Workshop Coordinatiors
Brittney Jones (Plant Breeder), Bayer Crop Science Inc. - Overall planning and coordination
Cassie Winn (Plant Breeder), Bensonhill Inc. - Hotel arrangements
Rex Nelson, USDA-ARS - website
Arron Lorenz (Public Breeder), Univ. Minnesota - Program Chair
Cleiton Wartha (Plant Breeder), Corteva Inc. - Posters and Abstracts
Monday, February 12th
Market Needs and research opportunities, Chair: Aaron Lorenz, Univ. Minnesota
Michel Smith, Kansas State University, -
A century of insect resistant soybeans: Bussin or Busted Key Note
Tom Slunecka, CEO, AG Management Solutions -
Inspiring innovation: Ag innovation campus provides bridge to success
Donnell Rehagen, CEO, Clean Fuels Alliance America -
Accelerating to new heights - The expanding role soybean oil plays in a major growth of clean fuels production
Breeding Innovation, Chair: Aaron Lorenz, Univ. Minnesota
Diego Jarquin, Univ. Florida -
Sparse testing designs at the industrial level: An application in soybeans
Lucia Gutierez, Univ. Wisconsin -
Optimizing resources for genotypic evaluation: Sparse testing for genotype-by-environment interaction modeling
Tuesday, February 13th
Updates in soybean entomolgy, Chair: Robert Koch, Univ. Minnesota
Robert Koch, Univ. Minnesota -
Biology and management of the soybean tentiform leafminer, a new pest of soybean
Silvana Paula-Moraes, Univ. Florida -
Biology and management of caterpillar pests of soybean
Maria Cramer, Univ. Maryland -
Slugs as pests and prey: Growing practices that impact slugs in soybeans
Ivair Valmorbida, Univ. Kentucky -
Soybean aphid management: Is it becoming more complicated?
Genetics of host plant resistance, Chair: Jamie O Rourke, USDA-ARS (Ames, IA)
Breeding for host plant resistance, Chair: Ben Fallen, USDA-ARS (NC State)
George Graef, Univ. Nebraska -
Genetics of soybean host plant reaction to soybean gall midge infestation
Wednesday, February 14th
Reports and Announcements
Announcement of Poster Winners, Cleiton Wartha, Corteva, Inc.
Soybean Genomics Executive Committe Report, Jamie O Rourke USDA-ARS (Ames, IA)
Soybean Genetics Committee Report and SoyBase UpDate, Elroy Cober, AAFC and Rex Nelson USDA-ARS (Ames, IA)
Soybean Germplasm Committee Report, Ben Fallen, USDA-ARS