News This is our newsfeed Copyright 2025, en-us USDA-ARS Tue, 21 January 2025 19:35:33 -0600 David Grant SoyBase News /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+News Try the new SoyBase whole genome <a href=>sequence browser</a> 2009-05-21 12:39:17 David Grant SoyBase News /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+News The Glyma1.0 chromosome-based assembly and annotation of soybean is now available, replacing the preliminary contig-based assembly and annotation. 2008-12-08 12:00:00 David Grant SoyBase News /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+News A table is now available to <a href="">convert the soybean linkage group names to chromosome numbers</a>. The table was compiled by Perry Cregan's group at the USDA-ARS Soybean Genomics and Improvement Laboratory. 2008-07-30 12:00:00 David Grant SoyBase News /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+News SoyBase Soybean <a href="" title="SoyBase soybean ontologies">ontologies</a> are available from the SoyBase site under "Soybean Ontologies" in the SoyBase sub-nav bar. These ontologies cover soybean growth and development. Input from the community is actively encouraged. 2008-08-15 12:00:01 dgrant SoyBase News /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+News BARCSOYSSR 1.0, a collection of 33,065 potential SSRs identified by Qijian Songand Perry Cregan from the Wm82 genomic sequence has been released. These SSRs arenow available as a track in the <a href="">SoyBase Genome Browser</a>. The whole dataset is availablefor <a href="">download</a>. 2010-03-01 16:19:34 dgrant SoyBase News /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+News Explore soybean metabolic pathways using the <a href="">SoyCyc</a> metabolic pathway interface.This interface allows users to explore soybean metabolic pathways that have beenelectronically annotated with the Glyma 1.01 gene calls from JGI. 2010-03-18 13:59:07 dgrant SoyBase News /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+News We have added a selection of preconfigured views to the <a href="">SoyBase Genome Browser</a>. Choosing one of the Example Views in the Search section at the top of the page will turn on a set of related tracks in the viewer. These examples show some of the kinds of data available in the genome viewer and can be used as a starting point forconstructing a customized set of tracks. 2010-04-12 13:46:59 dgrant SoyBase News /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+News The Soybean Genetics Newsletter has ceased publication. An archive of the site has been set up at SoyBase and is accessible from the Soybean Genetics Newsletter link on the <a href="">Resources</a> page. 2010-07-13 10:43:56 dgrant SoyBase News /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+News Information about the gene models has been updated with improved annotations and <a href=";stop=50160000;ref=Gm01;cache=on;drag_and_drop=on;show_tooltips=on;grid=on;label=centromere:overview-pericentromere:overview-Glyma1">enhanced sequence browser views</a> and <a href=" ">text reports</a>. Additionally it is now possible to download the mRNA, CDS or predicted protein sequences for a gene model and all of its splice isoforms from the text page returned by clicking on a gene model name in the SoyBase Genome Browser. 2010-05-25 17:26:14 dgrant SoyBase News /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+News A Progress Report has been completed by Rich Wilson and DavidGrant based onresponses to a survey sent out in early 2010. A PDFversion of the report, <a href="">SoyGenStratPlan2008-2012-Accomplishments v1.6</a>, isavailable. 2010-09-03 14:13:58 dgrant SoyBase News /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+News A new whole genome display option has been added to the BLAST tool at SoyBase. When chosen, the results of the BLAST are shown for all chromosomes with links to individual zoomed views in the SoyBase sequence viewer. 2010-09-28 13:39:57 dgrant SoyBase News /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+News The first in a <a href="">series of tutorials on SoyBase and soybean genetics and genomics</a> has been posted. This video will walk you through the needed supplies and proper methods in soybean cross-pollination. 2010-10-14 14:34:09 David Grant Soybean Genomics Research: A Strategic Plan for 2012-2016 /soynews/newsview.php#Soybean+Genomics+Research%3A+A+Strategic+Plan+for+2012-2016 A document outlining Soybean Genomics Research: A Strategic Plan for 2012-2016 has been released. Word and PDF versions are available <a href="">here</a>. Mon, 01 November 2010 David Grant Soybean Breeders Workshop presentations posted /soynews/newsview.php#Soybean+Breeders+Workshop+presentations+posted PDF files of the presentations made at the 2011 Soybean Breeders Workshop (2/21-23/2011 in St. Louis, MO) have been added to <a href="">SoyBase</a>. PDF files of the 2010 presentations are also available, and we expect to continue to post similar files from future Workshops. Mon, 28 February 2011 16:03:20 -0600 David Grant Improved searching at SoyBase /soynews/newsview.php#Improved+searching+at+SoyBase We have reworked and expanded the search capabilities for SoyBase. The new search page (SoyBase -> Search menubar entry or <a href="">here</a>) allows the submission of terms in one or more categories. The search results page shows the number and types of data in SoyBase that relate to the search terms, with links from this page to the complete search results. The examples shown on the search page can be used for testing by clicking on the term. Thu, 05 May 2011 16:25:25 -0500 David Grant MTP for Wm82 physical map /soynews/newsview.php#MTP+for+Wm82+physical+map A Minimum Tiling Path (MTP) for the Wm82 BAC-based physical map has been developed by Jungmin Ha and Scott Jackson (Purdue University). A track for this MTP is available in the <a href="">SoyBase genome sequence browser</a>. Thu, 05 May 2011 16:29:40 -0500 David Grant Improved data downloading from SoyBase /soynews/newsview.php#Improved+data+downloading+from+SoyBase A <a href="">unified downloads page</a> has been developed where various collections of genetic and sequence data can be retrieved. Please let us know if there are other data types or subsets that you would like added. Thu, 05 May 2011 16:30:31 -0500 David Grant GO terms updated /soynews/newsview.php#GO+terms+updated The Gene Ontology (GO) terms associated with the Wm82 gene calls are being updated. The gene calls associated with enzymes involved in metabolism have been revised, and we expect the remainder to be finished soon. Thu, 05 May 2011 16:31:59 -0500 David Grant A Strategy for Prioritizing Research Goals and Outreach Plans to Reduce Soybean Production Losses Caused by Stink Bugs and Related Insect Pests /soynews/newsview.php#A+Strategy+for+Prioritizing+Research+Goals+and+Outreach+Plans+to+Reduce+Soybean+Production+Losses+Caused+by+Stink+Bugs+and+Related+Insect+Pests In March 2011 a group of scientists met to develop a research plan to address the emerging problem of a complex of pod-attacking stink bugs. A <a href="">Strategic Research Plan</a> was produced. Thu, 12 May 2011 09:59:03 -0500 David Grant Improved Genetic Maps Display /soynews/newsview.php#Improved+Genetic+Maps+Display The number of QTL on the genetic maps has dramatically increased as the SoyBase staff continues to incorporate QTL experiments from the literature. This has resulted in displays that are increasingly crowded and potentially difficult to use. To address this we have split the QTL into 4 classes (seed composition & yield, disease & stress, plant architecture, and other traits) with each of these classes presented as a separate column in the CMap genetic map displays. We hope that this will enhance the usefulness of the genetic maps. As always, comments on these changes are encouraged. Mon, 14 November 2011 08:54:57 -0600 David Grant Soybean Genomics Research Strategic Plan Updates /soynews/newsview.php#Soybean+Genomics+Research+Strategic+Plan+Updates Progress made by the soybean community on the 2012-2016 Soybean Genomics Research Strategic Plan is being compiled by George Graef, Katy Rainey and Rich Wilson. Please see the <a href="">Strategic Plan website</a> for details on how to contribute to the report. Wed, 01 February 2012 15:27:35 -0600 David Grant Seed available for cultivars with expired PVP's /soynews/newsview.php#Seed+available+for+cultivars+with+expired+PVP%27s Seed for cultivars whose PVP registration has expired is now available at the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP) in Ft. Collins, CO. This <a href=" PVP's at NSSL 051512.xls">spreadsheet</a> contains a list of private varieties with expired PVP certificates. If you are interested in requesting any of these varieties (50 seeds/sample), please send your requests to <a>Adam Mahan</a>, USDA-ARS. Fri, 18 May 2012 13:45:00 -0500 David Grant SoyBase video tutorials now available /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+video+tutorials+now+available Video tutorials for various aspects of SoyBase searches and tool functionalities have been developed. The tutorials page can be accessed from the <a href="">Resources</a> tab at SoyBase. Tue, 25 February 2014 09:19:34 -0600 David Grant VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT SoySNP50K DATA /soynews/newsview.php#VERY+IMPORTANT+NOTICE+ABOUT+SoySNP50K+DATA We have identified a problem with the SoySNP50K data in SoyBase. The file provided for the entire data set was correct. However, data for individual cultivars or SNPs downloaded using the SoyBase tool were incorrect. An update will be posted once this problem has been resolved. Thu, 10 April 2014 10:04:32 -0500 David Grant SoySNP50K data problem FIXED /soynews/newsview.php#SoySNP50K+data+problem+FIXED We have fixed the error that resulted in incorrect SoySNP50K data being downloaded from SoyBase. To summarize, the downloadable file for the entire data set was correct. However, data for individual cultivars, ie. the tab-delimited file with SNP rows and cultivar columns (snp_id_position_and_value), contained incorrect values. Mon, 14 April 2014 09:57:52 -0500 David Grant Wm82.a2.v1 genomic sequence now searchable by BLAST /soynews/newsview.php#Wm82.a2.v1+genomic+sequence+now+searchable+by+BLAST The Wm82.a2 soybean genome sequence (aka the 2nd assembly) is now the default BLAST target from our quick BLAST tool on the front page. The associated gene calls and peptide sequences are available in our advanced BLAST page, as are the Wm82.a1 genome and gene sequences. Fri, 27 June 2014 13:25:20 -0500 David Grant Revised QTL nomenclature /soynews/newsview.php#Revised+QTL+nomenclature QTL names on the Composite Genetic Map (Comp2003) have been revised both to make it clearer exactly what trait was measured and to use names that allow related QTL to be easily recognized. The previous QTL names have been retained as alternatives and can still be used with the SoyBase search tools. Mon, 30 June 2014 08:38:51 -0500 David Grant Gene name correspondence lookup tool /soynews/newsview.php#Gene+name+correspondence+lookup+tool SoyBase has added a tool to convert gene names between Glyma.Wm82.a1.v1.1 (genome assembly 1 annotation version 1.1) and Glyma.Wm82.a2.v1(genome assembly 2 annotation version 1). It can be accessed from the <a href="">Genome</a> and <a href="">Analysis Tools</a> pages. Thu, 28 August 2014 13:00:14 -0500 David Grant SoyNAM seed available /soynews/newsview.php#SoyNAM+seed+available Seed of the 41 SoyNAM parents is now available. Please see <a href="">here</a> for details. A brief description of the SoyNAM Project is available <a href=" NAM presentation - 2015 Breeders Workshop (abbrev. vers.).pdf">here</a>. Fri, 27 March 2015 13:40:18 -0500 KHF 6K SNP Infinium Chip update /soynews/newsview.php#6K+SNP+Infinium+Chip+update Illumina has lowered the consortia price of the Soy6K SNP Infinium Chips to $20/sample USD for consortia members and $25/sample USD for non-consortia members. These prices are available immediately from your Illumina regional sale rep. Fri, 17 April 2015 08:44:06 -0500 KHF University of Missouri Soybean Sequencing Effort /soynews/newsview.php#University+of+Missouri+Soybean+Sequencing+Effort A project led by Henry Nguyen will sequence 350 diverse soybean lines. Details and the list of lines is available <a href="">here</a>. 2015-06-29 10:03:00 David Grant Uniform Trial Entries Parentage Database /soynews/newsview.php#Uniform+Trial+Entries+Parentage+Database A <a href="">soybean parentage database</a> is available at SoyBase. It provides parentage information gleaned from the Soybean Uniform Tests for the Northern and Southern states and other published sources. The database lists the parentage of entries in the Uniform Tests as they were supplied by the cooperators and where possible the parentage of each strain was traced back to PI accessions or named strains. Searches are performed by strain names and can be filtered by region. If you have suggestions on extending or making the interface better or have corrections to the parentage information please let us know by clicking on the "Contact Us" links and describing your suggestions or providing corrections to the parentage information. Thu, 17 December 2015 10:15:40 -0600 David Grant Uniform Trial Data now available /soynews/newsview.php#Uniform+Trial+Data+now+available An experimental database summarizing the results of the <a href="">2012 and 2013 Soybean Uniform Tests: Northern Region</a> is available at SoyBase. We are making these data available to the community to solicit suggestions for improvements to the data display and functionality of the database. These tables are the summary data taken from the Uniform Tests for those years. For a full report, including methodology and comments, see the <a href="">Northern Test report publications</a>. The database could be expanded to include earlier years if there is an interest from the community, so please let us know by leaving us comments through the "Contact Us" links. Thu, 17 December 2015 10:16:17 -0600 DG NCBI GEO gene expression data at SoyBase /soynews/newsview.php#NCBI+GEO+gene+expression+data+at+SoyBase Gene expression data from the NCBI GEO repository have been added to SoyBase. Samples can be chosen either by <a href="">GEO Experiment</a> or <a href="">tissue/treatment/developmental stage</a> and displayed in the <a href="">SoyBase Genome Browser</a>. Wed, 11 January 2017 13:23:56 -0600 DG New QTL added to SoyBase /soynews/newsview.php#New+QTL+added+to+SoyBase 278 QTL from 19 papers have been added to SoyBase. Look for them using the <a style="color:red">New</a> tag at <a href=""> SoyBase QTL List</a> Mon, 17 July 2017 16:07:04 -0500 DG Searching GRIN phenotype descriptors /soynews/newsview.php#Searching+GRIN+phenotype+descriptors We have released an improved user interface for searching <a href="">GRIN phenotype descriptor</a> data. Fri, 20 July 2017 16:07:04 -0500 DG Template for submitting cultivar pedigree data to SoyBase /soynews/newsview.php#Template+for+submitting+cultivar+pedigree+data+to+SoyBase A soybean pedigree <a href="">worksheet</a> has been added to our data submission page to enable breeders to submit the pedigrees of Soybean Uniform Test entries or newly registered cultivar/lines. Mon, 17 July 2017 16:07:04 -0500 DG GWAS QTL added to SoyBase /soynews/newsview.php#GWAS+QTL+added+to+SoyBase Over 1250 <a href="">GWAS QTL</a> from 16 studies have been added to SoyBase. The same nomenclature rules used for biparental QTL were followed with the exception of a 'g' as part of each GWAS QTL name, i.e. Seed oil 3-g2. These GWAS QTL are shown in both the <a href=";ref_map_set_aid=GmComposite2003&ref_map_aids=GmComposite2003_D1a&comparative_map_left=GmGWAS_D1a">Genetic</a> and <a href=";stop=999999999;ref=Gm04;width=1024;version=100;flip=0;grid=on;l=genome_wide_association_qtl%1Egene_models_wm82_a2_v1">Genome</a> viewers. Thu, 11 January 2018 14:45:51 -0600 DG New Reference Genome Assemblies /soynews/newsview.php#New+Reference+Genome+Assemblies <a href="">High-quality genome assemblies</a> for the soybean cultivar <a href="">Lee</a> and the Glycine soja accession <a href="">PI 483463</a> have been released. These should provide useful complements to the primary reference assembly for Glycine max cv. Williams 82 (Wm82.a2). Wed, 7 February 2018 14:45:51 -0600 DG Additional Commercial Pedigrees in SoyBase /soynews/newsview.php#Additional+Commercial+Pedigrees+in+SoyBase 3357 commercial soybean pedigrees have been added to the SoyBase <a href="">pedigree database</a>. Data courtesy of <a href="">Johnathon Shook</a> of the <a href="">Singh Lab</a>. Wed, 1 July 2018 14:45:51 -0600 RTN Pedigrees added to SoyBase Pedigree Database /soynews/newsview.php#Pedigrees+added+to+SoyBase+Pedigree+Database Pedigrees from the 2017 Uniform Soybean Tests: Northern Region strains and their parents have been added to the <a href=""> Soybean Parentage Database </a>. Wed, 08 May 2019 10:22:25 -0500 RTN Expression data from GSE89126 added to the SoyBase Genome Browser /soynews/newsview.php#Expression+data+from+GSE89126+added+to+the+SoyBase+Genome+Browser Data from "Mutations in Argonaute5 illuminate epistatic interaction of the K1 and I loci leading to saddle seed color patterns in Glycine max" is now available in the SoyBase Genome Browser. The experiment can be seen <a href=";stop=51024999;ref=Gm01;width=1024;version=100;flip=0;grid=1;l=gene_models_wm82_a2_v1%1EE56">HERE</a> under the label "Epistatic Interactions of K1 and I in saddle color patterns" Wed, 15 May 2019 13:53:51 -0500 RTN Expression study of control and defective seed coats available in the SoyBase Genome Viewer /soynews/newsview.php#Expression+study+of+control+and+defective+seed+coats+available+in+the+SoyBase+Genome+Viewer <a href="">GSE54903</a> "RNA-Seq Profiling of a Defective Seed Coat Mutation in Glycine max reveals Differential Expression of Proline Rich and Other Cell Wall Protein Transcripts" is now browsable on the SoyBase Genome Viewer. This experiment profiles gene expression in seed coat of Clark and Harosoy with a defective phenotype. The experiment can be viewed <a href=";stop=3069998;ref=Gm01;width=1024;version=100;flip=0;grid=1;l=E57%1EGlyma1.1%1Ecentromere%3Aoverview%1Epericentromere%3Aoverview">HERE</a> under the label "Profiling of defective seed coat mutants of Clark and Harsoy". Mon, 20 May 2019 11:51:44 -0500 RTN David Grant Retirement /soynews/newsview.php#David+Grant+Retirement SoyBase Curator Dr. David Grant, PhD. retired April 30, 2019 after 23 years with the USDA-ARS and SoyBase. We thank him for his insightful service guiding the development of the database and wish him the best in retirement. Dr. Rex Nelson PhD. will continue on as SoyBase Curator. Any questions or comments regarding SoyBase tools or activities should be directed to the <a href="">SoyBase Curator</a>. Wed, 29 May 2019 13:26:20 -0500 RTN Paretage of 2018 Southern Uniform Soybean tests added to parentage database /soynews/newsview.php#Paretage+of+2018+Southern+Uniform+Soybean+tests+added+to+parentage+database The parentage information from the 2018 Uniform Soybean Tests: Southern Region have been added to the Soybean Parentage database. Wed, 12 June 2019 13:17:09 -0500 RTN Expression data from GSE42871 added to the SoyBase Genome Viewer /soynews/newsview.php#Expression+data+from+GSE42871+added+to+the+SoyBase+Genome+Viewer GSE42871 "Using RNA-Seq to Profile Soybean Seed Development from Fertilization to Maturity" is now viewable on the SoyBase Genome Viewer. This experiment profiles gene expression from seed fertilization to maturity. The experiment can be browsed <a href="/gb2/gbrowse/gmax1.01/?start=47869994;stop=47899993;ref=Gm01;width=1024;version=100;flip=0;grid=1;l=E58%1EGlyma1.1">HERE</a> under the label of "Expression profiling of seed development in Williams". Seed expression was sampled at 7 developmental stages in duplicate. Wed, 12 June 2019 14:27:22 -0500 RTN Expression Study GSE42550 available in the SoyBase Genome Viewer /soynews/newsview.php#Expression+Study+GSE42550+available+in+the+SoyBase+Genome+Viewer <a href="">GSE42550</a> "Transcription factors and glyoxylate cycle genes prominent in the transition of soybean cotyledons to the first functional leaves of the seedling" is now browsable on the SoyBase Genome Viewer. This experiment profiles gene expression in cotyledons at 7 developmental stages. The experiment can be browsed <a href="/gb2/gbrowse/gmax1.01/?start=3070283;stop=3340282;ref=Gm01;width=1024;version=100;flip=0;grid=1;l=E59%1EGlyma1.1">HERE</a> under the label of "Expression profiling Williams cotyledon development". Tue, 18 June 2019 15:36:49 -0500 RTN Soybean Pangenome Search Page Available /soynews/newsview.php#Soybean+Pangenome+Search+Page+Available From the Pangenome search page you can compare your sequence or sequences of interest to a number of other <i>De Novo</i> sequenced soybean cultivars (<i>G. max</i> or <i>G. soja</i>). This type of analysis will allow users the ability to see how sequences evolved (were eliminated or were retained) in the various soybean cultivars. Tue, 30 July 2019 08:19:55 -0500 RTN Gene Expression Data Available in Gene Model Reports /soynews/newsview.php#Gene+Expression+Data+Available+in+Gene+Model+Reports Gene model expression data is now available in the SoyBase gene model report page. Images of tissue expression is supplied by eFP and <a href="" target="_blank">ePlant at the University of Toronto</a>. Tabular data are also available for many GEO datasets. Thu, 31 October 2019 13:12:33 -0500 RTN GSE33155 available on the SoyBase Genome Browser /soynews/newsview.php#GSE33155+available+on+the+SoyBase+Genome+Browser <a href="">GSE33155</a> "Transcript profiling reveals expression differences in wild-type and glabrous soybean lines" is now viewable on the SoyBase Genome Viewer. This experiment profiles gene expression in wild-type and glabrous Clark isolines. The experiment can be viewed <a href=";stop=1110467;ref=Gm01;width=1024;version=100;flip=0;grid=1;l=E60%1EGlyma1.1%1Ecentromere%3Aoverview%1Epericentromere%3Aoverview">HERE</a> under the label "Normal and glabrous Clark isolines" Thu, 20 February 2020 16:18:03 -0600 RTN GCViT tool available /soynews/newsview.php#GCViT+tool+available The GCViT tool allows users to see SNPs from large scale diversity experiments in the context of the 20 soybean chromosomes. The tool also allows users to compare the distribution of SNPs between cultivars in a number of display options. A video <a href="">tutorial</a> is available demonstrating its use. Wed, 10 June 2020 12:23:02 -0500 RTN SoyBase Expression Explorer Tool Available /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+Expression+Explorer+Tool+Available The Expression Explorer tool is available to explore the expression of soybean genes in a wide variety of tissues. The tool is designed to facilitate the identification of candidate genes for GWAS and biparental QTL's. A <a href="">video tutorial</a> on its use is available in the Video Tutorial section of SoyBase. Wed, 10 June 2020 12:31:05 -0500 JDC Genome Context Viewer (GCV) Tool available /soynews/newsview.php#Genome+Context+Viewer+%28GCV%29+Tool+available The <a href="">Genome Context Viewer (GCV)</a> is a web-app that visualizes genomic data using functional annotations to assist in the genome comparison. The GCV is a micro-synteny and macro-synteny viewer that enables comparative analysis of genomic data. Thu, 25 February 2021 16:35:38 -0600 RTN 2021 Soybean Breeder's Workshop Presentations Available /soynews/newsview.php#2021+Soybean+Breeder%27s+Workshop+Presentations+Available The presentations from the 2021 Virtual Soybean Breeder's Workshop are now available. They can be accessed from the 2021 Soybean Breeder's Workshop <a href="">Registration page</a>. Mon, 08 March 2021 10:12:51 -0600 RTN Soybean Illumina 6k Chip /soynews/newsview.php#Soybean+Illumina+6k+Chip Anyone interested in pooling requests for the soybean Illumina 3K SNP chip for volume pricing should contact Qijian Song at Mon, 08 March 2021 10:12:51 -0600 JDC New Soybean Germplasm Curator /soynews/newsview.php#New+Soybean+Germplasm+Curator Assistant Soybean Germplasm Curator, Dr. Esther Peregrine, is retiring after many years with the USDA-ARS Soybean Collection. We thank Esther for her service and wish her the best in retirement. Dr. Adam Mahan (, is the new USDA-ARS Soybean Germplasm Curator. Mon, 28 March 2021 10:01:33 -0600 JDC BLAST options on SoyBase /soynews/newsview.php#BLAST+options+on+SoyBase SoyBase has switched to <a href="">SequenceServer</a> to do our ‘Quick BLASTt’ and local BLAST options from the ‘Gene Report’ page. This switch allows you more output options including the ability to download all the hits as FASTA files and the alignment of all the hits. You also can now get tabular reports of the hits. Thu, 7 October 2021 15:51 -0600 JDC 2012 Uniform Soybean Tests /soynews/newsview.php#2012+Uniform+Soybean+Tests The parentage information of 13 new strains from the 2012 Uniform Soybean Tests: Southern Region have been added to the SoyBase <a href="">Soybean Parentage database</a>. Thu, 3 March 2022 10:55 -0600 JDC Soybean Parentage Database /soynews/newsview.php#Soybean+Parentage+Database Parentage information for 23 new 2013 Southern testing strains have been added to the <a href="">SoyBase Soybean Parentage Database</a>. Fri, 4 March 2022 11:10 -0600 JDC New Strain Pedigrees Added /soynews/newsview.php#New+Strain+Pedigrees+Added Six new strains from the <a href="">2014 Uniform Soybean Tests: Southern Region</a> have been added to the <a href="">SoyBase Soybean Pedigree Database</a>. Mon, 7 March 2022 13:50 -0600 JDC Soybean Pedigree Database /soynews/newsview.php#Soybean+Pedigree+Database Nine new strains from the <a href="">2015 Uniform Soybean Tests: Southern Region</a> have been added to the <a href="">SoyBase Soybean Pedigree Database</a>. Tue, 8 March 2022 10:05 -0600 JDC New Strain Pedigrees Added /soynews/newsview.php#New+Strain+Pedigrees+Added Fifty two new strains from the <a href="">2016 Uniform Soybean Tests: Southern Region</a> have been added to the <a href="">SoyBase Soybean Pedigree Database</a>. Fri, 11 March, 2022 8:40 -0600 JDC Soybean Pedigree Database /soynews/newsview.php#Soybean+Pedigree+Database New soybean strain pedigrees added to the SoyBase Soybean Pedigree database. Ninety three new strains from the <a href="">2019 Uniform Soybean Tests: Southern Region</a> have been added to the <a href="">SoyBase Soybean Pedigree Database</a>. Mon, 14 March, 2022 16:47 -0600 JDC New Soybean Strain Pedigrees Added /soynews/newsview.php#New+Soybean+Strain+Pedigrees+Added New Soybean Strain Pedigrees from the 2020 Uniform Tests: Southern States have been added to the SoyBase Soybean Pedigree database. Ninety new strains from the <a href="">2020 Uniform Soybean Tests: Southern States</a> have been added to the <a href="">SoyBase Soybean Pedigree Database</a>. Wed, 16 March 2022 13:25 -060 JDC Soybean Pedigree Database /soynews/newsview.php#Soybean+Pedigree+Database 364 new strains from the 2021 Uniform Soybean Tests: Southern Region and 333 new strains from the 2021 Uniform Soybean Tests: Northern Region have been added to the <a href="">SoyBase Soybean Parentage Database</a>. Wed, 13 April 2022 16:20 -0600 JDC Summer 2023 Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates /soynews/newsview.php#Summer+2023+Research+and+Extension+Experiences+for+Undergraduates Faculty members with the Plant Center at University of Georgia are accepting applications for the Summer 2023 Crop Genetics and Genomics (CGGv2) Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU). Students will work on research projects for 9 weeks with faculty members in field-based and hands-on laboratory research experiences. Accepted students are supported with a stipend, dorm rooms and meal allowance. Please see the <a href="">website</a> for the list of potential faculty mentors, example research project, and applicant eligibility. Application deadline is March 1, 2023 Wed,25 Jan 2023 10:10 -0500 JDC Seed Micro-Dissection Data Added to SoyBase Expression Explorer /soynews/newsview.php#Seed+Micro-Dissection+Data+Added+to+SoyBase+Expression+Explorer The Expression Explorer now displays Goldberg/Harada seed micro-dissection data in eFP pictures. The Goldberg/Harada data along with the Atlas experiments allows users to quickly identify tissue specific expression of a query sequence. This, along with other data, can be used to narrow down a list of "candidate" genes or indicate a gene gene that may be causal to a phenotype. An example eFP picture can be found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. Fri, 3 Feb 2023 15:30 -0500 JDC Job announcements posted on SoyBase /soynews/newsview.php#Job+announcements+posted+on+SoyBase Multiple soybean <a href="">job annoucements</a> have been posted on SoyBase including Research Specialist and Postdoctoral Fellow positions. Sun, 25 Feb 2023 21:20 -0600 JDC Soybean Breeders Workshop Favorite Tool /soynews/newsview.php#Soybean+Breeders+Workshop+Favorite+Tool During the Soybean Breeders Workshop the SoyBase team asked the workshop attendees to vote for their favorite SoyBase tool. The <a href="" target="_blank">word cloud</a> was created from the community's votes. Mon, 13 Mar 2023 14:50 -0600 JDC Registration for Soy2023 is open /soynews/newsview.php#Registration+for+Soy2023+is+open The registration for the Soy2023: Biennial Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Soybean Conference is open. Reduced registration rates are available for technicians, postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates. Tue, 28 Mar 2023 15:45 -0600 JDC 4 <i>Glycine max</i> genomes added to the SoyBase download page /soynews/newsview.php#4+%3Ci%3EGlycine+max%3C%2Fi%3E+genomes+added+to+the+SoyBase+download+page Now you can have access to the <a href="">genome, CDS and protein sequences</a> from Cv. Lee.a2, Cv. ZH13.a1(Zhonghuang 13) and Cv. FiskebyIII (Fiskeby III, <a href="" target="_blank">PI 438471</a>) and the second assembly of Williams 82 ISU_01 (Wm82_ISU_01.a2). Tue, 18 Apr 2023 18:10 -0600 JDC New genomes added to SoyBase /soynews/newsview.php#New+genomes+added+to+SoyBase 3 new <i>G. soja</i> genomes have been added to the SoyBase <a href="">download page</a>. The GRIN accessions <a href="" target="_blank">PI 549046</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">PI 562565</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">PI 578357</a> genomes, CDS and protein sequences are now available for download. Wed, 26 Apr 2023 10:45 -0600 JDC 2023 Southern Soybean Breeders Tour /soynews/newsview.php#2023+Southern+Soybean+Breeders+Tour The Sourthern Soybean Breeder's Tour is a unique opportunity to visit multiple local breeding programs and develop collaborations across the soybean breeding industry. The USDA-ARS Soybean & Nitrogen Fixation Research Unit will host the 2023 Southern Soybean Breeder’s Tour in Raleigh, NC, from September 5-7, 2023. More details are available on the <a href="" target="_blank">registration website</a>. Fri, 30 June 2023 16:05 JDC Twitter's timeline widget /soynews/newsview.php#Twitter%27s+timeline+widget We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the unavailability of Twitter's embedded timeline widget. Unfortunately, the company has not provided any updates on the issue. As a result, we have temporarily removed the widget from our website and will continue posting announcements here and on our Twitter and Facebook account. Mon, 17 July 2023 16:15 JDC Multi-Regional Soybean Checkoff Request for Research Proposals /soynews/newsview.php#Multi-Regional+Soybean+Checkoff+Request+for+Research+Proposals Regional soybean research collaborative programs are seeking collaborative multi-state and multi-disciplinary soybean research project requests for funding to begin on January 1, 2024. Proposals are due by the end of business on October 20, 2023. Further details about this funding opportunity are included in the <a href="" target="_blank">RFP</a>. Fri, 8 Sept 2023 11:10 -0600 JDC Soybean Community Awards /soynews/newsview.php#Soybean+Community+Awards The Soybean Genomics Executive Committee (SoyGEC) has established an early, mid and achievement career awards for individuals conducting research impacting US soybeans. Nomination information is available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. Thu, 21 Sept 2023 15:55 -0600 JDC Save the Date for the 2024 Soybean Breeders Workshop /soynews/newsview.php#Save+the+Date+for+the+2024+Soybean+Breeders+Workshop The 2024 Soybean Breeders Workshop (SBW) will be held at the Sheraton Westport Chalet Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri from February 12th-14th. Before the SBW begins there will be a special 4-hour workshop on genomic prediction for GxE interaction effects on Monday February 12th 8am to 12pm. There is an extra cost for the genomic prediction workshop. Tue, 7 Nov 2023 15:33 -0600 JDC 2024 Soybean Breeders Workshop fast approaching /soynews/newsview.php#2024+Soybean+Breeders+Workshop+fast+approaching Poster abstracts will be accepted until January 31, 2024. Student posters will be judged and awards given for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners. The 2024 Soybean Breeders Workshop (SBW) will be held at the Sheraton Westport Chalet Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri from February 12th-14th. Register here. Sun, 28 Jan 2024 16:05 -0600 JDC CROPS Conference 2024 /soynews/newsview.php#CROPS+Conference+2024 Abstract submisson for <a href="/soynews/includes/CROPS_GeneralFlyer.pdf" target="_blank">CROPS 2024</a> has been extended to March 22nd. CROPS 2024 is multi-day conference filled with talks from renowed expects seeksing to address the intersections of newly emerging genomic technologies and crop improvement. Sun, 10 Mar 2024 17:20 -0500 JDC AG2PI Scientific Computing & Data Analytics Virtual Workshop /soynews/newsview.php#AG2PI+Scientific+Computing+%26+Data+Analytics+Virtual+Workshop This virtual workshop will be held on April 10 - 12, 2024 from 11am to 1pm Central Time US. This series aims to equip you with a comprehensive computational toolkit for your research. This toolkit will enable you to effectively manage and analyze the increasing volumes of data in your field, thereby enhancing your research output. <a href="" target="_blank">Registration required</a>. Wed, 13 Mar 2024 15:00 -0500 JDC New parentage information added to the Soybean Parentage Database /soynews/newsview.php#New+parentage+information+added+to+the+Soybean+Parentage+Database 621 new strain parentage information added to the SoyBase Soybean Parentage Datanbase. The strains were testing in the 2023 Northern Soybean Uniform Test (NUST). Parentage information was provided by the NUST cooperators. Wed, 20 Mar 2024 9:40 -0500 JDC Save the Date for Soy2025 /soynews/newsview.php#Save+the+Date+for+Soy2025 The 19th Biennial Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Soybean Conference (Soy2025), will be held on July 23 - July 26, 2025 at University of Wisconsin - Madison campus. Registration costs, lodging and travel will be relatively low. The Soy2025 Conference precedes the ASPB annual meeting, Plant Biology 2025. Wed, 1 May 2024 11:05 -0500 JDC Four New genome assemblies on SoyBase /soynews/newsview.php#Four+New+genome+assemblies+on+SoyBase Genome and transcript sequences for assemblies of <a href="" target="_blank">Amsoy</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Lee.a3, Wm82.a5</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Wm82_NJAU</a> are now available through the <a href="">download page</a>. 20 Jun 2024 11:45 -0500 RTN Passing of Dr. Lila O. Vodkin /soynews/newsview.php#Passing+of+Dr.+Lila+O.+Vodkin It is with great sadness we report the passing of Dr. Lila O. Vodkin. Dr. Vodkin was known and respected by all in the community. Full notice and links to her obituary and CV can be found <a href="../resources/Obits/LilaVodkin/VodkinObit2.pdf">HERE</a> Wed, 10 July 2024 15:14:17 -0500 JDC NEW SoyBase for review /soynews/newsview.php#NEW+SoyBase+for+review After a multi-year effort, a major SoyBase upgrade is nearly ready for release. The new SoyBase site is completely reworked, with improved data organization, extensive new genomic data, new infrastructure, new tools, and many interface improvements. We ask the community to check out the <a href="">NEW SoyBase</a> and send your comments and suggestions to the <a href="" target="_blank">SoyBase team</a>. Tue, 6 Aug 2024 14:00 -0500 JDC SoyBase transitions to NEW website on October 1st /soynews/newsview.php#SoyBase+transitions+to+NEW+website+on+October+1st On October 1st, the SoyBase website will transition the new website. This website will be still be able to access using the URL <a href=""></a>. After the tranisition, we ask the community to please notify the <a href="" target="_blank">SoyBase team</a> if any issues are found. We appreciate the communities feedback and help as SoyBase makes the transition to the new site. Wed, 11 Sep 2024 11:15 -0500