Workshop Coordinatiors:
Vince Pantalone (Public Breeder), Univ. of Tennessee, Overall planning and coordination
Clem Weidenbenner (Commercial Breeder), Harmony Agricultural Products in Ohio (HAPI-O) Facilities and hotel arrangements
Program Committee for Tuesday General Sessions:
David Walker (Public Breeder), USDA-ARS, Urbana, IL (Chair)
Jason Bond (Public Plant Pathologist), Southern Illinois University (Co-Chair)
Monday, February 22
Public Breeder Coordination Session
Tuesday, February 23
Plant Pathology General Session
Nematodes, Prakash Arelli (Chair), USDA-ARS, Jackson, TN
Brian Diers, Univ. of Illinois -
Breeding soybean for nematode resistance in the Midwest
Grover Shannon, Univ. of Missouri -
Soybean breeding for SCN resistance in the Midsouth
Bo-Keun Ha, Univ. of Georgia -
Breeding soybean for resistance to root-knot nematode
Don Hershman, Univ. of Kentucky -
Hindrances to effective cyst nematode extension programming
Istvan Rajcan, Univ. of Guelph -
Recent mapping efforts for SCN resistance in G. max and G. soja
Prakash Arelli, USDA-ARS, TN -
Diverse sources of resistance to SCN in soybean
Frogeye Leaf Spot and SMV, Jason Bond (Chair), Southern Illinois University
Melvin Newman, Univ. of Tennessee -
Soybean cultivar reaction to frogeye leaf spot
Rouf Mian, USDA-ARS, OH -
Genetic resistance of soybean to frogeye leaf spot, mapping of Rcs3, and breeding for resistance
Jason Bond, So. Illinois Univ. -
Identifying resistance to frogeye leaf spot in plant introductions
Saghai Maroof, Virginia Tech Univ. - Soybean mosaic virus resistance genes and their interactions
Charcoal Rot, Alemu Mengistu (Chair), USDA-ARS, Jackson, TN
Allen Wrather, Univ. of Missouri -
Impact of charcoal rot and other diseases on world soybean supply
Alemu Mengistu, USDA-ARS, TN -
Screening and identifying soybean lines for resistance to charcoal rot in a field environment
Glen Hartman, USDA-ARS, IL -
Screening and identifying soybean lines for resistance in non-field environments
Rusty Smith, USDA-ARS, MS -
Studies in genetics and breeding for resistance to charcoal rot in soybean
John Rupe, Univ. of Arkansas -
Multi-environment testing for charcoal rot resistance: a regional approach
Ahmad Fakhoury, Purdue Univ. -
Phasiolinone as a new tool to evaluate resistance to charcoal rot
Sudden Death Syndrome, Jason Bond (Co-Chair), SIU and Brian Diers (Co-Chair), Univ. of IL
Leonor Leandro, Iowa State Univ. -
Epidemiological studies on the timing of inoculation and development of sudden death syndrome in soybean
Ahmad Fakhoury, Purdue Univ. -
Identifying fungal factors affecting Fusarium virguliforme aggressiveness and SDS development
Silvia Cianzio, Iowa State Univ. -
Breeding efforts for SDS resistance
Madan Bhattacharyya, Iowa State Univ. -
How does the fungal pathogen, Fusarium virguliforme cause SDS?
David Lightfoot, So. Illinois Univ. -
Transgenics, QTL stacks and NIL verifications for SDS
Other Soybean Diseases, Jason Bond (Co-Chair), SIU and Brian Diers (Co-Chair), Univ. of IL
Anne Dorrance, Ohio State Univ. -
Resistance to Phytophthora sojae: current status and challenges
Wednesday, February 24
Public Breeder Coordination Session
Vince Pantalone, Univ. of Tennessee - Soybean Germplasm Committee Report
David Walker, USDA-ARS, IL -
Soybean Genetics Committee Report
David Walker, USDA-ARS, IL -
Progress in Developing Soybean Resistant to Soybean Rust
Jim Specht, Univ. of Nebraska, Perry Cregan, USDA-ARS, MD -
Selective Genotyping and Association Mapping for Protein/Oil QTLs
David Grant, USDA-ARS, IA -
SoyBase & the Soybean Breeders Toolbox