stele | Williams 82 Early maturation stage embryonic cotyledon abaxial parenchyma | Williams 82 Early maturation stage embryonic cotyledon adaxial epidermis | Williams 82 Early maturation stage embryonic cotyledon adaxial parenchyma |
35, 41, 35 | 24, 19, 23 | 21, 26, 30 | 19, 20 | 46, 25, 22 | 37, 30, 43 | 21, 26, 27 | 19, 24, 29 | 18, 21, 23 | 28, 16, 20 | 35, 32, 45 | 45, 37, 34 | 25, 28, 18 | 33, 36, 30 | 50, 26, 17 | 27, 28, 22 | 20, 28, 32 |
PI 416937 high vapor pressure deficit | PI 416937 low vapor pressure deficit |
0.996 | 1.426 |
Clark mutant seed coat | Clark wild type seed coat | Harsoy mutant seed coat | Harsoy wild type seed coat |
2.23, 2.76, 2.04 | 3.08, 2.43, 2.27 | 4.04, 2.49 | 2.62, 3.76, 2.72 |
Williams 82 Control | Williams 82 dehydration 12hr | Williams 82 dehydration 1hr | Williams 82 dehydration 6hr | Williams 82 saline 12hr | Williams 82 saline 1hr | Williams 82 saline 6hr |
5.75, 19.29, 11.07 | 16.18, 12.35, 10.91 | 7.62, 18.01, 13.18 | 14.62, 16.82, 11.62 | 9.95, 3.08, 9.24 | 17.53, 9.1, 11.86 | 9.96, 7.05, 5.83 |
Williams 82 Globular stage embryo | Williams 82 Globular stage endosperm | Williams 82 Globular stage seed coat endothelium | Williams 82 Globular stage seed coat epidermis | Williams 82 Globular stage seed coat hilum | Williams 82 Globular stage seed coat inner integument | Williams 82 Globular stage seed coat outer integument | Williams 82 Globular stage suspensor |
57.2691, 58.4572, 61.8272 | 54.2122, 55.1231, 38.4049 | 51.0583, 46.489, 53.7179 | 33.0575, 36.1728, 53.4211 | 50.7424, 48.3201, 50.8929 | 64.6576, 51.7636, 37.8322, 36.487 | 57.1459, 49.0752, 45.3246 | 35.1291, 23.2368, 19.7277 |
Williams 82 Heart stage embryo | Williams 82 Heart stage endosperm | Williams 82 Heart stage seed coat endothelium | Williams 82 Heart stage seed coat epidermis | Williams 82 Heart stage seed coat hilum | Williams 82 Heart stage seed coat inner integument | Williams 82 Heart stage seed coat outer integument | Williams 82 Heart stage suspensor |
66.5943, 88.5659, 83.8794 | 102.471, 105.457, 129.484 | 68.0815, 54.9898, 43.8583 | 72.1839, 61.039, 66.9394 | 69.5747, 66.4754, 64.1999 | 33.1364, 39.7334, 31.4496 | 71.1682, 57.6784, 66.4602 | 40.1154, 43.5223, 42.9159 |
Williams 82 Cotyledon stage embryo | Williams 82 Cotyledon stage embryo axis | Williams 82 Cotyledon stage embryo cotyledon | Williams 82 Cotyledon stage endosperm | Williams 82 Cotyledon stage seed coat endothelium | Williams 82 Cotyledon stage seed coat epidermis | Williams 82 Cotyledon stage seed coat hilum | Williams 82 Cotyledon stage seed coat inner integument | Williams 82 Cotyledon stage seed coat outer integument | Williams 82 Cotyledon stage suspensor |
47.3637, 51.5646, 59.4938 | 36.4345, 46.6221, 55.9171 | 66.5372, 54.4389, 47.8073 | 46.3718, 85.3238, 64.1591 | 42.7841, 45.5776, 59.3614 | 66.1385, 56.8174, 71.9336 | 80.6269, 83.4081, 85.5649 | 36.1557, 31.1958, 26.8073 | 59.9231, 54.8676, 46.9705 | 42.7846, 29.9406, 42.0351 |
Williams 82 Cotyledon Stage1 | Williams 82 Cotyledon Stage2 | Williams 82 Cotyledon Stage3 | Williams 82 Leaf Stage1 | Williams 82 Leaf Stage3 | Williams 82 Leaf Stage5 | Williams 82 Leaf Stage7 | Williams 82 Leaf Stage8 |
6, 6, 6 | 5, 6, 5 | 6, 6, 6 | 5, 4, 5 | 5, 5, 4 | 4, 5, 5 | 4, 4, 5 | 5, 5, 5 |
Wyandot resistant NIL 0 hr aphid exposure | Wyandot resistant NIL 24 hr aphid exposure | Wyandot resistant NIL 4 hr aphid exposure | Wyandot resistant NIL 48 hr aphid exposure | Wyandot resistant NIL 8 hr aphid exposure | Wyandot susceptible NIL 0 hr aphid exposure | Wyandot susceptible NIL 24 hr aphid exposure | Wyandot susceptible NIL 4 hr aphid exposure | Wyandot susceptible NIL 48 hr aphid exposure | Wyandot susceptible NIL 8 hr aphid exposure |
141, 168 | 108, 73 | 253, 22 | 63, 131 | 266, 111 | 188, 182 | 256, 83 | 153, 364 | 95, 80 | 202, 192 |
Glyma10g27800 is not represented on the SoyChip |
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Most RNAseq experiments utilized Wm82.a1 gene models whereas all of the Affymetrix SoyChip experiments were mapped to Wm82.a1 gene models. This means that if your
query utilized a Wm82.a2 gene model name you probably will receive little to no results. If you did use a Wm82.a2 gene model name (Glyma.01g010000 for example),
you will need to convert your Wm82.a2 gene model name to it's Wm82.a1 corresponding name using the SoyBase gene model correspondence tool. Once you have
converted your gene model name you can re-run the Expression Explorer page and paste in the Wm82.a1 corresponding gene model ID into the input box on that page.
To convert your gene model ID click the SUBMIT button below
Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA | ||